
Shame Your Social Worker

We are ashamed to be British, who would have thought this goes on in our society? We wouldn’t think it, because we don’t know it’s going on!

That’s about to change, we have but one tool at our disposal, a tool even more powerful than social worker’s having their day in court against hapless families, that tool is The Internet a machine so vast it covers the globe in seconds. Maybe, just maybe they have met their match. If you have been on the end of “their justice” it is more than likely you have nothing more to loose, please feel at liberty to tell it like it really is, name all involved, without revealing your identity.

Say NO to gagging orders, how dare they! We know its not in the interests of the child, its in the interests of the perverse judgments and scrappy evidence that could never stand up in a ‘proper’ court furthermore it could cause a public outcry if it ever got out. We’ve had enough of the injustice and the secret courts, this must end and it must end NOW, the outcry is about to begin.

Its not enough to tell your story, naming names is imperative if this is to have any impact, provide every detail you have, car registration numbers, home addresses even add a link to with their photograph. Create a profile on one of the many social networking sites, they can't afford to close them all, you will have maximum impact! The more information you provide the more they will want to close the site, the more they want to close it the more mirror sites will appear with all the same information on them, this will hurt them make no mistake, they won't like the publicity and like we care? No longer can they get away with the ability to hide behind the secret courts!

We have provided the means to "freely express" now you can have your say…

You can make your "comment" anonymously or if you are in any doubt about the traceability of your comment search for "Anonymous Surfing" and use a proxy website or go HERE then enter this Blog again by copy/paste ...then say your piece, your identity remains untouchable ...the world is waiting.

Our day will come.... as will theirs


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Anonymous said...

Jim Moore

When you give Oath with your right hand on the Bible, you are accepting a SHIELD. When they take that Bible away, they are TAKING YOUR SHIELD. I know for next time: when I give Oath, I keep that shield, before they try and take it off me I sit and thumb through the Bible and when they ask what I'm doing, I ask what page we're on.

I gave Oath on the Bible, and on Common Law, NOT the Statute Roll or their own rules!

"Thou Shalt Not Kill" and "Thou Shalt Not Steal"

oh, and "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness"

only have to know the ten commandments... the embodiment of common law

Anonymous said...

Mary Docherty

Do not accept a barrister called "DENNIS SHARPE" as your representative !

Anonymous said...

Very Important please read

well done Jim x

Anonymous said...

Pure Evil in our midst; As if they dont rob enough, whilst destroying children lives , by forced adoption and child molesting judges,MP's, social workers, teachers, solicitor, police all official scum of the earth as in Hollie Greig case.

One of the country's highest paid civil barristers, Jeremy Rosenblatt of Coram chambers, tried to double his publicly-funded legal fees by "wrongly claiming" for work, a hearing was told.

Laura Roberts
Published: 10:02AM GMT 16 Feb 2010

Anonymous said...

how twisted is the media

apparently our children are being 'let down' by balls's mirage caveat
re faith schools, to be granted permission by the state to choose how they present sex education for age 5-15 -however the inclusion of gay sex and accessing abortion is compulsory.

What watering down?

We don't want this undermining of parenthood fed into schools
via the promotion of particular lifestyle choices to validate forced gay adoption state targets.

Whatever next
Children's rights to sex education about
other lifestyle choices?

and in this context the gay lobby with the support of MPs are driving at lowering the age of consent.

Can we have some influence on where these agendas are going please parents

If the suggestion is whipped up that our children are being 'let down'
merely at the idea that a faith school might try to be innovative in exercising the traditions of the faith -
faith school, whilst complying with undemocratic diktats about minority lifestyles
in the name of diversity
lifestyles which by definition are disconnected from reproduction
-that is unless we get into the terrain of procuring a child from a heterosexual liaison to sieze custody of that child
(gay youtubers have already made clips promoting this format)
and consider potential civil partnerships to perhaps the legislation on gay marriage (as in USA - recently - the gay men changed the birth certificate of the baby to remove all trace of the birth parents)
realised through the secret family courts
with the support of social agency apparatchik

then parents wanting to opt out of these compulsory classes: can be portrayed as
'denying their children's right to education'
long suffering parent home-schoolers and special needs parents will recognise the cold bureaucratic implications in that line

are we being reframed?

Anonymous said...

social workers may try, but, they can not under the children act send a parent to prison for assault against a social worker.

Assualt against another is civil, not family. case has to be heard in open court

Anonymous said...

i told the barrister claiming my legal aid entitlement for himself (known as a professional loser in the industry)
how i felt about the cafcass calling itself a guardian
the one wreaking havoc on every family member

claiming the child's legal aid entitlement for itself

who cares

Anonymous said...

What I suggest is that the mere possession of a B.C. does not help secure the child. The parent has a cert. and still loses the child. Therefore the B.C. of and by itself confers no power. If it did then the parent could excercise that power and save the child.
So there is a process which takes place, a claim made, and the possession of the B.C. is proof of claim and, therefore, authority to act to possess the property registered - authority granted by the registration of the child. Just as the harbourmaster has authority, after berth registration, to act upon the ship. When the ship captain enters harbour he retains all authority until he registers, then authority is transferred to the harbourmaster. when the captain returns, he shows proof of claim, the berth cert, and the ship is restored to him.
If, in the meantime, a problem occurs with the ship, the h'master has authority to act - without the consent of the captain. Even to the extent of selling the vessel, destroying the vessel, or holding it as pledge for debts.
When the SS want a child, they will begin a claim, using some commercial process (disguised, probably) and which requires production of the B.C. as proof of actual registration.
Imagine you have an IOU from me for £10. You lose the IOU then ask for payment. I ask for the IOU and you say you lost it. Would I pay you? You make a claim throughthe court and the first thing the judge asks is "where's the paper to back your claim?"
No paper - no valid claim!
For me, the only unclear thing is.... which particular commercial process are they using?
Discover that and the thing will open up a bit more.
To continue the analogy, once the ship is registered the captain may then enjoy the amenities of the port. No berth registration - no amenities.
When the parent registers the child - they get access to benefits (amenities). No registration - no access.
The paralells are too close to be coincidental. We're in the admiralty, and maritime processes are the order of the day. No matter how they've been disguise to fit the land.

Anonymous said...

Susan (Sue) Mary Bach works as an independent social worker for Sue Bach Associates. She is based in Doncaster although works all over the UK. Don't trust her - a liar, corrupt, evil little dog. I wouldn't even throw my shoes at her.

Anonymous said...

the original BC is it?

official copies?

Anonymous said...

I am a grandmother who has been witness to the failings of the family courts for nearly eight years. My daughter is in the mist of a relentless battle to keep her daughter safe. I am supporting her as much as possible as she battles on . I am researching the agencies put in place to support the workings of the courts. At present I can find very little about N Y A S other than the fact that is a charity funded organisation. (Has anyone any facts that might be helpful? ) I am aware that they employ guardians but background information seems almost shrouded .

Anonymous said...

a friend of mine who like me was going thru cacfass hell

suggested NYAS

clarifying it with

I hear they are worse than cafcass

but it is an alternative.

state of the agents working the family courts

Anonymous said...

i have been up all night am very stressed after seeing 2 of my kids assaulted by fc in my notes what does it take to expose this when you have written evidence ?

Anonymous said...

A 7 year old child is starved to death by her own mother and step father, could the the real father get access to his daughter? look at the struggle that fathers for justice went through and are still going through, but now its anyone they can pick on and make money from of the corrupt set up

where was the social worker, what about the welfare check list, so called princples of the children act. SS has a duty of care under child protection, all councils have this duty.

However, on radio 4 this week they are taking about bringing in a law in so they can check the children at home?

the law has been their all the time.

What rubblish and spin.

It appeared that the child was home educated, no doubt they will try and stop that one, when children are at home the education dept checks that their getting standards and support needed.

where was the eduaction welfare officer for the council?

they are spenting their time spying on good parents and not the ones at risk.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what Amanda Waving’s background was before she joined Medway SS. I have only found out that She used to work for Orpington Hospital, Kent. Something to do with Adults who had mental health problems. Then, after her marriage broke down, she moved to Medway with her two young children and worked in the Medway SS Complaints Department, before becoming a trainee Social Worker. I can’t find out why she left Orpington Hospital. Whether it was voluntary or whether she was pushed, or whether in fact she was an in-patient at Orpington’s Mental Health facility, which would explain quite a lot.

Anonymous said...

Tanned, relaxed and earning big bucks... the judge who was far 'too stressed' to face trial

Read more:


Anonymous said...

Too the bully boys of Kent, sent to scare women and little children

We are inclined to decline your intimidation and refuse to comply on the grounds that the Truth – even adorned in a cloak of satire - is a vital ‘sine qua non’ constituent of the wellspring from which Justice should flow.

I respectfully refer you to the legal reply contained in Arkell vs Pressdram 1971 – specifically “Fuck off.”


Anonymous said...

Lorraine Newhill
SS i want you to know that i HATE you.. and i curse everyone of you scumbags that stole my granddaughter.. i prey you get whats coming to you all.

Anonymous said...

Alison Evans
child exploitation officer and smug guardian abuser
cafcass bournemouth

Anonymous said...

Child on the child protection register, visisted 49 times by the SS was found dieing. The mother was known to be on drugs, no one from the SS took the mother or baby to a support unit for parents on drugs, advice, support, which had been set up for the above reasons.

The home was in a mess, the parents could not look after themselves let alone the baby.

Grand parents wanted to help but the SS refused to allow them access.

Baby Perrion died 9mths? he was starveing. The local council run by Tudor Evan, mother in law, Cllr Jones relations with Jack Jones labour pary unions, Tudor, common purpose, Tudor was in prison for fraud in wales before standing in the local labour party in plymouth, sounds about right.

He did is up most with the corrupt council illeagl dept to cover the going on with the SS.

Report came that the grand parents did even know that the child had died were kept out of the picture.

They wanted to know why this happened. the mother later died in prison which was useful for the SS.

Tudor Evans and co try to stop the case going to the court of appeal.

The council failed in its duty of care as the child had a right to life.
These shits are still working in the corrupt system useing public monies.

Anonymous said...


Revealed: British Premier Gordon Brown Is A Paedophile
By Mike James in Germany – 28 February 2010

Anonymous said...

Why was David Mason aka known as Mathews allowed to be supervisored,(without a CRB check)by Ken Stevens ( who was previously a Labour Councillor for Shepway South) and his wife Liz, who run a Youth Group/club from a church hall in Senacre Maidstone, whilst face painting children ?

Who also participated in the local Shepway Fete; this pedophile has recently been jailed indefinitely and also has previous convictions and connections to Scotland.

Anonymous said...


William Mextaxa

*Stopped a case for 3 hours, as the press wanted to cover the case. Said he'd hold up the case as long as it took to prevent the press seeing the case.

**If he's assigned as your barrister - REFUSE TO ACCEPT HIM.
He's the sort doing deals behind your back to adopt your child.

Anonymous said...

Women try to stop babies being taken into care by fleeing to Spain

Anonymous said...

Council’s robbing the children trust

There is more trust money available to them if the children are take into care after sep 2002,each local authority has a children trust which the government pays
into the accounts are well into the millions, depending on the number of children snatched form parents,

Adoption agencies are funding this trust and sitting on the board of trusties, this is illegal

no conflict of interests there then. adoption for profit

They are ALL the same.

Anonymous said...

Lorraine Newhill

im doing what im doing not only for me but for every person who has been a victom of the evil ss. i hope those families will support and back me... its time to make that stand.

Anonymous said...

i didnt know half of what i have just read its helped me no end im now writing official letters to mps will keep u updated i lost my children becouse kcc (GRAVESEND)

they place my children with a pedophile (yes he is now convicted and serving 11 years for 3 counts of rape on a 12 year old (my daughter)

who was only saved from him as a result of getting her pregnant she went on to have my grandaugher who then was stolen to forced adoption


my children told me what he was doing on contact i told the la they disbelieved me also school teachers alligations said i was suffering with a metal illness now been assesed as total sane social workers are not qualified to make this kind of judgement.

never ever had an appoligy and think i deserve that at least they helped abuse my daughter by placing her at risk and should be made accountable for their actions.

Anonymous said...

do not rust trust the main parties,
tory leader is full of spin. Astor family bloodline

Anonymous said...

you should be able to appeal against the lies of social workers, we need a jury in the family court, this is all about keeping it secert, so no one will know what these sick bastards are up to.

We know that jerry white government and co, common purpose are protecting the local councils against the failures and corruptions. freemasons big time

Anonymous said...

Brian Gerrish -- Moving Forward

This section of the video (below) is to my mind, the most important section to date. Brian explains how the usual angst and gender issues,that exists between Family Justice Groups seems to be slowly diminishing with the widespread realization, that we are being manipulated into such positions mainly by the media. He also mentions that the "hot potato" subject, of our children being stolen and abused by the state through the courts, no longer seems to paralyze us in fear as it once did, as it is being talked about between us more and more...Brian calls for the organisation and collaboration of all the family justice groups, so that they may start to work together re: class actions etc and perhaps for the first time ever, we would become a real strong force in the fight against the internal mechanisms of the local authorities and the family courts themselves. We now have the support of Brian Gerrish s Groups and FMOTL Groups...

I can remember back in 2007 when I was a member of the old Fassit Group coming up with the idea of mass disclosure of cases, naming a date and doing it...Only back then fear gripped the majority and understandably so....But I will say now what I said then.

If the disclosures are in the public arena for all too see and there are enough of them...the public will without doubt support each and every brave person that discloses their stories....Do you really think the public will tolerate the imprisonment of people that have exposed the family courts for the evil state snatchers they really are...?

