
Shame Your Social Worker

We are ashamed to be British, who would have thought this goes on in our society? We wouldn’t think it, because we don’t know it’s going on!

That’s about to change, we have but one tool at our disposal, a tool even more powerful than social worker’s having their day in court against hapless families, that tool is The Internet a machine so vast it covers the globe in seconds. Maybe, just maybe they have met their match. If you have been on the end of “their justice” it is more than likely you have nothing more to loose, please feel at liberty to tell it like it really is, name all involved, without revealing your identity.

Say NO to gagging orders, how dare they! We know its not in the interests of the child, its in the interests of the perverse judgments and scrappy evidence that could never stand up in a ‘proper’ court furthermore it could cause a public outcry if it ever got out. We’ve had enough of the injustice and the secret courts, this must end and it must end NOW, the outcry is about to begin.

Its not enough to tell your story, naming names is imperative if this is to have any impact, provide every detail you have, car registration numbers, home addresses even add a link to with their photograph. Create a profile on one of the many social networking sites, they can't afford to close them all, you will have maximum impact! The more information you provide the more they will want to close the site, the more they want to close it the more mirror sites will appear with all the same information on them, this will hurt them make no mistake, they won't like the publicity and like we care? No longer can they get away with the ability to hide behind the secret courts!

We have provided the means to "freely express" now you can have your say…

You can make your "comment" anonymously or if you are in any doubt about the traceability of your comment search for "Anonymous Surfing" and use a proxy website or go HERE then enter this Blog again by copy/paste ...then say your piece, your identity remains untouchable ...the world is waiting.

Our day will come.... as will theirs


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Anonymous said...

Sandy Joyce

The bottom line is, in ALL jobs, Gross Misconduct is an instant sackable offence, unless you are a social worker, then it becomes a pat on the back

How does someone who works with children, screw up children's lives, then get posted elsewhere to continue to do so?

They should be sacked and the neglect/abuse/harm of child etc placed on their CRB, the same as those of us that didn't do anything but were stitched up for it anyway

Anonymous said...

To those that hurt me: thanks. I am stronger, harder, better and wiser. You made me as amazing inside as I am beautiful outside.

But I will still be coming after you ( you know who you are)with my last breath and any fool that get in my way will be tossed aside like the used tissue paper you really are.

I want my children back NOW

Anonymous said...

Relieved tears at not guilty call on assault charges
Those who had come to court to support the accused included doctors, nurses and teachers, none of whom would have turned a blind eye to any abuse.


Anonymous said...

Sabina Heywood

If that includes the kids that are still with the SS in care such as my son, he wo't be able to tell the truth as on digital recorded tape he said that he has to say he wants to stay in foster care otherwise he'll be taken away and put in a childrens home and never see me again. He is also being coached by KAREN MALPASS his foster 'carer' . She is one evil person!

Commissioner calls for children to contribute to child protection review - Social Care - Children &.

Find Commissioner calls for children to contribute to child protection review and the latest Social Care news and jobs on Children & Young People Now

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Stewart-Taylor

Too right. SW do not know the first thing about child protection, all they are good for is corporate fraud, lies, perjury in court and protecting their own when they keep getting it wrong time after time.

Anonymous said...

Bill Maloney website shows exactly what the corrupt government of the UK doesnt want you finding out

child abuse and nonces in power over childrens lives

find out the truth NOW and tell the world

Anonymous said...

Anyone who builds up a secret combination (Society, Fabian Freemasons etc) "seeketh to overthrow the
freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass
the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is
the father of all lies."[7]

Anonymous said...

‎"When ye shall see these things [secret combinations] come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation."[3]


Anonymous said...

Chronicle and Echo Northampton,
12 December 2009“Local authority duties towards all children , the Children Act 1989 and the Children Act 2004 are:Duties -
The local authority have a duty to reduce the need to bring care or
supervision proceedings in relation to children within their area, or
‘criminal proceedings agai...nst such children’ [schedule 2,para. 7 (a) (I)
and (ii)]"To be Loved, and to love in return."

Anonymous said...

A few weeks ago a document came to light in Australia purporting to be a 'death bed confession' by a leading Satanist from the 'top' coven/lodge in Sydney. It certainly rang true because what it said is supported by my 15 years research into these matters. It said: as above about politicians. Of course they are not all child abusers some are fraudsters.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Stewart-Taylor

‎'Politicians are introduced by a carefully graded set of criteria and situations that enable them to accept that their victims will be, "Our little secret". Young children sexually molested and physically abused by politicians worldwide are quickly used as sacrifices. In Australia the bodies are hardly ever discovered,... for Australia is still a wilderness.'

Anonymous said...

Sabina Heywood

Thats why they are trying to shut innocent parents up after their kids are stolen by the Social Services and thats why most are unhelpful when you go to your MP for assistance.

Anonymous said...

Beyond Heartless ... Beyond Soulless ... Stealing Children For The State (And Who Else?)

The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out This Sunday


Anonymous said...

BBC News - Judge criticises lack of support for struggling parents

A High Court judge criticises the lack of help available for struggling parents who are at risk of having their children taken into care.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Stewart-Taylor

This is what social workers are doing to children who have been forcibly removed from parents. If this is not child abuse I do not know what is??

Child Torture Attachment Therapy Continues

A brief excerpt of the torturous, pseudoscientific abuse commonly known as "attachment therapy." Please help stop this child abuse disguised as "therapy." Visit http://www.AdvocatesforChildrenInTher/...

Oh dear it seems to have been taken down. I wonder why? Because it shows graphic detail of how big fat Social Workers bully and abuse children. We cannot have that getting into the public domain now can we?

All links taken down ,that's how scared these abusers are of exposure. Amazing how authorities can protect themselves while failing deliberately to protect children. If it was little old you or me we would be in prison for this, but they are above the law and protected in their criminality by criminals further up the chain of command. Disgusting Evil twisted Social Workers.

Anonymous said...

The Dregs of the Cesspit Target Loving Mother

A wonderful lady called Cheryl Stannard was charged with child abduction last night by the disgraceful and pathetic Portsmouth police in Hampshire, England.

It was the latest stage in a gross persecution of this woman by the British establishment. I can't even talk about the other stages because they involve the secret family court system which uses secrecy to hide the truly grotesque activities of the Social Services (SS) Mafia to steal the children of loving parents.
Cheryl has been bailed to appear in court next week as the scaled creatures of the British Satanic hierachy seek to crush her even more.

We are going to need your help with this en masse - it is a line in the sand that we must not allow to be breached. More information in the next few days when the dust has settled and we get confirmation of her court appearance.

Thank-you to everyone who called and emailed Portsmouth police last night about Cheryl. We need to let these sad people know constantly that they are not abusing the innocent quietly and off the radar anymore once we know about it.
Please note: Cheryl is really struggling financially after spending most of her life savings on legal fees and if she was not living with supporters of her cause at the moment she would be in the street. That is where the Satanic establishment wants her to be.

We need to help her get through this. She may get legal aid, we'll see, but there are still many costs of transport and accommodation beyond that as she deals with now two legal cases designed to destroy her. Cheryl wins and we expose the system that is crucifying many thousands of parents and children every year in the UK alone.
So ... Cheryl wins - let's go.
Click here to donate to her defence fund ...

Anonymous said...

Another exact article on the evils of UK family law policy that repeats what so many are saying all over the world about English family law policy.

Well done Christopher Booker of The Telegraph and well done Mr Justice Wall of HMCS Family courts for doing all he can to stop this vile trade of taking children from parents for money..

The tide is turning, and soon, very soon, millions of British children will be returned to their parents and rightly compensated for New Labours mass evil abduction of UK kids, taken without any reason so as others can make money.

Anonymous said...

Sabina Heywood

Is this another Judge running scared after causing loads of damage? I knew it: when the proverbial sh** hits the fan (which it is doing) I said they'd all start passing the buck and blaming each other: I said it two years ago

Anonymous said...

Children left with abusive foster parents despite alerts
Thursday July 15 2010

CHILDREN were forced to remain with abusive foster parents for years even though social services were alerted by members of the public and teachers, a damning report revealed yesterday.

The two children -- in separate foster families -- were only rescued from their torment after inspectors from the health watchdog moved in last year and insisted the Health Service Executive (HSE) again review their cases.

The HSE had previously decided the allegations were unfounded, but it has now emerged that one of the children was sexually abused over a number of years and a file is with the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The other child, whose teachers reported physical and verbal abuse between 2006 and 2008, had to remain with the family until last year when the inspectors decided the allegations were true.
In another case, a child who ran away from foster parents because of physical and emotional abuse was returned to the family by the HSE -- before any examination of the claims took place.


The horrific cases of neglect were uncovered by inspectors from the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) after they began an examination of children in foster care last autumn in north Dublin.
They found a system in crisis where hundreds of children in foster care were not visited for years or were without a social worker to check on their welfare. The care was so chaotic that the HSE local offices did not even know how many children in their area were in foster care or that some had moved on to other families.
The inspectors' report unveiled a bleak picture of reckless care by the HSE of hundreds of children with foster parents in Dublin North West (from Clonsilla to Cabra ) and Dublin North Central (from Ballymun, the north inner city to Clontarf).
The HSE care of foster children in Dublin North (from Raheny to Portmarnock and Naul) was mostly "safe and well organised" but significant weaknesses were also uncovered.
The two children left with abusive families were in the Dublin North West region, where 59 children became a source of concern to inspectors.
The inspectors found incomplete or poor assessment by the HSE of allegations made by children against foster carers and poor records on the outcome of criminal investigations by gardai when abuse was confirmed.
There were also delays in sending children at the centre of sexual abuse allegations for assessment.
Speaking at the launch of the report yesterday, HIQA inspector Bronagh Gibson said there were 18 cases involving allegations of abuse in Dublin North West .
They included emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect. She said the HSE confirmed four cases but there was only evidence of one case being notified to the gardai.


In Dublin North Central, inspectors pressed for the HSE to re-examine claims made by a child who was allegedly slapped by foster parents on several occasions -- the social workers regarded it as unconfirmed physical abuse.
When it was re-visited it was decided the parents should be removed from the register and the children they were looking after were moved to other families.
In the Dublin North region a child who was being regularly criticised by the foster carer's family was moved to another placement -- 110km away.

