
Shame Your Social Worker

We are ashamed to be British, who would have thought this goes on in our society? We wouldn’t think it, because we don’t know it’s going on!

That’s about to change, we have but one tool at our disposal, a tool even more powerful than social worker’s having their day in court against hapless families, that tool is The Internet a machine so vast it covers the globe in seconds. Maybe, just maybe they have met their match. If you have been on the end of “their justice” it is more than likely you have nothing more to loose, please feel at liberty to tell it like it really is, name all involved, without revealing your identity.

Say NO to gagging orders, how dare they! We know its not in the interests of the child, its in the interests of the perverse judgments and scrappy evidence that could never stand up in a ‘proper’ court furthermore it could cause a public outcry if it ever got out. We’ve had enough of the injustice and the secret courts, this must end and it must end NOW, the outcry is about to begin.

Its not enough to tell your story, naming names is imperative if this is to have any impact, provide every detail you have, car registration numbers, home addresses even add a link to with their photograph. Create a profile on one of the many social networking sites, they can't afford to close them all, you will have maximum impact! The more information you provide the more they will want to close the site, the more they want to close it the more mirror sites will appear with all the same information on them, this will hurt them make no mistake, they won't like the publicity and like we care? No longer can they get away with the ability to hide behind the secret courts!

We have provided the means to "freely express" now you can have your say…

You can make your "comment" anonymously or if you are in any doubt about the traceability of your comment search for "Anonymous Surfing" and use a proxy website or go HERE then enter this Blog again by copy/paste ...then say your piece, your identity remains untouchable ...the world is waiting.

Our day will come.... as will theirs


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Anonymous said...

what is going in social services is sick, blair and his side kick jack straw have been working for the one world order, no justice, no right, no truth, in their sick minds.

Anonymous said...

what happened to that old cow Julie Williams and co from cafcass.

she has taken babies off Mums, one word she is evil, all on hearsay.

Anonymous said...

They certainly are if you step out of line they will send their masonic freemason pals after you,like Chris Garland who will pretend to befriend you then suddenly a hit will be put out on you hidden in a date-rape drug
which would then be put down to a sudden heart attack or some other bollocks if you died of course

The massive amount of cameras wont be working, even if you manage to survive and report it to the police just like councillor Williams did, and of course the council will do nothing and keep it all hush hush because they are all in on it as well as the police, hospitals etc

Is there a conspiracy ???
of course there is and its against US the people

Anonymous said...

How convenient Kent has managed to section Yolinde Lindridge after Ann Widdecombe and Peter Gilroy stood down

This is what the masonic do when you speak the truth

Anonymous said...

Roy Greig This man was murdered for standing up to top rank and file paedos in Scotland.

Luckily we all know each other and watch each others backs whilst watching out for the scum bags

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Stewart-Taylor

I never could comprehend how the establishment could think that any replacement parents could be better than real ones. Do they know anything about basic instincts?

Anonymous said...

Return former Conservative/Independent Maidstone borough councillor Sheena Williams 4 young granddaughters, who resigned from the Conservative party after Kent county council STOLE THEM for FORCED ADOPTION.

Ensure all stolen children are returned to their rgihtful families and all forced adoption reversed immediately, this evil practice must not be allowed to continue and all public servants involved must made accountable for their wicked actions.

Public servants are just that ,' servants to the public,' the public are NOT there to supply an income via their children to promote unjust gain for government defacto corporations.

Anonymous said...

Dunblaine link gordon brown and co protecting peods.

we know that children are going missing and what they are doing to them.

the police and state agencies run by the one world order are doing this shit each day through out the world

Anonymous said...

their love of themselves and power automatically means they will crush others who will get in their way, however, the truth vibrations are giving everyone the change to transform themselves and the world.

the orwellian global state is being imposed now, because the reptilians can see down the time line, therefore we have to wake the mass up to divine love, I know how it sounds, but people started to question things after 9/11 and blairs lies. the reptilians have agenda, so we must keep out eye on them, bring the truth in to the light, however, painful it might be for them. 13 families blood lines

As far as a I can see this explains a lot of the evil, their not human like us they do not feel like we do or care for each other.

They feed of the light of young children, to keep their power through human DNA v BLOOD. they want us to be in fear.

dont have nightmares, the night mare will theirs sooner or later.

the way they work is against spiritural laws.

Anonymous said...

if anyone knows linnette nanton ss in bolton if you know where she worked before or had any dealing with her please put it on here i need to know asp

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard of a VERA KENDAL? Apparantly working for WIRRAL S.S. (this could of course be an alias) as no-one there claims to know of her,although she always phones at all hours ranting & raving from their numbers!?!!

Anonymous said...

As of the June 1st 2010, Greg Lance-Watkins has announced on his "unofficial site" that he is communicating with the following names set out below. Those named have already been proven to be connected to Hollie’s case of sexual abuse and are determined to gag Hollie’s army and suppress the substantial evidence that has been obtained by various experts.

Shropshire County Council:

Adult Social Care Tel: 0345 678 9005

The Chief Executive Officer Tel: 01743 252826


The Courts of Protection

Sherriff Buchanan

Mrs Elish Angolini


Daniel Foggo Tel: 0207 782 5000).

Downs Syndrome Associates various

For legal reasons that cannot be disclosed, it has come to our attention that there is documentation that Shropshire County Council Social Care has been touch with Greg Lance Watkins. Why would they do that? Why not go to or any other 500 sites in the UK alone. Because they are working in tandem.

Greg Lance Watkins currently resides at




NP16 5ET

TEL: 01291 626562

Intelligence received indicates Mr Watkins’ is operating on a website whose server is restricted to a Government Secure Infrastructure. We have been advised of another professional, also a British operative living in France working in concert with him under a nome de plume of Anna Racoon, a retired lawyer attached to the British establishment… more on this at a later date.

According to Anna Racoon, Mark Daly of BBC Scotland has asked Grampian Police for and received the autopsy report for Roy Greig (Anne Greig’s brother, Hollie’s mum). This document was withheld from Anne Greig (next of kin) for 12 years by the authorities in Scotland, on the grounds of breaching confidentiality. Therefore a breach of confidentiality was hardly justifiable, furthermore it is being used to pervert the course of justice.

I Robert Green telephoned Mark Daly today June 1st at approximately 13:50 hours. I asked Mr Daly if the above statement was true? Mr Daly denied that he had asked for or received such a document. Question: Why did he make comments on Manchester Radio about an autopsy report he had never clapped eyes on and had no part in the BBC’s investigation that was terminated on June 10 2009.

For all those interested to know the true facts about Hollie’s 16 year abuse, you can go to the official website

More details will be revealed on July 1st 2010.

Robert Green and Team

Anonymous said...

ss gave me a copy of their pre birth assessment tool i have filled it in myself to see how their account varies with mine and facts will use in court as evidence this sw assessing me is a self assured cow reckons she is as qualified as peter dale .... will be requesting her cv noone has ever heard of her i think she been drafted in for me

Anonymous said...

Since when did 'invasion of privacy' bother them when they start on things to do with your life that has nothing to do with child protection. I'm surprised they don't rifle through your underwear draw when they come to do your home visits (they probably would given half a chance!)

Its not illegal to record with or with out their permission anyway. Video is the best though.

Anonymous said...

HMCS - Limited "common sense" or being obstructive!
I have recently filed a case with the High Court in London with regards to our daughter, after being advised of the correct process and procedure available to deal with this matter.
But, after sending the information through from here in Spain by courier, our information was passed to the Adoption Section of the Principle Registry of the Family Division, who have looked at my application and advised me that the case should now be filed at the original lower Court that I am opposing, even after clearly stating that our dispute was with the actions of that Court!

But, here is the "cherry on the cake"! Instead of forwarding the information to Ipswich County Court, they have sent the complete bundle of papers back to me in Spain, for me to send to Ipswich? Why! Ipswich is approximately 83 miles from London, where as Los Montesinos is approximately 1348 miles from Ipswich!

I am now about to call the "Guinness Book of Record's" and hopefully claim the World Record for the "Most Travelled Court Application in History (because of incompetence".

Anonymous said...

