We are ashamed to be British, who would have thought this goes on in our society? We wouldn’t think it, because we don’t know it’s going on!
That’s about to change, we have but one tool at our disposal, a tool even more powerful than social worker’s having their day in court against hapless families, that tool is The Internet a machine so vast it covers the globe in seconds. Maybe, just maybe they have met their match. If you have been on the end of “their justice” it is more than likely you have nothing more to loose, please feel at liberty to tell it like it really is, name all involved, without revealing your identity.
Say NO to gagging orders, how dare they! We know its not in the interests of the child, its in the interests of the perverse judgments and scrappy evidence that could never stand up in a ‘proper’ court furthermore it could cause a public outcry if it ever got out. We’ve had enough of the injustice and the secret courts, this must end and it must end NOW, the outcry is about to begin.
Its not enough to tell your story, naming names is imperative if this is to have any impact, provide every detail you have, car registration numbers, home addresses even add a link to www.flickr.com with their photograph. Create a profile on one of the many social networking sites, they can't afford to close them all, you will have maximum impact! The more information you provide the more they will want to close the site, the more they want to close it the more mirror sites will appear with all the same information on them, this will hurt them make no mistake, they won't like the publicity and like we care? No longer can they get away with the ability to hide behind the secret courts!
We have provided the means to "freely express" now you can have your say…
You can make your "comment" anonymously or if you are in any doubt about the traceability of your comment search for "Anonymous Surfing" and use a proxy website or go HERE then enter this Blog again by copy/paste nameshamesocialworkers.blogspot.com/ ...then say your piece, your identity remains untouchable ...the world is waiting.
Our day will come.... as will theirs
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«Oldest ‹Older 4601 – 4800 of 5060 Newer› Newest»As we all know by now the BBC is bias, any reporting by them would be full of deceptions,they have been unlawfully making money out of adoptions, photos of children all over the place, adds in new papers....
BBC is common purpose and supports the corrupt EU.
The BBC twisted the truth.
Social workers,
Amanda Mcauley, LIER, hidden agenda full of her self, ego. Has no idea what she is talking about.
Marion Temlett, has mental health problems, also a lier,needs to go on a diet.
Grace Chatting, corrupt as hell, husband is a freemason, she has been protecting the child sex abuser.
Siobhan Walace, drug abuse, stealing your children, another lier, making lot of money for her self? fostering & adoptions.
Tracy Allison, very wet and two faced. tries very hard to cover up the truth
John Baker, head of the SS ran away when it got hot, the media on baby perrins death, under his watch. child died, 9mths old, on the child protection register, visited 47 times, left to die in the care of social workers in plymouth. they then tried hard to twist the truth.
Bronwen Lacey child protection SS and common purpose. "we like to keep the baby with its Mother"
How much money have they made to meet their targerts?
Claire Mainwaring, sick and a lier,
Richard Woodfied a real ARSHOLE
Bea Belgrave, cunts
Claire Martin, cunts
Karen Trim cunts, corrupt
These cunts dont have cunts, they have arsholes, were on their faces.
The united nations Convention on the rights of children, I think their are about 54 articles, every four years each government, who has signed up to the convention on the rights of children, send in a report to the "rights of the child committee" in Geneva.
The only two governments who have not signed up to the convention on children's rights, are the USA and Somalia?
the high commissioner from the united nations is meant to sit in on these meetings.
Tony Blair sent a report in a few years ago. you can find this on the ineter-net, need a lot of paper.
Under the principles of article 12 of the convention of the right of the child, they are meant to listen to the child, give them a voice, this is reported on, but by whom?
However, if you look at the principles of the children act this is not the case, it appears that the views and statements of children are not taken in to account.
We now know that the united nations have agenda with children, one world order and every child matters....
I think we all need to ask the MPs who is reporting on the next report to the committee in Geneva, were their evidence basis?
children rights are meant to protect children, not to be use against parents and then used by common purpose corrupt social workers.
We all want happy young people, however, they do not have the wisdom of their years, young people can be influenced and used by those who have agenda.
The committee on children rights in Geneva can take legal action against governments, if they fail.
We should start to write on mass class action, to Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Committee on the Rights of the Child, Chairperson of the Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva.
In light of all the corrupt adoptions and the rest...........
I think Ian Joesph book alone would help, forced adotions, then the criminal court at the Hague
Great Ormond St, Children Hospital, London, has helped many children, the nurses and doctors as far as I knew, were wonderful, allways supporting the family no matter what. A very high standard of care.
However, what is going on and by whom, is this famous children hospital now run by common purpose, I hope not, I think it is time to write to the hospital chief Executive.
The SS illegal depts are using experts from GOS against parents in the corrupt and secert family courts, from the Psychiatry dept for young people.
Mrs Maria Ruegger a consultant guardian? I understand she is a social worker, a lecturer in social work, links with cafcass, child protection, on the gscc approved list of examiners for post qualifying awards in social work.
I hope she is one of the good guys
The committee on children rights in Geneva, must be made aware of the corruption in the family courts in the uk.
The stealing of the nations children by the state, forced adoptions, illeagl reporting by lawyers, judges, barristers, cafcass, so called child protection, corrupt police, social workers, common purpose, freemasons. child sex offenders, the list goes on............
we are at war, with our own people,
mind control, no feelings for others
thank you David Icke
How to turn the world around
courts in Monaco corrupt, judges meeting on child protection from the uk, not what it appears
Judge David Tyzack QC is a ARSHOLE.
He should know he likes poo on his face, I am not joking this is part of some sex ritual he is in to. He is sick, that just half of it.
Common purpose so called 'charitable' agency that is brainwashing chosen people in all spheres of government and commerce to become the future leaders who will spread the doctrines of this sinister society.
Mr Justice Coleridge sits in the high court, what was he up to in europe trying to take make a child, a ward of court? against a court order from the uk.
freemasons behind it
Mr Justice Coleridge, high court judge, part of a child stealing set up in Morocco, tried hard to get a child a ward of court, out side of the UK, tried to keep the press out, but failed. Paid to do this.
mother had a court order, child stealing through the back door, corrupt solicitors, M16 try to take the mother out. Another failure.
freemasons behind this. Judge tried to tell the courts in Morocco what to do.
criminals, paying people to do their dirty work. He is evil should not be sitting as a judge
The united nations Convention on the rights of children, I think their are about 54 articles, every four years each government, who has signed up to the convention on the rights of children, send in a report to the "rights of the child committee" in Geneva.
Governments are guilty of breaching this convention on children rights, by their own laws, policies, carried out by social workers, corrupt councils with their legal teams. All of them have been perverting the cause of justice.
The UK family courts steals babies/children with out the consent of the parents for adoption. Big money is made out of forced adoption.
Children have a right to be protected, right to life and a right to family life, their own bloodline, not someone else.
Article 12
Reports by social workers, discredit parents, in secret.
social workers are agents of the police state, spy's
I would like to know why GOS is being used by corrupt legal teams from social services to discredit parents. Great Ormond St, Children Hospital has had a high standard of care towards sick children and support for the parents through out it time, why would this famous hospital change its policy.
If your not a patient at the above Hospital why would anyone write a report on you. The hospital social worker wouldn't know the child or the family. The report would be bias, how could it stand up in court.
Yet corrupt social services have been using GOS and other good hospitals, giving them a bad name, because of they have hidden agenda, to discredit families and steal children.
Children who have been abused have reported the abuse to their parents, their is evidence, how can a third party then come along, i.e social worker, not a police officer and report on the assaults, ABH,GBH....Evidence is evidence.
So called experts try and tell the child it never happened and then try to put ideas in to their young minds.
What is the agenda and who are the SS trying to protect. The SS try and say the parents are mad for bringing the case. Then they try and bring another so called expert in.
We have seen this in Hollie case, which is criminal, case of public interest. I hope one day this criminal case is heard in the Old Baily with a jury, or European court of justice.
Children rights should not be used against parents, is this coming from the EU?
What the SS are doing is Perverting the cause of justice.
Because in in the secret family courts they are getting away with it.
Judges are going along with it
Hospial social workers were "once" on site to support parents with their worries and grief. Anyone who has had a sick child will know how hard it can be, very stressful.
Why would anyone use that against you
Lots of public money is spent on these bias reports from so called experts, look what they did to Sally Clark. Its still going on.
Conor Dennison, cafcass Plymouth, he has been working as SS spy for far to long, he is useless, bias towards protecting the father's who have abused the children and Mother.
I would say he is a big arshole, very close to Julie William cafcass, baby stealer and a real cunt.
Writes rubbish.
I would think he is a Freemason or would like to be one,
seen him a round reporting on young people to the police. complaints have been made about him and the corrupt cafcass staff nothing has been done about any of them.
Well done to the fathers4justice and Ofsted.
protecting Pedophiles
Conor Dennison, cafcass Plymouth
'Tony Cartalucci's The Anatomy of a Globalist Propaganda Operation has exposed the facts that the New York "Imam" Faisal Abdul Rauf, the frontman for the near ground zero mosque, is a CFR member and that his Cordoba Initiative and the American Society for Muslim Advancement are at least partly funded by the usual suspects in the 'new world disorder' including the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers, Rockefeller Philanthropy, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
What is wrong with being a single parent, how is that a crime Edd Balls, child stealer what happened about the fraud at westmister, nothing.
Parental Responsibility what does this mean, some people take more responsibility than others.
I know a family they have six kids, the 3 half year old is still in nappies, my children were clean at 18mths. we all have difference standards.
Parental Responsibility, how can the state have parental responsibility.
what law? they make it up as they go along.
Their are spiritural laws, which they are going against, it will come back on them one day.
most social workers voted for new labour, they have influence social policy, taken over the children act, and acted as judge and jury on the rest of us.
Who and when were the changes made.
lots of socal workers do not declare their interests. A hopeless situation
lets hope Sam's baby is normal and the SS don't take it off her, like they do with so many others. lets hope she didn't take any drugs while pregnant with her husband.
I wouldn't wish that, however, their does appear to be some double standards going here.
It interesting when you look back at what the Nazi's got up to, running away after the war, helped by the Roman Catholic Church, child abusers. I understood a lot of these psychopaths went to South Africa, we have had trouble with judges in the family and civil courts who came from south Africa, what the links, blood lines, links to lizards?
Maidstone Mayor Eric Hotson CON and ex mayors Denise Joy LIB & Richard Ash CON were seen parading about in Maidtone Market on the pretence of keeping it open. What they dont know is everybody in that market knows exactly what they have kept hidden ex mayor Peter Hooper LIB was caught down loading child porn on the council laptop but it was covered up by the councillors and legal team ; head legal Paul Fisher ex ceo David Petford common purpose graduates who all cover up forced adoption and the council finger printing children in schools without parental consent.
As in Sam Cameron David Cameron's wife well known for drug taking with her first born ?
Is this why she had to go abroad to get cleaned up ?
Double standards are rife in government.
BBC panorama programme.
We do not see anyone after an injury get to keep their child/ren at home.
Just thought i would mention it as it is something i noticed as well.They seemed to have got rid of ss too easily.
They worked for the same local authority!!!! its not what you are its who you are !!!
Nicky Herron
also getting any reports done other than theres doesnt happen very often.. and as for trying to get one of your whitnesses into court....ummm
Michele Madeleine
what about when they knew it wasn't you hurt your own son?i hadn't had to prove i had not hurt mine.there was not much to work on then when i had passed the CBT i had a choice to undertake if i wanted my son home.i would have walked to Mount Everest and back had i been asked to as many of us would.but why get us to carry out this work and then stamp "fail" all over our foreheads when we had passed.even when we don't pass it is one big fix.
Tracy Marsh
i watched it, it brought it with back , what i went though , still finding it hard after 3 years
John Hopkins
Can someone please explain some missing points on Mondays TV show, the Police experts drew conclusions based on incorrect data at best and perhaps on no data. That,s no longer scientific investigation. Should those " professionals " be subject to a GMC review ?
George Mc Kevitt My daughter suffered two separate broken legs before she was 14 months old.
The worst one being a spiral fracture.
This couple were arrested and charged because it is impossible for a child or most anybody to self inflict a spiral fracture.
It was never explained who caused this vicious break.
But my main point is that my e...x was never even investigated over either injury.
She lied that my daughter suffered one injury at nursery.(she would of sued them into bankruptcy)
I contacted the SS,cafcass and the police and nobody would act.
My barrister asked the family court judge about it and he refused to even consider investigating so late in the case.
He had ordered health and doctors reports and then ignored what was discoverd.