But no other attempts were made to find out if a short-term placement was available somewhere nearer.

- Eilish O'Regan Health
Irish Independent

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Stewart-Taylor

Edith Cavell paid for and opened a home in Windermere, for retired Nurses. It was in the TRUST of the Local Council who later sold it off. It is now a hotel. The home was not the Councils to sell. The Name of this fine woman has gone from signage in Windermere, but the local people will never forget.

‎"Patriotism is not enough.
I must have no hatred or bitterness for anyone."
- Edith Cavell

Anonymous said...

Just like Mote Park in Maidstone Kent the council convert large chunks of it into very expensive retirement homes that only the rich can afford, this was left to the people not the council to flog off.

Mind you Paul Carter Tory leader of Kent county council is in the building trader as well as the child stealing trade and Chris Garland the tory leader of Maidstone is a freemason financial advisor a match made in heaven if you want to make MONEY!

Anonymous said...

Anthony Padgett

The 'grandfather' of Elle-May , Ruby, Lacey & Poppy Williams-Piper, who abandoned their mother Jade and her sister when they were babies and never paid a penny in child support.

He must be so proud he has lost his 4 granddaughters who he has never seen to forced adoption by Kent County Council.!/profile.php?id=100000829383914&ref=ts

Anonymous said...

James Moore

Why is it, when the British hear news from the ground in other countries of government-sanctioned Human Rights violations on megascales such as the tribal massacres in Africa, they get all uproarious about it, yet when they hear of the same thing occurring in their own backyard, they're suddenly in complete denial

Anonymous said...

Jay Holt

Fear of going against Government policy and Big brother, they just sit back and thank there lucky stars it's not them so don't like to get involved until it come's knocking on there door most of the British public have to be prompted by the media and Government they need there approval we have a nation of mostly brainwashed sheep

Social Engineered mentally abused there parents the Government.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Stewart-Taylor

One does get negative at times when one has been campaigning for justice for such a long time to no avail. I do believe that collectively we now stand a chance of pushing for major and radical reform of a broken system, broken deliberately and by design to oppress the innocent and reward the criminals who are holding us and our government to ransom.. We are many they are few. Let us not forget that. Now is the time to support these valiant Freedom Fighters by providing Hard evidence on Police and social services own paperwork to make our case of Human Rights Violations stick hard. This is the best opportunity we have ever had to kick some ass, so come on guys work with it.

Anonymous said...

We are now filed for FIVE CLASS ACTIONS in five courts: Two UN Courts, Two EU Court and the UK Supreme Court, plus we have people from 20 other countries wanting to do the same, at the moment 4 other countries are taking the initial steps to stand along side us.

I will tell you now we are looking at the laws that will enable criminal kidnap adoptions not to be reversed but quashed as they are not actually adoptions , if any one thinks we are not extremely serious and I for one if needs be will arrest even judges.

We will not be ignored "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today and every day we celebrate our Freedom & Independence Day

Anonymous said...

Bill Pullman's gonna hate you for that one, Paul

Anonymous said...

David Freedman, 'Wrong' Author, on Why to Not Trust Experts

Two-thirds of the findings published in medical journals are refuted within a few years. Almost all economic studies are likely to be wrong. In his new book, Wrong: Why Experts Keep Failing Us, David Freedman tells us to trust no one

Anonymous said...

Fay Williams

A serving Borough Councillor who is prepared to raise her own grandchildren, being denied

Dear Sir or Madam, A friend of mine, who is a serving Borough Councillor, is seemingly about to lose four granddaughters, all under the age of six years to Forced adoptions, in secret Family Court. I have been a victim myself to this corrupt system, which tears good families apart...

Anonymous said...

ABOLISH CAFCASS + CAFCASS VICTIMS, SOCIAL WORK UK ‎17 Billion a year, saved on closure of this social work department that is SO not needed!

What OFSTED says about CAFCASS

1. Go to www. 2. Sign in or sign up (to register) 3. View Authorities ( in alphabetical order). or under Departments CENTRAL GOVERNMENT, If you go for CENTRAL GOVERNMENT First listing will be "attorney Generals Office", the second one is the... "CABINET OFFICE".

Anonymous said...

Do social workers target the Poor?

Lynne has now written a new paper, entitled Misdiagnosis of Child Abuse Related to Delay in Diagnosing a Paediatric Brain Tumor and made it available through a free PDF download through a new academic publisher - Liberatas Academica. [//] / article.php? article_id=803 Dr Lynne Wrendall


Anonymous said...

Conservative pervert judge finally quits after shagging rent boys another Tory pervert bites the dust

Sunday, 18 July 2010
Perv Judge finally quits...
Judge quits after rent boy scandal

Anonymous said...

Alison Stevens

A corporate parent being denied the kincare clause.

'this says it all about the Tories even before they got in disgusting'

Anonymous said...

Linda Frances Mcdermott

I was sent a message my FB is being reported and police contacted for posting the information which everyone is sharing ,Is it just me or has anyone else been threatened ?

Anonymous said...

Linda Frances Mcdermott

The mother who was arrested for fleeing the country and released on bail . I am only supporting a mother , like Maureen Spalek , same as a bulletin goes out for any fathers wrongly arrested to do with contact tell me if anymore people get warned off or is it just me singled out? I am not on my own I am with the rest of the people who say this is all out of proportion jailing mothers for protecting their children.

Anonymous said...

Chris Hawkins

It is not, someone hacked my system and the information on postings made by the Child and Parent Alliance were passed to SS as evidence that we had breached the secrecy of a family court proceedings, though no case was in progress at that time.

Anonymous said...

Linda Frances Mcdermott 18 July at 13:57

Hi, I would like to talk to you as I think it may help both sides .Do you have sykpe and can I talk to the dad please.

Child Abduction 18 July at 15:37... See More
Linda, the father has been following the posts on your facebook site as well as the posts by others who have their own web sites. He made contact with me after reading my first post on your facebook page when i questioned whether there were court orders preventing the mother from travelling overseas.

He and his family are deeply offended by the posts and the accusations made against them. They have provided me with a great deal of independent information, some of which i have already checked out and verified.

He doesn't want anything to do with anyone involved as the matter is now in the hands of the police and will be back before the courts very soon. None of it has done the mother any favours and in fact it has hurt her case considerably.

I just emailed him and received a reply that he doesn't wish to have any communication with you and he did also state he was considering making a complaint against you to the authorities and that he may make one to facebook also.

I was just trying to be a voice of reason in what seemed to be a tidalwave of hatred directed against a person who on the surface appears to have done nothing wrong.

The police are now involved and i would prefer to stay out of it please. If he is as guilty as you and others claim then he certainly isn't acting like a guilty person. He has offered his daughter up for more independent forensic examination and the authorities will be doing this over the next few weeks.

If anyone really has the mothers, and the child's best interests at heart they will allow things to 'cool down' as the authorities at present do not consider the 'support' the mother has garnered to be of benefit to her case.

Linda Frances Mcdermott 18 July at 22:24

Anonymous said...

Ian McFerran

I've not heard anything and I post loads of stuff about Hollie Greig.

Anonymous said...

Child prisons: 'Disturbing' secret manual reveals brutal methods used on youth offenders | Mail Onl

Some of the measures in the 'instructor's manual' are deliberately designed to inflict pain and can cause serious and permanent injury

This is why Kent County council refuse to reveal their figures and procedures absolute criminals

Anonymous said...

Little protection: cloak of secrecy can work against the vulnerable | Law |

Siobhain Butterworth: Case of a man with severe learning disabilities, who the court of protection ruled was deprived of his liberty, highlights the need to ensure authorities do not escape public scrutiny

Anonymous said...

Sunday, 18 July 2010
Social worker used position to seduce vulnerable women
Sex-shame care boss used position to seduce vulnerable woman in his office
Jul 18 2010 Exclusive by Russell Findlay, Sunday Mail


Anonymous said...

Sarah Koob

The biological family should NEVER BE BYPASSED

A serving Borough Councillor who is prepared to raise her own grandchildren, being denied

Anonymous said...

George Coombs

I am a tutor also a writer/artist Interested in philosophy and social justice presently writing about my activities supporting people in prison or hurt by the system

I am very active among people in prison and hurt by the system and writing a magnum opus about this

Anonymous said...

James Moore

There is no situation so dire, no event so traumatising, no issue so pressing, that it cannot be made worse by the intervention of social workers.

Anonymous said...

Why shouldn't children live with grandma and granddad if mum and dad can't look after them. Grandparents are far better than care.

Anonymous said...

Joanne Curry ss worker for ten years Belfast

Anonymous said...

Lisa Suzanne varied career in child stealing - Child protection, fostering, adoption, long term and preventative. Now team Manager


Anonymous said...

Helen Morgan

City and County of Swansea
Social Worker child and family team

Anonymous said...

Janine Fraser

Glasgow children and families team

Anonymous said...

Joanne Curry

‎Northern Ireland SS

Anonymous said...

BEWARNED Michelle Dunn SS

Anonymous said...

Jackie Pycroft

Dunfermline, Fife

Anonymous said...

Beena Salgaonkar – London
Family Support & Child Protection Social Wanker

Anonymous said...

Claire Armstrong watch out for this one

Anonymous said...

Pauline Thompson

works for Durham County Council as full time social worker and as a managing director of a beauty and holisitic therapy salon in Shotley Bridge.

raking it in this one

Anonymous said...

Joanna Warwick
Married to Daniel for 9 years has a 3&1/2yr old son Oliver

Works for Surrey council in AsylumTeam since November used to work for London Borough of Sutton

Social Worker (care manager) for Sutton Community Drug Team within South West London and St Georges Mental Heath Trust

Anonymous said...

Catherine Minchin (Catherine Allum)

works for Suffolk County Council SS

Anonymous said...

Helen Surtees dob 9/9/1981

works as SS worker for county Durham youth offending team used to work for Sunderland council SS residential worker

Anonymous said...

Wendy Gillespie (Wendy Read) married to Stuart kids Jess Alicia Dixon, Sam 10,William 1
Northumbria SS

Anonymous said...

Craig Scott

Cumbria County Council Assistant Manager

Anonymous said...

Heidi Farren

comes from Dundee

works for Barnardos in Cumbria as Family Support Worker used to work for Cumbria County Council
June 1990 - August 2008 (children's centres)

Anonymous said...

