We are ashamed to be British, who would have thought this goes on in our society? We wouldn’t think it, because we don’t know it’s going on!
That’s about to change, we have but one tool at our disposal, a tool even more powerful than social worker’s having their day in court against hapless families, that tool is The Internet a machine so vast it covers the globe in seconds. Maybe, just maybe they have met their match. If you have been on the end of “their justice” it is more than likely you have nothing more to loose, please feel at liberty to tell it like it really is, name all involved, without revealing your identity.
Say NO to gagging orders, how dare they! We know its not in the interests of the child, its in the interests of the perverse judgments and scrappy evidence that could never stand up in a ‘proper’ court furthermore it could cause a public outcry if it ever got out. We’ve had enough of the injustice and the secret courts, this must end and it must end NOW, the outcry is about to begin.
Its not enough to tell your story, naming names is imperative if this is to have any impact, provide every detail you have, car registration numbers, home addresses even add a link to www.flickr.com with their photograph. Create a profile on one of the many social networking sites, they can't afford to close them all, you will have maximum impact! The more information you provide the more they will want to close the site, the more they want to close it the more mirror sites will appear with all the same information on them, this will hurt them make no mistake, they won't like the publicity and like we care? No longer can they get away with the ability to hide behind the secret courts!
We have provided the means to "freely express" now you can have your say…
You can make your "comment" anonymously or if you are in any doubt about the traceability of your comment search for "Anonymous Surfing" and use a proxy website or go HERE then enter this Blog again by copy/paste nameshamesocialworkers.blogspot.com/ ...then say your piece, your identity remains untouchable ...the world is waiting.
Our day will come.... as will theirs
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«Oldest ‹Older 3001 – 3200 of 5060 Newer› Newest»Dorothy Grace Laity
I am still interested in signing up, but - how does it affect our gagging orders if we disclose case numbers? - mine extends to any mention of the case. (Don't give a damn, I'm up for it anyhow)
Sex scandal in Vienna children homes: kids were also drug-couriers - General News - Austrian Times O
Report on Austrian Times english news online newspaper:
The children abused in Viennese childrens homes were also rented out as drug-couriers.
nothing new here , 75 Chinese children went missing in a London care home , girls ended up in brothels , boys drug running
probably trafficked through Kent who have connection with the London boroughs through common purpose ?
UK - Grandparents to win legal right to a role in absent children¿s lives
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg says it is ‘crazy’ that millions of grandparents lose contact with their grandchildren after a family separation or divorce.
THANK YOU lydia newhill. for our fantastic day, for the tears of laughter in the paddling pool, the huggs and kisses you gave me when i felt at my lowest, for doing something no one else could. replacing the hate in my heart with love again.. for giving me a reason to go on, and for this lydia nanny truely adores you. One day i will tell you, at the age of 6, how you saved your nanny`s life. blessed be liddy xXx
Lorraine Newhill
live yes.. but FIGHT oh hell yeah.. GAME ON
Chris Hawkins
Amazing how little coverage by the media of the parents kept apart from their children by the injustice of family law systems throughout the world. It is as if the media are not interested at all of the misery created by the current systems.
Bobby Dickerson
the media chooses to remain blind and deaf, uneducated and misinformed. It is easier to ignore the obvious truth than it is to point a finger at those that are responsible for the destruction of families and children and ultimately society as a whole. Its all about the money. Money, greed, lack of accountability ... now ya got me going !
Chris Wittwer
A candle has been lit for all the following uk kids that have been let down by social services that are no longer with us.
well the low life greggie has showned his true colours, he needs a good knicking.
dirty little Greggie boy has been playing eveyone off and woking for the other side.
trying to discredit justice for Hollie. what sick "person" would do this, note "person"
Linda Frances Mcdermott
Sam & Jim, you must be doing something" RIGHT" as all the negative comments are coming in from people who will not be happy to see change.
The Law society and JH will never change anything if left in their hands. All MP's want to do is talk and offer very little help to most cases left struggling on their own for years with of course the exception of a few cherry picked cases say NO MORE !!!
You are so right Linda, JH better known as John Hemming MP is a complete and utter wanker who uses a free server and ropes in desperate people who have been abused by the system to work as Mk's for him, whilst he does very little other than a few very select speeches but mostly gathers information on families to see whether or not they are a real danger to the government led child stealing, he is a plant no one should trust him. He leads families up the garden path but many see through him; HE DOES NOT WORK WITH YOUR MP BUT FOR THE GOVERNMENT
James Moore
@John Hemming: the reason we're bypassing ECHR is that we're talking about criminality. On a national level and with international implications. It's not the odd local authority or the odd Family Proceedings Court or the "bad apples" spoiling the whole bunch, it's the whole bunch and it's specified policy that they act in the way that they do. It's not just the UK either, we have had people contact us from as far afield as the US, Canada, New Zealand, all wanting in as litigants against their own State Authorities.
On a more local level: it's high time that the system in the UK was excised and rebuilt - from the foundation. We're on a mission now to ensure that that happens.
Yes JH should be named and shamed on here, he is a GATEKEEPER for the LIB/LAB/CON defacto party
James Moore to @mobaldy: we're not interested in Law Society involvement for the simple reason that the Family Panel are intimately involved in the crime, plus the fact that personally, I have not managed to find a single firm that will take a pro bono case against a Local Authority - what the Local Authority did to my family has left me basically penniless. Legal Aid Solicitors do not bite the hand that feeds them
Group Litigation Orders
James Moore.
Threshold documents, bundle indexes, judgements and orders will be analysed by ourselves to establish patterns of human rights abuses and maladministration (we got that anyway, we need to make sure that anyone who signs up fits the Class Action and isn't /actually/ a serial child abuser or whatever!). Bundles will be introduced in their entirety as evidence at the hearing itself so will be needed later on. We're not particularly worried about the logistics of that; we're fully expecting to find ourselves in need of a large truck to deliver the five tons (what a million sheets weigh) of paper to the Court. For the initial bundle, we're just using names and case numbers, so thankfully that's a little less paper.
As to the threats due to any such disclosures, the FPC is just flexing; they have no judicial power over a superior court, and the World Court is about as superior as you can get! We make them nervous, and we like that. They have nowhere to hide now, and any further threats due to any disclosure of any detail of cases, ongoing or not, is just further evidence of their criminality. Record it, forward to us. They're stitching themselves up.
John Hemming Mp JFF comment
Under Family Proceedings No 2 Amendment 2009 there is no problem providing the information to persue a case or for private advice. The only problem is getting a forum that will actually look at the cases.
It may be worth James and I looking at the cases to see to what extent they have been put to the European Court via the Domestic Courts.
It remains, however, that I would expect the ICC to reject the complaints as they don't fall within its jurisidiction and additionally that they haven't been put through the domestic courts properly. Most international bodies ask that cases are first taken to the domestic courts.
However, the fact that it is being tried is a positive thing if only for highlighting the widespread nature of the problem.
Get stuffed JH if you think we are stupid enough to ever show you anything. Families wouldnt dream of allowing you to poke your nose into their cases , especially when we all know what you have and have not done when they sort your help, the games up for you to John, ask former Tory councillor Sheena Williams what you did for her, we have the emails you sent to Kent County Council, not exactly helpful was you ?
peter dale after 1 day is good thinks my treatment by ss has been abnormal that im no child batterer or abuser and does not think im mental paranoid or delusional
Paul Randle-Jolliffe
The family courts are operating outside the law as are virtually all agencies associated with them and criminal acts are being committed as a matter of common practice!
This is not acceptable in the UK!
It is a crying shame that as citizens of this country we cannot go to court believing justice will be done. We go to court knowing that justice is the very last thing that will be done. We need reform on a massive scale and we need it now. Behind you all the way Sam x
Paul Randle-Jolliffe
Child Kidnapping with approval by courts is not actually a lawful practice, even if the Judge follows the correct procedure, and fraud, perjury, perverting the course of justice and misprision of felony are not acceptable procedures under UK law in courts or anywhere else!
It is shocking what they did to Sheena
The system is too broken to be repairable. The Government have had NINETEEN YEARS to fix it, yet all they do is pile on more and more legislation to hide the fact that they are complicit in the most insidious crime against Humanity since the Holocaust.
I guess this means it falls to we "cattle" to revolt and put the system out of its m...isery, since the Government clearly have no intention of even applying a band-aid to it.
Thus, the following website represents the work of two FATHERS to put right what is most certainly WRONG in this nation and to claim back our offspring from those who pretend power over us and rape, abuse and murder our babies.
This isn't done in the "best interests of the children", this is done in the best interests of truth, justice, and our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!
when your children are removed on the as yet undefined and undefinable "risk of future emotional harm" chestnut. This catchall excuse is the one thing the SS have in their arsenal which is absolutely impossible to fight simply because it /has no definition/.
Kent County Council and their secret family courts run by the freemasons are totally corrupt and all deserve to go to prison for life for the crimes they have committed, but I am certain the Hague already know this !
Class action coming their way !
198 Masonic Lodges alone in West Kent - bloody hell !!!
Provincial Grand Lodges (Executives)
WEST KENT 198 Lodges
Pray GM: William J. Bryen, 1996
Dep Pray GM: Graham C. Higgs (pSGD), 2003
Asst Pray GM: John L. Blew (pSGD), 1999
Asst Pray GM: Kenneth R. Lorberg (PSGD), 2001
Asst Pray GM: Geoffrey S. Finlay (PAGDC), 2003
Asst Pray GM: Jonathan S. Winpenny (GSuptWks), 2003
Pray G Sec: James Smethurst (PAGDC), 2001
- Address: Oakley House, Bromley Common, Bromley, Kent, BR2 8HA
Tel: (Office) 02084629249 Fax: (Office) 020 84627076
E-mail: pgsec@freemasons-westkent.org.uk Website:w ww.freemasons-westkent.org.uk
Office Hours: 09.15 -15.45 ills. Monday-Friday
Pray G Almoner: Keith J. Chappell (pAGSuptWks), 1997
Pray G Charity Steward: Peter J. Powell, 2003 '
Information Officer: Charles P. Marchant (PAGDC), 1999
Address: 20 Avalon Road, Orpington, Kent, BR6 9AY
Tel: (Private) 01689838103 E-mail: chasval@avalon54.fsnet.co.uk
EDM 1657
That this House notes that there is widespread concern about the lack of
accountability in child protection and public family law; further notes
that the single expert system operating in the family division gives
rise to concerns that parents and their solicitors are prevented from
consulting experts about their cases leading potentially to miscarriages
of justice; and believes that the Government should use the opportunity
of the Children and Young Persons Bill to introduce amendments to
ameliorate these difficulties.
we all know this will be a complete waste of time , the sick fuckers all work together no matter whether they sign or not
what difference does it make when they are ALL freemasons hiding kiddy fiddlers ?