This is what panorama should of been investigating the secrecy when everybody sits on the fence and NOBODY takes responsibility.
My daughter is still with her very abusive mother and I can only wait for her to understand whats happening and come to me for help.
panorama was a total let down it just shows its only subject to status they did not have their baby removed ?
even though they were charged and criminal proceedings were brought against them?
the program said they did not fit the criteria for child abusers !
well so what about many more innocent... parents ?
could it be the fact that they worked for that local authority ????
i wonder ???
Cameron and Clegg, total insult to the people and democracy, the fight is not over, it feels like one win in favour is a start but there is a long way to go before people wake up to what the elite are doing to the people.
John Booth
Derick Gibson
I Know how they felt having their little lad took off them for nothing because the SS think that they know everything and the parents must have done something i admire them for speaking out because my daughter was stolen(kidnapped) by the SS for being too happy loved and wanted they were also jealous of her and thought that there should have been something wrong with her but there wasnt that was the only reason that she was took the nappy rash was a joke which they got out of a christmas cracker
Derick Gibson
I Know how they felt having their little lad took off them for nothing because the SS think that they know everything and the parents must have done something i admire them for speaking out because my daughter was stolen(kidnapped) by the SS for being too happy loved and wanted they were also jealous of her and thought that there should have been something wrong with her but there wasnt that was the only reason that she was took the nappy rash was a joke which they got out of a christmas cracker
Islington have colluded with the GSCC that’s for sure. That means this is serious and under no circumstances, do they wants this made public. I gave them all the evidence needed to expose the metering out ill treatment of vulnerable adults exploiting their vulnerability and using mental cruelty.
This is in the public arena now and as the public we have a right. No we demand answers, not out of the can replies. The fact the GSCC is complicit with Islington Council shows there is a cover up and they are desperate for this not to go public. Maria’s case has exposed the Criminal who works covertly, removing children for the financial benefit for themselves.
Children removed by the methods of these social workers I would believe are not legally adopted and the adoption is null.
We are not having any of this
Maria’s doctor has put her on STELAZINE
We are prepared to go to the GSCC offices and confront these arseholes face on. I can’t stand it, that I have given them evidence of abuse of vulnerable women and they do nothing what does that say? The removal of babies, children under these circumstances means the adoption is null. The children have been kidnapped.
THIS IS A PUBLIC CONCERN NOW. You can contact the GSCC refer to Maria Gray case no 708. Ask them why are the named social workers still working with the public. When the GSCC hold evidence that shows them to be a risk, especially to vulnerable women.
I large and ever growing list of all Social workers, Cfcass, teachers etc with criminal convictions and warnings, suspensions etc. Please read and follow the info page for instructions.
Sue Bailey
The judge that put a 91/14 on me was a very nasty twat i put a complaint in again him he stood down of my case but left me with a statement with the judge saying because i didnt get want i wanted i really didnt like him so iam making things up against him this twat of a judge had me on the stand for 5 days pulling me apart taking in everything what the ss said too him calling me mental then they would all laugh if i opened my mouth he told me to shut up they called him judge Robert Shaw hes the evil man
i had postnasal illness and it passes after 2 years but yet to Doncaster SS i am still mental i have a son at home with me that is doing really well at school and ive have help him though all what they have done too him in the 6 months he was in there care
Peter Tobin? He was with the Jesus Army, and they are involved in the secret family courts child abuse/forced adoption . A man called Luke, who was abused by the Jesus Army.
Your Freedom of Speech - About Human Rights (UK)
The freedom of speech is a fundamental human right.
But in the UK you have NO RIGHT ITS SHUT UP AND PUT UP
If you see 2 social workers in a car going over a cliff do you laugh or cry?
cry because you could of got 3 more in the back an 2 more in the boot
PARANOID part of SS interview (important)
Two devious Social workers lying about the legality of recording your own conversations with them without informing them. It is NOT illegal and many of us have done this and had it used in court! These people are lying and trying to intimidate people into not recordin...g because they know there is a culture of lies and manipulation amongst them!
Great, wonderful, caught telling lies on tape, you cannot use the recording in court but you can produce a word for word transcript of everything they say and uase it in court as evidence. If they lie in court, as they do, then ask the Judge to listen to the recording inhis private chambers. You can also share the tape withyour legal advisor to prove SS or cafcass or police are setting you up unlawfully.
You also have the right to remain silent. I mean silent and do not sign anything, even if they bully and threaten you, tape everything they say and thats it. You will be well placed to defend yourself against false allegations.Anything you do say will be used against you and misconstrued by the SS and cafcass and police.
You do not have to tell them, it is not illegal, and can be used in court , a senior judge has even said record !
Fighters Against Child Abuse
A Ministry of Professional and Amateur Fighters dedicated to helping Abused Children
I think i will save my recordings for the Hague !
I have written a piece for the Telegraph which should be in this weekend or next week
Chrissie Young
Our social workers normally hit the headlines when some Baby P-type horror story comes to light, showing how they failed to intervene when a child was so maltreated by its parents that it died.
What don't usually make the news, however, are the hundreds of cases when the social workers' failure is the very opposite: where, aided by police and courts, they seem determined to remove children from responsible parents, to consign them to an often miserable life with foster carers or to adoption.
Having examined many such cases in recent months, some in exhaustive detail, and spoken to experts who are deeply disturbed by what is going on, I have no hesitation in describing this as one of the worst hidden scandals in Britain today.
It is clear that the child protection system created under the Children's Act 1989 has gone horrifyingly off the rails, leading one High Court judge recently to compare it to the kind of thing which went on in 'Stalin's Russia or Mao's China'.
Two general aspects of this system failure are particularly shocking, One is the callous disregard the system shows for both parents and children in failing to uphold the central principle it was set up to protect: the interests of the children.
The other is how the system is shrouded in such secrecy that its workings remain almost entirely concealed from public view.
What is remarkable is how consistently this system displays the same fundamental flaws. From the moment social workers intrude into their lives, the parents find themselves treated like criminals, plunged into a Kafka underworld.
When their children are seized, on suspicions which too often turn out to be unfounded, this is almost invariably with full support from the police. When one mother was recently breast-feeding her newborn baby at 3 o'clock in the morning, no fewer than nine police officers and social workers entered the hospital room to wrest the baby from her.
The parents then find themselves caught up in a court system which seems almost entirely geared to taking their children away. There seems no one outside the system they can turn to. The judges seem predisposed against them, Even their own lawyers can seem as much part of the system as those acting for the other side. When independent experts wish to put their case, their evidence is often ignored.
As parliamentary figures show, the number of applications for care orders averages around 8,000 a year. Of these only between 0.1 and 0.2 per cent are refused.
Often just as evident as the distress of the parents is that of the children, who find themselves placed in the care of strangers for reasons they cannot understand. Where 'contact' is allowed with parents this is ruthlessly supervised by the social workers, so that if a mother speaks 'inappropriately', as by showing any sign of affection to her child, the contact may be instantly terminated.
All this appears to be in flagrant breach of the original Act, which purports to put the interests of the children first, not least in prescribing that wherever possible if they are taken from their parents they should be kept with their siblings – as so often they are not – or placed with relatives.
Yet Parliamentary figures show that only in one per cent of cases are children placed with 'kinship carers' – whereas in Denmark the figure is 45 per cent.
Part of why social workers seem so zealous in seizing children on the flimsiest of evidence is that until recently councils were given ambitious 'adoption targets' by central government, rewarded with funds running into millions a year. Huge sums of public money are still available to fund this system. Social worker-approved foster carers can receive up to £400 a week for each child, and not a few social workers are foster carers themselves.
Almost as alarming, however, is the way the system manages to blanket its operations in such secrecy. Nominally to protect the interests of the children, it is forbidden to report anything which goes on in court or which might identify them. But this often goes so much further, as when social workers instruct parents that they must not talk about their case to any outsiders, that the secrecy seems designed to protect not so much the children as the system itself.
Ian Josephs, a businessman based in the South of France, first became concerned about this issue when he was a county councillor and has helped hundreds of distressed families through his Forced Adoption website. High on his list of recommendations as to how the system could be reformed is that parents who find themselves victims of the system should no longer be gagged from speaking to outsiders.
There should be an end to Britain's system of 'forced adoption', almost unique in Europe. Instead of judges deciding behind closed doors, parents should be allowed to put their case to a jury. Contacts between parents and children should no longer be controlled by social workers but by a judge.
Family courts should no longer be allowed to accept mere 'hearsay' evidence, Social workers should no longer be allowed to snatch children simply on vague suspicions that they might suffer 'emotional harm'. Finally, the courts should no longer be allowed to exclude evidence from independent experts just because this might challenge the social workers' case.
With these reforms, says Mr Josephs, much of the rampant injustice of this system might be removed. Since Parliament gave social workers such extraordinary power over other people's lives, politicians have by and large stepped away from the hideous abuse of that power which has resulted, Only the politicians can now get this tragically corrupted system back on the rails.
SHAME on the UK welfare system who wants to take without giving- unless you arent actually in need... middle class benefits MUST stop
other countries with fewer abuse and neglect victims help parents, support families, don't try to detect abusers
Hall of Shame | www.tpuc.org
For some time now we have been highlighting the fact that many central government departments, local governments, magistrates’ courts, crown courts and the police all seem to be companies and have a business number and many have ccj's that are unsatisfied registered against them.
Do not register your childrens births, it is a good way of ensuring that the SS Cannot remove them from you lawfully
"Offence of harassment, (1)A person who pursues a course of conduct in breach of section 1 is guilty of an offence.(2)A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale, or both.(3)In section 24(2) of the [1984 c. 60.] Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (arrestable offences), after paragraph (m) there is inserted—“(n)an offence under section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 (harassment).”.
SS wanker Michael Hill social workr
i have been told my hatred for social workers is bad, my dreams about them hanging by there feet while going through a slaughter house is wrong but someone oh someone please tell me why,
i used to work in a slaughter house i killed 120 pigs ...an hour these beautiful lifes never harmed me in any way i thought they were cute at first, even wanted one as a pet, social workers are evil kiniving twisted lying pieces of s--- why does this make them special, why does it make them better than these pigs, why is there existence more important
lmao got it they are that filthy and disgusting that there is no one that could lower them selves to eat one
how the f*** are we supposed to get justice when its them b******* at the top in power who is hurting our kids???
We need more spokespersons like bill maloney,'most of these high profile truthers are a waste of space,'they wont put there money where there mouths are...typical tho,'they shout the odds an when it comes on top they will expect us down her...e the little people to do there deeds...cant stand bullshitters me...this is why bill is one of us,;he came from us and he has'nt forgotten...GOD BLESS YE BILL MALONEY...an keep up the good work an fight the good fight...
The tide is turning. Are the MPs of the UK going to join them?
Senators line up to tell U.N. to leave kids alone
Michael Farris Already, 31 members of the U.S. Senate all Republicans have agreed to oppose any presentation of the United Nations' Convention of the Rights of the Child treaty and critics of the international plan to vest a long list of rights.
Barbara Richards
Keep naming and shaming these crooked old farts. Judge Anthony Cleary was the cretin who persecuted me - on direct orders from Jack Straw and Lard Falconer.
Sandra Metcalfe
This probably the most corupt system in place. WHY because the secrecy surrounding childrens services means they are unaccountable, this is the biggest change that the government should make.Once anyone has their neck in a noose, once they are made accountable for their actions, only then will the serious and appalling child abuse cases will be dealt with, and these children will be saved. That is what child protection should be about,money is the root of all evil and the ss truely are evil.
Lance For Congress
As a Federal candidate running for Congressional seat district 24, I am addressing many controversial issues that other candidates are too afraid to talk about, such as stopping legal child kidnapping.
Linda Mcdermott
After watching Panorama last night this is the same case law that the GMC are using to name experts:I hope to god they name these experts Dr Claire Sturge & Dr Wilkins Plus Graham Flatman.
this is 1 of the case laws GMC are using .
Janet Cresswell
Norma Howse
Dr David Briggs
Niky Rawlinson based in flintshire, lie's in planning meetings, bullies parents and misconducts herself in public, This nasty cow talks about what information is on parents files to other professionals and people who work outside her dept when it is confidential information.
Sick nasty bitch needs destroying.
Tim Haines
We all know that there are many cases where the injustices committed by the authorities are SO much greater than in the case given here. Presumably they had to use a case such as this because it is one of the few where the child was eventually reunited with his parents; in most cases the outcome is adoption and the LA would have been still been stood there saying this was a correct and necessary outcome.