Jane Clare Williams student social worker

married with 1 son Ben
works for
Torfaen CBC
Project Officer

Anonymous said...

Karen Warlow (Karen Warlow Re Wright)

comes from Hull

Anonymous said...

Paula Gates

Medway chatham kent

Anonymous said...

UK - League table of shame reveals sky-high local child maintenance debts
Single parent charity Gingerbread has obtained a nationwide league table of child maintenance debt showing, by parliamentary constituency, just how much money is owed to children by non-resident parents across the country. In total, there is a child maintenance ‘debt mountain’ of £3,761 million.

make it that much easier for SS to
steal the children of the poor and blame the mums who are left raising the children without money

Anonymous said...

Hollie Greig Petition to ask the Home Secretary to hold a public enquiry - The Petition Site

Hollie was serially abused for years. Her perpetrators are not being prosecuted.Please help her to obtain justic (849 signatures on petition)

Only 151 signatures needed for the petition is complete, so keep pushing
this out up and on

Anonymous said...

anybody aware for the rally in London the 7th august ?

It looks that is a rally against children sexually abused and there is a mention of "family court" corruption". But how many family/individuals who had or could have kids taken away would attend ?

I'm one of the journalists who met Maureen and I'll go to cover this. Not that I don't care about abused children !

But I'm focused right now on social workers snatching kids for putting them on the adoption market.

Anonymous said...

Social Services in Britain are screwing with families, removing young children from parents who just need a little support purely to fulfil adoption quotas, while leaving teenagers, the group the quotas were meant to help, in children's homes because they are more difficult to place with a family. Every parent who has been a victim of Social Services need to unite to force the British Government to seriously review the policies of Social Services to ensure that they doing their jobs HONESTLY for the good of the families not their quotas.... and the financial reward that goes with the meeting of quota numbers.

The tactic that is most favoured by Social Services is the divide and conquor. They do not like people in the same situation discussing their cases because, I think, they are scared that we will all get together to expose the lies and manipulation that goes on behind the closed doors of family cases.

Anonymous said...

Catherine Street

The real abusers get away scot-free until they kill their children, as seen from Baby P and Victoria Climbie. Abused children are not attractive to adopt, but unabused children are, because they are less likely to have problems. This is the scandal of 21st Century social workers, more fit for the dark ages.

I'm am truely incensed by this government's apparent baby industry (selling babies - which is illegal) and believe whoever came up with this scheme should be locked up for a long time and compensation paid to the families involved.

I myself have not had children so I haven't been at their mercy, but I partly fear having them for this reason.

My ex's friend had a kid at 19 and she looked after her for a while, but her own mother (the child's grandmother) reported her to social services because she didn't have a lot of money. Instead of helping her, they took the child off her and the grandmother adopted her. And that's probably going leniant, because usually they put them with random strangers. My point is, they'll take babies for no reason at all. They want to SELL our babies. And it is selling because they are getting money for the quotas they meet.

Now, parents who genuinely need help but are not abusive are finding their children being abducted.

Anonymous said...

Vicki Evans

suffolk social services for children are evil nasty barstards

Anonymous said...

Becci Bradbury

I know exactly what you mean, I was stupid enough to admit I needed help but they wrote negative reports saying I was asking for help rather than try to actually help me to make it better for my children.

Anonymous said...

Chris Wittwer
I have followed maureens very courageous fight with the authorities for a long time now and i would like to offer her my support in any way i can. With my website near to completion , I have a massive media launch with over 40 local , 6 national newspapers and 10 radio shows to voice opinions and causes. If i can help just get in touch.

Anonymous said...

C.H.R.I.S (children have rights in society)


Website will name and shame over 9500 convicted uk paedophiles.Photos,crimes,areas shown ! Also missing uk kids - Support for survivors and those being abused right now - All facts on paedophilia and child abuse in the Uk

Anonymous said...

I don't really know what to say but have faith in the good hearts of the people in the UK.Injustice like this can really not be tolerated.Sending best wishes &spreading the word Jana Greasley

Anonymous said...

Carol Docherty

I think this is the start of retributions against social services and their stealing our kids to get the money from adopting them. Of course the "prime minister" is playin it down saying that Moat was a violent dangerous man, BUT!!!!

Mr. bloody british prime minister what drove him to do this? It is about time the british government put a stop to the legalised child abductions going on. Maybe then that will put a stop to reactions such as those from Mr. Moat.Parents can only take so much !

Anonymous said...

Job Opportunity, Isle of Wight - Good Rates Of Pay

If you believe you are the type of person and/or family who can offer a home to a foster child/children who have been stolen from their loving parent or parents then please contact the fostering and adoption team at Ryde Social Services on 01983 566011 or write to us at the Fostering and Adoption team, Ryde Social Services Centre, Ryde Town Hall, Lind Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 2NQ.
Or email:
I'm sure they would also be delighted to hear from you about their support for children and their loving parent or parents and their motto:

'Have no heart - tear them apart'.

Stealing children: Every little helps

Please circulate far and wide ... the link to send is:

Anonymous said...

Paul Verrill a former Labour Kent County Councillor in the 80's knows exactly how corrupt they are and resigned from the adoption panel

he was not best liked because he didnt agree with the corruption

Anonymous said...

The present Gravesham MP was caught 3 times with their fingers in the till

Anonymous said...


Your honours,

I Colby Fredriksson am the biological father of Elliott Edward Brown and I am writing this letter to you because as I have to wait for the section 7 report to be done and finished by Friday, but it has failed to be, they have failed to contact me,

I will now like to question that The section 7 report according to my records was suppose to be finished and filed by Friday 16th of July 2010 by CAFCASS, but as they have failed to contact myself I will now say that the section 7 report cannot have been completed correctly or with the information that is required by law under the Children’s Act 1989/2004, as no contact has been made with me to verify a true reflection of myself and my improved circumstances.

I duly request that the final hearing be placed before the court on the 23rd of July 2010 on the grounds that I believe that the constant delaying tactics by the Local Authority, CAFCASS and other interested parties are nothing short of vexatious and serve only to deny Elliott’s best interests. In both the short term and the long term. Which is a deep infringement of the human rights act, the children act and the convention rights of a child et alia,

If the execution of this hearing is unable to take place on or around the 23rd July 2010, I would request the case be transferred to Hull Crown Court. The aim of this request is to prevent further alienation of parent/child, and to hopefully draw favourable remedy to my complaint.

I declare that the Section 7 report submitted to Your Honours by CAFCASS is fraudulent as the CAFCASS Guardian has never made face to face contact with myself. Nor have they ever made telephone contact to discuss matters relating to the case, never mind a Section 7 Report.
If it is the stance of both the LOCAL AUTHORITY and CAFCASS to support the claim of Miss Victoria Brown, I would request that the Court allows all new evidence to be submitted in support of my claim (including witness attendance), to allow a fair and balanced examination of facts, and not be based upon opinion or aspersion.

In closing, while I have the utmost respect for the position you hold and the responsibilities you bear, I do hope and expect that choices based upon fact and only fact are made; absent such satisfaction within the jurisdiction of this Court, I shall seek satisfaction in a court of higher Jurisdiction - for which I neither expect nor seek permission.

Colby Pele Fredriksson,

Anonymous said...

i will be having a legal high on wednesday .......... when i watch ss no win no fee sol squirm at court when she realises she will not get paid


Anonymous said...

Barbara Richards

banks are all behind the big secret family court firms that are stealing our children. So they are grabbing our money, our kids and our houses (fraud)

Anonymous said...

Has anyone been able to make a complaint about a judge to Nastasha KUMALO

office of judicial complaints.
102 pretty france

She is a fraud how many complaints have been up held about corrupt judges none.

request FOI on complaints

these bartards are being protected

Anonymous said...

Law society fined 1 million pounds due to it failures over complaints to do with corrupt solicitors, by the public.

Anonymous said...

Why is nothing done about the dirty old bastard Judge David Tyzack QC, family court judge.

He has ruined families, still nothing is done about this evil man, who is protecting him and why.

He is sick, he shouldnt be sitting as a judge

Anonymous said...

The Pope, Pedophilia and the Class Struggle

More than 150 years ago Karl Marx explained that The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle. Patrician and plebian, lord and serf, in a word oppressor and oppressed. The struggle is an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight. With modern society come new conditions

Anonymous said...

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along." You must do the thing you think you cannot do.-Eleanor Roosevelt

Anonymous said...

GMC ANOUNCES CHILD PROTECTION DRAFT - Parents Against Injustice protection.

A fat lot of good this will do, make the criminals accountable nothing else will do

Anonymous said...

Kay Young

In accordance with the CHILDRENS ACT 1989,THE FAMILY SHOULD. Be the first ones to be considered to bring up children/a child B4 the LOCAL AUTHORITY place them s/where else. GET HER TO WRITE 2 THE PRESIDENT OF FAMILY LAW. If we ALL do, even if we (I) have lost our children already I BELIEVE WE CAN CHANGE THE SYSTEM. God bless you all. REMEMBER: GOOD ALWAYS OVERCOMES EVIL. We just gotta help it along.

A serving Borough Councillor who is prepared to raise her own grandchildren, being denied , so the s

Anonymous said...

Stem Cells in Baby Teeth!

Stem cells have been found in baby teeth and they can be saved for later use. See

is this why the majourty of children in foster care have there teeth removed

Anonymous said...

Judge Richard Polden must be removed from his post as the highest family judge in Kent corrupt secret family courts who are stealing children for forced adoption such as ex tory councillor Sheena Williams four young granddaughters


These evil Masonic villains must be removed NOW, Polden is not fit to judge a dog show

Anonymous said...

A picture of baby Poppy Williams-Piper shows the care they received in foster care a massive cut to her head, they all turned up at contact with filthy finger nails and smelt unclean.

Contract carers should be ashamed of themselves. Elle-May was bullied by the carers daughters.

Forde Denzil Ferguson the SS worker said he liked it when Elle-May played with his glove box in his car.This is one evil wanker!

Anonymous said...

Social Services & the Assessment of Families

When a Concerned Individual Contacts the Social Services About a Child Who is Living in a Harmful Environment, What Can the Caller Expect to Happen?

Incompetence I am afraid and dont call them out of office hours either!

