We are ashamed to be British, who would have thought this goes on in our society? We wouldn’t think it, because we don’t know it’s going on!
That’s about to change, we have but one tool at our disposal, a tool even more powerful than social worker’s having their day in court against hapless families, that tool is The Internet a machine so vast it covers the globe in seconds. Maybe, just maybe they have met their match. If you have been on the end of “their justice” it is more than likely you have nothing more to loose, please feel at liberty to tell it like it really is, name all involved, without revealing your identity.
Say NO to gagging orders, how dare they! We know its not in the interests of the child, its in the interests of the perverse judgments and scrappy evidence that could never stand up in a ‘proper’ court furthermore it could cause a public outcry if it ever got out. We’ve had enough of the injustice and the secret courts, this must end and it must end NOW, the outcry is about to begin.
Its not enough to tell your story, naming names is imperative if this is to have any impact, provide every detail you have, car registration numbers, home addresses even add a link to www.flickr.com with their photograph. Create a profile on one of the many social networking sites, they can't afford to close them all, you will have maximum impact! The more information you provide the more they will want to close the site, the more they want to close it the more mirror sites will appear with all the same information on them, this will hurt them make no mistake, they won't like the publicity and like we care? No longer can they get away with the ability to hide behind the secret courts!
We have provided the means to "freely express" now you can have your say…
You can make your "comment" anonymously or if you are in any doubt about the traceability of your comment search for "Anonymous Surfing" and use a proxy website or go HERE then enter this Blog again by copy/paste nameshamesocialworkers.blogspot.com/ ...then say your piece, your identity remains untouchable ...the world is waiting.
Our day will come.... as will theirs
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«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 5060 Newer› Newest»Ms Carol Edwards - systemic family therapist
more like systemic liar and child abuser
26 Warner Road
N8 7HD
Nathanael Aleksandr Paul (KIDNAPPED BY THE STATE), 12 years
Jamie William Patrick (KIDNAPPED BY THE STATE), 8 years
Benjamin Jake Bruce (KIDNAPPED BY THE STATE), 6 years
Cheyrly Bevins Social Worker, Patrick Crawford team leader, Dorset Cafcass and Patricia Sheehan Dorset County Council lawyer. Illegally withheld court documents, denies all rights to Father who has Parental agreemement, left children living in squalor amongst faeces and urine with Alcoholic Mother for years without doing anything, deliberatley ignored court findings in care reports so as to maliciously biased and prejudice the Father who is trying to get them away from the Mother and S.S. Trying even to stop children going with family members who are upstanding members of the community on baseless grounds so they can save face for thier screw ups and keep up thier political agenda's! How the HELL is this working in the best interest of the children?
It is no wonder these scum are known as baby killers and Child abducters. This Marxist state is no longer a free and democratic country!
P.S (post above)
Two FIA's and one Data access request has been put in and all of them are now way over time due and they are trying every excuse in the book not to reveal e-mails etc within the S.S!!
Lorraine Newhill
so now as i sit here glass in hand, i`d wish the ss a happy new year..!! may the lot of you choke on your dinners, die in the most horrid ways, oh yeah and heres to all the corrupt legals in the world and judges who allow ss to walk into a families life and snatch their children.. may your new years be filled with protesting people who fill your court rooms and offices and give you enough grief that will shame the lot of you in to early graves... xx CHEERS XX
Judge Bruce Cole and judge Hughes both in the west midlands YOU WONT KNOW WHATS HIT YOU IN 2010
Lorraine Newhill
i really couldnt give a flying fook about the illuminati`s petty squabble with the church..its been on going for hundreds of years.. its more like school boy bullying..childish.. BUT what i do care about is the fact that our children have been snatched and NO one on this poxy planet seems to give a hoot ( apart from us normal people)
and its only when we come together and stand against these idiots, and force them to step down that things will change..
i for one am not prepaired to wait for years to see MY grandaughter again, while shes being brainwashed by these government degenerates..so come on people get your feet ready to march and your heads out of the corruption thats the biggest lie ( CHRISTMAS ) and lets do something about it..
We all need to link together now, we have so much evidence of cover ups by the judges, law society, SRA, solicitors, barrisers bar, council. dept of in justice.
common purpose freemsons.
higman has been proteced in plymouth by the freemason and the SS, they know about him and his mental health problems, but because they are so corrupt they dont care what evil he gets up to.
we need to wake up the mass because of the brian washing going, NLP
As we know degenerates are running the system
I would like to know why corrupt barristers are still working, look at liverpool city council.
I wonder how much child stealing went on over christmas
No police checks on j higman, he is not allowed to work as a social worker GSCC
So my child is trying to get settled again after being subject to essential abusive festive contact.
Thanks Peter Marsden-Allen, self-employed expert liar.
I am sure speaking at Tavistock on September 11th gratified you and little doubt the continual risk and abuse you put children to and the associated family intimidation feeds your obese beer gut.
Peter Marsden-Allen
contracted by cafcass via the 'institute of family therapy'.
Perjury in the witness box as the judge fawns after the letters you have collected to add to your name. W***er I think points parents to the correct term.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Children need grandparents more than ever at Christmas.
Are the administrators of family law doing their best for our children by ignoring that social services often get child welfare wrong and are messing up family of this country?
How many more of our children are to die or be neglected and abused before The Charter for Grandchildren is accepted as the norm. A fortune is spent on all kinds of useless schemes that obviously do not work when we have disasters like Baby P.
Why won’t the powers and social services recognise the fact that grandparents can save the country millions by being relevant persons in a child’s life? They are seldom told their grandchildren are being taken into care and social services refuse them the right to information about their grandchildren’s welfare? What have social services got against grandchildren having their grandparents in a position to put a full stop to child abuse.
We need grandchildren to have their grandparents in a closer role in their lives to spot abuse before a disaster occurs not after. Who better to know what is going on behind closed doors but are not taken seriously?
Jimmy Deuchars
Grandparents Apart UK
22 Alness crescent
Glasgow G52 1PJ
0141 882 5658
Shaun O'Connell
Happy New Year everyone - expect next year will be more of the same - dreary outcomes from the secret Courts/ pained parents/ suffering children/ gobbledygook from the system [got the Family Justice Council 25th january 2010] and shocked parents and obscurites of the system. Either that or the Great British public will... get off their backsides and I very mjuch doubt that....still hope runs eternal.
Chris Hawkins
The last Family Justice Council that I attended was a complete waste of time as our hopes of having a free and frank discussion regarding the problems of shared parenting and parental alienation were blocked as only questions submitted in advance were allowed.
Subsequently failure to implement contact orders and other key issues were not really answered by the judiciary who cherry picked what questions to answer and Munby who was there for part of the meeting refused to accept that hearings should be open as in criminal matters.
Ros Draper, has worked along side corrupt solicitrs against clients,
Calls her self family thearpy expert
bias, supports the abuser.
Amanda Carole Griffiths
Do your research, google all sols involved, you'll be amazed what you can find.
Elspeth Kemp psyche
Scotland/north England
rotten expert child abuser creating trauma for cafcass
Peter Marsden Allen IFT
has a commonsense bypass
but he is lining his pockets alright
apparently he has a superior called Mrs Chimera, or Chip he calls her
Marsden-Allen is a conceited liar
cafcass database
Tavistock Ldn
'Cleo' Van Velsen
Tavistock Ldn
Adam Campbell
manipulative, deceitful
be afraid
so...i get to find out where my daughter ended up...in the arms of my abusive ex, without any of the assessments and psych tests i endured. I guess the social worker peter davison knew this would be my worst nightmare.
it is saddening to see a baby so full of love and who held my finger as she slept, is now so damaged from the trauma of being taken away from me at a few days old, and having multiple foster 'carers' that she wont even hold anyones hand and recoils from any phyiscal contact and love shown.
my ex has also been drinking nearly every other night according to his facebook...i printed them off with such updates as "cant wait til put daughter in bed, so i can get drunk" then next update "7 cans and im wrecked, cant drink big like i used to, and daughter is up in 5 hours"
apparently, this wasnt enough for the ss to go in on.
ex is now feigning that my daughter has swine flu for attention from me (he said he wanted us to try again) and being very controlling as to when and if i see her.
oh and with regards to Peter Davison, I found out he 'left' shortly after i made a complaint about him and brought his dodgy past sacking into the picture....yet i was fobbed off with a biased white wash and told it wasnt the same man.
go figure.
woe betide those who call evil good...
Victoria Quinn barrister, Thomas More Chambers
said that violence to the child in the form of assault, is "irrelevant".
ANYThinG but go against the cafcasscoram grain.
and Becuase I argued with her stance, she told me I might lose my child (to the tyrant perpetrator of assault, of course.
go figure
Mai-Lin Savage
calls herself a barrister
check out the website: pitches herself as mental health specialist
This woman is as prejudiced and colonial in her attitude as they come
and she looks a shambles as well
These barristers will hardly open their mouths for you, such cafcass whores are they
This one described father's attack grabbing child around the throat as "mother is concerned that the child might see the other child held at the neck by father".
God give us strength to resist mealy-mouthed euphemism.
This woman should be reported for exploiting the mental health tag to sell herself.
barrister solicitor solicitor
Sarah Lewis, Sarah Fleminger, Sarah Canfield
what Is it with these people
why is soliciting evil so attractive to them
Emma Ferson
s olicitors
c afcass
u ndermining
m others
Claire Patel
Harpy of the decade Award
ThomasWilsonPattinson, Cumbria?
mendacity on a train of gravy
to contact claire and her amazing talent for deception and destruction, find out about her fulfillment
capital building
hilltop heights
although cafcass can't open their own post, it has to be vetted first, sensitive little creatures that they are
it's little wonder we find ourselves in a post-modern era of big brother chauvenism
all these bloody tyrant women and men on board together
rose-marie reid
poisonous insect
How to Identify Poisonous Insects
"There are many poisonous or venomous insects you should know about. While there is no sure way to identify them, these steps summarize some of the warning signals that a bug might be dangerous, even lethal."
pincers or stinger
claw-like nails/heels
red markings
fond of wearing red for court
steer clear of insects on the fly which may look harmless
"Even though there are many types that mimic [something familiar, human] they are often difficult to differentiate and should simply be avoided.
"The spines often contain a toxic irritant. They are sharp and potentially painful.
"Watch out If you are unsure if it is dangerous or not, leave it alone.