There was also the two pieces of important case law established by this family concerning the fact that just because an injury is unexplained, it is NOT in itself sufficient grounds for the assumption of abuse, and also the ability to name 'expert' witnesses who have been involved in Family cases. As the presenter said, were it not for this latter case law they would have been unable to make the programme at all so presumably they wanted to publicise this case law as much as the case itself. Let us hope the programme has succeeded in opening up the debate further.
Michele Madeleine
what gets me,they knew i had no part in injuring my son whatsoever.his dad admitted it.
It caused me to have a breakdown.but even so,i was treated like a criminal been told it was my responsibility. I will never be over losing my son for a crime i did not commit. . i was treated very badly and my other 3 children along the way and now after seeing this programme,
I am more confused than before why i did not get my son back when ss and the guardian's evidence was flawed. This is in the judgement this is.and why the judge started letting my son come home then took him in a cruel fate. I think ss have done and tried the whole lot with my other 3 children and myself.
Yes, I was allowed to keep my other children and this is going on far to much now and on the increase.ss do not think they can say what they like and get away with it.ss do what they like and get away with it.
Jacqui Smith was most unhelpful when i told her the sw was lying about me at the start. she said reluctantly she would have to see my files...i told my solicitor who said i was not allowed to do this,i'm sure she said it was illegal due to been family court proceedings.i saw somewhere on here it is legal.it is all about knowing our rights which i didn't.
i learnt the hard way alongside my other 3 children who i was allowed to keep at home. You feel like you are punished and in a morgue.it really is like facing a death for doing nothing to deserve this. It stinks.
Jerry Lonsdale
Please read some of the responses to last nights Panorama Programme, its there plain as day, the system simply is not fit for purpose, theres some expert comments on there which while calling the situation shocking they still have to protect their profession
Jerry Lonsdale
baby William was never reunited with his parents as he was never taken into care, the grandparents moved into the family home, how many cases do you know where even a scratch is found on a child, the child remains in the care of the parents, BTW the Mother was a Social Worker and dad was in IT, money covered all their costs to fight, the Panorama programme could have delved into this a little further, how many judges do you know who will fight the case in county like the judge on the case did, 99% of judges would not have allowed the parents to have the children, if that happened then the case would not have made it to airing.
The whole programme was not fair , why not show a case like the masses really are, you need to remember the BBC don't tell the whole story, there not allowed to.
Most mothers facing a case like this one would not only have lost their son... to adoption, but also lost subsequent children.
Firstly, they were allowed to have the grandparents supervising. That is rare.
Secondly, they were allowed a second medical opinion. That also is rare.
What would normally have happened would have been that baby William would have been put with foster carers and limited contact (perhaps three times a week if they were lucky) would have been the option.
Yvonne Stewart-Taylor
Mughel, Sprigg, Ganesan, Wright, Erdhart!! All fabricated bogus reports to cover the NHS neglect of my grandchild.Accusing us of NAI's and child abuse, our names have still not been cleared after 7 years and police still treating us all like criminals.
This is typical of the Child Protection/Social Services system and I am speaking as a Police Officer. Day in, day out, I see cases of children living in squalor, cruel and blatantly dangerous situations. These situations go unpunished with little or no action taken. When it comes to a 2.4 children family who care and love their child who gets injured in unexplained or accidental circumstances, they have the book thrown at them. I could give countless examples of such cases and nearly everyday in my working life I come across the next 'Baby P' that is just not dealt with. It is typical of the scum of this county being untouched and the good upstanding people being targeted!
How frightening. I have 3 young children, my boys are particularly accident prone and the thought of something like this happening absolutely petrifies me. There are real monsters out there who NEVER get caught. These poor people lived through a nightmare.
Social services does not work. It needs a radical overhaul.
Social workers : Under paid and over worked and due to a the system over zealous ! Since when did we live in a guilty until proven innocent society. Why should any judgement be secret. They must be made public to clear the parties names...who is trying to be protected the child or the incompentant "experts" Name them and shame them and get them struck off. Unexplained injuries are by definition unexplained. The settlement should be made public too.
ive just been through a very similar experience to this family unfortuantly i didnt have the happy ending, the judge ruled that me and my ex partner were possible perpatrators he couldnt actually prove anything and i lost my son to adoption this june hes not even 2 yet.
i didnt hurt my son and social services and the judge didnt give me a chance. my son was 3 months old when he went into care for fractures same as the family on the show
this programme was so upsetting.....
iv been in the same situation in 2006 with my daughter this brought back so many memories i thought i was on my own until i saw this.....
i live with this every day of my life i will never get over it
My friend was a victim of this kind of situation. Funnily enough the first x-rays that were done on their son at the time dissapeared . I would like to know how this is acceptable why x-rays are allowed to go missing. When its clear that they never hurt their child. Their case had no outcome and they still took their eldest two children whom they haven't seen scince their eldest was two. Proof of this is that they have two younger children who live with them with no problems what so ever if they were such bad parents then why are they allowed to happily stay at home with them under their care. This is just proof that injustice does happen for no reason.Someone tell me why children who are loved and cared for and are well looked after should be taken just because of anon calls and such they are too quick to jump to conclusions also the fact that evidence that goes for you goes missing but YET children who are actually being abused and harmed are left in the family home. This confuses me I will never understand how they can get away with tearing apart good fareing familys that want nothing but the best for their children.
Ill tell you why there are situation like this and then on the other hand situation like Baby P. It's because social services have a system where they need to 'save' children to get brownie points, but don't want to get thier hands to dirty. After all why become a target of a real child abuser who might attack you!?, why not get easier targets and 'suspected' child abuse cases, use professionals to twist the truth so that you become guilty.
I know first hand about Social Services and they have used very trick on the book. And the worst thing is they get away with it in the courts. The miss out details, change words from 'may' to 'have' and by the time these reports get to the courts they are full of complete lies !
Social Serives complain that they are damned if they do and damned if they dont, but actually its the innocent parents because CPS have always got the money and family courts support. Unless you rich you will never win against if they have it in for you, no matter how innocent you are.
Exactly unless you happen to be a rich like John Hemming MP who got his mistress pregnant and stopped the SS intervening
Its funny how he stopped them taking his child but does bugger all to stop anyones elses being taken or returned, but is very busy keeping collecting and passing on information no doubt to other MP's who he pretends to work with and judges !
My heart goes out to this family, what a living nightmare.
Months ago my son was aged 4 months and the health visitor noticed his head was swollen, we ended up in hospital for 5 days and it was the worst experience of my life. I found out he had had a bleed between his brain and his skull. The medics called in the police and the social services, my son had to get every bone in his body xrayed and his eyes checked out for shaken baby syndrome!!! All they kept saying was its procedure. I can tell you i fully agree with the protection of children and have a very lovng caring family. After the 5 days and the tests being ok, they said we could go home that all the tests were fine, as if i didnt know that already. Im still sitting here worried sick about my wee boy and the Drs are telling me to treat him like a healthy wee boy. I have written complaining to them.What happened to innocent until proven guilty. I will never forget this as long as I live, i can only learn to live with it. Thanks for listening.
my three children were taken from me in a closed court case i was accused at first until they realised it wasnt me then it was decided my lifestyle was to blame after 3 years i settled down and became pregnant they said they wouldnt take my new baby i was having unsupervized contact with my eldest when 9 months pregnant they told me they would be taking the baby so i left the country but they still hounded me and my baby was taken at birth i now have unsupervized contact with my baby she is not yet a year my life is ruined i will never return to the uk i think its so wrong to take children from their mother sometimes things happen and nobody knows what. my heart goes out to the wards im glad they are ok now but there are so many like me with children taken away with no proof just suspicion .
I too have 2 children who social services removed from my care 18 months ago and am still struggling to have them returned to my care. I was falsely accused of endangering my children. Since then I have lost my job, my family and very soon my home that social services say is squalid!! They haven't been further than my kitchen at the front of my house and although it is in need of updating it is very far from being squalid. In my opinion Social services are nothing more than incompetant people who like to play God with other people's lives
i would like to point out that because of the court case i never want children again, im suffering with major depression, and when friends want me to hold their children i panic, i know im innocent but the trauma left behind is hard to overcome
were going throught the family courts due to my ex abuseing me and my child 5 years ago. Weve been through contact centre, 3 unsupervised sessions (came back due to bruises on my childs arm from biologigal father) & now fully supervised and recorded contact by social workers. My ex has been 2 contact sessions since January. I ve taken a screaming child to all sessions (bar 2 session) & now ive had the court slapped on me a (prision?) penal notice, as i say I cant put my child through this hell! My child has told the centre manager that he hates this man, & school teachers. I ve now also been told my ex is going for FULL residential as apparently I'm abusing my childs as not making (forcing) him go !!! Now thats family courts for you!!
What one is trying to understand ...is in my case i have a child at risk of being sexualy/physically abused for which social services etc have done nothing..and then i have a new born which has been taken from me...the reasons i feel they still are trying to figure out!!!! I really hope that after people watching this programme changes are made to stop children being taken from parents for no reason what so ever...and only based on hearsay and what may happen....would love for reporter to enter my case as they will be able to report the system of the courts where children are taken from loving parents for no reason what so ever.....
OMG!!!! to say we went through EXACTLY the same things as this loving couple is an understatement!! I am crying my eyes out at ALL the similarities.... Our Son was to live in our house with my parents while investigations took place (for nearly a year!) The case was dismissed by the CPS and we had only a few days in Crown Court before that too was thrown out. We fought for our innocence too and we still have no answer to our son's Accidental Injury. I was taken to court for contempt as I DID name a Radiologist in a media interview, I had to make a personal apology to her, for her wrong diagnosis!! The court system HAS to change, as we thought we were the only ones.... clearly we are all out there fighting these battles and not being able to talk about it.
i feel all the pain of any family that is inocent that has had dealings with social care. Im a mother of 5 children who have all been removed by social services my 2 eldest are goin to be adopted at the end of next month and no matter what i do i cant seem to stop them! I have never hurt my children or neglected them in any way nor do i take drugs or drink. But because of 1 arguement between me and my ex partner over money problems they say im unable to protect my children so i move me and my children away so they said i have a chotic life whilst the family had social care uprooting us and using it against us my 3rd child was born 3 months earlie due to stress which they also used against me! If anyone can help me to stop this maddness my lil broken family would forever thankful. My children are my world! Help us x
I'v just sat and cried most of the way through this, as im going through exacally the same! and i know how draining and mentally exhusting it is, social workers dont think about the effect things like this have on the children she was lucky enought to have a child who was too young to understand what was happening, one of my 2 boys is 6 and very aware something is happening and the change in him is unreal, he wont talk about any of his feelings, its like he's shut down to question because he's been pushed back and fourth by both the police and social workers asking about his baby brother and wanting to know everything about our family life!
What a sad story and also a nightmare that is playing out across this country ruining many good decent families. My sister who is a loving Mum of 2 young children had both removed after an unexplained injury on the younger child (no previous issues or history of any kind). Due to having no explanation she was presumed guilty by social services and has been without her kids for nearly 2 years due to a doctors report saying it was unlikely to be accidental. The social services won't allow me to contact sessions due to social services saying it is too much for the child, nor will they assess me as I told them in interview there is no way my sister would have harmed.
The case on Panorama tonight just shows how wrong the closed family courts are and how social services are getting it wrong by removing children based on one single incident of unexplained injury. Thoughts go out to all families affected by this unfair blight on British justice.
Judging based on the balance of probability over anything else doesn't happen in criminal courts, why should it happen in family courts? Disgusting.
Secret family courts are an abomination. They are contrary to any sense of justice. You are guilty if people behind closed doors say you are and you can do nothing about it. This must change. Lives are being destroyed by the SS and family courts. My step daughter has had all 5 children (my grandchildren) taken from her because her partner was secretly a paedophile who raped my eldest granddaughter. So now the whole family has been punished by the very people you expect to support and help you through this trauma. And all because they said my step daughter didnt protect her children! How was she to know?!!!
Andrew Parker
In October 2008 my son Benjamin was born at 26 weeks 3 days he was looked after by an amazing neonatal team at our local hospital until he was 8 weeks old still not even full term when he suffered a broken arm in his incubater whilst still in the special care ward. The staff could not explain it and when we pushed for an explenation all they would say was we dont know how it could have happened. when we sought legal advice we got the same answers. it appears to me that the medical profession acts as a club who only looks after its own.
