
Shame Your Social Worker

We are ashamed to be British, who would have thought this goes on in our society? We wouldn’t think it, because we don’t know it’s going on!

That’s about to change, we have but one tool at our disposal, a tool even more powerful than social worker’s having their day in court against hapless families, that tool is The Internet a machine so vast it covers the globe in seconds. Maybe, just maybe they have met their match. If you have been on the end of “their justice” it is more than likely you have nothing more to loose, please feel at liberty to tell it like it really is, name all involved, without revealing your identity.

Say NO to gagging orders, how dare they! We know its not in the interests of the child, its in the interests of the perverse judgments and scrappy evidence that could never stand up in a ‘proper’ court furthermore it could cause a public outcry if it ever got out. We’ve had enough of the injustice and the secret courts, this must end and it must end NOW, the outcry is about to begin.

Its not enough to tell your story, naming names is imperative if this is to have any impact, provide every detail you have, car registration numbers, home addresses even add a link to with their photograph. Create a profile on one of the many social networking sites, they can't afford to close them all, you will have maximum impact! The more information you provide the more they will want to close the site, the more they want to close it the more mirror sites will appear with all the same information on them, this will hurt them make no mistake, they won't like the publicity and like we care? No longer can they get away with the ability to hide behind the secret courts!

We have provided the means to "freely express" now you can have your say…

You can make your "comment" anonymously or if you are in any doubt about the traceability of your comment search for "Anonymous Surfing" and use a proxy website or go HERE then enter this Blog again by copy/paste ...then say your piece, your identity remains untouchable ...the world is waiting.

Our day will come.... as will theirs


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Anonymous said...

ALAN COMPTON based in East Anglia somewhere. Met other women with the same issue. Pro abusive parent, threatens safe parent with loss of children and minimises risks (with men who are CONVICTED sex offenders) The children are never put first. I hear hes retired and I dread the damage he caused in his long career.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Bennett, stole my two beautiful kids, because my landlord sold my home. I was working full time and lost accommodation, because they didnt see me in the day. Instead of helping me with housing, Jessica Bennett lied through her teeth and got a sgo with my EX FRIENDS MOM! Yes, you read correctly! I now have three wonderful kids in my care.

Anonymous said...

Alexia Zarvou, Lauren Scordellis, Tracy Ellis- bexley children's services. Lying, manipulative scum. Scabby scordellis likes to threaten court action if you dare to question her and stand up for yourself. Alexia Zarvou deliberately writes false reports so it suits their narrative. Tracy Ellis harasses people, and the child's school.

Anonymous said...

If possible could u get back to me on my email as seby is doing this to me now.

Anonymous said...

Wrexham County bought council wales Mick cornish and johnathan hampton mick cornish alters police staments to suit his career climbing to higher paid jobs while both nick cornish and johnathan hampton manipulate vanrable children and both cover up serious crimes someone else did, they also give faulse evedence to a court room and the judge deliberately ignored there crimes the family courts is nothing but a profit maker for statistics if there was no money to be made in what they do there would be no family courts the rights of men is abused in the system and there expected to shut up and die if not then they will go to great lights to scratch each others backs to protect there domestic terrorism behaviour to society to me they proved there is no law as they make it as they go along and there is no system and that is invented as they go along to suit there needs and fact I can prove everything I say with documents over 1k pages corruption needs to burn

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I had her too,Caffcass guardian who told so many lies,even in the court..Evil manipulating liar,(who hid behind her horrible mouthy solicitor).Two-faced evil lying bitch! I Don’t know how she sleeps at night knowing what she’s done.. Also,Nak Irwin(ss manager)another horrible,evil liar!! Hope they rot in hell !

Anonymous said...

Good for you speaking up and every one my granddaughter 2 years old is getting adopted because of Amy Williams giving me a negative score keep her name on the for front of your mind she was happy to give my brother a positive evehmhe has a visise temper social services are crap

Anonymous said...