Step 6 "Refrain from handling any kind of so-called 'bug' unless you are certain that it isn't dangerous. Many bugs [whether or not poisonous] can inflict pain with a bite." 'Examples included, the ambush bug'
Step 7 "Avoid [SW] ants altogether. Although some are more dangerous than others, you do not want to chance getting bitten."
Ambush bug,
school officials, child adolscent mental health department officials, health service officials, local authority stooges
best interests of the child originated with Hitler- and children were sent to be raised by Appropriate "parents.
In the lebensraum, the women taught the child that he/she would obey without question.
These women would sit the babies on their laps- while they ate- and the child got nothing.No matter how much the child cried, it got nothing, only to learn that it got fed when the stranger "parent" decided to do so
Social workers often treat children in the same manner today- as i have seen with my own eyes.
I also know a child psychiatrist who does this- intentionally or not- I am not sure. But somehere in the system this programming is being taught.
Post-civi-war Spain, 1923. Twisted by Himmler to relocate children from Poland, Norway and Belgium during 1938-1944. Horrifying stories of kidnap and murder. Still going on today. IN BRITAIN.
and the sheep will ocntinue to vote for the LIB/LAB/CON men running this country....and nothing will change apart from an increase in theirs and the SS judges pay packet from stolen kids
After the ECHR transfered my case out of Europe to USA, the UK Govermente refused to transfer my case. I contacted Washington directly. Now my case is a political matter between the USA and the UK Goverments. Now the UK has 10 days to transfer my case
needs to be because the Uk is run by crooks not that USA is any better !!
here's hoping richard polden posing as a judge in the kent courts rots in hell alongside his side kick green who does his dirty work
both a complete and utter pair of wankers and so say all of us
Yay 2010....Cant help thinkin of all the broken families right now, that have lost there loved ones through the evil family courts.....God bless all the children out their and may they grow up very quickly.....HAPPY NEW YEAR......well it will be interesting ....lol
wait for the exposure after we hunt them all down like a pack of wolves
Shazad Amin
adult psychiatry
Trafford NHS Trust
Patrick Barry
gill bullock paid for parenting partnership
William danso of HAringey services
Karen Firth
ex SW called a guardian
It isn't the child protection laws, it is how they are being misused and abused by local authorities.
Until we have a properly setup independant regulatory watchdog that oversees social work in the UK, independantly investigates complaints against local authorities, is given the right teeth to bite with and the balls to use them ... nothing will change.
Linda McDermot
they use the emotional harm criteria in the UK to remove children they only have to write in at a later stage at risk off future SIGNIFICANT EMOTIONAL HARM .... and the children are gone.
This is 1 BIG CON and the Politicians are all in on it I would say they are ALL taking part in a group to ATTACK a Family .Section 18 is serious it comes with a minimum of 8 years custodial.
If I had my way I would say put a case together in a criminal court as what starts in the Family must cross over to criminal if a death has resulted from a family private or public case. I literally would if I had legal knowledge apply the section 18 and the pack mentality to social workers & legal guardians for what the done to children & Salima Camden Social Services killed Wallids daughter in care of Camden Social Services.
There is no right to Justice for families in secret courts. The so called Christian leaders are throwing are families to slaughter in hidden courts whilst they torture us for the fun of it abusing are children and it is they who are committing a crime against families not US! JUSTICE BUT NOT JUST US !!!
Lesley Penna adoption panel Kent County Council child snatchers of the south
My three great grandchildren were ADOPTED. We did not KNOW the charges. WALSALL social services are using every DEVIOUS ploy to avoid giving us the ACTUAL charges. The person in question is a Paul Cooper from the complaints department.
Kent county council
Nikki Evans sw Deveon Teignbridge
Christa Freer cafcas Leicester
Paul Carter KentCC ss
James Carter solicitor
family network
linda brookesSW
God help us face the lies
name and shame
Kent County Council
Andrew Hickmott Social worker
excludes relatives and covers for the SS
for all his child kidnapping activities for which he is handsomely paid
Paul Carter also gave a reference to the father from medway who got put in prison for kidnapping his stepson from kent county council ss
his solictor was James carter gravesend kent (paul's brotehr)who he paid £150,000
the father also uesed to play golf with Paul.
the fathers motherin-law is Janet Mockridge a tory county councillor who works as a mckenzie friend for john hemming mp
the plot thickens
Dr Hedge clinical director
Eunice Weekes co-ordinator
Susan Jane Kent County Council SS Manager
Ian Perolls family group swanley co-ordinator KCC SS alos a social wanker 07795650810
01322 611087
Amanda Jane Barden (barden child snatcher)
Lesser Knowlesthorpe
Barton Mill Rd
kent CT1 1BP 01227 763263
Kent county council
Denzil Forde Ferguson (although he doesnt use the name Denzil and has recently taken it off his registration)
qualified SW Oxford 1993
worked for Leeds city council until 1996
Medway council 2000
Kent county County Gravesend 2004
Kent approved Practice Teacher Award 2006 (child snatcher of the year award)
worked with many parents with learning disabilties/substance misuse and mental health problems; which he has himself (far easier to steal)
Forde Ferguson became the allocated worker for Jade Williams the daughter(4 granddaughters) of Maidstone Borough Councillor Sheena Williamns in November 2007; strange that, exactly the same time she got persuaded to stand as a conservative by her MP Hugh Robertson
Anyone would think they deliberately were setting her up because she raised too many issues about the lack of support being offered by the SS and forced adoptions going on.
If you cant shut them up , get them to join on the pretense of being able to help and then stitch them up...my god their is some really wicked people out there in control ..Hugh Robertson /Anne Widdecombe hold your heads in shame
Andrew Stevenson so-called independent chair
childrens services
17 kings hill avenue
west malling kent
Carolyn Pearce
Child & Families team
joynes house
new road
gravesend kent
Sarah Palmer school nurse
gravesham community hospital
bath street
gravesend kent
Audrey Clarke
west kent substance misuse care management team
17 kings hill avenue
west malling kent
Penny Marchant LAC Nurse
livingstone hospital
east hill
dartford kent
debbie bowler
childrens riverside centre
dickens raod
gravesend kent da12 2jy
Forde Ferguson
"Sheena Williams is resisting experts that have been put forward in terms of her assessments. Sheena Williams needs a Kinship Carer assessment and a Psychologist's Assessment"
really Forde we all think you should have been sacked not awarded the child snatching award of the year since when have you been qualified to decide what anyone needs; take a look in the mirror , on second thoughts better not !
you are a truly evil man amongst thieves
Mr Dulan Evans Barrister for Kent County council
put his head down when asked by Councillor Sheena Williams
how many more families are being destroyed by Kent County Council
and if what she sees going on around her is appalling
not all put their heads down and told her she was absolutely right
Forde Ferguson & District manager for Gravesend Susan webb couldnt be bothered to sign their 'care plans'
is this because they knew they were rubbish and everything had already been done and dusted by the rubber stamping judges Polden & Green in Medway county court ?
could this be why paul carter wished councillor williams luck on the morning of ' her' trial for a contested hearing
what a rotten pig !
Alison Moore Barrister for Kent county council
14 Gray's Inn square
another liar with no first hand knowledge of anything ..who look ed very uncomfortable when the truth was told and her stitch up job didnt work...straight away
Adam Holloway MP tory
condones gay adoption as does the Conservative Party
Gravesend MP who will gather information, in the same manner as John Hemmings MP (LIB)
just to see what you know and will do nothing to help...do not trust this low life tell them nothing
Advice from John Hemming MP LIB
take assessmetns with a long spoon
child aged 5 are not at risk from forced adoption
wolves in sheeps clothing !!!
Audrey Jones transcription
49 hill rise
Cheshire SK6 3AP 0161 430 4705
must have a very guilty conscience not recording the truth of what was said, unless of course transcripts are altered afterwards at the request of the Judge in this case that would be Judge Green Adoption Panel who attended Medway county court
everyone should make their own recording in secret if need be, it is the only way to show the world what is happening in these completely corrupt secret courts
Judgement of Judge Green
The application for renewal of these interim orders is opposed by Sheena Williams (at Judge Polden suggestion)
and by mother, Jade Williams, who, whilst not putting herself forward as a carer, says that the children should no longer be subject of an interim care orders and she would ask her mother, Sheena Williams, to exercise her parental responsibility in her place.
i want ot make it clear at the very outset of this judgement that the way I approach any application for care orders is, and it is in accordance with the general law,founded on a recognition that a care order is the most draconian step the Court can take in respect of a family.Making an interim care order is the order of last resort.
(really Judge Green ?? we think not otherwise why contradict yourself and try to bully relatives along with the local authorities into submission?)
Marion Wheeler of Haringey Council
Judge Green
I want to say that at the outset because I am clear that Sheena Williams believes that the local authority has only one aim in mid, and that is to have her 4 granddaughters adopted outside the faimily. (proved correct)I do not accept that she is correct but I want her to be absolutely sure that whether that is or not the position the Court will have a final say in the matter.
In this case Sheena Williams has a particular concern that the whole process of bringing these proceedings has been vitiated by a failure by the local authority to follow its own policy and make a referral for a family group conference before proceedings were issued . (correct they didnt)
Sheena Williams has submitted that there have been breaches of the Human rights Act 1998 as a result of this failure and that the court is obliged to recognise those breaches.
But i am confronted by the fact that it has been made clear by teh senior courts in this jurisdiction that the childrens act is human rights compliant.
I assessed Sheena Williams as a patently honest witness throughout the evidence she gave me.
(He also believed Forde Ferguson SW was sincere and that Mrs Edwards (independent SW) Amanda Barden Guardian were experts patently trying to do their best- absolute rubbish)
This commitment is achieved by a process of family group conferencing where a child aged 10 years or under is at risk of becoming looked after it is mandatory for a social worker to refer the child and his/her family for a family group conference.
(but of course this would prevent children from being stolen so easily, wouldnt it Mr Green)
Judge Green
There is no dispute that the local authority knew Sheena Williams address and knew of her previous involvement with the children.
Judge Green continued to do local authorities job for them very well; leading from the bench.
But there will have to be evidence before the court whether mother or other members of the family do have the qualities, and I go back to the quote I used before "which are necessary to meet these emotional needs"
(what he means is the emotional needs that have been caused by being placed in care in the first place.)