Jenny Archer
a gaging order doesnt extend to you seeking further redress via the courts... dont worry they cant touch you
Fay Williams
Anyone that has been cheated by the Social Services and Cafcass must joint this class action. There is strength in numbers. Let's show how bad this problem really is.
Ian King
Give me the details, I will sign up to it now. My case is 8 years long, involves human rights abuse, a Judge that broke the law, false and misleading reports some of which are on tape.
here it is, every family will know what is and has been happening to children in the UK & the World
Dorothy Grace Laity
My case sounds a lot like yours Ian - including actions that are classified in law as acts of deliberate genocide against children
Have emailed my old barrister today for help in getting my bits sent over and the wording for it.
Turns out he's recently made headway in a case where the judge was forced to act on proof rather than "suspicion"
- a little thing maybe, but as they say - everything helps!
Why would a former Iranian military leader and statesman called Sardar Mehdi want his company that he is General Manager of which is called MiG Productions, to put on a play about hypnosis by a world renouned Black Country playright and writer of books about hypnotism called David Tristram at The Gatehouse Theatre, Stafford?
KCC defends £365K payoff
Kent County Council has blamed "onerous" employment laws for a decision to pay a former director £365,000 after he quit the job he had after barely a year in the post. Adam Wilkinson, now chief executive of Derby City Council, was KCCs former director of regeneration and transport but quit after just a year in the post.
Corrupt Kent County Council strike again when will the sheeple wake-up ?
Of course Carter should be removed but who will replace him ? the whole lot should be given their marching orders, they are not in the slightest bit bothered they are still racking it in themselves.
I wonder could this be referring to Dunstana Davies who CEO Peter Gilroy had dealings with but denied – of course ?
what can one expect from a social worker praised for taking the most children in the country for forced adoption.
Could MONEY LAUNDERING connected to CHILDREN be taking place in Kent - heaven forbid
‘Ooh, an email. I wonder if that nice princess from Nigeria has transferred that money yet.’
This new government has one job to do and that is to bring the people to their knees and that will be carried out by rapeing our pockets our homes we are slaves we were sold the owners want their investment back and we are targeted to pay the owner the tories will extract everything from us whilst leaving the rich to laugh only when we are shoeless will the people wake up its a shame but watch as the country deteriorates and Cameron will blame brown but its the same firm under new management like mc donalds the menu stays the same the prices go up the commodity(burger) you get gets small.
Beverley Watkins corrupt solicitor 192 North street, Bedminster, Bristol,
protecting masonic clients. Negligent.
deputy judges used when they want to corrupt, they don't take a Oath of Allegiance therefore they can not loose their pensions
Member of the Law Society’s Children’s Panel, Family Law Panel and Advanced member of the Family Law Panel. This firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. SRA No. 388812
dont trust her or use her
In a "court of record" the Judge is the Magistrate and is NOT the Tribunal. The tribunal is either the sovereign himself or herself (the plaintiff or counter-plaintiff of the court), or a fully empowered jury (not paid by the government) of the people themselves (if so requested).
A court of record proceeds according to the course of the common law, NOT statutes, codes, regulations, etc., or any other system of law.
Shirley Flynn
we all want the family courts opened so we need to arrange a hugh march outside one of the news studios or maybe number 10 or parliment which do uyou think ? BUT WE DO NEED MUCH MORE MEMBERS ! so please promote this group as some of you have many friends in this situation ! remember united we stand divied we fall STRENGTH IN NUMBERS les all buid up this cite/ page group and all stand up to cameron and clegg and DEMAND action enough is ENOUGH !!!
Sam's doing an interview on TalkSport Mike Graham Show on Fri 25th June at 2320 UK/BST/GMT+1.
1089/1053 AM, DAB Digital Radio, Sky Digital 0108, Freeview 723, Digital Cable and online at www.talksport.net
Freedom Advocacy & Law are absolutely independent of JFF. We have no professional relationship with them, that is NOT to say we don't support them in their efforts. They're doing the same thing we are, only our way is to take ALL FPCs and LAs to task over their CRIMES.
Now all we need is some evidence to be provided by Social Workers and Legal People, their personal testimonies would be great I am sure there are lots of current and ex profesionals who have wanted to tell the truth for years.
polygraph test i reckon for current workers lol
another sick fucker in charge of children, would make a 'good' judge
Former Somerset deputy head teacher faces sex and firearms charges
The former deputy head teacher of a West farm school faces nine allegations of sexual offences against pupils at two Somerset schools, and two firearms offences.
Philip Walker, 60, of Cannington, near Bridgwater, who retired as deputy head of Brymore school, Cannington, two years ago, faced two charges of sexual assault by touching involving a teenage boy, six charges of indecently assaulting girls under the age of 14 and one of indecently assaulting a girl under the age of 16.
Mark McDougall
I completely agree that you and Sam are on the right track here Jim. The SS have constantly flouted the law for too many years without an ounce of accountability so it's about time they were made to pay for their disgusting, callous actions! Off with their heads!
Barbara Richards
Now that men and women are working together against the secret family kangaroo court criminals, we'll see how untouchable those creeps really are. That is what they were heard sniggering at Liverpool, as they smashed up a family - untouchable. Well we'll see about that, won't we?
hope they close Corrupt Kent courts first , the whole lot need to go along with judge richard polden and corrupt judge recorder green
the whole lot must be sacked including the corrupt clerks who are all in on the scam of children trafficking.....roll on the Hague Class Action
your turn to be afraid
Paul Randle-Jolliffe
Well, said.
We must remember that there are good people in the systems of SS and Family Law but they need us to do what we are doing so they can speak out! They will
Government plans to close 157 courts in England and Wales
The Government plans to close 157 magistrates' and county courts across England and Wales.
Yvonne Stewart-Taylor
teachers, child minders, social workers, nurses, solicitors, judges, youth workers,carers, employers, all have access to children. Have they all been CRB checked, NO. If you want to abuse children then ,of course, you would find a profession where you can access children to abuse and have enough credibility as a professional to cover your tracks.
Trust NO ONE with the safety and well being of your children. You, the parent, and you alone can securely provide what is in the Best interest of YOUR CHILD.
Yvonne Stewart-Taylor
Registered Social workers should not be allowed to adopt children stolen from their parents, by use of false and unproven charges. This constitutes a gross conflict of interests. We need to make FOI requests with regard to this matter. How many social workers have adopted since Blair came to office?
Nicky Coghlan
adopted! or STOLEN!!
i will come after them with my last breath if they have done this to my gradndaughters they will be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their very short lifes, all of them
Fay Williams
Now they want to arrest me! They say it is for something that I absolutely did not do and they won't have any evidence at all but of course I know it is because of the committal proceedings I have against them. Will the police care that there is no evidence when they come round with their warrant?
Here is the number for the police station just in case! 01752 720578. Will keep you informed!!!
Paul Elsey
Hi Fay.
I'll happily join your fight to lift gagging orders. As a grandparent in these issues I know the lies and deciept that goes on in the secret family courts. Even though im not a party to ANY proceedings myself I recently mentioned to a social worker that I was going to go public with regards ...to the way I was being treated as a grandparent and violations of my human rights then within a few hours I had the police knocking on the door, sent around to intimidate me. At NO time had I committed any criminal offence.
Fay Williams
they said I broke the terms of my injunction that bans me from the whole town where my son is living.
I asked them to show one picture of my car on CCTV but they don't have any evidence cause I didn't do it. Now they want to send my son to a secure unit 400 miles away, all because I want to enforce the media injunction against them.
He's getting to the age where he can refuse to be in care and choose to live independently. Maybe that's why they want him so far from me in case he chooses to come home.
it's worse than that! I would love to tell you but they refused to lift the media injunction even though they don't mind breaking it! I have been gagged countless times. It is a suprise I am able to say anything at all and even where I don't they make up a story to get me locked up anyway.
Amanda Mason
You don’t give up that is your son and you have rights to see him. I lost my grandson for adoption he was 3 and that was only December last year and i miss him every single day...keep on fighting !!!
Fay Williams
Is there a group for grandparents who have lost their grandchildren? I am hearing about a lot of grandparents that are refused to care for the children. Did you see it all as grotesquely unfair?
There is no limit to how far they will go to steal our children and destroy us.
They will not stop until every child in this country is under state control. Unless we stop them of course!
Lindsey Gwynne
SS arent worth spitting on...had a big run in with them myself a few years ago and the police (set of wankers) dont know whats going on with you fay but all the best x
Emily Tobitt
my mum was refused my son he was put in fostercare but they judge gave him to my mum 18th march and ss still trying to get him now
the judge has decided against ss in most things they never even go they ico 3 are with my sister and my baby with my mum ss are trying everything to take them all we now have a indepented social worker ,ss even failed my parent assessment i was set up on that too
i know that there sick so many lies too
Amanda Mason
Tell me bout it.Yet my grandson lived with me till the age of 18months and went back to his mum then to be put into foster care then adopted.Yet we were good enough to look after him until social services done what they are best at...removing children from loving homes !! i have joined a few groups that are against social services and for grandparents rights...all i get is 2 letters a year and no pics x
ss are a waste of time-the kids who need their help dont get it in time.The innocent ones get punished.I was stopped as i was in a dv relationship and they said i may not be able to protect him...yet i left the relationship 14 years ago and it was still used against me.They are just no gooders who poke their nose in where it is not wanted !!
David Harrison
Burton on trent social services are totaly incomptetent. they compleatly messed up my daughters last 3 contacts . they then admited the mistake and said that the 3 dates given were a choice of one contact and not 3 contacts. in fact the letter clearly states that ther were 3 contacts. this was denied when i went to mee...t the lead social workers boss and acused them of incompeten ce on several levels.she clearly did not like the word incompetence and asked me what i whis to achive.as always an open ended question designed to make me trip up. however she is clearly incompetent herself as she was not in posesion of the facts despite having had two weeks before my visit to find out. if these fools are the people in charge of our chilldrens safty no wonder child molesters are having it easy.recently in staffs a child protection police officer was arested for having sex with a 15 year old. who can we trust.
indeed, most convicted child molesters have previously worked with children.
"what about granparents who need help to stop ss and the guardian from
taking the grandkids that have been with there grandparents for
on Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:59 pm http://justiceforfamilies.freeforums.org/post23042.html#p23042
hence my comments about SS will give the kid to anyone who disowns the parent they've found guilty and cuts them out of their life.
David Harrison
Some of the storys i am hearing about other famlys with simelar or worse storys are heart rendering. My thoughts are with you all do not give up,and keep up the political pressure.
My apointment with my mp has been confirmed i urge all members to write to thier mp on this isue and to invite your friends to join and do the same. Remember you dont have to be a granny to join.
Against Social Services Policies We need everyone to join this site and force the government to stop the illegal theft of children from their loving families.
Taking a child should only be a last resort, but Social Services will take a child when they feel like it. Let's stop this now!