If there is anyone out there that has had this same kind of situation that I have experienced please leave your messages on this board. There must be more that can be done. Thanks
We gave birth to our first baby girl last year to find her with a bowel condition that required life saving operations. After nursing her better in a neonatal unit for several weeks we finally got home to start being a normal family! Only weeks later I take her into hospital with similar syptoms to the programme and they discovered a spinal fracture to the arm. We are all for the protection of children and cooperated fully but we have never been made to feel more like prisoners in our lives. If only we had known what was to come! Social services and police were involved and our daughter was put through test after test including several xrays and a ct scan. (As if she had not undergone enough already!) We had to remain in hospital like caged animals in a zoo, not because she needed to be in there but because we may of bee a risk to our daughter! We were finally allowed home under supervision and had undergone weeks of visits from social/police and other professionals. We then saw the light after travelling to London for a medical opinion which discovered her weeks of artifical feeding in hospital where she was poorly had led to soft bones - hence the unexplained injuries. Never do I wish anything upon her but that was our only saving grace. This experience will live with us forever and we remain petrified of any normal injuries that may occur putting us back in the frame. The system is necessary but WRONG. I thought in this country you were innocent until proven guilty but this system operates in the complete opposite fashion. Good on all the people that want to exploit there stories - that sick feeling of being under investigation will be one we will never forget.
Having just watched Panorama I am very upset. I have bipolar disorder and whilst during an episode of severe depression social services became involved in our lives. I have never hurt any of my four children. I had three hospital admissions in the first five months of their involvement (a third of all my admissions). They have no concerns about our parenting but have openly stated that they do not believe that the excellent mental health care professionals that care for me will report concerns. The "expert" witness appointed by the council insisted that they took care proceedings three months after I stopped medication. She hadn't seen me for 6 months (and only saw me once) and did not speak to my psychiatrist. She was alarmist and her recommendation had no evidence base. We have not been given the opportunity to challenge "experts" as the local authority were not prepared when we attended court and we spent two days (and £80000 of taxpayers money) getting a written 'agreement'. The system is unfair and bullying. It is acknowledged that their intervention has been harmful but despite my son's school describing him as exceptional, emotionally well-adjusted and total 'normal' he remains subject to a Child Protection Plan. I would like the opportunity of reporters attending our court case. Our case is about my mental illness. This has been stated. It has implications for all mentally ill parents and I would be content to be 'tried' publicly. At least if the public knew how threatening and bullying social services really are and how discrimination is overt, not even covert, others could be helped. I am still fighting because of my mental health team and because I have never harmed my children. I have a mental illness but feel like a criminal.
There will now have to be a re-opening of similar cases in which these experts gave testimony in criminal or family court trials in East Anglia, or even further afield, and which resulted in conviction or separation of the babies from the children.
Let us be clear: in cases of real abuse it is the perpetrators who are at fault; in the case of phantom abuse it is the experts and the system who are at fault.
I'm going through this right now, i was in tears watching but it has also given me some hope. My daughter at 4 weeks suffered injuries that neither my partner nor myself can explain, she is currently in care and has been since 5 weeks old, she is now almost 8 months. The emotional turmoil has no words to it and we are currently fighting hard to get our little girl back. The thing is, there is no history of abuse for either of us and i also have a 7 year old daughter with adhd and autism, whom is still at home with us. The criminal charges have been dropped just like the family in this program, we have a finding of fact 24th September and i have to be honest, i'm tore apart by it. So nervous even though i know we are innocent. I so happy that the family got their son back, i just hope we have the same happy ending.
Doctors in Child Protection cases should be named. If they are fair and honest in their opinions and act in the manner expected of them by the General Medical Council, they should not fear being named. Experts should be protecting children and if this means giving the honest opinion that it may not be as straight forward as others wish to believe they have a duty to give this opinion. Doctors, like Judges (who are named), should not hide behind their 'white coats'.
Its amazing how so many people have been through the same thing. It doesn't matter how many children they have saved because that is their job and they are supposed to be doing that ! What DOES have to be mentioned is the amount of family's they destroy. Not only are they wasting tax payers money on doing the total opposite to what they are paid to do.
And for those of you who are saying this is bias and complete out of context I can tell you right now that this is the FIRST time ive seen any documentary on the BCC or any other channel that deals with this point of view. And until your in that situation (which I doubt any of you objecting to it have ever been in) you cant make a judgement.
Ive been on both end of the wheel and in both cases they did nothing when abuse was staring them in the face. Infact the Baby P situation seem to have created a backlash whereby CPS are going over the top and completely tearing family apart in the process.
ANDREW PARKER - We have had a similar situation. Our daughter was nearly killed in theatre and had a arterial vein jab to prevent a coma. We were told that the hospital has a NO BLAME CULTURE and that a critical incident form would be completed. This jab has left a lesion on her leg which resembles a bruise and whilst under investigation for a fractured arm months later we were then questioned on this mark as it had been documented NO WHERE! An NHS "mistake" that we had to explain with nothing in writing!
Every one that backs up the social workers need to keep their opinions to themselves as they dont know the extent of their work. Children like baby P are injured and killed because social servises DO NOT CARE about what they do to families. That is why these children do not get looked after because it is known that these children are at risk but they can not make any money out of it as the parents do not care. Loving families are being torn apart as they will fight for there children. These parents always lose as socail services use these figures to "show" that they are doing there job.The proffesionals are all biased and to stand a chance you have to fight for years. This couple was lucky that they won there fight as it takes th European Courts to fight these evil people.However most parents do not know what to do or where to go they rely on their solicitors who are being paid no matter what happens. If socail services get involved, you dont have money and love your children YOU WILL LOSE THEM.
In respect of all social workers: if any one of you actually works to promote the safety or welfare of children, then I apologise.
However, in my own experience - gained in Stockport - there has not been one social worker across disability, early intervention or family teams, who actively promoted the welfare of the child involved.
So why are we paying these people/ What exactly, to we expect them to achieve?
It sems to me that they should all be sacked, and be denied their pensions, since they are acting fraudulently.
No child or its family, should have to jump through the hoops which are expected by such pig-ignorant people - and which are deliberately designed, by their superiors, to denigrate and very badly affect, those children who most need their help.
It is high time to etc rid of the rubbish in the system, replacing it with sensitive, caring people, who actively promote the life interests of children and their parents.
Get on with it.
My wife and I had a parallel experience but with psychiatric experts interacting with social workers. My wife suffered from teenager years occasional isolated bizarre behaviour involving hallucinations, paranoid delusions, irrational emotionality and catalepsy. With medication there was no problem but when she became pregnant the medication was not allowed. Unfortunately during one pregnancy she developed the symptoms. This posed no danger to any of the children or the foetus and the symptoms disappeared upon normal birth. However, immediately after the birth social services insisted on removing her from all contact with the children, claiming that she was at risk of "emotional harm" to the children because her illness was alleged by social workers to be caused by abuse to her when she was a child, and there was a theory popular at the time that "the abused becomes the abuser". I was accused of "accommodating" the abuse by supporting her, so the children were removed from me as well. The case went after several years to the Family Court, driven by social services, where just one of the expert witnesses claimed my wife was lying or exhibiting "suppressed memory" when she said on oath she had had a perfectly happy childhood. Most other medical staff and family members supported us for different reasons. However, the judge astonishingly agreed with the one non-consensus expert, who had never met the children or the family. The family was eventually split up amongst several carers, and my wife just gave up and went to pieces in despair. I was barred from even attempting to contact my children or talk about the case and have never fully recovered.
It amazes me that one's entire family can be eradicated in one day by a complete stranger who unexpectedly turns up in court to declare that the parents consitute a "risk" to the children even when no actual harm has occurred, to collect a fee and to disappear, and a judge simply rubber-stamps that expert's view.
I have gradually come reluctantly to the view that "risk" of harm, especially emotional harm, is not a satisfactory basis for removing children; there should be actual harm and hard evidence, not expert opinion of what might happen. The system is well overdue for reform.
Where i've done my research i was disgusted to find that they are taking children away from familys who care and love for them to fill their pockets and adoption targets that need to be met every year. They think we do not know this but we are all aware what goes on behind closed doors.
As i say and have been told any Social Worker who says to you we are here to help you do not believe them as this is not true.The Problem is that their are some good social workers who are doing jobs properly and social workers that are not and will do anything to degrade you in court in the form of lies. Because of these good decent social workers get the bad end but what happens in most proceedings is that these good social workers are often threatened in the work place if they do not comply with what the corrupted ones say which is bad for parents as well as the social worker themselves their hands are unfortunately tied.From other research that i have found out if i.e forced adoption the golden rules one in particular never give your children up for temporary care if they guarantee you your children back this wont happen unfortunately as in doing so you have admitted to neglecting your child or children which will go against you.
The system is corrupt and these secret courts need to be opened to the public for a fair hearing but of course they wont as these people do not want to be found out by the outside world that corruption happens due in the form of lies.
It is disgusting and people are most of the time to scared to say anything as this could result in them looseing their children.Dont be scared to do anything about it. I am at the moment myself dealing with these people due to an anonymous call which was found to be false. But they still want to invde my privacy for no reason. My first intial assessment is golden ie children cared for appropriately and clean.But i am still being hounded by these people.
I have myself gone to an MP about this as i will not let them lie to get what they want.
My Children are found to be happy clean and appropriately cared for. And i have this in black and white but they still want to do a Core Assessment even though it is not needed due to their own words.
I would suggest anyone who is dealing with them same situation as myself or are going through courts that you visit forced adoption a site will come up where you can find these golden rules and also contact someone if need be. I hope this helps.
Many of these comments are correct: social services cannot win in the eyes of many. Unfortunately, cases like Baby P result in 'knee-jerk' reactions from professionals and social services. Children across all social classes are subjected to abuse but what is required is sensitive, well co-ordinated responses. Making innocent parents feel like criminals does not enhance child protection but has the opposite effect. Time delays are detrimental to children. Those whose parents are innocent live in families who are so stressed that caring for their children is difficult and those whose parents are "guilty" may be subject to further abuse. Social services are under-funded but the cost that our local authority has expended in taking child care proceedings could have funded several social workers. Surely common sense, not "covering backsides" should be the prevalent attitude.
What is the profile of a child abusers as that was mentioned in this program that they did not meet the profile so all of us that have lost our children, taken for no reason and placed for adoption must look like child abusers
I would be more than willing to talk to someone im telling you. Because it is interesting that i myself am being investigated for no reason even though the initial assessment says that they have no concerns in black and white and also that my children are healthy,Happy,clean and appropriately cared for and dressed so the question comes to pass why all of a sudden am i being investigated if my children are not at risk. Makes you think about the real motive behind why they want to do a Core Assesment when it is not needed all because of an anon call.
I think what has happened to this lovely family is an absolute disgrace. The Social Services are always targetting families who clearly love their children and care for them well. Yet there are some who neglect their children and nothing gets done about that. We recently had a similar situation where one of my twin grand-daughters had a problem with her blood clotting and came out in strange red marks all over. Although 3 results came back abnormal the hospital still,did full skeltal x-ray and other tests, and once it was ruled out that nobody had hurt her they were not so keen to spend money and resources to find out why her clotting factors were not right. We had to pay privately to see a doctor in Bath (we live in Wales) who confirmed that the marks are sometimes seen in prem babies who have blood clotting problems. Hospital staff treat you like dirt. I believe in innocent until proven guilty not the other way around. Yet when hospital staff handled my grand-daughter and she continued to come out in more marks that was ok in their eyes. The whole system needs a overhau. The twins were much loved and planned for babies, as I am sure the Wards child was and to be treated the way they have been is shameful and the hospitals government and social services need to stand up and apologise to start with. This sort of thing ruins a families enjoyment of what should be the happiest time of their lives and can never get back. DISGRACEFUL!!!!!!!! To the Ward family, let me say good luck for the future and we are behind you 100%.
Our case ended happily,as I pray the cases mentioned on here do, but when we tried to fight to clear our names we were warned against it because the reply from the SS, the courts , the Guardian....is always "we were acting in the childs' best interest" and who can argue that. But we were innocent and we proved that, so why is there no help out there to show this so-called justice system up for what it truly is ..... A SHAM!!!!????
Comment for Andrew Parker
We had similar scenario. When my grand-daughter was in special care the same red marks came out on her that appear now granted only a couple of times. Not one member of staff was under suspicion and nobody had an explanation or seemed worried in any way. Again when we took her to hospital worried about it and the hospital staff saw the marks coming out on her while they were handling her that was fine. They cover their own backs all ways. Even if they have to lie, yet as you say if it was you who could not explain a broken arm well it doen't bear thinking about. Hope all is well with your little boy now. Should a lot of parents maybe get together and sign some sort of petition as this is happening too often, while the real abusers get away most of the time.
