
Shame Your Social Worker

We are ashamed to be British, who would have thought this goes on in our society? We wouldn’t think it, because we don’t know it’s going on!

That’s about to change, we have but one tool at our disposal, a tool even more powerful than social worker’s having their day in court against hapless families, that tool is The Internet a machine so vast it covers the globe in seconds. Maybe, just maybe they have met their match. If you have been on the end of “their justice” it is more than likely you have nothing more to loose, please feel at liberty to tell it like it really is, name all involved, without revealing your identity.

Say NO to gagging orders, how dare they! We know its not in the interests of the child, its in the interests of the perverse judgments and scrappy evidence that could never stand up in a ‘proper’ court furthermore it could cause a public outcry if it ever got out. We’ve had enough of the injustice and the secret courts, this must end and it must end NOW, the outcry is about to begin.

Its not enough to tell your story, naming names is imperative if this is to have any impact, provide every detail you have, car registration numbers, home addresses even add a link to with their photograph. Create a profile on one of the many social networking sites, they can't afford to close them all, you will have maximum impact! The more information you provide the more they will want to close the site, the more they want to close it the more mirror sites will appear with all the same information on them, this will hurt them make no mistake, they won't like the publicity and like we care? No longer can they get away with the ability to hide behind the secret courts!

We have provided the means to "freely express" now you can have your say…

You can make your "comment" anonymously or if you are in any doubt about the traceability of your comment search for "Anonymous Surfing" and use a proxy website or go HERE then enter this Blog again by copy/paste ...then say your piece, your identity remains untouchable ...the world is waiting.

Our day will come.... as will theirs


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Anonymous said...

if you know anything about Sara White, pls let me know right away. She may be in prison for posting a video regarding her kids.

Anonymous said...


Adoption Industry Sinks To A New Moral Low
Attachment Therapy Is Child Abuse: Here Is The LONG Proof
Follows is a LONG (13,000 words!) result of a week’s research into Holding Therapy as a Forced Bonding Technique.

Anonymous said...

Please read:

Child Protective Services; Protecting Profits Not Children - Associated Content - associatedcontent.

More and more children are being removed from their homes, their parents rights terminated, all in the name of profit for the agencies involved.

Anonymous said...

We have another 10 year old taken from her mother in Gibraltar by the Isle of Wight SS to cover up paedophile abuse.

Liverpool there have been arrests over a child case where the child was taken after the Judges ruling that she should NOT be taken was removed from bundles by all other parties solicitors and court officials.

Anonymous said...

Robert Green has been rearrested and taken to Stonehaven Sherrif's Court yesterday. This was confirmed by Seargent Adam Bulger of Warrington Police, whey have refused to address concerns over Robert's safety, he was taken back to the very corrupt court that allegations were made about.

We seem to have a situation that people simply get arrested and no-one is told - just like the Gestapo.

Please ring and to ask you to phone Warrington police to ask about Robert's welfare, the number you need to call is 0845 458 0000.

they were very rude

Anonymous said...

Isn't this why Kent, Maidstone Borough Councillor Sheena Williams has asked for all councillors to be police checked?

I was amazed to hear that Conservative community cabinet member Marion Ring had only been police checked for 1 month at the recent call-in debate on 13th April where Cllr Williams tried to ensure that parents were told about social services being called if parents were 30 minutes late in collecting their children from the Hotfoot play scheme.

As members of the public we are disgusted with the lack of support shown to her by other so-called councillors, they should all resign and seem to care far more about politic's and their positions than families or children.

Kent Messenger April 16 page 33 Maidstone KM

Tory councillor faces sex charges

A Councillor has been remanded in custody on serious sex charges against children.

Martin fisher, 60, a conservative member of canterbury city council, is accused of indecent assault, sexual touching and making and possessing indecent images of children.

The charges reltate to two victims under the age of 16 and another aged 18. The offences are alleged to have occurred between 1982 and 2010.

Married Fisher, who has represented Tankerton Ward since 1995, was arrested during an early morning raid at his house in Queens Road, Whitstable on April 8.

He was questioned at Canterbury police station and remanded in custody after appearing at Dover Magistrates Court on Saturday.

He withheld his plea and is due to appear in court again on Friday, April 16.

The insurance writer, who is believed to have four grown-up sons, sits on the council's audit committee and general purposes committee.

He has been suspended by the Conservatives both in Canterbury and nationally.

Anonymous said...

Lord Justice Wall allowed a child to be stolen for adoption WHEN A REFUSAL OF CARE ORDER WAS IN PLACE?

I heard he is about to be done for human trafficing- BECAUSE HE KNEW WHAT HE DID.

In court all did was flirt with the Barrister Joanna Mallon- notorious for child snatching, I think she is part of the corrupt set in liverpool?

I understand he was made up to the head of the corupt family section because of another deed.

done of these people can be trusted, their uo to their necks in the dirt.

As we know the family court is corrupt, the new paper articles this week were spin to look good, they get paid a great deal of money to abuse and steal the children/families

Anonymous said...

Cllr Williams , yet again speaking out as a lonesome soldier on children and families and the lack of transparent services and crb check on councillors

Anonymous said...

There is little more embarrassing than a party leader taking the moral high ground with worthy tosh about “value for money” and “tightening belts” when his own party are possibly the worst offenders.

As I waited for my Chinese I chanced upon this article in the Sun, apparently David Cameron has pledged to “out” town hall fat cats “I’ll shame £60K council fat cats” and I couldn’t help but think what a load of Bull , does this bloke ever ask around before spouting.

I’m not going into detail but Peter Gilroy KCC’s retiring Chief Exec has been trousering around £200,000 plus (even I understand selling back his holidays), in addition he will be bagging an additional £200,000 bonus for doing his job and working up to retirement age.

Clearly council staff are not stupid and KCC have made similar Gilroy type payments to senior officers, for just doing the job their paid to do, last year creating another embarrassment when it was revealed that top bods had been getting bonus payments for god knows what, since I don’t think we were told.

Paul Carter leader of Kent’s ruling group seems out of step with thinking at the top of the Tory party, isn’t it time he just stepped down and stopped giving away our money and wasting it on rubbish projects like Kent TV & Health watch.

If Cameron does win the election it will be interesting to see if he does sort out fat cats, my feeling is it will be business as usual

Anonymous said...

This is a bit rich when Peter Gilroy is also a common purpose speaker and wrote to lord Laming offering to write a piece for the conservative party !

There is little more embarrassing than a party leader taking the moral high ground with worthy tosh about “value for money” and “tightening belts” when his own party are possibly the worst offenders.

As I waited for my Chinese I chanced upon this article in the Sun, apparently David Cameron has pledged to “out” town hall fat cats “I’ll shame £60K council fat cats” and I couldn’t help but think what a load of Bull , does this bloke ever ask around before spouting.

I’m not going into detail but Peter Gilroy KCC’s retiring Chief Exec has been trousering around £200,000 plus (even I understand selling back his holidays), in addition he will be bagging an additional £200,000 bonus for doing his job and working up to retirement age.

Clearly council staff are not stupid and KCC have made similar Gilroy type payments to senior officers, for just doing the job their paid to do, last year creating another embarrassment when it was revealed that top bods had been getting bonus payments for god knows what, since I don’t think we were told.

Paul Carter leader of Kent’s ruling group seems out of step with thinking at the top of the Tory party, isn’t it time he just stepped down and stopped giving away our money and wasting it on rubbish projects like Kent TV & Health watch.

If Cameron does win the election it will be interesting to see if he does sort out fat cats, my feeling is it will be business as usual

Anonymous said...

yes its in our local paper as well, how many more are out there?

Canterbury city councillor accused of child sex charges

A Canterbury city councillor has been remanded in custody on serious sex charges against children.

Conservative Martin Fisher, 60, is accused of indecent assault, sexual touching and making and possessing indecent images of children.

The charges relate to two victims under the age of 16 and another aged over 18.

The offences are alleged to have occurred between 1982 and 2010.
Married Fisher, who has represented Tankerton Ward since 1995, was arrested during an early morning raid at his house in Queens Road, Whitstable on Thursday, April 8.

He was questioned at Canterbury police station and remanded in custody after appearing at Dover Magistrates Court on Saturday morning.

He withheld his plea and is due to appear in court again on Friday, April 16.

The insurance writer – who is believed to have four grown-up sons – sits on the council’s audit committee and general purposes committee.

He has been suspended by the Conservatives both in Canterbury and nationally.
Sunday, April 11 2010

Anonymous said...

Angry documentary filmmaker Bill Maloney was thrown out of the Leader’s Debate Question Time Special Audience for speaking about Institutional child abuse, the restraining techniques used in YOIs and government paedophile rings.

Just moments before Question Time went live David Dimbleby introduced the panel asking each of them what they would be doing the next day. Michael Gove (Shadow Secretary of State for Children Schools and Families) said it was his wife’s birthday and Dimbleby asked if he had bought her a present to which he replied, “I actually bought her four presents”. Asked what the presents were Gove replied “A linen suit, a designer hand bag and two other presents that I’m not prepared to divulge”. Maloney shouted “Did we pay for them Mr Gove?” which raised a laugh from the panel and audience. Dimbleby concluded with Nigel Farage MEP of UKIP who made a sanctimonious remark to which Maloney shouted, “I don’t know why you’re so flippant, you’re guilty of stealing expenses the same as all the rest”. Dimbleby shook his finger and shouted at Maloney “If you are going to behave like this when we go on air I will have to tell you to leave.”

Maloney responded by shouting “If you want me to leave David tell me to leave. Don’t talk to me like I’m a piece of shit! You’ve got an angry electorate here and you select only five questions from 150? This is a biased audience which does not represent the lower classes.”

“I'm a documentary filmmaker and I investigate Institutional child abuse; the restraining techniques that are killing lower working class kids in Young Offenders Institutions; and paedophile rings in government that are fucking our kids! You don’t like talking about the children do you David?”
Security was then called. As he was led out Maloney turned to the panel shouting, “I’m here about the children, not about the economy. I've got more bollocks than all of you! Shame on you!" Maloney’s wife continued by shouting "Everyone in this audience should google Hollie Greig G.R.E.I.G and realise that the government does nothing!"

The security guards didn't lay a finger on Maloney as he was led out by the Producer - in fact the security guards looked like they wanted to pat him on the back!

Maloney submitted two questions to the show which were not selected, one on the issue of crime:
# Considering the government has given £840 billion to bail out the banks, how much have they spent on getting 3.5 million children out of poverty? Give the £3.4 billion promised to get children out of poverty which ‘breeds’ crime.

The second was on the issue of institutional child abuse:
# Considering it cost Australian taxpayers 200 million dollars for the Popes visit there in 2008, how much is the government spending on the Pope’s visit to the UK? And should we allow the Pope, whose Vatican City has the lowest age of sexual consent in Europe of only 12 years, into the country at all?

All Maloney wanted was his questions answered, as no politicians are willing to discuss these issues.

For further information or to arrange an interview with Bill Maloney Please contact

Maria Maloney Tel: 07710 416470 or email:

Anonymous said...

For those who can access Sky channel 200, Controversial TV, next Thursday's, (22/04/2010), "On The Edge" show, (8:00pm), will feature an interview with Robert Green and will include Anne and Hollie Greig. Please spread the word so we can expose these monsters for what they truly are. ... IC_ID=2320

Anonymous said...

In today's Irish Independent there an article by David Quinn, I wish people when they write things in news papers get there facts right, Catholic religious orders abused hundreds of thousands of children, All across the world, No one in the Vatican will deal with this, THEY REFUSE TO DEAL WITH THE SLAVERY OF HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN,

There is an arrest warrant out for a very high profile rabbi, For child rape , There is a group in the USA supporting victims of Jewish child abuse, There tons of things news paper writers never say any thing about, Governments across the world will not deal with this, Shrinks helped thousands of paedophiles escape justice, Shrinks paedophile back into the community after tell people they were cured, And loads more children got raped, THERE HAS BEEN NO SORRY FROM THEM ABOUT THIS




Anonymous said...

Gordon Brown, British Prime Minister, 'is a Paedophile', says writer

If it's not true, Mr. Brown, then sue
What do you think, unelected Rothschild gofer, Peter Mandelson, the real controller of the British government?

Thank god someone has the balls to take on these low life's running our country

Anonymous said...

Children should not be heard in the family courts

A judge's decision to hear evidence from a five-year-old sets a worrying precedent, says Cassandra Jardine.

The standard Family Courts Minefield, and not the sole reserve of the High Courts.

The learned Judge may well have established a precedent, but who are we - outsiders - to make any attempt to over-rule his wisdom and experience ?

And then the voice of common-sense the only worth worth reading : comment

For ANY Judge to "rely" on the all too frequently uncaring and slipshod "professionalism" of 'social workers' WITHOUT seeking to verify the "facts" with the child whose life is in the balance of "Justice", would in my opinion, scream out as vicious uncaring social engineering at its worst - and we have witnessed FAR too many instances of this in just the past decade for anyone to claim this is not the case.

What is urgently needed in this frequently nasty world of inhumanity, is a change in the mindset of 'social working'.

They must be persuaded or forced if necessary, to accept that anonymity applies only to the children and NOT as some wonderful protective shield behind which they can carry on their evil actions in some socialist war of attrition against all parents.

Social workers MUST be identified and OPENLYheld to account for their actions - only then can we be assured that in supporting their activities we are not unwittingly acting in opposition to natural justice and against the childs' best interests !

ONLY when Justice is OPEN and TRANSPARENT, can Justice function fairly and "justly".

"Iustitia omnibus" NO EXCEPTIONS !

Anonymous said...

deferring responsibility to the 5 year old, anything, ANYTHING, because the professionals have no spine and no intellect

It's amazing
Listen to the judge, listen to the court, no - listen to cafcass, listen to SWs, listen to self-appointed experts, uh not working

yet the flaws are CLEARLY STATED, no mystery

listen to a small child
why did the parents get bypassed?

whilst I am All for the children genuinely having a voice in home and school : the most reliable vehicle for the child's voice most of the time is the parent/s

The people pulling the child in a hundred different directions are all the paid types above

Let the child make the decision?that sounds like someone isn't doing what they are paid for

Anonymous said...

6th April 2010 –


Still no mention of protecting families and children from criminals social workers/cafcass/LA teams

If this really the best they could come up with – how about reversing forced adoption
And opening up the family court to scrunity by the public jury

We clearly can not Trust the judges to make the right decisions

Remember this is all still statues & acts NOT LAW – if I was making this as a school report it would have to say, WALL could do better – DO THEY THINK US FOOLS ???

Anonymous said...

just carry on with the liens against the corrupt council ceo /judges , poke their amended PLO where the sun dont shine , its not good enough we will get our children back either way and if we have to take the shirts off their backs to do it so be it

this is why we can not trust them to do right by children or families they are all kiddie fiddlers

Revealed: British Premier Gordon Brown Is A Paedophile

By Mike James in Germany � 28 February 2010

The Judge who conducted the inquiry into the atrocity, during which two teachers claimed to have seen another mysterious man �guiding� Hamilton onto the premises, was Lord Cullen. Cullen, also a member of the Freemasonic Speculative Society and an associate of Labour �Scottish Mafia� figures such as Lord Robertson, Tony Blair, John Reid and Gordon Brown, was accused by leading journalists and emergency service personnel of having achieved a cover-up.

Anonymous said...

When will these Judges learn until we have our pound of flesh either under common law or otherwise such as Judge Richard Polden, Judge Green or Judge Cox imprisoned for allowing children to suffer and be stolen from their families there can be no progress.

The People have expressed their wishes now Act upon them and return all stolen children forthwith.

Anonymous said...

Clearfield Doctrine

"Governments descend to the Level of mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of mere private citizen..where private corporate commercial paper and securities is concerned.... for the purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government."

What the Clearfield doctrine is saying is that when private commercial paper is used by corporate government, then government loses its sovereignty status and becomes no different than a mere private corporation.

As such, governemtn then becomes bound by the rules and laws that govern private corporations which means that if they intend to compel an individual to some specific performance based upon its corporate statues or corporation rules, then the government, like any private corporation, must be the holder-in-due-course of a contract or other commercial agreement between it and the one upon whom demands for specific performance are made.

And further, the government must be willing to enter the contract or commercial agreement into evidence before trying to get to the court to enforce its demands, called statues.

Anonymous said...

YES totally agree a few Judges need to be sacrificed after all many thousands of children have suffered at the hands of these rogues.

If I was a judges I would think very carefully about my position , if I wanted to hang on to it that is.

Natural law will soon sort that the good from the bad there are too many visualizing them away, no wonder so many of them DIE from heart attacks so soon after retiring

Anonymous said...

Media reporting bill ‘threat’ to vulnerable children

Another load of rubbish this is why families are blogging no one trusts the media or the courts to tell the truth
We don’t need your approved journalists, we will report it ourselves

Anonymous said...

Put these corrupt judges on their oath

Judge: Are you ---------

if they address you by your christian name and family name (surname)

You : Are you addressing ME

Judge: Yes



Anonymous said...

Robert Green - Hollie Greig

Plenty of people are standing for election and will be raising this issue, they can not and will not be able to stop everyone

The people wish evil to be exposed , so be it

Press Report on Robert Greens Arrest II
We need to work together on this and get him to
Put them under oath and common law

Anonymous said...

class class class . class is what you think of your self not what others think of you. forget class in the election look behind the headlines at the real truth .do not believe brown he is a political liar and a coward
and the worst kind of creep

Anonymous said...

It does seem pointless HMCS altering the PLO and changing the president of the high court family division after having received fair warning from the Hague.

Parents are increasing aware that act & statues do not apply and the Clearfield Doctrine makes it quite clear that they are operating in fraud as private entities.

Anonymous said...

1.35pm Anon

this is not a political debate families are well aware that to vote for any of the LIB/LAB/CON defacto party is virtually worthless and will result in nothing changing in the stealing and abusing of children

The only way to change things is to name and shame and make accountable all those that have abused their positions of so-called power , because the real power is with the people

Anonymous said...

North Yorkshire county council

Now is the time for me to expose more foster carer abuse and failings in Statutory Duty Of Care to Looked After Children in Safeguarding by Selby Children’s Social Care.
It is alleged that on Tuesday afternoon of this week a looked after child was threatened with physical abuse by a male foster carer. The foster carer, Mr Ivor Patton of Goole, threatened the 12-year-old girl whom was in his care. The foster carers, Mr Patton and Mrs Jackie Patton were on an outing to The Range with the 2 looked after children, when a disagreement occurred between the two sisters, whom were entrusted to the care of Mr & Mrs Patton, by Selby Children’s Social Care.
It is alleged that Mr Patton was driving, and stopped the car when the disagreement broke out between the girls, whom were travelling in the rear of the car. It is then alleged Mr Patton instructed the eldest of the girls, aged 15 years to sit in the front passenger seat and he instructed Mrs Patton to take over as driver of the vehicle. It is then alleged Mr Patton sat in the rear of the car with the other child, and told the 12-year-old girl that if her foot touched his he would ‘Shove His Foot Right Up Her Backside’. It is also alleged that Mrs Patton told the 12-year-old girl that if she was unhappy then she should pack her bags and leave their home.

Anonymous said...

The 12-year-old was so distressed she immediately sent her Mother a text message via mobile phone stating ‘I’m coming home’. The Mother was out having lunch with her 16-year-old daughter and a family friend at the time the incident occurred. The 16-year-old was so concerned about her younger sister’s welfare she rang her mobile phone to ask how she was. The 12-year-old was very frightened and stated she couldn’t say very much as she was travelling in the car with foster carers. The foster carers could clearly be heard making comments about the 16 year to the 12-year-old, which was witnessed by the Mother and the family friend.
Once back at the foster carers home the 12-year-old went downstairs during a call with her 16-year-old sister. The phone was placed in the 12 year olds pocket, on loud speak so as to enable the 16-year-old to witness Mr Patton’s attitude toward the 12-year-old. Mr Patton verbally stated ‘Don’t come down here and says what she has told you to say or I will smash your phone up in front of your face’. Mr Patton actively encouraged the 15-year-old sister whom is also in their care, to engage in verbally bullying her younger sibling.
The 12-year-old had been texting her Mother throughout the day, and sent her another text message asking for a taxi to enable her to go home to return to the care of her Mother. Her Mother rang her and said she was unable to do so as the child is subject to a S.31 Care Order, and that she would contact the social worker to inform her about the concerns.

Anonymous said...

Later that evening the 12-year-old ran away from the foster carers, and turned up at her Mothers home, seeking safety and shelter from the abuse she had been subjected to from the foster carers. The Mother contacted North Yorkshire Social Services Emergency Duty Team that evening to inform them her daughter was safe in her care. However the Manager of the Emergency Duty Team, Mr Geoff Loveday, informed the Mother that Mr Patton had informed the Emergency Duty Team that there had only been a minor incident, as he had been in bed all day due to him being ill, and that the 12-year-old girl had been merely pestering him for various reasons. The Mother relayed what information she knew to be fact from that day and agreed that a Social Worker from the Emergency Duty Team could visit her home to carry out a ‘Welfare Check’ on her daughter. During the welfare check the social worker asked the 12-year-old to return to the foster carers home, despite the child verbally stating she had been subjected to threats of physical violence and psychological and emotional abuse from the foster carers!!!
The 12-year-old refused to return to the foster carers, a nd was left to remain in the safe care of her Mother by the Emergency Duty Team. The Mother contacted the Service Manager the following morning to inform The Local Authority that her daughter was in her care and, the reason for this. However the Local Authority did not request to see the 12-year-old, whom is subject to a S.31 Full Care Order, and her Mother until Thursday afternoon, and actually permitted Mother and daughter to remain together. The 12-year-old is now legally in the care of her Mother under Placement With Parent Regulations, Statutory Instrument 1991 No 893; Placement Of Children With Parents etc Regulations 1991.

Anonymous said...