What I have in respect of Sheena Williams is ample and convincing evidence that in respect of her own three children she is, to use a phrase which is not meant to be patronising but is the best phrase i can use, a good mother.
(although clearly not good enough to be a grandmother to her own granddaughters without being assessed and stitched up. Is this why Judge Polden couldnt answer when questioned about what was to stop them coming for her children if she agreed to their requests for psychological assessments?)
Judge Polden failure to answer - says it all by his direct acquiescence
Judge Green
It is a given assumption for me, for the purpose of this judgment only, that in respect of her own three children Sheena Williams has all the skills that they need. I do not need to hear from the Leader of Maidstone Borough Council to come to that conclusion for this hearing. but , as i understand it, on evidence available to me (massive amount of references including those of KCC own fostercarers who are not psychologically assessed neither are SW or adoptive parents )
Sheena Williams' three children have advantages that her daughters four children never had.(really !! - she must really regret going to the SS because of her daughters domestic violence in the first place)
I have heard about a stable. loving relationship between sheena Williams and her partner over ten years, and her three children have grown upin a nice home with all the facilities they could wish for withion the home physically and emotionally, not least because they have grown up within the framework of a stable parternship bewtween their mother and mother's partner. (be careful any single mum's out there; yet single/ gay adoption/ trans-gender in some cases is perfectly acceptable?)
I have not been told this I assume that Sheena Williams' partner is the father of her children and if this is the case that reinforced what I have just said.(yes they are; be careful of any second time relationships.
Thankfully those children have not tested teh ability of Sheena Williams or her partner to cope with the extra needs that children in care have (yes he really said this!!)
Nor do I expect they will ever require such intervention because all the evidence is, just to repeat myself, that they have had a very high quality of care from their parents.
(Yet still not good enough to be grandparents to their granddaughters - pretty rich)
The Court - has to look at the side of the coin that says there are risks to the children if they stay in foster placement.Those risks are bvious. (even more so if you look at a picture of baby Poppy with a gash on her head from , apparently?? falling out of the 'carer' car and Elle-May wetting herself in 'care')
But there is also risks to the children if they are taken out of foster placement and placed with another carer. (what about the countelss moves including respite care for the foster carers and splitting the children up - God help us is all I can say , these people in position lack complete and utter common sense)
The SS/Medway Secret Family Courts have destroyed yet another family; NEVER EVER SEEK HELP OR ADVICE FROM THEM OR MP's no matter how bad it gets ; they will steal your children/grandchildren along with their masonic judges in the Kent Courts
Jonathan Shaw MP social worker
GO TO www.stopforcedadoption
Ian Joseph who knows exactly what Kent County Council is like , being also an ex Tory Kent County Councillor
Brian Gerrish talk AV3 'child snatching by the state'
find out what these wicked bastards are really up to and it is far worse than what anybody realises and they must and will be stopped.
Jade Williams got to see her 3 youngest daughters Ruby , Lacey & Poppy Williams-Piper on Christmas Eve; still awaiting placements
Not Elle-May Williams-Piper who is in permanent 'fostercare' in Margate although she is supposed to have contact 3 times a year
Although we know this will stop once the once the youngest have been placed with adoptive thieves,
Lacey & Poppy together and Ruby by herself.
Amanda Barden/Susan Webb/Forde Ferguson/Judge Polden/Green/MP's Hugh Robertson /Ann Widdecombe/All Councillor's including Paul Carter/CEO Peter Gilroy/Legal Team Geoff Wilde who signed the original application without following correct procedures ,;
ALL involved in unlawful child kidnap must be so proud of themselves, shame on you all and may you carry your guilt to your grave
Oh my god!!! I can not believe that this is till occuring it sounds like something out of the 1960's when they removed children from single mums
What is controlling this apart from the obvious MONEY/POWER/CHIL ABUSE how can this people live with themselves
We are stupid enough to vote them in and must vote them ALL OUT, sack the despicable judges in fact fire the lot and start again the system MUST NOT CONTAIN CHILD ABUSERS/MOLESTORS
how many child homes do CEO /Judges/Councillor/MP's have undeclared interest in?
Maureen Hodgkinson
the truth
Friday, January 1, 2010
Daily Mail Looking for grandparents cases.
Dear James,
I'm a journalist at the Daily Mail.
It would be great to find an opportunity to highlight your cause.
To this end, do you have any case studies of grandparents who have had to fight for their rights? I understand this could be tricky as the children's identity would obviously need to be protected, but we may be able to find a way round it....
Please feel free to call if you want to discuss this further.
Best wishes,
07950 252 178
Here's one traitor who strong arms the cafcass
Jane Cross barrister England north
has no shame tearing children from loving homes with spurious and manipulative courtroom expertise
cafcass fond of boasting how Cross will wipe the floor with any parent
Any parent
all in the best interests of
a common purpose?
jane cross
deans court chambers
24 St John Street, Manchester, M3 4DF
Tel: 0161 214 6000 Fax: 0161 214 6001 DX: 718155 Manchester 3 clerks@deanscourt.co.uk
You call this 'care' no psychological assessments needed to fit up adopters or foster carers who get paid, in fact they all get paid to abuse
Abused man speaks out after 40 years
Jan 3 2010 by Phil Doherty, Sunday Sun
A MAN has spoken out after 40-years of silence about the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his paedophile foster brother.
Michael Biggins, 54, a father of two, endured years of abuse at the hands of Ernest Snowball, while he lived in a foster care home in the 1960s.
The Hexham-born former Scots Guards soldier never spoke of his terrifying ordeal for 40 years but has now revealed the abuse he suffered after waiving his right to anonymity.
As a result of Michael reporting his foster brother, Snowball, 65, of Stanley, County Durham, was convicted at Durham Crown Court on 10 counts of indecent assault and one of buggery and was sentenced to four years in jail and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ List.
During the case it was revealed that Snowball had abused two other boys in the intervening years.
Michael was placed in foster care after his parents were sent to jail. His foster brother’s crimes only came to light when Michael got in touch with long-lost natural relatives.
He said: “The grooming started when I was around four or five years old, and it was horrific. I’ve suffered in silence but there are a lot of people who go through this and don’t get the help or advice they need. I’m lucky that I’ve had my family’s support through this.
“The sentence makes me angry, four years is never enough for us. It was difficult to shop your brother and then this is all he gets.”
Michael said: “We all hated him so much but if you asked anyone in Stanley then they would probably say he was a lovely man.
“I just want people to know what a monster he was so he doesn’t get away with it.
“It’s been hard to go through countless police interviews, but it’s not a matter of reliving it all over again – I live it every day.
“It was hard to bring it all up again – how do you tell your wife and kids about something like that?
“There was no other option but to be close to him when we lived together – everyone in the family totally feared him. It was not just sexual abuse, it was physical and psychological. You name it, he did it.
“They were the hardest years of my life. The only escape came when you went out with your friends, but you always had to come home and stay in the same room with him at night.”
Michael met his wife, Rosemary, now 51, in 1980 and moved to Glasgow, in Scotland, where he now lives with his two children, Mark, 25, and Natalie, 28.
Donna Parke socialworker Haringey Borough, London
Phillip Goodall
cafcass appointed solicitor
SARAH HANNAH SocWorker lies
David Boyd - CORAM - Barristers
David specialises in public and private law children cases, normally representing children or parents. He has particularly extensive experience of ...
www.coramchambers.co.uk/barristers/db.htm - Cached
Time to speak up David you know whats going on, it must be killing you representing people like Amanda Barden Cafcass Guardian Canterbury, you know she is a lair, along side the obnoxious Miss Lloyd solicitor for Cafcass, is it really worth the money ???
The Flip Side Of Fluffy Adoption
I just find myself drawn to the insane world of child protection and the dangerous world of adoption for children. I can not for the life of me fathom out what it is these adoptive families have to offer children as I read these comments on the AdoptionUK org. The comments I have pulled from this site, well I am lost for words. You might want to read them for your self and make up your own mind. Or is it me, this is the flip side of the “The Fluffy Adoption ” the depressing side of what it is really really like to adopt a child with attachment problems warts and all…..
We will never know the full history of the family , the adopted parents will not know either which should now send the alarm bells ringing now on medical or mental health problems for the child/adult in the future, as it has been established that there is never a full medical history going over with the child.
I dare not even go there, thinking about what kind of adults these traumatized children will go on to be like when they reach adulthood . This is after the corporate parent has exercised it’s full power and parental control over these poor misfortunate children who were being left to be looked after by the state,especially as some of these babies have bonded with their biological parents for god knows how long,before closed adoption.
You often hear children have a voice this is just not so ! This just makes me so angry that Cafcass also Legal Guardians & Foster Carers are allowed to get away with a conflict of interest . This is when they advise other professionals at placement in meetings of what they say,” the children are saying “. Sometimes these professionals can be found out, for shall we say, for want of a better word misrepresenting a child’s true wishes & feelings when you cross reference the welfare reports for court. This is what I found in our case.
Now that sounds so much better than say turning up for a meeting and lying through your back teeth to hold on to an easy earner of say £500 – £800 per week for a special needs child.
Take a look at the problems these children have with attachment when they are adopted. Is it any wonder that there is a history of depression in children suppressed in a forced adoption world simply because the government made funds available for fast track adoption. If we look close enough we would be able to see the start of the depression when you read on the forum the babies are upset and will not chew their food properly. My comments were removed as I said the mother is the same you can not eat properly due to a living bereavement or what is know as a separation anxiety from your child . Not sure what they system is trying to do intervene and stop emotional retardation or cause it . This also smacks of the beginning of early mental health problems for young children .The adopted parents look to me like they are also being used for this experiment in causing trauma to children and seeing if they will bond with strangers.
What ever it is doing it will need sorting with drugs and counseling which is going to be good for business.
Garden Said:www.AdoptionUK.org
Well done. And it’s this sort of thing which proves that a lot of getting our children ‘better’ comes down to the way we manage them. I know that if I drop my guard for a moment then things go very wrong round here – it’s a full time job just reading the signs and pre-empting the behaviours.
Younger dd has been having a ‘headache’ lately, but it tends to disappear when she wants it to. I am diagnosing sadness over birth family and responding with TLC. Big sister is acting out all over the place so we are being very firm with her but reminding her how much we love her and talking about her birth mother.
Problems with 3 year old not talking .