I have watched tonight and feel physically sick.
We are going through a similar experience, and reading these comments and watching the programme has filled me with absolute fear about our situation.
I think unless something like this happens to you, and you are accused of physical abuse, you have this blind faith in doctors, social workers etc, and assume that common sense will prevail.
My heart goes out to everyone else who is suffering at the hands of incompetent social services departments,
After watching this and ending up in absolute floods of tears I felt I had to response.
I too, am currently going through this awful ordeal. It was like watching my life story unfold on the TV. We have been going through this since my little man was just 8 months old. He is now nearly 18 months old.
Fortuality after having two god awful social workers I have been blessed with a lovely young woman who really is dedicated to her job and what is best for the real innocent in all this - the child. She still gets the job done but in a more tactful way. To a point I think that social workers and social services legal teams should be separated when being discussed. They do two very different roles.
I am an honest person who lives and breathes my little boy. to quote a great philosopher Jade Goody (Well...) "if you never discovered something you would die for, then you haven't lived. Well, he is proof that I have lived"
I used to believe that telling the truth, being honest and justice would always win through. I used to be naive.
I totally understand that the investigations have to be done and procedure followed. It does not make that any easier on the innocent parents though. I too thought I was alone. its heartbreaking to know of all these families ruined. To say it is a living nightmare is so cliché however that is the only way to truly describe it. It really is true that your heart does break everyday.
Like other comments on this programe. I've been through Social Services. This has left me and my children feeling that we haven't a voice I was in there eyes guilty even through I was innocent. I found that the Social Services think they have the right to lie and twist the truth to fit the paper work without the parent's right to answer back. I do think they think they are Gods. The trauma that they have left me and my children is wrong. But reading the comments that other parents have written that I'm not the only one that the Social Services have threatened and bullied.
the nitemare goes on way past the judges ruling and way past the adoption side of things cos ur heartbroken and in some cases if u go on to want children in the future social services get involved again and have to reassess u, not a path i will be going down ever again im 27 and social services have destroyed my life
I just wanted to say that if it were not for programmes like this then people like myself wouldn't be able to discuss our experiences...thats the whole POINT of the programme... we are NOT ALLOWED to talk about it. If you are going through or have been in this situation then this is a life-line to be able to talk openly.
John Morris
I was a little afraid to watch this program more as it brings back memories since the 18th August 2008 but more it reminds me of the incompetence of the family courts system and more prominently the failings and the maltreating of children of Cambridgeshire county council social services department. At seventeen now I have been forced into independent accommodation and whilst that is not the worst outcome it certainly has put a strain on my life with given extra emotional baggage I have had to deal with, coupled with little help from social services whom have followed by life with keen eyes. While I truly believe me and my two brothers and three sisters should of been taken away from my mother, recently released from prison, the events and actions before and after the date by social services coming from an extremely substandard level of care or supervision for which my family, all members included, needed from them. Failings throughout the court cases and social workers trying to seemingly 'create' more than find problems within where my family ended up. This has lead to the majority of the family being in a worst state than when it began with notable exceptions but even those came from luck rather than social services involvement, with was either lacking or too much. Only one member of there team seemed capable of even having a CRB with the other being obnoxious, to a state where they bullied and belittled each family member no matter what age or position in the events. They acted as if everyone was a criminal, the children did not matter as I can quote from one on the day. My ambiguity is more because I do not know what needs to be kept secret due to the family court system but I know from experience how incompetent Cambridgeshire social services are currently and were over the past two years especially along with the ten preceding years of this decade. I do not hold much evidence to support this claim apart from multiple eye witnesses but my opinion, and that is all this is, is that Cambridgeshire Social Services and so severely bad they harm the children so badly emotionally that they often become wrecks of their former selves. While I understand the job is not easy there is no need for bullying rather putting children first and understanding the true nature of the job; protect the kids not punish them for parental wrongdoings treating kids as the sum total of there parents. The latest panorama program showed more than many have seen before but has barely touched the internal workings of the family courts or the incompetence of social services mentioned often in the comments above and something I agree upon, a seventeen year old having the aforementioned happen to me. Panorama should delve further into this problem and show people what you find.
Ian josephs (ex Conservative Kent county councillor)
How to reform this shocking undemocratic system? At the moment 200+ parents are jailed every year for protesting publicly,(revealing their own names) when their children have been taken for adoption by strangers !More often for "risk of emotional abuse"than for any injuries.
Yet they are believed in preference to parents who are eyewitnesses and come to court to be questioned.
1:- Parents should not be gagged but like rape victims they should be free to tell their stories as soon as their children are taken and also should never have their conversation with their children censored by social workers who threaten to stop contact if the case is mentioned!
2:-There should be no hearsay evidence and all witnesses should be named and present in court to be questioned
3:- Judges hesitate to overule social services in case they are criticised later.99.25% of care orders requested by local authorities are granted!
Juries would have no fear of future criticism and would not be so ready as judges to confiscate babies at birt for risk of emotional abuse.
One question,Has anyone in care or who was in care ever had a good word to say about social workers?
Never ! And why is that?
Yvonne Stewart-Taylor
Jan 2003 to September 2003. We went through the same hell.
6 family members all falsly accused of NAI's/Child abuse.
This case is like ours except we proved we are innocent.
The social services and police are still treating us like criminals.
They tried to steal an injured baby who was very ill and was suffering from OOP Brittle bone condition due to extreme prematurity, for forced adoption.
Social services threatened us as did Cafcass.
Social worker committed perjury and told vicious lies, as did the team leader. We have never been vindicated despite American Dr's evidence, which the corrupt UK dr's refuse to accept. They had their agenda to steal a baby and thats that.
They have ruined us emotionally,and financially and professionally. Devastated. Watching this brought back very painful memories.
The media and tabloids have refused to tell our story as it proves authoritarian corporate corruption.
We are still suffering and still being abused and persecuted by police.
I feel like I am echoing so many of your comments. Victoria and Jake's story is an echo of what we went through.
We are now through our ordeal and are helping support another family that is going through something similar.
When we went through this, we had no one to talk to or turn to - my mother who was over from SA being our 24 hr care was diagnosed with cancer, rushed back to her home in SA, and on her death bed was asking for her grandsons, a wish that was never fulfilled as social services did not allow it. My lovely dear mum passed away before the outcome of our case (the outcome was that SS withdrew their case at the final hurdle because of medical evidence that WE.... that's right ... me and my husband.... uncovered....)
We went through 14 months of absolute hell, first with no one listenign to my concerns about my baby, then when eventually more investigations were done... fingers pointed, accusations made, arrested, bailed, jailed, released, court cases, 24 hr supervision, SS visits, family assesment visits, court cases, final hearing.... all with 24 hr supervision, and expected to keep life normal as if we didn't... then both our beloved children would be removed....
and then... on the 8th October - they withdrew... the barrister for the city council cheerfully uttered the words... "enjoy the rest of your lives" on his way out the door.. and left us to now pick up the pieces....!!!!
The comment you see on car window stickers of "Save a child - sack a social worker" rings very true!
Sack them all they are under worked and overpaid and crap at their job
yes i myself have been in care. i'm already in contact with you but i can say on my time in being in care from the age of 13 i was moved around from pillar to post i could not even pass any gcse's because i was movd around so much to at least 5 different schools until the age of 16. Then as soon as i hit 16 i was thrown out on my ear by ss and left to fend for myself in a bedsit that was mouldy and i ha to share bathrooms and the rest of the house with popl who had just come out of prison. How is this right for any child to go through this andjust be ejected like an animal and ss say it is all in the best interest in the child. Needless to say this is probably why i am getting hastle now with my own children from these people.
i came across this programme inadvertently and it hit a nerve as like many others posting on here tonight i have had social services involvement, lengthy court processes, inaccurate information, residential assessment and more besides, however what really got to me was that like the wards i also live in Cambridge and two of the 'experts' in their case were also the same as in mine who painted me as a monster capable of hurting my own child.
this nightmare lasted for 2 and a half years and then it was over, ss no longer had any concerns.
programmes like this although dare i say it may be bias do make you realise that you are not the only ones going through a similar situation and for that it should be praised as so many go through it alone unaware of anything similar just jumping desperately through the hoops.
i do understand why there were concerns in my case ( my eldest had an accident and as a result he was taken to a&e subsequently the ss and police became involved and he was placed in care whilst i battled through the courts) i do realise that there is a very fine line and despite my own experiences i have a lot of respect for social services, they do a very difficult job and despite what people may think they do not want to tear innocent families apart, yes sometimes they get it wrong but that is nothing in comparison to the good they do and i feel that this should not be forgotten.
those struggling at the moment just keep going, stay strong, do your research there is information out there about the processes you just need to find it. above all never forget to hope.
At last! It's so refreshing to see a programme deal with this injustice for once, but this really is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm going through an almost identical situation with my baby who suffered a broken bone also and myself and my baby's father have been wrongly accused. My whole family is absolutely devastated and our precious baby only had a few weeks of normality before this false accusation turned our lives upside down.
This has already been going on for months for us and in that time I have met so many other parents suffering injustice like we are. Panorama, please don't leave it there, this problem is bigger than you think!
I've seen first hand how Social Services manipulate the 'evidence' and submit false reports to the Court over and over again. The dirty tricks they use are disgusting. The only harm my baby has ever suffered has been as a result of Social Services taking him away from his family and putting him in foster care. Yet I feel powerless to prove my innocence and give my baby the life he deserves. I will keep on fighting though, we're in the middle of the fight right now.
FRUSTATED PARENTS - I would like to talk to you, my situation seems very similar to yours. Is there any way you can contact me through this site? Any other help from anyone else would be welcome - Thanks
we are still going through this with social services as we speak, i had to medically retire from work,and due to me being £7.00 over we have had no legal aid, and had to represent ourselves, our grandson was unlawfully taken away from the family home when he was mis diagnosed by a gp with a healing fracture to his rib at the front, only to find he had a fracture at the back rib just one rib, he was a happy healthy baby who if there was a problem was always checked by a gp, the relationship between ourselves and social services is non existant as they accused us all, we did not do it, there was never ever an investigation between us and them, our daughter is now in mother baby foster unit far away from her home, social services have dragged there heels and delay and cancel appointments, we want the truth and they have never ever said what type of fracture it was, as he had a virus a week before and was coughing very badly, it will be a year on friday and he is only 20 months old, it breaks our hearts but as we dare to complain they deem you as difficult, and they say if you dont do what we say he will be adopted, we did not do it but they deem you as guilty as we know they have targets to meet to adopt babies up to 5 years old, and no one helps us, we will not give up and are going through exactly what that family went through
Myself n my hubby have just been thru somethin just like this. Are any of you on facebook who have been thru similar? We r comin to the end of our nightmare but have felt sk alone thuout the whole process x
I really do feel for the Ward family and fully understand what they went through the long days at court, these so called "experts" and the incompident work which the social serices do. myself and my fiancee are going through the same as the ward family the only difference is that i have given an account of what happened and the medical experts have accepted my version of events..... now the social services are takeing it further and getting experts in to try and disprove in what i am saying! the social services are incompident of doing there jobs! they are not called baby snatchers for nothing! the stress they are putting onto us the arguments they have forced me and my fiancee into! they have splited myself from my fiancee and twins and have to take residence with my fiancee parents! the strain they have put on all of us has caused a lot of pain! and this has been going on for 8months and still nowhere near getting my family back.....
Whatever the cicumstances are it does not matter. They will always say the same thing that is that you are not willing/able to work with them. This is more commonly being used to get care orders as if you cannot work with them then they cannot protect the child (even though in these cases the children do not need protecting) if you do not act against them you cannot win. They do not want to help you they want you to fail.
I too have been going through my ordeal alone for 3 years and no one can help because of the secrecy. I am on fb but my case is nowhere near over yet although i have lost my 3 sons. However because of my 2 eldest ages and the fact that they are black they will cannot be adopted (they are on an adoption order) because nobody wants them (except their family). They where advertised like animals and noone wanted them. My baby is a different matter (everyone wants him as he is a baby).
i watched the programme last night, and it was if my nightmare was playing out again, but mine has not even ended yet, my son was 3 mnths old when social services removed him to foster care, and placed my 5 yr old with his father....
i was never involved with social services before all this but now they make me out to be some monster, i agree that the ' gagging ' order needs to be removed from family courts, nearly 2 years now i have been going through the ordeal and we are not allowed to talk to anyone even if its for support, and no matter what social services put in the reports...they are always right never wrong!!!!!
i am determined to fight for my kids all the way, they dont care that my little boy is saying he wants to come home, they do not seem to be putting the kids interest first it seems that they just want to win and remove children to be seen as a good and 'doing the job correct'....
i have had positive independant reports done, just seems the local social are determined to remove them for good... and its personal against me now
i would love to talk to someone in my situation....
ian josephs
Clare,you have been listening to lying judges and lawyers I think!