Linda Frances Mcdermott

I had that NLP used on me by Claire Sturge, she kept cutting into me when interviewing me. she even said she done this in her reports.The consequences are she has missed out information regarding I have an extended family .According to her I have no family left. My son could access this information and think I have no living relatives.

Anonymous said...

Jacquelin Bob is a common purpose graduate and works for Maidstone Borough Council and is in a postion of power over children and is in charge of the hotfoot playscheme collecting data on families who she decides may have sexualised behaviour or come from poor families; she MUST be removed

She is a very dangerous woman and is also a member of the Beacon Free church that is helping to steal children in Kent


Anonymous said...

power elite have with sex and children?
Is paedophilia in high places spreading so rapidly that it should become government/national policy, globally?
Young children are not interested in sex so where is this obsession to make them sexually aware at such a young age coming from?
It is a result of the planned implementation of the following;
Every Child Matters/Children for Change, The Role of Teachers in a Changing Context, Global Dimension in the School Curriculum, Global Citizenship, UN, EU and the coming One World Order. Last but not least, sex education from UNESCO via the above conduits; Equality and Diversity, the process by which these changes are being implemented.
The original purpose of birth registration was for tax purposes and for availability for military value of the person. Compulsory registration of births is a practice which originated in England and Wales in 1837. In effect, when a child is registered, it belongs to the state, which generously allows parents to 'care for the child' – sometimes.

The World Organisations such as the UN, Unesco and the World Bank with its educational time-frame funding would all have us believe that Every Child Matters, Change for Children, global vaccination and birth registration, data retention and global change programmes 2008 – 2015 are to protect children and ‘make poverty history. Why then, does this identification and control by faceless tax-collectors who re-distribute our wealth at their whim, not feel like the word and work of a benevolent guardian?

If Britain is to survive as a nation, we must organise ourselves around the principles of our constitution - that we are sovereign, not the Monarchy, and especially not Parliament. We must learn that politics is not about power. It is about our welfare, our liberty.

Anonymous said...

Tamara Dyson is in the Crown Court today where she will have her children stolen by the state and her freedom withdrawn. The judge called her a chronic alcoholic, she has never even seen her, how can a chronic alcoholic pass a breathalyser 3 times a week?

Anonymous said...

BBC News - West Berkshire Council loses children's information
A Berkshire council lost a memory stick containing personal information about children, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has said.

more info for the pedo sick judges woder if the new president of family corts justice wall ordered this info lost hmmmm

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


ACTION FOR CHILDREN are also supposedly independent advocate paid for by KENT COUNTY COUNCIL, families are expected to use them when they complain about their children being stolen for FORCED ADOPTION




Anonymous said...

The gags are off NOW


stick this in your pipe and smoke it you evil corrupt arseholes

Anonymous said...

Amanda Carole Griffiths
The judge should have recused himself in my case and my grand-daughters case as he was presiding over both but never did, CORRUPT JUDGE GRAHAM CLIFFE!

Anonymous said...

Pearl that Judge comes up time and time again by parents who have been wronged. Time to start a petition maybe to get rid of her.

I seen her in action Pearl in Barnett Court

Anonymous said...

BBC News - Steven Purcell quizzed over cocaine claims
The former leader of Glasgow City Council has been questioned by police over his admission that he had used illegal drugs.

an the rest the nounce Levy & co are his solicitors ring any bells !

Hollie Grieg case

Anonymous said...

Amanda Carole Griffiths

I saw the MP today and he wants to meet more parents who have been wronged by North Yorkshire County Council & Selby Children's Social Care.

suddenly they are intersted what a fucking joke David Cameron/Nick clegg and the rest of the corrupt useless lot of them ALL know whats been happening for YEARS and DID NOTHING !

Anonymous said...

got the papers through today to do with court, it actually has the people's names and address of where Nath would be if he was to be adopted, even more intresting for me is that they own a garage, and a burgundy focus, in Beverley, but hey SS didnt think i would find out, fucking idiots, i even have their home number
Oh fast tracking him with having a family set up ready to make the move even before you have had a chance to appeal. VERY SNEAKY!!!!!!

interesting they moved him to another county.

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt trust social services with looking after my cat. They are overburdened, overpaid, under experienced and so full of their crap they cant do their own jobs properley, in fact they cant work without looking into a manual that some jerkoff phsychologist wrote whilst viewing child porn. If you look up into the early morning sky and spot a meteor trail streak across the heavens, it isnt a meteor, it is in fact the Social Services and JPs coming to work from planet ZOD. Because these people dont fkn well live on earth.

Anonymous said...

Is it not the case that UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) 1-103.6 commands the court to retain Common Law rights & remedies & the statutes must then be "construed in harmony with the Common Law"?

In civil cases such as childrens family court NO CRIME has been committed, therefore this amounts to legal but NOT Lawful kidnap

Anonymous said...

gail frost,lancashire county council is a fat ugly lieing troll.story to long to tell gross misconduct press went mad for our story back in 1997,they got a gaging order child is now 18 so can now expose them all
any one else know of her thanks

Anonymous said...

linnett nanton ss in bolton loves mondays so she can start her evil lying break familys up she loves it she does this with a smile on her ugly fat black face

Anonymous said...

linnett nanton ss in bolton loves mondays so she can start her evil lying break familys up she loves it she does this with a smile on her ugly fat black face

Anonymous said...

Greg lance watkins is a nobody, not even a has been, he only feeds of the credit and ideas of others.

He doesnt like the fact the people are doing things out of love, not greed, he couldnt make money out of the hollie case. Hollie for justice has never been about making money, it about the truth and justice, if anyone want to give to help that is up to them.

It a classic to turn around and say that others are either mad or have no evidence to back up their contentions.

We know what happened to Hollie and we know who is behind this wickedness.

Greg lance watkins as been acting as spy and trying to draw attention away from the truth.

Do not trust him he uses people for the other side, no doubt in their pay roll.

to try and twist the truth to cover up what happened to Hollie and the other children, we know that the dark side has inside people.

I heard him talk once at a meeting he was useless, we were falling asleep.

Anonymous said...

who is greg lance watkins? and who cares what he thinks.

I thought we were all on the same side, frighing corruption and child abuse, against the one world order, police state.

Anonymous said...

it should be adult protection against social workers, not child protection, social workers do not work with families and they leave the abuser with the child, they have the power to move your child. who would do such a thing?

what the history of social workers?

when parents try and protect their off spring, it is used against you, as if they were mad for stand up against evil.

social workers work with the corrupt family courts, injustice system, corrupt complaint system for soical workers GSCC, corrupt cafcass, law society is corrupt, corrupt complaint system, solicitors and barrister working against you with corrupt judgess all in secret, so the public is unaware of what these Nazis are up to.

locial counci support this corruption. These people all have the same mind set

Anonymous said...

devonport people dreams NDC regeration inclusion?


bronwean lacey, nazi for the SS linda buckley was working for fata-he, but it appears that they saw through her agenda.

why would Browean lacey support linda buckley, their is witchcraft a foot. Both are evil

Anonymous said...

did anyone watch undercove social worker last night on tv, what a load of ribbish, they dont care about our children

Anonymous said...

what these social had to say was spin v the media because they know we know their agenda.

why have parents or the public been able to give their say about the corurption, because the government doesnt want the truth to come out, soical workers were meant to be their for the public, but we need protecting from these Nazis.

they have a mind set to put people down who dare to question their conduct, trying to hide behind the common purpose. we have so much evidence now, that shows them up.

when you ask to see you file, and find out that soical workers are telling lies about you, from a social worker you have never even met, who do they think their are.

millions of good people have made complaints about social worker only to find their is protection set up by the local councils, corrupt judges freemasons and common purpose

children have been taken unlawfully by corrupt social workers their is no way back from the truth.

every child matters, we know what they are doing to the children.

Anonymous said...

the local governemt Ombudsman is part of the set up shame on jerry white, abuse of human right.

He has been protecting the corrupt and wicked working in the local social services depts, child stealing.

public money is being used as part of the protection for these low lifes

Anonymous said...

we know what they did to a law student and her two children, she saw through the corruption, and wouldnt buy in to it, she had more morals that than any social workers. we know who you are you time will come for you wickedness, she was not a bad mother.

however, I repeat they tell lies in reports, nothing is doen about thta in the corrupt family courts, who is protecting social workers.