Marie Lewington
social services stole my granddaughter. we need to get as many people signing this, and e-mailing David Cameron and Nick Clegg on 10 Downing street webb site. Also get your local MP involved
Lorraine Newhill
kidderminster / bromsgrove ss. should be struck off. they need to be fully investigated.
according to them every member of my family was not fit to look after my grandaughter which they snatched with out any court orders and pushed through forced adoption.
and to stop me from telling my truthfull story they dragged me to... court and slapped an 18+ gagging order on me... how sick are they ? but the gagg hasnt worked, i will continue to have my say, i will keep fighting them with the truth untill they either take me back to court OR some one listens..
Barry Turner
If you registered your child (birth certificate) SS taking your children is not illegal, unlawful yes but not illegal.
When you registered you signed over 'ownership' to the state, therefore giving them a legal right to take your children as they see fit (sic)
DON'T REGISTER YOUR CHILDREN and the SS will have no legal right to take them. Wake up people.
Big money to be made in the adoption trade
If ever there was a scandal which called for the full glare of publicity it is the highly secretive system which allows thousands of children to be sent for forced adoption, writes Christopher Booker.
And I thought the US DCF sucked. It seems the more civilized we get, the more we destroy the foundation of life, family and freedom.
Nicki Pritchard
This isnt just for parents whose children have been removed this is crimes against human rights within court too, although I am the first to say kids who have been removed come first, all those who have been through or are going through court should check if their case counts, contact Freedom and Advocacy for more info, I did and I am so glad I took the trouble xx
Kent county council will rule the day they ever took my off-spring
nothing but trickery and deception and sheer lies
Ellie Fulkerson
OMG! that is terrible, we are foster parents to our 2 grnadbabies, and have just been approved to adopt them, the papers are filed. Am glad I left the UK, am hearing so many horror stories, Good luck to you all!
Steph Parker
ss took my kids in april and lied in court but noyhing was ever done if that was me who knows what would of happened ss say that they will help you but do they NO you keep fighting x
Amanda Mason
cafcass and social services are all a bunch of **** !They pretend to be nice to you and your family,but when in court they all stab you in the back-more than once...they make my blood bloody boil....
Emily Tobitt
When ss took my babies they had no proof of anything they made up lie and lie and even told me to face they were going to have my 2 youngest adopted within 6mths n other 2 in single fostercare n nothing i could do to stop them
ss are twisted very twisted they stuff they make up makes me feel sick
ss didnt get the care order and everytime they have asked judge said no but guardian still keeps trying to get them the ico
Abby Ozari
Fay, I can't imagine what ur going throw, my heart gos out to u. I had to give my kids to ther dad to live abroad to stop ss taking them. My crime? Letting them see ther dad&I argue! Kep fighting the good fight.xx
Fay Williams
plymouth social services i am back to my full,so let play your games.......
karen sharp you are my first experment
UK Social Workers Acting Like Nazis (Again)
Lucy Anderson and Stuart Creaney have not done anything wrong. Yet they are being sent a message loud and clear by UK Social Workers that they cannot have children. Their only 'crime' is that they both have Learning Difficulties.
So what is the UK's answer to preventing these people from breeding? Of course they simply take away all of their kids! Welcome to Nazi Britain people, get used to it or get out.
Previously, Mark Goldring of Mencap has quite rightly pointed out that "over half of all people in the UK with Learning Difficulties will have their children removed" by Gestapo like Social Workers from the UK. And as Lord Justice Wall quite rightly stated, British Social Workers are "arrogant, enthusiastic removers of children."
Question 1 - What happened to the rights of the child?
Question 2 - Is discrimination not illegal?
Question 3 - Why were the parents not given a chance to prove themselves?
Question 4 - What happens if the children face abuse or die in foster/adoptive care?
Answer to all of the above - The UK Government couldn't give a fuck.
So people who don't believe that the UK is a Nazi state, it's time to wake up to the injustice which is happening all around you.
And to those of you who think you somehow have some magic invisible shield around you which prevents you from becoming a victim of state corruption, it's only a matter of time before Nazi Britain comes along and pisses all over your parade. If you still live in the UK, I strongly recommend you get out while you still can!
Barbara Richards
They'll discover the secret of fear all right, when those who have been trying to force people to have their quack "therapy" and poison vaccines get a great big bum kicking when the secret family courts are brought down by our class action!
“We’ve just taken delivery of a million spaces on a Class Action against UK Local Authorities and Family Courts and this has cost absolutely nothing, nada, zilch to file so we’re passing the savings onto YOOOUUU! Yes that’s right, it’s cost US nothing to file, it’s costing YOU nothing! If you’ve had your babies stolen by the UK Family Courts on the basis of unproven risk, or for any other reason that didn’t involve a criminal conviction, then you’re eligible! Get in there before you miss the boat! Just go to www.freedomlaw.co.uk and sign up RIGHT NOW!”
Nicky Herron
this is descusting since alot of kids now have learning difficulty lables put on them to get help at school as they dont fit the "normal " criteriar .. also does that mean all children with school sen will be stopped from having children in future. gits
including mine.
T.H.E.Y = The Hierarchy Enslaving You
F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real
T.W.A.T. = Tit With A Truncheon
Robert Green
The Scottish Establishment's Cover Up Of The Hollie Greig Abuse Scandal
Thursday 24th June 2010
Doors Open 7.30pm for 8pm start
Admittance: £3 on the door
Upstairs The Ship and Mitre
133 Dale St
L2 2JH
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* Flyer - Free to download and distribute
About the Seminar
Reporter Robert Green was arrested in Aberdeen for the crime of seeking justice and an investigation into the case of Down's Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who says she was serially-raped over a decade by an establishment paedophile ring operating in Scotland. Robert is now out on bail and with a gagging order against him in an effort to stop him naming the people that Hollie says were involved. Come and hear Robert speak out against the injustices heaped out upon Hollie and her mum Anne at the hands of the Scottish establishment and the complicity of the mainstream media and especially the BBC in conspiring to cover up these atrocious crimes. If the details of this paedophile ring ever reach the mainstream media then it could bring down the government.
Further Reading - All sites open in a new window and content is not owned or moderated by MetaKnowledge
http://www.ukcolumn.org/2010/02/02/chil ... -the-state
http://www.wholetruthcoalition.org/2010 ... -stafford/
Another case were a mother can't see her son, what has Fay Williams done that is so wrong, the SS are working to agenda.
Maurren is in court next tuesday runcorn, this will be interesting, as far as I am aware their was no court order against her sending her son a birthday card. However, she was arrested on what charge, were the evidence. lies made up by a social workers no doubt, to cover up their fraud and deeptions, using public money.
Fay William you must let people know in the area so we can support you. I know you can not get a fair hearing in the south west, its run by bias judges and the freemasons.
Barry Keel chief ex of PCC, went on a jolly for £5,000 to see the football? public money. we know this corrupt council, common purpose, is trying to rip the people of Ham ward off, by stealing their homes, for corrupt solicitors and developers.
They dont care about anyone
fosters parents so they call themselfs, hit your children then social srevices cover it up with meeting behind your back then say no further action is taken to protect the foster parent i think the parent should be allowed to go to these meeting have there say but oh no thats not allowed, they take them off loving parents to give them to foster parents who then hit and abuse them how wrong is the system, my children tell me what happens to them but when you complain your the one in the wrong, they do jack shit about it, ELY HOUSE, SOCIAL SERVICES call them selfs fair where is the fairness in that i ask myself, they hide behind each other
social services make stuff up when you want to challenge this your not allowed, how is a parent to fight the system when no one listens, ELY HOUSE have a lot to answer to and one day that will happen ill make sure of that what they gonna do punish us they already have by taking your children,
Couldn’t have come at a better time – roll on 1st July class action into the Hague
Council of Europe
Doc. 12238
4 May 2010
Child abuse in institutions: ensure full protection of the victims
Motion for a Resolution
There is NO law in England that prevents you clandestinely taping your own meetings in which you was a part and submitting them as evidence.
The only law that comes near is the RIP act which covers the recording of PHONE CALLS or " remote surveillance", this however is ... See MoreSTILL legal without informing the third party but it states you cannot pass it onto anyone else.
This said however recently I was forward evidence from another activist that his tape recorded phone call was accepted in court wherein the other party was not informed, this is now case precedence and VERY important at that!
As far I I can see, Barnardos is a criminal organisation and Martin Narey ought to be arrested for human trafficking
Absolutely sick of this creepy organisation. Have people got such pea brains that they don't remember the Barnardo's care scandal?
With links to that other cartload of ghouls, the Roman Catholic "church" (coven more like)
support for maureen on the 29th june
@ 9.45 am
Warrington Magistrates' Court
Arpley Street
Warrington Cheshire
Court is in the block opposite Bank Quay Railway station in Warrington. ( Behind the Pattern Arms hotel which is directly opposite the station.
Free parking nearby behind the Bowling Green pub off Liverpool Road. ( Near the tall pink building with the big eye painted on it by the chemical / soap works )
for the charge of sending a birthday card ( yes thats correct )
Child Torture Attachment Therapy Continues
A brief excerpt of the torturous, pseudoscientific abuse commonly known as "attachment therapy." Please help stop this child abuse disguised as "therapy."
http://www.AdvocatesforChildrenInTher/... http://www.childtorture.wordpress.com/
Shame of council chiefs' £1.7million town haul
GRASPING councillors have awarded themselves a £1.69million RISE in perks - while planning a pay freeze and job cuts for staff.
"While David Cameron and George Osborne are telling the nation to tighten its belts, leading councillors are helping themselves to huge pay rises.
This shows the Tories really are the "do as we say, not as we do" party.
BBC News - Girl's death 'not predictable' by care professionals
The death of a teenager who was being monitored by care professionals could not have been predicted by them, a report says.
those professionals were probably too busy making sure that innocent families lose their healthy happy adored children for adoption!
so what happened? Did their crystal ball go cloudy??
I want those people to know that I had nightmares for 40 YEARS from this so called therapy.You cannot sleep. You want to free of that blanket.
Catholic priests did this in EXORCISM.
You think you are going to DIE.
Slaves in the making. Barbaric.
Adopted- they are not her parents, so false bonding to BREAK THE SPIRIT.
Gentle LOVE works so much easier.
Sabina Heywood
My mum aged 70 on Talk Sport last night: very proud that she spoke up about the Child Snatching Social Workers and the legal aid being stolen by Solicitors as parents re stitched up. Well done mum at 1.23am TALK SPORT with Graham check it out! it was on Friday Night
shes been so upset over Alex being stolen shes very close to him . I couldn't get through to the programme and I didn't know my mum was even listening in! then suddenly the radio presenter said we've got Cicely on the line I thought thats my mum.She talked about mundane matters and then suddenly said ' And now im going to talk about the Social Services.
Hi Sabina. Can I do an interview with your mum on my little TheBirgitShow? That way she can have her full say and never be cut off
Sabina Heywood
Hi all, just listened to the debate involving our brave spokesperson Sam Hallimond. I thought he did well in how he presented the argument then there was an SS spokesman who claimed families have rigorous asessments and many chances to retreive their children but fail the assessments: my view on this? liar liar pants on fire: string him up!!!!