Kick Amy Williams off the job she is a lying which I got a negative score even though I have been a carer for 35 years know my granddaughter is getting adopted she is 2 half keep away from this social worker

Anonymous said...

Y'all are a bunch of scumbags. Trying to deflect the fact that your inability to care for your children has led to others having to take this responsibility.

Pathetic, the lot of you.

Anonymous said...

Bias . Hates men and goes way beyond her duty to make fathers look bad

Anonymous said...

Rachael Hodges on is the by far the worst mother fucker cunt of a social work and judge black don't know shit about being a judge! Rachael had planned this since I was a baby child y u say??? Well my mum accidentally broke my arm when I was little and it was an accident and Rachael if she had it her way she would take me off my mum and she tried and she failed which was great but now we are in 2023 today is Nov 20 I should be celebrating my sons birthday but instead I'm upset cos social worker took him off me planning on it for years cos she could take me off my m she decided to take my child off me instead so 2015 she blackmailed me for starters cos I didn't want to do mother and baby placement in first fucking place Rachael blackmailed me when she had opportunity to do so when myum made the mistake to leave and my son behind while she went to somewhere, but I was told quote " if I don't go to the family I put I in of mother and baby placement then, I will take ur child off u if u refuse to go to Southampton no one will believe so u might as well go it's up to u! " cos she took advantage of my valuebility and the fact she should of helped me with food and baby food and checked up on us every so few days of week not fucking dump us a strange family place where we we don't know the. Or who fuck they r and didn't know what the fucking intentions was which was quite clear to make me look like a baby abuser when I not do e fuck all and im was and am a fucking fantastic mum no matter what that asshole Linda thinks! ( the mother of the Southampton strange weirdo person that had bad intention s to on purpose take my son off me by making me out to be something I'm not) note: I don't pretend to be someone I'm not either! judge black didn't believe me cos he too arrogant and big ego not to mention to old to be judge even though he on purpose ly didn't believe me about Rachael blackmailing me cos he is a pervert yh u heard me right he a pervert he let's any pretty women social worker get away with it cos he weirdo cos he type let any women get away with blue murder not to mention he deals with shit like it's the fucking 1840's!dont trust Rachael she do anything for money low behold my evil fake cousin mark payed her &20000 money to pay her from my fake ass beheamouth uncle to take my son off me as well, Rachael is a gold digger, home decker, ch8ld snatcher! Don't trust her she try ruin ur life all she cares about is how much money she can take from just snatching pplals baby's and children for money, get proof let her pay the price not u

Anonymous said...

Any further info I've being dealing with her and laughing a legal complaint

Anonymous said...

Karen Sutton working for Bedfordshire SS little gremlin really enjoys interfering in other people’s lives and breaking families up

Anonymous said...

sarah Tubb charlotte stein jackie smith Alisha simpson Melissa hobday stephen Rwodzi coventry scoial care set upto fail from start ask to make false statement's to police with DV which wasn't happening threaten if i didnt do it they would take kids into care told them to try it that didnt work so they done same with kids dad after he knew what they said to me and he went along with it not only was it scoial care but also child protection police officer DC R Elliot from west midlands police and care workers attacking my son aswell

Anonymous said...

Brief information:
Stephen Lawley, Phil Browne, James Gitu, Enyonam Agbavitor-Duadze,
Ruby Adams (Brent LA Manager) used another person to be at family court hearing and pretend she is Ruby Adams. Judge Anitra Hussein. All of the Lord against the child and parent to cover up child abuse and child neglect by certain school staff and LA Professionals. Police need to investigate family court Judges, Local Authority professionals , school staff in CP and family court cases because some of the corrupt judges and professionals have been committing crimes against children and parents

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They ship some of the corrupt ones over to Cardiff from other LAs

Anonymous said...

Benjamin Adam Markham
Durham county council

Anonymous said...