You are allowed to talk to any individuals you like for advice (people like myself who advise families involved with the "SS") or for support (family members and personal friends);The only thing you cannot do is "go public" by contacting the press,holding public meetings or demonstrations etc unless all court proceedings are finished,in which case you can even go to the press or tv if you want !All that is the law according to regulations passed by Jack Straw when he was in office and had no time to retract them !
It is still quite wrong to gag parents and children from public protest when families are split up, but the gag is often exaggerated by lawyers etc anxious to hush up a flagrant injustice !
I just watched this program, I cried all the way through it. Me and my family are currently going through this at the moment and everything that was said is true in our case. Paediatricians DO NOT investigate any other possible cause into an injury that is unexplained. It is true that Social workers go on the say of medical experts and they too do not investigate any other explanation. They threatened us and bullied us and have left us shattered and frightened. We are a loving 2.4 family and we would both die for our children, but it makes no difference to so called professionals.
My gorgeous little 9 week old grandson was taken by Social Services and then they fought tooth and nail to have him adopted. Admittedly my daughter was young and there were some issues but after a year and a half of trying to get him back the final court judgement actually said that he had been removed illegally!
All my daughter needed was a little help and support. All SS wanted was to have a perfect baby adopted! The worst part was that we could do nothing - there was no help anywhere.
I have a group on facebook for families that have gone through issues like this and are still going through this. The worst thing is, is that you feel you are the only one going through this. The scary thing is, is that there are hundreds of families going through hell. If one good thing comes out of this is that I have the strength and determination to help other families. SO please my name is Helen Foden if you need to talk to myself and other families get in touch.
I agree with the comments about Panorama being more about allowing experts to be named than the SS. There is no doubt that the SS have a legal duty to investigate but they have a legal responsibility to do what is 'in the best interests of the child'. This is a nebulous concept, ill-defined by the law and very much open to interpretation. The 'best interests of the child' in the majority of cases involves rapid resolution of potential suspicion, sensitive handling of families and the removal of pre-conceptions. There is no such thing as a 'profile of a child abuser'. There are circumstances which pre-dispose children to being abused but it is not as straight forward as picking people out of a line. In my case, my bipolar depression is thought to be a risk. I am well and have been since I took myself of high dose mood flattening drugs (I do NOT have psychosis). I used to work in a high profile job involving the children and was responsible for determining whether an injury could have been non-accidental or not. Very few were. I hope that, even when I was suspicious, I treated parents and extended family with the respect that all humans deserve and never let my own emotions get in the way. I have NEVER hurt my child, he has never had a bruise on his body except for those associated with normal child play. The SS believe that he is at risk of 'emotional harm' if I kill myself. They fail to see that, like so many others, their intervention precipitates depression and anxiety and is in fact far more of a risk to my son than I will ever be after 25 years of bipolar disorder and having had 4 healthy children who are all extremely bright and well-adjusted.
High profile cases have undoubtedly reduced the number of paediatricians who are willing to do child protection work BUT this does not help. Doctors are not infallible and will make mistakes, like we all do. However, it is 'out of the box' thinking that is needed. Good doctors, who act professionally have nothing to fear. It should not be a case of 'one expert for parents', 'one for the SS'. It should be a case of 'this is a child who has been injured, what are the possible explanations for his/her injuries'. If a doctor does not know or no reasonable explanation can be found, then so be it. The child in Panorama suffered no further injuries. The SS will say that this is because his grandparents watched him continuously. We all know that it takes moments to harm a child and anyone who is determined to do so will do so regardless of who is watching. The SS have a right to fulfill their legal roles but they do have a responsibility to act proportionately, with sensitivity and without letting their own "gut reactions" affect their work. Not all individuals working for the SS are "bad" but many live in a world far-removed from that which the rest of us inhabit an many do not have enough experience of 'normal' children. I lost faith when I was told that four year old children do nit have tantrums when they don't get their own way and that my very bright teenagers should not have knowledge of my illness. I have yet to discover what the SS believe I should tell my children when I have to spend a month in a psychiatric ward!!! Reality, compassionate, open-mindedness, non-judgmental, humane, respectful are all words that come to mind BUT maybe it is me who lives in the fantasy world!!
I am viewed as uncooperative because i have refused to allow the SS access to information about every psychiatric appointment I attend. They want to know if: I sleep more/less, if I increase/decrease my appetite, if I lose weight, if I become obsessional. I have refused them access because I do not see how breaching my confidentiality helps my son. They have created a situation where I have 'lip service' care, where I cannot disclose my thoughts and where I am essentially alone with a severe mental illness. What they cannot see is that the risk of 'emotional harm' is far greater now because they have removed my psychiatric care than it ever was before. I am not uncooperative. I am simply fighting for my rights as a human and in doing so am fighting for my child's right to live without the fear of the SS - he is 5 and is terrified that they are going to turn up at school and take him away because he was there when they told me that if I did not go to hospital (my psychiatrist was happy for me to be at home) they would take him into care. I have no doubt that standing up for myself is seen as unco-operative BUT I also have no doubt that the anxieties that the SS cause are family are disproportionate to any risk. They are bullies and they believe that their 'powers' are all consuming. Sadly for them, I know the law, I know medicine and I know a bully when I see one - the NHS is full of them!
Jean Robinson
As a national pressure group at the Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services, we know of many cases similar to the one portrayed in last night's programme. Unfortunately many families in a similar situation lost loved and cared for babies to adoption, since babies became an adoption target for which local authorities received big financial rewards under the previous government - and they are still a prize, whilst older,unadoptable or disabled siblings will often be left in the care of the same "unsuitable" parents. When the same problems continue in foster care, they are sometimes denied or concealed. This is not child protection, but what one of our clients from a holocaust background has described as "redistributive eugenics".
A crucial elemen has been the illogical medical reasoning at last nailed by Prof. Tim David: if there was no medical explanation (and these were not always stringently sought) for a baby's injuries, then the assumption was that the injury was inflicted. A bruise in a baby too young to crawl was assumed to be the result of abuse, since "Those who don't cruise rarely bruise" was the maxim. We have spoken to a number of families who believe that certain baby equipment, or rough play from an older toddler, was likely to have caused the problem. Because doctors and social workers were sure they already "knew" the answer, innocent causes of fractures and bruises have not been properly researched and are not explained in the literature. Doctors who have put forward possible innocent explanations without a research base have been attacked by their colleagues. Yet no-one is collecting these cases
I suggest that parents wrongly accused of injuring infants who sustained bruises, fractures, or head injuries, should put together their own database. Jean Robinson, AIMS
annie sampson
My hearts go out to the Ward family. My children and I know only too well what it means to be totally innocent and yet to find yourself entangled with the family court system . Immersed in the most unprofessional and unpleasant people who dictate your fate ! Simply the worst nightmare indeed. Life is dessimated forever, my daughter tried to commit suicide because of the ongoing years of harrassment. I applaud the Wards for going back to the |High Court to ensure that the paid so called experts were named, in order to help others who found themselves in this appalling situation. What decent and kind people . I personally wanted to thank them and sincerely wish and pray that they can enjoy their life with their beautiful children. Please know that others have gone through very similar experiences and truly understand the permanent damage that this creates. Love and blessings Annie and family x x x x x
Stop using Baby Peter Connelly as a reason to justify removing children and babies from inncocent parents.
Stop Vilifying and lambasting the Social Services, it simply serves no purpose, but makes matters worse.
Over 70,000, yes Seventy Thousand children are placed into the care system every year, in many instances for absolutly no reason, and many children are removed when other more suitable avenues could be used.
Having your life destroyed because of the removal of your children is something the UK has become more acceptable and taken as a common practice these days, its high time this whole system was changed.
Yes children need protecting but taking a gung ho approach only leads to situations like the programme highlighted.
Its time the Crystal ball gazing was changed and the What if's brigade was locked away never to be used again.
Because of what Baby Peter, Vicotia's and Khyra's evil parents did to them poor children, 70 thousand children and their families suffer seriously because of what these people did is shocking. Has anyone thought about what it does to the Children being dragged away from their loving homes because of an over zealous Child Protection System. I bet many havn't.
You never know it could be you next.
J-Lonsdale (Justice For Famlies)
Gavin Russell
I watched this programme and I too have had to experience so called family law ( personally I call it legalised cruelty rather than family law) for my own child .
My case was different to the programmes though BUT It still involves suffering whats called "in camera proceedings" behind closed doors ! Crazy when we can have criminal proceedings in open court involving children BUT then addressing kids as child a & child b YET we have to have secret proceedings in family court???
So many of these family court magistrates/judges are in fact breaching the childs own rights to be nurtured by BOTH its parents under UNCRC THE CONVENTION FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD which all courts must be compliant yet thousands of non resident parents (mostly dads) are being denied the chance to nurture their kids upon parental separation by some resident parents treatint the child as a tug of war rope blocking even COURT ORDERED CONTACT !! YES ignoring a judges orders and still getting away with it , Fortunately now the parent blocking this court ordered contact is now commiting contempt of court !
As for social services and especially CAFCASS ? Who are under the banner of NAPO antional association of probation officers its sad that a parent probably with no convictions now has to be assessed by an ex probation officer handed a child case to deal with is apppalling
Loads of so called absent dads are in fact probably banging on the doors of "family courts" to be fully involved with their children but being totally ignored by the system or cannot afford a lawyer to get the case to court in the first place.
So sadly the child loses touch and so it goes on , another child the sufferer of PAS Parental Alienation Syndrome backed by our so called family law at least in criminal law you are innocent until proven guilty ? un like family law
Hi. I have created a facebook page based on this topic. The page is named: Panorama BBC - Wrongly accused
I am hoping that we can all use this for support by getting in touch with others who have either been through - or are going through this trauma. I know when we went through it there was no one to talk to, even though our own MP told us of two cases going on at the same time as us in our very town, he could not disclose their details to us - and there are no support groups out there either...
Whilst I am strongly against child abuse, I cannot sit back and allow countless families to be abused by the system... and you know what they say... strength in numbers!! see you on facebook!
Public authorities such as Cambridgeshire County Council are costing us millions with mixed results. Are they tackling child protection abuses effectively or are they creating further problems while wasting public money?
Cambridgeshrie County Council, with the full support of its child protection team, recently spent over £100,000 fighting the family of a teacher who died after false allegations were made against him by pupils. The defensiveness of the child protection industry is hardly surprsing: they have much to be ashamed of and insufficient accountability.
Kent county council has much to be ashamed of, stealing children for forced adoption letting the SS managed their own budget until recently, staying in posh hotels overnight drinks all included.
Over 400 staff have access to Kent county council's credit card Paul Carter CON leader,Peter Gilroy ex ceo chief police Mike Fuller common purpose speaker and gradudate treating themsleves and in some case their mistress as well to slap up meals and hotels rooms.
The whole corrupt lot in Kent MUST BE SACKED INCLUDING THE JUDGES who are covering up ex mayor like Peter Hooper downloading child porn on his council lap top !
All councillors and MP's from all parties know exactly what is going on and ALL DO NOTHING GET RID !
Isn't it interesting how many people have suffered in similar ways to the family in the programme? And how many more who have not written in? I believe that history will eventually record the most distinguishing feature of current times as being the atrocities committed by SS and the secret family courts.
Our family too was destroyed by the SS and secret family court in New Zealand. Our family was forced to endure the trauma of the secret Family court over a protracted two-year period – gagging orders were taken out against us, financed by the State, to prevent the NZ public finding out the terrible things SS had previously done to our family. SS decided it was "love and romance" for our 14-year old daughter to be having group sex with adult men, and decided to remove her from our home because we did not condone her sexual activities. They determined we had no right to protect our daughter from sexual criminals.
The court made it very clear that they were quite prepared to send an innocent family to prison in order to keep us quiet at all costs. Our own lawyer concluded that we would never get a fair trial and advised that if we took proceedings to the High Court they would not listen to a single word we had to say.