Vanessa Willingham
What assessments are those???? We are told our parenting is not in question and they still take our kids!!!!!!
Ian King
Yes I was annoyed at the SS guy, there should have been a rebuttal to it, We must get the message out that man y have been recording and many more are now recording in future and that proof exists that SS deliberately or through incompetence make up false reports etc. I think to avoid the possibility of this not getting out it needs to be mentioned... See More early on in any conversation, it is real juice after all and if there are people out there with real evidence then anyway who tries to poo-poo it...you can say in public I have the tape put your money where your mouth is..I can!
Sabina Heywood
Ive got 100% proof that three Social Workers and two CAFCASS have blatently lied I tried to call TALK SPORT but unfortunately it was constantly engaged: I simply couldnt get through and I was itching to speak the truth. My fella and I are starting up a radio station so then we can all have our say. I'm fed up with all the coverups goin on.
Hi all those whose children have been stolen by SS why not go to the site 'CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE NOW' its a magazine for all the professionals working with children and its also online. They are writing stuff which is untrue and there are no comments: I think we should tell them the truth in some comments: do you agree?
Pope Benedict attacks Belgium police for raiding suspected pedophile priests | Raw Story
Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday accused Belgian police of "deplorable methods" in raiding a bishops' meeting as part of a pedophilia probe, as Brussels said the Vatican was over-reacting.
Abuse victims can sue Vatican, court rules | StarTribune.com
Brilliant news, Thank you Supreme Court , Ireland your next , http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/faith/97313104.html?elr=KArksLckD8EQDUoaEyqyP4O%3ADW3ckUiD3aPc%3A_Yyc%3AaUUZ
Yvonne Stewart-Taylor
But somebody's
gonna have to answer
The time is coming soon ,
Amidst all these questions and contradictions,
There're some who seek the truth
But somebody's gonna have to answer
The time is coming soon
When the blind remove their
And the...speechless speak the truth
Yvonne Stewart-Taylor
This Mother belongs with her ofspring, her baby. Babies stay close to their Mothers for safety. Unfortunately Humans in the UK do not all enjoy this, due to criminal Child Protection system. Hoe evil to seperate Mother from child and visa versa. If we work against nature, eventually we come unstuck.
Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS
A speech given by Nancy Schaefer on Child Protection Services The System Can Not be trusted It does not serve The People of USA
My little brother who is 6 & my baby sister who is now 3 were taken from my mother in 2006 by Doncaster Social Services they said that they were at "RISK" of emotional harm just because my mother suffered with post natal depression!
In all my mother has had 4 children and suffered post natal depression with us all...but only when she had my baby sister who is now 3 did they decide to take my siblings from her!
Its a very long complex case and i would be here all day telling you all the info but Doncaster wanted to put them in foster care my mother begged the kids father to have them...he eventually agreed! he has since turned against my mum because of his mother who is a liason officer and because of doncaster SS!
He has hit and abused my brother and sister since they have been in his care! For example: My brother nearly hung himself with a dog lead, my sister has had razor marks on her from a shaver, they have been covered in bruises all over their little bodies! and he has hit them and shoved them around! He is also seeing women and inviting them in whilst my brother and sister are around....all this Doncaster Social Services think is normal! he is a good parent according to them and cannot do anything wrong...and we are just brushing off allegations apparently!
My mother has apparently god a personality disorder now and no one from Doncaster will communicate with us or tell us how my little brother and sister are! we dont even know how they are!
Please help me in the fight to get my siblings back to their loving home with their mother, their sister ( me ) and their brother who is 13 years of age!
Sheffield court have failed us, the Royal courts of Justice have! but we will not give up the fight...
Please, there has to be someone out there who can help us!
My brother and sister need us now, we have not seen them for 8 months because of Doncaster Social Services and Sheffield Court...the last time we saw them was the 22nd august 2008!
If you know anyone who can or will help us or if you have any advice or even if you have suffered with something of the same as we have please get in touch with me my email address is:
Chris Wittwer
1/3 of over 100 paedos who were convicted of child sexual crimes or child porn in the last 3 days in the uk were people who had re-offended. Does prison and the sentences the courts impose do enough ? Will they change ? I dont think so.
A PAEDOPHILE caught downloading child pornography within weeks of being released from prison has been jailed again. Judge David Morgan
THIS is the face of the man who has been unmasked as one of Britain's worst paedophiles.
Former school governor Glyn Martin left a trail of more than 2,000 victims during a ten-year reign of abuse during which he used his two foster daughters as bait .
Among Martin's worst offences was the abduction of eight girls aged six to 12, during which he drugged them with sleeping pills, stripped them and photographed them in obscene and violent poses.
Lydia Reid
Martin had indecently assaulted a six-year-old girl in a bath at his home in Cantley in 1992. The following year he was charged with taking indecent photographs of girls at the gym club he helped set up at the former Wilby Carr Middle School in Cantley where he was a governor.
However, the Crown Prosecution Service decided that there was insufficient evidence for the case to proceed
THESE are the dregs of Britain's vilest paedophile gang, freed EARLY and on the loose. Twelve of the pervert ring were convicted for a catologue of appalling rapes and attacks on young boys that shocked the entire country. They preyed on at least 90 victims
i cant thank you enough for showing us who these people are.I dont think its wrong that you name and shame.I have a little girl my self
Kent News - Paedophile was 'every parents' worst nightmare'
Kent News reports KENT NEWS: A paedophile who posed as a 15-year-old boy and tried to blackmail his young victims, has been jailed for two-and-a-half years. Nicholas Bennett, 31, from Herbert Road, Swanley
Corrupt Kent Courts strike again
Sentenced to 2 @ half years - Out in less than 15 months !
worth watching download
LJ wall's keynote speech December 2009 to see the judicial mind at work; http://www.alc.org.uk/ALC_Latest_News.htm
Lord Justice Wall – President of Family courts
“Contested final hearings, I understand, remain in a minority of cases. I anticipate that experienced specialist children’s advocates further facilitate and support the court in a problem solving non-adversarial approach, although I am a firm believer in due process, and remain concerned that it is a fine line between a firm judicial view expressed at the issues resolution hearing and premature adjudication on the whole case.”
Maybe he might like to review ALL the cases where Judge Richard Polden & Co completely ignored DUE PROCESS in the Medway Family Court and threw out a LIP grandmother who was party to proceedings and also a Conservative Maidstone borough elected councillor; whom Kent county council wanted destroyed because she was doing her job and asking too many questions concerning childrens services including social services and education.
Heaven forbid the Tories actually manage to get a councillor elected that actually cares about children & families, what do they do they steal her 4 young grand-daughters for forced adoption !!
WALL doesnt give a stuff about childrens welfare all he is rattling on about is how hard-up the judges and courts are.
You are WRONG we dont need more of you , we need most it be sacked and replaced with honest decent judges not perverts that are in place now.
What is needed is publicity and open family courts where the judges are accountable for their crooked actions in public.
I am sure you will be getting far more attention than just one poem you are being closely monitored and unfortunately do not fit the above bill and therefore must go.
It is unlawful to kidnap children and your Act's are no more than worthless bits of paper along with your useless gagging orders.
Again no -one is listening to your cries of silence
All I can say, - having SUFFERED the NIGHTMARE of Thatcher's Britain, (that witch ROBBED the Nation, of HALF of its name - we USED to be called "GREAT Britain"), - is as FOLLOWS:- "May God have MERCY on us all, - cos this Tory-dominated shambles have NO IDEA, what the "CONCEPT" of "MERCY" actually, MEANS".
Maggie will ALWAYS be HATED, - and described, - alliteratively, - as "MILK SNATCHER", (at least, to the north of Watford, and to the West of Lincoln, - thus, the MAJORITY of the Country), after her vicious cuts, whilst she was Minister of Education, Cameron will, - in TIME, - be VILIFIED, - the ULTIMATE STANDARDS ASSASSIN CHILD SNATCHER equal to THATCHER!"
REMEMBER the "BLACK DAYS", of Thatcherism.
She was SO despicable, that, - before she was ousted, from Downing Street, - she had the LAW of the land, changed, - so, that she was guaranteed to be granted the Order of the Garter, - and elevated to the Peerage.
Once a "CON", - ALWAYS a "CON".
6 unsatisfied CCJs totalling 17297.00
The UK's biggest nuclear scandal: the explosion and the cover-up:
"The Hearing is at 10-00 Reading County Court 161 - 163 Friar Street Reading RG1 1HE ,The case name is Richard Anderson 2 Shirley day PACS/Anderson/Tenancy -V- Raymond Fox case no ORGO1428
Any support is welcomed this is due to my exposing the following at www.rayfox.info & www.nuclearcrimes.com This will be the third home this corrupt court has ordered eviction"
Ray's unlawful / fraudulent eviction hearing in Reading has now CHANGED to Monday morning! (All the tricks in the book here folks)
Please contact Ray, who needs all the support he can get, and is cc'd on this mail... this is yet another criminal subversion of justice, associated with a GENOCIDE of British people. The UK's biggest nuclear scandal: the explosion and the cover-up:
I have investigated this thoroughly and found it to be 100% correct, I have seen it myself in the Sunday Times, on C4 (Mark Thomas), I've seen original court and source documents and also personally witnessed a court case involving this issue. There is no doubt it is accurate, it has also been on the BBC and LWT television. The cover up is as much of an issue as the original matter itself.
I have some links for you, from which you'll find copied of a lot of original material as PDF downloads.
I will summarise the issues for you so you can get on top of it quickly - EVERY MP in the UK has been informed about it already, not one has done a thing, although local MEP Caroline Lucas has been involved:
1. The UK government and Shell had an illegal, unregistered nuclear reactor programme, supporting an illegal weapons export programme.
2. One C-60 reactor at Thornton, Merseyside was dismantled by known local criminals paid a six figure sum in cash, who distributed the reactor material as hardcore, it being subsequently used in building projects as well as dumped in landfill.
3. Another reactor at Earley, just outside Reading, Berkshire was in an underground bunker beneath a Shell oil storage depot. This blew up 6th August 1986. It was being used to manufacture WE177 tactical nuclear bombs, which were sold to Saudi and other Arab states as part of the Al Yamamah BAe scandal. The bombs themselves were manufactured on the adjoining Woodley aerodrome - when parts of that site were subsequently built on, the ground was so radioactive it melted the drainage system... !
4. This complex used to routinely dispose of both the water coolant and the highly radioactive fuel rod sludge, straight into the public drainage system, from there it flowed to the River Loddon and the Thames. The entire area has built on, with both Government and Councils complicit in that and massively contaminated.
5. The Earley site burned for six weeks after the explosion, subsequently extinguished after South Lake nearby was diverted to the site.