I worked for cafcass for nearly 2 years, all the comments left here are completely believable, there was an unspoken culture within the organisation that was well past borderline and just out right illegal and moraly wrong. I saw and and worked on cases that made me sick to my stomach I would frequently see colleagues garnish the truth, lie and everything in between, as a "service user" (laughable) you could never imagine what was happening behind closed doors. If your case worker took a disliking to you, you had no hope, you would be demonised on the smallest most inconsequential thing, it could be something as normal as a child being mucky ( it wouldn't matter if the child had just come in from playing in the mud). Everything would be hyper scrutinised past any legitimate parameter of use. I handed in my notice after weeks of nightmares from seeing one grieving dad pleading outside the cafcass building days after recieving a final report it turned out. I was told by many colleagues right from the beginning that we were seen as the enemy, and after 2 years I can not disagree that we should be seen that way. Cafcass are very smart and have a massive amount of power behind them and the tactics to make sure they are always covered. The only thing I can say is, if you have been forced into dealing with cafcass you have already lost. My heart goes out to anyone who's has been left to waste in their campaign.

Anonymous said...

How did you get him back? And how would someone go about moving abroad? I hear stories of people who have fled with their children, I wouldn’t know where to begin but having a very hard time with SS myself . It’s very sad that people are pushed to these measures in order to keep their children and families together when they pose absolutely no risk. Very sad :(

Anonymous said...

Social workers cannot enter your home and remove your children without a court order
I’m sorry but children are removed when their parents are not able to provide the care they need
Using bad language on here doesn’t help your case

Anonymous said...

Robert Douglas. East ayrshire social services. The most deceitful and corrupt man in the whole of the service. He just lies makes up fabrications, falisifies notes,conversations,lies about meeting people, lies about conversations, manipulates and coherses. eliminating evidence He has the worst reputation in the department everyone hates him. He has inappropriate sexual relationship with the cousin of the head of service. Hes the untouchable man

East ayrshire council breaching there own polices and procedures. Robert Douglas terrorising and traumatizing children everywhere he goes on all his cases. Known bad reputation. Lies to a childrens reporter that places trust in the information social work give them is the truth, but In the case of him it could not he further from the truth continuous breaches the law using and abusing the balance if probability to just pick lies out thin air creates fantasies has a serious impairment to practice. He is complete and mentality incapacitated and needs arrested thrown in jail and his licence to practice revoked. The reactions to him gaining a case are ohh noo. He doesn't know if his notes are real facts or the next Harry Potter novel comes after innocent kids most likely a peadophile. Hes that bad all the lawyers in the area have heard of him and are sick of him. He is a disgrace to the service one dirty evil corrupt lying bastard. This man will just make up pure lies he I'd the biggest disgrace to the entire service. A warning to anyone that comes into contact take your kids and run this looney will just make up lies on the basis of absolutely nothing just make it up out thin air and everyone will walk blindly beside him be well warned

Anonymous said...

Robert Douglas kilmarnock pure most vilest evil liar, tells lies left right and centre. The most evil corrupt, deceitful lying social worker in all history. The most feared man in the sevice has all the managers walking blindly beside him as he shags the heard of service cousin corrupt from the top down. Abuses kids isolated them. Most likely working for a pedophile ring. Claims everything he does is in the best interests of kids. Makes up lies, makes false allegations false notes makes up false phone calls false visits. He is as deranged as they come. Needs imprisoned for life and a lobotomy. This man will happily remove children from anyone's life on the basis of nothing. His pure lies proven lies and still gets away with it.

Anonymous said...

I used to believe that until I seen it for myself. The corrupt liars exist

Anonymous said...

Karen Slutton child snatcher

Anonymous said...

Robert Douglas east ayrshire, most evil lying corrupt social worker in all history. Makes up pure lies fabrications. He is the most disgusting peace of trash ever and should be jailed. One absolute deranged looney that should not be allowed near any kids has the worst reputation in the service the most hated and feared man in all of social work hidtory,absolute lying scum just makes up lies left right and centre picks lies out thin air. Could not be trusted to empty the bins with the council never mind a social worker

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Robert Douglas most evil lying corrupt scum In all of kilmarnock social work, needs licence to practice revoked

Anonymous said...