There is no other subject I am aware of, that is more emotive than the state sanctioned secretive destruction of our families. No other human interest stories, that enrage and empower individuals to take action like the unnecessary removal of children, the trauma, the heartache and the mental health issues that follow such removals. We know what happens to children once they are caught up in the care system and its far from pretty... It may feel like a giant leap of faith for many,but this leap of faith would shine a never ending ray of incandescent light, into the darkest recesses of the evil and corrupt family courts.

We as parents are enslaved by our own fear, lets make our children proud of the lengths we will go, to expose the corrupt professionals that have lied, manipulated and deceived in order to achieve targets, lining their own and other peoples pockets. Lets make our children proud of the lengths we will go, to stop the sexual and physical abuse many suffer at the hands of their new carers...Im not about to delve into the many terrible stories I have heard and read about, as every single one of you Im sure, have heard many horror stories yourselves, many too horrendous to recall, in fact that horrendous your mind plays with the notion they may not be true after all....... But through experience we know better dont we and this is why we must find the courage to move forward - get organised - work together- help each other - and give the Secret Family Courts the biggest ass kicking it has had in decades!!!

Anonymous said...

Saturday 10 October 2009
> Dear Catherine Stihler, David Martin, Ian Hudghton, Struan Stevenson,
> George Lyon and Alyn Smith,
> I write to you regarding forced adoption throughout the UK.
> I am concerned about voting for any party however, after voting for SNP
> most of my life this party have let down the Scottish people and in my
> opinion are not worthy any long to take us forward.
> I then considered voting Conservatives because David Cameron was the
> only one to reply to me when I complained about the excessive bank
> charges, however, David Cameron is sitting back allowing Kent county
> council to adopt children even when there is a very good grandmother
> there to look after the 4 children. This grand mother was her self a
> Conservative Councillor until she resigned a few months. It is
> extremely worrying when one of your own party members gets treated so
> badly, no hope for the rest of us then "is there".
> This woman has been fighting with beuracracy for approximately 8 months
> that I know of and she still does not have her grand-children back.
> MY question is WHY?
> it would appear that kids are adopted out due to financial aspect.
> Due to this ignorance towards the forced adoption of my friends 4
> grandchildren in Kent I cannot see how it would be possible to vote Mr
> Cameron's Conservative Party.
> I am then left with Labour Party to vote for, However I am looking
> for confirmation that children will only be adopted or fostered when
> there is no family member available and it is the very last resort.
> Because what I see at the moment is that forced adoption is all about
> financial rewards.
> These 4 children s are deeply distressed since being stolen by Kent
> County Council and I demand to know what the government views are.
> I would be happy to see the right thing being done and the 4 children
> returned to their grandmother.
> Children are Elle May Williams Piper 7 years
> Ruby Williams Piper 6 years
> Lacy Williams Piper 3 years
> Poppy Williams Piper 2 years
> I am also concerned about a document which I tread that indicted
> Scotland had to adopt/foster another 4,000 kids per year. And that we
> had more Social workers than Police. Is this true.
> Look forward to receiving your replies
> Yours sincerely,
> by: theresa-stirling

Anonymous said...

Mr Struan Stevenson MEP
European Parliament

Children, Families & Education
Children's Social Services
Kroner House
Eurogate Business Park
Ashford TN24 8XU
Fax: (01233) 652160
Minicom: (01233) 652153
Tel: 08458247247
Direct Dial:

25 November 2009

Dear Mr Stevenson

Thank you for your email of 28 October 2009 attaching a letter from Ms Stirling.

I am sorry for the delay in responding.

You will appreciate that I am unable to share the personal details of the children named in Ms Stirling's letter to you but I would like to reassure you
that the case has been handled appropriately in the children's best interests.

In Kent we work with families to support them to continue to care for their children within the family. When children are assessed as being at risk of coming into the care system, they are eligible for referral to the Family Group
Conferencing service.

In this process the significant people in a child's life are identified and asked to be involved in the decision-making process for planning where the child will live. As well as the birth family this may include
step family, aunts uncles, grandparents, family friends" neighbours and anyone else deemed by the family to have (or potentially have) a key role in
the child's life.

Our policy is to enable children to remain within the family
network where at all possible.

Kent County Council does not carry out forced adoptions and this term is not recognised.

The decision to place a child permanently outside of their family
is made by a judge and the Court. There is always a presumption of contact ongoing with the family but this depends upon the ability of them to work in partnership with us.

Yours sincerely
Vanessa Glenn
County Adoption Manager

Anonymous said...

Subject: Forced Adoption
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010

Dear Mr Stevenson

Thank you for your reply, unfortunately i have just accessed it today due to computer problems.

The letter received from Kent County Council is absolute rubbish and basically states what their normal procedure should be. However, I do not believe they followed these procedures, and would be delighted to receive evidence to prove their statement.

Kent County Council may not recognise "Forced Adoption" legally but I believe they are involved in it on a large scale. You should measure the success rate in comparison to other counties and Kent County Council have less success than any other when placing children with family and friends. It would be fantastic once again if they could show me statistics to prove me wrong.

It is my belief that Kent County Council did NOT work in conjunction with my friend Councillor Sheena Williams. However, it is apparent that they worked in conjucntion with the secret family court.

I would appreciate someone explaining to me how it can be in the interests of the children in question to be placed in care, separated on numerous occasions, living with strangers etc, it is absolutely disgusting. I enclose a photo of baby Poppy who was 2 years old when she apparently fell out of the carers car, does that sound like good care to you, well it doesn't to me. How could a 2 year old baby fall out of a car, ask yourself that.

I worked in a children's home on a voluntary basis when I was 13 years old and had to give it up because I was totally distraught and distressed at the way the children were treated nothing but bullied and harassed, forced fed etc., I my self was living in a house with an alcoholic and I still thought it was safer than the childrens home.

I put it to the Department for Social Services that Sheena Williams grandchildren have been stolen for forced adoption, I don't know why, but it is defiantly NOT because she is not suitable, I have lived in her house for days and her own children are very well cared for.

Sheena Williams was the one who contacted Social Services to try and get help for her grand-children and this is the thanks she gets. I am sure this must be the biggest regret she will have for the rest of her life, Sheena Williams has been fighting for 2 years now to get her grand-children back and she has been subjected to nothing but corruption at the highest degree.

I will never phone Social services for any child now that I know what they are involved in. I even tell everyone I know not to take the children any where near any of these departments.

I am gaining support in Scotland from friends and family who are disgusted at what I am telling them, they find it hard to believe until I direct them to sites on the internet and they too are appalled. Most of the people I know are not going to vote this time around including all the pensioners, we are sick fed up with the double standards and corruption.

It is my belief these 4 children should be immediately returned to their grand-mother, try and sort that but I bet you can't why? because I believe the Social Services in Kent have already been paid for them due too the corrupt society in which we live.

Again I request you to give me evidence to prove I am wrong, that would be great and will go a great way to restoring my faith in the society in which we are all part of.

Letter received from friend Sheena Williams Please read.

ps. letter sent to the Judge; who removed her from the case because she refused to be bullied into having psychological assessments, when asked what was to stop them (social services) coming after her own small children he couldnt and wouldnt answer.

Anonymous said...

Jim Moore what's the definition of mixed emotions? Watching as a social worker backs up over a cliff in your new car...

Anonymous said...

Watch Teresa Cooper author of Pin Down and Trust No One, speaking about the horrific abuse she and others suffered in the hands of a Kent childrens home in Gravesend – Kendall House

Restraint and Drugging of Children in Care - Looked After Children
The harsh treatment of looked after children in care - No change in the history of how vunerable children and teens are treated in authority care
The restraining of children in care is not only barbaric but dangerous and costs the lives of vunerable children. These methods of abuse also contribute to the suicide of children in care, long term damage both mental and physical and the further destruction of children placed in care for their protection where nothing has changed and they are still being abused.

Would you do this to your children?

It would be impossible not to cause physical damage given the violence used on the children and the Government has an obligation to every looked after child regardless of his or her circumstances to end this legalised form of abuse on children in care.

Anonymous said...

the media suggested that Tories could clamp down on 'sexualisation' of children |
with the press minutae article referred to below,

Cameron may have made a suggestion about proposals to 'punish firms who target youngsters'

and further digressed by telling how he stops primary school age daughter from listening to Lily Allen and how his daughter and his wife has a tussel over a CD.

Now by this stage of the article we have really departed from the fact of partisan doctrines creeping through schools and media and the early sexualisation of children

from centralised social colonisation dogma.

punish firms who target


SS CAFCASS cp BAAF CORAM the lower the age of consent lobby
and the other child traffickers

Anonymous said...

Government full of child molesters and crooks

Revealed: British Premier Gordon Brown Is A Pedophile

Conservative money-man and Belize-resident Lord Ashcroft who owns ADT Securities ... well, who really is government when ADT Securities can be offered a FORTY FIVE YEAR contract for the security of the UK and USA government!

In politics, money clearly talks! And the left/right blue/red paradigm is ENTRENCHED in the voters' psyche. It's all a nice game for these freaks.

Oh, and the Lords just have dismissed the inquiry into his tax thingy.

This could bring this country to it's knees.
has this all been held back to cause maximum damage?

Anonymous said...

Tory Party Mayor ( North Tyneside ), Chris Morgan - Forced to resign after being arrested twice in 2 weeks, for indecent assault on a 15-year old girl, and for suspicion of downloading child porn.

One of my sources told me about this guy a year before he was caught, he was taking a 14 year old girl to a well known dogging spot in his car with the consent of her parents who were both members of the Tory party.

Police found child porn on his computer but he was not charged & the story quickly disappeared when he resigned.

The Labour MP in that area also allegedly was "a notorious chaser of the girls" when he was a teacher there 30 years ago.

Anonymous said...

The Paul Drockton Radio Show Call-in Number: 001 (347) 838-8452

Will be very interested in children being stolen for forced adoption in the UK

Every one call this radio show in the America, he is helping get the message out

About the horrific abuse suffered by Hollie Greig suffered at the hands of the elite in Britian

Abused by the government – a nation of paedophiles

Publicity is our protection from this evil

Anonymous said...

Glasgow council leader resigns...nothing suspicious in that, Levy & Macrae have been appointed to represent him (as has PR company Media House). On BBC Reporting Scotland this evening it was reported that Glasgow councillors were reluctant to speak about Purcell due to legal threats...Sound familiar?
Mr. Purcell had enjoyed a meteoric rise to this position and was tipped to become a future Labour leader at Holyrood... Well, I wonder what one does to enjoy meteoric political rises? The same thing that one must do to find oneself enjoying the protection of Levy & Macrae perhaps..?
The 'official' reason is exhaustion but even the establishment media are hinting there is something more to it:

Anonymous said...

Hollie Greig case reaches Australia

Interview with Max Igan part 5/6/ 7

Anonymous said...

The major problem, as we have all identified, is that taking children into care is a huge money spinner. Social workers are getting paid more than Nurses and Teachers. Then on top of that they get a bonus if they manage to take X number of children away from their loved ones. Then the foster carers get around £400 per week, per child, plus expenses for new car’s, towards lighting, heating etc. Then there are the people being paid to do the assessments and physiological reports, like the Maudsley Hospital. Then there are all the solicitors and Barristers involved in the court process.

All these people are being paid out of our council tax. Yes, local Council Tax. Then there is the Legal Aid bill for those parents who can’t afford to pay for legal help. And for those who can afford it, some are driven to the point of bankruptcy. You can understand why these people falsify documents and make up ‘evidence’. If they don’t, they are off the gravy train. And it is nonsense for Kent SS to say that the Court make the decision to remove children. The Judge Just rubber stamps it, because “The professionals” must be right!

I would love to know what the bill actually is for all this. It must be in the Billions!

If only a fraction of this money were spent on supporting families, improving housing, providing facilities such as after school clubs, football clubs, swimming clubs, roller disco’s, gymnastics, basic cookery skills, help with keeping track of personal finance, adult literacy and numerousy, and more…our Country would be a much better place.

Where has all the common sense gone?

Whichever party gets into power next, they need to abolish the Family Court system and make Social Services present their cases in a real court where the identity of the child can be protected, if the child wants it to be, and where the parents are allowed to challenge the ‘evidence’ and call witnesses and cross examine “The professionals”. Where relatives and friends will be allowed to know what is being said about them, and to challenge it too. Our Children deserve the same rights as Murderers and Rapists. Make it open, Make it fare, Make it just.

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for a professional psychotherapist in the UK then look no further than me, Peter Marsden Allen. I am a systemic psychotherapist who realises the lucrative business implicit in parents' sensitivity of family, couple and individual issues particular when it comes to their children and how I can explout them;
and I offers quality therapy in which I pretend to help clients but instead put them through a crazymaking individual difficult period of time.

Distance no object.

I am growing fat on it.

Mobile:07554 399650
Northamptonshire 01933 396670
Write an email
IFT: 020 73919150

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does the allocated cafcass reporter use one party for positive reference points and for example the other party for negative ones as a rule?

Does the cafcass officer or guardian in name report one party's position and another party's actions, as a rule?
Have a look.

This context is called falsehood in law.

Does the social-work or cafcass reporter exclude evidence of welfare abuses and the child's voice?

Does the social work official omit positive evidence to make the reports?

Join the club.

Anonymous said...

cafcass was set up 10 years ago to help expediate cases going through family court, unfortunately cafcass alienates families causing much distress to the children who's best interests they are ment to serve cafcass has no place in family law and therefore should cease to operate forthwith

Anonymous said...