Why did the McCanns keep their two other children? when they left three children on their own and went out drinking. we know what happened next. no court case about their conduct, no doubt if the parents were on benefit they would of taken them.

Anonymous said...

social worker joanna noakies was full of herself on ch 4, yet we know them to be nasty fucking old cows, shame we couldnt get the clients to response to her comments.

She thinks she was wonderful, it never our fault, clients react?were are so wonderful we are only trying to help.

yet they have been making money form fostering and adoptions, meeting government targets.

taking babies from Mums with out consent, how cruel is that. the SS have been picking on single parents, edd balls, was behind that one.

you try and protect your child from sex abuse, the SS gang up on you and protect the sick bastard.

then try and say you have mental health problems, classic.

all social workers working now appear to have their own mental health problems and big egos

Anonymous said...

why is jerry white still a government Ombudsman, it is a set to stop you sueing the ss for fraud

Anonymous said...

social workers only stress you out, cause a great deal of pain, by their wickedness and evil actions.

done of them are fit to work with the public.

the ss do not show their true selves on tv, why would they? it was spin and a set up.

notie most of them are over wht, with health problems, cafcass are the same

Anonymous said...

question time bbc is recored hour hour before going out to edit.

only certain people can ask questions, question time is a set up by the government and spin

not what you think it is

Anonymous said...

I asked Social Services for help and their overall help was to to take the kids away.

Anonymous said...

my investigation, my complaint into the ss, was brushed aside because of a corrupt solicitor in exeter, she mess up my case, against the corrupt social worker and the illegal dept of plymouth city council, social worker alsion edwards denied her actions.

nothing is done about these people, jerry white government ombudsman is behind it

Anonymous said...

Dr Carlyn Adcock HNS trust, Sue Baldwin child protection nurse,
Alsion edwards Ginkgo house reviewing officer children services, Plymouth.

child stealers

Anonymous said...

how many babies has alsion edwards taken for fostering and adoption with out the consent of the Mums and dads? all on corrupt reports

must of made a few pennies.

your time is comming

it time she went on a diet, we know were your address?

Anonymous said...

I think the NHS has a policy on stealing babies at birth

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

rothschild agenda behind the one world order and the rest. social workers are part of the front line attack on the family, v social policy "every child matters", it is sick, never give up on the truth.

they need to feel what they have done to you and others, then they might get mercy.

M.Ps have let us down, working for the police state and bankers

Anonymous said...

social workers need to know how people feel about their actions, not protection

Anonymous said...

how could you go to work every day and be in a office with people who steal children?

they have no feelings.

who would take a new born baby of a Mother? on the lies and hearsay of a corrupt doctor, sick family court judge, tyzack, and child protection nurse spy, all under the evil eye of alsion edwards social worker and nazi. this is the uk today

Anonymous said...

Allsion edwards and co have taken six babies of one Mum, she had never done any thing wrong only question their actions against her. tyzack behind it he wants it kept under wraps

Anonymous said...

check out Lloyds who has interests, judges solicitors MPs

Anonymous said...

notice transcrips from the courts corrupt, in the USA courts you can film the trial and tape what been said.

not the uk

Anonymous said...

Restoring Constitutional Freedom and the Rule of Law to the British People, it a start.

police, courts, family law............

Anonymous said...

you will find that what a judge has said in court will be change by the time you get a transcript, which you have to pay for.

we need to change this set up.

john larking london firm corrupt, he is acting for the other side.

Anonymous said...

look what they did to linda lewis and her daughter, pure evil.

Anonymous said...

we have to sort out the judges, at this time they are protected in the usa its very difference.

we need judges on trial for their actions

Anonymous said...

judge tyzack QC is a dirty old man in to porn, sits in the family courts in the sout west, nothing was done about his lies to te police? who is protecting these corrupt judges, he took six children of one family, on hearsay.

easy picking, if they stood up to him they would of been section.

miss information

Anonymous said...

royal courts of injustice part of the set up, we have to sort out the injustice system and the police, freemasons behind it.

jack straw and blair all part of it.

Anonymous said...

isnt it funny that social workers are making out that their here to help the public, however, they did not protect Hollie, in fact social workers were part of the abuse.

I understand that it was a corrupt social worker from wales, who took linda lewis daughter from the usa on a false passport, when she was in hospital, they took her at gun point in front of the child and grand parent.

under a differnce name, held illegally, with out a pick up order from the court.

the SS have filled her daughter with drugs, to control her, keep her away from her family and the truth.

How would you feel if someone had done such a wicked thing to your family.

all the Mother was doing was trying to get her daughters health back, due to the illegal operation
by a corrupt Doctor, if it had not been for the mother she would of died.

Anonymous said...

The public are sick and tired of public servants 'acting' out a role; we need transparency and honesty.

they came for your children, then your homes, one world order.

we must wake people up, I wish ch 4would put "child stealing by the state" on the tv.

Anonymous said...

well done to robert green and co,
we must wake the public up to this wickedness and evil

Anonymous said...

what happened to Nicky cussens solicitor in family law, she is corrupt, was working at foot ansty, understand she was having an affair with one of the solicitors in the same firm, he was married, she is meant to be, morals of a ally cat.
lives in totnes, has a son how would she feel if her son was taken off her by a corrupt solioitor, in the secret family court of the dirty old bastard Tyzack QC.

Anonymous said...

ballards house, miland house and ginkgo house all part of the net work for the SS and big fat greedy allsion edwards, soical worker who eats babies.

if the parents got hold of her roll her down the street, put a pin in her, she would go off bang.

one less witch

Anonymous said...

judge Llewllyn was behind the corruption in the court, in wales and the barrister was miss sutton acting for the Nazis.

Miss Sutton, a barrister with very little experience, refused to give the details about a pick up order? for Linda lewis daughter.

this was going against article 6 human right act, they have show evidence, no evidence no case.

never been a pick up order from any court.

kidnapping by the police state by social workers, false passport false name.

Judge Llewllyn is a freemason, look what he has done in other cases, these judges have to go

ever since they have try hard to twist the truth

Anonymous said...

carol MASHEMBO barrister, was working for kings bench?

do we know were she has gone, so to warn the public.

useless and corrupt, that has come from another in her line of work?

these barristers are greedy and they give the good ones a bad name

Anonymous said...

what we have is a corporate set up, in the injustice system.

no doubt jack straw and co were paid off for their dirty deeds, did anyone see the video on you tube?
when jack straw was found out for telling lies in a taxi? nothing new then

thou shall not bear false witness

Anonymous said...

social worker full of himself was telling everyone at a party in cornwall that he had sectioned five Mums under the mental health act?

children had been taken no doubt for fostering and adoption.

when they go in to the care of the nazi homes, they are abused by the staff and left to die. we pay these people to abuse us and steal children.

Anonymous said...

Replace the Human Rights Act with a UK Bill of Rights, what a lot of ball, we have a bill of rights, go to hell.

Anonymous said...

sure start, labour party policy on children everychild matters, common purpose, health visitors pushing for the swine flu jabs, they report you to the NAZIs.

Anonymous said...

go to Ian Crane website google, it will tell you all about the one world order, hidden agenda, no doubt david camerson and the corporate government will be backing the greedy and evil bankers, david will be waiting in the wings, like blair for his pay off

Anonymous said...

carol MASHEMBO corrupt barrister was trying to in prison a grand father for protecting his daughter against the corrupt Nicky cussens solicitor. who is now working in exeter, no doubt having a ffair at work was getting to hot for her.

Nicky cussens was working for the corrpt council and clients at the same time. both were bringing claims with out evidence under the evil eye of judge tyzack QC to the corupt family court in secret?

Anonymous said...

all that these corrupt judges can do in the secret family court, is to make an injunction against you, it never about protecting children it about protecting their dirty little secrets.

word of mouth

Anonymous said...

we know social workers tell lies to back up their claims, what they then try and do is make out your the problem and twist the truth.