Mr Patton has clearly misled the Emergency Duty team as his threats toward, and abuse of the 12-year-old had been witnessed when the child was speaking to her family via mobile phone during the day. It was also evident that the child was out in the car with the foster carers earlier that day. The noise of the car travelling could be heard in the background during the telephone calls, so Mr Patton is knowingly misinforming the Local Authority of the events of Tuesday.
The 12-year-old girl articulately describes Mr Patton as behaving in the manner of a critical tyrant toward her throughout the time she has been in the care of Mr & Mrs Patton. Mr Patton’s Facebook photographs show him with premium lager and other alcoholic beverages in his hand in every picture. Many of the photographs clearly depict that Mr Patton is under the influence of alcohol, which is evident in his eyes. One picture even has him and his companions dressed in what can only be described as lewd sexual underwear, during what appears to be a party at their home. Another picture shows Mr Patton and Mrs Patton in a very passionate embrace. Such behaviour is not appropriate in the company of looked after children.

Anonymous said...

Neither Mr Patton nor Mrs Patton work and it is clear they are funding financial security and a comfortable lifestyle from the generous tax-free allowances they are paid by being foster carers. The problem with this system is that foster carers are not employed by Local Authorities nor fostering agencies, and as such are not held accountable for their behaviours and breakdown of children’s placements. Many foster carers have a long history of children’s placements with them breaking down within months of the child being placed with them, yet this information is not collated and used to assess if foster carers are suitable to care for children. Foster carers are frequently provided with child after child, after child, after child, regardless of how many children’s placements with them have broken down, purely because Local Authorities have a drastic shortage of foster placements.
The Service Manger of the Selby Children’s Care, Looked After Team, Central Cluster, Ms Tracy Whitfield only took details of the incident from the Mother over the telephone on the Wednesday morning, and the child’s Social Worker, Ms Stephanie Goodman did not even mention the incident when the 12 year old and her Mother visited the Social Worker office on the Thursday afternoon. Therefore there has been no official investigation by NYCC nor by North Yorkshire Police of the foster carers threatening and abusive behaviour toward the child.

Anonymous said...

This is a common theme with regard to child abuse by foster carers. Foster carer abuse is swept under the carpet by Local Authorities time and time again. Yet if it was a parent whom was accused of such child abuse, there would be a full scale investigation and the child would be removed from the parent’s care, and the child would be placed in foster care whilst the Local Authority instigated Care Proceedings via the Family Court to legally remove the child.
Local Authorities have a Statutory Duty of Care to protect and safeguard a child from the possibility of harm and yet have clearly failed in their Statutory Duty of Care as Corporate Parent in this case.

Anonymous said...

Good news the Stirling's in Glasgow have been released all charges dropped

now tell us common law and the international CAT do not work, for all you doubting thomas's it DOES.

best they give back the 4 little granddaughters they stole , many are working on just this case alone .

the child capital of the south is going to receive our very special attention from now on

Anonymous said...

Adopted people wait 2½ years to see social workers - The Irish Times

ADOPTED PEOPLE can face delays of up to 2½ years before they can get an appointment with a social worker to begin tracing their natural parents due to staff shortages and a lack of funding.

So they have their childhood stolen from them and then denied access to their real families - how sick - blood will always be thicker than water and these evil child stealing sicko's know it.

Anonymous said...

David Cameron never bothered to get back to ex-Tory Councillor Sheena Williams either when she desperately tried to get help when Tory run Kent County Council was stealing her 4 granddaughters for forced adoption, it took 6 months to get an appointment with the Tory leader of Kent County Council Paul Carter and then she had to go through the Tory head office. No wonder she resigned from the party and became Independent.

Shame on Cameron and all the lying shallow Tories who will say and do anything until they are in, nothing but users and abusers


Cameron berated by ex-soldier during walkabout: 'You gave me your card and said to ring... but you never got back'

Anonymous said...

Social worker sacked for pregnant teen comments

Exclusive by Katie Storey

A social worker has been fired for making inappropriate comments to a pregnant teenager.
Michael Yankson allegedly told 17-year-old Leanne Law she was his ‘ideal girl’ and asked her to move to Ghana with him

Anonymous said...

I hear Operation Phoenix is going into low income areas and are interviewing children. They are knocking on doors early in the morning and I guess are rounding up children. Many of the children are being taken by CPS.

A film director like Bill Maloney should make a film about this blog or a writer turn it in a book it would be a best sellers overnite !

Anonymous said...

Islington child abuse scandal returns to haunt Hodge

MARGARET HODGE has once again been slammed by a leading trade union official.
This time it’s over her conduct during the child sex abuse scandal that rocked Islington borough council.
Adam Walker, the President of Solidarity Trade Union – has accused the Barking MP of “not listening to Health Care professionals and putting politics before children.”
During the 70s, 80s and 90s, children who were in council care suffered serious sexual abuse. Some were as young as nine. This only came to light during the mid-80s when a complaint was made about this abuse. The complainant received an official reply five years later, in which the council denied responsibility. (1)
In the early 90s Liz Davies, (2) a senior social worker employed by the borough and her manager David Cofie, (3) raised concerns about sexual abuse of children in Islington Council Care. By this time, Margaret Hodge was leader of Islington council.
Despite the seriousness of the allegations, Hodge wouldn’t allow the Social Workers investigate.
This led to the resignation of Liz Davies who requested that Scotland Yard investigate the matter.
The London Evening Standard caught wind of the scandal and reported on the abuse in Islingtons children’s homes.
Shortly after this Hodge resigned. However the question remains – did she jump or was she pushed?
In 1995, the White Report into sexual abuse in Islington Care homes reported that the council had failed adequately to investigate the allegations.
Incredibly Hodge was appointed Minister for Children in 2003 (She became an MP for Barking in East London in 1994).
Mr. Walker said:
“On her official web-site (4) Margaret Hodge declares that: ‘Her main areas of policy interest are Education, the reform of public services, equality issues and especially gender issues and democratic renewal.’
I find this ironic to say the very least. When these allegations of child sex abuse surfaced, Hodge declined a request from Social Workers for extra resources to investigate.
Is that what she means by ‘reforming’ public services? Where was the ‘equality’ for children in Islington?”
Mr. Walker said that Hodge, as leader of Islington council, should have stood by her Health Care professionals.
“She should have listened to the concerns of the Social Workers. After all, they are front line workers.
They do a difficult job in difficult circumstances, but they would have been best placed to investigate the allegations.”

Anonymous said...

I can hear the words of my foster father “I’m going to clobber you, to whoever made him angry. Usually one of us children. I was the only one being “monitered”. He was “calm” normally. It was the foster mother who was usually so high strung. Seeing as I had been removed because of physical abuse in my real family these threats terrified me.

He did lash out at me once giving me a bloodied nose. I will not pretend I was an easy child to look after because I wasn’t. Under CAHMS from the age of eleven until twenty four did not really help me as a “problematic child” . I now believe that EVERYTHING is covered up to benefit Social services and “carers ” etc as they do not like scandals getting out.

I told my social worker of the incident but I still remained there. The eldest son of theirs was abusive to me and the adopted daughter. Thumping and terrorising us. He even jumped on my “sister’s back in front of everybody in that house. It seems to me that foster carers are not checked throughly enough. They are trusted and the child is not believed. It’s only now I can admit this out loud. That house was just “so weird”. There is far more I could share here, but I have written my own blog now.

Anonymous said...

Duncan Stewart

This has been going on a long time, I went into foster care in the fifties, and was abused, by my foster carers so I can see where your coming from, I never had a apology,,for it ,,it was swept under the carpet

It is a utter disgrace, my foster parents were sacked, I was never informed what happened just had to live with what happened, it still effects me to this day ,,,at the time we dare not say anything ,as we were afraid of being beaten ,as we had enough of being beaten ,,as they eat the dinner ,,we were fed ,,dry bread and milk, or nothing at all ,,,in this day an age ,,we would hope things were better

Anonymous said...

Council tried to seize ‘veggie’ child - Times Online

A COUPLE have won a legal battle to prevent social workers taking their five-year-old son into care after the authorities claimed that his health had been damaged by a meat-and-dairy-free diet.

Bloody disgusting most SS are grossly over weight from comfort eating because subconsciously they know what they are doing is wrong

Anonymous said...


Hello this BLOG is our OPPINION OF LIVERPOOL SOCIAL SERVICES APPALLING BEHAVIOUR & disregard to our DAUGHTERS Human Rights as a prospective parent ,to have a right to respect for private and family life .Our daughter’s baby was born in Liverpool at the beginning of October, a beautiful little girl. Social Services instructed the hospital that our daughter was not to be allowed to leave, the Women’s hospital & would be transferred to Wythenshawe Mother and baby assessment centre on discharge, in the company of a Social Worker. This was done without any Court order being in place, our daughter was forced to comply with these wishes against her will, by a devious Social Worker who used psychological threats to ensure she complied. (Please note if we where to hold someone against their will, it would be called kidnapping & we would face the full wrath of the law.) Our daughter’s desire was to go home , her only crime is that she suffers from ocd & anxiety. According to our daughters Solicitor, Court action may be going ahead within a week or so of her arrival at Wythenshawe , so in our oppinion they can start the process of trying to take her baby into the care of the Local Authority legally. (Secret family Courts)

Anonymous said...

Alas, our daughter & her baby are now in Wythenshawe, a place for people with moderate to severe mental problems, she does not belong their & should never have been sent to such a place based purely on Concerns not facts. As a new Mother with no parenting skills, our daughter has to undergo a 28 day assessment where it will be decided, whether or not, she has the skills to make a good parent. Weekly reports will be made to Social Services, whom in our oppinion eagerly await failure, so they may continue their relentless persecution & agenda to take another child unjustly, with the full backing of a Family Court legal system so Victorian that it is beyond belief.
As Grandparents, we have to sit back & watch, whilst the Social Services, under the umbrella of the Local Authority, destroy our daughter, who does not drink or take drugs. It is time for people to protest this Draconian behaviour by Social Services on shy, vulnerable reserved individuals. Our daughter born in Liverpool, should be allowed Home with her beautiful daughter, our granddaughter, to learn parenting skills from her family, just like the majority of first time mothers. How can this be just, even criminals are not sent to prison before they have committed a crime. This Month it is our daughter, next month it could be yours , a family members , a friends or even a neighbours. Why should our daughter, be subjected to a 28 day assessment where failure leads to her child being taken into care, she has done absolutely nothing wrong. As our daughter does not have any disabilities, she should be supported, without any time limit until her parenting skills are up to their required standard.

Anonymous said...

Bad news Court action took take place on Friday 23rd Oct 2009, were a SECRET FAMILY COURT BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, granted Social Services an INTERIM CARE ORDER ,surprise, surprise , statistcally magistrates/judges always rubber stamp Social Services requests.
Unfortunately the reality of what is happening in the U.K in our oppinion is that our Social Services system is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE, under current legislation Social Workers are allowed to Traffic babies by forced adoption, in order to meet government targets, to maintain their budgets. This is done irrespective of the permanent psychological damage to the child’s mother & family. Finally anyone who dares to speak out and protest is likely to be threatened with gaol by the very same SECRET FAMILY COURTS where public and press are not allowed.

Anonymous said...

Social Services Clients as they are called are treated worse than CRIMINALS , thier treatment can only really be described as TORTURE . Our Daughter after being held hostage for over two weeks in a mother & baby unit, was promised 8 hours leave with her baby ,agreed at a weekly meeting with Social Services present. The day arrived , mother & baby ready to leave on 8 hours re-prieve , when surprise , surprise , a fax arrived from Social services . This Fax apparently stated the baby's mother "our daughter" could leave the building , however under no circumstances was the baby to leave. It is our Oppinion that this behaviour can only be described as deliberate Psychological Ploy by Social Services to try and PART MOTHER AND BABY.. We are happy to report that they failed , our daughter refused to leave without her baby & her ILLEGAL INCARCERATION continues.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to report that all this PSYCHOLOGICAL pressure finally pushed our Daughter to the brink , unable to contain her emotions any longer after staff at the mother & baby unit, removed her baby from her room , she finally snapped.What mother wouldn't when refused access to thier baby without good cause. Having caused our daughters emotional outburst ,the mother & baby units response was to attempt to expell/discharge our daughter, & leave the fate of her baby to Social Services . It is our Oppinion that WYTHENSHAWE mother & baby unit is obviously not there to help mothers , its sole purpose is to help Social Services steal babies for adoption from young naive vulnerable mothers. The place can only be described as a relic from the VICTORIAN era when Torture , humiliation & incarceration was acceptable practice.

Anonymous said...

UK justice secretary Jack Straw has recently announced plans to open up the notoriously secretive family justice system to the public gaze. The Schools and Safeguarding Children Bill, due to come before parliament in November, will include provisions to allow the social workers involved in court cases to be named by the press, and to allow more substantial reporting of the substance of the case, rather than merely being permitted to report a case’s gist. Hopefully if this happens in time the Social workers responsible for our daughter's illegal Incarceration can be NAMED & SHAMED in NATIONAL NEWSPAPERS...

Anonymous said...

Social Services have arranged an Emergecency Court Hearing on the 10th November 2009 in our oppinion to persue thier relentless persection of our daughter in thier quest to STEAL another baby from an innoccent Mother whose has done nothing wrong. They do this based on evidence from a Social Worker who thinks the mother may neglect her baby. What utter rubbish , We think these Social Workers should be named & shamed & thier addresses revealed so the Public can know where these heartless abominations live. Fortunatley the outcome of this court hearing was that mother & baby are to remain together in the mother & baby unit until after the 1st of Decembers allocated full day in the Family proceedings court.

Anonymous said...

More bad news , Social Services unhappy to wait untill the 1st Dec 2009 when a whole day in the family Proceedings court has been allocated , are again asking for an Emergency Court Hearing to attempt to part Mother & baby before the full hearing. It is our oppinion that this relentless persecution of our daughter has only one objective , to steal another baby to meet thier goverment set adoption targets. Every Social Worker we have met upto now are like clones of each other , all have over inflated ego's & no compassion . In our opiniont thier job description is simple , use current goverment legislation with the aid of defamatory statements to achieve a means to an end ... Take as many babies for adoption as you can & sod the consequences or damage done to the mother & thier families. We truly don't believe Social Services has ever saved a child in need of help , as they are to busy wasting our tax payers money trying to take children away from good loving supportative families .

Anonymous said...

In our OPPINION Social Services were able to achieve this by colluding with “Wythenshawe Anderson Ward” staff on Monday 16th of November at a weekly ward meeting. These people decided that they would discharge our daughter on Thursday 19th of November, in doing so causing an emergency situation to arise. This action in our oppinion contravened a Court Order clearly stating that Mother & baby where not to be separated, as the final outcome cannot be decided until after the contested, full day’s hearing to be held on 1st Dec 2009. In our oppinion this collusion allowed Social Services the opportunity to call an emergency Court hearing again to try & part mother & baby. The Social Worker informed our daughter at this meeting that her baby would be put into foster care on the Thursday as she was being discharged. She then went on to tell her that all future contact with her baby would be on a supervised basis with social services present. (This is fact as I myself was present at this meeting.)
What can one say? , this Social Worker, with her over inflated ego had declared the outcome of the emergency court hearing, making the magistrates redundant. Fortunately at this hearing our daughter’s legal representation was able to wipe the smile of this Social workers face. The outcome of the hearing was that our daughter is to stay with her baby at Wythenshawe with conditions; sadly our daughter is now unable to care for her baby between the hours of 9pm and 7 am. In our oppinion this could all have been avoided if Wythenshawe had not colluded with Social Services, it does make us think that Anderson Ward at Wythenshawe Hospital , is their to help Social Services steal babies for adoption.

Anonymous said...

Another week , another court hearing over , our daughters predicament continues & the case has now been transfered from the magistrates court to the County Court. Again our daughter has been reprieved for one week , & she is to stay with her baby at the Wythenshawe mother & baby unit , at least until the County Court makes a descision on Tue the 8 th of December 2009 . At this Point I would like to thank my ex wife and her husband for working with me in the best interests of our daughter , & hope that we can continue to do this , so as grandparents , we will all hopefully be able to enjoy seeing our grandaughter grow up.

Anonymous said...

I Collected my daughter tonight on the eve of the county court hearing , my daughters baby Kiara was awake when I arrived & very alert. I held Kiara in my arms and felt very sad as she looked up recogonising my voice , I was wondering whether or not she was going to be allowed to be my third granchild .
If I feel this sad , I cannot imagine how my daughter feels , its incomprehensible that in our society you can have your baby taken from you when you have done nothing wrong. How can I as a father, answer my daughter when she says DAD what have I done wrong .. I cannot , I feel betrayed by Society & also feel ashamed that I have been unable to protect my daughter from all those whom wish to harm her . Myself , my ex wife & Ralph her husband will be praying that sense may prevail so we can all enjoy seeing our grandaughter grow up.

Anonymous said...

The Court hearing did not go well at all , in our oppinion a grumpy judge had made the descision the day before the court hearing after reading the paperwork to the case . He refused to listen to any mitigating circumstances or to accept that some of the reports where in fact defamatory. In our eyes the family proceedings courts should be declared illegal as mothers are not allowed to defend themselves.
Alas the outcome of the hearing was that our grandaughter was taken by Social Services & placed in foster care , even though our daughter has a loving family of support behind her. Its our oppinion that babies are taken not to protect them from harm , but simply to fulfill a need by Social Services to meet goverment set adoption targests. Even though things are not looking good at the moment , we will continue to fight to have our grandaughter returned to her mother, our daughter where she belongs.

Anonymous said...

Care abuse, once more, when will they ever learn? The corrupt system does not protect children it tortures parents instead.

Anonymous said...

Robert Green - you will observe that his name did not appear today, just as it never appeared there last time he was kidnapped and falsely imprisoned.


HMCS = Horrific Murderous Corrupt Satanic

Anonymous said...

What, if any kind of Adoptive Mothers??? would want to adopt a child, if they knew it had been stolen by the government, deliberately by use of false and evil allegations?? Would you??
Families are being torn apart. Children are being snatched. Lies are being told. And believed by the legal system.. High courts gagging families that speak the truth.. Forced adoptions. IT’S GOT TO BE STOPPED. WE WILL KEEP NAMING & SHAMING UNTIL IT DOES!!!
More and more children are being removed from their homes, their parents rights terminated, all in the name of profit for the agencies involved. CORRUPTION!!! Yours could be next look out for SS and police; they steal children and pass them to abusers. This is occurring nationwide.

Anonymous said...

like for like, in stressful situations, foster carers, adoptive parents and 'guardians' are never going to be able to support a child intuitively like an average parent can

No common bond.

e.g. Drugs addicts have to clean themselves up, and like damage itself, poverty has to be addressed. Violence has to be removed from the home. Cluelessness like abuse and neglect should be identified not covered up.

It seems Nulabour has been using the media to reframe the perceptions of the general public for years for this child abuse industry.

Shame on foster persons
They are in it for the money.

Where foster care is genuinely required, the money should be to cover costs only: all other funds should go to rehabilitating the parental situation, failing which providing the resources to secure a permanent placement for the child/ren.

There is plenty of work to be done, but it will not be done by the ambitious image-conscious supra-arrogant government lackeys currently exploiting UK families.

You can't do the job if your top priority is having to win. The prize is not for the self-professed professional.

Anonymous said...

libdems n nulab n lgbt and cronies
seem to agree on porn and porn and corrupting childhoods

that is why they have nothing else at all to say.

We need Independent moral human beings for candidates, come on up and let yourselves be known on the local issues which matter on balance to your community. That is all.

Anonymous said...

it's a bit rich coming from the fleshy framed daily star, but here it is

lab and libdems speak as one if we want to suffocate under perverted lying well-heeled gov employees and micromanaging regulation guff whilst they feed their egos in the EU, the this is the way about it

who could care less about the future of the UK and everything the humble family aspires to?

Anonymous said...

social workers and their jobs and their targets

where people are social workers who shouldn't be social workers cafcass experts etc

there is inhumane treatment of children and parents

a catalogue of paid abuses waiting to be heard

Anonymous said...

Sue Bailey

my two didnt what to live with there father and ss tryed there best to brain wash my older son the things he as told me what ss asked him to say he said they told him if he didnt say what they asked him to say he wouldnt never go home this was doncaster ss evil scums

Anonymous said...

judges are controlled puppets of the black royalty who thrive on pain and fear

do not fear these evil keepers of the dark forces their time is comin

they have no where to run from the light

children are a source of energy to them but LOVE will CONQUER ALL this is what they FEAR the most

be fearless in the Light & Love Truth will out the evil dwellers

Anonymous said...

TRACE ALERT: Donna Marie Gibson, missing since 1986 « UK Stolen Children

Donna Marie Gibson, who is now 26 and who I’ve not seen since 1986. It breaks my heart not seeing her; she was kidnapped for being too happy according to SCC SS and because of their lies. Thank you from Derick Gibson, a loving dad who misses his daughter”

I Love and miss you so much still it breaks my heart everyday not seeing you i wish that you would get in touch with me youve got my phone number so i can tell you the truth and to see you i wont give up from your loving dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ps i dont know why? they are calling you Katie Nash

Anonymous said...

"Not since the Dreyfus Affair in France has there been such an appalling Establishment cover-up and miscarriage of justice! Let's work together to get Justice for Hollie!"

The next peaceful gathering in Edinburgh for Hollie and Anne Greig will take place once again at Parliament Square, beside St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile, from noon to 3pm on Saturday 1 May 2010 – just a few days prior to the General Election on Thursday 6 May … so please make your views and voices heard!

Anonymous said...

The Family is sacred, keep it intact. Fight against U.K Government violations of Human Rights in secret Family Law Courts. Baby theft, for sale is inhumane. Our families are being deliberately broken up, by the government as a social policy.

Anonymous said...

UK - Lesbian mothers become first same-sex parents to jointly sign birth certificate

Natalie Woods gave birth to Lily May Betty Woods earlier this month. Her lesbian partner, Elizabeth Knowles is named on the certificate instead of the father, a registered sperm donor.


Anonymous said...