And the 2 plain clothed men,( caught on film) in the silver skoda GN56 GWL, thought too be who caused alarm and distress to my friend in Kent, by frightening little children, by banging on the door and windows

No law, says anybody has to open their door and have you not heard of leaving a calling card, parking round the corner and going back a second time to cause fear and distress is against the law.

Anonymous said...

melizza moore said...

I think one of the reasons why my kids are in foster care is because I was in foster care too. I think the real reason is that I dared to cite emotional, physical and sexual abuse that happened in my foster family in my core assessments. ( Maria Lacey, you corrupt bitch).I was only telling the truth that is in my full Psychiatric file. This SPANS FROM 1986-1999 at Thorneywood CAHMS. ( I have that file of course) THEY HAVE NOT. The evidence is too damming. So as a punishment and make me seem like Im really mad or lying they took my boys. So that evidence I gave has been suppressed by Nottingham Social Services as a cover up. I can tell you first hand what it is really like to be alienated from the birth family. How it really feels to be unable to fit in. Institutionalised/robotic That does not make me mentally unstable. Pumped with anti depressants from age seventeen years of age. Not the proper therapy that Im getting now on my own volition.Its FACT.

Anonymous said...

Chief Executive of Dr Barnardos, Martin Narey, employed Neville Husband: Prison officer and notorious child sex offender from Medomsley YOI.

Anonymous said...

anon 4.27pm

probably Kent Police the same ones who are playing silly buggers with the phones

it's too late we have already told everyone everything, you really should be protecting the public or do the public need protecting from you ?

Anonymous said...

‘Gritty’ film tells of Burnley boy’s death in custody

A HARROWING documentary looking at the death of a Burnley teenager in a young offenders institute is to be released later this year.
The hard-hitting film, by award-winning director Bill Maloney, focuses on the suspected suicide of Adam Rickwood, 14, at Hassockfield Secure Training Centre in County Durham in 2004.
It features interviews with members of Adam’s family, who are angry at his treatment at the centre and do not believe he killed himself.

A second inquest into his death is due to take place this year after a five-week inquest in 2008 found he had hanged himself with his own shoelaces.

Adam’s mum, Carol Pounder, approached Mr Maloney while he was working on a documentary about the centre in the 1970s and 1980s when it was called Medomsley Detention Centre.
Mr Maloney, who runs Pie ‘n’ Mash Films company, said: “It is a gritty piece of work.

“I gave the people involved the right to say what they want. I didn’t want to dumb it down in any way. It was harrowing talking to Carol and Adam’s family. There were times I had to leave the room to compose myself.
“Carol really opens her heart and it is so powerful. None of the family believe Adam killed himself.”

Mrs Pounder watched the documentary for the first time earlier this week and said she was pleased with the finished film.

“I totally agree with the film and how it comes across,” she said.
“I think it shows exactly how we feel and covers most of the issues about Adam.
“Bill was great to work with, he was very supportive and has done a great job on the film.”

Adam Rickwood and the Medomsley Heroes is due to be released on DVD soon.

Anonymous said...

Spanish authorities seize boy second baby from British parents

the UK plc authorities are supplying disinformation to Spanish, and laughing at outraged British parents

they laugh at us all and The Times says it is not a patriotic duty to rid nation of existing govt

Anonymous said...

7 year olds shown graphic sex cartoon in schools

see news article
4th march 2010

Anonymous said...

but rememeber

angerhas already been added to the psychiatrists textbook of inalienable truths, as a personality disorder

mothers, of very well raised children, children stolen
no reason given
none needed in th uk plc kangaroo courts
mother then forced to undergo therapy for undisclosed and goalpost shifting periods,
'for' the effects of having her children stolen, which she also has to acknowledge as her fault

according to the beneficiary experts (public funding)

Anonymous said...

the UK plc authorities are supplying disinformation to Bristish, and laughing at the British public

Anonymous said...

child stealing by the state meeting to be held on the 10th of April UK COLUMN.

Anonymous said...

cafcass was a new name, same people as before, acting against parents, x social workers court welfare officers. labour spin to get controal and abuse the family and break it down . the best people to know what is best for their child/ren is the blood line family.

we need jury's in the secret family courts, it is our right, as we have so much evidence noe of corruption fraud and deception.

lies told by social workers, cover upsby judges, genral social care council, social worker assoction and the rest of the scum working to a hidden agenda

Anonymous said...

browean lacey head of the SS in the corrupt council of plymouth.

Anonymous said...

the non-contributing parent who invents court orders from their own wishful thinking
when speaking to time-serving officials, is given residency by courts

run of the mill

Anonymous said...

the family therapist mediating expert said he felt triangulated between the parents!

He misreported both parents' words so that all lines of communication were completely annihilated!

Who has the personality disorder?

As a freelance court expert he gets from Public funding thousands of pounds per sloppy report,

makes a lone parent benefit for which the parent is doing several otherwise unpaid jobs well, a drop in the ocean?

Anonymous said...


Conference : Lawful Rebellion – Fighting Child Stealing by the State

Duration : All Day

Date : 10th april 2010

Location: Stafford Rangers Football Club, Stafford , West Midlands

Speakers: Brian Gerrish ,Key activists and parents, including oversea’s speakers.

Anticipated support – MPs, local councillors, Police, Social Services, Charities and Quango’s: None

Background: We now know that thousands of children are being taken from parents by the State using lies, false accusation, false evidence, perjury, intimidation, harassment and secret courts.

Those involved include some MPs, Judges, Police, NHS ( including Doctors, Psychiatrists and Paediatricians) Social Services and Charities.

We recognise that most people are good but that does not allow callous criminal activity to be covered up.

We understand that child-stealing is perpetrated by the State to break up families and leave the children to be claimed for nefarious purposes. The act of stealing is a template which is replicated across UK and in Countries overseas.

Further Details and Contact:


Privacy Type:
Open: All content is public.

Anonymous said...

KCC TO AXE 260 – GOOD NEWS AT LAST, JUST NEED TO GET RID OF THE TWO LYING CHILD SNATCHING BITCHES CLLR SARAH HOHLER, who knows bugger all about childrens services and ROSALIND TURNER who knows everything about child stealing in Kent

In a statement, Cllr Sarah Hohler (Con) cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education, said:
"Kent has an excellent reputation for its services for children, young people and their families and we are determined to continue this.
KCC Managing Director for Children, Families and Education, Rosalind Turner,

Anonymous said...

scaremongering does nothing to support the very hard and difficult work that social workers and other child protection agencies do every day. You are a Daily Mail reader's wet dream.superchick on mumsnet

Anonymous said...

I want to name and shame Claudette Moore my daugter's gaurdian. She is based in Archway London. she is nothing but a cheating liar. Take a look at her daughter Ebony Johnson on facebook fat from the wages her mother is paid to steal children and destroy lives. anyone claudette recomends or says she has worked with before run as fast as you can or be sure to loose your child. This woman cannot be trusted. May God have mercy on her soul

Anonymous said...

where is my post

Anonymous said...

Sandra Ami
Remember one thing.. you're dealing with a PRIVATE business, Social Workers are just employees of that. YOU can do EXACTLY to them that they are doing to you! NEVER Fear them.. it's that FEAR through their hollow threats that prevent us from doing all the right things! YOU can file your own reports too! YOU can file your own Petitions and complaints too. NEVER EVER trust them, and ALWAYS ALWAYS carry a digital recorder, and if possible video too. Keep a Journal ALWAYS with you of every conversation; who you spoke to, what they said, what time of what day it was, where you were etc. Those are the FIRST most important things. (the recorder? RECORD them ALWAYS.. don't tell them you are recording! they are destine to incriminate themselves, though you may not be able to use the recording in court.. YOU CAN USE THE TRANSCRIPTS! ) Do what they do!

Anonymous said...

Gagging Order’s – They dont mean shit!!!

At last it is nice to see that people are now looking at gagging orders and having a giggle. They are there for one reason, and that is to frighten parents into no talking about the inconsistencies in their case’s, and to prevent them challenging what has gone on. Well its time to take a stand and rebel against the system! So here goes….

My name is Sam Ethan Hallimond and my partners name is Vanessa Willingham. The child that was removed by Suffolk Social Services and the UK Secret Family Court system, was Daisy Cerys Vanessa Hallimond. I have included her pictures below;

This is a picture of our beautiful daughter, Daisy. She was illegally removed by Mrs Sue Chapman of Suffolk Social Services. Mrs Sue Chapman is a Social worker from Sudbury in Suffolk. Maybe you would like to give her a call on 01787 296060 or email her on

She was the social worker who deliberately fabricated a Section 37 report about me, and who was a colleague and close friend with the social workers (Mrs Charlotte Day), who was sleeping with my partners ex husband! Get the picture of corruption here yet???

Anonymous said...

How beautiful is this little girl of our’s? She was listed by Mrs Sam Boyd-Lambley and Mrs Rachael Anderson of Suffolk Social Service’s in Bury St Edmunds as ” A beautiful dark-haired child, with dark brown eyes and a approachable personality”. Did you see her in the colour adoption brochure for the Suffolk Adoption Agencies? If not maybe you can get the details for our little girl if you call Mrs Sam Boyd-Lambley or Mrs Rachael Anderson on 01284 758610 or email either or These were the 2 social workers in Suffolk who fabricated information on BAAF (British Association for Adoption and Fostering) paperwork.

Mr Tim Yeo MP came as our advocate, and was disgusted at the illegal and under-handed actions of these social workers.

Anonymous said...

If you are the lucky “Corporate Parents” of Daisy Hallimond, just remember one thing! She was removed illegally by Suffolk Social Services and Mrs Alison Flath of CAFCASS in Ipswich, Suffolk. Mrs Alison Flath is the Guardian that believes a child is safer with a domestically violent ex-husband, and assist the illegal removal of a child from a safe and happy family. She knew that the social workers had lied, and nothing was said to support us! Maybe you would like to email her and ask her what really happened, and how much money she got as a back- hander for completing this adoption!

Her email is Alison.Flath@CAFCASS.GOV.UK
Just remember, if you do have our daughter remember that you have her under a false pretence. You will not have her long, you are merely looking after her while we expose the corruption of SUFFOLK SOCIAL SERVICES! Just enjoy the time with our little “Doo Bear” while you have her with you.

Anonymous said...

Angie Rayner ✫

Daisy Hallimond is due to be adopted without the consent of her parents the terrible injustice of this as with many others where the evidence has been made up by UK social services with no medical evidence to back their lies up.PASSED...X

Anonymous said...

Amanda Carole Griffiths

She is just adorable, and it is a terrible tragedy for her tht she has been denied the right to be raised by her natural parents. This is a violation of her human rights and for this Gordon Brown should stand trial for allowing this inhumane practice of legalised kiddy snatching to continue to occur in the UK in 2010!

Anonymous said...

Derick Gibson

Me And My Daughter Donna Marie who ive not seen yet can not be gagged now because she is older but SCC SSs would like to gag us to stop us exposing them and to stop the truth coming out they gagged me before yet that was un-lawful because DM was took un-lawfully(kidnapped) just for being too happy loved and wanted

Anonymous said...

I want to name and shame Rosemarie Reid of CAFCASS Archway
This office has been concealing evidence of welfare abuses against children to my knowledge for two and a half years, but I am told that Reid is very experienced, 20 years so.
Reid operated this deception across the east of England and the children involved have continued to suffer during this time because of her actions for which she is publically funded as a CAFCASS guardian.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

scaremongering does nothing to support the very hard and difficult work that social workers and other child protection agencies do every day. You are a Daily Mail reader's wet dream.superchick on mumsnet"

10:50 AM

Clearly you must be of a disillusion nature and require treatment; The Guardian is far more futile in catching up with Peter Gilroy's pals.

We are coming after all who have been operating within the child snatching industry and that obviously includes YOU .

Anonymous said...

Training of Judges

Dear Judicial Studies Board,

According to your website, The Lord Chief Justice is responsible
for judicial training. Yet when I tried to search on it for any
reference to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 I
found no results, so does he accept the blame for this?

Can you please therefor inform me of what training or advice, if
any, has been issued to judges in the UK since 1949 regarding their
obligations to respect these rights under the UN Charter?

In addition to that Declaration, which this Member State of the UN
pledged to uphold there have been two International Covenants dated
1966, although it took 10 years even to get those ratified.

What additional training and advice has been issued to judges
regarding those, which this State has also failed to comply with?
Surely the failure of the Courts and Parliament to respect all
those rights and freedoms has undermined every judicial decision
since 1949 at least?

Does the Judicial Studies Board, for example, require all judges to
report the number of decisions which they have reached, or the
number of Court Orders issued, without any hearing? In particular I
am concerned with the treatment of 'litigants in person'. So what
information does any alleged authority involved with the courts
hold, which could prove that they are given 'fair and public
hearings' to which they have the right?

Do you,or others, have records of how many 'hearings' are heard 'in
camera' when the public are excluded, to compare with the number of
other hearings?

The 'Fairness guide 2007' gives them advice, which I believe they
are ignoring. Another issue on this, is the provision of reasons
for their decisions. Again what data is collected to show that
these are ever given any significance or observance?

How can the commonly used phrase "having considered all the
evidence" be justified as a reason, if the the defendant has had no
hearing at all or otherwise has not been allowed a defence against
any claim?

If no records of such violations exist, then how can the system
claim to be respecting human rights at all?

Yours faithfully,

J Wilson

Anonymous said...

JSB Publications
Judicial Studies Board

23 February 2010
Thank you for your email. The Judicial Studies Board is responsible for
the training of judges. Human rights is not treated as a stand-alone
subject for training, but rather a subject that is embedded in UK law,
and therefore in the other courses that are held for judges. More
details of those courses can be found in the JSB's Annual Reports at:

No statistics or data on the work of the courts is held by the JSB.