It all very well being on ch 4 it was bias.

the cat is out the bag, no going back, we need to remove the the child stealers and all those corrupt family court judegs.

Anonymous said...

the new head of the family courts did a deal to get his job, he is not what he appears.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone find out Julie wiliams cafass officer, she told big lies in her report about me and my family, nothing been done about that injustice, one of many from her.

steals babies for adoption.

they think their experts, experts in shit.

Anonymous said...

With effect from 30 December 2005 the law on adoption was comprehensively reformed by the Adoption and Children Act 2002 and the Family Procedure (Adoption) Rules 2005. The main aims of the reforms were to align adoption law with the Children Act 1989 and to try to ensure that the consent of the birth parents is addressed at an earlier stage.

The child’s welfare is paramount. The Court must be satisfied that the birth parents consent or that their consent can be dispensed with on the grounds that they cannot be found, they are incapable of consenting or that the welfare of the child requires the consent of the parent to be dispensed with.

The Court may dispense with the consent of a parent provided that the welfare of the child requires it.
what a lot of shit. I know no parent that has given consent unless they were put under duress by threats

Anonymous said...

note if parent can not be found?

six children have been taken by the corrupt family court under the evil eye of judge tyzack QC, the SS and julie williams, the cafcass offcier, all of them are evil. we know juliw williams tells lies in her reports about parents, Julie williams is a x social worker.

incapable of consenting?
Parents are more than capable of not giving consent why would they give consent, done nothing wrong.

vulnerable children

no, only vulnerable, because of those who are evil and wicked are waiting in the wings to steal children for adoption and make money out of the situation.

vulnerable because of the corruption by doctors who are trying to cover up their dirty little secrets.

vulnerable because they dont have their parents love and protection from the police state.

vulnerable because the fostering parents and adoption parent can abuse them and no one would know

vulnerable because they will be lied to by the corrupt ss

welfare of the children require it?

not true, no evidence, only hearsay

i rest my case

Anonymous said...

in this case her mother had not even given birth yet. the evil social workers were waiting in the wings, came in to the hospital with out consent or a court order and put this mother under duress.

the children nurse and ss spy had report the mother when she was giving birth, how sick is that.

browean lacey common purpose has been trying to keep it under wraps.

what is not reported in the media

Anonymous said...

Julie wiliams was trying to take children off a good father who had done nothing wrong. Julie williams only interests were to allow these children to be left with a group of dogs and their mother, while their was shit all over the house.

welfare of children is their main concern

Anonymous said...

social workers use the police to do their dirty work.

they insult you, use your reaction against you having abused you in front of your children. tell lies that you have assulted them?

no one must ever see a social worker on their own, tape what is being said or film it.

the way that they think, that they can put others down to make them feel powerful, how sad is that.

Anonymous said...

while we have corrupt judge like that old bastard overend and Co, we will not have justice.

the bar council and the law society are protecting corruption.

Anonymous said...

social workers, judges, police, cafcass, and the family courts are unstoppable and untreatable predators whose violence is planned, purposeful and emotionless.

Anonymous said...

fabricated assault charges made by social workers this was not reported on the media.

when anyone is reporting crimes against parents by social workers, they do not like the media or news to know about their dirty deeds

Anonymous said...

There are a number of Social Workers in Britain who should be psychiatrically examined for Sadistic Schadenfreude Disease as a matter of considerable urgency as it does seem to be becoming highly infectious among their ranks.

This Disease affects the frontal lobe area of the brain and destroys the part which controls emotions, most effectively destroying those emotions of compassion, caring, and concern.
It seems to be being passed on during their meetings, conferences, and training Courses and is particularly rampant in certain parts of the U.K. such as Liverpool, Wigan, Essex, Suffolk, Surrey, Hampshire, south west, scotland,and some Inner London Boroughs where a highly virulent strain of the disease is apparent in those areas.

Anonymous said...

But it is their actions which give cause for most serious concern. They take gleeful delight when they see a highly distressed and distraught mother having her children removed from her (permanently) in hospital maternity wards or in Children’s Court precincts. They then go off to celebrate their `Victory for Rightfulness’ in the nearest pub, with large quantities of lentil soup, muesli, and to quaff generous quantities of Chardonnay.

This is a very serious disease and is becoming increasingly virulent and is reaching epidemic proportions and the government must urgently intervene to stop the further spread of this disease among British Social Workers. (it seems also to be spreading among doctors and nurses and other associated professionals, who may be less seriously infected but the disease is apparent in their cognitive processes.)

One of the most urgent steps for the government to take is to order every Pharmaceutical company to immediately begin research studies and tests into a vaccine which can be given widely and urgently, and with repeat booster doses at least every two years.

A Treatment Programme for Sadistic Schadenfreude Disorder must also be immediately put into effect by the Department of Health. Top Medical Experts state that Frontal Love Lobotomy is essential followed by several years of Electro-Convulsive Therapy and a Rehabilitative Programme of gradual exposure to situations of caring loving relationships between mothers and children.

It is not yet known whether the disease has an inherited component but in order to protect our society from future generations which these social workers may produce, a programme of compulsory sterilisation is essential.

A full account of this Disease (Sadistic Schadenfreude Disorder) with accompanying data from scientific studies, will be appearing shortly in the British Medical Journal.

Dept for Infectious Disease Control

Anonymous said...

look at liverpool adoption targets so doubt judge Roddy and Ryder were paid well for their part in stealing the nations children.

check out Ann Potter barnardos, she working with them, jane harris, a independant social worker, children guardian, another spy for the SS, police state

Anonymous said...

we will not have justice in the courts, until we get these judges out, it time for good people to stand up to this corruption.

Their is so much of it about, its the greedy bankers, rothschilds and the 13 blood line families, behind the power and control with the government.

its so evil what they are doing to the nations children, their dirty little secrets.

Anonymous said...

it time to name and shame all solicitors or barristers that you know to be corrupt. it not just they have been stealing the nations children, but our homes through fraud, by corrupt judges. this is out of control.

the barristers used by Liverpool illegal dept, run by common purpose.

they have been stealing children for adoptions.


Anonymous said...

carol MASHEMBO corrupt barrister was trying to in prison a grand father for protecting his daughter against the corruption of Nicky cussens a solicitor. who is now working in exeter, no doubt having affair at work was getting to hot for her. you cant miss her she looks like a tart.

report them to the bar council and law society

nicky cussens was waiting to get the children taken off the mother for adoption.

corrupt social worker ken phillips, try hard to say that this mother had mental health problems, this was classic.

Nicky cussens was working for the courrpt council and clients at the same time. claims made with out evidence.

the barrister didnt even know how to fill in a form, what she was doing was illegal. lots of witness to this scam.

Anonymous said...

barnardos. hidden agenda stealing children for adoption.common purpose

social workers do not help the public they act like police/nazis

Anonymous said...

we need to look at the mental state of social workers, sub human

Anonymous said...

jackie ashley solicitor outland rd, Gill Akaster, plymouth, told me had I had no rights as a mother, I report her to the law society, they did nothing,
Jackie ashley was riping off legal aid, public money, nothing done about that either, she is a bully.
She never liked Mothers because she is gay.

what the hell was she doing on the family panel for children. working with the SS at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Nicky cussens family solicitor is now working in exeter warn other people of her dirty deeds.

Anonymous said...

lost a great deal of money due to jackie ashley

Anonymous said...

these family solicitors have been working with the local councils against you and your children to a common purpose.

Anonymous said...

Who do they think they are (SS)telling you what to say and do, to cover up their deceptions it all about their egos and money.

Anonymous said...

go to solicitors from hell, will tell you more about how corrupt the injustice system is.

Anonymous said...

The answer is: - we continue doing what the mainstream media are afraid to do. For the record, it is now coming out through various profiled cases that the ss do lie and big time!!
Guys don't let anyone distract you with: - Waffle!!

Anonymous said...

Jacqueline Bob - common purpose works for Maidstone borough council in charge of children and the hotfoot playscheme

BEWARNED she works with Kent SS and is a member of the Beacon Free Church who also help steal children and whose elders have made massive fortunes in fostering and runs a school at the Manor youth club employing another common purpose graduate Gary Morley who lurks about in the local infant schools

Maidstone is run by Freemasons MP's/ Kent Police common purpose

Anonymous said...