Child Protective Services, Kidnapping and Pedophile Rings

I am going to preface this article by saying that I don't believe that Child Protective Services itself is evil. Nor do I believe that more than 3% of any group willingly work for evil men and women. Yet, I am convinced that Evil men and Women are using Child Protective Services in the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom for evil purposes. Consider the following:

1. Sen. Nancy Schaefer and her husband were "suicided" shortly before she was to release the dirty little secrets of a Child Protective Services that uses a quota system to receive Federal Funding. That is, in order for the system to get Federal Money, the system must take children away from their parents. Its a bounty system where every child that touches the system can be forcibly removed in order to meet these quotas.

Nancy also reportedly was ready to expose a high profile Pedophile Ring that was directly linked to Child Protective Services. That is, they were reportedly selling, abusing and filming pornography of children taken from the parents. I am sure when a film is ultimately released, it will not be the one that caused Nancy to "Fear for her Life", use throw away cell phones, or heavy security to avoid assassination

2. Holly Greig: Holly was abused by both Social Workers and, reportedly, an administrator in a Special School she was attending. Her mom was actually "committed" to an insane asylum for bringing Holly's allegations to the attention of the police. She was forcibly medicated and forced to denounce her own daughter before they would release her from the asylum. There was a preponderance of physical evidence to support the allegations. Holly's Uncle, another witness, was bludgeoned to death with an ax handle and then left to burn in his car.

Anonymous said...

3. "Mr. Scotland", who was on my show Friday sent me the following:

"I reported to Aberdeen city child protection services about my daughter being abused and they basicaly they said false aligations (sic) no proof and wrote reports which got put into court against me which were falsefied on me with lies preventing me from seeing my daughter.. the social work group was Mastrict social work group and the various soliciters, which i had seen about this, were little or no help what so ever...

The Sherrifs would make these documents look legit by ticking the boxes etc and eventually i could not take this anymore. My ex partner allowed me to see my daughter against the sheriff's (judge) judgement so i knew that my ex was going to stop me seeing my daughter again, so i recorded my daughter with my phone asking her a few simple questions.

"Who is touching you? Where is he touching you? And did you tell your mummy about this?... and took this video to my doctor, a head GP. He contacted the child protection services to try and get my daughter help as well. Two police officers came around to my home the next day. One of them was a DC David King. He said that he would help my daughter. He took the phone from me to get the video, and took a statement off of me. The next day, he phoned me saying, "You taught your daughter to say these things! You coached your daughter!"

He then told me there was a child protection meeting that I had to attend, by law, against me. At this child protection meeting, David King said, "We will be removing the children from both of you (ie me and my ex-partner). The minutes for this meeting were falsified and I put complaints into the social work services and to the chief constable.

He sent a DI Guild around to see me. I had 2 witnesess: my mother and my mother's friend. Now this DI Guild said he took a statement off of me signed. Well, that was another lie and basically my complaint was of the record I was given a phone call by David King threatening me if i was to pursue this. He said I would be "done over" (harmed in some way) I could not get a solicitor to take this case back to court. I was asked by a Sheriff (judge) if i wanted to take the case on for my daughter and myself. He said that if i did so, i might get access to my daughter much quicker. I said "Yes, what have I got to lose." and took the case on.

I had an eye witness that was anulled at the court hearing by a sheriff saying that he was not a credible witness, and the sheriff said that I had emotionaly abused my daughter asking these questions on video. He also said that my allegations were emotional abuse of my daughter and I was devastated... next thing I knew Iwas summoned back to court, and this was by my ex partner's solicitor and Sheriff Buchanan (who stands accused of abusing Holly Greig).

I was asked if I wanted to fight this interdict, knowing that I did not have a solicitor at the time I said this was illegal to the sheriff. I will give him his due. He said, "I will give you 2 weeks to find another solicitor to object to this interdict."

I found a solicitor which advised me to "just sign this" and get on with my life. He said this would give me peace. I stupidly did. I was still in shock and devastated about the previous court case where I had my fathers rights taken away and was told that I will not ever get contact to my daughter again... this is just a short summery of the true story...
Mr Scotland

IF you have been in a similar situation as the above please email me at

Anonymous said...

Maureen Spalek

re-arrested today 20th April 4.30pm by Cheshire Police who were sent to Meryside where she lives, because she dared to send a birthday card to her son who they stole for forced adoption.

if this isnt evidence that we are living in a police state nothing is.

all those that phoned about Robert Green unlawful arrest please do the same for Maureen.

she is a very brave lady and it was an honour to meet her at the Child Snatching conference in Stafford 10th April.

Anonymous said...

the "child-savers" are being allowed to make the laws. You know, the ones that think kids are BETTER OFF being adopted than being allowed to stay with their real families. If you are too poor to afford an attorney, then you must be too poor to take care of your kids. It is "in the best interest of the child" to go to their new improved ... See Morefamily. And they are not about to let something like the right to a fair trial get in their way. And forget about the fact that the kids want to go home to their real family. Too bad kiddo. If you don't like it, well then here's a happy pill (or 2 or 10) that will make it all better. Does that about sum it up?

Anonymous said...

Ngozi Angeline Godwell

District Judge Venables of Northampton County Court said I was cruel of my child, a jury said I was not. His Honour stated that he does not what the jury were thinking. The jury were twelve people. District Judge Venables is one Judge with a bit of power, who came to this decision before the criminal trial in an attempt to save her reputation. Her decision was in a closed court aid with the local authority frightened more with the fact that their wrong doing would be exposed. Shows quite clearly that for years this judge places children in care, who should not be in care and those who should be in care are sent home.

Anonymous said...

Maureen Spalek also attended the childsnatching conference and showed herself to be a cognisant well-presented human being

i.e. at odds with political spin through the media

arrested, for sending a birthday card?

Whilst community care is pumping out mumsnet fodder peddling a distortion of CP,

precision-deployed for LAs and non-departmental sharing,

they live well off it this familyabuse industry

cafcass and the others studiedly conceal real abuses
as happening

use and abuse of legal bullyboy tactics on public funds £££

justifying the syphoning of public funds for votes

evidence awaits hearing

Phone Cheshire, ask questions. Only the public can endorse this mother's humanity.

All else is WWII style, turn a blind eye.

In the lead up to election
What is the crime?
Is it 1933 or 2010

Anonymous said...

Maureen from LIVERPOOL, was arrested yesterday for sending her son a birhday card.




Anonymous said...

plymouth city counil keptt eh corrupt social worker on full time paid, while she told lies about her conduct on files.

three children have been taken for adoption from Plymouth City Council to the corrupt Kent council, they must be going together on a common purpose agenda.

under dirty old judge tzack, bias against mothers, work as a barrister for the council before being made up asa judge, on the adption comittee, and sits in the area, were is the inpartiality

this is what the public have to put up with, then we have the freemasons working behind close doors

Anonymous said...

I was informed yesterday evening that Cheshire Police called around to Maureen Spalek house again. Her crime, she was arrested for sending her son a birthday card.

Her children have been taken by illegal means, Maureen has done nothing wrong.

We need to find out about her welfare by ringing Cheshire Police and asking questions.

Maureen is in front of a bias judge on the 30th of April, who has threatened to have her sectioned under the mental health act.
she can not get a fair hearing we need to have a jury to hear her case

Anonymous said...

Go onto youtube and put in the titles to watch the truth about international child molesting rings

Exposing International Child sex ring including the UK, Nancy was a Hero a truse Warrior and deserves a medal, it is absolutely evil that she is not recognised and this evil will not be allowed to continue

Nancy Schaefer was betrayed by Alex Jones and and others

If you are a real truther make videos discussing Nancy Schaefer and her good fight!!!!!!



Letter from Frmr. GA Sen. Nancy Schaefer: CPS Abuse - Part 1 of 4

TK & JP Music Fest for Families, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., July 18, 2009 - Letter from former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer, who lost her state senate seat for exposing corruption and child kidnapping

Anonymous said...

Maureen Spalek re-arrested today 20th April 4.30pm by Cheshire Police who were sent to Meryside where she lives, because she dared to send a birthday card to her son who they stole for forced adoption. phone this number 0845 4580000..Darren is custody sgt.0845 4580000.


Right get some support going for her please , twitter ,facebook and You Tube again get her name top of the google so her children will know they have a mother who is a diamond of a mother who will never give up on her children

Anonymous said...

Gloria Sewell

something must be done over this.
I am being persecuted at the moment by social services and education welfare.
We must all come together and get this stopped

Anonymous said...
please call Cheshire Police 0845 4580000 and ask about Maureen Spalek, she has been arrested by them for sending her 8 yr old son a birthday card, and telling him she loves him. Her children were stolen by the state for forcede adoption on false pretenses. This is a brave lady who cares about her children, they should still be with her.

0151-709-6010 mersedyside police , let's pick up the phone and melt them down , ask about Maureen Spallak, remember stay calm

Anonymous said...

Clydeside TV Present "Guardian Agents".From Dunblane to Baby P. COULD it happen again?

The world was rocked by the Dunblane Massacre, By Soham and by Baby P.

You'd think the authorities would be on the ball by now. And yet, in Scotland, you can STILL find violent criminals registered as childminders. What's worse is that the Scottish Care Commission KNOW about these people!

Anonymous said...

Please click on the links below and read all the letters that go with this post, simply shocking abuse of power by so-called professionals


This is the start of yet another complaint about an expert for court which has run on for 6 years with the GMC currently looking at serious complaints I have made about an expert .It cost taxpayers £300 to ferry me from Luton Magistrates court in an ABC taxi to see an in-house psychiatrist called Dr Horne.

Please take a look at paragragph 3 Clearly the case is very complicated? (only day 3 into kangeroo trial and it is complicated,the child has cancer I have complained about his care and the rest is so expensive and complicated)and other explanations will have to be sort. In other words she is not mental ill send her to somebody else to label

This is for a mother (me)who has just found out her child has leukeamia and is stressed out ,a peaditrican Dr Burke thinks he will try this out for size , send me to closed court ,for emotional harm allegations and multi-axle personality tests. Please be warned these tests they are damning.

The outcome is I lost my case now I can show you how much it would cost to break us or support us as a family so if you find another high handed newly registered doctor working on a children’s cancer ward repeating this template ,here is what will happen to you & your family step by step guide to surviving the family court and doctors who remove your children from you.

Check out the map to find Our Graham , solicitors write I trust you will not need his CV

Anonymous said...

this is what needs to be done track down the adopted children and take them back , they are operating unlawfully in stealing these children

common law - eye for and eye , a tooth for a tooth

Anonymous said...

Just in case anybody wondered what Cllr Sarah Hohler the Conservative cabinet member for children’s serviceslooked like not that she has a clue what she is doing, as she knows nothing about childrens services and was given the position by Paul Carter to shut her up.She is jointly responsible for thousands of children being stolen in Kent for FORCED ADOPTION, remember to put her picture in your children forced adoption diary.

Anonymous said...

one little girl 'Jenny' was taken from her parents coz a neighbour complained a dog was being ill treated,the RSPCA found no abuse to the dog but just in case the ss took the little girl away Sussex SS in this case!

mother was something to do with the conservative party or worked for them

bet she doesnt vote Conservative anymore ?

Anonymous said...

plymouth city council social services took six children off one family, three of the children have been taken to kent, it all started with dirty judge tyzack sitting in the family courts, three children have been taken by forced adoption.
these agencies are working together to make money out of htese illeagl adoptions.

Anonymous said...

Can some get the word out about Karen Gillard she is standing in east cornwall as a lib. She is EVIL.

She is gay and not a nice one at that, in to power and control over others. Did "commom purpose traning" with the corrupt council members in plymouth, full self importants and ego.

social services spy.

was found out for fraud was seen copying the uk column, reported to the police.

People stood up to her agenda, she said, they were going to be taken out? who is she working for.

people in east cornwall dont know her

Anonymous said...

How can anyone take children away form their Mums, if a child is unwell, that child needs the support from the mother. These doctors are full of themselves.

The SS are trying to break the bond between Mothers/fathers.

If your ill they take the child away, if the child is ill they take
them away.

I think if some took my child off me for adoption with out my consent, I think I could kill them.

I would never accept this, it is cruel and inhumane.

Anonymous said...

Joanna Mallon is the evil and wicked barrister working in liverpool social services, stealing our children for money. She took Maureen children under fraud and deception, freemason behind it. Forced adoption no jury to hear the evidence, what about a non bias hearing in the corrupt fanmily court.

Why is the media not reporting real child abuse and forced adoptions, the prisons would be full of lawyers, social workers, barristers, judges, cafcass offices, councils officers and even M.P

Anonymous said...

Amanda McCauley social worker, Alsion Edwards social worker, both have told big lies, however, the GSCC have taken no action, from plymouth SS, they have been protecting them and the corrupt council, working to a common purpose

Anonymous said...

ask the M.p when they come around about justice for Hollie Greg.

keep a note and report back

Anonymous said...

It time liverpool SS were taken out
the paedophiles and stanists are working behind close doors on our children

Anonymous said...

social workers appear to me to be sub human

Anonymous said...

Redbridge SS placed my children on the "child protection register" ie "child harassment register" for 4 years!!! We were caught in a pincer movement by local psychotic psychiatrists and Redbridge SS. They fed off each other with their malicious lies , we were very lucky to escape the DRACONIAN family court system where only 3 cases out of 1000 are in favor of the natural parents and held in secret so that their dark deeds remain hidden from public view. The arrogance amongst CPS workers in the US and SS in UK has reached epidemic proportions. A psychotic psychiatrist to whom I complained about his persecution of my family promptly replied that I was suffering from "persecutory delusion" which would require prolonged treatment with his poisons. He also claimed I suffered from "a complaint disorder" (no such disorder exists! However should the psychos decide to have it voted (Yes they vote on new disorders) into the ever expanding list of disorders in order to please THE DARKNESS IN BIG PHARMA then GOD help us). When we were placed on this register in Feb 2006 by a social worker Sinaed Nolan....this was the same woman who offered to remove our children from the register in exchange for lesbian sex , (all said in a meeting alone in her car with my wife). When my wife refused Sinaed Nolan spat in my wife's face. This crime we reported to ILL-ford police station, however instead of a police investigation my wife was subjected to 6 mental health assessments in 6 months authorized by Dr Biggs who had had me sectioned. (Please note that a mental health assessment is very terrifying as at the end of it you may be instantly taken to one of those hell holes they call "hospitals". The psychiatrist is accompanied by two police officers as though they were his private body guards). The poor state of the legal aid system means that the DARKNESS is gaining in confidence that they will escape any attempt at a law suit and so we await JUSTICE.


Anonymous said...

Richard Poole

They are doing exactly the same with my neice's daughter. Lies after lies, altered reports and underhand tactics to take a child from a loving mother and grandparents when my neice's crime was to only be diagnosed with mild OCD. A very common problem even with celebrities like David Beckham. They wouldn't dare take his child. Following the case through my brother the granddad, the lies and misinformation read out and given to the judge is unbelievable. The chances to speak and defend are non existent. The aim to steal another baby tomeet adoption targets. What sort of government and judicial system allows such appauling behavior by the 'Gestapo' Social Services. Why have they so much power ? If you or I lied in court we would be done for perjury or contempt of court' yet they can lie with impunty. Force the MP's and judicial system to open the book, allow the public to see what is happening and take the powers away from those uncouth untrained social service bureaucrats. If only all the wasted money stealing babies was used to train these people to help families and prevent more baby P cases.

Anonymous said...

Mother Arrested For Sending Her State-Stolen Child A Birthday Card
Please Help

Please phone Cheshire police main switchboard to ask about Maureen Spalek’s welfare - the number is 0845 458 0000.
Please also call Merseyside police on 0151-709-6010 - Maureen is a resident of Liverpool even though she was arrested and is being held by the neighbouring Cheshire police.
Can you further contact Maureen’s local Liberal Democrat MP, Paula Keaveney, who should be willing to help under present circumstances, on 0151-494-0341 - She is the MP for the area of Garston & Halewood.
Please be firm, calm and polite, and highlight concerns for her safety and that you are aware that she is working to expose paedophiles.


Anonymous said...

Carol Docherty

What on earth is england coming too? A mother can't just turn off her love to her child, just cos a court says so. One day Justice will be done. All those gaining profit from the abduction of perfectly normal children from loving homes, will face the parents from whom they stole. Gordon Brown and Jack Straw, Tony Blair you also got your filthy ... See Morelittle fingers in this too. Hoping that Maureen is being treated ok by the police and that she gets released very soon.
To the SS (Social Services) concentrate your efforts where they are needed an not to fulfilling Government quota's!

Anonymous said...

Training of Judges

J Wilson

Yet again another refusal to provide information which ought to have been collected as a matter of course, so should be to hand for anyone seeking it. I have had to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner, including this paragraph.

"As my evidence submitted to the JSB & Ministry of Justice has shown, the United Nations has repeatedly told the Governments of this State, that Judges should have received training in Human Rights based on the International Bill of Rights, which includes the Universal Declaration of 1948, and the two International Covenants which became legally binding on this State after they both became ratified and "entered into force" in 1976. So if the State has failed to educate Judges about our Human Rights, as well as ignoring our right to know them too, then they are just allowing incompetent judges to make decisions which violated human rights".

I have also sent them copies of the relevant documents so, hopefully they will have to accept that this as irrefutable evidence. I await their review with baited breath.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me being paranoid, or who else thinks that they'll try to dodge this one, on the grounds that it will cost over £600 or is not in the 'national interest'?

I think the State seems to have a strange interpretation of 'national interest' which to them, means that its not in the interest of the 'State' or 'Nation' for people who are considered as 'subjects' to know the truth.

Especially when Governments are aided and abetted in perverting the aims of the UN, by Judges who've ignored International Human Rights instruments, on the basis that they've never been incorporated into UK law. The UN has repeatedly reminded the Governments of their failures, but the Judicial Studies Board and all judges are still partly to blame, as they are part of the 'State' too.

Anonymous said...

You might also like to point out to the Ministry of Justice that the same concept was expressed in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, where it stated in the preamble - "Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law".

Given that our rights have not been protected by 'the rule of law' since 1949 because our successive Governments have wilfully and deliberately shown disrespect for our rights and disregard for their own obligations under the UN Charter "to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and freedoms" by failing to enact one single piece of legislation to protect them, there's been justification for such 'rebellion' since 1949.

However, how can this be achieved when, unlike Americans we have no right to 'bear arms against the State'? Who could persuade the people and the Armed Forces to rise up against the State to answer for their crimes against humanity?

Anonymous said...

Sex offenders win right to challenge length of time they remain on the register | Mail Online

this is to protect the judges and councillors,council ceo, police, ss, cafcass worekrs etc who are kiddie fiddlers

thats why so many common purpose graduates are being promoted or moved on , to try to cover their dirty tracks

just take a look at Kent they are all running or being moved on, its the same up and down the country, they just keep moving them and we keep tracking them

Anonymous said...

'For a mother,' Reid concluded, 'there can be no greater horror than having a baby snatched away by the State at birth'. The Mail's campaigner cannot have known how prescient this observation would prove to be....and how quickly the implied danger would come horribly to life.

I have been told of routine dishonesty by social workers and questionable evidence given by doctors which has wrongly condemned mothers...millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money has been given to councils to encourage them to meet high Government targets on child adoptions.'

Time and again, the mothers say they are innocent of any wrongdoing....Of course, there are people who are not fit to be parents....(but) over the five years since I began investigating the scandal of forced adoptions, I have found a deeply secretive system which is too often biased against basically decent families.

'The number of babies under one month old being taken into care for adoption is now running at almost four a day (a 300 per cent increase over a decade)...critics of the Government’s policy are convinced that the vast majority are taken by force.

Anonymous said...

Merseyside Police : Policing Pledge

Merseyside Police aims to be the best police service in the UK. We want to deliver a quality service to the public of Merseyside.

What a load of b...locks


Scum, surely they should have an award for the worst bullies in the UK.

Our Friend Maureen Spalek is being persecuted again by the police, they have arrestad her and she is in custody, her crime? Sending her son a birthday card and telling him she loves him. Shame on those responsible.

please let everyone know about this

Anonymous said...


please spread far and wide the whole needs to wake up NOW

Anonymous said...

millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money has been given to councils to encourage them to meet high Government targets on child adoptions

Force the MP's and judicial system to open the book, allow the public to see what is happening and take the powers away from those uncouth untrained social service bureaucrats.

If only all the wasted money stealing babies was used to train moral people to help families and prevent more babyP cases

Anonymous said...

He said he needed the work done because he had two homes, two children and a working wife. One of the listeners interjected that it was "insulting" that the taxpayer had been paying for his cleaning.

Anonymous said...

But Mr Brown insisted that, as an MP, he had to be in two places at once and so needed a second home. "What do I do? I have got two children and a wife who was working at the time," he said.

Anonymous said...

He went on: "I hired a cleaner, paid her a decent wage, and that's why people thought it was acceptable. You have someone to clean your house, it's an acceptable expense."

Mr Brown was asked to pay back £12,888 in cleaning, decoration and gardening costs after the audit of MPs' claims. He actually repaid £13,723.

The Prime Minister added: "It wasn't wrong to have cleaning expenses. I was just paying too good a wage."

Related Topics: General Election 2010

I am generally much less grumpy than most of my fellow citizens about the expenses issue.

As ever Brown misses the point...fine great that the cleaner should get a decent wage...but pay for the cleaning of your own private home(s) out of your and your wife's wages - NOT FROM THE PUBLIC PURSE - GET IT?

But Mr Brown insisted that, as an MP, he had to be in two places at once...

O man o man he IS a superhero after all! "As an MP he had to be two faced at all times"

this cleaner must have done decorating and gardening as well

Anonymous said...

He didn't intend to pay ANYTHING, he intended the taxpayer to foot the bill.

Anonymous said...

What Legg found was that Brown committed too much public money to his cleaner's wages. Many people in the country at large have to balance a "working mum"'s income from employment against the reasonable cost of replacing her time in child care and domestic tasks with someone who is not an illegal immigrant as the Attorney General also found out to her cost. Brown should be no different.