I hope that this is of some help.

Anonymous said...

Dear JSB Publications,

Thank you for replying, but this does not answer my questions,
apart for the confirmation that the JSB does not hold statics about
legal decisions by courts. I would like to know who does and why
you did not ask them for that information?

As for the Annual Reports which you referred me to, I did a quick
search through them for references to the "Universal Declaration"
and found none.

There was one mention in the latest one, to a lecture being given
by some Lord, on the 'Universality of Human Rights' which is a
feature of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration and the 2
International Covenants, but not part of UK Law and clearly hasn't
been since 1949 for the following reasons.

General Comment No.16 (2005) issued by the UN Committee on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, on the 11th Aug 2005 said in
its introduction:-
"The equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all human
rights is one of the fundamental principles recognized under
international law and enshrined in the main international human
rights instruments. The International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) protects human rights that are
fundamental to the dignity of every person. In particular, article
3 of this Covenant provides for the equal right of men and women to
the enjoyment of the rights it articulates. This provision is
founded on Article 1, paragraph 3, of the United Nations Charter
and article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Except
for the reference to ICESCR, it is identical to article 3 of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which
was drafted at the same time".

However, the same Committee said in 2002, in reply to the UK's 4th
periodic report on its implementation of the International Covenant
on these rights stated:-
"The Committee deeply regrets that, although the State party has
adopted a certain number of laws in the area of economic, social
and cultural rights, the Covenant has still not been incorporated
in the domestic legal order and that there is no intention by the
State party to do so in the near future. The Committee reiterates
its concern about the State party’s position that the provisions of
the Covenant, with minor exceptions, constitute principles and
programmatic objectives rather than legal obligations that are
justiciable, and that consequently they cannot be given direct
legislative effect (see paragraph 10 of the Committee’s concluding
observations of December 1997 (E/C.12/1/Add.19))".

Anonymous said...

They repeated those concerns on the 12th June 2009 in paragraph 13
of their next report, again stating:-
"the Covenant has still not been incorporated into
the domestic legal order of the State party and cannot be directly
invoked before the courts. It also regrets the statement made by
the State party’s delegation that economic, social and cultural
rights are mere principles and values and that most of the rights
contained in the Covenant are not justiciable".

The CCPR Committee has also repeatedly made similar comments on
Civil and Political Rights, including stating as recently as 30th
July 2008:-
"The Committee notes that the Covenant is not directly applicable
in the State party. In this regard, it recalls that several
Covenant rights are not included among the provisions of the
European Convention on Human Rights which has been incorporated
into the domestic legal order through the Human Rights Act 1998.
The Committee also notes that the State party is the only Member
State of the European Union not to be a party to the Optional
Protocol to the Covenant. (art.2)". This also justly criticizes the
European Convention, only parts of which are included in the Human
Rights Act 1998.

This clearly constitutes a universal violation of those rights, as
the States position is simply illogical and untenable. In 1949,
this State was involved in ensuring that the Universal Declaration
rights were incorporated into German Basic Law, so why have we in
the UK been denied them and still are?

So, although the United Nations has emphasised the importance of
equality of men and women and the universality of all human rights
and freedoms, it is a fact that UK law is still not compatible with
that, so does the JSB accept any responsibility for this?

The Universal Declaration itself stated only one 'aspiration' which
" to the end that every individual and every organ of society,
keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by
teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and
freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international,
to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance,
both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the
peoples of territories under their jurisdiction".

Clearly the JSB is an organ of society so had an obligation to play
its part in complying with this pledge. What records are held of
the part the JSB played in the decision to ignore it in 1949 or

Your reply to my enquiries seems to imply that even the JSB (whom I
assume was around in 1948) ignored this part of the pledge by this
State to educate its citizens of all their rights and to 'secure'
them through progressive 'national and international' measures
including laws and educating judges.

Will you please therefore ask the Lord Chief Justice himself, to
confirm that there are no records held whatsoever, since 1949 or
later, of any discussions with Government, including internal
memos, or any guidance or advice issued to judges concerning the
Universal Declaration or the 2 International Covenants which the
State signed with the UN over the last 61 years?

Or else, if there is anything at all, please let me have copies of
them and publish them for everyone else to see too, as it is in the
national interest for all citizens to know who has denied us our
rights and why?

Yours sincerely,

J Wilson

Anonymous said...

UK Laws and Human Rights
J Wilson

20 February 2010
Dear Ministry of Justice,

This State signed up to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
in 1948, yet in Jan 1949, the then Prime Minister stated in
Hansard, ref HC Deb 18 January 1949 vol 460 cc16-8, that:-
"There is no question of any separate act of accession by States,
or of an obligation to give early legislative effect to any
provision with which Kingdom or Colonial laws may at the moment be
at variance. Nevertheless, His Majesty's Government subscribe
generally to the ideal embodied in the Declaration and will
continue to work towards it.".

However, this is contrary to the pledge in that Declaration which
was " to the end that every individual and every organ of society,
keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by
teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and
freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international,
to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance,
both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the
peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.".

So my question to you is this - What steps, if any, were taken
after Jan 1949 to educate the people of their rights or to "expound
and publicise" the Declaration itself in order to 'promote'
universal respect for these rights?

Can you also clarify this States Interpretation of "every organ of
society"? Does that concur with any interpretations issued by the

I would also like an explanation of how my right "To know, seek,
obtain, receive and hold information about all human rights and
fundamental freedoms, including having access to information as to
how those rights and freedoms are given effect in domestic
legislative, judicial or administrative systems", has been complied
with under Article 6 of Resolution 53/144 of the General Assembly
on the 9th Dec 1998?

It is clear from that and other UN documents, that this State has
failed to comply with its sworn obligations to respect human rights
fully as declared. What excuse does the State offer for these
failures? Is it the fall back of 'Parliamentary Sovereignty'?

Do they not serve us? It seems like we are enslaved to them, in my
opinion if they can ignore these rights.

Yours faithfully,

J Wilson

Anonymous said...

There is no specific requirement in the Solicitors' Code of Conduct for
family practitioners to comply with the legislation set out in the
Children Act. Those the Law Society regulates must not involve
themselves in a breach of law such as assisting a client or another to
commit a criminal offence. However, the Law Society would not allege or
decide if someone has acted 'in breach of the law' and it would
generally be relying on a decision of the court, such as a criminal
conviction. It is not within the jurisdiction of the Law Society to
decide if a solicitor has acted in a way to ensure the welfare of a
child is paramount. This is a decision for the court itself and requires
legal interpretation of the Act. If the court considered that a
solicitor's conduct in family proceedings were such that it amounted to
misconduct the court may refer the matter to the Law Society for
consideration and we will fudge it.

Yours sincerely

Bob Stanley
Information Compliance Manager - Legal Services
The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1PL
t: 020 7242 1222 (x4117)
f: 020 7320 5685
Go green - keep it on screen,
so important to look after the environment but we don't give a fiddlers about your children all we see is £££££££££££££££

Anonymous said...

Ministry of Justice is taking its time answering this one, what could be the hold up ?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Mrs Williams

22 November 2009
Dear Sir or Madam,

Please provide all held information that confirms the
Courts/Ministry of Justice and indeed all governmental departments
encompasses the declaration of human rights under contract
comprising of a sworn affidavit under pain of penalty and perjury.


Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and
inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the
foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in
barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and
the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of
speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been
proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have
recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and
oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly
relations between nations,
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter
reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity
and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and
women and have determined to promote social progress and better
standards of life in larger freedom,
Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in
co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal
respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of
the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for
all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and
every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in
mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for
these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and
international, to secure their universal and effective recognition
and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves
and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

with regards,

Mrs Williams

Anonymous said...

go to david icke on paediphiles.

Holly was only 7 years old, when she was abused by her father and his dirty friends in high places.
freemasons and co.

we need a act of god against this wickedness and evil.

Anonymous said...

note they go for your children then your home, its corrupt.

meeting on child stealing by the state 10th of April uk column

Anonymous said...

torpoint school abuse by david jackson cover up by head teacher

Anonymous said...

There is no specific requirement in the Solicitors' Code of Conduct for
family practitioners to comply with the legislation set out in the
Children Act. Those the Law Society regulates must not involve
themselves in a breach of law such as assisting a client or another to
commit a criminal offence. However, the Law Society would not allege or
decide if someone has acted 'in breach of the law' and it would
generally be relying on a decision of the court, such as a criminal
conviction. It is not within the jurisdiction of the Law Society to
decide if a solicitor has acted in a way to ensure the welfare of a
child is paramount. This is a decision for the court itself and requires
legal interpretation of the Act. If the court considered that a
solicitor's conduct in family proceedings were such that it amounted to
misconduct the court may refer the matter to the Law Society for
Therefore in family courts whereby criminal issues are not being dealt with and because our social sector family law network will keep it that way regardless of abuses, we have free rein to abuse the principles of the Children's Act.

Yours sincerely

Bob Stanley
Information Compliance Manager - Legal Services
The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1PL
t: 020 7242 1222 (x4117)
f: 020 7320 5685

Go green - keep it on screen,

so important to look after the environment and your children siphon money into our pockets

Anonymous said...

I am an older health visitor in rural East Anglia and am appalled but not surprised by this story. Over the years I have worked with many social workers, nursery staff and police officers, some very good but some incredibly poor. From child protection case to child protection case the goalposts are forever changing so that there is very little consistancy locally let alone nationally. In my own experience parents from ethnic minorities or with learning difficulties are treated particually badly by the system. Despite all the numerous child abuse investigations and reports by this and previous governments we are still far from achieving any efficient level of "joined up" working between the various agencies.

Joined-up appears to be officially euphemistic for unlawful common purpose based on propagating socio-cultural prejudice.

Anonymous said...

Kerry & Mark

The Social Workers who put a stop to our wedding;
Amanda Jane Ritchie (Mandy) – SSSC Reg No: 1094568
(A particularly vile woman, who made Kerry cry her heart out with the way she spoke to her)
Tamara Denise Chalmers Greenhalgh (a student social worker) SSSC Reg. No: 2028053
(Backstabbed Kerry at the Case Conference, a nasty cow)
The disgusting scab of a care worker who told Fife Social Services the details of our wedding and supplied reports full of lies to Barbara Barnes;
Lana Harkness, Arc Housing
(Betrayed Kerry, used to be a so-called friend of Kerry’s)
The violent bully of a Social Worker who assaulted Kerry when she was six months pregnant and then tried to cover her back by creating falsified reports, including fabricating a report supposedly written by Kerry’s mother;
Barbara Fleming Barnes – SSSC Reg. No: 1096273
(Violent bully, physically abusive and a liar)
The male Social Worker who tried to intimidate and bully Kerry into staying away from the Press;
David Deacon – SSSC Reg. No: 1094131
Social Services Team Leader, Rosyth Social Services (Was held responsible for the death of a seven month old baby by a Judge, but kept his job, he is a liability and likes to bully and intimidate young women)
The “independent” advocate who turns out to be a registered Social Worker;
Charles Gerard Gracie – SSSC Reg. No: 1002887
Stirling Social Services (tried to pull the wool over our eyes by pretending to be independent of Social Services, he is a pathetic liar)

Anonymous said...

Charlie Gracie that said he was a retired Social Worker, now working for
Childen 1st?
Same one?
Wasn’t it ironic that he said he worked out of the hub of Scottish Social Services,
Rosyth Social Services Dept, run by Theresea Stephenson, hard faced bitch without an element of truth in her whole body.
Interested in inter-country adoption in Scotland, go to one of the smallest offices
with the biggest amount of clout due to the amount of Common Purpose members within the once Kingdom of Fife. – ROSYTH

Anonymous said...

The Voice of Injustice

more child snatching bastards that should be behind bars , not paid fat cat salaries to steal

Anonymous said...

How about this for a load of rubbish

Family Courts including Kent County Council
secret family courts work into conjunction with the SS to steal children for forced adoption, by-passing relatives, granpdarents,etc - looks like they are trying to jump ship before it capsizes from exposure

What more can we expect from The Guardian newspaper, alongside of Peter Gilroy the Fat Cat KCC CEO ?

Anonymous said...

Times - Article 1994 - Wandsworth Council blocks rape inquiry
By Admin | 3rd Mar 2010 | in Kendall House Child Abuse News
Sunday Times :
Edition 1SUN 09 OCT 1994, Page 1/5 Council blocks rape inquiry BY LIZ LIGHTFOOT, LEGAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT HOME NEWS
POLICE have accused Wandsworth council, the flagship Conservative borough in south London, of preventing the prosecution of an alleged rapist. Detectives believe the authority has hindered the inquiry because it fears disclosures about the brutal treatment of children in its care. The council, which failed to inform police immediately of the 16-year-old girl’s allegations, has repeatedly refused to allow police access to social work files, its internal inquiry or the girl’s medical reports.
This has led Kent police to suspend their inquiries. The alleged rapist is still fostering children for Wandsworth.
``I am troubled that a public service such as Wandsworth social services is not open to external scrutiny,’’ said Detective Inspector David Pryde, heading the investigation. ``The fact that they appear able to hinder and undermine a current criminal inquiry is most unsatisfactory.’’ Pryde believes Wandsworth is trying to prevent details of its oppressive child care emerging. ``From the documents that have come into the possession of the inquiry team, I can see why Wandsworth social services do not wish these files to be open to external scrutiny,’’ he said. The girl was sent by Wandsworth to a children’s home in Gravesend, Kent, owned by the Church of England but independently managed and since closed. Records obtained by the victim show she was frequently locked in a small room with just a bed and a wash basin once for 163 days and subjected to a ``pin-down’’ regime, in which she was stripped and injected with strong tranquillisers from the age of 13.
The two alleged rapes occurred shortly after the girl turned 16 and had been fostered out to a couple in Herne Bay, Kent. Her sister alerted Wandsworth social workers, who were sceptical. No medical examinations were carried out to test her claims. The social workers did hold a meeting to discuss her case with officials at the children’s home. However, the minutes reveal that the foster father accused of rape was present but not the girl. They record that the girl had been interviewed by a social worker but had refused to withdraw her allegations. The girl was forced to confront the alleged rapist and his wife to repeat the allegation at a meeting, in contravention of good social work practice.
She was not given the support of a social worker during the confrontation. It was also alleged in reports that the girl was having sexual relations with men before the alleged rape, a claim she was not told of at the time and now vehemently denies.