Cameron/Clegg both know whats been going on for years the lying bastards must think we are real idiots they can shove their so called independent review where the sun dont shine !

lets look at the social services, that they are getting independent people in to look at the social services, by that i mean the government is of course, makes no sense as they all piss in the same pot

Anonymous said...

Hey Maureen, mate, good job you didn't send your son a birthday PRESENT God knows what the whacky Judge would have done then!!!

Anonymous said...

Sabina Heywood


Anonymous said...

Suffolk Social Services........I swear with the last breath in my body, I will name, shame and ruin everyone of your warned!!!

Anonymous said...

Now call me blonde if you wish but if a paedo can escape jail for breaching an order, then so can Maureen Spalek for simply sendign her son a birthday card

Anonymous said...

40 supporters,some travelling100 miles,attended Maureens hearing yesterday at Warrington where she appeared before Judge Knight. one charge was dropped as she is allowed to serve papers as a L.I.P. so now it is just about her sending birthday cards to her children, the case was adjourned until the 29th June.

Anonymous said...

UPDATE 40 supporters,some travelling100 miles,attended Maureens hearing yesterday at Warrington where she appeared before Judge Knight. one charge was dropped as she is allowed to serve papers as a L.I.P. so now it is just about her sending birthday cards to her children, the case was adjourned until the 29th June.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how many Mums and dads have been stitched up and lost their children due to corruption in our hospitals. All in the "Best Interests of the children"???????????????

Call for Great Ormond Street hospital to be investigated | UK news |
Minister says world-famous children's hospital should be subject to 'urgent investigation' after consultants sign letter of no confidence in chief executive

Anonymous said...

Hollie Demands Justice News Release
June 4th 2010

Hollie and Anne Greig have recently been on holiday with friends, during which time their knowledgeable supporters advised Anne to serve Shropshire County Council with a 'Notice of Claim of Right' under Common Law. This was done on May 20th and has since caused Shropshire Social Services serious indigestion in that they felt that this 'Notice' may have caused something to happen to both Anne and Hollie.

Coincidentally, Shrewsbury Police, acting on a tip off from the SSS that Anne and Hollie had gone missing, this gave them an excuse in law to force entry into Anne’s home on June 3rd. Since they did not find any corpse they felt it was necessary to seize Anne’s computer and change the door locks, leaving her unable to enter her home over the weekend, no inventory of items removed has been so far offered. This is also law.

Then later this afternoon June 4th, at approximately 3.15pm, DCI Bates and DCI Rouse contacted a solicitor and requested a meeting with Anne and Hollie, this subsequently took place at a the solicitors office on the same day, this confirmed they were both alive and well.

How very unusual for two Inspectors to leave the police station for two supposed reported missing persons.

In another strange coincidence on the same day, Mr Greg Lance-Watkins, owner of the self-appointed Hollie Greig website, has now been exposed as a UK government agent, hence his rant of today, June 4th on see pdf.
Both he and Anna Raccoon, fellow blogger (real name Susanne Nundy nee Blackie), worked at the Court of Protection see email address view "Links to Old Scholars' Pages" at

Is this a coincidence? Also ex-employee of the Lord Provosts Dept. Does she come from Scotland? Another coincidence? We don’t think so. Since Anne and Hollie’s address has been divulged on by Mr Watkins, it seems fair that we should reciprocate the compliment. Susanne Nundy nee Blackie (Anna Raccoon), now lives at
Rue de l’Ancienne Poste,
Issigeac 24560

As the Police have seized Anne’s computer, users of electronic media will be aware, that the equipment will have been examined, therefore we feel it is in our supporters interest to be aware of this. We all need to redouble our efforts to raise public awareness of the corruption in our midst. They are few, we are 60 million.
Robert will be speaking on the cover-up concerning the murder in 1997 of Roy Greig (Anne’s brother), at the Rugby Club, Bury St Edmonds this week-end as part of the British Constitution Road Show.

Anonymous said...

Further evidence of infiltration by Mr Watkins of other groups that may give cause for concern to the controlling cabal, is the fate of the Magna Carta Society. Mr Watkins offered (just has he did with Anne and Hollie) to host their website, this he did and soon commenced to stir discontent amongst it’s members.

Shortly afterwards he froze the website and announced that the society had been disbanded pdf here.

This was untrue, see Daily Telegraph. pdf here.

Do we see a pattern here? We need not add anything further, but feel it is appropriate when dealing with the authorities who abuse power, to provide the following story.
There once was a man who was famous for training donkeys to perform tricks, he was so good at it that he gave lessons on how to train donkeys.

One day a class of students assembled around a donkey and the famous trainer began by saying: "I always use kindness in my training." Then he turned and punched the donkey on the nose. One of the students raised his hand and asked; "Excuse me." The trainer said: "I know what you thinking, the lesson hasn’t started yet, but I have got the donkey’s full and undivided attention."

It will be interesting to see what Mr Watkins et al will do next.
Robert, Anne and Hollie wish to thank all their loyal supporters, for their kindness and dedication towards their fight for justice, not just for Hollie, but for all other abused children who have been ignored by a system that protects the perpetrators, not the victims. SHAME on all who assist them.

Hollie Demands Justice
Robert Green and Team

Anonymous said...

Eric Hotson Mayor of Maidstone works for the following company that he advised the then Cllr Sheena Williams to seek advise and assistance from telling her that it wouldn’t cost her anything as she had made it clear she didn’t have the £10,000 neccesary to pay a solicitor, guess what all they did was gather information and confirm she was broke.

Anyone smell a massive RAT ???

1. Please supply all documentation/information that relates to the amount of times
Kingsford’s Solicitors in Ashford has been instructed by Canterbury Cafcass for all
records kept.

From May 2005 to date, the total number of times that Kingsford’s Solicitors have been used
by the Canterbury office is 106. This information has been retrieved from the Cafcass Case
Management System.

Anonymous said...

Whatdotheyknow – works for the government any time anyone gets near the truth they get banned, now there’s a surprise !

That way thaey dont have to answer the question

Shame on you

Anonymous said...

Dear Her Majesty's Courts Service,

Under a Freedom of Information request, could information be
supplied as to the legality of a Court Order with no Seal. This
information is to include the questions listed below;

1. Does this make the Court Order, effectively a Non-Order?
2. Is any subsequent action regarding this Order legal?
3. Would any action taken as the result of a Order without Court
seal,(a)be a legal act and (b) would action taken, resulting from a
"no seal" Order e.g search and seizure, adoption, etc be a legal
4. Would action resulting from a "no seal" Order be considered as
either a fraudulent or criminal act?

Yours faithfully,

Mr Sam Hallimond

Guess what HMC wont answer because they are totally evil and corrupt and everybody knows they are responsible for stealing children and hiding peado's

Anonymous said...
Belinda is campaigning against child stealing and paedophiles in power. in particular the Hollie greig case. she is setting up a new website and wants all our stories to create the big picture. please send her the bare facts of your case. see the letter to MP on my notes and create your own to send to your MP sarah teather MP and to Belinda.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda Frances Mcdermott

Luton SS are getting warrants out for hunting down the missing children from foster care. The media story is insulting the average intelligence of the public .If those children were happy in care they would never have run away.

Anonymous said...

Benjamin Hudson

Reduce them to a level to which they have reduced others and see how they can go about thier daily lives.... am thinking that after 24 hours of what they have subjected you and others to that they will see what human effluent they are and I can smell them from here ... the days of self gratification are coming to an en

Anonymous said...

Trauma through injustice
The creation of trauma through injustice usually leads to financial ruin and often to suicide; our utterly corrupt British courts now practice it regularly, as do bodies as diverse as the General Osteopathic Council and Social Services with local councils, who together snatch 4,500 healthy children a year from good parents ... See Morefor forced adoption. They are not interested in abused or maladjusted children.
There are two objectives:
1. Trauma makes people live in fear of government; it controls them and makes them comply.
2. It trains local leaders, like social services and councils, to rule with the brutality a dictatorship like the EU will need to stay in power.

Anonymous said...

solicitors from hell

Anonymous said...