Anonymous said...

the overheating of the expenses issue as the total monetary amount lost to the Crown from all the horrors of it pales into insignificance compared to the cost of illegal wars
and the cost to human life for the destruction wrought on children and families by Labour government policy, forced adoptions, targets, corporate anti-culture across schools and public services.

Nonetheless the greed culture it revealed is "morally bankrupt" - a phrase he used.

What is more unsatisfactory is that, if Brown felt he had to pay so much to make his cleaner's wages "decent", why did he not increase the national minimum wage to the figure he paid his cleaner? Or is nobody else entitled to "decent" wages? The only obligation on him in employing a cleaner was to pay the national minimum wage out of public funds. He was entitled to cleaning assistance to that extent.

The moral analogy is with the Attorney General. She was not obliged to employ an illegal immigrant to do her cleaning and I am not sure she has paid the money back.

"I was just being too generous to this normally poorly-paid person working on my behalf".

He could have been ultra generous with his own considerable income or made up the difference between his own government-imposed minimum wage and what he thought would be "right".

He fiddled around £12,800 of expenses and the proclaims that he is "shocked" by the way (other) MPs have behaved. Some people, including the cleaner don't earn that much for a year's work. He has been so shocked that only 3 of the thieving rats' nest known as the Labour party have stood in the dock.

And they are using public money to do this.

On becoming Chancellor he moved from his London home into Downing St. (the No.10 Flat not the No.11 One).

Nobody has ever been able to explain to me on what grounds he was still entitled to claim expenses for his London home subsequent to his moving into Downing Street.

Answers on a postcard pleased.

He pays a cleaner too well. He pays the GPs too well. He pays the MPs too well.

Leaders face fury over expenses during TV debate
Voters down south should back Nick Clegg, hints the SNP
I wonder why

More General Election 2010 >> As ever Brown misses the point...fine great that the cleaner should get a decent wage...but pay for the cleaning of your own private home(s) out of your and your wife's wages - NOT FROM THE PUBLIC PURSE - GET IT?

Anonymous said...

remember this

little wonder labs were so outspoken opposed
The Labour Party loves family problems and moves in to grease its hands

educational statistics civil servants
mental health civil servants
social court services
even people with lots of letters after their name can be brought in whenever necessary to contrive the evidence for the pretext
scenery to the

power of arrest and sectioning if the family fights too effectively for fair hearing

The Labour Party is criminalising mothers and fathers

no longer can your status be on your own child's birth certificate

Anonymous said...

Bill Maloney Award winning film director

speaking up for children in care and families who are being abused by the secret family courts

Jack Straw CAUGHT Lying about children in care

Anonymous said...

This is a touching issue that should touch everybodies heart strings, I have a little background from working in a school and also as an advocate within a christian organisation. In the 1970's and 80"s in Wales babies were being forceably removed from women who will have had munchausens in their family genepool, regardless whether they were diagnosed as such.

Tony Blair had himself stated that they would monitor anyone who will have had asbo's into there adulthood and "monitor" there's and there offsprings behaviour, he even went as far as saying pre-foetal monitoring. This monitoring would be in place until the child is two after which the child would be given a thorough psycological examination and the outcome could lead to medication or removal of child, fact.

I worked with vunerable children and I have seen the system fail time and time again, same old excuses. Every year new initiatives, media involvement,(none such when it fails) money burned(laundered).

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not France is more archaic, I have a French friend who has had children with her german husband married for numerous years. She has just stumbled across information which has taken her down an unbelievable rabbithole. I have to keep names anonamous but I can give you the alias he uses on the web. His first marriage to a Japanese woman broke down, she accusing him of sexually abusing their two daughters, he was ejected from Japan and moved onto Australia married and had children, he was then ejected from Australia after becoming a citizen(he also became a citizen in Japan) its difficult to get any information in Australia but we know in both countries he is devoid of access to his children.

Whilst being with my French friend he(her being the bread winner)he fraudulently wrote cheques in her name, shared romantic emails with men using her name, employed people illegally to build their maison de reves, furnished the grounds with caravans and put it on the net for willing workers on organic farms, even though there was no organic faring taking place. Some of these workers were young female students travelling alone, he set up the showers so he could peek, there has been accusation that he tried forcing himself on some. At this time he tied himself to a site called planetary alliance for fathers in exile pafe(saying he had set up 15 years previousl) using the alias Roger dubois. I dont know if he assumed this identity from another person or started this organisation at all but he claimed to have had, but most who knew him were witness to his link to this organisation. This organisation outwardly was helping fathers at least evade child maintenance by supplying false passports, it is known he had supplied false passports for fathers to run with their children and through a network offering safe havens all over europe and other countries.

His ex-wife has offered the authorities physical evidence to the such, she has offered them all his computers to reference, masses of evidence and witnesses you would not believe. The minister of justices in France has said there is no case to answer. Their daughter is still forced to share holidays with him no matter how much she protests, will come back smelling because he will not leave her to shower alone. My french friend has been ordered to pay him maintenance, even though she has proven he is a man of means, owning property in Australia, holland, germany and usa. Nearly all people who meet this guy cannot stomach him, makes no attempt to hide the fact he hates females unless they serve devoutly. still despite court actions impending he continues to flout the law, he has systematically tried to strip her of her sanity. He has made outrageous claims, that could explain how he is able to do these things(he being connected internationally), but I wont go down the "conspiracy route". There ae gendarmes here who want to prosecute but their hands are tied. In France within the marriage the man is king(fact) if he is sent to prison for what ever reason he still has a right to access, no matter of the childrens feelings.

Anonymous said...

This crap is indemic throughout the world, it is mostly organised. I've seen Rumfeld facing hard questions in congress on c-span government funding dyncorp who was proven to be trafficking women and children, how could the fbi, cia not know.

I mean wake up people the evidence is out there, if your thinking conspiracy you have only got to become active in your local community, search it out you will soon find truth.
I hope there will be justice for all one day and to those who have suffered and still are, my best wishes and hopes you will find piece if not justice.

look at this link see what you make of it?

Anonymous said...

Headteacher left deaf and scarred for life after attack by former pupil who harboured 20-year grudge

Kieran Heakin, 58, had to have four metal plates put into his skull after the attack by Jermaine Bullen, 26. Yesterday Bullen was jailed for three years.

hang on this guy caned the 20 yr old as a child ....... boot was literally on the other foot now in this case and headteacher is woe is me ..... you reap what you sow ... karmas a bitch

I was picked on by my head teacher at kingsdale school in dulwich her name is Mrs. newman hmnn maybe I should also pay her a visit too lol x

Anonymous said...

Christopher Garland Maidstone Borough Leader

Is this the same conservative who was arrested for assault with his brother(s)in Margate or Brighton just before he became the leader?

did his freemason status get him off yet again?

Anonymous said...

“There is no justice! when dealing with social services.

The Scottish social services have spent a fortune pursuing myself and my daughter who have never been separated by any court in Scotland or in nor have we been in any danger apart from being hounding by social workers who are enjoying flying back and forwards from Scotland to Ireland spending huge sums of Scottish tax payers money just to have me brought back to Scotland in order to preserve their god like image of never being beaten.

I have cooperated fully with the Irish social services and they had promised me help to find a house when i recovered from my two broken legs but now it seems that Scottish and Irish social services have joined together in order to destroy me and my daughter.

I am distraught because my daughter is suffering from being in care and having social workers filling her mind with all sorts of emotional rubbish just to wear her down. They are succeeding, the poor we soul is so upset and her emotions and behaviour have become disturbed.

When I return to court my solicitor has told me I will need to apologise to a judge for taking my daughter to Ireland or I will go to jail for kidnapping. The Hague Convention I am told is forcing our return to Scotland where I will also land in jail for kidnapping. She is my daughter and I have still PRRS we have been a victim of a cover up by Scottish social services who are afraid of an investigation which will prove they are wrong in accusing me of being a bad mother. I have a huge dossier of evidence to prove my case but they will not allow it.

All of you people who are suffering under or have suffered and lost under social services are also guilty of this farce. You know the failings of social services, it has been well broadcast by the media and groups of grandparents, fathers, mothers, etc. of how they work in telling lies, false information, snatching children from families, forcing adoption without permission, ignoring grandparents that can help children, I do not deserve this persecution, did you?”

Anonymous said...

Cllr Eric Hotson's old pal, who he beleived was innocent. No doubt he will get off with it , the same as Cllr Hooper Lib Dem did.

Eric is a county & borough councillor and the mayor of maidstone this year.

Vice head of Diana's former school guilty of child porn

The vice-principal of Diana, Princess of Wales's former school has admitted possessing indecent photos of children.

William Whillock, 56, of Headcorn Road, Staplehurst, pleaded guilty to four counts of possessing indecent images of children at Maidstone Crown Court.

The court heard the charges related to "six or seven" photos graded at level one, the least serious in a scale of five.
Whillock was released on bail and is due to be sentenced on 21 May.

He pleaded not guilty to a fifth count of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

'Community penalties'

Edmund Fowler, prosecuting, said after discussions with the district crown prosecutor it was decided not to proceed with the charge but asked that it be left on file.

Claire Drury, defending, described Whillock as a man of "hitherto good character" and asked the judge to acknowledge there were aggravating factors in the case, although these were not revealed.
He was ordered not to apply for any job working with children by Judge Statman.

Asking for a pre-sentence report the judge said: "I'm emphasising that I'm keeping all my sentencing options open in respect of the community penalties that are open to you."

Whillock was suspended from his role as vice principal at The New School in West Heath, near Sevenoaks, Kent, following his arrest in January.
Diana, Princess of Wales, described how she "loved" her time at the establishment which was previously called West Heath Girls' School.

Following Diana's death, the school set up a foundation to help traumatised and underprivileged youngsters.

Anonymous said...

The Worshipful the Deputy Mayor of Maidstone

Councillor Eric Hotson

Eric was born in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, but lived with his parents in Brentford, Middlesex, until he moved to Staplehurst in 1968.

He has been married to Janet for 41 years, and they have 3 daughters and one grandson.

He has represented the Staplehurst Ward as a Borough Councillor for 19 years and Maidstone Rural South as a County Councillor for 8 years.

Eric is a Senior Conveyancing Executive with one of Kent's leading firms of solicitors, Kingsfords, and has been employed by them since 1978.

He is a sports fanatic, travelling to Kenya and Argentina to play cricket.

Anonymous said...

Urgent Invitation to National Hustings in Central London

We’re in the midst of election season and Christians need to continue speaking up and praying that Jesus Christ will be honoured in our nation at this important time.
'Christians and Candidates' is organising a special event to give Christians the opportunity to ask questions of senior representatives from the major political parties.
The venue seats 1000 people. Filling the building would be an excellent way to show that Christians care deeply about the future of our society and the decisions that we face. Please come to this event, if you possibly can.
THIS COMING MONDAY – 7pm – Monday 26th April – Emmanuel Centre, Westminster.

you never know what the power of prayer might do.

Please urge other Christians to support this event – why not forward this email to others or show the attached video in your small group and / or church this Sunday?

Anonymous said...

Secret list of rogue social workers booted for crime, corruption and porn

Anonymous said...

Dedicated to Staffordshire Social Workers

My child was born should have been a thrill

But you sent me to an asylum and i wasnt even ill

that wasnt enough so off id go

to an assessment centre to please you so

treated like an animal and told to leave

and my baby taken from me with no reprieve

my uncle dead, wasnt allowed to say goodbye

the gap is still there and it makes me cry

back to community, baby in care

i couldnt cope cos my son wasnt there

back to asylum to prove im sane

then baby returned to my care again

that wasnt enough back to asylum for me

despite the docs saying no clinical need

one day theres a light and im set free

from your institutions to reality

everything was going well

despite the cloud of adoption hell

then came the call that ripped me apart

and ripped out my soul and broke my heart

my other two boys id hardly see

my world caved in around me

i was distressed, i was distraught

was scared to ask for help but knew i ought

i asked for help for the sake of my son

instead of any help he was kidnapped and gone

you never ,ever gave him me back

but you were hoping id completely crack

but ill keep fighting till the end

though i know my heart will never mend

Anonymous said...

how do you sleep at night ?

Have you ever heard anything like it? Darren Mason, a Social Worker asked a group of young people if they wanted him to “piss in their mouths” on a Cocaine fuelled night out in Birkenhead. Of course he has now been struck off since being caught out and he will no doubt be quite dismayed, since he sees his colleagues get away with blue murder on a daily basis. His actions were practically acceptable in the world of UK Social Services where the lives of innocent children are ruined on a daily basis, with the children in desperate need for help being ignored while innocent families are persecuted when they haven’t done a thing wrong. Oh well, another day, another token Social Worker sacking to take the heat off the rest of them for a short period of time. See the Professional Abuse page for a catalogue of disgusting Social Workers who spend their time being violent, abusing children, taking drugs, and generally being illegal.

Anonymous said...


Andrew Walker forming an inappropriate personal relationship with a person who used services. Rotherham

Jacinta Hofstetter caused distress and anxiety to a child and placed other children at unnecessary risk of harm. Brent

Stephen Dent Assaulted 12 yr old autistic child Croydon

Carole Baptiste deliberately breaching an inquiry summons Haringey

Paul Collett Misconduct after sending mother to see prophet in Nigeria Southampton

David Holder behaving inappropriately towards three women colleagues. Gloucester

Rod Ryall Charged with 13 sex offences against teenage boys Calderdale

John Donnelly Failed to provide appropriate care to vulnerable adults to their detriment Lanarkshire

Michael Wrenn lied about taking taxis to work to fraudulently claim more than £4 Oldham

Lorraine Brimelow suspended for six months after taking a child under the care of Stoke-on-Trent City Council back to her own house. Derby

Andrew Bennett allowed ‘rapist’ to slip through net in litany of failure Dundee

Thomas Ritzler slept with a 14-year-old girl. SURREY

Daniel Bester suspended for not reporting a colleague who slept with a 14-year-old girl. SURREY

Alan Carr formed an inappropriate personal and sexual relationship with a vulnerable child in care. St Helens

David Crank a string of indecent assaults against a schoolboy Tameside

Michael Carroll indecent assault on a 12-year-old boy Lambeth

Unknown seven-year campaign of sexual abuse of his partner’s young daughter unknown

Unknown abused his three-year-old son unknown

Andrew Forbes McLauchlan dishonesty Sussex

Ruth Hughes prolonged and repeated” breaches of the code of practice for social workers Nottingham

Frederick Goudy five counts of sexual assault. Reading

David Michael Kendrick assaulting two boys in his care Staffordshire

Gordon Wateridge indecently assaulting teenage children. Jersey

Unknown sexually abused a minor Unknown

Venetia Tsiaka inviting a mother and her children into her home to conclude a formal meeting. Warrington

Brian Morris involved in domestic violence Bournemouth

Tom Watt sexually assaulted women Buckinghamshire

Adesola Adeniji-Smith Dishonesty Islington

Paul Derek Girdlestone possessing and distributing indecent images of children Hampshire

Wladyslaw Piotr Kiczma carried out inappropriate physical examinations of children Birmingham

Anonymous said...

Egbert Elijah Hall pursued two vulnerable women who used services. Brent

Rawle McCarthy worked whilst temporarily excluded from the Social Care Register Haringey

Frederick Keith Stockdale physically restricted a person who used services in a way that breached official guidelines Sunderland

Eogain Gallagher breached the code of practice. West Sussex

Mr Mncedisi V. Apleni found guilty of rape Essex

Neil Gabriel convicted in 2007 of indecently assaulting a 10-year-old girl Cambridgeshire

Mark Wooldridge found to have had sexual relationships with two vulnerable women who used services and were allocated to him. Somerset

Martine Boyd forming an inappropriate personal relationship and for failing to disclose information to her employer. Bedfordshire

Jacqueline Mullins’ failing to store and maintain records containing sensitive information. Rotherham

Virginia Leckie forming an inappropriate relationship and for dishonesty. Hounslow

Stephen Douglas formed an inappropriate personal relationship with a woman described as ‘extremely vulnerable’ Northumberland

Hilary Sampson breached the profession’s code of practice. Derbyshire

Jean Stearn breached the Code of Practice Blackpool

Geoffrey Casey Making false allegations to police, nspcc and social services about a couple Witney

Mr Andrew Atkins forming an inappropriate and personal relationship with a person who uses services Leeds

Mr Richard Watkins breached the Code of Practice London

Theresa Guy forming a personal relationship with a foster carer Colchester

Ms Rosemary Arnold. breached the Code of Practice Portsmouth

Mrs Evelyn Mnene breached the code of practice

John Bennett maintaining a grossly offensive website as well as possessing indecent photographs of children. Lincoln

Anna Orlinski. physically restraining a child on two occasions. Gateshead

Mr Steven McGarry. failing to declare previous criminal convictions Barrow-in-Furness

Eric Charlesworth inappropriate touching and physical contact with service users. Rugby

Laura Lee driving with excess of alcohol and failing to declare the conviction to Wolverhampton

Anonymous said...


Eleni Cordingley Placed child at risk. Swansea

Dwight Mcguire Sexual Abuse. Darlington

David Cookson Sex with mentally ill woman Surrey

Stanley Lansdell Shouting homophobic abuse at child Bradford

Craig Mccoughlin Buying recovering alcoholic alcohol Sheffield

Michael Bird Filming up womens skirts Newcastle

Julie Andrews Obtaining money by deception Unknown

Douglas Makey Sexual Abuse Gravesend

Lynne Greenwood Theft Manchester

Martha Wright Theft from service user Manchester

Rosalind Shaw Misconduct Waltham Forest

Christopher Hardman Conning teenage girls to pose topless Kirklees

Ms C Abuse and neglect of own child Unknown

Tricia Forbes Proffesional misconduct Waltham Forest

Joy Coles Placing children at risk Leicester

Douglas Adams Inappropriate sexual comments Barnsley

Edward Evans Deception Aberdeen

Verona Reeves Failing to disclose convictions Birmingham

Richard Clasby Sexual Abuse Cambridgeshire

Alan Rhodes Breach of codes of conduct Leeds

Kevin Mence Sexual Abuse Cambridgeshire

Mrs X Biting own child Unknown

Anonymous said...

Catherine Watt Health,safety,financial and management failings Clydebank

Darren Macdonald Placed children at risk Fife

Karen Taylor Failed to adhere to employers abscence management procedures Glasgow

Catherine Forrest Dishonesty and plagerism Glasgow

Patricia Higgins Failed to adhere to employers reporting practices Glasgow

Kevin Glancy Possessing child porn Edinburgh

Jackie Mclhargey Ran stolen car factory Unknown

Alan Man Accused of using inappropriate and degrading language to young client Glasgow

Margeret Gribbon Accused of 12 counts of misconduct Clydebank

Derek Horrobin Running 3 licensed premises with violence and underage drinking Moray

Heather Clark failing vulnerable familes Aberdeen

Niamh Duigan Possessing class A drugs and 2 counts of offering to supply Manchester

Tracy Dawber permitting indecent images of children to be made and one charge of sexual assault on a child under 13 SEFTON

Lynda Barnes found guilty of hiring a hitman to kill her husband. Bath and North East Somerset

Anonymous said...

Linda Frances Mcdermott

I have just been send a video they used against me in court. You guess it was broken ! Now why does that not surprise me ?

I was set up for emotional harm.We were locked in ward C2 for over 1 month. My son was well enough to come home from Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge.
After I complained I was set up .
I asked my son what his wishes and feelings were regarding going home.

We could see other families taking their children home at weekends.
Many years later I researched the UK2003 ALL children's cancer trials .I pulled conflict of interest with the Dr who took out an EPO. They could not get parents to put their children's names into a hat .

The computer at random chose who got the medication and who did not get it.

The truth is they do not know how much damage this intensive chemotherapy does to children with long term use .
children are left to deal with the side affects of chemotherapy and other powerful drugs.

Anyway there you have it damaged video,now I have told the case worker at the GMC have been told by me expect your tapes from the Family Division to be the same.

Thee is 3 doctors being investigated and a Psychologist and there is only 1 caseworker in the GMC dealing with all of it . The HPC want copies of the Report Graham Flatman done , and my old solicitor said get permission from the court first b4 I can have it.

These bastards took sheer delight at a witch-hunt and did not consider he just wanted his mother

Anonymous said...

Contcat Cafcss HQ at Taunton to ask how long they keep them in the archives, there will be a set timeframe to keep them. Complain to the ICO, they will hand them over then. I know they have them as the Independent Complaints Officer informed she is requesting our files from the archives.

Anonymous said...

Another child snatching conference being organised soon future guest speakers to include ian joesphs, bill maloney ( pie n mash films ) jean robinson ( aims ) chrissie young and many more this space

Anonymous said...

Derick Gibson

Donna Marie Gibson is in Stafford, i m not hearing from her because all the lies that they are still telling her she’s been brain-washed I just wish that she would ring and tell me to sod off I don’t want to know you that’s what they would like her to say to me but its never going to happen she wont do it to me I still know her and i know that its not her breaking .my heart by not getting in touch now because we want answers which we want they will not give us them but if I get hold of Donna Marie they have got to give them to us then we will take them to court and this time they will listen to us and hear the truth ps do you remember Yvonne Coulter who got her daughter back after 16 years it was just the same case as ours so it does make any sense at all why? Donna Marie is not responding to me when i know that she does want to know me still we’ve still got a strong bond but which they would like to break

Anonymous said...

To the people who have stolen the 6 children from Plymouth placed in Kent , we are searching for those children and it is only a matter of time, so best give them back now.

Or become part of the child trafficking ring operating in Kent and through out the UK ?

Anonymous said...

millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money has been given to councils to encourage them to meet high Government targets on child adoptions

Force the MP's and judicial system to open the book, allow the public to see what is happening and take the powers away from those uncouth untrained social service bureaucrats.

If only all the wasted money stealing babies was used to train moral people to help families and prevent more babyP cases

Anonymous said...