6. After that the site was closed - and a housing estate was built over the still burined reactor... you couldn't make this up!
7. Ray Fox's house backed on to the site and after clearing his garden drain (subsequently found to have been blocked with fuel rod uranium and plutonium) he became seriously ill with cancer and leukaemia. His medical results were covered up - as were the initial test results on the site conducted by an independent international radioactivity expert witness and investigator, Dr Phil Busby. This was only discovered after Busby was surprised to find no radioactivity in samples he personally took at the site - after relabelling them as being from another location he found Ray's garden was the most radioactive site in the UK outside a nuclear weapons base.
8. Ray was a successful businessman, with a multi million pound enterprise, his clients included the Royal family. He discovered the nuclear connection after becoming ill and finding white worms in his garden. There were a number of related deaths, including his grandchild and best friends - Ray and his wife adopted their children. After he began his investigations Ray became ill and his business was fraudulently bankrupted (as he was, for LIFE!) by collusion of the UK government for just a few thousand pounds. This lost him his homes as well as his business, which was a limited liability company by the way, another reason his bankruptcy is illegal.
9. Ray was at the point of death before being referred (by pure fluke) to a hospital in Germany specialising in Chernobyl victims where his life was saved. This was a cynical attempt to silence him, by withholding treatment to kill a witness.
10. Ray has been fighting for justice ever since, and although the issue has appeared on mainstream media, it has been buried, as small articles and clips hidden away inside major publications or news programmes, accompanied by a few facts and categorised as 'allegations' - these 'allegations' have been ruled for by the European Court (they stand as facts), who concluded that the UK government has undertaken state sanctions against Ray to prevent him getting justice, including massive court and government, corruption.
11. So there has been no proper clean up, environmental monitoring, or health evaluation of the local population. This can only be concluded as one of the worlds most serious nuclear accidents, possibly the worst as not even Chernobyl burned for six weeks, but there were no evacuations and no-one was given iodine while the local populace were being poisoned by the fall out.
12. According to the EU, between 1945-1990 over 65 million died as a result of radiation poisoning, to do with bomb tests, accidents and illegal dumping. The UK is the world's worst polluter, equivalent to the rest of the world combined, according to investigators who wrote Britain's Nuclear Nightmare, Cutler and Edwards. This is an ongoing crime and a deliberate British genocide. All the aforementioned are verifiable facts supported by evidence and legal ruling.
multiple agencies have been involved in the cover up, police, courts, councils, health, UKAEA, MOD... the list is endless
This is state sanctioned reprisals this one will wake up the British public if it ever goes 'mainstream' but the main aim at present is to help balance the scales of justice for Ray
Sabina Heywood
The way the Social Services claim 'Damned if you do and damned if you don't' well thats interesting as I protected my son from suspected abuse by contactng them and the police and after they convinced me my son HAD been abused and didn't act on it, they then turn it all round and falsely accuse me of the crime committed by the one I complained about!
Barbara Richards
I have been saying this past 4 years, PAS was invented by American paedophile psychologist Richard Gardner, with links to Eagle Associates (David Abrahams re illicit cash donations to Tony Blair - Wendy Alexander - Scotland) and the Kensington Institute!
Ask yourself why would Eagle Associates (google them!) invite an American paedo over to give talks on his mad theory? MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!
Sabina Heywood
British Association of Social Workers chair steps aside amid allegationsChildren & Young People Now
12 January 2010 The chair of the British Association of Social Workers (BASW) has stepped down from his post pending investigation into allegations regarding his personal business affairs.
Barbara Richards
I want to be a Social Worker. I like people, so that ought to be a good start towards me qualifying as one, surely? Child abuse and malicious vindictive persecution wrecked my chances of having a career. I think I will write to David Cameron and tell him all that, and please can he help me get a job, without having to be brainwashed with NLP!
they are trying to force people into a corner, notice in the press recently everything related to unemployment has been our fault not theirs- ....seems one thing s missing from this gov...its called compassion- note the rough ride they are giving the vulnerable and disabled. Why penalise the poorest, why not fleece the rich they can afford it....NO COMPASSION= PSYCHOPATHIC MENTALITY JUST LIKE THE SS....
HMCS/Ministry of injustice secret family courts are a bit like a dirty old cupboard that ain,t been cleaned in a longtime, you have to pull all the mess out, and then sort it out, sweep out the yuck , and put it back nice and clean and tidy, there will come a day soon, when this is not the case
Shamim Khaliq
Agencies, realising that the risk of child deaths cannot be wholly removed,
may take steps to protect themselves. They may try to transfer or dissipate blame by
engaging in ‘blame prevention re-engineering’ (Hood, Rothstein and Baldwin, 2000).
Hood et al’s research found that one strategy for doing this is ‘protocolozation’: the
organisation introduces more and more formal procedures to guide practice so that they.
create a ‘correct’ way to deal with a case. Then, if a tragedy occurs, they can claim the
defence of ‘due diligence’ and show that their employees followed these correct
procedures in working on the case. A child may have died but the agency staff can show
a clear audit trail of what they did and cannot be faulted for the tragic outcome. In an
organisation where this approach is operating, avoiding blame is valued more highly than
avoiding tragedies and so practitioners will be under pressure to follow procedures, even
when their professional judgement tells them it is not the best course for the child.
It has been consistently observed that individuals fail to accurately discriminate honest from dishonest statements (Bond et al., 1985). This has been demonstrated with many
professionals including police officers, judges, psychiatrists, university students, and agents from several government law enforcement branches (Ekman and O’Sullivan
1991; DePaulo and Pfeifer, 1986; see Vrij and Akehurst, 1998 for a recent review).
The biggest diversion in English history. The Fire of London. 1666.
And, during the confusion, our wonderful parliament rushed though one of the most notorious Statutes of them all. The so-called Cestui Qui Vie Act. Imposed on a population said to be 'beyond the See' (oops) beyond the Sea. Meaning what, exactly ? Legally dead, incommunicado. Having been excommunicated, in fact, since the reign of Elizabeth 1st. Read the document which excommunicates Elizabeth 1st (1570) and it clearly indicates all men and women in this land who are subject to the law of this land will be excommunicated.
The start of the Strawman.
And here is a further indication the Fire of London was not an accident.
And here is the Statute.
http://www.opsi.gov.uk/RevisedStatutes/ ... 60011_en_1
what a easy way of stealing the children !!!!
Corpus Juris Secundum Book 15A Concealment of Birth or Death: Didn't we as mothers inform on our babies? Section 2: Nature and Elements: "The concealment need not, however, be from everyone, so that the act of concealment is not taken out of the statute by the fact that there is a confidant or another participant. Failure to herald the birth does not constitute a concealment. While it is essential to show the birth of issue to a woman charged with such an offense, evidence that the child was born dead has been held to entitle accused to an acquittal under some statutes; but under others the offense may be committed whether the child was born alive or dead, although the death of the infant must be shown." Section 3 Persons Liable: "Under particular statutes, participation by the mother is essential to the offense, or she along is to be pushished; other statutes make aiders, abettors, and procurers punishable." See we have no trust...only an Information evidenced by the Certificate of Birth as the public record of that relation.
Equity is preparing you for court. Equity takes in Latches...one section of equity. But to bring our actions by "Pleading Special Matters" in the local laws. This is where we want to be. Check out the word "Special", "Special duty doctrine", "Special Exception", "Special relationship doctrine", "Special Relief" "Special Privilege", "Special Proceeding", "Special Purpose Entity", Special Pleading" all in Blacks Law Dictionary 8th.
Jurisdictionary is looking at things "Generally"...not "Specially". I love jurisdictionary...but did you know that it pleads generally?
"it is a rule of equity that once a trust is created it is thereafter to be treated as a trust"
Looks like Judge Polden who operates in the corrupt Kent family courts has fucked up then , not good news for him ?
If a trustee fails to perform his duties redress to compel performance may be had through the courts, and every omission or violation by a trustee of a duty which equity lays on him, whether willful or forgetful, is a breach of trust, for which he is liable.
Lord Coke, Sir Bacon, Lord Blackstone, these guys knew Equity what's very interesting about Bacon is the very weird life he led, he was the Lord Chancellor, he is said to be the true write of shakespeare's books, he's an awesome philosopher and a lawyer, he is also deeply into occult.
John Cowell, regius professor at Cambridge. In 1605, he published his Institutiones Juris Anglicani ad Methodum Institutionum Justiniani Compositae et Digestae, an attempt to codify English law under Roman rubrics; in 1607, he issued his more famous Interpreter, a dictionary of law terms, in which, under such words as “king,” “parliament,” “prerogative,” “subsidy,” he maintained the theory of absolute monarchy. The champions of common law took alarm, caused Cowell to be reprimanded by the council, and his book to be burned by the hangman.
Actually, the coding book may not be the one, it looks like it's the dictionary of an absolute monarchy boy those guys knew ho to suck up to the king
John Ward appears to be blacklisted for speaking out about the child snatchers, so much for the Tories getting in, GOD HELP US ALL HIMMLER INSTEAD OF HITLER , HOW NICE OF THE NAZI WANKERS, ALL WE GOT WAS "CHANE" IN MANAGEMENT!
Jane Web
just to let you all know me and phoenix are well , had a twinge today lol independant sw report not only fully supports me but states my children have been harmed and damaged in ss care and it was not in their best interests....... ss have told me today they have no intention of removing phoenix from my care but its not over yet by a long shot
Baby P social worker wins case
A Haringey social worker has accepted undisclosed compensation over the authority's false claim that she did not raise concerns about returning Baby P to his mother.
Social workers, complicit in Baby P's death is given compensation!!!! And thats JUSTICE!!!!
Ian King
Over 1000 children (app) tortured and killed while under the direct supervision of the Social Services in the UK since 2002 (not counting any in foster care), that's four times more than soldiers killed in the Afghan WAR in the same amount of time!
Who kills more British, the Taliban or the Social Services?
What i find utterly SICK is the mother of Baby P gets to see her other kids in PRISON after the torture and murder of Baby P, yet I have not seen mine for 8 years and done them no harm. Sick Sick Government worthy of a bombing...Al Qaeda be my guest!
Joe Burns
I followed the case manager, Sharon Shoesmith's court appeal on her dismissal and in court she said that this case had ruined her reputation and she was depressed and suicidal, she didn't say anything about Baby P or the fact that the person who carried out the review of their handling of the case for the local authority was a former workmate of hers. Thankfully she lost her appeal and will not be harming any more children at least as a government employee (at 150,000 a year) but she can still go into private practice.
Dr, Al Zayyat, the last Doctor to see Baby P alive and was struck off the medical register and failed to show up for her appeal as she was "depressed and suicidal". Our friends in the UK will be happy to learn that she fled the UK but now practices in Ireland. You might want to run to your calendar now and see what the name of the paediatrician is that your child has an appointment with on monday.
Ian King
Because the real child abusers work in our government and law!