(Maybe they know something we do not know,like what is the point when you have all of these people to do the talking for you . Where was this survey done in birth parents homes or adopted parents homes?)
Ella Said: AdoptionUK.org
Ella and I shared a room at the Childrens’ Home. Sometimes Ella would have “a sad day” and we would retreat to our room. I would sit with her feeding her chocolate, sometimes brushing her hair or just listening to her. The staff kept an eye on us every half hour or so as it all built up to a crisis. Ella would then start to cry which made me cry which would then shock her out of being sad about herself!
We would then share a shower – “to wash away the sadness” – and life would return to normal. I think we each acted as a therapist for the other.
look at the parenting section it's all about forced adoptions
cafcass boss at Barrow
pressurises personnel called guardian to change cafcass statements
towards formulating adverse case for competent loving parents
cafcass personnel cannot answer for it in the witness box, but no matter,
cafcass have access to all the funding and the best barristers who could sell duckhouses to pigs(unlike ordinary parents)and that barrister will mop up
Gulp. your child is gone.
You won't see the child you delivered to school this morning, at the end of the school day today.
Susie Abrahams
social w ker
The child's voice is precisely and systematically screened off from every avenue in the legal process.
A parent trying to speak out for their child will be discredited in advance, and so much time wasted and confusion created by the network of officials, that the court loses patience with
the parent
and will hear the parent's testimony even less amidst the stacks of garbage that the officials pump in
amateurish reporting experts with a whole sentence of letters after their name, will put out documents that wouldn't be rated if attributed to a secondary school child, (who could of course potentially do much better) grammatical non-sense and all (such a handy way of avoiding a point).
You and your child will be left gasping for air, let alone getting a word in.
The court will be told then that you are a parent who is unable to accept their support.
I need some nails for my coffin.
Ask them what support they have offered exactly, and face a wall of silence, or even shrugged shoulders!
It's a charming way of using public resources.
Amy Leith
Isn't it funny that a film crew from Kent commonly known as
(child snatching capital of the UK) contacted Jimmy from Grandparent Apart in Scotland,
to ask about any grandparents that social services have helped; not interested in any
they have not helped.
Of course he couldn't tell them as he doesn't know any; and why would they have to go
as far as Scotland, could it be because they have not helped any in Kent.
Sound desperate to me, maybe they will have to muster up some from thin air,
what a pity they are not so forth coming with the truth about their policies and practices
So Amy Leith is backing working after having her baby, what is she not satisfied with trying to steal others for Kent CC ?
She is a liar and will do and say anything to steal your children
BEWARE Gravesend team
Wendy Abbott
Social Worker- Liverpool
self-titled Queen of Removals
“It is who you know that determines whether or not you keep your children”
Dave Griffith
Liverpool SS, SW
R.I.P lil Jack Thomas L*****
died 1st Jan 2010
So a foster 'carer' decides to take my friends son down to Oxford from his north east home, against the wishes of his mother. Whilst there, he has a heart attack and is rushed to hospital. My friend is unable to get down to him because of the distance.
The hospital does tests...I cannot say too much here but alls not well.
The foster mother went out on the piss, and as Jack was dying, she was banned and thrown out from the hospital for being so drunk.
Lil jack died whilst on life support...but my friend had to make the agonsing decision to turn the machine off. Jack died with a nurse and another mother holding his hand, whilst we all held his hand in spirit.
What has transpired after that is just utterly shocking...what that poor lil mite went through at the hands of this evil foster carer *again i cannot go into details*
then we have the social services telling the police to tell my friend to keep quiet. bullying techniques to the last huh?
then the social worker Kathy/Cathy Murphey from hartlepool ss (i have mentioned her before trying to put my other friends child into foster care) gives this newly bereived mother a disclaimer form...my friend told her where to go with it but the police signed it anyway
of course Kathy Murphy is keen on passing the book immediately, trying to say its not her fault and its not her responsibilty to vet foster placements... a seven year old boy under care has just died from ss neglect and all she can think about is her neck???
meanwhile my friend cannot see her boy as he is stuck in oxford while they do the inquest..is this right?? is this just?
dont worry Jack..beautiful boy, you will be avenged, but i cannot see how any of it will be justice :(
the truth be out and you cant gag me...
carel of the caine family
Carol Docherty
Dear Joanna Lumley I want to thank you for the efforts you made for the ghurka's. Would you consider now helping families that have been torn apart by this labour gouvernment? we could use your help xx
To the lady whose friends son has been murdered by the SS, please tell all on here include all details
once out in the open they can not gag, basically it will be too late
and they can not stop you
good luck and god bless x
IRISH JUSTICE MINISTER WILL NOT HOLD AN INQUIRY , INTO ICEST, RAPE AND THE MURDER OF A TINY BABY, http://www.thepost.ie/post/pages/p/story.aspx-qqqt=AGENDA-qqqs=agenda-qqqid=46474-qqqx=1.asp
The governments top lawyer did a report for the justice minister that was bullshit, he used shriks who helped the hierarchy of the catholic church cover up the rape of children by catholic priests
The lawyer has no idea how angry some of us are but he will find out, What he fails to understand abuse effects survivors for life not five mins, And we will fight for justice all our lives if we have to. And what the brain dead nut case fails to understand i will fight for children even if i am arrested, Which i have been, I broke British law, but was not charged because the government did not want me in an open court, To expose how social workers were going to allow a very abusive father right to see his children even though he had abused them and stabbed his youngest daughters horse in the eye with a screw driver in front of both daughters.
The justice minister knows once he opens a case it will open a can of worms best to keep it a secret is their way of doing it.
When we protect children properly whether any one in the government likes it or not, Next time you write you mp ask him this question when is he going to make sure this country has a justice minister who does not act like his paedophile brother.
Maureen Spalek
well when you get an MP Marie Eagle minister for justice stating to you THIS WONT GET THROUGH.. she herself was blocking me from getting an investigation and trying to keep this quiet were do you go from there says it all .
WHAT Marie Eagle MP meant by saying This wont get through it was the complete file from Alder Hey Childrens hosp saying that i had been sectioned untrue , my kids were on a risk register untrue and the very nurse SISTER WILSON WARD M3 who did this report and contacted CPT was murdered in 2007 by nurse koffi boyfried she is still working at the hospital on blood bank... when i was arrested in july i had an appt with the governor of the prison to visit brian crosby who murdered sister wilson he to then was found dead of August this year !!!!
all the media were blocked in publishing this the liverpool echo editor told me within weeks of this case that the echo would be shut down he would lose his job... he hung up on me that was in 2003... that s what she meant it wouldnt get through.
Nicky Herron
wish mine would just give son back im sick of late night and now early morning texts aout cares not helping my son when hes in pain and when he cant sleep because hes cold and shivering.. ive been in tears on the phone with him in middle of night at the weekend because he was so bad. all to do with weather and his medical stuff..that they are ignoring
Emine Saner wrote:
"The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence is developing guidance that could see inspectors from local councils going in to homes where there are children under the age of 15, to check that there is sufficient safety equipment, such as smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, stairgates, hot-water temperature restrictors and oven-door guards. The inspectors are being instructed to focus on disadvantaged and low-income households."
Quote: 'I wasn't sure I believed this story, but sure enough, here is the NICE web-page. Oh, and there is going to be another database...'
NICE's draft guidance wrote:
Who should take action?
"Local strategic partnerships (LSPs), children and young people’s strategic partnerships (where they are not part of the LSP), local safeguarding children boards (LSCBs) and children’s trusts."
What action should they take?
• 'Use local information to identify and prioritise households where children and young people aged under 15 are at greatest risk of unintentional injury. Factors could include overcrowding, a low income and a lack of appropriately installed safety equipment. The data could come from surveys and needs assessments and existing datasets (such as hospital episode statistics). Or data could be gathered as part of routine practice (for example, during home visits by community practitioners).'
• 'Consider establishing or using an existing database to share information on high-risk households with other statutory agencies. For example, social workers, GPs and health visitors could identify overcrowded dwellings and notify others via a database accessible to all statutory organisations.'
cafcass officer guardians paid well (public money) to smoke outside court with the DVperpetraitors
and be otherwise partisan
how very professional
the basest interests are paramount
The experts attach bogus labels to a cafcass report which has defied logic
then together they set about fashioning the evidence themselves to back it up
Is this a legal process?
You the public are paying for it
How do you like these values for money?
the cafcass have their own database of pocket experts.
All genuine evidence is swept from view, by officials with 20 years experience.
cafcass mission accomplished
mission impossible is normal family life
Twenty years experience means you can lie and make things up, and you cannot be held to account.
Public money £$thousands££ per case.
tens of thousands
per case
yet getting any issues whatsoever placed squarely on the table, is oddly elusive.
Public money
Everyone ask questions about your local authorities , the judges, courts, cafcass
the more evidence we have from them the better, they hang themselves with their own lies
name and shame everyone involved with your case in your requests
it kill 2 birds with one stone
Today was mildly interesting - after Nat opened his new phone, one of the social workers claimed that it would have to go through the caseworker - along with photos and the radio controlled spider.
I was having none of that. I bought him the phone to empower him to be able to contact his extended family and vice versa (his number is on his profile). Simple reason being that for the past ten months they have had NO contact with them and SS were negligent in any efforts to facilitate such contact. I kindly informed them all that the phone which is registered in my wife's name and GIFTED to Nat is HIS PROPERTY UNDER COMMON LAW, hence ANY attempt to deprive him of it is THEFT under Common Law and would be aggressively prosecuted as such. They didn't like that. They also didn't like the fact that I was not prepared to budge or compromise. They ALSO didn't like the fact that ALL THREE said out loud enough for everyone in the centre to hear that they wanted to come back with US.
In fact, I made them very nervous when I started talking about the status of the court system as it stands, the difference between Statute and Law (with a read quote from the copy of the 1215 Magna Carta which I carry), and what happened in THIS COUNTRY up until fairly recently in history, to anyone convicted under Common Law of thievery.
Endgame was exactly what I had hoped for: The photos went into an envelope (which I don't mind so much as they are of two little girls that Jamie and Benny befriended at the Centre) to be reviewed for "suitability", for which I have a receipt signed by Claudette as a sworn acceptance of personal responsibility as to the disposition of the objects, Jamie took his spider to the contract carers home and Nat took his phone to the contract carers home. We'll wait and see what happens next.