Or told as in the case of ex tory councillor Sheena Williams ,not interested unless it is a matter of life or death’ was the same SS worker was involved in the forced adoption of her granddaughters several years later after gaining a promotion within the same Gravesend SS Team ?

Anonymous said...

Matthew Byrne Common Purpose Paedophile & Lib Dem Councillor Candidate
Latest News 27/04/2010

Matthew Byrne was a Common Purpose Advisory Board member Merseyside and a paedophile who also enjoyed torturing prostitutes. Surprisingly he was also a Lib Dem Councillor Candidate. More surprising though is that he should be photographed rubbing shoulders with David Cameron the Conservative Party leader. As the Common Purpose connections around Cameron draw ever tighter, we wonder if he is also in the club. Leading Beyond Authority could then be expected to take precedence over party divisions?

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Stewart-Taylor

These children were stolen even though this request was in. Kent County Council hang your heads with shame, you are destroying loving families.

A serving Borough Councillor who is prepared to raise her own grandchildren, being denied

Dear Sir or Madam, A friend of mine, who is a serving Borough Councillor, is seemingly about to lose four granddaughters, all under the age of six years to Forced adoptions, in secret Family Court. I have been a victim myself to this corrupt system, which tears good families apart

Anonymous said...

Sabina Heywood


Anonymous said...

Barbara Richards

Isn't she involved in ACORN FOSTERING SERVICES?

ACORN iis involved in Human Trafficking to the USA.

Anonymous said...

we are all working with the USA Branch of Family Law Society and CPS Chronicles.

we have 20 countries interested in filing class actions, in the USA there needs to be reps in each of as many 50 states as possible.

Haringey are the same incompetence in the Baby Peter tragedy so they have failed to" Move on and learn from their previous mistakes.."

Henry Bellingham M.P. and Dominic Grieve QC MP seem to be reformists so keep an eye out for them !

Anonymous said...

Dear Andrew Porter @ The Telegraph
Assorted News Media, MP's, Et al,

I DO represent Freedom Advocacy & Law along with Sam Hallimond & James Moore and we do represent Mr Marcus Tufano and hundreds of other parents through out the UK in these class actions and I personally greatly appreciate Mr Tufano's sentiments.

People are joining the class actions everyday and we are not charging a penny to those that do.

We are like Mr Tufano we are really just parents, parents who will not stand for how our families have been treated nor will we stand for such treatment of any other family. But we are parents who have had to become much more so we can challenge the whole political, judicial and social care system because no one else really is with any substance! We do not want much only a just and fair and lawful system that is truly accountable and we will not fail, we would prefer to get on with our lives without improper interferences as that is our right to live freely and peacefully under the law, whereas this family law system unlawful puts us out side of the law as it acts unlawfully. It has not right or authority to do that, but let me explain.

Anonymous said...

The fundamental problem with family law is that operates outside of the law in the UK, it is not a system of law it is an unlawful and indeed criminal system of abuse dressed up in court clothing hiding behind a veil of secrecy, A secrecy that no one can penetrate and no one would believe unless they have experienced it for them selves. It separates anyone involved with it from all other lawful systems, they are no longer accessible, in terms of the Magna Carta one of the key basis's of our legal and political and governmental systems, we are put outside the law, and become in magna carta terms defacto outlaws and a captive and a prisoner of the family law system.

When I say criminal I do not mean in the philosophical or moral sense IE just being poor in the way it does things, I mean actually criminal with multiple breaches of criminal law by officers of the court being common in almost every case we see. One would expect that with any criminal matter to inform the police but in family proceedings the police will refer the the complainant back to the court where they have the problem, in fact any complaint will be refereed to the court, but the family court does not like to, will not and actually cannot deal with criminal matters as it is a civil court and it is there to judge matters in regard to the applicants and respondents regarding the child not criminal or other legal or procedural anomalies, although there are duties in these areas they are ignored, "the focus is the child" and anything not about the child is procedurally irrelevanted even if this is not actually in the real interests of the child, simple things, like the law, justice and fairness and even facts are inconveniences in family law and are therefore not included, this is the form of corruption and the only things left are procedures that are followed as if they are law.

Anonymous said...

There is no functional way to deal with the abuses or even just mistakes, (any abuse of civil, common, commercial or criminal law,) that occur in family matters: Not with the police, IPCC, Solicitors Complaints Authority, CAFCASS, Ombudsmen, nor with Solicitors, Social Workers, Medical or other; Regulators). They all say these issues are for the court!

Even a previous home secretary said she was not allowed to know what goes on in family courts, they are that secret.

This means that even what is in law CRIMINAL KIDNAP by for instance Suffolk Social services as raised by Tim Yeo MP in parliament cannot be addressed, as, if the Judge has followed the proper judicial procedure it is practically impossible to appeal and the police will not take statements. There are no actually checks and balances anywhere and you have tens of thousands of families systematically being destroyed. Actual criminal kidnap does frequently occur along with many other perverse outcomes under the authority of the court. Parents are routinely labelled as having psychiatric conditions to enable this with assessments that do not conform to the required diagnostic criteria as the means to tick the administrative boxes, evidence is not and cannot be tested and procedures that should be normal to any court are not followed.

I believe that such methods were employed in Stalinist Russia and they are now normal practice today in the UK family Law and even senior Judges recognise this but are administratively unable to say or do anything, as are MP's.

Anonymous said...

The way in which such matters can and should be dealt with is an officer of the court makes the complaint, but they do not, I have had many and varied people who are officers of the court say to me "we need help from the outside" these have been police officers high and low, councillors, child protection professionals they are many and varied, even a Judge. And there is even the most senior of judges saying there is a Stalinist type regime.

The family law system works on the basis of fear no one dare say what needs to be said as there are consequences, it will threaten and attack even its own and everyone knows the whole system is corrupt to its core, but any one who even starts to say or look into things they are warned off on the basis of the best interests of children everything must be kept private, there are penalties for doing otherwise and this is enough to scare most people, prison for what might be contempt of court is enough for most, the implication of loosing their job for stepping out of line for others. Even MPs do not know what to do and the police know they are in many instances being misused.

Anonymous said...

But it can be worse, I was approached by a West Country county councillor who was threatened by a social worker, "interfere and we will take your children!"

The family law system operates outside of the rest of the UK's legal system under very different ways of doing things, it is its own arbiter and no one is allowed to know or talk about how it really operates or are to afraid to!


We live in a system where ALL are free within and subject to the law, except the family law system is not operationally subject to the law or accountability, only itself. This is exceptionally unacceptable given the importance of the family and especially given the importance of children.

Whilst it is vital that real abuses of both adults and children have a forum to be properly addressed such forums must by their nature act fairly and lawfully, it is an abomination that real and substantial abuses by the system itself exist and are known and allowed to continue, especially where many of these are criminal and others are almost as serious and to the extent that they invalidate the decisions made and have no basis in law

Anonymous said...

Abuses like

Fraud on the Court, Extrinsic and Intrinsic Fraud, Misprison of Felony, Felony Treason, Perjury, Perverting the Course of Justice, Conspiracy, Kidnap, Torture, Blackmail, Harassment, Theft, Breaches of Judicial and Solicitors Oaths, Per Minas, Misuse of Public Funds, Abuses of Power, False Arrest, False Imprisonment, Contempt of Parliament, Threats, International Convention & Human Rights Abuses and more.

These are not minor issues that should be shielded by secrecy "in the best interests of the child" neither should they be in the sole remit of the courts who routinely ignore these and other more serious issues, these are given thier extent crimes against humanity.

And all by people who's duty it is to know the law and administer the law fairly and justly, Judges, Barristers, Solicitors, Social Workers etc and who have an absolute duty to speak out when this is seriously abused.

We know there are Judges, Solicitors, Social Workers, Police Offices, Press, MP's and many many more who not corrupted but are captive and are effectively gagged and threatened by this system as it will attack them if they say or do anything and they have jobs and families at risk, but if they cannot say or do anything them we must.

Anonymous said...

MPs are concerned by considerations such as the separation of powers and so do not know what to do and have lost touch with their high duty of intervention I would like to change this there is no principle in law that restricts intervention by any one if it is in the public interest and this includes MPs and Gov given the extent of the abuses.

Why is it that parents, professionals, MPs, Press and others are under threat for doing what is their public duty to expose even in specific cases publicly, crimes are not in law actually protected by family court secrecy, just in practice, they are and it must be stopped and until it is no one can rely on any expectation of justice in family law, it has become survival of the fittest however no one is above the law

This is why we have brought these class actions, because we will not tolerate this and no right minded person should tolerate a system of law that operates outside of the rest of society.

We are asking people to join and publicly support these class actions without fear, as these things affect all of us regardless of position or standing, from the highest to the lowest, even Judges and MPs.

Anonymous said...

There are also other options apart from the class actions, like citizens arrests and private prosecutions and other Public Interest Interventions that we can use and if needs be I/we will, however at this time we are focused on the class actions an investigating "fraud on the court and where Extrinsic and Other Frauds" occur, where "it can be demonstrated, clearly and convincingly, that a party has sentiently set in motion some unconscionable scheme calculated to interfere with the judicial system's ability impartially to adjudicate a matter by improperly influencing the trier of fact or unfairly hampering the presentation of the opposing party's claim or defence including by Judges. Not least because the fraud that are family courts are funded by the tax payer and they are literally a fraud on the taxpayer.

It is not a principle that criminal acts should be allowed to succeed in the determination of court proceedings, however that is happening on a massive scale it is all our duties to stop that.

I like any other person am entitled to object in the strongest terms and i do and ask all others to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Paul Randle-Jolliffe Esq mFLS

Tel: 01983 293617
Mbl: 07905 937952
Principal - Kent House Law Practice (Advocate & Public Interest Intervener)
Associate – Freedom Advocacy & Law (Advocate & Public Interest Intervener)
Member - Family Law Society
NEC Member & Chairman London & SE Branch - The ManKind Initiative
Chairman - International Court Watch
Civil Rights & Family Law Campaigner
Previous & Prospective Independent Parliamentary Candidate for Member of Parliament for the Isle of Wight.

Anonymous said...

In response to:

Dear Andrew Porter @ The Telegraph
Assorted News Media, MP's, Et al,

I do NOT represent Freedom, Advocacy Law, howbeit they do represent me . . . I have no authority whatsoever, I am just a humble UK poor person trying to buy back his children from the state.