December 3, 2008

A former scoutmaster who drove a children’s taxi for social services was found with “sick” child pornography.
But Ian Billet, 63, dodged jail because the judge decided the public would be “better protected” if he received treatment. The Esher resident appeared before Guildford Crown Court on Friday November 28. Prosecutor Nicola Merrick told the court that police visited Billet’s home in Douglas Road after a complaint was made against him by a young girl.

While they were there officers seized his computer and found six “disgusting” videos. The porn featured children aged between 13 and 16 and lasted between 17 seconds to 29 minutes, it was said. There were three category four videos, one level two and two at level one. Ms Merrick said: “He was spoken to about the images and immediately accepted they were his and he watched them from time to time.”

Billet had been involved with the scouts for 28 years and at the time of the offence he had been working for Surrey Social Services for four years driving around foster children. The original allegations made against him by the young girl were dropped and the court was told “the complainant was not to be believed in relation to other allegations”. Billet, who has no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to six counts of making indecent images of children.

Patricia May, defending, said: “There is nothing to suggest that this is someone who has been committing offences for years undetected. This whole experience has been such a shaming and of course stressful one for his whole family.” She told the judge that Billet had taken away his computer and now uses his wife’s only with her permission with a “nanny bar” so he has no opportunity to offend again.

His family have ensured that he is now no longer allowed to spend time with his grandchildren unsupervised. Ms May stressed: “There is absolutely nothing against him that would suggest that what he did was anything more than a disgusting exploration. He is going to be punished forevermore because his family no longer view him in the same trusting light.”

Judge Christopher Critchlow, said: “The whole of your life you have stayed out of trouble and now you have lost your good character. You should not have been anywhere near such images given the work you do.” Billet was sentenced to nine months imprisonment suspended for two years on each count to run concurrently. He was placed under a supervision order for two years and ordered to attend a sex offenders group work programme for two years. Billet was also banned from owning a computer and disqualified from working with children for five years

Anonymous said...

A number of men were arrested as part of Operation Ore, a worldwide crackdown on paedophiles which has thrown up more than 7,000 suspects in Britain alone.
More than 100 suspects have been arrested here, including 21 police officers, six teachers, civil servants, magistrates and social workers. Detectives say that about 95 per cent of the suspects are so- called respectable middle-class men with no previous criminal convictions. They include two policemen connected with the inquiry into the Soham murders of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells. Alex Frazer, 43, responsible for all Customs IT services, was arrested at his Surrey home.

Fifteen children have also been taken into care

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Carole Howlett, who is leading the investigation, said: "There's been a feeling this is just like looking at pornography, it's not. A child has been raped or buggered or defiled to create these images. We've seized pictures of a baby being abused literally just out of the womb. That poor baby was still attached to its umbilical cord. In some cases abusers force children into acts in front of a webcam in effectively a live pay-per-view service. As a priority we are dealing with those who have direct access to children and those with younger families

Anonymous said...

A FORMER deputy mayor of Tunbridge Wells who sexually assaulted two children has been jailed for four years.

Paedophile Malcolm Doling, also an ex-mayor of Southborough, used his standing in society to gain the trust of friends before abusing their daughters.

In an exclusive interview with the Courier this week, one victim told us: "He was the type who would always hold a door open for a lady. He was very charismatic. I felt like no-one would believe me."

Doling arrived at Lewes Crown Court last week with a suitcase full of his belongings and showed no emotion as he was led away.

Just minutes before that a public gallery packed with Doling's family and victims' supporters heard how he preyed on the two girls, whose families knew and trusted him.

Judge Guy Anthony told him: "Not content with having behaved so badly towards one young girl, when the opportunity arose, you did the same thing to a second."

Prosecutor Michael Warren said the four indecent assaults Doling admitted took place in Crawley in 1977-83 and about 1990.

Doling sat with his arms folded as the court heard how he had become friends with the girls' families, even holidaying with them.

Mr Warren said Doling, now 66, had sexually abused the first victim when she was between the ages of 8 and 11, while babysitting her. The second was abused at her grandmother's house and at a beach when she was aged 11.

Speaking of the first victim, now a mum-of-two, Mr Warren said: "This matter has been part of her life for a long time. She remembers creaking stairs and his smirk as he told her to 'make him happy'."

He told how she had pulled out her eyelashes and eyebrows as she struggled to come to terms with what had been done to her. Unable to tell her family, she left them thinking she had problems at school.

It was only after she asked a friend to trace Doling, became upset when he was found, and another concerned friend called police, that the ugly truth came out.

The second victim, who did not

previously know the first, bravely challenged Doling at a family funeral in 2004, sparking a row.

Speaking after the sentencing, she told the Courier Doling's standing in society had been the main obstacle to her revealing the truth to her family sooner.

Defending Doling, who had recently been living in Eastbourne, Julian Dale said his client was previously of "good character" and any time in prison would make life financially difficult for him, as he already had "substantial debts".

"This is a case which has generated a good deal of heat and upset in the family," he added.

That heat was still obvious as the victims and their supporters had to sit beside Doling's family in the public gallery.

Judge Anthony said he had to take into account the sentencing rules that would have applied when Doling's first two offences were committed and jailed him for four years.

He was also given a sex offender's prevention order for an indefinite amount of time.

Anonymous said...

They tried to tell parents to let the babies cry to schedule, sit in a 'time-out' place,
trendy ways of saying I'm not listening or go to your room, to break the will.

Because the experts trying to make parenting into a formula like nestle milk will always be exposed as self-serving conceit, then

they move the goalposts on their own outoffashion theories
and then babies crying = brain damage or whatever other sweeping statements can be fed through the media all channels

It is future adoptionism. Crying = cortisol (stress hormone) stress= anxiety. Anxiety = anxiety/personality disorder in adulthood. Personality disorder = not fit to parent. Bobs your uncle when these babies become parents they get their own kids taken for being unstable as predicted by the expert clairvoyants.
science or witchhunting


We know who needs psychological testing, but who will be the tester

Anonymous said...

A former primary school teacher was jailed for nearly three years today after admitting abusing a young girl via a webcam and downloading hundreds of indecent images of children.

Married Matthew Back, 31, of Winstanley Avenue, Sheerness, was sentenced to 33 months behind bars at Maidstone Crown Court this afternoon after admitting 14 child abuse offences – including one count of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

The court heard how the paedophile, who worked at Minster Primary School for six years, swapped messages with a vulnerable teenager on an internet chat room, before enticing her into performing a degrading act in front of a web cam.

He also downloaded 282 sick images of children being abused, the worst involving a tiny baby and a toddler forced to wear a dog collar.

As he was led to the cells, Back looked towards his wife, parents and loved ones in the public gallery but did not speak.

Detective Sergeant David Shipley, from Kent police’s public protection crime unit, said the sentence was just and used the case to send out a stark message to paedophiles.

He said: “The level five material found on Back’s computer was some of the most shocking abuse we’ve seen.

“But our message is clear; if people are involved in any kind of child exploitation Kent police will do their best to track you down, there is no hiding place.

“People have got to get away from the idea these clips and photos are pornography – they are child abuse and show youngsters suffering.

“If it weren’t for people like Back downloading this material there would be a lot less cases of child abuse in the world.”

Police raided Back’s home last September, seizing his computer and hard drive.

During the police interview he admitted downloading the images from an internet file-sharing system and storing them in a folder where other internet paedophiles across the globe could access them.

He also confessed to logging on to a chat room and enticing a young girl into a sexual act.

In sentencing Judge Philip Statman told Back: “You used the internet to entice a young girl aged 15 to engage in sexual activity with you.

“You must have felt safe knowing that you were at your home address and that she was many miles away, almost sanitising yourself from the activity she was conducting.

“You watched thinking you would never be caught. You enticed her to abuse herself for your pleasure.

“I have to consider the degree of harm that someone such as yourself does to your victims. I say victims because every child in the images you downloaded are victims – some are clearly babies subjected to the most intolerable abuse.

“I have no doubt that all these offences were committed for your own sexual gratification.

“The lives of the children in the photographs and video clips have been destroyed by those who take the footage and photos and those who download them.”

Gloria Williams, chair of governors at Minster primary school, said: “We were disgusted by what we heard in court. The charges were more than abhorrent.

“We were extremely surprise but would like to point out that these charges have nothing to do with the school.”

Back was given a third off his sentence by pleading guilty at the first available opportunity.

He was placed on the sexual offenders register indefinitely and disqualified from working with children.

Anonymous said...

A former police officer who downloaded almost 4,000 indecent images of children has walked free from court after serving six months in custody. Paul Hook, 32, from Snodland in Kent, pleaded guilty last month at Maidstone Crown Court to 24 charges of making an indecent photograph of a child. Hook, of Alex Hughes Close, was jailed for a year on Monday but was freed as he had served six months on remand. He said after the hearing he thought he should have been jailed for longer.

'Purely artistic' Hook, a father-of-two who worked for Kent Police, was arrested in June as part of a police crackdown on child porn users. In addition to the jail sentence, he was given a three-year community rehabilitation order

The court heard that in an interview with police, Hook admitted using his credit card to pay for access to three websites featuring pictures of girls ranging from their early teens up to the age of 18. He initially said the websites he looked at were purely artistic in nature. After his hearing on Monday Hook told the BBC: "There's not much I can say, I deserve what I get." Paid the consequences Asked if he thought he should have been in prison for longer, he replied: "Yes I do." Hook said: "Why did I do what I did? That I'm still trying to work out, that's what I've got to go to these courses for, to help me understand why I went wrong. "We do make mistakes, but we should realise what is what - I've made my mistake, I've paid the consequences. He added: "I was lucky with what I got but it's still three years I've got to tread carefully, get the help I want and try to get some sort of normality." Sentencing Hook, Judge Andrew Patience had told him: "Even as we speak I am certain that somewhere on this planet children as young as three are being subjected to horrific acts of cruelty in order to make money. "They do so because people such as you are prepared to pay for it. "This is a plague which is inflicting the world

Anonymous said...

A former senior member of staff at a well-known private school in Tunbridge Wells has denied 14 charges of child porn offences.
William Burles, known as Bill, of Guildford Road in Tunbridge Wells was until recently director of information and communication technology at upmarket Kent College Pembury. He appeared at Sevenoaks Magistrates' Court today accused of nine counts of making indecent images and five counts of possessing indecent images.

It is alleged 20 images were found on his computer at home: 15 pictures at level one, three at level two and two at level four. It is also alleged 20 images were found on his work computer: 10 at level one, five at level two, four at level three and one at level five, the most serious category.

The offences are alleged to have taken place between June 6, 2006 and 20 November last year. Burles pleaded not guilty to all charges. He was given conditional bail until a further appearance at Sevenoaks Magistrates' Court on October 30 for committal to crown court

Anonymous said...

January 19, 2010

The deputy head of Princess Diana's old school has been arrested after a naked snap of a girl pupil was allegedly found on his mobile phone.
Cops were waiting when married Bill Whillock, 56, arrived for work at the former posh girls' academy in Kent - now a 180-pupil special school dedicated to Di's memory. His office computer was seized and he was charged with four counts of possessing indecent images - thought to be of a girl aged 17 - and abuse of trust.

Last night the suspended dad of two refused to comment at his home in Staplehurst, Kent, after appearing before magistrates in Maidstone, who bailed him until March. A source at New School in Sevenoaks said: "Bill has been a hugely popular figure here for 11 years. Everyone is in deep shock." Whillock is head of care for boarders - and drafted the school's child protection rules.

Diana described her five years there as "the happiest days of my life". Back then it was called West Heath Girls' School. Harrods owner Mohammed Fayed, whose son Dodi died with her in 1997's Paris car crash, donated £8million to save the academy from closure. As a "living memorial" to Diana it became a school for disabled and troubled kids. Trustees include Esther Rantzen and former BBC newsreader Peter Sissons. A woman teacher was said to have alerted cops to the nude photo. Last night Mr Fayed's spokeswoman said: "We are aware of the incident

Anonymous said...

February 23, 2007

A former prison education manager has been jailed for 18 months for downloading thousands of child porn images and secretly filming a young girl.
William Winspear was told by a judge he had no doubt he would be treated as a pariah when he returned to the community. The 49-year-old father had worked at Maidstone Prison and served in the Army for more than 27 years, reaching the rank of Staff Sergeant. Maidstone Crown Court heard he was of good character until police discovered his depraved secret.

Tanya Robinson, prosecuting, said Winspear, of Trewin Close, Aylesford, near Maidstone, was identified as having accessed a website containing film of a child, aged about four, being raped by men. When officers raided his home at 6am on June 8 last year, he was looking at indecent material on one of two computers. Miss Robinson said Winspear’s wife asked him if anything would be found on the computers and he replied: “Yes.” He added: “I never touched anyone. I only looked at pictures.”

Police seized hard drives from the computers and a digital camera. He described the images as “just something you look at, and then you want to see more of”. Miss Robinson said Winspear had covertly filmed a young girl playing, concentrating on the lower part of her body. Winspear admitted 33 charges of making indecent photographs of a child and one of taking an indecent photograph of a child. The total amount of images was 7,700, 100 of which were at the highest level of five and 680 were level four.

Judge Philip Statman said: “Each one of those images depicts a child who is being abused in the most foul way.” Winspear was banned from working with children and will remain on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years.

Tana Adkin, defending, said Winspear was typical of hard-working, respectable men who committed the offences. “It is a disease which is being spread through the internet,” she said. “He need not have viewed them and had them stored on his computer.” Winspear, who had been in custody since October, served in the Royal Engineers and saw action in Northern Ireland and the Falklands, where he witnessed traumatic scenes.

He had worked as an education manager at Maidstone Prison, conducting computer training. “He looked at this material when his marriage was breaking down,” said Miss Adkin. “His parents died within an hour of each other. There was some form of depression. I don’t put that forward as an excuse. He describes almost an addiction to the material.” Miss Adkin added that Winspear would not return to his old address, but intended to live with his son

Anonymous said...

July 29, 2004

A 39-year-old care assistant used a work computer to look at 100 indecent images of young girls, a court was told.
Warren Henderson was one of only a handful of staff at the West View Hospital, Tenterden, near Ashford, to use the equipment, which was installed in March. During a series of visits he viewed scores of images of young girls by logging onto child porn websites. He was only discovered when a routine sweep by the IT department revealed one of three staff using the machine had viewed the sordid material. The inquiry trail led back to Henderson, of Tilden Gill Road, Tenterden.

At Ashford court he admitted 16 counts of making indecent photographs of children between March 18 and April 29. The haul of pictures included young girls, in various states of undress and often naked, on sofas, in the bathroom, on the beach and looking in the mirror. Father-of-two Henderson, who worked for the NHS for 22 years before he was forced to resign this year, will be sentenced next month.

Tahir Saeed, defending, said his client had told a work colleague he had logged onto the porn sites out of curiosity and that was the only explanation he could give. The magistrates were told the photos viewed were at the lower end of severity scale and did not warrant a jail term. "He's a 39-year-old man with no previous convictions and no contact with the police until he was arrested."He told his line manager 'I have been really stupid'," Mr Saeed said. "He's had to tell a lot of people what's happened, in particular his ex-partner and various family and friends." Henderson was released on bail until August 18, but will have to sign on to the sex offenders' register

Anonymous said...

November 1, 2007

A compulsive pervert from Erith, Kent has walked free from court again after downloading hundreds child porn images from the internet.
Photographer Stephen Waters, 30, who has worked as a freelance for the Evening Standard, got off with a community order after he was caught with 800 of the sickening images in 2006

Anonymous said...

A former police officer has today been jailed for making indecent images of children. Thomas Peter Simmons, 61, worked for Kent Police in Folkestone before moving to Dover District Council to work as a fraud officer. The Kingsnorth Gardens, Folkestone, resident left DDC following his arrest on suspicion of child porn charges last year. Simmons, 61, pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children and was today sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court to a year in prison.

Detective Chief Inspector Paul Fotheringham, of Kent Police's Public Protection Crime Unit, said: "Downloading images of children being subjected to real time abuse is as severe an offence as the real time abuse those children are suffering. "These type of offences will be not tolerated and Kent Police will continue to bring offenders before the courts irrespective of their background or standing within the community."

Simmons was charged in August with six offences of making indecent images of children, three offences of distributing indecent images of children and one offence of sending obscene communications over a telecommunications network. A warrant was executed at his address in Folkestone during which officers recovered mobile telephones Simmons used to access the images online. He was found with 47 images, with 15 of these being at level four, the second most serious type of image

Anonymous said...

January 12, 2010

A Metropolitan Police officer has been charged with committing sex offences against young girls.
Pc Sean Smith, 29, is charged with 15 counts of indecent assault on three girls in Tameside, Greater Manchester, between 1996 and 2001. Mr Smith, of Critchley Avenue, Dartford, Kent, was put on restricted duties at Eltham police station, south London after his arrest in September. He is due before Tameside magistrates on 20 January

Anonymous said...

July 16, 2004

A Tory town councillor in Michael Howard's Kent constituency has been expelled from the party for failing to disclose an extensive criminal record.
Robert Richdale, 54, stood as a "family man" in June elections for Folkestone town council, where he lives. However, he failed to disclose convictions for a range of crimes, including sexual offences, death by dangerous driving and drugs offences.

Folkestone and Hythe Conservatives said he had been asked to resign his post. Chairman Jonathan Holborow said Mr Richdale, an unemployed chef, had admitted his sexual offences to a Shepway Conservatives' committee meeting and been expelled from the party immediately on 5 July.

Mr Holborow, who has urged Mr Richdale to resign, said: "We are not allowed to do criminal record checks on prospective candidates. We had to take him on trust. "Nomination papers do ask people to declare recent convictions, but only if they received more than a certain jail sentence." In 1973, Mr Richdale received a six-month sentence after pleading guilty at Sheerness Magistrates Court to indecently assaulting underage girls.

Speaking to the Folkestone Herald about an incident which took place in 1997, he said he received a caution for a sexual crime involving a girl of 14. Mr Richdale, a father of two who has served a total of more than three years in prison, said: "She stayed at my place and I woke up one morning to find her having sex with me. But I am not a sex case and I am not motivated by lust."

A spokesman for Michael Howard said: "Mr Richdale is no longer a member of the local Conservative association and no longer represents the Conservatives on the town council

Anonymous said...

June 8, 2005

A leading breast cancer expert from Kent has been struck off by the General Medical Council for downloading child pornography from the internet.

Dr Stephen Humphreys, 50, was caught with the photos of naked schoolgirls on his computer after detectives raided his home at St Michaels, Tenterden, in June 2004 following on a tip-off from the FBI. The consultant histo-pathologist confessed he had used his credit card to subscribe to websites and access pictures of children as young as 11. But officers were unable to work out the scale of his because the divorced father-of-two admitted he had burnt these personal laptops used to surf the web.

Humphreys confessed to viewing Ukrainian websites while working late at night alone in his laboratory at the Preston Hall Hospital, Aylesford. The senior pathologist had used the password `foetuses’ to log on to a string of porn sites with titles such as `Ukrainian Angels’, `Ukrainian Nymphets’ and `Lolita’. The doctor claimed he started looking at porn after his wife left him to live in Manchester and he began drinking. Humphreys was later given a caution by Kent Police for the offence of making indecent pseudo photographs of a child between 1998 and June 24 2004.

Alison Foster, QC, for the GMC said: “Dr Humphreys admitted the downloading of child pornography and admitted destroying by burning three personal laptops.” Humphreys claimed he disposed of the machines because he was `ashamed’ of his activities. Miss Foster said: “On any view this is a very serious matter. He has by his own actions disabled any proper investigation in the matters complained of. This amounts to a very serious departure from the standards of behaviour expected of a medical practitioner and is extremely serious in criminal law

Anonymous said...

September 21, 2004

A former diplomat has been sent to prison for three years for prolonged sexual abuse of a girl.
Stanley Wilkinson was told by a judge that he was making the sentences concurrent on the six offences because of health problems suffered by both him and his wife. The 70-year-old, who joined the Foreign Office in 1954 and retired as a First Secretary in 1988, subjected his victim to a catalogue of abuse from an early age.

The girl told Maidstone Crown Court that Wilkinson, of Lavender Court, Sittingbourne, started groping her and progressed to trying to rape her. She was unable to tell anyone about her ordeal for some years. He had warned her, she said, to keep quiet, adding: “No-one would believe you, anyway.” She eventually told a police officer that she had an image in her mind of him being in the Foreign Office and her mother not believing her.

The girl, now aged 18, said the first time anything untoward happened was when she was playing in the garden of his then home in Periwinkle Close, Sittingbourne, when she was aged about six or seven. Wilkinson, denied two charges of attempted rape, three of indecent assault and one of indecency with a child between July 1992 and July 1998. He was convicted of all charges by a 10-2 majority.

Wilkinson, who married in 1956, denied in evidence that there was any truth whatsoever in the allegations. He was, in January, cleared of four charges of indecent assault on another girl, now aged 11, between October 22 2000 and January 31 last year.

Rupert Bowers, defending, said Wilkinson had led an active and useful life. He now took care of his wife, who suffered from a number of ailments. “She is able to get around the house with a walking stick but unable to leave the house unattended,” he said. “A custodial sentence on this defendant will plainly effect her. He urges me to ask you to consider a suspended sentence, although I accept the seriousness of the offences.”

Mr Bowers said Wilkinson posed little risk at his age. Prison, he said, would be devastating. He was concerned for his wife’s health. But Judge Michael Neligan said the offences were serious. “I take into account your previous good character, age and state of your wife’s health and, indeed, your health,” he said. Wilkinson will remain on the sex offenders’ register for life. He was also banned from coming into contact with children under 16

Anonymous said...

A jury took just two-and-a-half hours to find a former manager at a Kent school guilty of making indecent images of children.
Roger Brown, of Greenfield in Maidstone, was charged with nine counts relating to pictures of child sex abuse in January this year but pleaded no guilty to the offences. The 50-year-old was found guilty after a three-and-a-half-day trial at Maidstone Crown Court, which ended on Friday.

Brown worked as premises manager at Maidstone Grammar School. Police raided his home in August last year after they found his credit card had been used to pay for access to websites containing child abuse images. At his home, the Gate House at the school, his computer was seized and police found 143 indecent images of children along with internet history of websites indicating a sexual interest in children.