Anonymous said...

Although the alleged rape happened 10 years ago, the girl, now a woman of 26 with her own children, contacted the police in September last year when she learned the man was still fostering for Wandsworth council. ``The social workers brushed it all under the carpet. They tried to get me to retract but I wouldn’t so they contacted Kent police, but the inquiry never got anywhere at the time,’’ she said this weekend. ``I never got over what happened. It has affected my health and my relationships with men ever since.
The way I was treated by the social workers was wrong. It has spoilt my life.’’ Behind the legal tangle is a tragic story of a young girl taken into care by Wandsworth because of family difficulties. Her mother suffered from schizophrenia and her father from alcoholism. Though close to her father, the council sent her to Kendall House, a children’s home in Gravesend, 30 miles away. After an attempt to run away to see her father, the home began to drug her. ``I didn’t want them to and struggled, so they used to pin me down, two male staff and two female, stripping off my knickers to give me the injections,’’ she said. Files show she was given powerful doses of Valium and other tranquillisers, along with drugs used to treat schizophrenia.

Anonymous said...

The case will be raised in the Commons next week by Neil Gerrard, Labour MP for Walthamstow. He said: ``I will be calling for an urgent debate. It is all the more urgent that we get to the truth because the man accused is now fostering people with learning difficulties.’’ At the time of the alleged incident Wandsworth council was led by Paul Beresford, since knighted, elected to parliament and made a junior environment minister. A council spokesman said it was not releasing the files on the advice of its insurers but had offered to meet Kent police to answer specific requests for information. He said no medical examination was made when the claims were raised because the alleged rape had occurred some time earlier.

Anonymous said...

· On 3rd Mar 2010 at 08:19 PM Yvonne Stewart-Taylor said...
The same crap was done by police when SS allowed my second cousins to be sodomised in care, on more than one occasion. They also held children in unlawful housing sharing a room, mixed sexes. the police were reluctant to even investigate. They all protect each other in corrupt practices and fail to protect vulnerable children who are removed on bogus evidence in the first place. Evil to the core, cover up follows cover up. The truth will still come out.
· On 5th Mar 2010 at 01:50 PM Melizza Moore said...
I remember telling my then sw how terrified I was being in my foster family as I had been hit by the foster father and his eldest son used to physically hurt me. It was a weird atmosphere to be in. But it all seemed so normal. But I was very scared to be in the same room as their son who was six years older than I. That social worker left me there. Years later after many “bad dreams” of repeated sexual things by unknown people.(1998) I was told that the eldest son had confessed to sexual abuses. But I was made to look like a liar by others. Including school teachers. Its in my psychiatric records too.

Anonymous said...

We are seeing more and more the scuzzball activities of social workers sexual and social liaisons in the community they are supposed to serve (do they take a different interpretation of that word?), clouding their judgement and fuelling vindictive activities

And they have the audacity , that is Gordon Brown, Bliariite cronies, and social worker smug apologists through the media and in amongst big mainstream forums , to talk about the 'chaos' and 'poverty' of these 'anything but ordinary parents'

when we ordinary parents know the disgusting habits of the elite and its underling apologist apparatchiks, we call them social climbers.

What is the remedy for poverty of morality

Anonymous said...

This is an absolute disgrace, why are not all the elected councillor’s from Kent County Council ( Conservative run) in up-roar about this , especially the opposition one’s, they all must surely know about this and other such abuses, such as forced adoptions, yet still so silent; what have they got to hide or who are they protecting?

Clearly it is not the children , how do we know this is still not happening in their ‘children’s services’ fostercare, childrens homes?

Anonymous said...

the abusers whether negligent 'parents' or politicians or social climbers called cafcass and social workers

are all using our children like a human shield

Anonymous said...

expecting official investigation of any variety is like putting sharks in the swimming pool

Anonymous said...

are venebles' hobbies too similar to some of these lobbyists and practitioners to highlight or condemn

Anonymous said...

Mary Docherty my grandchildren "stolen" by kunt county council to meet adoption targets !
I am doing this cos my daughter was refused an up to date photo,why? cos "they" said that if i had gotten hold of it i would put it on my website (didn't know i had one)so,now i'm doing this...well,wouldn't want to disappoint them now would i?

And they dont agree with putting children's photos up on the internet? Then they should stop stealing children from birth parents and putting them into care as the biggest offenders of that 'crime' are the traffickers of children which they are part of. Is that too complicated for them?

i do mean what you just wrote hun,i prefer my version,i even "doctored" my library card. I hate that word,just shows the strength of my utter disgust at the council,i can't bring myself to say that word lol,only ever when it comes down to them.I am sorry if i have offended any decent person with that word but i will never be sorry cos that's what they are...the council i mean x

when i went to borrow books,the librarians face was a picture when she took the card,the assistant next to her nearly wet herself laughing

Anonymous said...

A Maidstone Borough Councillor speaking out about Kent County Council children services

9th March 2010 External Scrutiny Committee – please watch from 01.06 hour/minute – concerns being raised about children services and data collection -
without parental consent.

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt Cnut County council is an appropriate name for the conservative capital of the Uk ; Kent

Full to the brim of the former who condone child stealing for profit - soon to be made accountable , every single one of them that turned a blind eye

They also ALL know about the Hollie Greig abuse and promptly ignored this as well , shame on the repulsive lot of the representative 'commonly known ' as councillors

Anonymous said...

Cnut County Council is appropriate for the child stealing captial of the UK; Kent

representatives commonly known as councillors ALL know whats going on including the Hollie Greig horrific child abuse case and simply turn a blind eye

former director of children servies was called Graham Badman , his name says it all

Anonymous said...

family law courts being used as a cynical channel for human rights abuses of decent parents and their children

evidence omitted and fabricated creates distress to the family

then the professionals cite the stress and the consequences of stress as their evidence to get their own way

the professionals' stage

tragic abused children are left to suffer useful for increasing these uses of power

children are made to suffer by the professionals every which way

Anonymous said...

What role is the gay lobby playing in all of this removing children from homes where the children are cherished and the parents will fight?

Parental resistance to these processes is now cited as another one on the checklist for the commitment-averse professional social climbers.
But the professionals never disciplined, never accountable never answer why repeated reports by parents and children and family are ignored over and over again - they only seem comfortable where they are going in like vultures between them causing the destruction on the family.

Anonymous said...

in a climate of targets you go for the easy options and the NSPCC need government money based on quantity not quality

Anonymous said...

Britain voted worst place in the world to bring up children (while Australia is the best) | Mail Onl

Jim Moore
some advice from someone who has had his kids stolen on the basis of LIES and WITCH PREDICTION:


Anonymous said...

BBC News - Today - Britain's street children

Quote : When he was 13, social services finally intervened. Lee wanted to
live with his grandmother, but instead he was placed in foster care. It
was then that he started to run away, sleeping in sheds and cars.
Sheila Oneill
My lads too were so unhappy in both foster care and residential care. Both run away many times, committed offences, rebelled, self harmed, became emotionally and physically damaged, challanging behaviour, turned to drugs, drink and under age sex.
On a meeting with the social services when my sons run away and found my address, the social worker laughed and said "Its so funny when he is high on drugs". Meeting was recorded and is part of the soon to be published evidence against the lack of care, false orders, deframmation, contempt of court, perjury, misconduct of public office that these people are guilty of in the wrongful removal of children. My sons still find difficulty relating to a life outside care and the main battle apart from the obvious physical and mental damage is their battle against the need to return to an establishment way of life. i.e. prison. The only people who understood them for over 8 years were the other kids in care, many now in prison, dead or drug addicts.

Anonymous said...

Harding Silva ISO: HARDING

Michael Harding

David Neville Harding

Ronald Neville Harding

Danial Harding

Mathew Harding Silva

Nicholas Harding Silva (Twin)
Ricky Harding Silva (Twin)

Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Mary Docherty

hello all,my name is Mary,my three grandchildren Angel Pointer,Marie-Luise Pointer and Ciaran Pointer,were removed from my care,after ss had placed them with me for 2 years,on the 19 dec 2006. The excuse (won't call it a reason) risk of possible future emotional harm,they were removed for no reason at all,i miss ...them terribly...ANGEL,LULU & CIARAN,IF ANYONE KNOWS THEM OUT THERE PLEASE TELL THEM NANNY LOVES THEM AND CAN'T WAIT TIL WE'RE REUNITED AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

Margaret Chilton

I'm not allowed to see my 6 grandsons but I wish Liam a happy birthday for the past 3 years 19/08/96,and Ben 25/11/99, Tyler 14/04/01, Damian 22/11/05, Joseph 06/02/07 and TJ 10/11/09. Love you all and wish our family could all be together again. xxxx

Anonymous said...

Sarah McGuinness

My daughter was taken and adopted out by social services i miss her so much and i need to know if she's ok. I don't even know what she looks like anymore. She is 5 and the the last time i saw her was before she was 1. If anybody knows where she is please let me know. Her birth name is chloe samantha lewis. She is adopt...ed but they tell me her name is still chloe. I just want to know how she is she's still my little girl.

Anonymous said...


look at the difference between the UK figures and Ireland's - shocking

how many more dirty social workers are raping and abusing children?

Anonymous said...

very inter sting watching this ; is this the same councillor williams who was stitched up by her own conservative group and kent county council?

the conservative leader's mistress mrs batt looks very uncomfortable, could it be because they are having difficulties?

the conservative chairman also looks very uncomfortable and so he should do; and forging teh paperwork at councillor williams first full council as if she was a conservative when they had not even bothered to ask her to join, she apparently joined much later; realised they were stealing her granddaughters behind her back for forced adoption as soon as she stood, so she stood as an independent at county level.

maybe they should ask councillor yates
(the bald one,) who was her agent who had hounded her to stand; she told him she would only do so if she could make a difference and objected to fingerprinting children in school and forced adoptions; he joked that they would know what to do to her if she didnt toe the line, looks like he was making a prediction.

this looks like a rotten bunch of self serving low life who shouldnt under no circumstances be allowed to continue in their positions nor be allowed near children.

Anonymous said...

for all those that asked you only need to watch from about 3/4 of the way through

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants to keep up the momentum on the Hollie Greig case and any others, then here is an excellent contact list for all our glorious leaders, lawyers and spin doctors.

The list included phone numbers as well.

Anonymous said...

Staffordshire Social Services

Coming Soon Online Court Hearing
I am going to recharge my batteries for a while but social services still want to continue like nazis.

Well when recharged i am going to start uploading documents so the world can see exactly what is going on with this local authority.
These will contain accounts of abuse on 3 seperate children in care .

Proof that they make things up in court.
Evidence of domestic violence not being investigated.
Evidence of ill health caused by them to mother.

Childrens statements.
and much more .

I have no faith in the justice system and family courts so i will hold my own court online and present you the public with evidence.

I shall also forward all evidence to Ofsted who have been great actually in taking on my concerns.
I shall ask you the public for your opinions as to whether these professionals have acted as they should .

You will be the jury.

In a family court opinion is favoured over evidence i will be giving you actual evidence.

Anonymous said...

UK Children's Home A Front for Child Trafficking Ring

by Amanda Kloer
category: Child Trafficking
Published May 09, 2009

If a home for trafficked children lost 77 kids in the span of three years, you might think they would face some pretty serious scrutiny. Well, not if that home for trafficked children was really just a front for organization crime to re-traffic already victimized children in the UK. And the added punch in the pace is that this is not a private charity which fell into criminal control, but rather a government-owned home operated by the London borough of Hillingdon.

The scandal shows gaping holes in the British immigration system, which was responsible for ensuring the children's safety and oversight for the government-run home where they were placed.

Most of the children at the home were Chinese, and they generally arrived alone at Heathrow airport and were taken to the home for "safety".

However, this protective home is really just a staging ground for a trafficking operation, and the vast majority of kids have disappeared within a week. The girls were mostly sent to brothels around the UK.

Authorities suspect the boys were trafficked into street peddling and marijuana farming. Christine Beddoe, the chief executive of Ecpat UK, a charity that campaigns against child trafficking, said
The Hillingdon experience is of such national significance that it cannot be swept under the carpet. We have been calling on government for an inquiry into missing children for years. Every year we are ignored, hundreds more children are being exploited.

I know that we here in the U.S. are far from perfect, but really? You lost 77 kids over 3 years and no one noticed! While this could be attributed to an immigration system with the functional modernity of a rusty Edsel with an 8-track, I think it smacks of something much more sinister. I just don't understand how you lose 77 kids from a government-run shelter and not notice without some level of corruption going on in government.

I hope that UK citizens are outraged at this obvious gross misuse of taxpayer money and trust.