Anyhow, this evening I notice that 2 senior High Court Judges have criticised New Labours evil family law trade and so here is an article by The Telegraphs Christopher Booker on that issue, inter alia.

It would seem rather a strange thing that so many people are all saying the same thing, namely, they have lost their children in English family courts without any reason, under New Labour.

And when one thinks about it, the current family law system must give the children to one of the parents, and there being no money in law if nobody argues it seems to be the case, that people are losing their children because, it makes money for parents to fight for their children.

Imagine it if you will be so kind, one is paid very large sums of tax payers money to represent or control waring parents, so of course anyone being paid will gladly, but sadly and rather immorally, want conflict, also create conflict, because parental conflict makes money in the family law trade.

Anonymous said...

Now joyfully we have come to the point in our evolution that we all now know that taking children from one parent makes many people very rich, so it is now time to return these children so as BOTH parents can see their children, for an equal duration, even if just to placate the mentally tortured parents caught up in party politics and family law trading.

So here is what The Telegraphs Mr Booker has to say and I do hope The BBC call him onto their many great political debating shows and news shows, so as he can speak up for the long suffering parents and children who have been caught up in what has sadly become ''a slave trade of the most historic and chilling magnitude'' according to Sir Bob Geldof.

Anonymous said...

At the end of The Telegraph article FREEDOM ADVOCACY LAW have posted a comment asking for their Class Action in

The Hague


. . . to be broadcast by the British media so as many parents can win back their children and rightly be compensated for mental torture inflicted by New Labour, in which I must praise, the Tory/Libs who are working flat out to clean up New Labour's family law devastation's.

I do hope the BBC will help its licence fee payers by giving FREEDOM ADVOCAY LAW, a rather hairy bunch but at least they do not climb on buildings dressed as Batman, they do deserve the oxygen of worthy publicity, as their Class Action effects not only the youth of today but the children of tomorrow.

Freedom Advocacy Law ask via The Telegraph for Andrew Porter of The Telegraph to hear their pleas, and so also, please, can the BBC do much much much more to give a voice to the parents who this summer holidays will suffer the mental torture of being under New Labours evil Family Policy apartheid.

Anonymous said...

I do not represent FREEDOM ADVOCAY LAW they represent me, and a very warm thanks to The Telegraph for allowing the freedom to debate what must be the most important law reform ever needed, and how so urgent, one should add ...

I have not seen my two sons for EIGHT & A HALF years.


Mr Marcus Tufano

Anonymous said...

Bill Maloney Filmaker exposes abuse of 10 month old baby in Social Services Care while the Foster Carers are being paid £390 a week!

Governments Stealing Children at Secret Family Courts
David Icke - Exposing the dreamworld we believe to be real

Anonymous said...

Chris Wittwer

Hi. Thanks for all the messages - i have read them but just aint got time to answer them. Devon/Cornwall/Jersey/Isle of Wight/Nottinghamshire & Hertfordshire e are all now uploaded onto the website !

Anonymous said...

I asked for respite of a couple of weeks after 2 bereavements.A simple request you might think. After 3 weeks I had to fight in court under monstrous stress to get my child back. I had excellent reports from profs that knew me,with corrupt social workers who wanted to make a case out of me having no bond with my child. My child became withdrawn due to being scared and feeling abandoned-which any child prof should be aware of. I was made fun of in a room by 2 social wreckers saying that everyone was saying I was a bad mum. In court every statement was glowing. 2 months later I got him back after feeling that I had been to hell and back.

I later learned that this midlands social services had won an award for best practice for meeting adoption targets at around the same town.They all sat in a review saying how they could see how well brought up my 3 year old was and how he was not like other kids in their care. I asked if he was going to be adopted -they said we dont know.

They are family wreckers and all this trype about doing all they can to keep families together is just nonsense. If you have a child who is attractive to adopters then you have a real risk of losing that child.

I also saw a minister on TV saying that children were saying they wanted to be kept with extended family but social services were putting them with strangers. The MP said more should be done for children to go with family so there is an admittance that this wasnt happening even though Its in the childrens act.

4 white granddaughters of a young age are ideal fodder for the waiting list of adopters who like young children who they can manipulate and they hope will forget their birth family.

Anonymous said...

Mayor of Maidstone Eric Hotson also a Kent County Councillor wsat on the adoption board whilst the company he worked for Kindsfords Solicitors Ashford worked for as Canterbury Cafcass on over a hundred occasions ?

Conflict of interest springs to mind when everyone knows Cafcass work for Kent Secret Family courts as baliffs for stealing children for the council, a completely corrupt cabal all protected by teh MP's?

Anonymous said...

Shamim Khaliq

my favourite example is, SS come round at lunchtime, call me away from feeding my child, then berate me next meeting for my child's not eating enough

Anonymous said...

Shamim Khaliq

my favourite example is, SS come round at lunchtime, call me away from feeding my child, then berate me next meeting for my child's not eating enough

Anonymous said...

Janet Cresswell

Wonders how many social workers and others are losing their jobs because of cut backs? Hope loads do such a waste of oxygen .most of them!

Anonymous said...

James Moore

they're cutting police
they're cutting sanitation
they're cutting nhs
they're cutting schools


Anonymous said...

Janet Cresswell

your telling me! they have no skills except to lie

Anonymous said...

I think there are lots of social workers leaving at sandwell social services so i reckon most of them have lost their jobs as one said to me there is no job and no place for me anymore.

Anonymous said...

Sonia Biglin

There are many individuals i hope get the boot, all from Northamptonshire cc. they’ve had over a year to help my kids do their yearly letter, guess what im still waiting.only had 1 letter from adopters this year,i wrote to the person that deals with this and guess reply. As far as im concerned the majority are nothing more than thieves and liars, not only should they be sacked they should be bloody hung for the deliberate torture they bestow upon families, or at least put in the stocks in the market place so we can degrade them the way we have been

Anonymous said...

Chris Hawkins

I bet Cameron did not have trouble with the SS when he complained about shit service for his son.

Anonymous said...

The government and legal system of the United States, Canada, Austraila, New Zealand and or course Britain, is totally controlled by the Crown. The British Monarch is not the Crown. The Crown is the Inner City of London, which is an independent State in London belonging to the Vatican system. It is a banking cartel which has a massive system around and beneath, which hides its true power. The City is in fact the Knights Templar Church, also known as the Crown Temple or Crown Templar, and is located between Fleet Street and Victoria Embankment. The Temple grounds are also home to the Crown Offices at Crown Office Row.

This is who is really stealing the children.

Anonymous said...

The Crown Temple controls the Global 'Legal' system, including those in the United States, Canada, Australia, and much more; this is because all Bar Associations are franchises of the International Bar Association at the Inns of Court at Crown Temple based at Chancery Lane in London. All Bar Associations are franchises of the Crown and all Bar Attorneys/ Barristers throughout the world pledge a solemn oath to the Temple, even though many may not be aware that this is what they are doing. Bar Association 'licensed' Solicitors / Barristers must keep to their Oath, Pledge and terms of allegiance to the Crown Temple if they are to be "called to the Bar" and work in the legal profession. The ruling Monarch is also subordinate to the Crown Temple, this as been so since the reign of King John in the 13th century when Royal Sovereignty was transferred to the Crown Temple and, through this, to the Roman Church. King John 1167-1216 is the key to this deception.

Ask yourself WHY they are stealing the children the answer is not pretty.

Anonymous said...

. Satanism is run like a transnational corporation both within the UK and abroad

The McAlpine family has a long history of Satanism in its ranks, as does the Scottish Keswick family. Both are part of a web which operates across the world into the Far East and Australia. A close friend of the McAlpines is Willie Whitelaw, a chairman of the Conservative Party. He was also Deputy Prime Minister to Margaret Thatcher, who was ‘minded’ by Whitelaw, the McAlpines, and Sir Geoffrey Howe, during her years as Prime Minister.

When she had outlived her usefulness to the Brotherhood, it was Howe who made the speech in the House of Commons which effectively ended her reign. Whitelaw was named as a leading Satanist by self-confessed Satanist, Derry Mainwaring-Knight, at Maidstone Crown Court in 1986. As usual, nothing was done about it.

The Satanic ritual network connects into the children’s homes, care centers, and runaway hostels to ensure a constant supply of children.

Anonymous said...

The vast majority of Freemasons are not Satanists or child abusers, but there is a far greater ratio of them in secret societies like the Masons, than outside. How can you have confidence in justice therefore when, for instance, the Manor of St James’s Freemasonry Lodge, No 9179, consists of the leading operational police officers from all the major units of London’s Metropolitan Police, including the Anti-Terrorist Squad, Fraud Squad, and the Complaints Investigations Branch which is supposed to investigate allegations of police wrong-doing!

The St James’s Lodge further includes senior figures from the Home Office, judiciary, and the Directorate of Public Prosecutions, which decides if a person will or will not be prosecuted. The whole system of investigation, prosecution, and trial, or the suppression of them, can be achieved by members of this one lodge working together. What chance has a child got against that?

Low income parents, and those addicted to drugs, are at the mercy of the Freemasons and Satanists operating among the social services hierarchy and judges.

Today Camerons selling off the assetts? Is Government suddenly an owner of national property breaching what’s entrusted to them? The big society starts soon.

Anonymous said...

A notorious location for paedophile activities is an apartment block called Dolphin Square in Pimlico, the biggest block of flats in Europe and the London residence of many members of Parliament. The building has been under surveillance by the British Customs after the discovery of pornographic material from Amsterdam. One resident was quoted as saying:

“We often have underage boys wandering in the corridors totally lost, asking for the flat of a particular MP.”

Pimlico has been nicknamed ‘Pimp-lico’ because of the widespread use of boy prostitutes known as rent boys. The Dolphin Square resident, David Steel, the Scottish former leader of the Liberal Democrats, has actively supported campaigns for ‘gay rights’ by Ian Campbell Dunn, a planning officer at Edinburgh District Council. But Mr Campbell wants rather more than just ‘gay rights’. He is a founding member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), which wants to legalise sex with children.

Anonymous said...