N.Ireland, South Eastern Trust. Unbelievable injustice, allowing attempted murder on a child. Remove the child from his natural environment just before his GCSEs start, yes! GCSEs, he is now 16. 6 years ago an ex feed him raw chicken, a blade in his lego box and tampered with his bike. This man a privileged police tout with 161 criminal records and the police gave him a new name and D.O.B. a fresh start! So when the child's mother found paper evidence of this and additional evidence connecting him to a murder case, the police tell professional bodies that she claims rape??? Make her out to be mentally ill and refuse to help with anything. Both social workers and the child's school all got on board. They say he was not in school? Why was his mother not informed of this? He was at school! The social worker Natalie Gordon created a profile that does not exist, vile psychology. So basically we have a child protection act in place and they brake every law? Gaslighting, slander, professional kidnapping! Refused to let the kids see his mother for 3 months and then when they suggest a kids home and the child tells them straight he will walk away and come home, they return him to his mother. All they care about is fitting in with the pack, save their job, they really don't care, they abuse kids, we all need protectn from them.
Never sign her forms even if she uses court action, let her take court action.

Natalie Gordon South Eastern Trust N.Ireland

Anonymous said...

Jordan Dean AKA Jordan moore, Leicester Goes by Dean with social services Department. Places kids with pedophiles.

Anonymous said...

MICHELLE QUERESHI not on the SWE register

Anonymous said...

Tambuda working in Grimsby North East Lincolnshire council.

Anonymous said...

North East Lincolnshire Council, which serves Grimsby, Cleethorpes and Immingham is one of the countries smaller and 'out of the way' Councils in the Country. As a result, Social Services is considered sacrosanct.
I know of this by working with them for a number of years until recently. Parents suffer in silence. Social Services in this part of the world needs exposing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Durham social services are a joke. Heather Marshall is the biggest one. Competent liar, biased and a bully. Complaint has been made.

Anonymous said...

long shot but back in 1989-90s a social worker david white looked after my birthmum patricia shannon who was vunerable with learnin diffi culties and huntintons disease and is believed to be my father they were in a flat in lambeth she was 19 when she had me and dna testin was in its infancy i just want to know if i have any biological family out there he would b an old man by now . i was adopted by lovely parents who r amazin wiv my tennage boys and have given me a great life but as they get older id like to know one way or anotha . any advice as to what i can do

Debra Green said...

I did the same . However I wasn't stealing my son back I was not the THIEF the CHILD TRAFFIKING TEAM OF SOCIAL WORKERS & UNPROFESSIONAL BASTARDS INVOLVED IN TRAFFIKING WERE NOT GETTIN MY SON TO SELL OFF TO PEDOPHILES . Respect to you for doing what MOTHERS have to do to protect their own children.

Anonymous said...

Robert Douglas evik lyer conspires with others and is in a relationship with the family member of the head if service in the locality in which he work corruption from the top dow east ayrshire

Anonymous said...

Graham Glatman has been suspended from the HCPC (Health care proffesion Council) for 6 months as of the 4 April 2024 as he is not qualified to do assessment on adults for court cases he also isn't a clinical psychologist but an educational psychologist it is on the hcpc site under recent hearings

Anonymous said...

Independent social worker Niki Vella is an abusive social worker. Supposed to be a domestic violence specialist, she was abusive towards me in my own home during an assessment. She worked for WardAndrews.

Anonymous said...

Karen Dyke, Birmingham CAFCASS she is corrupt, needs to be struck off!

Anonymous said...

Lara Jarrett, worked for Birmingham children's Trust in 2016, incompetent and corrupt, needs to be struck off for misleading the court to take an innocent baby!

Anonymous said...