Detective Sergeant David Shipley from Kent Police’s Public Protection Unit said: "Brown denied the offences all along despite strong evidence of his guilt. I am pleased that the jury have seen through his lies, and convicted him. Brown received glowing character references from a range of people including the ex headmaster of Maidstone Grammar School. This goes to show that even the most trusted individuals can hide their true nature to those who know them. Whilst there is no evidence to suggest a link to his position within the school to these offences, he has clearly abused the trust others have placed in him."

Among the images found, one was labelled at ‘level five’, which is the most serious and depict sadism or bestiality with children. Head of Kent Police’s public protection unit Paul Fotheringham said: "Kent Police works with many partner agencies to tackle this type of horrific offence. There is no excuse for viewing, downloading or searching for images of children suffering abuse. These are images of real children where a child is suffering real abuse and we will continue to work to stop this horrific crime and bring offenders before the courts."

Police said there was no evidence to suggest any link between these offences and students at the school

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2007

A professional singer who once performed for the Queen viewed child porn images on his computer over a four-year period, a court heard.
Robin Green, a former Latin and French teacher at St Edmunds School, Canterbury, claimed he started looking at the pictures because he was involved in youth projects and was concerned for children. But a judge said the respected choirmaster became obsessed with looking at the disgusting material. Green was given a community rehabilitation order for two years after Judge Andrew Patience, QC, was told the sentence was in line with recent guidelines from an advisory panel.

Maidstone Crown Court heard that Green was arrested at his home in Rock Avenue, Gillingham, after he paid to access child porn sites and his credit card details were passed to British police by the authorities in the United States. Green, a tenor who performed in front of the Queen and 12,000 people at Buckingham Palace during Jubilee celebrations in May 2002, told officers they would not find any child porn on his computer.

But Oliver Saxby, prosecuting, said after the computer was checked, Green confessed: "I did pay money to access these sites. I did it for a very specific reason. I have a long history of running youth projects, which I am passionate about. I kept hitting up against a brick wall. One of them is how easy it is to access sites like this. I didn't do it for sexual gratification. I have a mission on youth projects."

Green, who led Medway Boys Choir in Rochester and has performed on the QE2 luxury liner, said he first "formulated" the project in July 2000, but admitted he did not tell anybody. Mr Saxby said Green was even accessing the material at midnight on the day he was arrested. The 44-year-old married father admitted 10 charges of making indecent photographs of children.

David Smith, defending, said Green had since stepped down from various organisations involving children. "What is quite amazing is that he seems to have started off surfing the Internet looking at adult sites," he said. "Having gone through that process, he started to look at these images. It is quite clear he was trying to differentiate from a situation where adults say to children that they love them. He was looking at it to see into the mind of people purchasing it or accessing it."

Judge Patience questioned why it was necessary for Green to look at such images out of concern. Mr Smith said Green started off wanting to "understand the nature of the beast" but the academic exercise turned into an obsession. No actual images were found on Green's computer but "strings" of information was discovered.

It was not possible to say how much material was viewed because the information had been deleted. "Although he accepts over four years he has dabbled or looked at some of these things, the totality seems to be 10," said Mr Smith. "That is the basis on which he should be sentenced." He added: "This is a very salutary lesson for him. He has suffered huge humiliation."

Expressing disappointment that the probation service had not recommended a sex offender programme, the judge said: "I am concerned about what drives this man to have an obsessive interest in this material." He told Green: "There is something totally unhealthy and troubling about a man who over about four years pays money on his credit card to access this sort of material. I am doubtful about the reason you gave for it. If there was such a project in your mind, I can't begin to understand why nobody knew about it."

Judge Patience said the community order would focus on encouraging Green to identify his motivation, thoughts and feelings on why he committed the offence. The judge added that he wanted reports every six months on Green, who will be on the sex offenders' register for five years, and breaches to be referred to him

Anonymous said...

November 18, 2004

A teacher who admitted to downloading child pornography has been spared jail because the material was "low level".
Robert Burke, 33, of Folkestone, also escaped a prison term because he had admitted his guilt and started having counselling sessions. The head of drama at the Duke of York's Military School in Dover was given a three-year community order. He will also have to attend a 10-month sex offenders' course.

Mr Burke was arrested as part of Operation Ore after giving credit card details to access pornographic pictures. Prosecutor Fiona Moore-Graham said police went to the teacher's home on 2 June when he was absent. Computer equipment seized was found to have 15 indecent pictures of boys aged between 11 and 18 rated at level two, and five at level one. The highest rating for indecent pictures is level five. Mr Burke admitted 20 charges of making indecent images.

Peter Briegel, defending, told Maidstone Crown Court that Mr Burke had been a dedicated staff member for 12 years, and the head teacher of the school had written a letter saying they had lost an able teacher. He said Mr Burke had already completed three counselling sessions, which Mr Briegel said he had started on his own volition after being arrested. He said Mr Burke was no longer teaching. "There is no risk of him coming into contact with young people. We are dealing with an individual who has considerable insight into his offending," Mr Briegel said. He said there was "no suggestion of any impropriety in dealing with students over the 12 years he was a teacher". Judge Keith Simpson said: "You and people in your position... simply fail to appreciate that at the end of this process there are real, live children who are subjected to... the activity we see portrayed," he said

Anonymous said...

A music teacher from a school in Sevenoaks who offered young boys cash, drugs and alcohol to perform sex acts has been given an indefinite jail sentence.
Paul Woodward, of Hawden Close, Hildenborough, was branded a "predatory paedophile" at Maidstone Crown Court on Monday. Jailing the 48-year-old former teacher of The New Beacon in Brittains Lane, Judge James O'Mahony said: "You prostituted these young boys, giving them money. "You took them in your car where they could score cannabis with a supplier."

Woodward had pleaded not guilty to 10 charges of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, one of sexual activity with a child and one of possessing an indecent photograph of a child. The court was told that Woodward's trail, involving boys, was finally uncovered when one of the victims told his parents about what had been happening. Woodward had driven them to his home, asking them to duck down when they got near so neighbours would not see, and then asked them to carry out obscene acts.

When police began investigating they found text messages from one of the boys on Woodward's mobile phone, lists of boys' names and naked pictures of boys with his fingerprints. When a computer was seized by police from the school, words including "boys showering" and "naked boys" were found on it. Notes also found by police were explained by Woodward as "embarrassing" and "silly fantasies." He had said: "I don't abuse children. I don't want to and never have. Any suggestion I would bring them to life is ridiculous. I am no danger to children."

Prosecuting, Peter Forbes branded Woodward a "predatory paedophile" for encouraging the boys into his house. "He incited them to engage in sexual activity, playing on young boys' weaknesses and naivety," said Mr Forbes. "No doubt his experience as a teacher gave him an insight into the minds of young boys." Defending Woodward, Charlotte Newell said he was a "lonely man" who suffered from diabetes.

She claimed he was "kind and thoughtful" to those he taught but had now lost everything. She added the boys involved had known when they had gone to his home what was going to happen and had a choice about engaging in sexual activity. "Nobody was ever forced to do anything they were not willing to do," said Ms Newell. The jury was unanimous in Woodward's guilty verdict.

Pointing out Woodward had given no acknowledgement of guilt, Judge O'Mahony said: "You still deny the undeniable, as you did to the jury, saying you are not interested in under-age boys." Woodward must serve a minimum of two-and-a-half years behind bars before he is considered for parole. The New Beacon has insisted it acted quickly to protect pupils. Pointing out none of the boys involved in the case had been at the school, headteacher Mike Piercy said: "Paul Woodward was employed at The New Beacon, but has not worked in the school since the academic year 2006/07. "The charges Mr Woodward faced do not relate to his employment at The New Beacon or any employee or pupil of the school

Anonymous said...

The son of a former high-ranking Kent police officer has been jailed for four years for sexually abusing a young girl.
Phillip Pitcher was convicted of four charges of indecent assault, two of sexual assault, one of indecency with a child and inciting a child to engage in a sexual activity.

Pitcher, son of former Supt John Pitcher, had denied all the offences but was found guilty by a jury at Maidstone Crown Court in November last year. The 36-year-old had denied a second charge of inciting a child to engage in a sexual activity. He was cleared of this on the judge's direction. Sentencing him to a total of four years, Judge Philip Statman said Pitcher had shown no remorse or insight into his offending.

"Uppermost in my mind must be to ensure that young children are protected from offenders such as you committing offences of this type," the judge said.

Judge Statman added that he hoped Pitcher, formerly of Bower Street, Maidstone, would be able to join a Sex Offenders' Treatment Programme while in custody. He was also ordered to sign on the sex offenders' register for life and was disqualified indefinitely from working with children.

Peter Alcock, defending, said Pitcher maintained his innocence "as forcefully as he possibly can". He said the security guard had lost his job, and the flat that came with it, and now his only focus was to clear his name. "He feels the whole court experience was, I quote, 'hellish and devastating'," added Mr Alcock.

Pitcher's father, who served as a senior officer in Maidstone and Medway, was among relatives in court

Anonymous said...

maureen is deny her right to love her children, this is cruel and painfull.

the police are part of the set up by edd balls and co, what's her crime, look what they did to sally clark, when her babies died, she did nothing wrong either.

keep ringing runcorn we must not give up on Maureen, if some one took my babies off me I would want to kill them.

the love you feel for your children is from the heart, for many of us, Mums need a good man behind them for support. It that love you feel that gets you through all the up and downs of their childhood.

every family has it own set of values.

Anonymous said...

May 16, 2003

A wife was shocked to find a video of her special constable husband sexually abusing a young girl, a judge at Maidstone Crown Court was told.
Julie Lingham, also a special officer, was planning to divorce him and made the discovery when she broke into his locked briefcase to search for financial information. She immediately reported him to the police and handed over the incriminating video tape, the court heard. Paul Lingham, 36, of Wouldham, near Rochester, was jailed for four years after he admitted indecent assault and making indecent photos of children.

John Price, prosecuting, said the assault came to light earlier this year “in the most unusual of circumstances”. The couple married in September 2001 but within a few months the relationship soured and they frequently argued. Mrs Lingham decided on a divorce and searched their home for financial information. She found the tape and played it.

Mr Price said there was pornography from the television but then film of Lingham making love to an unknown woman. However, after about 35 minutes, the picture changed and to her horror she saw her husband indecently assaulting a girl. “As you can imagine, the discovery of this item in her husband’s briefcase came as a profound shock,” Mr Price told Judge Michael Neligan. “She immediately called the police.”

After Lingham was arrested on January 22 it was discovered that his computer had been used to view indecent images of children on the internet. Mr Price said there was no evidence that he had subscribed to such sites or that he had downloaded the photos. Lingham, who was a support worker for officers at Maidstone Prison, admitted the assault to police and also searching for paedophile material of girls on the internet.

John Burrow, defending, said Lingham had pursued “socially useful careers”. His full time job for five years had been providing support for prison officers. He added: “He can give no explanation for the indecent assault,” he said. “The offences occurred at a time of great emotional turmoil. The relationship had deteriorated and it put him under great stress and caused depression. He has already suffered considerably. His worthwhile career has ended. Prison will be particularly unpleasant because of his previous occupation.”

Mr Burrow said Lingham intended to join a sex offenders’ programme while serving his sentence. Ordering Lingham to sign the sex offenders’ register for life, Judge Neligan told him: “I take into account your previous good character. I take into account especially your service as a special constable, which is, of course, to the community at large.”

Lingham was sentenced to four years for the indecent assault and three years concurrent for the two offences of making indecent photos. The judge also ordered that he would be banned from working with children in future

July 8, 2009

A former special constable is due to appear in court today charged with indecent assault on a girl under the age of 16 and of downloading obscene images from the internet.
Paul James Lingham, 35 of Oldfield Drive, Wouldham worked at Maidstone Prison as a part-time auxiliary officer but was asked to resign following a police investigation.

He is due to appear at Dartford Magistrates today (Friday) a week after being remanded in custody following his arrest

Anonymous said...

A former police officer who formed links with a paedophile ring has been jailed for three years for downloading and distributing child abuse images.

Nicholas Richmond revealed his “sick” fantasies, including enjoying the suffering of children, in chatrooms on the internet. A judge told the shamed former Metropolitan Police officer that the worst pictures showed the level of depravity to which he had descended. Richmond, of Greenfinches, Hempstead, Gillingham, admitted 12 charges of distributing 293 indecent photographs of children aged between eight and 13.

The bearded 59-year-old, who retired in 1999, asked for 20 other similar offences, including possession, making or distribution of over 1,500 images to be taken into consideration. Maidstone Crown Court heard that Richmond was caught in one of Kent Police’s biggest investigations into child sex abuse called Operation Starlight.

It was discovered that he was in contact with Vincent Jordan, who in October was jailed indefinitely for incitement to kidnap and incitement to rape a child.

Jordan, 47, of Worsley, Manchester, will have to serve four years four months before being considered for release. Bridget Todd, prosecuting, said scenarios were discussed in chatrooms where children were kidnapped and abused. Chat logs seized from Jordan referred to “Nick”, who turned out to be Richmond.

Police raided his home in April last year and seized two computers. “Of the chat logs, he said they were fantasy stories as part of his persona on the internet,” said Miss Todd. “He stated to police that he began searching for images around 1997 and 1998 and was still doing it until a few weeks prior to his arrest. He was well aware of the law in relation to images and the risks faced in doing it because of his experience as a serving police officer. The Crown say the chat logs are indicative of someone who has a sexual interest in children. Quite clearly, from the log, the defendant indicates he enjoys the suffering of children.”

Richmond was banned from working with children and will remain on the sex offenders’ register for life. Senior investigating officer Det Sgt David Shipley said after the hearing: "There is no excuse for searching, viewing or downloading indecent images of children. We continue to work with our partner agencies to ensure that anyone who commits offences of this nature is brought to justice. Operation Starlight continues to be a very much ongoing investigation. My colleague, Det Con Judy Gent and I work closely with Ken Goss from the Crown Prosecution Service to bring these offenders before the courts. I hope today's sentencing sends a clear message - Kent Police will not tolerate this terrible abuse of children and we will continue to work with others to protect children from this abuse. We will use all the powers and techniques at our disposal to track down and prosecute such offenders

Anonymous said...

April 16, 2007

A paedophile teacher sacked for sex attacks on two pupils got a job as a school bus driver and went on to molest four other boys.
Vile Neil Scott, 57, was on List 99, which stopped him working in schools. He had been sacked from Holmewood House public school in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, in 1986 and spent four years teaching abroad. When he returned he got a job as a bus driver. But the Heritage bus firm did not have any work for schools at the time, and his background was not checked, Guildford Crown Court heard.

When the company won a contract to ferry pupils in Crawley, West Sussex, he was put straight on the school run without any further checks. Scott lured a number of his young bus passengers to a barn in Edenbridge, Kent. He performed sex acts on the boys and filmed them naked.

When Scott was a teacher he abused boys of 12 at a scout hut in school grounds and was forced to quit. He was eventually caught when one victim, now an adult, demanded the perv pay for counselling for mental trauma. Scott was convicted of six indecent assaults relating to both jobs. He was jailed for five years and put on the Sex Offenders’ Register

Anonymous said...

August 18, 2005

A general manager at the Royal College of Physicians has appeared in court to be sentenced for downloading child pornography.
Nicholas Grant, 52, of Tyler Hill Road, Blean, near Canterbury, admitted 24 charges of making indecent images of children between January 2002 and June 2004. Grant was made the subject of a three-year community rehabilitation order with a condition he attends the Thames Valley Sex Offenders Treatment Programme. He must be on the Sex Offenders’ Register for five years and must also pay £700 costs.

Police went to his home and recovered computer equipment, including a laptop and a Filofax containing eight black and white images of young girls exposing themselves. Dominic Webber, prosecuting, told Canterbury Crown Court that officers also searched Grant’s computer at the Royal College of Physicians where he worked as a general manager at the Joint Committee for Higher Medical Training in London. “They found possibly 718 images of which many had been deleted but 132 were still "live".

On a hard drive were 300 images at level one, three at level two, four at level four and one at level five, the most serious category. Grant used an Egg credit card to make three subscriptions to various sites and downloaded numerous images on his home computer. “He was unsure why he did it, but enjoyed looking at such images, girls in particular aged between eight and 12," said Mr Webber.

At one time he had 200 images on his computer but became disgusted with himself and tried unsuccessfully to delete them. He admitted that a number of them were stored on floppy disks at the Royal College of Physicians.

Fiona Moore-Graham, for Grant, who had no previous convictions, pointed to documents before the court from people Grant worked with at the Royal College and Judge Timothy Nash remarked: “He comes with the best references I have seen for a long time, which is the greater the tragedy”.

Sentencing Grant, Judge Nash said in behaving as he did, he acknowledged the evil of his thoughts and actions. “The trouble with this material is that those who have to take part in the photographs are subject to the most terrible abuse. You have brought great shame on yourself, on your wife and family and on the Royal College of Physicians, which is quite unforgivable. You had and still have a problem but I am satisfied you are motivated to overcome it, but any treatment must be properly supervised”, added the judge

Anonymous said...

September 10, 2004

The life of father-of-three Michael Forster was wrecked after police found pornographic images of children on his computer, a court heard.
Forster, 46, lost his job as an accountant, his marriage suffered and he had to sell his house, said Michael Hillman, defending at Maidstone Magistrates' Court. Forster, formerly of Lapins Lane, West Malling, near Maidstone, pleaded guilty to 14 counts of making indecent photographs of children. Forster, who has since moved from Kent, was given a conditional discharge for three years and ordered to pay £150 costs.

Nadine Brew, prosecuting, said police were alerted to Forster's dealings after he made a credit card payment to a pornographic website known to hold indecent images of children. A raid was carried out on his home on June 2, with uniformed police taking away two laptops and further computer equipment, Ms Brew said.

She added: "During interviews he admitted he used the Internet and admitted to going on websites with adult content as well as having membership with certain websites. "He said he had looked at 17 and 18-year-olds, but when seeing children he said he would open it then close it. E-mail correspondence from a woman called Maria was also found, which related to whether Maria spanked her daughter on her bare bottom."

Ms Brew said Forster could provide no reasonable explanation as to why the images of children were found on his computer. He maintained he did not look at the images of children for pleasure but when they popped up simply shut them down. However, records of the images were stored on his machine's temporary file, and police could see what he had viewed.

Mr Hillman, defending, said Forster's life had been severely affected by the court case. "His life has fallen apart. He has been forced to resign from his employment as an accountant. His wife is a nurse and she has resigned. He and his wife have had marital difficulties they have moved house to start a new life," he added. "Mr Forster describes his interest as an addiction and he has surfed the Internet looking at things which are not illegal, but inevitably he came across sites that would contain illegal pornography

Anonymous said...

April 4, 2008

A primary school teacher has been jailed for nearly three years for a series of child sex offences.
Matthew Back, 31, of Winstanley Road, Sheerness, was sentenced to 33 months at Maidstone Crown Court on Friday. The former Isle of Sheppey teacher previously admitted 14 offences, including one of inciting a child under 16 to engage in sexual activity. He was disqualified from working with children and ordered to sign the sex offenders register.

Back had also pleaded guilty to three offences of making indecent images and 10 of possessing indecent images. Following the sentencing Kent Police Det Sgt David Shipley said: "There is no excuse for searching, viewing or downloading indecent images of children. Videos were found on his computer which show a young girl in school uniform, clearly under the age of 16. By his guilty plea to the offence of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, Back has accepted that he is responsible for the abuse suffered by this child

Anonymous said...

A former retained fire fighter from Aldington has pleaded guilty to possessing more than 9,000 indecent images of children, some of them of the most serious nature.
Llewelyn George Buckland, 35, of Celak Close, Aldington appeared before Maidstone Crown Court on Monday and was sentenced to two years imprisonment. Buckland pleaded guilty to making and possessing indecent images of children on November 17. Following investigations into people buying child abuse images carried out by Metropolitan Police, information was passed to Kent Police who carried out further inquiries into Buckland.

Officers quickly established Buckland had in his possession over 9,335 indecent images of children ranging from level 1 to level 5, level 5 being the most serious depicting sadism or bestiality with children. Head of Kent Police’s public protection unit, Det Supt Paul Fotheringham said: “He has compiled a sickening collection of images of children suffering real abuse."

Buckland had 5,115 level 1 pictures, 1,191 level 2, 1,666 level 3, 1,310 level 4 and 53 of the most serious nature: level 5. The court heard how Buckland has continued to view indecent images whilst on bail. Kent Police’s DC James Traynor said: “I’m pleased this has been reflected in his sentencing.”

A spokesman for Kent Fire and Rescue Service said: “Kent Fire and Rescue Service treats the conduct of its staff very seriously and, following a Kent Police investigation and prior to the court case, Mr Buckland resigned from the service.” Det Supt Fotheringham said: “I’m pleased that Kent Police’s public protection unit has once again removed a serious offender from Kent’s community and put him before the courts to receive just punishment

Anonymous said...

A paedophile priest whose abuse of kids was outed when his victim joined the priesthood was yesterday jailed for 18 months.
Former clergyman Malcolm McLennan, 65, indecently assaulted three children at an after-school video club. He blamed his perverted behaviour on rampant alcoholism, but a judge told McLennan yesterday that the law had finally caught up with him.

Maidstone Crown Court heard that McLennan, who now lives in Quedgeley, was goaded by another unnamed priest at St Augustine's in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, into inappropriately touching the children who were aged seven, eight and 10 at the time of the offences in 1985. Judge Philip Statman told the court that the most aggravating feature in the case was that qualified nurse McLennan, from Teal Close, had been in a position of trust.

Prosecutor Caroline Knight said: "These children would have had absolute trust in him." Retired priest John Phillips, for McLennan, told Maidstone Crown Court he had known McLennan for 20 years and had counselled him every day about his booze addiction battle. "He extended considerable help to other alcoholics", Fr Phillips said. "During those 20 years I can say that I have never ever suspected that Malcolm was attracted to children."