The Crown of course the wearer of that crown has a court fool, jester, clown, or even worm tongue, however you wish to see it the pupèpets under their control, the gov and so on But no for much longer we HOPE

The Lord Chancellor isn’t a valid office otherwise known as "whiterod" who doesn’t attend the opening of parliament-which makes it an unbalanced parliament and therefore all legislation is invalid and void

Only sits in Buckingham palace and doesn’t attend, as he refused to put his name to Usury in 1850 then they passed the usury reform act in 1852

Lord High Steward of England (1399-1421) - he was the last permanent holder of this office, the highest in medieval England.

"The Gentleman Usher of the White Rod, established as a hereditary dignity c.1373, who attended the Parliament of Scotland before its abolition in 1707. The heritable office was pronounced to be adjudgeable in 1758, and has been bought and sold several times since then. The position was revived to some degree in connection with the Parliament of Great Britain, and is now held by the Walker Trustees."

If there is no balanced parliament then all treaties are void

Anonymous said...

These bastards think they can continue stealing our children they can think again !

Peter Gilroy Ex CEO Kent County Council Common Purpose speaker trained here another of Cameron’s Puppets

This interlocked with the Tavistock Clinic which was founded in 1920 under the direct support of the British royal family through the Duke of Kent. Later came the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London and this is the centre of a global web which includes the Stanford Institute in the United States. The aim of these organizations is the control of humanity via the external manipulation of the mind.

Anonymous said...
Dear Sir or Madam,

A question of “quo warranto”.

By what Authority does the Crown Prosecution Service have lawful

In order to establish acuity, is the Crown Prosecution Service
(CPS) under the Crown monarchy or the Crown Temple?

According to your own website, the CPS was set up in 1986 as an
independent “authority” (even though there is no Authority as the
UK has been under bankruptcy laws since the 1860’s) to prosecute
criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales.
But by what authority? It is, after all, a corporation and
therefore a legal fiction.

In light of this, it is very important to establish acuity so that
we have the right charge for the set of facts and the two questions
we need to ask ourselves are:

1. If the Crown Prosecution Service is under the Monarchy by Common
Law and bound in office of the constitution to the sovereign oath,
then why does it use “statute law” (i.e. admiralty law- a fiction)
to prosecute? Common law states: “not to enter into mischievous
contracts or promises”. Yet, they do so with The Law Society that
operates using legalese, i.e. a style that uses the abstruse
(Difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary
understanding or knowledge) technical vocabulary of the law in
order to confuse the layman. This is not constitutional.

2. If it is under the Crown Temple (a corporation-a fiction) and
the UK is also a corporation as registered on “Dun and Bradstreet”,
then the Attorney General’s Office would also come under the
corporation of The Ministry of justice and is also registered as
such. It appears that these two corporations are in co-conspiracy
as corporate revenue collection companies using “Statute ACTS “
(the force of law yet a fiction) and administering and manipulating
justice in corporate courts as arbitrators not judges by deceiving
the people using admiralty law.

Where can the justice be if pecuniary deception in order to obtain
advantage is the motivation, and they are deceiving the public by
using fictional corporation and fictional statute law above the
Common Law?

Given the City of London is a State and a corporation unto itself
and separate from England, by what "Quo Warranto" does it have to
grant “any authority” as a corporation to The CPS and The law
Society (whom are also within the borders of this independent
City), to prosecute the people of the land “outside of it's
borders” using fictional statute & mercantile law above the common
law and who grants this said power and by what right as a fictional

A company can be party to a criminal conspiracy, but only with at
least two other conspirators who are human beings - including at
least one who is an appropriate officer of the company and acting
within the scope of his authority.

Sir Ken Macdonald, QC (1971), Director of Public Prosecutions
(until Oct 2008). Keir Starmer, QC (1985), Director of Public
Prosecutions (from Oct 2008) Aularian: alumni of St Edmind’s Hall ,

Yours faithfully,

Stuart Russell Cocks

Anonymous said...

Conduct by the parties are evidence that a trust relationship had been created between the parties. Based on that assumed trust relationship, the unsuspecting plaintiff is assumed to act in the legal personality of a beneficiary and the unwitting defendant is assumed to appear in the capacity of a trustee. Although the court assumes the plaintiff and defendant know they’re involved in a trust relationship, that assumption is never expressed to either litigant. As a result, without the knowledge, understanding or intention of either party, the courts will assumptively (secretly) resolve their issue as if it were an alleged violation of trust law— even though no such trust relationship did, in fact, exist.

Anonymous said...

The House of Windsor are of a Black Nobility bloodline when you look behind the facade what you find is very dark indeed. The highest profile family on the planet and they operate at the heart of the global manipulation.

Anonymous said...

The British Royal family have always been close to Freemasonry and their own orders like the Knights of the Garter, the Order of the Thistle, and the Royal Victorian Order interlock with the Freemasonic networks. So, of course, does the Order of St John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta). The expansion of Freemasonry in England in the 18th century coincided with the arrival of the German Hanoverian dynasty. The current Grand Master of the English Grand Lodge in Great Queen(Semiramis/Isis) Street in London is the Queen’s cousin, the Duke of Kent. Prince Philip was initiated into the Navy Lodge number 2612 on December 5th 1952.27

His father in law, George VI, the Queen’s father and husband of the Queen Mother, was an ardent Mason,28 as was Edward VII and most other monarchs since the emergence of Freemasonry. The Queen is ‘Grand Patroness’ of Freemasonry. She is served by the 390 members of the so-called Privy Council which connects with its equivalent in other Commonwealth countries. It is legally above Parliament because of its prerogative powers. Its members, who are appointed for life, include Prince Philip, Prince Charles, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Prime Minister.

Nine official meetings are held each year and the government ministers stand to attention while the Queen is told of the government measures they are asking the Queen to approve. This Privy Council of inner-circle politicians, courtiers and public servants have to bow to the Queen and shake her hand before standing in line and they are sworn to conduct their business in the utmost secrecy.

Anonymous said...

Don’t fear these cruel idiots who steal children, pity them, they deserve nothing less

They can never destroy the love we feel within for our children and all children; they deserve our pity for they truly are pitiful creatures of the night

Anonymous said...

We have an acknowledgement from the International Criminal Court and a case reference number! Now is the time for everyone to push this Class Action in the United Kingdom, and get more people to sign up! We have already passed the documents to other countries for them to formulate their own, encompassing their own laws

Anonymous said...

Lily Black

I hope each and every bastard social worker who has ever wronged a person gets named and shamed publicly. I can name a few!

Anonymous said...

And that goes for Amanda Barden you can run but you can never hide

A Canterbury cafcass guardian who boasted about working as a social worker manager for Kent county Council, they denied all knowledge but was made to admit she had been a assistant manager social worker after all.

The pigeons are coming home to roost lets wait for the resignation to start rolling.

Common Purpose riddled with a very dodgy head of legal team Geoff Wild to name but a few.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Yiannides

Cameron's 'big society': big solution or big folly?

More than likely the reality is that he deas not want to open the cans of worms.

However, WE ARE MAKING SURE, just as I was way back in 1995, that our alleged representatives in government ARE CAUSED TO ADDRESS the facts of life, such as THE ORGANISED FRAUD INSTIGATED, PROCESSED & IMPOSED on the sucker-serfs (the taxpayers) THROUGH ABUSE OF THE ..COURTS FACILITIES.

DUE FOR RELEASE is the letter to Andrew Yiannides (YOURs TRULY) WAY BACK IN 1995, WHEN TWO politicians of LEGAL PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND (both Barristers / Attorney sat Law) acknowledge the serious issue of FRAUD IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM.
Access the web-page / URL:-
GET TO KNOW how the sold to the system as is (the converted to the system of operations) THROUGH VERY CONVENIENT DEFAULTS & OMISSIONS ESTABLISHED THEIR TRUE COLOURS.

Read the letter one of them sent to me AFTER ABUSING MY TIME, MY PATIENCE and MY TOLERANCE with such dreamers who fell in love with the cash under the table >>> THE REWARDS TO PERSONS who agree to keep quiet after GOING FOR THE REWARDS as covered in the exclusive page NOT ONE OF THE RECIOPIENTS (all 76 who were recorded in the proof of posting cards) PLUS OTHERS who most conveniently buried everything as the converted who went / go about operating as alleged legal gurus ALL READY & WILLING TO ASSIST OTHERS TO GO FOR THE CASH UNDER THE TABLE.

WAKE UP FRIENDS, of such 'citizens' the make-up of the New World Order care of the arrangements in place as I cover in many web pages with the evidence RIGHT THERE IN THE PAGES.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that Kent hasnt been picked

'Four areas of the country are to pilot the scheme: Liverpool; Eden Valley in Cumbria; Windsor and Maidenhead; and the London borough of Sutton.'

After all he did fly the whole his cabinet down to congratulate them on gaining 4 stars (that they had clearly knocked up out the back)and paid for the private luncheon.

Pity Eric Pickles didnt pay much attention when councillor Sheena Williams tried to speak to him about forced adoption and instead ran off like a frighten rabbit; what the matter Eric did she speak the truth obviously something the Conservative party is allergic too.

Anonymous said...

Rob Fry

Good luck with it all its great that people are taking a stand against this "sick industry" of child stealing

Anonymous said...

Lorraine Newhill

SS are so sick.. Every member of my family came forward requesting to look after my granddaughter Tamischa.. and ss refused us all. as none of us were good enough.. They care not for "THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD "......ONLY FOR THE MONEY THAT CHILD WILL BRING.

A serving Borough Councillor who is prepared to raise her own grandchildren, being denied

Dear Sir or Madam, A friend of mine, who is a serving Borough Councillor, is seemingly about to lose four granddaughters, all under the age of six years to Forced adoptions, in secret Family Court. I have been a victim myself to this corrupt system, which tears good families apart

Anonymous said...

Sabina Heywood

To all the Social Workers/CAFCASS/who may be trawling this site: ITS NOT TOO LATE! To be kind to children, to put things right and return our children back to their loving familes. Your days are numbered anyway due to the Govt cutting back

Anonymous said...

Barbara Richards

Hollie Greig is an ADULT WOMAN, not a child. She has the right to be treated as an adult. Why are the authorities trying toi gag her? BECAUSE THEY ARE COVERING UP CHILD ABUSE!

Anonymous said...