I think it about time the truth came out about dirty waltkins.

Anonymous said...

"While the world is asleep, you can
look at it and weep

Few things you find are worth while

And though I don't ask for much, no material things to touch

Lord, protect my
child " - Bob Dylan

Anonymous said...

aushwitz again tomorrow for ss assessment isw starts next week though and psych says im sane very hard fight for ss should they want to pursue it x bet your bottom dollar they try to take me down they all come with me .... all of a sudden my requests under dpa are being dealt with promptly tho i failed to get in panel to have a say in health and ss in staffs smell a rat ? i do

Anonymous said...

Chris Wittwer

Is enough being done about paedophilia within the goverment ? or is it just all being covered up ?

Anonymous said...

dispatches undercover social workers, having worked for the ss years ago I can say this was rubblish.

cut backs 30% what has that got to do with child stealing by the state. these guys have had money from the corrupt labour government to steal and pay others for stealing the nations children.

I felt a lot of what was going on was spin.

we do know from evidence and fact that the SS tell lies in their reports to the courts.

It appears that they do not know their clietns well enough, they come with agenda, unable to help anyone. their morals are that of a ally cat.

why doesnt dispatches ask the public and then we would the truth.

it all about ticking boxs to get fund to continue with the abuse.

how can this be allowed to go on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Judge Richard Polden Recorder Green
Guardian Amanda Barden Kent county council Kent Corrupt Family courts


Anonymous said...

Masonry depicts and glorifies the
sex act in many of their symbols, just like you would
expect any occult group to do. A study of the "deeper meaning"
of many symbols proves Freemasonry is Satanic.


Anonymous said...

Hollie Greig plot thickens as police raid her house!

Outragious bad behaviour of civil servants, who deny a young vulnerable abused lady, even her most basic human rights. article 8 has clearly been violated and article 5 as well as others. Public authorities violating human rights.

Anonymous said...

dispatches, ch4, undercover social workers. What work do social workers do to support the public from what could be seen, nil

when we take action against the corrupt family court, we must take action against the SS

Anonymous said...

Solicitors from Hell, report your corrupt solicitors on their website

Anonymous said...

What have they got to hide in Hollies case. these people are sick.

Anonymous said...

Kent Masonic Bully Boy Police you will have to do better than that

sending your foreign speaking little boys in tracksuits round to case the joint pretending to be worried about delivering leaflets to the wrong house this is more harassment of women and children all caught on camera

the world and its neighbour are watching you and will make you accountable for any wrong doing on your part for protecting the masonic county courts and judges stealing children for forced adoption

Anonymous said...

Yolande Lindridge told us all about your dirty tricks do you really think you can drive us all out of Kent or put us all in mental institutions ???

the game is up the cats well and truly out of the bag

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It may be a good time for family court judges to seriously consider retiring abroad in the same way they made families flee from the SS

We know where you work, rest and play who your wives/mistresses/rent boys are including your children we even know what cars you drive

It is only a matter of TIME

Anonymous said...

Jim & Sam on the WRIGHT STUFF NOW - kids in care

please email

or call 020 173-5555

lets get the truth out there

Anonymous said...


'I am a former conservative councillor (Maidstone Borough council)
who resigned from the party due to kent county council stealing
my 4 granddaughters for forced adoption.

I fully support Jim & Sam; never ever seek advice from social services.

My daughter was in a domestic violence relationship and I unfortunately
stupidly sort advice.

I recently spoke out at the child snatching by the state conference in April,
please google Brian Gerrish who is bravely covering this subject that the government
would prefer to stay hidden'

Thank you Sheena for sending this to the Wright Stuff even though we all know the media is completely controlled by the government xxx

Anonymous said...

Fay Williams leave granted to commit the ss to jail for breaching the media injuction so all went well

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Stewart-Taylor

'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name!No child asked to be or enjoys abuse,it is for the gratification of the inadequate'.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Stewart-Taylor

'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name!No child asked to be or enjoys abuse,it is for the gratification of the inadequate'.

Anonymous said...

Support for Maureen
Date: Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Location: RUNCORN
Town/City: Runcorn, United Kingdom

for sending her son a birthday card

Anonymous said...

well done Fay, pray for justice

Anonymous said...

Friday 25th June, 3:00pm – the Mayor and Mayoress’s of Maidstone garden party in Staplehurst

Mayor Eric Hotson who knows all about child stealing in Kent being also a Kent County councillor who also works for kingsfords solicitor who have represented cafcass in canterbury on over 100 occasions since 2005.

Anonymous said...

‘It is illegal for children to be forcibly adopted in this country. The
court will give parents every opportunity to be involved in the process
and give their consent but if having had every opportunity to challenge,
the court will make a decision as to what is in the best interests of the


Anonymous said...

Matthew Wright from Ch5 Wrights Stuff was a complete cover-up of the SS

isnt it funny his best friend is a SS worker ?

over 90% of children are returned to their families - BULLSHIT !

Anonymous said...

FORMERLY - UK paedophiles named and shamed ! The best service to the child is the service closest to the child,who are victims of neglect,abuse,abandonment must not also be victims of bureaucracy.They deserve our devoted attention, not our divided attention.Child abuse is a problem no one really talks about.More kids die of abuse/neglect than of natural causes.If you think a child is being abused,they proberly are,dont look the other way.You could be their only way out ! In my view, there is nothing more vicious and outrageous than the abuse, exploitation and harm of the most vulnerable members of our society, and I firmly believe that our nation's laws and resources need to reflect the seriousness of these terrible crimes. Together as a nation we can fight back and protect our childrens innocence ! Come and join the fight . And see the paedophiles named and shamed in your area !

Anonymous said...

Shirley Flynn

remember this site is for anybody who is going through family proceedings or who has suffered at the hands of the family courts please feel free to invite members and to share your experiences and videos and news ect
this is also people who has lost their children at the hands of social services and the family courts together we will all win one day !!!

Anonymous said...

Trust Law - everything they do is to do with Trust's

this is how they have subjugated the Law's of England

Take your children back !

Anonymous said...

I made a complaint against a corrupt social worker, who seemingly was removed from stockton social services

i made a FOI request and two other women emailed me from that and they tell the same story...he abuses the mother, who have been in an abusive relationship with the father. the father is very concerning and abusive, yet this social worker will push for the father to have the child, whilst making women sign documents with threats or disception. Under duress basically, and an issue that will be brought to the attention of the court.

I now found out he is back working at Stockton SS (maybe they just hid him for a while while it all died down???)

I am going to Teesside Crown court this coming wednesday 23rd june and will try get access to my daughter. She ended up in the hands of my abusive ex, and he has used her as a bargaining chip for me to go see her and him, when i declined his 'advances' he then used my daughter as punishment and would not let me see her. Last time I saw her was in december 09

CAFCASS have been ignoring me when i have been sending them emails to arrange contact, i presume because of my FOI requests, not just about Peter Davison's previous disciplinary action against him, but for the social worker Kathleen Murphy of middlesbrough, who my friends 7 year old downs syndrome son was severly abused to death by a foster carer. It transpired that he wasnt the first child to die under her responsibilty. Of course shes just been transferred, and only deals with ages 12 or over.

I am not represented in court by solicitors who toe the line, and sell you out legally. I want to take this from a lawful standpoint.

I hope to get these other two mothers together to sue the courts based on our human rights, as the social worker Peter Davison has violated them disguistingly

Anonymous said...

Sevenoaks man who abused two boys spared jail and gets a police caution

no one should be surprised when Kent the child snatching capital of the UK is run by half-wits covering up child abuse in high places

Anonymous said...

Adoptive parents face charges for abusing four-year-old

Anonymous said...

Are they confused or simply lying?

Are unstamped "care" orders valid?

Dear Ministry of Justice,

Is this a Lawful Court Order? Made by HARRIS DJ, signed by someone
identified only by their (photocopied) signature "G HOOPER" who
apparently is an agent of the Court, and without a seal.