With the numbers rising let us not forget that doesn’t include the children that are dying IN social services care and the DCSF report shows that Children placed in care are three time more likely to die than others and a DCSF report showed that 800 children have died in care in the last ten years which is on average 2 a week so where does this leave children in need of protection who are then placed in care and should be safe from harm and neglect?."
This is what all the sick freemasons really worship and why so many are in power as MP’s judges councillors and wont declare it , check them ALL OUT
"For the most part she is considered a succubus, a powerful demonic creature who seduces men and sometimes eats children but has even appeared as a screech owl."
Video – An Exclusive Interview With Brian Gerrish
In this exclusive ZeroGov interview the Ex Naval Officer and founder of UK Column Brian Gerrish discusses his ongoing work.
The well established speaker has been tracking and monitoring the progress of the semi-secretive political charity Common Purpose and its dubious activities for 10 years and today reveals some interesting new findings.
Common Purpose UK, purports to run courses training ‘future leaders’ but with lots of connections and hidden ties to public services we ask… does it have a semi-secretive agenda?
Parents and anyone who has anything to do with children might like to check the following list of 1,567 primary and secondary schools and see whether children, parents and teachers are going to arrive back in school in September with an 'Academy' sign out the front, as this is as much debate as there is going to be. The Anti Academy Alliance is the very controlled opposition, completely ineffective as it is intended to be, now giving 'advice' and currently giving talks across the country on how to prevent these academies from going through. Rather co-incidental that they began this a few weeks ago, before the following list was released.
The new school curriculum going into schools behind everyone's back 'Opening Minds' was devised by the Royal Society of the Arts (patron the queen, president prince Phillip). This is being trialled at the RSA's own academy in Birmingham, where children are taken into the school at the age of 6 weeks. People from 'Future Leaders' are now implementing this in schools; 'Future Leaders' is funded by Ark.
Now don't foget, Ark Academies are connected to the Dutroux scandal (likened to the Jersey case, hence the silence on this), and ARK 'Absolute Return for Kids' is now mentoring head teachers in state schools, not just sponsoring academies, and is involved in international adoptions - a front for child trafficking - across Europe.
Maybe many in Britain are not aware of what Britian as the British Empire was capable of, but plently of us from the 'colonies' most certainly are. I strongly suggest people start paying some serious attention to this. This is, of course, the John Adam St Gang at work, Ark and Future Leaders is located at 15 Adam St, the 'Royal Society for the (dark/occult) Arts' is at 2-8 John Adam St.
Dcsf have also recently indicated an interest in having extended jurisdiction over children, to go beyond what they currently have, roughly normal school hours.
Go to the youtube videos for more on this:
Child trafficking? Why wont they answer?
Birmingham City Council
Hounslow Council
London Borough of Hillingdon
London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham
Kent County Council
Manchester City Council
Oxfordshire County Council
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
West Sussex County Council
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy2ilejRz10 Congressman speaks up against corexit (agent orange) Greg Evenson, The Hawk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm-AJrmQ4-I
What the the spin on the Gulf of Mexico, the USA Government is sending out though BP AGENTS.
We are not told the truth
Recognised nationally for assisting parents or carers who have been falsely accused of harming their children.
Basis in Salisbury and London William Bache help Sally Clark and Angela Cannings. I have heard good stuff about this firm.
Maureen was stopped by an unmarked police car the day after her court case. No reason apart from harassment and this latest episode seems to fit the picture. The authorities are very worried about maureen and a suspicious person would suspect it is to do with the activities at Alder Hay hospital, Social Services and children. Maureen had discovered her children had been taken there for appointments although they were not ill. Question what were they doing with them? Medical experiments or paedophiles?
Please feel free to call Merseyside police to express your 'dismay' at the police tactics against this lady. 0151 7096010.
There are a number of Social Workers in Britain who should be psychiatrically examined for Sadistic Schadenfreude Disease as a matter of considerable urgency as it does seem to be becoming highly infectious among their ranks.
This Disease affects the frontal lobe area of the brain and destroys the part which controls emotions, most effectively destroying those emotions of compassion, caring, and concern.
It seems to be being passed on during their meetings, conferences, and training Courses and is particularly rampant in certain parts of the U.K. such as Liverpool, Wigan, Essex, Suffolk, Surrey, Hampshire and some Inner London Boroughs where a highly virulent strain of the disease is apparent in those areas.
its their actions which give cause for most serious concern. They take gleeful delight when they see a highly distressed and distraught mother having her children removed from her (permanently) or in Children’s Court precincts. They then go off to celebrate their `Victory for Rightfulness’ in the nearest pub, with large quantities of lentil soup, muesli, and to quaff generous quantities of Chardonnay.
This is a very serious disease and is becoming increasingly virulent and is reaching epidemic proportions and the government must urgently intervene to stop the further spread of this disease among British Social Workers. (it seems also to be spreading among doctors and nurses and other associated professionals, who may be less seriously infected but the disease is apparent in their cognitive processes.)
One of the most urgent steps for the government to take is to order every Pharmaceutical company to immediately begin research studies and tests into a vaccine which can be given widely and urgently, and with repeat booster doses at least every two years.
A Treatment Programme for Sadistic Schadenfreude Disorder must also be immediately put into effect by the Department of Health. Top Medical Experts state that Frontal Love Lobotomy is essential followed by several years of Electro-Convulsive Therapy and a Rehabilitative Programme of gradual exposure to situations of caring loving relationships between mothers and children.
It is not yet known whether the disease has an inherited component but in order to protect our society from future generations which these social workers may produce, a programme of compulsory sterilisation is essential.
A full account of this Disease (Sadistic Schadenfreude Disorder) with accompanying data from scientific studies, will be appearing shortly in the British Medical Journal.
Dept for Infectious Disease Control
For posterity, and too the protection of vulnerable children in Aberdeen and UK, below is a list of the paedophiles thus far named: DENIS GHENGIS MACKIE (Father of Hollie Greig, lover of Sheriff Buchanan)
GREG MACKIE (Brother of Hollie. Both Mackies fled to Praia da Luz in Portugal)
SUSIE BUCHANAN (Sheriff`s wife)
EVELYN BUCHANAN (Sheriff`s sister, Bieldside)
JACK BUCHANAN (Sheriff`s brother-in-law)
TERRY MAJOR (Grampian police officer)
SYLVIA MAJOR (13 Ferryhill Place)
ANN ROYAL (15 Ferryhill Place)
WINIFRED (WIN) DRAGAN (72 Ferryhill Road)
EILEEN SIM (Social worker Woodend Crescent))
ROBERT LYND (Partner of Eileen Sim)
HELEN MACDONALD (Social worker, 9 Lochview Place, Bridge of Don)
IAN MACDONALD (Husband of Helen Macdonald)
CAROL LOW (Nurse, 26 Grant Close, Westhills)
ATHOLL SCOTT (Accountant)
ANDREW YOUNG (Headmaster, Beechwood Special School)
gloria tunnley (team manager)
ann carson (social worker)
susan karen oliver ( fam sup wkr)
pavi postlagis (social worker)
judith salvidge (social worker)
ex corupter social service team ov BILLINGHAM STOCKTON ON TEES
fiona mcnaughton corupted (cafcass)
Judge DAVID BRYANT (knobhead)
i hope u all rot in hell we never stood a chance it was all one way from the start when u ave a corupted judge who is thick as fuck and had no intentions of listening whilst glareing out the window that warm day in july and broke our hearts what came next for them was sure what they had started' my heart turned to rust my head went insane i went berserk held a socialworker against her will armed police stormed the office i got 4 years in which i took on the chin but defos not a grin u broke my heart heart and my wifes but most ov all u evil corupted horrible bastards my CHILDRENS heart. gogo imf 3.16
The reality is the Police are the general crime and murder enforcement organ of the state for the SS.
mtb god???!!!
obviously you are one of the evil ones who need our pity, take a look in the mirror you sick SS WANKER !!!
no point looking to GOD he wont bother with the likes of you ARSEHOLE
give us your name & address it would be nice to have a face to face ?
IMPORTANT CHILD ABUSE letter to the pope
More stolen children
My gorgeous niece Demi Lee Gill Payne is four today, she is foster care and being put up for forced adoption, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and get the present I sent. I will always love you and think of you daily. Love you little Demsxxxxx
My neice Sevannah Taytum Callaghan.
Taken out of my mom & dad's care on december 18th 2008.
After we had custody of Sevannah.
Mckenna Nicole Callaghan.
Born on January 17th 2010.
My neice was taken out of my sisters care.
Naiya Brooklyn Knight.
My first neice, we had custedy, and she was tooken from my family after 3 years.
We lost her on March 30th 2007.
She was born on may 31th 2004.
I love her with all my heart !
Trevin Curtis Callaghan.
Taken from foster homes after the forster parents being able they could adopt trevin.
Born on march 5th 2006.
Elle-May Williams-Piper
Ruby Williams-Piper
Lacey Williams-Piper
Poppy williams-Piper
stolen by corrupt Kent county Council mum is Jade Williams daughter of Sheena williams EX-Tory Maidstone borough councillor
dad is Scott Piper, both parents wanted their children to live with their grandmother but Judge Polden removed her from proceedings without bothering to tell her
many families are holding STOLEN CHILDREN
PAS was invented by a PAEDOPHILE, called Richard Gardner. The secret family courts love PAS, because they make loads of money out of it, whilst they destroy a family. They LOVE it!
Speaking to The Irish Times , Mr Andrews said the Bill was being prepared now that the Adoption Bill 2009 – providing mainly for the
" Hague" convention on inter-country adoption to be part of Irish law – had been passed. It will come into operation on November 1s.
Maybe I read too much into this but The Hague seems to figure in most of our problematic situations. ??
Did you think you could get away with having vested interets in the secret family court childstealing scam, BARRY ANDREWS?
BARRY ANDREWS is OBSESSED with secrecy, funny that, as paedophiles are also obsessed with secrecy. Anyway, he got his pants in a twist when this news came out about this poor girl.
Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager (paedos) are already there, sizzling. BARRY ANDREWS and all the rest of the Richard Gardner Child Torturer Fan Club will no doubt be joining them soon enough.
Fay Williams
well this could be my last 10 days to commial for something i havent done ss lets up the game shall we if they are going to commit me to jail for someing i havent done then lets make the stakes higher
I don’t know how long they are after but I have a feeling this is because i am going to commit their director
Social Scare: Cops take kids away in 'forced adoption' racket
With 10,000 children in care of the UK government, taking kids from their parents is seen as a last resort. But some British families have been torn apart by social workers who remove children over minor domestic issues.
Social Scare: Cops take kids away in 'forced adoption' racket
Christopher Booker says it all and the dippy SS worker sounds as dippy as she looks, why are they always weirdo's ?