LIB ex Mayor of Maidstone Peter Hooper and governor of an infant school/ magistrate, got off for virtually the same offence (solicit ring prostitution) unfortunately the Kent Messenger failed to mention the ages . They could have asked the Maidstone Borough councillors and staff, who all knew he was caught downloading child porn on the council laptop, but that would be too easy. Even after confessing to LIB councillor Julia Batt the mistress of the leader of the council Christopher Garland & Lib councillor Brian Vizzard.

French footballer Franck Ribery facing three years in jail for underage prostitute offence

Anonymous said...

Bloody hell how common purpose/tavistock can you get !!!

(CEOP) - anyone know anything about this organisation?
Thanks so much to David Icke for that little kick up the jacksy, in return I had to share these words of wisdom.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) - anyone know anything about this organisation?
‘Walk through the CEOP Centre today and within any one team you will find police officers specialising in this area of criminality working with professionals from the wider child protection community and industry. You will find seconded staff from organisations such as the NSPCC, teams sponsored by the likes of VISA and SERCO and experts from government and corporations such as Microsoft offering specialist advice and guidance.

That approach is dedicated to building up intelligence that in turn drives the business, informs our operational deployments, steers our CEOP Academy programmes to law enforcement, child protection and educational sectors and drives our dedicated Thinkuknow programme for children and parents of all ages.'

Anonymous said...

Vic Clayton

I am wanting blood from Wakefield SS ... 5 and a half years without my daughter and she suffered abuse and they knew about it .

Anonymous said...

Penny Christie

Brentwood will be giving blood and guts too when I am finished with the evil sorry excuse for human beings that work that office

Anonymous said...

Vic Clayton

I am wanting blood from Wakefield SS ... 5 and a half years without my daughter and she suffered abuse and they knew about it .

Anonymous said...

Andrew Barnard

Barnsley also I if I have my way.

Anonymous said...

Sue Bailey
Doncaster too

Anonymous said...

Janet Cresswell
Hopes North-East Lincolnshire Council falls into the sea . forever

Anonymous said...

June Hemmings
Lives in Plymouth works for Devon SS

Anonymous said...

Tim Haines



I don't know why I have never posted this before but it's about time it was aired properly... This took place on the morning of 21st September 2007.

The mother gave birth in West Yorkshire, and was frightened that Social Services were going to steal her baby illegally without a court order, so discharged herself from hospital (with doctors' consent).

She was brought to our house in Worcestershire for safety, arriving at ten at night. It was our intention to apply for an Emergency Protection Order (to protect the child from Social Services) the following morning.

At about six am West Mercia Police arrived in force and stated that they wanted to search the property. I asked for a warrant, they replied, "We don't need one," before breaking down the door and forcing entry. There were no social workers or medics in attendance. There was NO search warrant, NO court order and NO police protection order. The recording starts soon after this point.

Anonymous said...

They took our mobile phones, as well as computers and case paperwork which were subject to both legal and parliamentary privilege, not to mention my daughter’s laptop which contained all her GCSE coursework. We didn’t see any of them again for almost a year.

They actually forgot to arrest my wife, Julie, and dragged her off to the police station without ever reading her rights or telling her why she was being detained.

Julie, the mother and I were all locked up for some thirty one hours and interrogated by the West Yorkshire Homicide and Serious Crime Squad.

Upon release, we were put on police bail by West Yorkshire police with no clear indication of what crime was alleged. We were repeatedly re-bailed for almost a year until we commenced Judicial Review proceedings for excessive bail, whereupon they dropped the case immediately, and our property was returned not long afterwards.

Anonymous said...

At the time of detention I had asked to make complaints, and was told that no complaints could be made “until the investigation was complete”. A year later, after the “investigation“ was completed and we were released from bail, we tried to make complaints of such police actions as trespass, illegal entry, illegal search & seizure, wrongful arrest and KIDNAP, but were told that since more than twelve months had elapsed since the original incident that our complaints would not be investigated. We have made multiple complaints, none of which has been successful.

Eventually, we went to the Worcester News with our story. A reporter wrote up the story and emailed it to me to be reviewed for accuracy. We expected a front page within a few days at the most. After a week we asked why they weren’t publishing, and were told that they were waiting for a comment from the Police. Time passed and after a few more weeks I phoned and asked to speak to the Editor about what was happening. When I finally got to speak to him, he just said rather curtly, “It’s up to me what I publish in my paper”, which distinctly gave me the impression that it very much wasn’t…

Anonymous said...

Nigel Rowe

omg that tape was disturbing,police caused more emotional harm to your kids and baby .SS used police on 72hr warrant so they could get to court to snatch that baby for poss adoption to gain there bonus to buy there kids a treat....god I am so pissed,keep up the good work Tim n Julie and I am here to help you as you help me and others.

Anonymous said...

Michele Madeleine

This is barbaric what they did to your family and the other lady with the baby.

Why could they have not knocked on the door instead?

Straight away,this is going to anger anyone when they are not guilty of doing anything wrong.

They was crafty too to keep putting you on bail,so a year later you could get nothing done about a complaint.

This was not your fault,they should have still looked into it in my opinion.

What are they?terrorists?i hope the lady concerned and her baby are ok now?

And they have put you and your family through hell!

Ahh this is so wrong!

( I'll share this,see what people comment) and to use this gas stuff in your eyes as well,it is disgusting Tim.

Anonymous said...

Alerie Holdaway

The SS they're favorite words are emotional harm well look what harm they did police knocking your door down terrorising your children.

They should have knocked on the door they were out to harrass you hoping you would bite and get aggressive, so then they say your violent to take your children, that's they're tactics.

The SS and the police work together taking children of good family's there should be a public out cry this is enough for any one to go over the top.

Anonymous said...

Had ss spot check today but my ss report is so positive I cant believe it 4 yrs of fighting paid off and the last year of research and witch hunt against them has done the trick
She came unannounced today to tell me her report, they are acknowledging everything they failed to before and they acknowledge id never harm them. I think they may be trying to soften me up so I don’t proceed with 60k claim but 60 k will see Phoenix in private girls school .... kids come first

Anonymous said...

Council bomb plot man is jailed indefinitely - The Star
Council bomb plot man is jailed indefinitely - A MAN who planted a bomb at a Doncaster social services building in a revenge attack has been jailed indefinitely.

Many will like what he has done but not the jail sentence, how many social workers have been imprisoned indefinately for their crimes against families NONE

Anonymous said...

admiralty law, common law and the sovereign

From the film Kymatica. I am posting this for educational purposes only. Our society is run by lawyers, our politicians are lawyers, they write our laws. Our judges are lawyers, our presidents are lawyers. They are above us, do you suppose they want you to understand the law?

There the one's who should be imprisoned indefinitely for deceit

Anonymous said...

The Sexual Revolution and Children

Cohn-Bendit writes, in his memoirs, about "little, five-year-old girls who had already learned to proposition me?" It wasn't the only time the Green politician raved about his experiences with children. In a largely unnoticed appearance on French television on April 23, 1982, Cohn-Bendit, a member of the European Parliament today, said the following:
"At nine in the morning, I join my eight little toddlers between the ages of 16 months and 2 years. I wash their butts, I tickle them, they tickle me and we cuddle. … You know, a child's sexuality is a fantastic thing. You have to be honest and sincere. With the very young kids, it isn't the same as it is with the four-to-six-year-olds. When a little, five-year-old girl starts undressing, it's great, because it's a game. It's an incredibly erotic game."

Cohn-Bendit later claimed that his portrayals in the book were meant as a provocation. Whether or not one believes his assertions, the development of the Greens in the 1980s shows that their nonchalant talk about sex with young children eventually attracted real pedophiles.

Anonymous said...

This is the email to the GSCC as they are ignoring all people's complaints about Norma Howes, I will be interested to see their answer as it is now with this morning, the times and several other news papers,

I have previously communicated with you about Norma Howes and there has been no effort made to found out and charge this fraud with any charges,

I have provided evidence that she is not a social worker nor a child forensic psychologist as she has stated on all her paperwork which has been handed to the courts via my ex legal representative,

I will now request a formal investigation as I know that there are others who have got in touch with me about her that have been in touch with you about Norma Howes,

But there has not been anything done at all, the next stage after this if you so choose to not investigate as you are suppose to be the government regulatory body for social work etc,

I would also as Norma Howes is not registered as has been sent to me on several electronic mails sent by the GSCC request that criminal charges are brought before the courts in a public court so that everyone that has had dealings with this tyrant can then put their stories forward and she can face the full charges as brought given she is residing in the UK,

There is a piece of paperwork past to myself that says that she is a US citizen, OK if she is but there are a few things here that i thing you fail to realise,

1- If she is a US citizen what is she doing as a none registered social worker here in the UK,

2- Why has she got a broad Scottish accent if she is American,

3- She had dealings many years back with one Pamela Klein who is an American and started the SRA scandal of with Norma Howes,.

4- By you choosing to ignore these reports which have been placed before you then the social work team here in the UK are failing in their duty of care to every child in the uk and actually putting them at risk.

If there is no course of action taken by the GSCC i think then i shall have to take this higher than the GSCC such as the media, forums and also parliament as it is that serious,
the ball will now be in your court

Yours sincerely

Anonymous said...

Child abduction conspirator hired to advise doctors –Penny Mellor

About bloody time they had some one who can tell the truth about what is happening to families - they wont like it but tough

Anonymous said...

The only way to beat them is to call them on their behaviour, and to call them PUBLICLY. Boycotting doesn't work as they'll just find summary judgement, which does no good for the family at all. They HAVE to be challenged, but in such a way as that they're forced to toe the line or start throwing cases due to no *real* evidence of abuse or neglect.

Family Court relies on a non-adversarial setting to work but this is NOT what a court setting is - it consists of two sides and argument. FORCE the Family Proceedings Courts to be adversarial, even if you have to go in and physically do it yourself by introducing heavy debate on technicalities - and DO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER - and they will fall flat on their arses every time because they CANNOT function to LAWFUL Court Procedure.

Anonymous said...

first question to ask in a family court:

"Is this an adverserial Court?"

If the answer is no: "Then this is not a Court."
If the answer is yes: "Then I demand and expect full disclosure without which we shall proceed no further, and Common-Law jurisdiction."

Anonymous said...

Ex- Conservative Councillor Sheena Williams Banned fro the whatdotheyknow government controlled FOI website

A lot of unanswered questions about crimes against humanity & forced adoptions

What is David Cameron so scared of - THE TRUTH is already out there !