Anonymous said...

common purpose graduates stealing children in Kent headed by CEO social worker/speaker at common purpose events Peter Gilroy , no wonder he is getting the push, hoping to hide what he and others have been up to

Kent County Council – Common Purpose Costs

a list, going back to 2001 showing a total expenditure of £131,684.04. This includes details by Directorate, Service, cost centre, invoice number, invoice amount and description of course, sometimes with the name of the attendee.

Anonymous said...

cafcass guardian abusers
ghost writers conduit
cliches by way of omitting welfare abuses for the judge

Anonymous said...

MRS D JENNINGS - CAFCASS COLCHESTER, Incomplete reports, lies, is openly nasty to both barristers and parents, totally bias and without conscience, DOES NOT WORK IN CHILDS BEST INTEREST.

Anonymous said...

so I understand the abusive parent's solicitors
pathologise the healthy parent

the abusive parent keeps some sort of faith in their solicitor

whilst the healthy parent reacts to the vexatious content of the abusive parent's legal team including the tooled-up cacfass

Anonymous said...

Guardian Ad Litems Arsenic In A Report

Anonymous said... Behind the Black Robes: Failed Justice
(9781439241158): Barbara C. Johnson: Books

Anonymous said...

are tavistock writing cafcass and the corrupt sw reports as well as providing the fattened unaccountable experts
seems that tavistock would be the experts on disempowering the child's primary nurturing source to bring about the symptoms they need for pre-determined objective of undermining parents and child's life which can then be picked off

new order

Anonymous said...

Why Closed Adoptions should be Illegal
Posted by Annika Valour on March 13, 2010

I am a child of a partial adoption (stepfather) and a social worker. My situation was open because I was nine years old and already very much aware of who my biological paternal family were. As a social worker but also in many personal connections that I have, I am painfully aware of what adoption does to destroy a child and their identity. It is worse when the child knows nothing about thier biological beginnings.

As a social worker, I’ve witnessed partial families adopted while their older siblings must now be pushed away from their own family. In partial adoptions the siblings have no more rights to visit each other than parents do.

So this means the children are blamed for their parents mistakes and they too are punished. This was a painful job for me as a professional because I was dealing with the emotions of the older children. One of which was mentally retarded and how no understanding of laws and ethics. Imagine what this was like trying to explain to this teenager why they could no longer speak to or see their younger siblings.

Social services workers often have no relationship to adoption (on a personal level) and therefore have no empathy of what this must be like for a family. Often families are blamed in social services anyway and are seen as the bad guys. They aren’t. They are just ignorant people who came from a similar lineage. They didn’t know any better.

But children DO need a long-term, safe, loving, and supportive environment.

There is a difference between a closed and an open adoption. Social services will pretend that it is open because the adoptive parents know the information of the parent. In reality, once the adoption papers are signed, the children become the property of the adoptive parents in the sense that they now control the child’s lives. They change their names and determine what they will know and will remain oblivious too.

Anonymous said...

Birth records are sealed and new birth certificates created in all adoption situations and thus the child’s true beginnings are erased and put in a vault. Legally one can go to court and request (as an adult) to open the case and retrieve the original birth certificate. That is if they even know they were adopted.

I believe adoption should be re-assessed and new laws put in place as to what this means on a national, even international level. No matter what your birth certificate says, the DNA never changes. A child has a right to know who their biological parents were for medical reasons as well as to preserve their identity.
In every adoption I have been privy too, or known of, egotism played a huge role. There is something very strange that happens to people when they are now choosing their own destiny through that of a child.

What happens to children who are adopted? Teenage life is hell. It is no different from that of a child who is a homosexual.

Identity confusion for an adopted child is great as they look at themselves and their parents and see an obvious difference. Even those raised with love and a good family still know they are not part of the mix.

Adoptive children are generally very rebellious and experimental with their own choices. That is because there is anger, frustration, guilt, and confusion as to why they were adopted. There will also be a curiosity about what their birth family looked like. I will never forget the time I went to the country of my ancestors and saw my own culture for the first time. I felt like I came home. I felt a sense of happiness that I had never felt before in my life.

Emotionally I was distraught for some time on my return as I felt a sense that I had left part of myself behind. Even the first time that I saw my birth father after about 20 some years, the feeling was rather deja vu.

I knew him from somewhere deep in my past and I wanted to remember all those moments. However, I was so young when he left and emotionally vulnerable with an adoption that I was forced into. Thus the pain of the adoption erased many memories.

Anonymous said...

Looking upon others who look like you is a way of feeling as if you belong. If you study yoga, as I have for many years, than you probably learned the Sanskrit words for the asanas.

The sound of a word that dates back thousands of years is a very spiritual process. Looking into the face of the one who brought you into the world and having knowledge of their roots is also spiritual. You see yourself and you see your ancestors.

To put this in another way, I am currently doing my chart on The further I am able to go back the more my room fills up with the ghosts of those who came before me. I am also able to see how the decisions I have made have a metaphysical connection to those before me.

The more you understand about your roots the more grounded you can become but also the stronger your self-esteem.

This blog is dedicated to children who are raised in ways that are not conscious of their psychological, mental, and physical futures. To those who commit errors in a desperate attempt to get someone to notice them. To acknowledge that they exist and have something to say – even if they don’t know what they want to say. Juvenile forensics is based on children who have not come to terms with their identity, among many other challenges the average person can not even imagine.

Yet we adults, who think we know better, continue to chase the same ridiculous standards of living and follow the same rules without giving any thought to what consequences will be there down the road.

In social services and family law courts the only concern is getting the child a long-term legal family to take responsibility for the kid – so they don’t have to. Short term answers are favored over philosophically analyzing the effects of such a decision.

Laws around adoption are designed to deal with the matter at hand as per the codes in the book. Laws can be changed but we have to want them to.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aberdeen Paedophile Rape Ring


Denis Charles Mackie

Greg Mackie

Graeme Mackie

Gillian Mackie

Jack Buchanan

Evelyn Buchanan

Sheriff Graeme Buchanan

David Smith

Wyn Dragan

Terry Major (Police Officer, Grampian)

Sylvia Major

Helen MacDonald (Carer for Hollie Grieg)

Ian MacDonald

Carol Low

Known Victims

Hollie Greig

Richard Dragan

Katherine Major

Jennifer Major

Two children of Ian and Helen Macdonald

Two children of Graeme and Gillian Mackie

Anonymous said...

I am a parent that has been deleted out of his daughters life i have 1 hell of a story to blow this carry on wide open as i have proof of falseified documents corrupt soical workers 2 top CID officers doctors health visotor so called child protection and several sheriffs of Aberdeen giving dodgy judgement this will blow your minds if their is anyone that wants more dirt on these ppl please contact me on "Malo at talktalk dot net" i have clear video evidence that proves their guilt and i also have proof on the solicoters of this town making money from child wellfare hearings making cases go back n 4 to court where the solicoters get a grand odd a time and the sheriff,s get even more ripping off taxpayers and all the time behind all this happening children are getting abused real bad... I have been threatend by a DC that i will be wiped and I have been blackmailed by these ppl if i go near my now 6 and a half year old daughter they will remove her from her mothers care and make her go missing in the system and we all kno what happens to these poor children that do get taken...If anyone can PLEASE!!! HELP!!! ME HELP!!! MY DAUGHTER!!!... I also can direct you to several families this has happened to the worst part o Aberdeen for this happening in is Mastric Summerhill area its the Mastric soical work services that imply this hell....i want to name and shame these ppl but I need help!!!! to do so....I live in fear of my life and family,s life,s...

Anonymous said...

I have gone to the top in this town Aberdeen and i Have gone to the soical workers in Mastrict i have been to my G.P. the top doctor in charge of my health centre he has had the thumb screws as well... I have put a complaint in to the cheif of police in Aberdeen only to be annuled by a D.I. that has a so called sighned statement from me this is bullchit as i have 2 wittnesses that i never sighned no statement for this D.I. as they were here when I spoke to him about his D.C.s lies and threats i have been to the top of the child protection in Aberdeen but these are the ppl that are doing this to family,s... I have been to court several times only to be made a full of i have had to be a solicoter for myself where i failed my daughter badly as the sherrif is CORRUPT and i know have a new solicoter that has done f all since august last year i am hitting off a mountain you can not be able to kno how bad this is unless you spoke to me in person and my wittnesess i also had an eye wittness anulled by a sheriff not january past but last year the worst thing was 3 days b4 this court date i had a dodgy police officer climb in my kitchen window like as quite and stealth like as a theif in the night well he got a suprise waiting for him and got thrown out my home I went to another solicoter to try n get this officer done for unlawfully entering my home but it came to nothing all i got was a bullchit letter from another top C.I.D. officer but at least i got this documented to prove this fn dodgy policeman tried to black opp me!!!!... I dont kno what to do now i try n sleep through the day and stay awake since this has happened as i dont want to be found with a fn needle hanging out my arm made to look like iv O.D.ed when i do not touch drugs as i kno of a few dodgy deaths that have taken place in this town and covered up the bastards even stop the familys from looking at the body,s so dont say go to my local soical workers as they are all in on a ring of hellfire in this town iv been to the press and shunned away its a fn joke what do i have to do wate untill my daughter is older to be able to come and see me while i dont even kno if she is still getting abused fn sheriff buckfast put an introdict on me stopping me going near my daughter.

Anonymous said...

From the Cullen enquiry

4.14 Some parents, rather than having specific complaints, simply felt that they did not like the way in which he ran the club. Some boys complained of feeling uncomfortable in his presence and said that he was "weird". When he was asked about the way in which he ran his clubs Thomas Hamilton would often speak with pride of what he was doing for the benefit of the boys. On closer questioning he would quickly become defensive and even aggressive and angry, leaving parents with the impression that he was hiding something. When a child was withdrawn from one of his clubs he would tend to react by writing to the parents long and repeated letters in which he stated that rumour and innuendoes were rife about him and it was up to them to stamp out this type of falsity. Some of the letters were hand-delivered at night and were seen by parents as intimidating. On occasion Thomas Hamilton would make use of the names of people in official positions as "contacts" in his promotional leaflets, but without their permission. Thus, for example, in 1993 he used the name of a police inspector, the Chief Executive of Central Regional Council and Mr Michael Forsyth, MP in this way. Naturally this was objected to.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a leading conclusion that Kent will maintain its policy of secrecy and child stealing

Kent new CEO - Katherine Kerswell joined Northamptonshire County Council as its Chief Executive in September 2007. She is a former Chief Executive of Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and Redditch Borough Council. Her career has included working for the London Borough of Merton and Leicester City Council. During her 21 years in Local Government, Katherine has specialised in industrial relations, equalities, customer focus, quality programmes and leading transformational change. She holds a Joint BA Honours Degree from Leicester University; an MSc in Industrial Relations from Strathclyde University and an MBA from De Montfort University.

She is currently a non executive Director of the Department of Children, Schools and Families and SOLACE Enterprises and senior Vice President of SOLACE

Anonymous said...

Northamptonshire - Kent

Why are they having a swop around ? Could this be why?

All connected to childrens services …of course !!!

Zena Cooke is now Maidstone director of resources and partnerships

New council director

Maidstone Borough Council has a new member of its top management team.
Zena Cooke is the new Director of Resources and Partnerships and will oversee customer services, finance, legal services and human resources.
Chief Executive, David Petford, is delighted with the appointment and said: “We are enjoying working with Zena, she is very experienced and will bring new ideas to the council. She completes our senior management team following several retirements. We have made significant cuts in senior management, saving more than £250,000 on the wage bill.”
As Assistant Director of Finance at the London Borough of Islington Zena was responsible for Housing, Children’s and Adult Social Services Finance. Zena has worked in local government finance for 20 years for seven different councils, in Kent and in London.
Zena lives in Maidstone and is pleased to join her home town council, she said: “I’m delighted to be working at Maidstone Borough Council, and am looking forward to building on the excellent work the council is already doing”.

Maidstone CEO David Petford is conveniently a common purpose graduate,; of course he would be delighted

Anonymous said...

Sabina Heywood


Anonymous said...

mothers 4 justice also spoke out about forced adoptions of children and what happened to them as childre in 'foster care' being raped and abused and ignored; for the SS to later come and remove their own children for forced adoption

the manchester/munby judgement was also raised about the lack of councils paying relatives the same amount as 'fostermonsters' in many cases

Anonymous said...

Lorraine Newhill

we are the real mothers, and those pretenders can only wish for what we have...
no matter what they say or how hard they try to convince them selves the stolen children they are holding prison are theirs... they never will be...

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what I should write about today and i have decided as the local authorities are removing babies “FOR THE RISK OF EMOTIONAL HARM” that I would look more into the subject as it affects so many families,.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The sub-text must be that the real reason behind dropping the court charges is not to facilitate legitimate child placement, which in any case is not deterred by court charges, ( i.e. the pretext given is a lie, if there is a genuine case where a child's life is at risk it would not be allowed to die because of a risk of failure and court costs ), but really to facilitate the unjustified seizures and forced adoptions, which otherwise would prove expensive.

The man of straw cannot be trusted

Anonymous said...

Miss Leith, Amy GRAVESEND KENT E/1050103 Registered Social Worker 16/03/2009

be very careful with this wicked bitch, tape her and make sure your children are never alone with her, she is a danger to children and families

Anonymous said...

Kids put in care miles from home
They're sent to Kent to save money

Anonymous said...

Social services 'warned' about Kent baby killer

"An independent expert from the NSPCC was commissioned by the Kent Safeguarding Children Board to take a thorough and impartial look at all of the agencies' actions to identify what lessons could be learned.

Wonder who this is ? there is absolutely nothing independent about the totally corrupt
Kent county council

Anonymous said...