Protesters to confront Elizabeth Windsor!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Breaking News: This weekend, protestors in Winnipeg and Toronto will confront Elizabeth Windsor, aka "Queen of England", with an unanswered letter asking that she identify the fate of aboriginal children under her care:
Thursday, 01 April 2010 11:08
Signed statement by survivor witness followed by copy of letter already given to the Queen in January, 2008 by residential school survivors in Canada.
Statement of William Arnold Combes
I am an Interior Salish spirit dancer and am 58 years old. I live in Vancouver, Canada.
I am a survivor of the Kamloops and Mission Indian residential schools, both run by the Roman Catholic church. I suffered terrible tortures there at the hands especially of Brother Murphy, who killed at least two children. I witnessed him throw a child off a three story balcony to her death. He put me on a rack and broke some of my bones, in the Kamloops school basement, after I tried running away.
I also saw him and another priest burying a child in the school orchard one night.
In September 1964 when I was 12 years old, I was an inmate at the Kamloops school and we were visited by the Queen of England and Prince Phillip. I remember it was strange because they came by themselves, no big fanfare or nothing. But I recognized them and the school principal told us it was the Queen and we all got given new clothes and good food for the first time in months the day before she arrived.
The day she got to the school, I was part of a group of kids that went on a picnic with the Queen and her husband and school officials, down to a meadow near Dead Man's Creek. After awhile, I saw the Queen leave that picnic with ten children from the school, and those children never returned. We never heard anything more about them and never saw them again even when we were older. They were all from around there but they all vanished.
The group that disappeared was seven boys and three girls, in age from six to fourteen years old. I don't remember their names, just an occasional first name like Cecilia and there was an Edward.
What happened was also witnessed by my friend George Adolph, who was 11 years old at the time and a student there too.
____________ _________ __
William Arnold Combes
(signed and witnessed in the original)
February 3, 2010
Vancouver, Canada
Protesters to confront Elizabeth Windsor!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Breaking News: This weekend, protestors in Winnipeg and Toronto will confront Elizabeth Windsor, aka "Queen of England", with an unanswered letter asking that she identify the fate of aboriginal children under her care:
Thursday, 01 April 2010 11:08
Signed statement by survivor witness followed by copy of letter already given to the Queen in January, 2008 by residential school survivors in Canada.
Statement of William Arnold Combes
I am an Interior Salish spirit dancer and am 58 years old. I live in Vancouver, Canada.
I am a survivor of the Kamloops and Mission Indian residential schools, both run by the Roman Catholic church. I suffered terrible tortures there at the hands especially of Brother Murphy, who killed at least two children. I witnessed him throw a child off a three story balcony to her death. He put me on a rack and broke some of my bones, in the Kamloops school basement, after I tried running away.
I also saw him and another priest burying a child in the school orchard one night.
In September 1964 when I was 12 years old, I was an inmate at the Kamloops school and we were visited by the Queen of England and Prince Phillip. I remember it was strange because they came by themselves, no big fanfare or nothing. But I recognized them and the school principal told us it was the Queen and we all got given new clothes and good food for the first time in months the day before she arrived.
The day she got to the school, I was part of a group of kids that went on a picnic with the Queen and her husband and school officials, down to a meadow near Dead Man's Creek. After awhile, I saw the Queen leave that picnic with ten children from the school, and those children never returned. We never heard anything more about them and never saw them again even when we were older. They were all from around there but they all vanished.
The group that disappeared was seven boys and three girls, in age from six to fourteen years old. I don't remember their names, just an occasional first name like Cecilia and there was an Edward.
What happened was also witnessed by my friend George Adolph, who was 11 years old at the time and a student there too.
____________ _________ __
William Arnold Combes
(signed and witnessed in the original)
February 3, 2010
Vancouver, Canada
Media Advisory:
Queen of England Issued a Letter of Demand, Possible Lawsuit by Indian Residential School Survivors
Evening of Thursday, January 24, 2008
Unceded Squamish Territory ("Vancouver, Canada")
Elizabeth Windsor, the Queen of England, was issued a Letter of Demand yesterday that requires that she identify the fate and burial sites of all the children who died in Indian Residential Schools established under the authority of the Church of England and the British Crown.
The Letter was handed personally to Governor-General Michaelle Jean by aboriginal elder Carol Martin at the Downtown Eastside Womens' Centre in Vancouver in the afternoon of Wednesday, January 23. Ms. Martin asked the Governor-General to deliver the Letter of Demand to the Queen on behalf of residential school survivors, and the Governor-General accepted the Letter and assured her that she would.
As a Common Law Notice, the Letter requires that the Queen comply with the request to identify the grave sites and cause of death of these children within thirty days, or face possible legal action.
"The buck stops at Buckingham Palace" commented another aboriginal elder and residential school survivor. "The Queen, and the Pope, are the ones responsible for the genocide their government and churches did to my people. She has to be held accountable. She has the power to help bring our children home, finally."
In recent weeks, similar Letters of Demand have been issued to officials of the Canadian government and the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada by residential school survivors. Karl Ratzinger, Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, is scheduled to be issued a similar Letter of Demand soon.
A national press conference to announce the next stage in this Truth Campaign will be held on Monday, February 4 at 10:00 am outside the Prime Minister's Office at 80 Wellington street in Ottawa. Organizer Kevin Annett (Eagle Strong Voice) will be present at this event.
For more information contact:
The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared
(Chief Louis Daniels, Anishinabe Nation, Patron)
c/o 1-888-265-1007 (pager) or:
hiddenfromhistory@ yahoo.ca
Public Notice
Letter of demand from the Elders and Members of the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared
23rd January 2008
To: Elizabeth Windsor, aka "Queen of Great Britain"
Buckingham Palace
London, England
(Transmitted through the office and person of Michaelle Jean, Governor-General of Canada)
Dear Ms. Windsor,
This Public Letter of Demand is issued to you, Elizabeth Windsor, as one who claims the title and fiduciary responsibility of Queen of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, and Head of the Church of England in Canada, aka the Anglican Church.
We, as the friends and relatives of tens of thousands of children who died or were murdered in Indian Resedential Schools in canada established and run by your Church of England and the British Crown from 1867 to 1996, do hereby demand that you, Elizabeth Windsor, in your capacity of Queen of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, and head of the Church of England, publicly disclose the cause of death and whereabouts of the buried remains, of all children who died in Indian Residential Schools operated by the Church of England in Canada, aka the Anglican Church.
This Common law Notice also requires that you, Elizabeth Windsor. arrange the immediate repatriation without conditions of the remains of thesen persons to their holes for a proper burial.
This Common Law Notice also requires that you, Elizabeth Windsor, publicly name and surrender all persons in or employed by the Government of Canada and the Anglican Church who are responsible for or complicit in these deaths and disappearances, and all documents and evidence related to the same.
This Common Law Notice also requires that you, Elizabeth Windsor, compel Canada through its Governor-General to comply with these requirements of natural justice and international law.
If you, Elizabeth Windsor, fail to comply with these requirements within thirty(30) days of you recieving this notice through the medium of the Governor-General of Canada, it will be assumed that you do not dispute these claims contained herein, and legal action may be commenced against you.
Jeremiah Jourdain
on behalf of the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared
isssued under the Tribal Land Law Juristiction of the Squamish Nation on unceded Squamish Territory
Read and Hear the truth of Genocide in Canada, past and present, at this website: www.hiddenfromhistory.org , and watch Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on the same website.
UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide
- Winner, Best Foreign Documentary Film, Los Angeles Independent Film Festival, March 2007, Best Director of a Foreign Documentary, New York Independent Film Festival, October 2006
- Winner, Best Canadian Film, Creation Aboriginal Film Festival, Edmonton, 2009
“Kevin is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than many who have received it in the past.”
- Dr. Noam Chomsky
Institute Professor Emeritus
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"As a long time front line worker with the Elders' Council at the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre, I stand behind what Kevin Annett is trying to do for our people. The genocide that continues today and which stemmed from the residential schools needs to be exposed. Kevin Annett helps break the silence, and brings the voice of our people all over the world."
Carol Muree Martin - Spirit Tree Woman
Nisgaa Nation
"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation
Winnipeg, Manitoba
To: Elizabeth Windsor, aka "Queen of Great Britain"
Buckingham Palace
London, England
(Transmitted through the office and person of Michaelle Jean, Governor-General of Canada)
Dear Ms. Windsor,
This Public Letter of Demand is issued to you, Elizabeth Windsor, as one who claims the title and fiduciary responsibility of Queen of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, and Head of the Church of England in Canada, aka the Anglican Church.
We, as the friends and relatives of tens of thousands of children who died or were murdered in Indian Resedential Schools in canada established and run by your Church of England and the British Crown from 1867 to 1996, do hereby demand that you, Elizabeth Windsor, in your capacity of Queen of Great Britain and the Commonwealth, and head of the Church of England, publicly disclose the cause of death and whereabouts of the buried remains, of all children who died in Indian Residential Schools operated by the Church of England in Canada, aka the Anglican Church.
This Common law Notice also requires that you, Elizabeth Windsor. arrange the immediate repatriation without conditions of the remains of thesen persons to their holes for a proper burial.
This Common Law Notice also requires that you, Elizabeth Windsor, publicly name and surrender all persons in or employed by the Government of Canada and the Anglican Church who are responsible for or complicit in these deaths and disappearances, and all documents and evidence related to the same.
This Common Law Notice also requires that you, Elizabeth Windsor, compel Canada through its Governor-General to comply with these requirements of natural justice and international law.
If you, Elizabeth Windsor, fail to comply with these requirements within thirty(30) days of you recieving this notice through the medium of the Governor-General of Canada, it will be assumed that you do not dispute these claims contained herein, and legal action may be commenced against you.
Jeremiah Jourdain
on behalf of the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared
isssued under the Tribal Land Law Juristiction of the Squamish Nation on unceded Squamish Territory
Hollie Greig Update-Freemason Governments Pedophile Ring !..
CON/DEM LIB/LAB/CON evil vile lowlife running the country
Fay Williams
They abuse the child when they take them from the parent and alienate them. Then they often sexually, physically and emotionally abuse them in care. Then they take any child that child ever bears at birth! When they take a child in care it is tortured all its life. Stop those thieves!!
James Moore
I wanted you before you were conceived. I loved you the minute you were born, then I saw your face and i fell in love. You were only a minute old but I knew I would die for you, and to this day I still would.
Yvonne Stewart-Taylor
Google get informed and then fight like tigers all of you. I am fighting, I have lost three careers for this cause and I have not lost a child. We have the power if we all WORK TOGETHER TO BRING THE CORRUPTION DOWN, I am at it daily, on here, going to meetings with police and CPS complaining and making them answer.
You have to keep on them like white on rice. Eventually we will bring down the system which is screwing us and our children. We are many they are few.
Adoptive families don't want messed up kids. They give them back and then they just end up in care all their lives, messed up, costing money!
half of SS dont have kids off their own, they need 2 get in touch with the real world n stop f***in peoples lives up!!