Solihull Council allow pedophiles to be employed in positions of trust (caretaker - Denis Watson @ the Fordbridge centre) without following Safeguard procedures, DBS check's not completed Allow officers to bully and harass residents. IRO’s referring to their personal opinion during CP meetings. Too many dead children, too many children and young people exposed to perpetrators of rape and sexual violence.

Anonymous said...

Warwickshire county council
Jo Sabin - refusing to apply professional curiosity to the likelihood of physical and psychological abuse occurring to a minor
John Coleman - AD children’s Services inactive response to serious safeguarding concerns
Nigel Mimms - Director - inactive response to serious safeguarding concerns
Jyoti Appiah – Level 5 Social Worker - empowered an abuser
Claire Gaffoor - FSW - refusal to take safeguarding incidents seriously. Empowering the abuser, allowing the abuser in to the room whilst the child was disclosing harm, questioned the child in front of the person they had just
Crystal Wilkins - IRO - when carer hit a child with a toy she explained it was like when a child bites a parent or carer and the parent and carer bites the child back.

Anonymous said...

Mid Argyll Social Services.
Laura Litster,
David Blair.
Infact the whole staff, who manufacture reports, distort facts, change stories several times to fit whatever narrative they choose this week.
Bullies who will intimidate lie and cheat and try to scare families and who truly believe they are only accountable to themselves.

Louise said...

Wirral social service team who caused my children's father so much stress due to stealing our kids is now dead due to a heart attack they put Keith through that he would still be alive had it not been for them taking our kids I won't forgive them for the pain they put us through

Louise said...

Well answer why mine were took then please incompetent parenting oh so people with disabilities are incompetent autism epilepsy etc and other challenges I managed my kids very well thank you very much but unfortunately the social decided we couldn't manage due to the fact we all have SetD5 the stress of all this corrupt palarva has killed my children's father from a heart attack he died because of the shit the social put us through lies after lies don't side with kiddy thieves you know nothing of what us parents have been through my kids have lost a father because of them you incompetent no it all

Anonymous said...

Jacalyn Weinstein is an ontologically evil woman whose criminal incompetence and stupidity has destroyed the lives of countless New Yorkers, mostly queer folk and POC while she returns to her ivory towers in the Hamptons to be celebrated by genocide enjoyers

Anonymous said...

Grace Lambert Social Worker who operates in Hartlepool, mid to late 20s , please don't be deceived by this vile woman, she will lie through her teeth to get the result she wants, if you ever have the misfortune to have to deal with this pos be prepared she will use every dirty trick in the book to steal your kids,she even lied the judge saying that I was not the father of my own kid despite having done a dna test,the judge requested a copy of the dna test which of course I provided, Lambert made sure my daughter's alcoholic cannabis smoking grandmother got sole custody despite her being arrested for being more than twice over the legal limit drink driving a few months prior on her way to pick my child up from her mother's house

Anonymous said...

as in Essex uk clacton on sea the social services pick on people with mental health issues and because of there pasts and there mums passed and it’s so wrong I have had to other sons who I can’t see thanks to ss and my third son they are trying to take him for adoption and I anit putting up with it it’s not far I am a single mum and they make up so much shit about u it’s not fair I know loads of mums and dads what’s still fighting for there kids and baby’s and it’s so unfair I think someone needs to go to all the news papers and put it in there

Anonymous said...

None of them wanna work with the family’s to keep our children at home with us and look at the children what are still waiting for there forever homes it’s so wrong and no one will listen to us but my mp in my Area is helping me to fight it and I was a lawyer it’s so wrong what ss do to people

Anonymous said...

Rosie bell .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Mama said...

腐败的家庭法院,一切令人作呕🤮,儿童监护人:Dawn Whittaker 心理评估专家:Katherine hellin; District Judge: Brown 地区法官;我的婴儿不到3周被这些魔鬼绑架了

Anonymous said...

Dawn Whittaker

Anonymous said...

Katherine hellin

Anonymous said...

So true!

Anonymous said...

Naomi Baker, Hampshire

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