This petition is world wide & will be sent directly to the High Commissioner of the Human Rights Commission in Geneva, Switzerland.***
For far too long now, the Family Law Courts all around the world have been abusing their power over the people & have been jeopardising the safety of our children.
In very serious cases where a parent poses a very real risk of danger to the child, the court are forcing the good parent to send their child straight to the abuser.
Too many children world wide have now been murdered as a direct result of the Family Law Courts forcing parents to send their child/children to abusers. Those who survive being sent against their will to an abuser usually will end up developing emotional & serious psychological illnesses.
The courts are wielding their power & imprisoning parents & seizing their children simply because these parents are desperately trying to protect their child.
A parent no longer has the legal right to protect their child because of the Family Law Court. Parents are being bullied into submission by the courts & forced to send their children to abusers or go straight to prison. Protective parents are also being told that they can't tell the child what is going on. The child is hurt & confused & can't understand why the parent they love would send them into a harmful & dangerous situation.
In most countries, the media are forbidden to report to the public regarding what is happening in the Family Law Courts. In addition, anyone going through the Family Law Courts are also silenced under secrecy/gagging laws that prevent the public being made aware of the shocking things that are going on behind the closed doors of the court system. Even when a child is murdered by an abusive 'parent', the protective parent is not allowed to talk about it or face imprisonment. When a child is over the age of 18 or 21 (depending on the country) they are not allowed to talk about what happened to them or they will also face imprisonment for breaching Family Court gagging laws. When the public see a parent having a child removed from their care, they just think the person must be a really bad parent. They have no idea that the child may have been seized simply because the good parent refused to send their child into danger thereby breaching court orders.
A lot of cases are being dragged out in excess of 10 years for no other reason except the financial betterment of the Family Law Court & all employed under it's 'umbrella'.
The Family Law Courts are oppressing people & breaching people's most fundamental Human Rights. They are using the police to arrest people (often in a very brutal fashion) just because they are a parent.
Still, individual governments fail to act & to do anything about this unacceptable & intolerable situation.
The people are not going to put up with their human rights being taken away like this anymore.
We are calling on you, The High Commissioner of the Human Rights Commission to put a stop to the attrocities that are being committed by the Family Law Courts around the world. They have too much power & are completely abusing this power.
Our children are suffering terribly & we have had enough of the status quo.
We want our human rights & our children's human rights given back to us. The Family Law Court is destroying innocent lives every single day. The situation has now reached pandemic proportions all around the world & the people are not going to accept it any more.
We need to stamp out the corruption within the Family Court & allow the public to know what is going on. At the moment the courts are not answerable to anybody & are a law unto themselves. Our children are being harmed physically & emotionally as a direct result of what the Family Law Courts are & have been doing. If something is not done, they will continue harming our children & our children's children for generations to come.
The Family Law Court is a very dark & sinister presence in a modern world that should not be tolerating the abuse & oppression of people like this.
We want our lives & our children's lives back. We want the right to protect our children from abusers & any potential harm. We want this Family Law Court oppression to stop & for our basic human rights to be restored.
We are fighting for our freedom & our children's freedom.
With out you , man kind falls .
our civilisation has become like machines .
there is no reasoning , no compromise , no freedom of expression , no worthy leaders to show us the way . society has become useless and unable to accept responsability for their actions .
like machines they regurgitate programs ,
it isn't us its our job
it isn't us its the law
it isn't us its the system
it isn't us we are only doing our job .
like robots , our society has lost its own mind and handed it over to the system controllers who do not reason , cannot compromise and they will kill us all in their war machines if we let them and like machines they mimic their programming from their superiors .
right now times might seem harsh , tiresome and pointless at times , but you are the resistance , with out you --------the machines ( system , big brother laws ) win .
to liberate our people , we must stand tall in the face of tyranny , brave out-numbering circumstances , walk the walk , take the storm .
I am not a leader of this resistance , just a voice of one of many ,
YOU --------------ARE THE RESISTANCE !
Just remember people these Illuminati types that allow the destruction of children and their families are far more scared of us than we are of them.
It's is a bit like the wizard of OZ they are full of hot air and are really old men/women hiding behind behind the curtain.
Take strength in exposing them but realise that they will be dealt with in the same manner that they created; there are no more hiding places for them to hide.We have them all.
Barbara Richardson soliciting Mr Osmanbarrister of Lancaster
a tragi-comedy act duo
I would like to order a personality change for the doctor Jeoffrey Young
Watch this one
He's trying to roll up roll up
drumming up business with those wheeling dealing friends at cafcasstavistock
We have developed 4 different inventories for assessing patients. Each inventory measures one component of schema theory.
To read about the specific inventories, or to examine copies, click on the "Specific Inventories" link to the right.
Currently the scoring procedures for all of the inventories are informal. To read more about these informal scoring procedures, click on the "Scoring" link.
To learn about research on the schema inventories, click on the "Research" link.
To find out how to obtain permission to reproduce any of the inventories for research or clinical use, or to translate them into another language, click on the "Permission to Use" link.
To order a set of inventories or other schema forms from our Center, click on the "How to Purchase" link.
Get your pick n mix here
For evaluation purposes only
you must first either order a set of inventories, or pay for permission to use them
Whilst the system is run by Ed Balls there will be no reform and the social services need this root and branch from the top I have a social services blog, support Nevres Kemel and 'Jenny' on my blog think that answers all the questions about this emotive subject where Haringay is said to be the worst in London whilst Birmingham is the worst in UK but no dept in the UK is free of incompitence!
I know all about PETER TRAVESTY!! He wont let me have my papers from my sons school cos according to him if i have my papers il be causing my son 'significant harm' !"!! And then: they cut my son off from all his family!
a child died in foster care and a sw working for them got pregnant by a 15 yr old
staffordshire is corrupt to the core
And be careful if you live in Lincoln cos the Service Manager there: John Bennett was convicted for paedovile offences too!!!
Just an FYI: former Children's Minister and prior to that, chair of the Campaign For Civil Liberties (AKA Liberty) Harriet Harman(sp?), while in CCL, collaborated with the Pedophile Information Exchange and another pedophile activist group in a campaign to decriminalise or legalise child pornography. Just how safe /are/ our children when the Minister responsible for their corporate wellbeing is a closet pedophile-apologist and sympathiser?
Just what is Mr. Ed Balls' agenda now he occupies the post? Does he intend to use his Common Purpose credentials to further Harman's campaign for pedophile liberties?
Are you taking note all you corrupt would be officials out there, this is what you are driving families to do, ARE YOU GOING TO BE NEXT
Social worker stabbed after helping to remove young children from Liverpool family
A FAMILY support worker was hunted down and stabbed after helping to remove several young children from a Liverpool family.
William Cleator was followed as he walked his dog near his house one morning.
Teenager Nathan Prescott was today starting a nine-year sentence after stabbing the 48-year-old and telling him it was a “warning” from the family.
Mr Cleator has since been forced to move house and lost his car when paint stripper was meticulously smeared across every panel.
The stress has left him unable to work since the attack in July last year.
He had to wait six months for a clean bill of health after his Liverpool council employers received a call telling them the blade was “infected”.
The attack followed several threatening calls to Mr Cleator’s office, hinting he was being followed, and he was withdrawn from the case several months before the attack.
He said: “I was walking the dog when I felt a thud on my shoulder. I turned around and there was a lad there and he lunged at me again, but the dog grabbed his leg.
“His friend appeared with a gun and said he would shoot me and my dog.
“I grabbed the dog’s collar but they jumped on a motorbike and sped away.”
It was only as father-of-one Mr Cleator walked away he realised he had been stabbed. He said: “I put my hand on my shoulder and it was covered in blood.”
Mr Cleator needs medication for anxiety and stress but hopes to return to work.
He said: “I will probably have to do something which involves sitting behind a desk.
“I did really love my job. I have seen some real results over the years and I do not regret doing the job at all. This is just one of those things.
“But it has been horrendous for my family. I do not really go out. I would only really feel comfortable taking the dog out now if my son came with me.”
Liverpool crown court heard Prescott, of Delamore Street, Kirkdale, warned Mr Cleator to mind his own business.
He denied wounding with intent, leading to Mr Cleator having to give evidence at the trial.
Former ADHD sufferer Prescott, 19, was previously of good character.
He received nine years at a young offenders’ institute.
Mr Cleator said he had mixed feelings about his attacker.
He added: “He is only a young lad and part of me thinks he might have been groomed into doing it.
“But that is my job and experience – we tend to look at the bigger picture.
“When he first confronted me, he was mumbling and I asked him if he was OK. That was when he swiped at me the second time.”
Social Services Hell
Watch this 'child stealing by the state' Brian Gerrish
Telling it like it is ! awesome
Murder probe after social worker dies at house
A murder probe has been launched after a social worker was stabbed to death while visiting a Preston home.
Police were called to Glebe Close in Fulwood, close to the old Sharoe Green Hospital site, following reports of a knife attack.
When officers arrived at 11.30am on Monday they found the alleged attacker to be in an "agitated state".
The officers found the 47-year-old victim - who was later named as Philip Ellison, a father-of-three from Penwortham - with multiple stab wounds and he subsequently died.
A spokesman for Lancashire Police confirmed a man aged 51 had been arrested and added: "We are not in a position to release any further details at this stage. The man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and taken to Preston police station."
Mr Ellison worked directly for Lancashire County Council as part of the adult and community services department, a council spokesman confirmed.
Chris Cheetham, cabinet member for adult and community services at Lancashire County Council, said: "My first thoughts are with his family and friends. It is a dreadful loss.
"I don't expect to get messages saying a member of my staff has been killed.
"Some of our social workers work with people who have the potential to do harm, mostly to themselves but also to other people.
"I know social workers get a lousy press, but it should remind people they do an important and sometimes dangerous job."
Mr Cleator added: 'He is only a young lad and part of me thinks he might have been groomed into doing it.
'But that is my job and experience – we tend to look at the bigger picture.'
You will recognise Mr Cleator by his extending nose.
Chris Cheetham
Some of our social workers
people who have the potential to do harm, mostly to themselves but also to other people.
"I know social workers get a lousy press, but it should remind people
we do get paid for wrecking lives
How do you like it?'