Anonymous said...

Banning her doeskin make the questions any less relevant

Hasnt she already had the plain clothes threatening visit by the corrupt Police frightening her children.

It will be very interesting to see what they try next to shut her up ,section her or worse

Anonymous said...

Duck of York what is she about, her two daughters beatrice and eugenie are push in are faces why, so called charity work?

poor little rich kids living off benefits and student grants, private schools all paid by us.
the royal family steals are money

Children in homes so call charity work, easy picking for child abuse on a inter-natinal scale.

I think the her daughters are afront a smoke screen.

who is protecting her, she is in debt for 2 million?

is prince Andreww Lord Portlands son? Lord Portland was killed on the way to cornwall, very good friends with the Queen, while her husband went off having affairs, this has been kept under wraps?

look at prince william and eugenie hand signs two fingers

We are also paying for their protection why,

Anonymous said...

where has Gordon Brown gone, is he in a mental hospital?

Anonymous said...

duchess of York Sarah Fergusan, should be very careful, they killed off Grace kelly,
they killed off Princess Diana,

check out the Prince Andrew, common purpose, leadership in global finance. I think he is another front.
their are photos D of Edinburgh.
These guys are very good at the spin, THEY USE THE MEDIA

Anonymous said...

we need to check out the charity work that Sarch Ferguson is in to, she makes such a fool of herself?

they want to look good, they want the public to love them?

I feel so much of this is a front, its not real.

Anonymous said...

Valerie Holdaway

Some thing has to be done and pretty quick i am a gran mother and my daughters heart is broken also as the s s are ruthless they take children from loving homes to be placed where they’re at risk they dont care as they get back handers for taking these children they ruin peoples lives and jeopardise children then when theswe children grow up they rebel and most of them turn to crime thats why there is a high crime rate and who is to blame S S it is time for some one to do some think about it we should demonstrate in London we should be heard these ruthless people should be stopped why have the S S got so much power and how are they allowed to get away with all this lie they scheme and produce false evidence against you

i think its time we all made a stand to get these lying scheming authority out and get another organisation in place of them there is no other country with a track record like this country i say get the S S out

Anonymous said...

Raymond Knight

That is so outrage yet so common. my family, just as countless others, has been ripped apart by the same insane and extremely cruel system. adoption proceedings are imminent, something really must be done, and fast!!!

Anonymous said...

Civil case against SS adjourned till Sept

Hope you got them running with tails between their legs!

Anonymous said...

John Hemming LIB is a plant do not trust this pretendy fool who collects information on families who might be a threat and/or offers them to work for him as a Mckenzie Friend

Look what good it did Tim & Julie Haines

He is part of the over paid idiots in power and only looks after his own interests

Anonymous said...

good luck to Fay Williams who is the corrupt family courts tomorrow

we are all watching and waiting for a positive result

and by the way you SS trawlers none of us have any intention of committing suicide, so if anything happens to any of us it is MURDER

Anonymous said...

Kat Turner

Does anyone know of a solicitor in SCOTLAND (preferably in the Central Belt area of Scotland) who i could trust to represent me in regards to them accusing me of a string of untruths in my capacity to parent and look after my child's complex and intense care needs?

Anonymous said...

If you are from Belfast watch out for that old twisted rat Carol Brown, she is in Belfast Health & Care Trust pretending to be a manager and can't find her way to ring me back.. she looks like she swallowed baloons, and is still trying to pass them with a face that is as if she was chewing a wasp .. nasty bit of work ,tells lies as quick as she can spin them, tries to threaten you with taking your kids off you to get them adopted, that other witch guardian from Centre house near the courts, big fat knees and big flappy mouth that needs botox, dresses like a granny but is much longer she only side with what the SS want to do so so much for he independence

Anonymous said...

Look at these evil idiots trying to defend child trafficking the games up

Social services bosses in Leicestershire defend forced adoption cases

Social services have forcibly adopted more than 200 children in Leicestershire in the past five years.

Anonymous said...

Denise Lynch

I hope the shitty system that left my precious boy in the hands of two heroin addicts will change.

Anonymous said...

Barbara Richards

They are trained in NLP and other brainwashing rubbish. Not proper training at all. You should see some of the rubbish they are taught in their Social Service training.

Anonymous said...

Derick Gibson

Flaming SCC SSs Just Pig Igorant Ive Had Enough

Anonymous said...

Claire Cooper

thank you for today made me see how corrupt and wrong the system is.

Anonymous said...

Teenagers denied help due to social workers' misperceptions - 21/07/2010 - Community Care

Teenagers are missing out on help because social workers view them as more resilient and able to cope with the effects of abuse, according to a report by The Children's Society.

Paula Adams Oh... an here's me thinkin it was because they dont give a crap

Anonymous said...

Grandparents Apart UK: Grandparents Apart UK say!

' Save our children from abuse. Retrain Social Services'

Jim knows exactly what theytried to do to his family and thousands of others

Anonymous said...

A few things about Jimmy Savile, a simple working-class DJ from a Leeds mining family

- He has both a Royal and Papal knighthood (Order of St. Gregory the Great)

- He is a Knights Hospitaller (also known as the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, Order of St. John, Knights of Malta, and Chevaliers of Malta)

- He's an "Esteemed Friend of Israel", according to his Wiki page, whatever that is

- In a June 08 interview with Esquire, Savile boasted of his closeness with Royalty and Prime Ministers

- How he gave marriage guidance to Prince Andrew at the behest of the Duke of Edinburgh

- How Princess Diana described him as "a mentor to Charles"

- How he addressed the Israeli cabinet, the Knesset, and told them that they'd "forgotten how to be Jewish"

- He shares his very unusual surname with West Yorkshire's most elite family. Leeds' coat-of-arms, which depicts three owls, is based on the Savile family crest and Sir William Savile, a royalist, was amazingly freed by Sir Thomas Fairfax (a high-ranking Mason) after losing a battle in Leeds during the Civil War. Officially, Jimmy is no relation

- There is an injunction in place against News International prohibiting them from publishing photos of Jimmy at Haute de la Garenne, the child abuse scandal home in Jersey

- In his own words, Jimmy is, "the éminence grise: the grey, shadowy figure in the background.”

And that's all without getting into the unsavoury rumours about his sex life

Anonymous said...

he has or did have some contacts at morgues around the country and he paid them for access to their, shall we say, clients.

this was a well known fact among the movers and shakers in the media, the news and entertainment industries but he has so much information on these people and so much clout that if this horrible truth ever came out they'd lose their jobs or worse. that is 100% true.

Anonymous said...

David Cameron's UK government is creating the Butterbox scandal all over again

right here right now

great Britain is anything but great

if you have children run for your lives before they come for your children

Anonymous said...

THE UK SS have based their best practice exactly on this the evil non-human low life

There really is no difference

Anonymous said...

when someone is persecuted by masons

life is made a misery by any means possible

i.e. slandered to friends , family colleagues etc.

driven out of business , facing ruin , trying to make life hard at every turn

helped by police (more than 50% of police are in the masons)

most are just following orders I guess , total corruption of power and professionalism .

may even be set up for suicide or murder .

but i guess low lever masons may not know what really is happening .




Anonymous said...

The UGLE (United Grand Lodge of England) cult

Field Marshal His Royal Highness Prince Edward George Nicholas Patrick, Duke of Kent, Earl of Saint Andrews, Baron Downpatrick, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England, Grand Master of the Order of St Michael and St George, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Knight of the Order of St George and St Constantine, Knight Grand Band, the Order of the Star of Africa, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Tri Shakti Patta, Grand Cordon, the Order of the Renaissance, Knight of the Order of St Olav (Grand Cross), Royal Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty, Royal Knight of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George, Colonel, of the Scots Guards, Colonel-in-Chief, of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, Royal Colonel, of the 1st Battalion, The Rifles, Deputy Colonel-in-Chief, of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Leuchars, Honorary Air Chief Marshal, Royal Air Force Commonwealth, Colonel-in-Chief, of The Lorne Scots (Peel, Dufferin and Halton Regiment) and 'President of The Scout Association.'

Anonymous said...

So much for the Masons. I think it is quite clear what an arrogant, ignorant and pretentious lot they are. The Masons here merely solidify my already low opinion of these vermin. They are simply moral and intellectual untermensch (subhumans) who are entirely devoid of moral worth.

They are rather like a group of circus clowns who respond to debate with mockery, abuse, contradiction and then slap themselves arrogantly on the back about how clever their obvious stupidity is.

Anonymous said...

child trafficking this must be why the duchess is protected, she has information, she appears as a fool, who is pulling strings using her daughters to control her.
I think she has had links to ARK.

Anonymous said...

This is now starting to smell a little like Operation Ore- what a mess that turned out to be- not surprisingly I find the man that was in charge of Operation Ore... Chief Constable of the National Crime Squad Jim Gamble has moved up in the world and is now the chief executive of CEOP....have plenty more info if anyones interested.

Finextra: MP calls for penalties for card schemes over prepaid abuse

Geraint Davies, Labour MP for Swansea West, is set to put his case in the House today in a Ten minute rule Motion - a device designed to enable back benchers to raise issues.

Anonymous said...

there is something very sick going on this poor grandmother losing her grandson to FORCED ADOPTION and girls abused in care not surprising just sick

Compensation for girls abused by children in care
By Lesley Richardson, Press Association
Wednesday, 21 July 2010

A council apologised today and admitted paying £12,000 in compensation to two girls who were sexually abused by two children in care. Torbay Council in Devon paid £6,000 to each abused girl after their parents complained and agreed to review its risk management policies and procedures.

Anonymous said...

Nicky Herron

alot of my LA is on the busness park named "dolittle" yep you read it right but they dont admitt it you have to see sign on way from main road to believe it.

Anonymous said...

Dave White

Judge Davies said: "It's not for me to make any comment at all on the action taken by the local authority." (spineless cop-out)

Anonymous said...

David Icke - What the Controllers really fear

this is what we need vast numbers to say so to CHILD SNATCHING

Anonymous said...

Please send around all your friends name and shame two SS staff Nazis working in Wigan.

Marie Carol and Leanne Cooper they were both working as SS spys at the Kildare street centre.

They both told big lies to cover up their dirty little habits of abuse

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