Fr Phillips said McLennan had also struggled to come to terms with being homosexual. Frances Baird, Abbot of Pinknash, Gloucester, told the court he'd known McLennan for 10 years. He was an infomarian at the Abbey and as a qualified nurse, cared for sick and elderly priests, Fr Baird said. Fr Baird said: "All the time he has been with us his behaviour has been exemplary."

In defence, Kerry Barker, said: "The offences were commited at a time when this man's life was disastrously affected by the misuse of alcohol." Mr Barker said McLennan had little memory of the offences, because of his drink problem.

Judge Statman told McLennan: "Malcolm McLennan, the law has finally caught up with you, as I suppose, has your conscience. The offences came to light as a result of your first victim preparing for priesthood himself. The offences happened at a video club run by the church and it definitely follows that you were in the greatest position of trust. Clearly, at the time of committing these offences you were an alcoholic. You have set out to deal with your alcoholism and have sought treatment for it. You have remembered only fragments of that which occurred. All three of your victims came to court. They had the burden of knowing they would relive their ordeal. Your first victim has forgiven you. Your other two victims are unable either to forgive or forget that which you have done."

McLennan, who admitted three indecent assault charges was handed three 18 month concurrent sentences. to run concurrently. He will remain on the sex offenders register for 10 years and take part in a sex offender treatment program

Anonymous said...

June 19, 2001

A pornography-obsessed sex tourist was yesterday jailed for eight years after admitting abusing children in Cambodia in one of the first cases of its kind to be heard in Britain.
Under legislation which allows Britons to be tried in this country for offences committed abroad, Mark Towner, a father of two, pleaded guilty to 14 charges of abusing minors. Maidstone crown court heard that - in one of the first cases brought under the 1997 Sex Offenders Act - two of Towner's victims were seven- year-old girls he had hired for sex.

Towner, 52, a safety officer from Cranbrook, Kent, who went to Cambodia on business in May last year, was arrested after his wife informed police about images she had found on his computer. He had taken pictures of himself carrying out lewd acts with children and emailed them back to Britain.

The Home Office yesterday confirmed that only a handful of cases have been brought under the act, which enables police in this country to prosecute British citizens for sex and paedophile crimes perpetrated abroad.

Passing sentence, Judge Warwick McKinnon told Towner he was a danger to children and gave him a long sentence to ensure that he would undergo rehabilitation. "These are acts of sexual abuse, grave, indeed they are quite horrendous and horrific offences," the judge said. "Children as young as seven and no older than 10 are involved in degradation, and they were performed for your own perverted gratification. You are a danger to young children, and the court must send out a message of determination against people who perform acts on one so young."

Towner's wife ran crying from the court after discovering the full extent of his crimes. She had contacted police when she found two images on his computer that were taken off of the internet. She has since left him.

Speaking outside the court Towner's wife, who declined to be named, said she was sickened by what her husband had done. "I discovered the pictures on the computer and was utterly stunned," she said. "They were disgusting. I want nothing more to do with him and will be getting a divorce."

Detective Constable Dave Canning said Towner had more than 600 images of children on his computer. "In my experience in almost 20 years of police service, these are probably the most appalling photographs that I have seen. This highlights particularly good use of new legislation by allowing the full weight of the law in this country to be brought to bear on Towner. The new legislation has allowed us to charge for several serious offences in addition to possession of indecent photos."

Towner, who lost his job after being arrested, was charged with having sex with a child under the age of 13, three charges of indecent assault, and 10 of possessing gross images of a child. During the trial, the court heard Towner had developed an obsession with pornography. In 1987 he had been convicted of importing child pornography into the country.

John O'Higgins, defending, said that Towner's obsession started as an interest in adult pornography but over time degenerated into other forms.

"He went to Cambodia where that country has a huge sex industry, and the availability of girls gave him the temptation where he would never have contemplated before. The man who is before you is utterly destroyed, completely overwhelmed by what has occurred to him, and finds it difficult to come to terms with."

Mr O'Higgins added that Towner had an overwhelming feeling of self disgust and had undertaken treatment after contemplating committing suicide.

Towner, wearing a pinstriped suit and glasses, showed no emotion as the sentence was passed. He was sentenced to eight years for having sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13, four years for each charge of indecent assault on a child, and 18 months for the 10 counts of making indecent photographs of a child, all to run concurrently

Anonymous said...

September 22, 2006

Dartford council leader stepped down just days after his porn shame was exposed.
As Kenneth Leadbeater faced sentencing, it spelled not only the end to his political career but also his ambitions of becoming MP for Dartford. As his successor Jeremy Kite said on the day Leadbeater pleaded guilty at Dartford Magistrates' Court: "Kenneth is no longer fit to hold public office."

In February, 50-year-old Leadbeater was being questioned by police over "computer related crime". He stepped down as leader of Dartford Council 10 days after Kent Police's Detective Constables Peter Wakerly and Jackie Curtis called at his home in Watermill Way, Sutton at Hone, on February 13 to seize his computer and quiz him. His statement to the press failed to make reference to a police investigation and instead he said the leader's post carried "enormous responsibilities" and he was stepping down to "concentrate on other things".

But in a telling move, he also stepped down from Leigh City Technology College in Dartford where he was on the board of governors. The college, which teaches 11 to 19-year-olds, had Leadbeater helping with its accounts since 1990. During the ensuing months, Leadbeater avoided public meetings. Despite his resignation as leader, he still remained a councillor for the Heath ward.

Then, after nearly four months of investigating, police charged Leadbeater on June 5 with 14 counts of making indecent images of children. At his court appearance on June 9 it emerged there were a total of 322 images found on his computer, two of which had been printed out. Colleagues say Leadbeater, who works in the City as an accountant, only realised the enormity of what he had done on the day of the magistrates hearing.

Current council leader Cllr Kite said: "I think he may have been in some kind of denial about the seriousness of what he had done. But I take a hard line on this. While he may not have physically assaulted a child, what Kenneth has done is not a victimless crime. Those who give custom to such websites are fuelling a much bigger and more sordid trade which is seeing children suffer sexual abuse."

Cllr Kite says he is still hugely disappointed in Leadbeater. "When I spoke to Kenneth in February, what I got was a partial disclosure. I was learning about the extent of the evidence on the day of the initial court case. What he's done is simply defenceless. He called me from Dartford Magistrates' Court to say he was pleading guilty. I fired him on the spot and from there our relationship died. I remember being sat at my office desk at work. It was a very uncomfortable phone conversation. I had to remove someone from office I had known for 15 years - but there was no other alternative."

A few days later on June 13 - exactly four months after police called at his house - Leadbeater officially resigned as a Heath ward councillor by letter to Dartford Council. He also resigned from the Dartford Conservative Association. Leadbeater enjoyed being an active member of the community.

At his initial court appearance in June Richard Conley, mitigating, referred to a particularly low point in Leadbeater's life. Sources have since disclosed he was left devastated after making it close to becoming a Tory candidate for Dartford in the 2005 General Election, but ultimately falling short of the mark.

He made it into the top four in the selection process, but missed out to Gareth Jones who stood and lost to Labour MP Howard Stoate. Tory councillor Andrew Lloyd, who was voted into Leadbeater's Heath ward seat in July, said: "I think Kenneth's worst punishment is that he has lost being an important and influential member of the community. He took great pleasure doing what he thought was right for Dartford. I've known him for 20 years but politically I have no interest in him anymore."

Anonymous said...

A police officer caught with a child porn stash after he was investigated for selling police equipment on eBay has been spared jail.

Kevin Thompson, 32, downloaded nearly 1,000 images of young teenage girls, Southwark Crown Court heard on Friday. (16) The police constable believed he had deleted the files, but they were recovered by police computer experts following a raid on his home in Lamorna Avenue, in Gravesend.

Married Thompson had been under investigation over alleged sales of Met Police vests on the internet auction site eBay.

Judge James Gledhill, QC, gave Thompson a 12 month community order and told him to carry out 180 hours of unpaid work, after he admitted making indecent images of children. He must also pay £800 costs and was placed him on the sexual offenders' register for five years.

Thompson admitted seven counts of making indecent images of children. He denied two counts of downloading more serious level two and three images and they were allowed to lie on the court file.

Anonymous said...

June 14, 2004

A primary school inspector found guilty of child pornography charges told a jury he had a compulsion to download files from the internet but would then later delete them without looking at the contents.
John Tyler, 52, a former head teacher at West Hill Junior School at Dartford, was branded ‘arrogant and self-possessed’ by Judge Timothy Nash at Canterbury Crown Court. The judge remanded Tyler, of Heathview Crescent, Dartford, in custody for reports until July 16. Judge Nash told Tyler’s counsel, Maria Dineen, that had Tyler been convicted of just the first 10 charges he faced which involved indecent still images of children, a lengthy probation order coupled with a treatment programme may have been possible. But Tyler had also been found with indecent video footage, which led to a total of 16 charges of making indecent photographs of children. Judge Nash said: “Having seen him give his evidence, I don’t think I have ever seen somebody so arrogant and self-possessed.”

Judge Nash said the sort of approach he had spoken of was only suitable when the person was humble and acknowledged their weaknesses, "as your client did in his first three interviews [with police] when this jury have no doubt rightly found he effectively admitted these offences.” The court heard police with a search warrant went to Tyler’s home at 7am on November 6, 2002 and removed two computers, both of which contained indecent material. File names such as ‘Kiddie Wow’, ‘Child Lover’ and ‘Kiddie Underage Illegal’ were found giving a flavour of what had been downloaded previously.

Anonymous said...

A number of searches had been made via Google using keywords such as porn rape, rape sex girls, rape young girls, girls sex, child sex, paedophile pornography and paedophilia. Tyler said much of what he downloaded came via a share programme called Kazaa and when he realised his compulsion had got him into trouble, he began seeing a therapist. Tyler was working as an educational consultant and school inspector when arrested. He installed Kazaa because he wanted to download music for his wife’s birthday. By the time he was arrested he was accessing the Internet every day for emailing, visiting official websites such as Offsted and the Department of Education and was invariably downloading a programme while he was working.

He said was downloading compulsively from any site ranging from an oil company, to travel and pornograpy showing young women involved in sex acts. Although agreeing that some material accessed via Kazaa included indecent pictures of children, he did not consciously download such images and he never searched the web for them. Although he couldn’t recall what words he put into Google to search the Internet he accepted he may have used terms like ‘teens’ and ‘underage’. He believed ‘underage’ meant under 21, most porn coming from America where the age of consent was 21.

Tyler said he never saw the 10 stills images subject of the charges before his arrest nor had he seen the video files. “I don’t remember clicking on any of these six movies files to download them,” he said. “I would later return to the Kazaa files that had been downloaded and sometimes just delete the files because I didn’t want what was there. I downloaded them because I felt uncomfortable if things were not downloading. Over a time I downloaded more and more material of all sorts from the Internet. By the time I was arrested I was compulsively downloading. I felt uncomfortable when I wasn’t. Sometimes I would highlight things and make use of Windows Explorer to put them in a folder called Willow Chase. Sometimes I looked at some of them, but in general I deleted them,” said Tyler.

Anonymous said...

He told the police he was undergoing therapy because of his compulsive downloading. He realised he had problem which had ultimately cost him his 30-year-career. “I was not having therapy for compulsively downloading child pornography,” he said. “If I saw it was child porn, I deleted it,” he said. He didn’t save it. He would also delete a file if the name suggested child porn.

Tyler said he knew he was running a risk by his downloading and it was foolish to carry on. If he had seen suggestive titles, he would not have downloaded. “The fact had come home to me that my downloading had landed me in considerable trouble and this was why I went to a therapist. It was my responsibility. I recognised a large proportion of what I was downloading was pornography and part of this was illegal stuff because the police found it on my computer. It was probably downloaded via Kazaa because of my compulsive behaviour. It was not because of a compulsion for child pornography. I have no interest in it and I am not really interested in pornography. It was the downloading that was the issue. I was horrified when I saw some of the material and agree with the description ‘filth’. I told the police I didn’t get a sexual thrill from it. It just felt odd if I wasn’t doing it.”

Cross-examined by Edmund Fowler, prosecuting, Tyler agreed he would spend long periods on the internet but disagreed he had an email address just for pornography. He did not shift the porn into a special folder to look at later. “Sometimes I would look at the file but this didn’t necessarily mean I would look at the image. Some files I deleted without looking at them.”

He denied keeping some of the videos for a while to look at. An example of something he would download was the BP report to shareholders which he would then delete. It was put to him he had entered ‘free pree teens’ to search but Tyler couldn’t recall it but did accept it would mean under thirteens. He denied targeting certain porn sites

Anonymous said...

March 24, 2004
A retired maths teacher who downloaded hundreds of pictures of child pornography has been spared jail.

Obese John William Hart, aged 72, of Warwick Gardens, Meopham, possessed photographs of children being raped, Maidstone Crown Court heard. Police raided his home in December 2002 and found 348 indecent images of youngsters, some only about four-years-old, on three of his 11 computers. They also discovered a large quantity of material had been encrypted on CD Roms, but Hart claimed this was adult pornography and he had forgotten the passwords. He claimed he had an obsession with computers and spent his free time downloading material from the internet indiscriminately.

But Jonathan Higgs, prosecuting, told the court Hart had made no effort to stop receiving the pictures from a news group (message board) called underage admirers' which he had subscribed to. Police spent three months examining his equipment, but were hampered by a number of computer programmes such as evidence eliminator', which hides file history, and several encryption programmes.

Hart claimed he thought the pictures would be of children in pantomime outfits and deleted the "obnoxious stuff" as soon as he realised what it was. In police interviews he admitted seeing some of the images and claimed he was encrypting the pictures to delete them when he had more time. But he later changed his story saying it was adult pornography he wanted to hide from his wife, a former deputy headmistress.

Hart, who retired in 1984 after two nervous breakdowns, said he never looked at the titles of the files he was downloading, which read: "Warning this could cause you to yenc a lot. I don't look for sinister things," Hart said. But the jury took around an hour to find him guilty of 16 counts of making an indecent picture of a child.

Defending Hart, Mark Dacey told recorder David Griffith-Jones that he and his wife relied heavily on each other because of severe heart problems. He said: "Both have contributed throughout their lives and they don't think they've got very long left. A custodial sentence would be quite draconian." Recorder Griffiths Jones sentenced Hart to 12 months, suspenced for two years. He was placed on the sex offenders' register and ordered to pay costs of £2,067

Anonymous said...

A convicted paedophile from Tunbridge Wells, who worked at an exclusive private school, went on to abuse again after slipping through the vetting process.
This is despite Bethany School, near Goudhurst, being told by the Commission for Social Care in January 2007 that "the vetting procedures of ancillary workers need to be improved on". Iain Leckey, 32, of Broadwater Down, jailed this week for two-and-a-half years, worked at the school on a part-time basis from 2007.

Had the school vetted him, it would have discovered he was a registered sex offender who had been jailed for three years in 1999 for sex offences against boys. But the man nicknamed "Sparky" continued in his abusive ways. The Department for Children Schools and Families said it would ask Ofsted to inspect the school "urgently

Anonymous said...

A school manager sacked for sending lurid sex-texts to a 15-year-old girl is a convicted paedophile.
Graham Barlow, 56, got his job despite having a conviction for abusing a child under 10. Now cops and education chiefs have launched an urgent probe into how a known pervert was allowed to work with youngsters.

Barlow was taken on by Pent Valley Technology College in Folkestone, Kent, three years ago. He applied for the post as Graham Poole-Barlow and checks failed to spot he was convicted for a sex attack on a minor in the 1970s.

In his role as manager, Barlow sent more than 100 texts, including a string of depraved messages, to the 15-year-old pupil. He was unmasked when staff were tipped off he was grooming the girl and the head checked Barlow's mobile phone. He was fired and the school alerted cops. Barlow accepted a police caution and is now being probed for alleged fraud over his job application.

A source said: "Questions must be asked as to how this pervert was allowed to get the job so easily. Every parent will be mortified."

Kent County Council said: "We can confirm a 56-year-old man was removed from his post at an education centre. We continue to investigate and help police with their enquiries."

Glum-faced Barlow refused to comment about his sacking or the investigation. The scandal comes in the wake of a damning report into vetting failures that allowed Ian Huntley to murder 10-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in Soham, Cambs.

Huntley, jailed for life in 2002, worked as the girls' school caretaker despite having a string of sex attack claims against him

Anonymous said...

December 6, 2004

A teacher who groomed two girls with internet and text messages has been jailed for four years.
The judge at Croydon Crown Court called Iain Robertson, 25, of Kemsing, Kent, a "dangerous sexual predator".

The court heard he talked one 14-year-old girl into sending him naked photos on her phone and groped another girl. The London school teacher admitted indecent assault and two abuse of trust counts. The police were alerted after one girl tried to kill herself.

The court heard Robertson lost interest in the 14-year-old girl when she could not afford to send any more messages on her phone because she had run up such a big bill.

Judge Simon Pratt said he had "cast a shadow" over the lives of the two girls. He said he had abused a position of trust and groomed each girl.

"She (the 14-year-old girl) felt she was in love with you and you with her. When she could no longer afford the picture texting, it appears your attitude towards her cooled and she took an overdose. It is difficult to think of a more disappointing abuse of trust that that. I'm afraid you have become a dangerous sexual predator on young girls. You have cloaked your actions with the excuse of genuine love. It's that kind of distorted feeling that makes paedophiles the serious dangers that they are," Judge Pratt said.

Robertson admitted one count of indecent assault and two counts of engaging in sexual activity other than intercourse with a girl under 18 while in a position of trust. Judge Pratt sentenced him to two-and-half years for the indecent assault and 18 months consecutive for one count of abuse.

He also imposed a further 18 months concurrent for the second abuse of trust and ordered him to stay on the sex offenders' register for life

Anonymous said...

February 12, 2003

A highly qualified nurse whose career included top positions in prison health care has been jailed for a total of three months for downloading Internet pornography.
Gerald Price, 56, of Broadway, Sheerness, was arrested as a result of a massive international operation involving police across the United States and the UK, Maidstone Crown Court was told.

Christopher May, prosecuting, said that last November police went to Price's home wherre they discovered 15 images on floppy discs. "These were pornographic images of children, which had been downloaded from the Internet," said Mr May. "He had clearly subscribed to various sites on which these images are available."

Among the pictures were some which clearly fell into the most serious category, because of the youth of the girl involved. She was thought to be no more than three or four years old. In interviews, Price admitted that the images resulted from material on sites he had visited. Price had admitted eight offences of making indecent pseudo photographs

Anonymous said...

September 6, 2004

A 30-year-old Kent school teacher who downloaded child pornography from the internet has been jailed for 18 months.
Police discovered 310 images involving youngsters among more than 100,000 pornographic photos on Geoffrey Sharp’s home computer in February. Maidstone Crown Court heard that six of the child porn images were at the highest level of five and involved scenes of bondage and domestic animals. Catherine Donnelly, prosecuting, said 183 of the photos were classed at the lowest level of one, while others were between two and four.

Police had gone to Sharp's home in The Cloisters, Orchard Street, Dartford, after learning that he subscribed to an American porn website known as Landslide. In his absence, items including the hard drive were removed from his computer. "It had a large amount of predominantly adult pornography and some child porn," said Miss Donnelly.

Sharp, who taught at Welling School before resigning, later admitted he had accessed the site out of a mixture of curiosity and stupidity. Tom Stern, defending, said that because 83 per cent of the images found were at the lower level of seriousness and only a minority were of the more serious type, immediate custody should not necessarily be a starting point. "The court should look at alternative ways as to how society might be better protected," he said. "This is not a case littered with aggravating features, quite the opposite."

There was inevitably a stigma, he said, which attracted the assumption that he may have done something inappropriate with children. "In this case there is nothing to suggest that this defendant has in any way violated or exploited the young people with whom he worked - quite the opposite,” he said. “He had a respected career working with children."

Mr Stern said Sharp had suffered what could only be described as a fall from grace in terms of his career. As well as passing a prison sentence, Judge Stephen Robbins disqualified Sharp, who admitted making indecent images of a child, from working with children and said he would remain on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years

Anonymous said...

August 25, 2005

A pervert who emailed thousands of pornographic images of children says attempts to stop him tutoring youngsters were "a waste of time and public money".
Police have decided not to permanently stop computer expert Gavin Seagers from working with children. The convicted paedophile had been temporarily banned from offering tuition after being outed' by a child abuse support group. Phoenix Survivors contacted a national newspaper in May after learning Seagers was working with children despite being sent to prison for sending child porn over the internet.

Calling himself Spank Daddy, Seagers, who was a member of international child-porn ring The Wonderland Club, fantasised online about abducting, torturing and raping children. He was arrested in 1998 following the largest-ever international police operation, leading to 107 arrests in 12 countries and the seizure of 740,000 images of 1,200 children.

In 2001, he was sentenced at Kingston Crown Court to two years in prison but was released after one year. He was also put on the Sex Offenders' Register for seven years. Now, following Kent police's decision not to apply for a permanent banning order, Seagers says he should never have been targeted. He said: "I am pleased the authorities have acknowledged the true situation and dropped their action based on an expert assessment of my risk." Seagers says he has never abused a child and any tutoring would have taken place with a parent in the room.

The 34-year-old from Swanscombe also says he has been on a waiting list for treatment for more than two years. He added: "I consider the original reporting to be no more than the misguided attitudes of a tabloid newspaper desperate to find the latest hysterical headline and the action taken in response has proved to be a complete waste of time and public money."

But Phoenix Survivors' founder Shy Keenan has spoken of her horror at Kent police's decision not to seek a permanent ban. Ms Keenan, herself a victim of sexual abuse as a child, tipped off the national newspaper when she learned of Seagers' work. Seagers went to a Dartford flat in April, thinking he would tutor an 11-year-old boy but instead he met two reporters.