Linda McDermott
I am a freelance Children's Rights Campaigner looking for help with a campaign for adopted children/adults to be able to find a true genetic key , I have recently got help from musicians on YT to write a song for the campaign. So far this campaign is non profit or asks for money as it is such a toxic subject :cancer .leukaemia. The power of the internet has opened up a discussion the MP's can not be seen to deal with at all. The courts are also not prepared to deal with requests from families who are being fast tracked to closed courts and losing their cases in miscarriages of justice.
I do not have support of anyone in the media , I do have paperwork to prove what is going on .The MP's who have met me say they do not understand what it is I want to do for adopted children.
If you ask Graham Barnell's family who has recently died he was adopted .He was well able to get support and raise money for his treatment in Seattle.
Why should adopted people have to go through this at a time when they are so critically ill?
The long term interest of the child is not considered is the answer to this question
Now we sit in debate with another adopted person who is dying from cancer and is also adopted.
What is it about this campaign that I dare not approach a paypal on my website just incase I lose the audience that I have managed so hard to get the attention of .
Just another excuse to make money out of a sob story : or something that really can be done for free a global database of links to contacts for children .
The UK Government & MP's could never do this ,put right something the general public have got hold of and that is news to them and it is going to expose the real truth behind the closed courts and Coram interests in fast track adoption .
Brian Gerrish ‘child stealing by the state’for those that really want to know whats going on with the so-called 'care system'
Brian Gerrish
'child stealing by the state' and Common purpose exposed helpline
01752 312 - 743
give them a ring tell them your stories, help us put a stop to this evil once and for allex
Sabina Heywood
This way you can email them ALL at once, at least they can not say they do not know what is going on, the more families that do this the better.
that's the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
to those who haven't been warned
Gillian Broster
of the cafcass reporter turning a blind eye to DV and of the cafcass reporter avoiding co-ordinating arrangements for the child: "she doesn't sound very good".
the cafcass phoned the CAMHS
Gillian Broster child psyche expert
re small child expressing distress:
"it's not a big deal".
the cafcass said I was unable to accept their support
I asked Gillian Broster what service CAMHS was offering my family.
I never received a reply.
I asked Matilda Clode of the cafcass to detail what support she had offered my family.
I never received a reply.
Since then, Broster & Clode are both quote concerned unquote about my mental health.
I guess these tools find that ignoring me is the best professional treatment. Because of their many years experience.
greater London\north
Chris Diako
SS Haringey Council. north London
Another useless wanker MP apart from Adam Holloway in Gravesham is Howard Stoate,MP for Dartford.
My son Alex Heywood is currently in care due to fabricated information by two local authorities: Lincoln and Stafford Social Services. I have evidence of a cover-up and evidence of the fabrications. I am a good and caring mother, yet my son was taken out of school on October 15th 2004 on the basis of placing him with his father and no other reason. My son was told by Social Worker Emma Wailen that I was \\\'ill\\\' this was completely made up: there was nothing wrong with me whatsoever. However three days before she removed my son I had written to her about the inaccuracies contained in her report. My son was initially placed in the care system, then his father, then removed from his father and placed in the care system again. This was because he wasnt being looked after properly. I presented all my evidence to Judge Jenkins at Lincoln Court, which was dismissed/ignored The same happened at my appeal by Justice Wall, who other parents and children have complained about. He advised for me to return to the Family Court to have my son returned.
A Social Worker:Tony Bowen was brought in just two months before my last court hearing which was in 2007. He wrote many lies about me based around the two contacts he attended. I am able to prove he committed perjury in court this as I taped all the contacts.
However the issue is the courts themselves. There appears to be no redress for parents to retrieve their children via the family courts. Despite overwhelming evidence that the child is better off with their own family: which stands to reason.
One has to question why is a child cut off from their natural family when the child is placed in foster care? This is abnormal. The UK is the only European country in which this horrendous state of affairs occurs. This damages the child emotionally and makes the child feel isolated. Why would a Local Authority wish to do this? Do they have the right? Well effectively no, but they use the police and all manner of fabrications to back them up. Without the police they would be rendered useless. We need to question as to why the police are backing corruption.
Lesley Hughes was the last CAFCASS offcer who let my son down by not agreeing to him returning home against his wishes, which CAFCASS have a duty to follow up. She also is guilty of fabricating evidence. Other parents also have reason to complain about her. See CAFCASS blog Re Stafford Social Services/CAFCASS.
Help us
It is just unbelievabley stressful when the cafcass band together with its database expert psyches in the family law network and between them exclude all a parent and children's input.
They certainly know how to psyche people out.
It really gives the lie to mental health concerns.
They load unbelieveable pressure on ordinary parents: shows they don't give a da mn about the child's best interests.
It is inhumane.
Who cares?
use this to tell all MP's and all newspapers at once what is going on within social services.The more that do it the better.
This way you can email them ALL at once, at least they can not say they do not know what is going on
And if anyone not going through this personally
can imagine the sheer vastness of the administrative task dumped in the lap of ordinary parents
running to keep up with this lot of mendacious collusion
denied here-on-in any quality time with their own children
job of parent reduced to essential chores cooking cleaning
other commitments
and going out to work as well
this family law charade is a full time job
mission impossible
The public and the children are paying for it
the ordinary loving parents are slaves to it
Kent County Council running a childrens jail, how very very sick.
Abusing children legally more like it.
Kent Child Jail
Release of secret child punishment manual ordered
I NAME my solicitors as Jackson Quinn, VHS Fletchers and Shelton's all of Nottingham. Who lied to me and misrepresented themselves to me, then took thousands in CLA funding and left me hanging after telling me I had no appeal.I HAVE THEIR OWN DOCUMENTS TO BACK ME UP?
Due Process, Conflicts of Interest & Corruption in Family Courts - An Open Letter to Press & The House Of Commons by Member
Several questions urgently need debate and answering in open House session: 1. Why is the Family Court so secretive? It is clearly not designed to protect the identities of the children as entire communities are fully aware of what is occurring before, during and after the "case" is heard...
A list of MP’s who have failed in their duty to reply or represent their constituents :
John Heppell (Lab: Nottingham East)
Ben Wallace (Con: Lancaster & Wyre)
Sir Alan Haselhurst (Con: Saffron Walden)
John Denham (Lab: Southampton Itchen)
Oliver Letwin (Con: West Dorset)
Anne McGuire (Lab: Stirling)
Nick Gibb (Con: Bognor Regis/Littlehampton)
Rosie Winterton (Lab: Doncaster Central).
Mary Creagh (Lab: Wakefield)
Caroline Flint (Lab: Don Valley)
To be continue…………
Quinn, Victoria
who will argue black is white
child abuse and all
"it's irrelevant!"
she said
to avoid going against cafcass
"Just cos I don't agrwee with you!"
she said
If your child is being abused, avoid Victoria Quinn
like the plague.
As 2 young women on work-experience are my witnesses
they couldn't believe she was appointed to represent me.
Reclaiming the lost members of society, our Kids back
The public believes that children should be kept in their homes as long as they are safe. People believe strongly that agencies must do a thorough investigation of each case to determine if alleged child abuse and neglect warrant action.
Most people know very little about children's services unless they or a close family member or friend has had some direct experience with the child social system.
The Fact is that chidren from vulnerable, inocent parents are being removed arbitrarily from their parents, friends and relatives, most of them going into forced adoptions. These children have dondone nothing wrong yet, they are heavely penalized by being removed abruptedly from teir parents, specially from their mothers, in some instances whist breastfeeding.
To create awareness in 2010 I propose to all of you, your friends and relatives the following:
To write the name of your child, age and sex onyour update status, and if you have to post a photo: " Victoria,10 F " as an example and to write this as reference in every e mail or post that you send and try to send as many as you can and are able to, requesting your own friends and relatives to use the same reference. Mine wiil be... Victoria, 10F what is yours?.
We will launch this campaign over facebook next January 17th 2010 . that will give you a full week for everyone to read and pass over this message.
Pls start sending e maiils asking for support,
Once we start this on facebook I will send details of our "march in March"
carmen c.semaski
hi there....someone asked me bout my friends son being murdered
i would give details....but we cannot even bury the poor mite as there are such complex wounds and autopsies need to be done....
but as it happens the foster carer intially getting a manslaughter charge has been let of for "psychotic tendencies"
*i am fucking FUMING as i write this....sorry but...why wasnt this in the SS report???
how come this murderer who stabbed this down syndromes lil boy with shards of glass allowed to FOSTER a child, whilst i had depression 13 years ago (as a result of my own adoption as a baby) AND get paid for it???
but now my baby daughter is with my abusive ex BPD/NARCISSCIST???
its a good job i belive in God/dess but even then, justice is not swift enough for the EVIL that is going on
CHILDREN ARE GETTING MURDERED UNDER THE PRETENSE OF CARE,...adopted babies like myself are having our own babies snatched because we have been so traumatised by being snathched from our birth mothers, we are unfit to have our own children. Yes I have never known unconditional love, as a result, but with support I could, and would strive to give 1000% love to my babies to make up for it...just dont take them away from from birth
i teasure them few moments with a sympathetic nurse when i breastfed my baby...after that my milk stopped because of the scrutiny
and yet most of all....
dont take our babies from us, cafcass/social services/de facto courts... you failed innocent babies, and handed them to murdering, incompentent "foster money grabbers"
take away that £500 quid a week and lets see how many are in it for the better future of the children....i bet 95% would drop out like the jumpers from the world trade centre
sorry to be graphic, but the truth never was meant to be wrapped in ribbons...
deal with it....I and many others have had to....
its all there
and thank you ms hope xxxxxxxxxxxxx
i sign without fear...
Carel of the Caine family....AGAIN
and i will keep signing and keep posting til this evil is outed
you should be aware of that lil fact....
Rigorous system of justice
or authority
my son's biologic father uses photos to 'prove' to the cafcass he's not a child abuser
it's good enough for the cafcass
(not least because because they love child abuse).
the children are even told by fabdad they have to smile [for the Judge of course] and get ridiculed by bigdaddy in front of relatives if their feeling hacked off with being used by their father, actually shows on their faces.