Michelle Chadwick

as i'm sure you are all aware i support and campaign for awareness of mental health and prevention of suicide and support for people who have lost someone this way, and against social services and forced adoption. both of which have effected my life. i would like to thank you all for your support and for you all for helping me get through this. xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

a bunch of people were able through DEVIOUS means get three infants ADOPTED.

GARNET GREY FROM WALSALL SS was able through PERJURY AND LIES in collusion with others

Anonymous said...

No mention of Kent Social Services being forewarned here; in
the local Kent Messenger, how many families have gone to them with concerns , later to find they do not support families/relatives but instead by-pass relatives in favor of 'forced adoption'

Kent Messenger recieves hugh sums in advertising from Kent County Council, no wonder they are failing to mention the thousands of children being stolen in Kent for forced adoption

This poor family would have received absolutely no support whatsoever becuase KCC does not approve relatives as fostercarers nor follow the Manchester/Munby Judgement compelling coucils to pay the same amount to relatives.

Maybe the BBC should contact Councillor Sheena Williams if they want the real truth behind Kent SS actions, she also pre-warned them of her concerns about her granddaughters before they stole them for forced adoption

Anonymous said...

child stealing by the state,

meeting 12 April stafford fb club.

uk column

Anonymous said...

Heywood, may the force be with you

Anonymous said...

I do not get a good feeling about pretty boy David tory leader and his wife. She is from the Astor family blood line.

What happened to their Son, it appears that she was taking drugs gave birth in south africa, so one one would know about her secert. I was informed he was just as bad?

So their son died last year, they got over it quickly, just like the McCanns? these people have big egos.

what the corrupt tory party going to do about the corruption in the courts, not just the family courts, but the fraud by solicitors stealing homes in the civil courts?

f..k all

Anonymous said...

we need 101 Mums and all parents the 12 of April stafford

Anonymous said...

we need gangs of groups out side these government depts and the courts, 1000/00000000000000000000000000

Anonymous said...

how about stealing their children and homes for a change until we get ours back 50/50

Anonymous said...

I have known adults who later wanted to find their real parents, this was so painful. the damage was done. no one from social services was checking out, the out come, they never knew about the abuse.

Anonymous said...

Kent baby killer warnings not followed up
The head of child services in Kent has blamed "human error" after it emerged a social worker was warned about a man who went on to kill his baby daughter.

These bastards are far from HUMAN, animals dont do what these non-humans are capable of, they are no more than parasites

Anonymous said...

Rosalind Turner Head of Childrens services Kent County Council

deserves to lose her fat blood money pay cheque, along with all the other greedy fat wankers involved with this child stealing racket

Anonymous said...

Kent County Council are a disgrace, all those in position of power must be removed with immediate effect.

Ignoring a call from a relative and allowing a baby to be murdered, can not be blamed on human error, these money grabbers who are responsible forced adoptions of thousands of children , equates to money laundering / child trafficking for profit

They are clearly not HUMAN

Anonymous said...

This ones has put herself about a bit, worked in same places as Peter Gilroy CEO , soon to be given the push from KCC


Rosalind Turner joined Kent County Council as the Managing Director of Children, Families and Education services in May 2009.

Rosalind has had a long career in education and social services and was previously the Director for Children and Young People at Suffolk County Council, where she led a team of 2,500 staff and had overall responsibility for 10,000 staff in Suffolk's 356 schools.

In the three and a half years she was in charge, she brought together all children's services into one department, established a high-performing management team, increased the number of schools rated outstanding or good by OfSTED and achieved very good inspection results for fostering and adoption services.

Before joining Suffolk County Council, Rosalind spent eight years at Brighton and Hove City Council, initially as Assistant Director for Lifelong Learning before promotion to the Assistant Director of Children, Schools and Families.

Her career began in 1983 as a teacher and sixth form tutor in East Sussex. Following that, as a Play Development Officer in Brighton, she established new play services for children and young people. She has also commissioned services for people with alcohol and drug addiction.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives in Tory run Suffolk were not to keen on Rosalind Turner , Common Purpose is also mentioned in this Conservative blog; not that anyone will be surprised

It is a sad day for Clare and its community-C.L.A.R.E has worked extremely hard and have fought all the way for the well being and education of our children which is more than can be said for Rosalind Turner Director for children and young people- she should resign.

17 Dec 2008 18:18

Anonymous said...

One down now for the rest of them !!!!

Mother's pay-out for wrongful child abuse inquiry
A mother has won a 13-year battle against a council who wrongly accused her of abusing her baby son - when he suffered from brittle bone disease.

Anonymous said...

Suffolk County Council are being flagged up on here for malpractice, be aware they might try to steal your children under false allegations. Secret family court judges always side with professionals?? Even when they are breaking the law, withholding the truth and perjuring documents.... I have just been rudely hung up on for confronting this serious issue.

Anonymous said...

Senior Tory wants under-16s who have sex to be prosecuted

Tim Loughton warned there were now no consequences for those who had irresponsible underage sex.

So, this git wants to prosecute kids who have sex with each other. Funny how he's not bothered about adults who have sex with kids - I've written to him and told him all about Richard Gardner and all the other secret family court perverts.

Anonymous said...

QUOTE:"Anonymous said...
social workers devoted to families and society. Anyone who dislikes them or criticise them must be suffering from border line personlity discorder, accuse judges and lawyers of colluding with the SS and you must have paronoia.

Therfore, you do not deserve to have new born babies or toddlers, they are adopted by complete stranger's who can be trusted never to abuse them."

actaully luv...I AM ADOPTED and they did abuse me...they let my adoptive brother kick and punch ten bells out of me so much so i STILL have the bumps on my shin bones. They also threw me out so i had to give up my place as a student RGN that i had spent 3 years trying to get into. And my adoptive parents fought me to take residency over my son, and this is what helped the SS with my newborn baby daughter...who is now living with an alcoholic ex abusive partner who actulaly HAS BNP and NPD

you are so ignorant in your own lil world you make me sick...

and for the record, 4 psyche assessments and i dont even have one disorder. Just abandonment issues caused by my adoption as a new baby.

woe betide those who call evil good...

you sound like an evil apathic must work for the SS

Anonymous said...

oh and for all those 'women' who put their own selfish WANTS over the welfare of the natural mother/father and the child they STOLE...

yeah you cling onto the shred of self deception that because you brought 'them up' that you are their parents...sorry but youre not

and one day that child you stole will look at you and not see any resemblence, no family genetics or traits and hate you for taking them away from their REAL BIRTH FAMILY

how do i know...cos like in my earlier post i am adopted, and i love my REAL mother over the freak that had a piece of paper signed by a judge

i hope every adopted child turns their back on them bitches who stole other womens children to satisfy their own wants..i know i have

Angela, my mother, Happy Mothers day, love your daughter, C xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

This appalling situation of Forced Adoption has been ignored on numerous occasions. I have written to the MP’s,MEP’s, Local Councillors, and even to the European Union especially on the issues of Kent County Council. I had a reply from EU to say they were investigatting. None the less nothing has been done. Just goes to show the corruption against children is being ignored, throughout all government departments ask yourself WHY???? My quese is they are they being sold for financial gain. I have put this same argument to the govenment officials and no-one seems able to accept or deny this. WHY??????????

The only way to change things is to collectively stand together to make a difference.
Comment by Theresa:Stirling

Anonymous said...

Boycott the BBC and tell them to shove their TV license.

After watching newsnight on children in care and leaving care, never heard so much crap coming from so many twats in my life.

Martin Narey ' care is a good thing' let him put his children into be abused by contract carers and MP's for sexual kicks by judges.

Tim Loughton ia an absolute idiot who knows exactly what is happening with forced adoption,

LIB spoke about kinship care and families being supported , but was completely ignored by the COMMON PURPOSE led BBC, hell bent on brain washing the public into following their nazi agenda's to break up families.

Anonymous said...

The challenge facing young care leavers

Nothing but Common Purpose Clap Trap, shame on them for not telling the truth about forced adoption/ children lives being destroyed and relatives being ignored , just like they did to the LIB, who was the only one who spoke out for support for families and kinship care.

Martin Narey Fairy from Barnados wants sacking.

Anonymous said...

They cant shut us all up, tell the world people far and wide till these COMMON PURPOSE media BBC/ papers have no choice but to tell the public the truth

An Aberdeen sheriff has obtained a gagging order against
a would-be MP who has accused him of abusing a young, disabled girl.
Sheriff Graham Buchanan was forced to resort to legal
action after Robert Green continued to spread the allegations against
him, despite two separate police investigations finding there was no
tr...uth in them.

Mr Green, who describes himself as a lay legal adviser,
is representing Hollie Greig, who has Down’s syndrome and who alleges
that she was systematically abused by a paedophile ring for 14 years
from the age of six.

Mr Green has named a number of men and women, including
Sheriff Buchanan and a now-deceased former senior policeman, as having taken part in the abuse.

Anonymous said...

every day innocent families are being targeted by the so called "local authority" innocent children are being removed from families for no reason and the people who are treating their children badly are being left to carry on with it! this has got to stop now this is not just unfair on the parents but the children also. families shouldnt have to live in fear of social workers. something needs to be done this has to stop and now!!!

Anonymous said...

Corrupt - common purpose councils


They think by moving them around we wont find them, WRONG

Anonymous said...

Carers in court battle for cash from County Hall

It is not the first time that KCC has come under fire for the amount it provides for the basic care of vulnerable looked-after children and young people.

This year, 2009-10, is the first that foster carers in the county will receive the Government-recommended minimum allowance.

But in previous years, foster carers have been receiving the lowest payments in the South East, according to figures from the Fostering Network.


Anonymous said...

The death of a newborn baby killed by her violent father in Kent could have been prevented, a serious case review has found.
Several opportunities were missed that may have prevented Christopher Sellman, 25, killing 25-day-old Tiffany.

Earlier this week, Kent County Council said an "isolated example of human error" had led to a social worker failing to pass on information about Sellman.

Take it the human error is still working and being paid , obviously far too busy stealing children than protecting them.

Shame on the BBC for not telling the public the whole truth

Anonymous said...

This video is to show how happy and content our family was until social services came to steal our children. Due to the lies told by the Wolverhampton Home Education Officer CLAIRE BISHTON then the further lies told by SARAH O'CONNER we had to flee the UK in order to protect our children.

Home Educators Beware Of Social Services!!

Anonymous said...

The Conservatives are even talking about forced adoption on their conservative blog and asking whether or not David Cameron is common purpose.

We all know the answer to that one YES,

other wise why so silent thereby condoning not only the child snatchers in his own conservative run councils, whilst protecting child molesters as well , truly sick and evil beings who shouldnt be allowed to walk the earth

There is reason why serpents crawl on their bellies and he and others are lower than snakes

Anonymous said...

cp it's got to be really hasn't it
how else would they be able to train the next generation of leaders beyond authority

a jackboot on the human face

Anonymous said...

Simon White will tell you all about the 10 year tide of cp

against kin

Anonymous said...

If annyone missed the BBC Newsnight program you can watch it on;

Based on what I saw of the three political parties, I'm voting Lib Dem. It's the only chance I can see of trying to get things right.

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants to know what our politicians really think about "Looked-after Children", you should read the following debate held in Parliament last year (House of Commons debates, 2 July 2009, 1:07 pm);

it's quite long but worth a read/watch (video link).

Anonymous said...

There are central government targets which specify the number of
children that must be removed from their families. If the targets are
not met Local Authorities are penalised to the tune of £500,000.

Legal teams on these cases can charge up to £70,000 a day.

Medical experts can be paid £3000 a day.

There is a huge industry with a vested interest in the continuation and expansion of the programme to put children into care.

Anonymous said...

siphoning public money round

maintaining bloated public sector

How cynical that parents approaching services unwittingly stumble into presenting their loved ones as quotas for this self-serving exercise.


No prizes for seeing why the neglect of the vulnerable is precisely maintained

Anonymous said...

breeding public sector and tame professional job-creation

a great big fat layer of corrupted waste of space protecting the gov from view

Anonymous said...

vote independents


Anonymous said...

Stockton Council Publishes Serious Case Review Into Multi Agency Care For A Female Child
Published Friday, 19 March, 2010

Jane Humphreys, Chair of Stockton-on-Tees Local Safeguarding Children Board, said: “Speaking on behalf of all the agencies we are profoundly sorry for our failures in this case. We particularly regret we did not provide the mother of this child with information to enable her to adequately protect her daughter. We are continuing to offer support to the family.

She is not half as sorry as the child and mother is, this is shameful, more ‘human’ error ?

When will these human error's be made accountable and sacked?

Anonymous said...

Looked-after Children
Estimates Day — [3rd Allotted Day] — Department for Children, Schools and Families
House of Commons debates, 2 July 2009,

disgraceful babble, even from JH, why are we paying these idiots ?

how much clearer can we make it child in care are being murdered, sexually abused, sold to the highest bidder for forced adoption, and contracted out to contract carers,


Anonymous said...

Support for 'name and shame' website

The Scottish Executive has also voiced concern about the website.
It said: "It is important we do not hinder the police in their tracking of sex offenders.
"We would caution against name-and-shame campaigns, or vigilante action.
"These can lead to the targeting of innocent people.
"They can also drive offenders underground. We would then lose our ability to track them, putting children at greater risk."

This seems a bit rich in the light of Hollie Greig case ?

Anonymous said...

Luke David | Producer BBC Inside Out East Midlands | London Road | Nottingham | NG2 4UUOffice: 0115-902 1859 | Mobile: 07711 910 821 Fax: 0115-9021854

Anonymous said...

“This has been a terrible cover-up of this shocking case by the Scottish Government.
“There is overwhelming evidence that Hollie was raped by a paedophile ring for many years but no-one is prepared to prosecute the people responsible.”