Ms Keenan said: "Kent police's action is horrifying and it makes me furious authorities are prepared to be this blind. Haven't we done enough to show them he is a threat? Someone is going to fall foul of Gavin Seagers and then we will ask, 'Why didn't you stop him when you knew?' It's like a train, whistling, screaming and making as much noise as it can but nobody moves until it hits. I don't want to be the person who listens to the families explain how their child has fulfilled Gavin Seagers' fantasies." Police declined to comment on Ms Keenan's statement

Anonymous said...

February 11, 2008

A senior council education officer has pleaded guilty to a child pornography offence.
Dean Waller, 34, of Maryland Road, Tunbridge Wells, was charged on Wednesday, January 23, with making an indecent photograph or pseudo-photograph of a child. He appeared before Sevenoaks Magistrates’ Court last Friday when he pleaded guilty. His case has been committed to Maidstone Crown Court for sentence. A date is yet to be fixed.

Waller, who is responsible for school place planning and admissions with Medway council, has been suspended from his job. He played a leading role in the public consultation for the council’s plan to close Temple and Chapter schools, in favour of a new academy. He attended most of the meetings between October and November last year, when he spoke to parents, staff and pupils about the proposals

Anonymous said...

October 14, 2004

An 80-year-old retired teacher and Baptist minister has been jailed for two years for molesting five girls.
Geoffrey Breed's offences stretched from 1956 to 2000, Maidstone Crown Court heard on Thursday.

Breed, of Cleave Road, Gillingham, had denied 21 charges of indecent assault but was convicted of 18 and cleared of three offences. Breed's defence team asked the judge to impose a suspended sentence but was told he had to go "directly to jail".

The jury was told his first victim was now in her 50s but said she had been "fondled" by him when she was six. Other victims, now aged in their 20s, said Breed would encourage them to sit on his lap when they were girls and they would be aware he was sexually aroused.

The trial was told Breed was given the freedom of the City of London in 1953 for his services to trade as an export manager. He fought in the Far East during World War II and later became a school teacher and was ordained a Baptist minister.

His QC Simon Farrell said Breed's life was "in ruins" and it was a distinct possibility that he would die in prison. But Judge Anthony Balston told Breed: "The jury that tried you found you guilty of persistent and long-term abuse.

"There are no exceptional circumstances in my view which could justify me suspending any sentence of imprisonment and for these offences you must go directly to jail."

Breed was also banned from working with children for five years and will be on the sex offenders register

Anonymous said...

A Salvation Army member has been jailed for seven years for having sex with an under-age teenage girl.
Carl Shelton, pictured, was said by a judge to still be in complete denial, despite being convicted on strong evidence. The 44-year-old husband was found guilty in March of two charges of indecent assault, two of sexual activity with a child and one of indecency with a child. He was cleared of two indecent assault charges.

Judge Charles Macdonald QC said the relationship had been described as consensual, but the victim was under 16 and vulnerable to a mature adult. He added: "It is why the Americans call this type of offence statutory rape." Shelton, of Thong Lane, Gravesend, was banned from working with children under 16 and placed on the sex offenders' register for life

Anonymous said...

A retired headmaster who sexually abused a 12-year-old boy during a visit to Ipswich is today starting a four year jail sentence.
Sentencing 72-year-old Bryan Phillips, Judge Neil McKittrick said he posed a significant risk to children and ordered that when he is released after serving half his sentence he should be on licence for a total of four years.

Phillips, of Folkestone, Kent, admitted two offences of sexual assault and one offence of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity in 2006. In addition to jailing Phillips, Judge McKittrick ordered him to sign on the sex offenders' register indefinitely and made a sexual offences prevention order restricting his future contact with children. The court heard that in 2003 Phillips had been given a police caution for indecency with an adult male and a child dating back to 1970-1982.

Peter Gair, prosecuting at Ipswich Crown Court, said that while visiting Ipswich Phillips had indecently touched the boy on two occasions and had got the boy to touch him indecently on another occasion. The offences came to light in 2007 and when the boy was interviewed he told officers that he hadn't been threatened by Phillips.

When Phillips was interviewed by the police he claimed the boy had “come on to” him and said the boy had “made it very obvious what he wanted to do”. Richard Potts, for Phillips, said his client had been a headmaster at a primary school and had held posts in other schools. He said Phillips suffered from osteoarthritis and this caused him pain and mobility problems. Mr Potts said Phillips had made a considerable contribution to society in his role as a teacher

Anonymous said...

70, of Hallford Way, Dartford, lured his victim, who was a teenager at the time, to his home claiming he was doing research on puberty. Maidstone Crown Court heard Fagg ordered the youngster to drop his trousers before performing a sex act on himself while touching the child.

Speaking after today's sentencing, the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said: “I have lived with this nightmare for so long. As a young man you blame yourself for what happened. You feel like it was your fault. Back in those days, if anyone had found out they would have ripped me to pieces. But now I feel vindicated and cleansed. It's a huge weight off my mind.” He added: “It's important that other victims who have been abused do come forward and realise they are not alone. It's taken a lot of courage, and I have had a lot of counselling, but we've got him off the streets which is so important.”

'Saved by the bell'

The court heard how in January 1979, Fagg abused the young boy before the ordeal came to an end when the doorbell rang. Prosecutor Ian Foinette told the court how Fagg then looked up at the youngster and said: “Saved by the bell.” It was also revealed Fagg, who was aged 40 at the time, taught his victim biology and used to talk openly in class about research into the size of young boys' genitalia.

Sentencing Fagg, Judge Philip Statman said: “You were in a position of trust. This offence was pre-planned under the umbrella of your conducting of research into puberty. This claim was utterly bogus. The boy was used for the purposes of your own sexual gratification.” Fagg, who in May pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting a child under the age of 16, was also banned from working with children indefinitely and will be listed on the Sex Offenders' Register for 10 years

Anonymous said...

October 1, 2004
A teacher at an independent school has pleaded guilty to multiple charges of making indecent images of children.
Christopher Wells, 43, a housemaster at Sutton Valence School, near Maidstone, admitted 39 counts of making indecent images of children when he appeared at Maidstone Magistrates' Court. Wells, formerly of Westminster House at Sutton Valence School, admitted that between 1999 and 2004, he had made indecent photos of children on 36 occasions, and in the same period made indecent photos of children depicted in short movie clip films on three occasions. Wells lived at the school in North Street, Sutton Valence, in his capacity as a teacher and housemaster.

On July 1, police officers visited the school and found Wells was on a school trip. They searched his classroom and his flat and seized a large number of items, including computer equipment. About 4,000 images of naked children were discovered. The images were classed level one and two - the lowest of five categories of pornographic images.

Mark Lindley, prosecuting, said the pictures were downloaded onto a computer and an evidence-destroying device was used to prevent them being found. They were then saved to disc and stored away from the computer. "There was clearly some sophistication used in relation to covering his tracks,” said Mr Lindley. He said Wells accessed the internet using the addresses of other school masters. “As a result of these e-mail addresses those people were put down as potential suspects,” he said. “Clearly there was a risk to others.”

John Roberts, defending, said that he had been instructed not to resist the decision of the bench in relation to sentencing. He said Wells had pleaded guilty very early and was of good character. Magistrates said that given the large amount of images, that Wells was a teacher and that he used the names of third parties, their powers of conviction were too limited.

Wells was remanded in custody for sentencing at Crown Court. He had to sign the Sex Offenders Register. Nobody from Sutton Valence school would comment on the case. Parents were told about Wells in a letter sent by head teacher Joe Davies in August. He wrote: “Mr Chris Wells, head of modern languages, has been suspended from school and will not be resuming his responsibilities when term starts in September. “This follows police inquiries relating to activities on the internet. We would like to stress that none of the inquiry has involved any pupil or other member of staff. Mr Wells has now resigned from the school

Anonymous said...

July 15, 2002
A lecturer who downloaded nearly 5,000 indecent pictures of children has escaped a jail sentence because of prison overcrowding.
Judge Warwick McKinnon told Dalwyn James Henshall the sheer volume and extreme nature of the pictures warranted a custodial sentence. But he told Henshall, 45, from Whitstable in Kent that he was taking into account his guilty plea as well as current problems with prison overcrowding and gave him to an 18-month suspended sentence.

Henshall, who taught music at Canterbury Christ Church University College, admitted downloading 4,928 indecent images between 31 October 1999 and 9 December 2001. Judge Warwick McKinnon told Henshall: "You developed an interest in pornography at an early age and only recently in child pornography which coincided with a stressful time in your life at work. These offences, in particular the discovery of them, have brought quite substantial punishment in themselves."

Maidstone Crown Court heard that Henshall had tried to commit suicide after being discovered and later admitted to police he was extremely ashamed. Defending, Charles Gratwicke told the court that his interest in child pornography began during a period of pressure and depression.

Career in tatters

His wife had been completely unaware of his obsession and the case had left his career in tatters. Mr Gratwicke added: "He has lost his job. He resigned from it and will not be able to teach at another school or college. "He has resigned his Ofsted accreditation plus he will need to retrain. His career is in total ruin." He added that Henshall now wanted to move away from the area and was undergoing psychotherapy to with deal with his obsession.

Sex Offenders' Register

Henshall will be put on the Sex Offenders' Register for 10 years and was ordered to pay £450 costs and forfeit his computer. But the judge said Henshall's life's work, a violin concerto and sonata he had composed and which was on the computer, could be returned. A spokeswoman for Canterbury Christ Church University said: "He (Henshall) started working for the college in 1992. He was on sick leave from September 2001. The college received his letter of resignation at the end of February 2002." The Judge didnt sent him to prison because he pleaded guilty, and because prisons are too full

Anonymous said...

December 4, 2009
A drama teacher who used Facebook to groom a girl of 14 for sex was facing jail last night.
Alan Fox, 44, made explicit suggestions to the schoolgirl and also enjoyed "phone sex" with her, a court heard. He was caught when a staff member at her school in Ilford, Essex, found text messages on her phone.

Fox, of Maidstone, Kent, admitted meeting a child following sexual grooming and making indecent photographs of children

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It would appear that Maureen was arrested because of the lies told by social workers from Liverpool social services, she is out,
her crime sending her son who lives with his old man a birthday card.

social services who took her two other children for adoption by illegal means are trying to justfry themselves for picking on this women, their is no injuntion in place that says Maureen can not send her son a birthday card,the boys Mother, nothing wrong with Maureen, and their has never been, they keep picking on her to cover up their dirty tricks, in the corrupt family court with the corrupt common purpose agenda

Anonymous said...

while Jack Straw own brother is a sex offender and his son pushes drugs, we have a injustice system in place he is trying to protect gordon brown the pead and old friend tony.

you can see how they are using judges to get around the appeal system. yet those of us who have been wronged by the corrupt judges lawyer social workers... cant get appeal, although we can prove out case's

they must be sleeping together

Anonymous said...

Biography to go into the forced adoption books of children stolen by

Kent County Council

Paul Carter Kent County Leader

Paul believes passionately that public services should at all times put the customer (residents) first, be as bureaucratic free as possible, delivering
quality and excellent value for money.

Mr Eric Ernest Charles Hotson was elected to the County Council in June 2001 as the Conservative Member for Maidstone Rural South.

He is a Senior Conveyancing Executive with one of Kent’s leading firms of Solicitors, Kingsfords, and has been employed by them since 1978.
Mr Hotson has served as Borough Councillor since 1990 and is the Member of Maidstone Borough Council for Staplehurst. In 2009-10 he is the Deputy Mayor of Maidstone.

He lists his interests as sports, gardening, family and reading.
Mr Hotson is married to Janet Ann with three daughters and one grandson.

Mrs Sarah Virginia Hohler was elected to the County Council in May 1989 as
the Conservative Member for Malling North.

An Oxford graduate, her first job after graduation was teaching French at Osu Presbyterian Secondary School in Accra Ghana. She also taught some Maths and Latin and did some private coaching. She worked for Pergamon Press for two years (sales and acquisition), for Oxford University Press in Hong Kong (editing educational books) and Macmillan Education. She then went to New York with her diplomat husband and worked for an International Play Group in order to raise funds for a Young Artists exhibition. She has also started a nursery school and worked as a school librarian at Spence School for two years. She then worked for the British Council, as an English Language Assistant in Brussels, supporting teachers, before returning to Kent.

She joined Kent County Council as an elected member in 1989 and was
appointed Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning in 1997. She later became Cabinet Member for Communities and Deputy Leader to the late Lord Bruce-Lockhart. She stood down from the Cabinet when he retired as Leader in October 2004.

In June 2009, she became the sole Cabinet Member for Children, Families
and Education at Kent County Council.
She lists her interests as gardening, cooking and bird watching. She is a
member of the Arts Council South East, the Royal Horticultural Society, the
Conservative Party and the Turner Art Development Trust.
Mrs Hohler has four daughters and six grandchildren

Anonymous said...

SARA JANE WHITE is being arrested for making a video regarding not seen her children for the last FOUR years. Please could you contact BRAINTREE police station in ESSEX. UK and ask about her welfare. We need to get this mom out ASAP....!!!!!!

Ph 0300 333 4444

+44 300 333 4444 outside the UK

Please post it in your profile and amongst your fiends.

On behalf of Sara, her kind mother, her beautiful children. Thank yo

Anonymous said...

Baby P social workers face GSCC misconduct charges
Good they are protected and should be shown the door; anyone who is silly enough to still believe the SS are doing a good job wants sacking too

All these non-professionals need to be made accountable and stolen children returned before families start issuing first-degree class action lawsuits; nothing else is acceptable.

If I was in their position and I have been , I would give the children back on conditional that they didn’t sue.

Anonymous said...

April 23, 2004

A master at Eton school was facing a lengthy prison sentence last night after admitting downloading child porn.
Ian McAuslan, 58, was caught when Eton’s IT department asked him to hand over his computer for an upgrade.

They discovered over 2,000 pictures of young boys. McAuslan admitted 200 were indecent.

The classics teacher has been forced to resign from his £50,000-a-year job at the boarding school where Princes William and Harry were pupils.

Prosecutor Anne Conway told Forest Magistrates at Bracknell, Berks: “The computer was examined and the police were informed

Anonymous said...

A shamed pervert teacher was caught stalking schoolgirls — as he used a home-made sex toy in his car.
Guy Milford, 34, had the mechanical pleasure device plugged into his motor’s lighter socket while parked outside a busy secondary school.Stunned cops — including a WPC — discovered the hands-free vibrating box and wires after they stopped Milford in Clydebank.He was convicted yesterday of exposing himself and carrying out a solo sex act.

WPC Alana Innes, 24, told a court: “I was shocked and couldn’t believe it had happened right next to a school.”

Milford, of Govan, Glasgow, was stopped by police after he suddenly pulled out in front of their unmarked car outside Clydebank High school in February last year. Constable Christopher Holmes, 29, described the machine which he found hooked up to Milford’s battered Volkswagen Polo.

He said: “I could see lots of red and green wires. They were poking through the fingers of one hand and led down to the cigarette lighter.”

Milford, who was on his way to work at nearby Clydemuir Primary school, denied the charges but was found guilty at Dumbarton Sheriff Court.

Sheriff Simon Fraser said: “You were outside a school when a number of children would be passing.”

Milford quit teaching in April and works as a maintenance man. He was put on the sex offenders’ list

Anonymous said...

A well-respected teacher found guilty of abusing vulnerable boys betrayed their trust, a court was told.
Graham Stride was found guilty of 15 charges of indecent assault involving six boys and two of attempted indecent assault involving a seventh boy. The offences took place between 1982 and February 2004.

Stride, 50, of Elson, Gosport, Hants, who had denied all of the charges, was found not guilty of two charges of indecent assault of an eighth boy.

On Thursday, it took a jury of five men and six women seven hours to find Stride guilty. Earlier, Janice Brennan QC, prosecuting, had told the court Stride concocted excuses to be alone with the young boys so he could abuse them. She added that a school had been told of his behaviour around 1986 but did not inform the police.

Miss Brennan said: "Instead of the incidents being reported to the police, it appears the education authority preferred there to be no scene, no trouble at all."

An earlier prosecution in 1993 against him was also dropped because the parents of the alleged victim decided against their son giving evidence in court. Sister Mary Jo Martin, director of schools for the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth, which took Stride on as a member of staff two years ago, said it had not been made aware of any allegation against him until his arrest this year.

John Wakeling, head of education for Hampshire County Council, said that it would review its procedures in light of Stride's conviction, adding stringent measures were in place to screen new members of staff

Anonymous said...

February 1, 2008

Police have praised the victim of paedophile teacher Graham Smith for her courage in forcing him to face up to his crimes.
Sixty-year-old Smith was jailed for three-and-a-half years yesterday after pleading guilty to indecently assaulting a teenage pupil, now a woman in her 30s, in Hatfield in the early 1990s.

Smith, whose most recent address was Acacia Avenue, Verwood, Dorset, admitted three charges of indecent assault, and downloading thousands of indecent images of children

A former teacher has been warned to expect a lengthy prison sentence after he admitted sexually abusing girl pupils at a Catholic school.
Graham Nichols, 62, was working at St Anne’s Catholic Primary School in North Street, Keighley, when he sexually abused five youngsters between August 1979 and August 1980. None of Nichols’s victims can be identified for legal reasons.

.Lawyer Michael Reeves, for Nichols, said he was requesting a psychologist’s report to assess his client’s mental health at the time of the offences and now. Judge Spencer granted Nichols conditional bail until his sentence hearing, but he must now register as a sex offender with the police.

Anonymous said...

August 19, 2008

A former scoutmaster who downloaded sickening porn from the internet has been banned from working with children for life.
Police found 363 photographs of boys and girls as young as 12 on Graham McKeown's computers and 17 videos. His home in St George's Walk, Barbourne, Worcester, was raided after a mother became suspicious when he took her son on a trip to a red light district during a holiday abroad, said prosecutor Ian Ball.

The 16-year-old also complained that McKeown, who worked for Worcestershire County as a transport co-ordinator until he was sacked, had hugged him, “which he had interpreted as something akin to sexual”.

McKeown confessed he looked at child porn sites while depressed “to beat himself up” because they made him cry, said Mr Ball.

The 45-year-old, an assistant leader at the 6th Worcester (Kempsey) troop for 26 years and a youth volunteer at St Peter’s Baptist church, Worcester, could have been jailed for his crimes, said Judge Andrew Geddes.

He said: “These were revolting images of children being degraded and suffering terrible trauma. You contributed to that kind of intolerable behaviour.”

But the judge said society would be better served if McKeown had treatment to rehabilitate him. He gave him a three-year community order on condition he attend a sex offenders’ progamme.. He must also register as a sex offender for five years. McKeown pleaded guilty at Worcester Crown Court to 13 counts of making indecent images of children and one of possession between June 2005 and February this year.

Mr Ball said 30 of the vile images were level four, which includes sex between children. Video clips showed boys of 12 and 13 indulging in sex acts in bed. At first McKeown denied any knowledge of the pictures. But police found he had installed a program to wipe out his computer’s search history. He claimed in one interview he was collecting evidence of child abuse to help police prosecute perverts.

Defence counsel Abigail Nixon said unemployed McKeown had resigned from both kinds of youth work.

A Worcestershire County Council spokesperson said: “Mr McKeown had been employed since 2001 following all appropriate recruitment and police checks. His role did not involve unsupervised access to children and we have never received any complaints about Mr McKeown's conduct. “We have worked in full co-operation with the police and child protection officers for this investigation which relates entirely to Mr McKeown's activities outside of his employment

Anonymous said...

March 13, 2008

A former mayor and primary school teacher has been given a caution by police for possessing child porn.
Graham Pearson, 54, was arrested at his Cherry Crescent home in Balladen, Rawtenstall, on September 10 last year for having 'indecent photographs, or pseudo-photographs, of children'. He was bailed to return to Rawtenstall police station while officers considered whether charges should be brought against him. But Mr Pearson, who is a former council leader, was formally cautioned when he attended his 1pm appointment today.

A Lancashire Police spokesman said: "Lancashire Constabulary have given an adult caution to a 54-year-old man from the Rossendale area for possession of indecent photographs, or pseudo photographs, of children. The man was first arrested on September 10, 2007, at around 11.30am, at his home address."

When asked about the caution last night, Mr Pearson said: "I have no comment to make." He did confirm, however, that he no longer worked as a teacher. Mr Pearson went missing from his home on February 3, and police issued an appeal for his safe return. His silver Chevrolet car was also said to be missing But he was later discovered safe and well' in the Cumbria area.

He was a Hareholme ward councillor until the summer 2004 elections and also served as Mayor of Rossendale in 1991/92. For four years from 1985 he served as a Lancashire county councillor for Rossendale East ward, but stood down prior to the 1989 elections. He was also a governor at Staghills Nursery and Newchurch CE Primary and, while mayor, worked as a teacher at a primary school in Oldham.

Under Coun Pearson, Labour regained control of Rossendale council in May 2002 after two years of Tory rule. But the new administration quickly encountered problems after the Audit Commission published a report rating Rossendale as the worst council in the country'. Coun Pearson, who had heart surgery in 1999, stepped down as council leader in December 2003, citing health reasons as a key factor. He lost his ward seat to the Conservatives' Chris Wadsworth at the following year's elections.

A spokeswoman for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said two types of cautions can be handed out, either with or without conditions. She said: "In accordance with Home Office guidelines the police have the power to caution people without referring the matter to the CPS. They can also refer the matter to us and we have to consider the circumstances of each individual case to determine what is appropriate

Anonymous said...

August 21, 2009

A former carer at a Jersey children's home was found guilty yesterday of indecently assaulting teenagers while he worked there in the 1970s.
Gordon Wateridge, nicknamed "the Perv" by his victims, carried out a string of assaults against teenage girls at the Haut de la Garenne home. The 78-year-old was found guilty of eight charges of indecent assault and one charge of assault following a trial at Jersey Royal Court.

The court heard that he would repeatedly grope girls' breasts, hug the teenagers inappropriately and kiss them on the neck.

Wateridge, born in Croydon, south London, now lives in the Jersey parish of St Clement; he was the first person to be charged in connection with a historic abuse investigation on the island

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