Do you think this fantasticfather takes photos of the children when he is watching adult TV with the little ones there, or when he assaults them
perhaps when he leaves them home alone he gets someone else to take the photos
the selective evidence is his perogative of course
the insidious cafcassguardian solictors acting for their database experts foot their emails with - Save a tree ! Print this message only if it's absolutely necessary -
alternative idea
Save a child ! Force them to stay in court year in year out only if it's absolutely necessary
and by abolutely necessary we don't mean another foreign holiday or a course of botox
or another few years CV 'experience'
All in the basest interests of the cafcass
c a f c a s s
first putting children in the family courts
then putting their parents in the twilight zone
the cafcaSS
cause trouble
between parents post break-up
main strategies
casual gossip
big spoon for stirring in bulls***
cafcaSS playing with fire
cause one of those parents is psycho
and anytime I bet my bottom euro
it's the one cafcaSS are supporting
and the one that got away with the child
did it for a good reason
cafcaSS forcing the child to go
into abuse
contact or better still residency
cafcass promote it if it means
exposure to sexual media
exposure to tyranny and hate
exposure to degradation
torn from
an upbringing
keep pouring in that money
general public
as long as the cafcass are using and abusing the name of a tragic baby death
as their own life of riley
just remember when they change the acronym to
c o r a m better outcomes for children long since gone
for example
note the stench of £$£$£$£$£
and listen for the children
souls crying out for an eternity
These officials will toady with the judges or magistrates
who'll look you
the parent
in the eye
the 24/7 parent
that isn't getting paid in this racket
and lecture at you
"But WE are interested in the welfare of the Chi-ld!"
re a name
human wastage
on a bit of paper
Some of the best parents are being treated like animals by the cafcass behind the closed doors of inter-solicitor orchestration of UK law.
The children are the cafcass's pawns.
When I say animals, I mean animals: material input excluded comprehensively from the court arena
by their 'own' legal teams
and denied the international basic human rights.
Who cares?
Who gives a
Ask yourself a question, then answer: Why is the Family Court so secretive? It is clearly not designed to protect the
identities of the children as entire communities are made fully aware, by child protection officers, school principals,
teachers, even through themselves putting two and two together, of what is occurring before, during and after the "case" is
heard. Who is Section 97 Paragraph 2 of the Children Act 1989 C.41 /actually/ protecting, if not the chidren? This section of
the Act claims to protect the identities of children by banning the publication of any materials that may identify the
children themselves (a moot point since the children are already known), solicitors, judges, barristers, social workers,
psychologists, police (or rather more accurately, corporate enforcement) officers, to name but a few; people who do not want
to be identified with Britain's largest and most well-protected, secretive and insidious child trafficking ring.
It is through actions of people such as but not limited to these, that families that have done nothing wrong to anybody,
least of all their own children, are forcibly separated and the children are decamped to contract care (because that is what
they are, let's be realistic here; at £400+ per child per week, they aren't doing it out of love), and the parents are left
to rot in the mire not of their making. Unable to speak out about the "case" even after it has finished not only because
nobody with influence seems to be listening, but also because of the perpetual threat of jail without charge or trial. But
what they are left with is far, far worse than any jail cell. What they are left with is inconsolable grief that one human
being (and I use that term loosely) can do this to another.
That's nothing compared with the danger the children suddenly find themselves in.
Having been ripped from their loving parents' arms, these children are dumped into the laps of people with pound signs in
their eyes. The only condition of their contract seems to be to make sure the children are fed and clothed; beyond that,
alive. No consideration given to their happiness or willingness to carry on living apart from their parents, no consideration
from the outset of the process to snatch them, given to their wishes and feelings. And of course, there is the childrens'
problem of explaining to their school friends why the only times their parents show up at the school, providing they're not
prohibited by court order from doing so, is at parents' evenings and school plays. Which in itself brings up the problem of
bullying. Kids can be very cruel to one another, and they'll use the slightest excuse. Being in care is gold.
And what is the reason for these children being put into care in the first place?
The Act brought in new definitions of abuse. Let's not beat around the bush here, there are cases where abuse is obvious, and
we're not protecting or condoning child abuse by parents or anybody else - which is the point of this letter - in the form of
physical, sexual or mental/emotional abuse, however the new forms included something called "risk of [whatever] harm". The
Act brought crystal ball predictions into the mix. And a very, very large door, left wide open to abuse. Which was
immediately taken advantage of. But that's not the whole. It is only a piece of the puzzle.
Some bright spark decided it might be a great idea to lock down the Family Court for such child protection cases using
Section 97, so the wider public would be kept unaware of what was actually going on. In a nutshell, parents are denied their
own voice during hearings, they are not allowed to bring their own witnesses, lay or expert, and the single judge makes
decisions which affect entire families based on the assertions of those involved in the child "protection" industry and
cherry-picked and very highly paid single expert witnesses.
What makes the system fail miserably as far as the parents are concerned is the fact that the entire legal presence in that
courtroom are Family Panel affiliated - all the solicitors, barristers and even sometimes the judge. All specifically trained
and instructed by each other and Government policy in how to proceed to separate families forever. The anchor of a lot of
cases is "risk of emotional harm". This phrase has no legal definition, yet family court judges and others in the racket use
it with impunity. What they also do with impunity is to dispose of that annoying little thing called basic human rights. No,
you don't have the right to freedom of expression, or the right to live securely in your own home with your family, nor do
you have the right to freedom of association, or the right to protest your innocence in a court system where you are guilty
until, heaven forbid, you can actually prove your own innocence. Your own solicitors, having already been paid by the
Criminal Law Association out of the Taxpayers' pocket, have no further incentive to work for you; they do, however, have
plenty of incentive to work for the Local Authority in making sure you lose your case. Their membership on the Family Panel
depends entirely on their making the money flow. That same Family Panel is the one that writes referrals for well-behaved
solicitors so they can get work in the Family Court - criminal law solicitors won't touch Family Court with a barge pole.
It's the rules.
When they've done their damage, the real abuse begins. Emotionally-wrecked children are snatched from the arms (literally) of
their emotionally-wrecked and tortured parents, and sent to live with complete strangers. These strangers are the ones we all
warn our children about. We don't know what they're doing to our children - they could be locking them in small windowless
rooms when they get too difficult to handle, or drugging them, smacking them, shipping them off to kiddie whorehouses,
burying them in shallow graves, or selling them. Who knows?
The children know and the contract carers know. Whether or not the child "protection" workers know is a mystery, but if they
do they're keeping awful quiet about it for some reason. It does make us wonder if CPS are protecting their own backs because
they know precisely what is going on and all hell would break loose if it got out that children in care are getting beaten,
starved, raped, sold and murdered on a regular basis - with a mortality rate among children in care three times higher than
children not in care, the question should be asked of everyone involved in the Family Law industry and asked in ever louder
voices until satisfactory answers are given, as to what the hell they think they're doing with our children.
Jim Knight, Dorset South, MP
Ignores please from constituence. Now have Tory counterpart stepping in to help as my own MP won't return my calls especially as I am outspoken against this unelected marxist scum government. He is of course happy to put his hand in the penny jar until caught like so many!!
That is the number of children who have died in the last Ten years while under care of the Social Services. Now while the Media and certain quangos/charities have you beleiving there is a sex offender on every street corner you should realise that the S.S has killed FAR MORE!
Time to clean house!
Does the allocated social-work reporter use one party for positive reference points and for example the other party for negative ones as a rule?
Does the social-work officer or guardian in name report one party's position and another party's actions, as a rule?
Have a look.
This context is called falsehood in law.
Does the social-work reporter exclude evidence of welfare abuses and the child's voice?
Does the social work official omit positive evidence to make the reports?
Join the club.
Adopters Who Abuse & Kill
Although domestic adoptions involve background checks & other pre-adoption investigation of prospective adopters, many adopted children fall through the cracks due to greed of profiteering baby brokers, understaffed public/private agencies, loose foreign adoption controls, & expedience. There is usually no in-home followup to any adoption past the date of finalization. And there's no way to predict nor guarantee future problems. Many children who are too young or too afraid to report abuse end up with adopters who physically, sexually and/or mentally abuse them -- or even kill them -- and not always because these adopters are normally abusive. Often adopters who have the best of intentions are unprepared to deal with the behaviors & problems these children acquire from separation from their original families, & from prior orphanage or foster parent mistreatment or neglect, & are misled to believe that "with a little love" all will be well.
Mark Anthony Chadwick ( WOODY )
Mark took his own life by hanging himself in his flat on the 15th may 2007, he was only 18 and had his whole life ahead of him and everything to live for.
Mark left behind alot of people that love and miss him so much. he left behind his mum Michelle and dad garry all his brothers and 2 sisters kerrie jamie adam liam kieran and chloe and his 2 daughters kianna and tia and his only nephew danny-lee.
And what did Kent County Council do to help , stole Kianna & Kia for forced adoption, depriving them of their mother , grandparents , aunties, uncles ,etc all their blood relatives who dearly loved and wanted them.
As if we haven't lost enough ; like thieves in the night
Anthony Bennett
This is a very interesting and disturbing collection of stories.
dMy interests at present centre on corruption in the police - but as an ex-social worker and child care worker I am always concerned to read about abuse of children whether in care or out of care.
How can the McCanns get awy with leaving three on their own.
What had Gordon Brown got to do with the case, cover again.
Spin, top lawyers used to cover up their deceptions.
I feel we have been used either way you look at it.
That poor little girl, they should open the case again and get to the truth. Someone is protecting the McCann, is it the chruch in Italy?
No its the corrupt peados in government who are protecting them
any other family would have lost their children in the UK - but not them, it is so obvious that they killed her and covered their tracks with the help of the UK ministers
there are over a 100 paedos just amongst them sick arseholes
Brian Gerrish vs the state child snatchers has had over 2000 hits on utube alone in the last week
from the very first comment on this board of kent county council stealing a conservative councillor grandson , who are still on the run today, to over a 1000
maybe Medway secret family court stole one too many from the wrong people this time
and YES we will be listing all child abuse including sexual acts committed by ALL judges, social workers, government ministers the list is endless,
keep posting people the message is getting out there loud and clear, we will stay silent no longer no matter what they try do or put in place to stop us.
The McCanns are Labour Party insiders.
And from the start they have had a well oiled PR machine running.
They also had a heavyweight legal team who sued every UK newspaper and silenced anyone who stated the obvious.
Innocent people whose child was kidnapped dont behave like them.
Guilty people try and shut up the truth.
Just like the Labour Party and all it's various false flags the McCann's have silenced all dissent.
Hopefully this time they have gone too far and the truth is out now.
They are guilty.