Yours faithfully,

James Moore


"There is no legal requirement for an order of the FPC to be sealed. The
signature stamp of The Justices' Clerk, as the proper officer of the Court
validates the order"

Previously response:

Court Seal Verification

Dear Her Majesty's Courts Service,

Please provide all documentation that provides clarification that
the Family Procedure Rules require an order made by the court to be
endorsed with a court seal. The rules describe the seal ‘as a mark
which the court puts on a document to indicate that the document
has been issued by the court’.

Additionally, please clarify a question of whether a Court document
such as an order is valid or not in the absence of a Court Seal.

Yours faithfully,

James Moore

“I can confirm that the Ministry of Justice holds some information relevant to your request. Family proceedings (other than adoption and placement proceedings) continue to be governed by the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 (which apply the County Court Rules 1981 and the Rules of the Supreme Court 1965). RSC Order 42 r.1(3) provides “Any order…..must be marked with the name of the Judge, referee or Master by whom it was made and must be sealed."

“On the point you raise about whether an order is valid without a court seal, I can confirm that any document purporting to be a court order that does not bear a court seal would not be compliant to the rules.”

Anonymous said...

Don’t be fooled by this overpaid idiot he knows all about child stealing and does nothing just another cabbage patch lacky

Daniel Hannan

Daniel Hannan is a writer and journalist, and has been Conservative MEP for South East England since 1999. He speaks French and Spanish and loves Europe, but believes that the EU is making its constituent nations poorer, less democratic and less free. He is the winner of the Bastiat Award for online journalism.

Anonymous said...

Clegg/Cameron taliking bullshit as usual nothing changes with these child snatchers lets remove their children and see how they like it !

The problem is that grandparents are considered irrelevant persons by the government and social services in a child’s life. They are often cut off, especially by social services, which often causes the child to be given to strangers in a crucial time of their lives which affects them for ever.

The Charter for Grandchildren that was created by a Scottish government does not in any way impinge on parental rights. It states that everyone including professionals should look more closely at the role grandparents can play in a child’s life and is totally focussed on the best interests of the child.


Anonymous said...

Amanda Mason

Exactly-lost my grandson to adoption because of their crap job...they make me so bloody mad !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Amanda Carole Griffiths

They're trying to snatch my grand-daughter too, but they have me to contend with!

Anonymous said...

what did Cameron do when Kent county council stole Maidstone Tory councillor Sheena Williams granddaughters Elle-May , Ruby, Lacey & Poppy Williams-Piper for forced adoption ??

Con West Sussex county councillor Janet Mockridge grandson Sebastian was also driven out of the country by kent county council, what did Cameron did then?

did you know they also had the same corrupt Medway court and the same corrupt Canterbury guardian involved Amanda Barden?

I wonder if Kingsfords solicitors were also involved who the Mayor of Maidstone works for he is also a Kent county councillor, any one building a corrupt picture yet of KENT/Cameron ???

Anonymous said...

On the 17th May 2010 , as concerned and LOVING parents, my husband, Mohamed and I took our 10 week old baby son , Jassem, to the Royal Alexander Childrens Hospital in Brighton after discovering a small red mark to his side. Then on the 20th May , Social Services cruelly and wrongly took our children away from us .
Please support us in our fight to get our now 3 month old son, Jay, back from foster care and our 7yr old daughter Hollie back home with us where they belong.
For all those friends who are not aware of our situation , please message or call me and i will reply to everyone of you with further information l (read less)
On the 17th May 2010 , as concerned and LOVING parents, my husband, Mohamed and I took our 10 week old baby son , Jassem, to the Royal Alexander Childrens Hospital in Brighton after discovering a small red mark to his side. Then on the 20th May , Social Services cruelly and wrongly took our children away from us .

Please support us in our fight to get our now 3 month old son, Jay, back from foster care and our 7yr old daughter Hollie back home with us where they belong.

Anonymous said...

The mark on Jay's side has now been confirmed as a Birth Mark !

There is NO evidence whatsover of child abuse !

BUT still we have to wait til the 2nd August for reports from an expert Doctor and then till End of October / Early Nov for hearing due to LACK OF JUDGES !!!!

Anonymous said...

Families are being torn apart.
Children are being snatched.
Lies are being told..and believed by the legal system..
High courts gagging families that speak the truth ..
Forced adoptions..

Anonymous said...

What do you miss the most about being a kid?


Anonymous said...

Now that you’re a Grown Up, what has changed most about you.


Anonymous said...

Return former Conservative/Independent Maidstone borough councillor Sheena Williams 4 young granddaughters, who resigned from the Conservative party after Kent county council STOLE THEM for FORCED ADOPTION.

Ensure all stolen children are returned to their rightful families and all forced adoption reversed immediately, this evil practice must not be allowed to continue and all public servants involved must made accountable for their wicked actions.

Public servants are just that ,' servants to the public,' the public are NOT there to supply an income via their children to promote unjust gain for government defacto corporations.

Anonymous said...

Family Freedom Fighter has risen from the ashes of Wordpress.

Family Freedom Fighter is BACK!!!

After popular demand, and after a well earned break (well, forming a company with my good friend, James Moore). But I have returned with a vengeance, and produced with Jim, a "Class Action" against the United Kingdom Family Division Courts and the Local Authorities (encompassing England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland).

Take a look at what's been happening;

16th June 2010 - The Telegraph reported the story on page 2.

17th June 2010 - the Wright Stuff reported the story and discussed the matter.

All I need to say now is look at the Sunday papers, and see the updates

Follow us on Facebook or;

Link to our site Freedom Advocacy & Law

Anonymous said...

Happy Fathers day to all teh fathers and grandfathers who have had their children stolen by the corrupt UK secret family courts in-conjunction with the local authorities SS

We will hunt them down with our last breath their families will know suffering just like ours have done, none will be spared until they return all our children

Fathers unite and rebel, we know you operate in secret trusts and your families will pay a far heavier price for their souls than ours because of your evil actions

every single one of you will be named and shamed and your lineage destroyed

Anonymous said...

Thomas Amaran they are killilng us - TOTAL REBELLION NOW !!!!
for the children and all that lives

Anonymous said...

Michelle Chadwick

Kianna's song number one the day she was born it always makes me smile xxxx

Anonymous said...

Matthew Starmore

I sit in a room and others are happy and all i think about is my babies and what once was. i feel there pain aswell as my own every second of every day. its unbearable, that added to the prospect of prison for reporting a crime (yet more false allegations made up by the police) i feel really ill what with the worry of everything that is going on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jonathan Adams

There is a very serious issue here, and that is whether we can have absolute faith in the organs of society to protect the most vulnerable and get it right 100% of the time. Naturally no one can get anything right 100% of the time, and therefore the very minimum we can accept is that the processes and decisions by which those incredibly difficult choices are made, are done so completely openly and with both accountability and the means to redress matters should they go wrong.

Anonymous said...

You scabs had better give my granddaughters back right now or it wont only be your last breath you have to worry about

this is a statement of fact and nothing can or will change it

Be NOTICED Now the clock is ticking

Anonymous said...

Derick Gibson

Its always been about money and how many lies that they can tell so that they can violate our human rights its never been whats in the best interests of the children if you love them they dont care-less all they want is to make money which is wrong

Anonymous said...

What a surprise a evil twisted bitch social worker has stolen Maureen Spalek boys, is this why wicked barren bitch Amanda Barden is no longer a Guardian in Kent did she steal former Councillor Sheena WiElle-May, Ruby, Lacey & Poppy Williams-Piper, we will never give up searching for ALL these stolen children ?

I have recently reported the harassment and repeated arrests of Mauren Spalek, the devoted Cheshire mother whose two younger children were taken from her in 2006, and who faces trial on June 29 on a criminal charge of sending her son a birthday card. Last week it emerged, from an official register, what the occupation is of the woman who adopted her stolen children. She is a social worker.

Anonymous said...

Bob Geldoff freeman of Kent didnt even bother getting back to councillor Sheena Williams who resigned due to Kent County Council stealing her 4 granddaughters for forced adopt ion , is he just another Gatekeeper for the corrupt government?

Anonymous said...

Linda Frances Mcdermott

Happy Fathers's Day to the" liar who stole my son away" . Enjoy living the lie for a few more years .
You say that you never got contact for 4 months, you were working in Spain and claiming benefit at the time .
Pull that for court why don't you .
The CSA letter, & passport control will prove, I am telling the truth, regardless if I... am in or out of court . You first class piece of scum .