We did eventually win the State-funded court cases against us. But sadly, the damage had already been done. SS earlier actions in alienating our daughter against her family were hugely exacerbated by the numerous court cases to gag us. When the State pits a 16-year old girl against her whole family in protracted court proceedings, the alienation effects are obvious and significant. We regard it as child abuse. Our daughter is now 21, refuses to have any contact with her family, she has changed her name (encouraged by the State), and shows the effects of living independently since 16. She even sold a sordid story about her recent inappropriate relationship, to the press. The list of activities which have alienated our daughter from her family, would fill a book. Adults guiding our daughter during her teenage years told us that their prime objective was to permanently destroy her relationship with her family. Despite her wonderful upbringing in a loving family environment, these people have succeeded in this objective.
Our eldest son, a quiet, reserved, sensitive boy, was dealt to with particular harshness and hostility in the secret courts. He endured a heinous attack by the judge and lawyer during one court day, simply because he was our son. He had witnessed firsthand what SS did to his family, and experienced severe bullying in the courts despite never even being accused of doing anything wrong. Not long after the court cases he killed himself. The ex parte gagging orders taken out against our sons without them being permitted to defend, still exist today.
Supposedly, the reason for secrecy in the Family court is to protect children. We don’t believe that for a second. In our experience, the real reason for secrecy is to hide the process and protect the judges and lawyers.
Our multiple secret court appearances left us frightened and afraid, and concluding that it is too dangerous to live in a country where one has no protection from the law. The very day we won the last court case we began packing our bags – my husband uprooted his business, and we left the country. The business now employs Londoners instead of Aucklanders.
Prospective immigrants into NZ should be warned that their families may suffer the same fate as ours if they try to protect their underage daughters from sexual criminals.
History shows that details of atrocities tend to eventually emerge (Anne Franks for example). Only then does the country learn the lessons and improve. If the details of our experience were ever to emerge onto the world stage, New Zealanders would hang their heads in shame. Politicians should realize that evil thrives under suppression and secrecy, to the country’s detriment. Creating a great nation, requires openness and freedom of expression, so that evil is exposed, lessons can be learned and improvements made.
Germany had it’s Nuremberg trials, South Africa had it’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission - hopefully one day society will have a just forum where families such as ours can seek redress. Our life goals have been shattered, and never a day goes by without us suffering the consequences of the actions of SS and the secret family court.
This prick of an MP cant fuck right off with his useless comment
the games up John we all know you are part of the coverup !
John Hemming wrote:
The system is still obsessed with adoption rather than child protection and the courts generally fail to provide a fair trial.
The biggest problem procedurally is the lack of second expert opinions. The secrecy covers up all the malpractise as well.
Well done to the BBC for making and actually showing these parents experiences.
To the people who think that this 30 minute presentation was unbalanced... perhaps it might be, but the unbalanced description is accurate to what really happens to parents in proportion and for children the outcome is much worse.
Doctors are not Police, they work to save lives and treat patients. If the Doctor doesn't want to offer an opinion, all he has to do is state the facts. In this case, there is an injury. The type of injury is rare. There is no explanation about how the injury could have been caused. The facts don't start there, nor stop there. The fact is that the parents took their child to the hospital (a few times). The parents remained concerned for their child. The parents disagreed with the accusations. At no point was the parents protests tested with a lie detector or by a jury.
The Judge made a care order, even though the parents claimed innocence, which implies that the Judge believed (at that time) that the parents were guilty and the social workers were correct. The social workers answer to a manager who probably made a decision. The Local authority accepted the expert's opinion. All in the face of the parents protesting their innocence.
There were 5 (or more) medical experts involved in this case. Most cases rely on one expert and a single Judge.
the director of the Local Authority claims that social workers have to "think the unthinkable", which just reinforces the point that social workers don't actually know, so they make it up to suit what they "think" the situation is. In the rare event, the family stay together or are reunited and the social worker team are off to "think the unthinkable" in another case. The unthinkable is adoption and that's probably what the social workers are thinking.
While the child is in care, the parents are ignored, unless the parent agrees with a social worker (which isn't often). Parents have disrupted/obstructed contact with their children (Same with obstructive mothers making contact difficult with the child's absent parent).
There is plenty talk about how bad "Care" is for children, but very little in the way of publicizing the extent of the problem or research.
This media publication is a step in the right direction, showing a glimpse into the secret family court system and how social workers assume things. The program showed a family staying together, where the parents were wrongly accused. The Websters were wrongly accused but their children have to be kept away from their parents. Most wrongly accused parents are silenced and threatened with jail. Parents who admit guilt and who have hurt children don't need the media to scrutinize their court case. The facts are there and there is an admission.
The experts in cases where the parents are harming children are likely to accept their name being mentioned as the expert involved because they know they are right.... so why in cases where parents protest their innocence? I think that the Professionals know that the "balance of probability" standard of proof is not good enough and that disgruntled parents would retaliate against professionals who incriminate innocent people. The Professionals would make more money for a lot longer if they worked without challenge.
Hopefully this media program is the first of many programs but also the start of correcting a system that is long overdue for correction.
Where was MP John Hemming or ester Ransen, Bob Geldolf, Barry Macgunin and all teh rest of teh socalled stars and MP's at teh child abuse rally - nowhere to be seen.
We see you for what you really are - judas
There's too many people here going through the same thing. We are in Scotland so under a different system but watching the programme was unbelieveable. We are going through almost the same thing. Our 7 month old daughter was removed from our care for over two months. We got her back due to good lawyers and one particular social worker who I thank God for everyday. We are still under social work supervision however and live with the fear of it starting again constantly. My own experience reflects those of this family and many others. Social services caused many frustrations for us but it was the opinion of the peadiatrician that led to our daughter being take from us. I do understand the need for social services to investigate possible cases of abuse but after 7 months now of investigations, assesments and suervision by social work and police they have nothing but good things to say about our family and parenting. They can't close the case though because they keep going back to the opinion of one doctor. There is too much weight given to doctors opinions. They are generally good and clever people but they are not beyond making mistakes.
It's terrible to know and see first-hand that a system that is supposed to help families and children falls flat on it's face and ends up destroying people by the masses. The courts are supposed to rely on these so-called specialists to give an idea of what happened to the child, but can they really be up-to-date on everything? If you think about it, these specialists don't know these families, many of these specialists are fully retired and if they get 5-10 cases a year at £25k per case, that's a nice little pension their on, and do they just say NAI to get their £25k?
Reading through most of these posts has shown that my wife and I are not the only ones going through this horrible nightmare. Our child was taken from us a year ago when they found multiple fractures that we didn't know about. It's been one hell of a year and it's still not over. Luckily he's with family; but when you know for sure that you have not hurt your child in any way or form, it's very hard to go up against these so-called 'demi-god-specialists'. We're jumping the last of the hurdles and hope to god things go well. My heart really does go out to all of you families out there who are paddling in the same boat.
I think it's definitely time for a overhaul of the Social Services and Family Courts, there's too many families being torn apart because of the knee-jerk reaction of past failures.
Interesting comment below
Nigel Priestley from ridley & co up north is part of this setup and it is a setup - stay clear he also into adoption and has made a lot of money from it. After more pieces of the pie ???
I'm an advice line worker for the charity Family Rights Group - this story reflects what I hear regularly from callers to our advice line.
If there is anyone reading this whose child is subject to child protection enquiries or has been accused of injuring their child and is wondering what to do, you can get free confidential professional advice by contacting the Charity's advice service (details from Family Rights Group's website). My colleagues and I have an indepth knowledge of the social care and legal system.
This process is called british justice -yea right why should this be kept behind closed doors what have these judges got to be frightened of -that the social serviced dont get there own way and fill there quota--even in a criminal court you are allowed your say yet not in the family court-if you are going through the social service and court process just remember we are guilty untill proven innocent if we can prove our innocence -just because you hate social workers -your deemed as being confrontational and abusive ---courts dealing with children parents should have the same rights as a criminal -A FAIR AND OPEN COURT _WHERE SOCIAL WORKERS AND EXPERTS CAN BE EITHER CREDITED OR DISCREDITED BY A JURY
I felt sick wathing this! yes like countless others i have a similar story! I feel so sorry for these people, but they need to understand how very lucky they were! I have to say how much respect I have for them for trying to help others! I have 8 children, all with the same mother & father, aged 2 to 18, when my youngest was 7 months old, my 5 year old son took her from the safety of her playpen & sat her on his lap, although he knew this was not allowed, he was simply trying to comfort his baby sister who was crying! she fell backwards & hit her head, we took her to A & E, & EXPLAINED what happened, 2 trainee consultants told us" TAKE HER HOMETHERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH HER" dispite me telling them nhs direct said it sounded like a possible fracture! I felt so bullied by these alledged profesionals, I started to gather her things to take her home, but becuse of what nhs direct had said & the fact that they said they could not feel the soft lump which I clearly could, I stood up for my Daughters rights & refused to leave until they x-rayed her! which they did, & a possible fracture was seen, I was so angry that these 2 so " so called professionals" very nearly bullied me into taking my 7 month old baby home with a fractured skull! next I made the biggest mistake of my life! I told them I was going to make a complaint
My partner and I have just been through the most horrific and torturous 8 months of our lives after our Son was taken into care after falling from our sofa. Medical "professionals" insisted that his injuries were the result of being "violently shaken". We were treated like monsters by Social Workers, Nurses and Doctors. Social Workers blatantly lied about what had taken place during interviews and assessments. We were bullied and judged, shouted at and ridiculed by Social Workers. Our contacts with our Son were always supervised by SS staff. Two hours a day, Monday to Friday. The paediatricians who were insistent that we had harmed our Son were covering their backs. After six experts gave their opinions which were that our Sons injuries could have been accidental and WERE consistant with a fall from a sofa, the local authority withdrew their case against us, 3 weeks before the finding of fact hearing.
I was interviewed twice by Police and my Partner was interviewed once as he was at work when the accident happened. The Police withdrew in February after an eight week investigation, without presenting the case to the CPS. The "professionals" involved were covering their backs. After what happened to the Social Workers and medical professionals involved with the Peter Connelly case, they are not taking any chances. The whole system is barbaric and archaic. I very nearly took my own life as I thought I would never get my Son back. Without my Partner, I wouldn't be here today. I intend to go public with what happened to us. It has got to stop and the only people who can stop it are the ones it is happening to. We also had fantastic legal representatives who believed in us. All I can say to those who are going through this horrendous process is don't give up, keep fighting and stay strong. My beautiful boy is back with us where he belongs and is even more precious to us. If anyone wants to talk or discuss their circumstances in confidence I am sure we can find a way to do so. Good luck to you all, you are in my thoughts and once all the files in this case are closed I will be speaking out, for my family and for those of you who are still in the nightmare and are unable to do so for yourselves.
next day she was x-rayed again, which revealed a second fracture , which we could not explain! every bone in her body was then x-rayed & scanned, & she was given numerous tests, all of which were normal! police & social services were called, & after 5 days, & 2 meetings held at the hospital, (which we were not even allowed to attend!) it was decided that she was not safe to return home in our care, THESE "ALLEDGED PROFESSIONALS" DID NOT KNOW US! WOULD TAKE NO NOTICE OF THE LETTER FAXED OVER BY MY FAMILY DR WHO HAD KNOW US FOR 8 YEARS! WOULD NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE FACT THAT NOT ONE OF OUR EIGHT CHILDREN HAD EVER BROKEN A BONE, OR HAD A SERIOUS INJURY BEFORE THIS HAPPENED! & WE HAD NEVER HAD INVOLVEMENT WITH SOCIAL SERVIES! They ripped her from my arms & called security because I was "hysterical & upsetting the other patients!" All our other children had child protection medicals, which were ALL fine, yet they were still put on child protection! after 5 agonising months of watching my husband cry in his sleep! "as he battled so hard when awake to stay strong for the us" seeing my children living in fear, too scared to go to school terrified "they might come & take us" we got a second opinion in court, which after the Dr had rebuilt my Daughters skull in 3D, due to the fact THE X-RAY CASSETTE HAD BEEN PLACED UPSIDE DOWN CAUSING CONSIDERABLE ARTEFACT SEVERELY COMPROMISING THE DIAGNOSTIC QUALITY! it was revealed she only ever had one fracture, which was consistent with our explanation! She was returned home into our care & we were told to move on! (no apology nothing!)it was the worst kind of torture! The police had never interviewed us & were very supportive throughout, yet social services were calling us & my 59 year old loving Mother, "potential perpetrators" due to the fact that we only allow HER to care for the children, so please do understand why I have lost all respect & trust for these people! May I ask any Dr, how is it ever acceptable to use such a poor quality of material when it involves a childs skull & knowing it could mean a child being removed from the parents & possibly adopted out? (I believe the only mistake was when I said I was going to complain!)These people use the memory of poor little Baby P at every opportunity to condone their incompetence! It's not about safeguarding children, it's about safeguarding their jobs! Also, anyone working for social services, if you want to rely on medical evidence, is it not in the childs best interest to ensure it is correct before traumatizing 8 happy children for 5 long months? It's so easy for these people to say, "it has to be done to protect the child" simply because they know it will NEVER happen to their child! There clearly is an element of class discrimination! Why else would the wards have been able to keep their baby with NO EXPLANATION, & AFTER BEING INTERVIEWED BY POLICE? YET OUR PRECIOUS BABY WAS TAKEN INTO FOSTER CARE? POSSIBLY BECAUSE WE LIVE ON A COUNCIL ESTATE, rather than in a nice little village! Don't get me wrong! I feel so bad for them but people need to see that class is a big factor, & things NEED TO CHANGE! My heart goes out to all the people suffering right now! I wish their was some way you could find me so I could help you! Keep strong, get everything in writing & NEVER lose your cool! Even when they lie right in your face! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i broke my heart crying when i watched this my family are going through this right now! i am the grandmother and have to police my daughter and have been doing so since april this year,my ex husband has to share this role with me and both our new partners are suffering,the worse thing is this has affected my ex husband so much that he has had to give up his job. luckily we are a very close family and believe that our daughter is completely innocent, no broken bones just three small bruises on my grandaughter cheek and a bruise on her ear,and for 4 years of age normal play bruises you would think?apparentlly not.