Madeleine has become nothing more than a ‘marketing ploy’ to her parents, a real money-spinner and spinning is the operative word! Who would have thought a missing girl could be so lucrative? Well, the Mathews family clearly did, but they did not have high-level government assistance or media sycophants clamouring to exonerate them, like these ’celebrity’ doctors.
If the authoritative source for company information in the UK claims to not hold information about Local Authorities on file, then those Local Authorities have no legal standing in anything they do, since they do not have an insurable Strawman.
Ergo, ANY orders made on their behalf in *any* civil court must surely be ILLEGAL?
question: if no STRAWMAN exists for Local Authorities, then how does a Court expect to be able to use a STRAWMAN to enforce orders given by them? Without a STRAWMAN the Local Authority has NO FICTION, therefore IT DOES NOT EXIST. YOU CANNOT MAKE A CLAIM ON BEHALF OF AN ENTITY THAT DOES NOT EXIST.
Helen MacDonald
of Aitken Kelly Associates Islington
is hellbent on forcing my child into a life of domestic violence.
How satisfying that must be for her.
The children have a clear opinion of cacfass. We have weathered the worst of being abused whilst the children were babes in arms.
Perhaps we should ask them if You are representing their interests in the family courts
or just your own.
All paid for by a public funds blank cheque.
Strawman uses
ropey application
open to abuse
add it to your favourites
and the reference to Final Solution has too many parallels for comfort
this is interesting regarding Dr Michael Pellling a fantastic McKenzie Friend who showed Sir Mark Potter up in the royal courts of injustcie for practicing from the bench , when a cafcass/ social services were being prosecuted by a father for sharing data.
No wonder he want to keep the family courts closed.
Shame on you Potter , you are completely potty
When the Nazis came for the communists,I remained silent; I was not a communist. When they locked up the social democrats,I remained silent; I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists,I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist. When they came for the Jews,I remained silent; I wasn't a Jew.... When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out. - Martin Niemöller
Abuses whilst in care , some may find this distressing to read, obviously NOT eh fostercarers or SS/Judges
the presiding district judge in my case disposed of our human rights, referring specifically to article 6. HIS name is Harris, North Midland Circuit. He also SHUT ME UP when I tried to explain WHY I had just said on the stand when FORCED INTO A CORNER by the LA barrister that I considered th LA "evidence" to have been FABRICATED. MY OWN SOLICITOR TOLD ME I HAD NO RIGHT OF APPEAL AGAINST THE JUDGE'S DECISION. I WILL NOT BE SILENT ABOUT THIS ANY MORE! THEY STOLE MY CHILDREN AND I WANT THEM BACK
So Brenda Farrell, assistant director of Children's Services for Barnardos states that adoption should be given a higher priority and then suggests that the kincare clause should be used on a larger scale, a very confusing statement to make.
It looks like the lady wants immediate relatives to have care of the children during Care Proceedings, but then is happy for them to be taken from Grandparents, in the later stages of family court proceedings, when a placement for adoption has been found; well that's how it sounds to me.
Social Services very rarely use the kincare clause, outlined in the Public Law Guidelines.
Has this Lady got any decency and humanity in her body, how would she feel, about having her Grandchildren taken away from her, I really don't know how these people sleep at night.
Not overly religious but this says it all; isn't that the TRUTH
Rev 2:2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
jackie smith social worker took my children away from me, two boys
how are you surposed to pick urself up when your children have been taken away, social services remove your then dont have anything to do with you, dave barren team manager & jackie smith social worker from basildon social services ely house, 2 boys taken from there mother & 4 sisters, they miss them so much & dont understand how social services can say what ever they want and get away with it, thats why they invented horlicks for poeple like social services cause no one in there right mind would do such a thing,i thought social srevices where there to help not brake up families how do most of them sleep at night, i did here that social services get a bouns for the amount of children they remove from there parents how unfair is that, well i would not like to be jackie smith social worker at ely house they use company cars so that you do not get to know what car they drive
two young boys ive spoken to are in a childrens home but would like to go home but are not allowed to they miss there mum so much its not helping them why can they not return if its what they want
teree force,social worker emma page social worker sherry support worker jackie smith social worker laurette johnson what ever she is ... dave barron team manager all at ely house basildon are all a waste of space call themselfs humans well i know best they are all from another planet, how do yourest at night
Staffordshire Social Services
Another child dies after recieving head injury in foster care on christmas eve ! A child who was a haemophiliac has died following a head injury he received while in foster care .I question how was such an injury allowed to happen given the boys condition ?
read about this poor child who was murdered just another word for accident in the SS vocabulary, whilst in care
another child murder hidden by the media paid for by the perverts running this country
how sad about that young boy who died while in foster care whats this world coming to when children are removed from there family and put into foster care when most of the time there is no need to move the child familieslink.co.uk
check out the high brow connections around children
could this be why so many children are disappearing
ARK and the Adams Family
ARK Schools, Academies and eugenics.
Ian Israel - CAFCASS HQ
Archway, London
A myogists who hates women. Won't listen to the children.
My daughter has ended up mentally ill due to CAFCASS intervention, and now has indefinite mental health counselling.
Way to go Ian Israel. The sooner you are struck by lightening the sooner the world becomes a better place.
Steve Adams - CAFCASS HQ
Archway, London
Steve Adams refused to register the complaints that he doesn't want to register.
May I kindly ask OFSTED to take over the CAFCASS complaints system and make it utterly independent of CAFCASS.
No wonder OFSTED remark that the complaints are low. Yes, because we are refused - even when MP's have complained for us, CAFCASS still ignore the public.
Febuary 12th is the second anniversay of Willow Simpsons death who tragically hung herself 5 days after being told her son was going to be adopted and there was nothing she could do about it.
This is set up in her memory and in the memory of all families that have been affected by FORCED ADOPTION !
I see someone else has recently posted encountering the spineless double-act Ian Israel and Steven 'Steve' Adams at the hive of family-maceration called CAFCASS Archway.
Th public can be inreasingly aware that
lucrative guardian positions
being touted in a broad PR exercise
as the sought-after link
in the family court sytem malaise
are the opposite
They are the obstructive force,
laying waste to children's lives
destroying reasonable outcomes for children
obstructing large and small scale decision-making of ordinary parents
social and economic well-being
dragging families through years and years of extended court proceedings
blacking out the children's voices
on blank cheque public funds.
Keep ploughing the money in
to this black-hole.
"Some private law practice is based on an overly-dogmatic view of the benefits of contact which can detract from a clear focus on hearing, responding and enabling children to express their individual wishes and feelings. This can lead in some cases to unnecessarily protracted assessments and proceedings, including some inappropriate pressure on children despite their clearly expressed views."
Ofsted 11 January 2010
My daughters evil lying social worker was Niky Rawlinson ( flintshire uk), My daughter is severely disabled and we only required social services just to have one weekend per month respite help (short break stays). I never had to endure any court cases or any form of child protection with my little girl as we were only linked to social services because of her disability, Any family who requires short break stays (weekend respite per month have to have meetings once every 6 months to discuss the childs diasabled health needs. This evil nasty sick woman lied about several things during a meeting. She said i refused to mow my lawn when i never. Basically i said i would do it in a few weeks time when my weekend per month help came along as i couldn't do it with my daughter running off every five mins. She made me look like a non entity in a meeting by lying saying i said i refused to do it when i never. My daughter is severe autistic and had lost bits of weight during some school hols but as coincidental as this was many people witnessed it. She had these problems for a few years, They wrote this down as a issue of neglect, not because they thought i was neglecting her with her food but because i refused a special eating team, my daughters weight was above children on a dietician graph but this nasty cow still bullied me, we didn't need this team as my daughter only had some bugs in some holiday times. I missed a few medical appointments for my daughter, These wern't appointments that were overly important and my reasons were because i thought my sis had cancer. I was beside myself with worry and explained i may have to miss a few, She then wrote this down as neglect. Bullying cold and nasty as all i had missed was a few appointments. She said i had no emotional bond based on a visit which was just on her first hour, she only just met me and my daughter was happy eating her breakfast, i never spoken to my little girl as being disabled she would refuse to eat it if i did. Other professional have assesed the bond and say i have a amazing bond with my girl...This nasty evil cow bullied me from the offset and still has her job in flintshire....I have never come across anyone as evil and sick as her....like i say there has been no court case and my daughter has never been on a child protection list, but i hate the way they lie and still get to keep their jobs.
medical appts in which i missed for my daughter, which i forgot to elaborate on in my previous post were the following, A dermatologist appt (my daughters problem was as harmless as a birthmark) a dental appt, I seriously believed these went to her special school, a Eye outpatient appt (my daughter is severe disabled and cant communicate) I genuinely thought attending one was irrelevant. Nasty evil bullying bitch would basically look for any tiny problem just to bring it up as a issue of neglect. Seriously missing a few medical appointments shouldn't be bought up as neglect if they were genuine reasons and when u explain to that woman that your sis is also ill, You expect empathy and support instead of sick evil bullying.
These so-called service apparatchiks lie
they portray normal and above average parents
as non-entities
-it is the ultimate cruelty to UK children.
They seem to get their kicks from that
It's where they get their own sense of self-importance from
It is disgusting.
Everyone should boycott all meetings and interviews with these officials
they are operating a fascist system against families, decent parents and children
to place children in abusive situations
so that they can legitimise stealing them for forced adoption.
Meet with CAFCASS and any of their medical-therapist type database cohorts
and you are walking into the satan's lair
CAFCASS & Co are racketeering.
The social services types are highly manipulative as portraying the family's private diary schedule as the business for state intervention
They do this by inflating or misrepresenting the true nature of the appointment
once the parent is portrayed as a non-entity, no authoriative body will listen to that parent...
It is a breach of human rights.
It is a hypocrisy because
if the parent was mentally incompetent as SS implies by its treatment of the parent, the parent would be entitled to a mental health advocate
If the parent is not registered under mental health act
it must be assumed that the parent is capable of making the normal essential everyday decisions for their child unless proved otherwise
SS tyoes are chancers
They are getting away with portraying an implied parental incompetence/inadequacy based on their own prejudice/agenda
spurious reports beased on witholding facts and speculating around a false hypothesis
to bring discriminatory actions against families.
that should have said
SS types
multi-agency intervention
is dangerous on the basis of the sloppy non-accountable processes
multi-agency fascism is failing UK children
by design
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