Anonymous said...


At long last the tables are turning! Keep up the great work exposing the kiddy snatchers!

Anonymous said...


Ngozi Angeline Godwell

Anonymous said...

Well here no surprise Mayor of Maidstone Eric Hotson pal who he supported as a councill disgraced deputy head had been investigated before

KENT NEWS: A former deputy headteacher convicted last month of possessing indecent images of a pupil had been accused of inappropriate behaviour eight years earlier.

William Whillock, 57, of Headcorn Road, Staplehurst, was arrested and prosecuted for sending a 17-year-old girl intimate text messages calling her “princess” and asking her to send sexually explicit pictures to his mobile phone.

He admitted possessing 14 indecent images of the vulnerable pupil during a hearing at Maidstone Crown Court on May 21.

Anonymous said...

Do not let Eric Hotson Mayor of Maidstone within a foot of children

CRB checked or not he is a dangerous man who hides nonces

Anonymous said...

How many stolen children will the masonic scumbags sacrifice at the Summer Solstice in their evil ceremonies, will the judges just replaced their wig & dresses with cloaks ?

Anonymous said...

Facebook has changed adoption for ever
Social network sites like Facebook are changing what happens after adoption. At the click of a button, birth parents can contact their children – and vice versa – with far-reaching consequences

Shut the fuck up The Guardian government controlled newspaper, whose writers include Peter Gilroy eugenics tavistock trained SS worker EX CEO of Kent amongst other counties who have ALL suffered Massive loses of children for farced adoption under his hands, he is also a Common Purpose speaker need we say more ?

Anonymous said...

was adopted as a baby in 1982/3 in Leicestershire and had a difficult childhood with my adopted parents; my mother had always suffered, and still continues to, from mental illness and my adoptive father was unable to cope with her behaviour.

I have often thought about contacting my birth mother as, although I would be considered a successful, married professional, I have always felt like something is missing and have always envied my friends' relationships with their parents.

I have often thought about searching on facebook but am afraid of what I may find out!

Anonymous said...

you will probably find out the truth that this country has been raping and murdering children and putting them into forced adoption with SS workers and masonic scumbags for years

as you found out your pretendy parents were not up to scratch which is the norm they are destroying families with deliberate intent and placing them with inadequate idiots who should Never be allowed to have children for Good reason , you were used as a MONEY MAKERR

Anonymous said...


Telling the truth about the CORRUPT CON/DEM Government who replaced the LIB/LAB/CON all defacto governemtn stealing children under TRUSTS

Anonymous said...

Is this what I am reading right??? Mauren Spalleks kids have been adopted by a social worker. WTF is going on here.

Anonymous said...

a bloody sw has Maureens boys. Now the penny drops hence the reason her letterbox contact is being obstructed and denied and the very reason she is being hounded by the bloody police. Grrr sw's really are a law unto themselves. Keep going Maureen show these kiddy snatching assholes for all they are.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Lonsdale

I know of a case in Hull where the adoption was rushed through the proceedures because the SW was adopting the child, it only came to light after the meeting with birth parents and adoptive mother, the words "don't worry about your daughter as I am a Social Worker" made the mother flip her lid, understanably so, I would have done more than flipped my lid though.

Anonymous said...

We have conducted a great deal of research into the case, speaking with the mother and our own experts in the field of family law, checking documents and other evidence, as well as watching the manoeuvring of the Establishment, Courts, Social Services and Police in order to silence the mother. A very brave lady, who has tried to defend her daughter against abuse and obtain justice over some a 8 years. The parallels with the Anne and Hollie Greig case, and others, are striking. A 'template' of actions and techniques are being applied by the agencies listed above, in order to undermine the mother (in some cases the father), and then allow the abused child to be taken by the State. Once the child is held by the state, their vital evidence is 'lost' and the mother isolated. There can be no doubt that the Establishment and State are directly complicit in this cruel stealing of our children.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Kent County Council chief executive Peter Gilroy who set up a business with a very dodghy nigerian woman Dunstana Davies known for is money laundering ?

Anonymous said...

Establishment and State Child Snatch techniques include:


Blocking evidence of paedophile abuse brought by adults and children.

Countering allegations of abuse by the spreading of false rumours about the victim, family and mothers in particular. This may be done verbally, in written documentation and / or by ‘gossip’.

Using the psychiatric profession to undermine those reporting crimes by labelling them with false and inaccurate mental illnesses. Psychiatric reports are often written by psychiatrists who have never met the subject of their report.

Coaching child victims in closed door interviews that their abuse claims are imaginary.

Harrassment of the victim family by threats of removing the abused child, and or the forcible placement of the child with the person originally identified as an abuser.

Threats to isolate the family - don’t speak to anyone about the case, don’t speak to the press or media. Often this threat is reinforced by suggesting that speaking out will automatically ensure the child is taken from their mother or father, or both.

Collusion between the Police, Social Services, NHS and legal teams so that the victim family is held on the outside of a ‘decision making ring’, over which they have no influence or right of appeal.

Deliberate isolation of the child from parents to family break bonds and relationships. The child is often told that the reason that there is no contact with the parent(s) is that they “don’t love you anymore.” In fact the parent is blocked by Social Services from seeing the child.

Repeated Court hearings which drain the family physically, emotionally and financially.

Ultimately, the child victim is removed from the parent(s) via the Family Courts within a secret hearing which shuts out the public and the wider press and media.

Anonymous said...

Why should you and I care for this mother - her daughter - and others like them? Please read this short poem "Behind Closed Doors" by Avril Elliott.

When they came for his child

I didn't care

It wasn't mine

When they came for her child

I didn't mind

It wasn't mine

When they begged for help

I turned my back

It wasn't my problem

When they came for my child

I understood

Too Late.

It isn't too late. But we don't have much time. Sign up to and and become active. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Documents claim mother held child’s head under water

ANDREW, Iowa — The adoptive mother of the 4-year-old child who died a week ago today intentionally held his head under water in a bathtub in their apartment, according to court documents.
Danielle and Andrew Holdgrafer are charged in the death of their adopted son, Collin Parker William Holdgrafer.
Documents filed by Darrell Simmons, Department of Criminal Investigation special agent, indicated that Danielle Holdgrafer, 29, dunked Collin’s head under water while bathing the child. He said the “dunking activities” resulted in the death of the child.
The adoptive father, Andrew Holdgrafer, watched his wife dunking the child’s head under the bath water and did nothing, the documents state. The parents left the bathroom and shortly thereafter found the child unresponsive. Simmons said it resulted in the death of the child.
Court documents said Andrew Holdgrafer admitted to officers that he had prior knowledge “that abuse and neglect had been taking place and he failed to take action.”
Danielle Holdgrafer was charged with first-degree murder and is being held in Jones County Jail on $200,000 cash bond. Andrew Holdgrafer is being held in Jackson County Detention Center on $50,000 cash bond on charges of child endangerment resulting in the death of a child.
The pair are scheduled to appear Thursday in Jackson County District Court for a preliminary hearing. Public defenders have been appointed for them. In court documents, Danielle lists herself as having no job. Andrew is the caretaker at Mount Hope Cemetery in Maquoketa.
The couple had five children. Collin and another child were adopted; both are the biological sons of Jodi Holdgrafer, who is in prison on drug charges. Andrew Holdgrafer is her brother.
Three other children in the home are the biological children of Danielle and Andrew Holdgrafer. All four children were removed from the home Saturday night by Department of Human Services and placed in foster care.

Anonymous said...

Sabina Heywood

Shall we form our own Government? under Lawful Rebellion? anyone has the right to form one: now that would be fun wouldn't it! Who wants to join my drinks cabinet?

Anonymous said...

If you have or your family are/have been involved with the family courts please join the 'Class Action'. Parents are presenting a case to The Hague International Criminal Courts, against UK authorities for breach of human rights & wrongful removal of children. Sam Hallimond & James Moore need your support; case number,... name, address & brief case details etc by the 1st of July 2010.

Anonymous said...

Sabina Heywood


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