Lynn Connell
why should they want to look after a kid of 14 and give them the best start. They just stick them in an emotionless environment where their vulnerability is exploited and then thow them out at 16 with the belief they've been abandoned. This isn't about spending money on child protection. It is about making money from child trafficking.
anyone know what bullshit john hemming mp would have come out with in his meeting with Jim?
K Frazer
SOCIAL IDIOTS, they talk about their professionals know best, but how can they, when the left hand doesn't even know what the right hand is doing. They go Uni & learn out of a text book & think they have the right to tell you how to live your life. Why doesn't this government teach them relationship skills, empathy, compassion just to name a few. A... See More text book or so called case studies are obviously not working because they keep getting it wrong. Look how many grown adults lives they have ruined, through taking them away from their families & thinking they know best. This system is not working & although they may save a very slim minority of children, the reality is they fail a majority of families each & everday. The families that want help whether it's due to big issues or little ones get accused of emotional abuse, neglect, etc. While the parents that are actually starving, molesting & all sorts of other cruelty to children slip through the cracks. The whole systems needs a overhaul & be made accountable to the public NO ANY ONE PERSON OR ORGANISATION SHOULD BE ABOVE THE LAW.
Dont forget the Child Abuse rally next month organised by Bill and others, lets bring the fuckers to their knees !! book
Child, Interrupted » Child laundering: How the intercountry adoption system legitimizes ’stealing ch
David Smolin, Samford University, in 2005, wrote a provocative paper on international adoption, worth revisiting, entitled “Child Laundering: How the Intercountry Adoption System Legitimizes and Incentivizes the Practice of Buying, Trafficking, Kidnapping and Stealing Children”.
Whilst our children are raped, and molested, we pay for it, we pay to have them legally kidnapped from us, then for their "care" whilst in this system, then for them to be raped, molested, and often sold into the Child Sex Trade itself, or worse, to be murdered.
We pay for our family's destruction via the lawmakers, creating the laws, maintaining this Policy, and as parents are removed from children, children are removed from parents we pay again when this effects them labeling our offspring as either Criminal element, or simply Single Mom to insure this process is brilliantly cyclical...perpetual in nature....
What, is the cost of a child?
You Know You're Adopted When...
You know you're adopted when hearing the word 'adoption' makes your hear skip a beat--and not in a good way.
You know you're adopted when you can't get a passport because the only birth certificate you're allowed to have is so inconsistent or incomplete that the passport office won't accept it.
You know you're adopted when people ask you if you would have rather been an abortion.
You know you're adopted when you were born from your mothers heart because she already hit menopause.
You know you're adopted when you have no baby pictures prior to your adopted identity, because you didn't exist before then.
You know you're adopted when the word "grateful" sets your teeth on edge.
You know you're adopted when you're tired of being a "good adoptee".
You know you're adopted when your parents are allowed to abuse you because you're "lucky" they took you in at all.
You know you're adopted when you have a childhood fantasy where you're part of a large family where all the siblings look alike AND look like the parents.
You know you're adopted when your adoptive parents are so old they have more medical appointments than you do.
You know you're adopted when your birth certificate says you were born in a state you've never lived in, not even for 5 minutes.
You know you're adopted when your birth certificate is a joke.
You know you're adopted when your real ethnic/racial identity is erased and you're expected to act like you're actually (fill in the blank) instead.
You know you're adopted when you're the only brown skinned girl at your synagogue training for your Bat Mitzvah.
You know you're adopted when the Adoption Stories on TLC makes you wanna barf.
You know you're adopted when you smile blandly when people say, "oh, you're adopted! how cool!"
You know you're adopted when you're thrown out of Sunday school, age 9, for asking inconvenient questions about mass, breeding, genetics, and manure about Noah's Ark, when the family have gone to that church forever and believe the dino fossils are a test by satan.
You know you're adopted when you ask your mommy to buy you a baby sister at the grocery store.
You know you're adopted when you check the Internet several times a day to see if your first family is looking for you.
You know you're adopted when you write letters to state senators and assembly members from any state with sealed records even if you weren't born or adopted there.
You know you're adopted when you know more about people-finding Internet sites than the average private investigator.
You know you're adopted when you can find someone in the US Census without a name.
You know you're adopted when you have no clue who gave birth to you.
You know you're adopted when you secretly want to smash your b-day cake.
You know you're adopted when you can pretend you don't know your aparents when out in public together.
You know you're adopted when the news of an older couple adopting an infant as their first child makes you want to puke.
You know you're adopted when you visit the doctor and have repeat over and over that no, you really don't know your medical history.
You know you're adopted when...your birth certificate is a false record and there is no actual corresponding birth in official birth records.
You know you're adopted when ..when you hear Madonna's song "Papa Don't Preach" and start to cry.
You know you're adopted when you are mortified by having to do those "around the room" introductions.
You Know You're Adopted When...
You know you're adopted when hearing the word 'adoption' makes your hear skip a beat--and not in a good way.
You know you're adopted when you can't get a passport because the only birth certificate you're allowed to have is so inconsistent or incomplete that the passport office won't accept it.
You know you're adopted when people ask you if you would have rather been an abortion.
You know you're adopted when you were born from your mothers heart because she already hit menopause.
You know you're adopted when you have no baby pictures prior to your adopted identity, because you didn't exist before then.
You know you're adopted when the word "grateful" sets your teeth on edge.
You know you're adopted when you're tired of being a "good adoptee".
You know you're adopted when your parents are allowed to abuse you because you're "lucky" they took you in at all.
You know you're adopted when you have a childhood fantasy where you're part of a large family where all the siblings look alike AND look like the parents.
You know you're adopted when your adoptive parents are so old they have more medical appointments than you do.
You know you're adopted when your birth certificate says you were born in a state you've never lived in, not even for 5 minutes.
You know you're adopted when your birth certificate is a joke.
You know you're adopted when your real ethnic/racial identity is erased and you're expected to act like you're actually (fill in the blank) instead.
You know you're adopted when you're the only brown skinned girl at your synagogue training for your Bat Mitzvah.
You know you're adopted when the Adoption Stories on TLC makes you wanna barf.
You know you're adopted when you smile blandly when people say, "oh, you're adopted! how cool!"
You know you're adopted when you're thrown out of Sunday school, age 9, for asking inconvenient questions about mass, breeding, genetics, and manure about Noah's Ark, when the family have gone to that church forever and believe the dino fossils are a test by satan.
You know you're adopted when you ask your mommy to buy you a baby sister at the grocery store.
You know you're adopted when you check the Internet several times a day to see if your first family is looking for you.
You know you're adopted when you write letters to state senators and assembly members from any state with sealed records even if you weren't born or adopted there.
You know you're adopted when you know more about people-finding Internet sites than the average private investigator.
You know you're adopted when you can find someone in the US Census without a name.
You know you're adopted when you have no clue who gave birth to you.
You know you're adopted when you secretly want to smash your b-day cake.
You know you're adopted when you can pretend you don't know your aparents when out in public together.
You know you're adopted when the news of an older couple adopting an infant as their first child makes you want to puke.
You know you're adopted when you visit the doctor and have repeat over and over that no, you really don't know your medical history.
You know you're adopted when...your birth certificate is a false record and there is no actual corresponding birth in official birth records.
You know you're adopted when ..when you hear Madonna's song "Papa Don't Preach" and start to cry.
You know you're adopted when you are mortified by having to do those "around the room" introductions.
You know you're adopted when you played "kidnapping" instead of "tea parties".
You know you're adopted when you always fuck up your relationships for no good reason.
You know you're adopted when "Adopt a Highway" signs make you want to hurl.
You know you're adopted when you know what AP, PAP, OBC, ABC, and any combination of letters starting with B, N, or F stand for.
You know you're adopted when all your dolls and stuffed animals had feelings and you felt guilty about having a favorite.
You know you're adopted when a "family tree" assignment in school gives you an anxiety attack.
You know you're adopted when you're supposed to be interested in history class, but are not supposed to show interest in your own history.
You know you're adopted when a stranger becomes your mother, and your mother becomes a stranger.
You know you're adopted when you see people's reaction once they hear your name.
You know you're adopted when you don't look like your parents but you look like the doll they gave you.
You know you're adopted when you named your cabbage patch kid "baby girl"
You know you're adopted when you take your own babies pictures and try to pass them off as your "real sisters"
You know you're adopted when your parents can't tell you how big you were at birth or what time of day your were born at.
You know you're adopted when perfect strangers tell you you ought to be grateful you were 'taken in'.
You know you're adopted when you get a minority college scholarship based on your skin color but it's quickly taken away because of your white parent's income.
You know you're adopted when you're the only brown kid in your school.
You know you're adopted when you have to consider your natural parents "birth parents".
You know you're adopted when you have to consider your adoptive parents your "real parents".
You know you're adopted when the government says you have no right to no who gave birth to you.
You know you're adopted when you're having sex and a guy asks, "Who's your Daddy?" and you cry.
You know you're adopted when both your parents are white but your not.
You know you're adopted when someone has to tell you who your REAL mother is.
You know you're adopted when you request a DNA test instead of a STI test every time you meet someone new!
You know you're adopted when you have more of an IQ than your entire A-family put together, and they can't help you out with your G&T homework age 10 because the math is too hard.
You know you're adopted when you do a family tree of your 'family'.... and there's no features. At all.
You know you're adopted when you go to the pound and get the dog with three legs, half an ear (total), no tail, and want the rest of them too.
You know you are adopted...because you read in the newspaper everyday about the secret UK family corrupt courts and SS child snatchers and yearn for your real family and hate your own country for its child abusing corruption
Sabina Heywood
CHILD STEALERS: Emma Natalie Wailen: Social Worker Lincoln
Kate Roebuck Sol complicit in child kidnap Lincoln
Ian Enright Guardian Ad Litem complicit in child kidnap
Charlotte D Jenkins: Social Worker Stafford
Ton...y Bowen Social Worker Lincoln
Debbie knibb and Deborah hammond from southend social services are lying, nonce supporting evil scum who have stolen my babies, am wiv u 100% freedom of speech we have so use it!
Maxine Cottis
Im 100% with you on this. I would do everything to be with my 3 sons, SS are trying to cover up for a year foster carers was abusing my sons. Karma will get the bad people
Social worker illegally claimed £44,000 benefits
A social worker fraudulently claimed more than £44,000 in benefits over seven years, a court was told today.
Social worker jailed for £90,000 benefit fraud » Bill Payments » 24dash.com
A social worker who claimed to be unemployed was found guilty of over £90,000 in benefit fraud and sent to prison for eight months, leaving behind her new born baby.Maxine Wilson, of Cricklewood, falsely claimed housing and council tax
British social services tried to kidnap my son
Last week, we reported the case of Mrs W, the desperate mother who fled abroad with her six-year-old after he was taken into care – even though she poses no threat to him. Now, as she prepares to plead before a judge for her son's return, she explains why they were forced to go on the run.
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