For the full story see this week's Warrington Guardian

Anonymous said...

Lawful Rebellion

How to stop them stealing your children; all parents must study this

Anonymous said...

We are very sorry for letting these children down
NO social workers have lost their jobs despite damning reports into blunders surrounding the deaths of three vulnerable 16-year-olds.


Anonymous said...

Michael McManus This letter from the pope is a LIE, Because what the Irish catholics bishops did was done all over the worldNo one need to take my word for it read news paper articles about the scandal in the USA, Australia, The UK, Canada, New Zealand, Brazil,

Anonymous said...

Sunday, 21 March 2010
(Northampton/Northamptonshire), and former School Governor, Alec Dyer-Atkins – Convicted and jailed for 2 years in 2003 for downloading more than 42,000 pictures and films described in court as “Horrifying images of child abuse”. Dyer-Atkins was a member of an international paedophile ring called `The Shadows Brotherhood` which was successfully penetrated following stirling work by Britain’s National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU). Commenting on the conviction of the depraved Labour Party beast, NHTCU Deputy Head, Mick Deats said: “This man had some of the worst images on his computers that officers from this unit have ever viewed”.

Tory Party General election candidate, Michael Powell - Convicted and jailed for 3 years for downloading hardcore child porn.

. Tory Party Councillor (Wickbar/Bristol) Roger Talboys - Convicted and jailed for 6 years for multiple sex attacks on children.

. Tory Party Vice-Chairman of Welsh Conservatives, Andrew Baker - Received a banning order for stalking women.

. Tory Party MP (Billericay) Harvey Proctor - Stood trial for sex offences of a sado-masochistic nature against teenage boys, and was forced to resign.

. Tory Party Councillor ( Stratford-upon-Avon ) Christopher Pilkington - Convicted of downloading hardcore child porn on his PC. Placed on sex offenders register and forced to resign.

. Tory Party councillor ( Coventry ), Peter Stidworthy - Charged with indecent assault of a 15-year old boy.

. Tory Party Mayor ( North Tyneside ), Chris Morgan - Forced to resign after being arrested twice in 2 weeks, for indecent assault on a 15-year old girl, and for suspicion of downloading child porn.

. Tory Party MEP, Tom Spencer - Caught smuggling drugs and porn through customs.

. Tory Party councillor and former Mayor (Wrexham), Michael Morris - Convicted and put on probation for 2 years, for the indecent assault of another man, which was captured on CCTV.

. Tory Party Liaison Manager on the London Assembly, Douglas Campbell, who’s job includes running the Tory GLA website - Arrested for allegedly downloading child porn. He is currently suspended while the Police investigation continues.

. Labour Councillor (Newton Aycliffe) Martin Locklyn - Convicted and jailed for 15 years for sexually abusing 3 14-year-old boys.

Anonymous said...

. Labour Councillor (North Lincolnshire) David Spooner - Convicted and jailed for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.

. Labour Mayor (Westhoughton/Lancashire) Nicholas Green - Convicted and jailed for 10 years for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10. He raped one woman on her wedding day.

. Labour Mayor (Todmordon) John Winstanley - Convicted and jailed for rape and threats to kill. After raping and threatening to kill his terrified victim, Winstanley then ordered the woman to go on all fours before urinating on her.

. Prominent Labour Party activist Mark Tann (who has met Tony & Cherie at Party functions) recently got a 15-year sentence for raping a 4-year old girl on 2 separate occasions.

. Labour’s current Parliamentary Candidate (Reading East) Tony Page - Has 2 Convictions for Acts of Gross Indecency` in public toilets.

. Labour Mayor (Burnley) Mark Swainston - Convicted of sex offences in public toilet.

. Entire Labour Party conspired to conceal the activities of Labour Party activist and serial child-molester Mark Trotter, who died from AIDS before he could be convicted.

. Labour Councillor (North Yorkshire) Raymond Coats - Court appearance for indecently assaulting a woman.

Anonymous said...

. Labour MP (Rhonda Valley) Chris Bryant poses in his pants on the Internet to advertise himself for casual gay sex encounters. Describes himself as “Horny as bu**ery” and says, “I’d love a good long f**k”.

. Labour Councillor (Manchester), George Harding - Charged with indecent assault on a girl of 12.

. Labour MP Ron Davies was mugged by a Rasta on Clapham Common while cruising for gay sex. He was photographed again by the media recently, engaged in some `man-on-man` action in a field off a motorway. “I was only looking for badgers” he said.

. Labour Councillor (Durham), Derrick Payne - Arrested by Police following a sex attack.

. Labour MP, Joe Ashton - Caught up in a Police raid while frequenting a brothel. Tried to lie his way out of the scandal.

. Labour Councillor (Shropshire), Derek Woodvine - Arrested by Police in anti-porn operation.

. Labour Councillor (Basildon), Tony Wright - Forced to resign after being caught using his council computer to download porn.

. Labour MP (Sheffield), Clive Betts - Suspended from Parliament for 7 days after being caught forging immigration papers to extend the stay of his Brazilian rent-boy gay lover.

* Senior clerk Phillip Lyon, who arranges the weekly Prime Minister’s Question Time for Tony Blair, was arrested after vice cops raided his Commons office.Lyon, 37, is accused of making indecent images of children.

Anonymous said...

* The Labour Party in Calderdale has been plunged into a crisis as their lead candidate, and former Mayor of Hebden Royd, Stewart Brown, has been arrested on suspicion of child porn offences.

Labour Councillor and Deputy Council Leader (Northumberland), John Whiteman, who was also a senior member of the local police authority – Convicted and fined in 2002 for soliciting a prostitute in the red light district of Middlesbrough. The court heard Whitman was arrested in his car as Police discovered him in a “state of undress” with a lady of the night he had just paid £35 for sex. He subsequently resigned from the council.

Labour Councillor (Stoke/Staffordshire), Michael Barnes, put forward a motion in July 2004 to change the constitution of Stoke-on-Trent Council. The proposed amendments were designed to prevent the City’s two British National Party councillors from chairing any committees, so as to `protect` the good citizens of Stoke from the beastly BNP types they’d voted for in huge numbers to represent them. As Mr Barnes explained to the local paper, the move was “to prevent the BNP from exerting more influence”, and was “in the best interests of the people of Stoke-on-Trent”. A few months later, in November 2004, the civic-minded and virtuous Councillor Barnes appeared at North Staffordshire Magistrates Court, to face seven different charges relating to child pornography

Labour Councillor (Durham), Derrick Payne – Arrested by Police following a sex attack

Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Halton/Cheshire), Liam Temple - Convicted in 2004 of `Inciting a child under 16 to commit an act of gross indecency` after the 58-year old Labour pervert had attempted to molest a 12-year old girl. During the case, the brave youngster told the court via a video link: “He said if I let him touch me he would give me money”.

Anonymous said...

Labour Councillor (Coxhoe/Durham), Les Sheppard – Convicted in 2004 on ten counts of indecent assault on young girls. Jailed for 2 years, and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years. Teeside Crown Court heard how 71 year old Cllr Sheppard lured his victims into his gold Porsche before driving them to remote spots, where he would submit them to sickening sex attacks. After his arrest, the Labour nonce-case told police “I love women, but you do things which you regret”. Sheppard’s `women` victims were between 9 and 13 years old.

According to media reports, the names of 2 former Labour Cabinet Ministers said to be `Household names` appear on the `Operation Ore` list of subscribers to hard-core child pornography. The same FBI investigation, which led to the arrest of rock star Pete Townshend. So who are they Mr. Blair?

Yusef Azad – One of Ken Livingston’s overpaid left-wing cronies on the London Assembly gravy train – Resigned from his 60K-plus a year job `assisting` Assembly members, after being arrested on suspicion of downloading child porn in 2003.

Labour Councillor (Wokingham/Berkshire), Nelson Bland – Convicted on 16 counts of possession and distribution of hardcore child porn in 2004. Sentenced to community service, placed on the sex offender’s register and ordered to attend rehabilitation classes for paedophiles. Bland used his own teenage daughters computer to hoard his grotesque gallery of child abuse, which was discovered by police during a search of Bland`s home, when they arrested him in connection with the murder of a Nottingham businessman

Labour Councillor and Mayor-Elect (Merton/London), Sam Chaudry – Due to become Merton’s first Asian Mayor, before he was arrested, tried and convicted of multiple sex attacks on young girls in 1999. One of his victims was a 5-year old.

Labour Councillor (Halton/Leeds), Lee Benson – Convicted and awaiting sentence in 2005, after pleading guilty on 12 counts of possession of indecent images of children, featuring youngsters between the ages of 5 and 11. Benson, who has a child of his own, repaid the fools who voted for him by storing his revolting kiddie porn collection on the computer provided for him by the council. Benson has been `suspended` - not expelled - by the Labour Party, which means his name remains on the Labour Party membership list, as well as on the sex offenders register. As to which is the more shameful – take your pick!

Labour Councillor (Bridgend/South Wales), Iestyn Tudor Davies – Convicted, jailed for 7 years, and placed on the sex offender’s register for life in 2005, for repeatedly raping a 9-year old girl

Labour Councillor (Newham/London), Greg Vincent, who was the Election Agent to Labour MP Tony Banks at the 2001 General Election – Convicted and given a 2-year community rehabilitation order in 2003, for possession of hardcore kiddie porn films and photos, featuring children as young as 8. One of the photos the Labour Councillor found so entertaining, featured – as described in court – a girl aged around 10, naked except for a dog-collar, being assaulted and abused while her hands were tied behind her back around a beam. Vincent was also a School Governor

Prominent Edinburgh Labour party activist and election candidate, Rab Knox - Convicted and jailed for 3 years in 2005 for a horrific sex attack on a woman passenger in his taxi cab.

Anonymous said...

Labour Party Official (North West England Regional Officer, and parliamentary adviser to the Home Office Minister responsible for crime and policing, Hazel Blears), Peter Tuffley – Convicted and jailed for 15 months and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years in 2006, for the sexual molestation of a 13-year old boy that he had previously `groomed` on the internet. Tuffley was described as a `rising star` within the Labour Party - which is nothing to be proud of either

Labour Councillor (Hornchurch/Essex), Alan Prescott, who was also a senior magistrate – Convicted and jailed for 2 years in 2001, for molesting children at the East London care home where he was the superintendent. Prescott, described in court as a “pillar of his local community” admitted carrying out sex attacks on four teenage boys as they slept in their beds

Labour Parliamentary candidate (Cheadle/Cheshire), Paul Diggert – Subject of a 2002 police investigation into the alleged procurement of underage girls for sexual purposes via internet chatrooms. According to the `Sunday Mirror` (3/11/02), Diggert had admitted to having four underage girls that he was `grooming` for sex. In 2004 Diggert was convicted of making and distributing indecent pictures of children

Labour Councillor (Dagenham/London), Terry Power – Forced to resign in 1999 after being arrested and charged with sex attacks on teenage boys. Details of trial and conviction to follow.

Labour Councillor (Westlands/Worcestershire), Keith Rogers – Convicted, fined, and placed on the sex offender’s register in 2003, after downloading over 2,000 hardcore child porn photos on his computer

Labour councillor Ex-Paston councillor Gilbert Benn (48) A former city councillor was a five-year jail sentence for molesting an 11-year-old boy and threatening the youngster’s mother in a bid to cover his tracks.

Anonymous said...

I had a message from Sam today concerning my efforts to persuade Jeremy Pembroke to take action over the way that Suffolk SS are treating him and the Cootes. People supporting the campaigns are becoming upset that postings are disappearing but this is due to the fact that the SS and the government monitor what we post and are pressuriing hosts to remove criticism of them and perhaps even removing them by some means.

Martus is where you can upload everything once uploaded it cant be removed

Anonymous said...

Kent Operation Ore List.

A Maidstone Lodge received its warrant on 13.9.2000, it was set up to protect freemasons on the Kent Operation Ore List. The leading lodges are in Maidstone ie Douglas Lodge 1725 (meeting in a Church) supported by Maeides Stana Lodge 7868.

NB This document was composed on 1.12.2003, the unlawful arrest and imprisonment of its author was ordered on 19.12.2003 and was achieved on 22.12.2003. On its anniversary ie 22.12.2004 a list of un-convicted paedophiles on the Operation Ore list will be published. The author has been threatened with imprisonment by the High Court if she continues to pursue the paedophiles identified in HQ020X02379 ie Yolande Lindridge v Kent Operation Ore Organised Crime.

Anonymous said...

Stop Injustice Now

My Name Is Crystal Walton, These are the only photo's taken by my real mum and dad, Crystal Walton's photo gallery.

Anonymous said...

Ex- Childrens Director

Lord Laming; ".. my own view is that cases are not brought before a court for trivial reasons, there's no tendency to bring cases of this kind for frivolous or anything other than serious reasons. But if they were brought before the court for anything less than persuasive reasons - good reasons - the court would sort t...hat out. The court is very rigorous in the way it does its work."

Stephen Wicken
It seems Closed minds comes to mind - if in court arena then does that mean the SS are right in making a court application, Pre determined and lengthy - destructive procedures etc - or is it that they fail to work with Parents adequately and lack decisive intention to work to solve a families problems whatever the reasons and are lazy to rehabilitate or solve problems or action support. It seems that Panic of Baby P cases when did not solve or action makes problems in other cases out of misery of parents who often have sought help from them or agencies. LA officers are often more likely to cover there responsibilities than be decisive in role of lead decision maker - LA officers are not usually good leaders but followers. Then SW's will spend time in court being busy - but not serving community issues -etc etc.

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