I can sympathise wholeheartedly with this poor family. At around 18 months my daughter was admitted to hospital twice in 8 days with 'pulled elbows' and the doctor was not happy with us, and did not believe that we were not treating her roughly. Normally it would take an amount of force to dislocate a childs elbow and recurrant pulled elbows could be symptomatic of abuse. We were horrified and upset and I decided not to hold my daughters hand from that moment on. She became free range.
What we did not find out until she was nearly 4 is that she is HYPERMOBILE in many of her joints, particularly her elbows. Her elbows can easily pop out as a result of this. She also has upper body weakness due to her hypermobility. Instead of blaming us, the doctor should have believed what we were telling him and realised there had to be another reason for her pulled elbows.
Incidentally there are 2 other kids in my extended family with the condition and all 3 of them have broken their arms. Apparently this is much more likely in hypermobile people but the A & E doctors don't seem aware of this!
Scarily, I know an A&E paediatrician who didn't know what hypermobility was!
paul hessey
I no exactly how these people work the hush hush of the family courts the social services lie and cheat to keep your child.
We took our boy zak to our hospital as we were strugeling to get him to eat our gps and health visitor was e/mailing the comsultant telephoning him phoning him to say that thay thought he was autistic and he would not listern, instead he blamed us and did lots of unecesary tests to try and prove it was us
Then out of the blue no case meeting no nothink a woman from the social services and the dr took my wife in to a room and said were taking zak in to foster care and if you dont agree we will go to court this afternoon and get your rights taken away, we did not see him for a week it was promised by them it was our gp who phoned to find out what was happening .
It took two weeks to get a solicitor we have never had any dealings with social services and we have four outher children finaly we got 3 hours 5 days a week supervised, at the end of the so called month thay would not give him back so we went to court he was in foster care for four months it was that he was exactly in foster care as he was at home and not puting on weight so the judge sent him home in november but the hospital dr still came to court and tryd to keep him in care for a further 6 months without any family contact Everyone was saying he was autistic even the reporter who did our story in the news he refused to beleive that even if he was autistic it would not have anythink to do with global development delay or afect his eating this dr says he is experianced in child autisam and diagnoses about 5 children a week, we now have an autistic assesment of zak that he has severe autisam the judge discontinued the case on the 6th august 2010 our story was in the news on the 7th 9th 10th and eleventh television national and local papers and two breackfast radio chanels.
We have a good solicitor and are taking action in the courts against the hospital and local athority, we have a good case against them we reported them to the gmc who looked into it which wont go any further untill we have a case against the hospital and consultant, before thay will take action against the dr and hospitalwe have been threatend and bullyd by them and it wont wash .
Thay need investigating the family courts are a sham the ss dont follow there guidelines and do anythink thay can to get a case against you, zak was never at risk from anythink his only crime he did not eat much and liked to do things his own way like eating of the floor and taking about two hours to eat his meals wich was not exeptable by the hospital when we tryd to tell them about zak and his routeen and how he liked things we were told were being negative and this was used amoung outher things to keep him away it made our lifes hell my little girl emily 3 years old was potty trained now she has gone backwards and since then wont leave our side she stoped going to nursary and now washes her hands all the time, the hospital said thay was going to put him in to food groups ect we waited and nothink it was not untill he got sick and had to go to hospital when thay changed there opinion and was funny with us he was rehydrated a case meeting and sent home with more promises of help to return in two weeks to be told he has not gained any weight were taking him in for a two week feeding assesmen, were all thay did was pull us down and call us negative on the last day no case meeting no nothink just took him away not inviting our gps to a meeting the hospital had a secret meeting among themselves and wisked him away .
The only good thing is we got him back there are pleanty who dont we feel rearly strongly about this it canot happen to inocent people and want him investigated , ph.
my heart goes out to those poor parents, my daughter is going through something very similar with social services and it feels like a living nightmare, i had hoped that they would give her support but she is living with the fear of having her son taken from her. it also means that when anything happens she cannot take him to hospital incase they use it against her, putting his health in jeopardy. the powers that be need to look at the system and stop this happening to innocent families, i know that the childs welfare is key but please look outside the box and take into account other factors. i just get the impression that they take the easy way out and look at the quickest option.
we are going thought a similar thing it was so much like watching my daughters life unfold we really thought we were alone how wrong we where.its a nightmare what we are going thought. my daughter was woken in the night by her 6 month old daughter she was asleep in her cot and woke up crying baby was taken to the hospital the next day and they found she had a broken arm.my daughter is being wrongly accused this is an unexplained injury and to be told by the medical experts and ss workers that you have done this is so wrong.the suffering we are all going thought is breaking our heart .my daughter loves her children so much and has always been a good mum and done the her best she can .when will this nightmare end .
paul hessey
The social services pick on the wrong people, the hospital consultant has to much power the family courts are a sham you canot defend yourself your fait is in there hands the social services just make stuff up put it to the judge and thats it anouther month thay keep our boy zak, thay come to do an assesment suposadly to try and help you and just put about everythink thay can to make you look bad, thay suposedly went to school and thay said in a statement to keep zak that the health visitor and schoole had concernes that zak and his siblings went to school half dressed and hungry our health visitor had to wright a letter to the hospital to say this statement was not true and she never had any concearns about our children this then disapeared as thay had got him so it did not matter and zak did not go to school he was to young and nither did callum or emily so how could this be taken literaly. when i asked these people thay did not no anythink about it, my children always look smart and never go anywere without breakfas, the hospital kept my wifes oramorph in the medicine cabinet and tryd to say she was swiging uncontrolable amounts of morphine and she was not fit to look after her children, she only took if twice a day once in the morning for the pain and once at home before she came back to the hospital and thay used that at court to keep him the social services are there own law and do as thay like to you, thats why i wanted to expose it all and have done a good job so far the story has been on two news channels twice and i want to tell all to panorama.
Son_of_PM wrote that it wasn't actually SS that provided the evidence however the majority of the comments were about SS, this is because people are terrified of the power that SS have and the fact that they appear to be above the law and not answerable to those concerned. SS lied to me and when i pleaded with them to change their decision they refused without giving any reason for doing so. where do i go with this bearing in mind that it's my grandchilds future at stake - can you really blame anyone for not challenging their decisions or taking it further.
paul hessey
The social services are wicked people with no shame to what thay do to inocent familys like us thay nearly destroyed my wife and five children only to have our case discontinued by the judge after it was found that he had severe autisam, which the hospital and social services refused to exept or even look into it thay would rarther just take him away and make up a case against us type in to your browser zak hessey u will find old and new stuff.
Where i am going through this also (see similar posts). There was supposed to be a meeting today with my sw while the core assessment is happening my allocated sw decided to turn up on my doorstep with tags showing and what not i was so embarrassed tht fellow neighbours could see this woman on my doorstep. 15 minutes before a meeting was supposed to happen with myself and my childs father i got told that the other social worker was ill. I do not believe that for a minute. If the other sw was ill then why wasn't myself or my childs father called throughout the day to let us know. This is saying to me that obviously the core assessment is not needed so why are they doing it. Even after my children have been found not to be at risk.
I am glad that pannorama have done this program as i feel not so alone through this whole horrific ordeal. I myself have dealt with them in the past concerning another case. So i am blessed to know what to expect and how to deal with them this time round.And i feel bad for these familys innocent people going through this and what i myself have been through in the past. If for some people this is their first case i understand completely and fully what you are going through. I just hope that this program gives us all the confidence to talk about it even though we may not be able to go public as of yet.
I understand completely when my eldest son was two i thought that he could hve a case of autism. I was told by cps and the sw that this was my fault and the way i brought him up. I lost him and his brother my eldest is now 11. it was only 3 years ago that the adoptive parents thought the same as myself that he had autism they went to get him checked out and he was diagnosed with autism. So why wouldn't they listen to me when i aired my concerns of this possibility. It is proof that ss and cps will do anything to get their moneys worth it makes me sick.
Now i have two more beautiful children and it has already been said in black and white that they are not at risk yet these people are still hounding me. And cancelling meetings because a sw is ill is not on i am recording all of this as i feel from their first assessment the whole thing is not needed.
But i am now concerned because they have accessed my past files that they are trying to catch me out on one minute little thing to protect their own backs after what they have done to me previously. But like i have said i am more aware this time of the possibilitys on what they will use on me to take my two lovely children yet again.
I myself will contribute when i know the full reason on why these people want to destroy my childrens life as well as my own. For no reason all because of an anon call. even though ss have said themselves in black and white on my initial assessment that my children are well looked after cared for clean and house is tidy and that they have no concerns.
Until they stop hastleing me even though they have said their is no risk then i will not contribute to these people.
I just hope the neighbours who have caused me and my childs father this hastle even though he only lives one door away from me. I hope they watched panorama last night and realise what they are doing to attempt to destropy lives just because they want a materialistic thing such as a balcony extension that i refused.
I refused this because i will not have strangers looking through my windows and looking over my garden invadeing my 2 year old daughters privacy as well as my 14 week old son i assume that many parents would not want this also.
so until i am satisfied with a proper explanation as to why they are doing this core assessment then i will not let my children go into care because of a nasty selfish imprudant neighbour because they cannot have what they want.
All i have been told by the sw is that they have to investigate anon calls which i completely understand and give me a initial assessment saying my children are appropriately cared for clean and happy. Then they go against their word and say they have to do a core assessment because they were called anon twice.
it's disgusting not the fact that they are doing what they need to do but the fact that they have gone against their initial assessment which was golden and behind my back doing a core assesment.
I do not criticise from afar i am going through this now and have been in the past and i know that others are too.
You can get a lot of snatches in the summer hols. My "snatchiversary" has just gone. It was 7 years ago on 17th August 2003. Fcuking SS I hate the bastards!
people who work along side these "alledged professionals" & are so quick to jump to their defence, should stop and think, it is YOU in a position of trust respected in the comunity! NOT your friends, NOT your family! HOW SAFE ARE THEY? believe me you would not be so quick to defend these people if you watched them do this to someone you loved! It angers me so much that people who have no idea what this feels like first hand, think they can comment in defence of these people! YES we all know that Drs,social services, ect have a hard job to do! but does it really give them the right to lie & twist the truth to cover their backs? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THESE PEOPLE GET PAID FOR THEIR SO CALLED EXPERT OPINIONS? have a bit of compassion for the people having their children ripped from their loving arms! & adopted out never to see them again! These "so called" professional people dont walk in blind! & if it is their job to protect children, then they should start getting it right, instead of wasting resources on children that dont need them! such as our 8 children! how much time & money did that take? how many children suffered? all because not one professional involved thought that the x-ray that was preformed upside down, (causing considerable artefact, severely compromising the diagnostic quality!) should maybe be preformed again! thats what makes me angy!
was it just us that were told by social workers, drs, ect, that if we did not sign a document allowing our child to be placed into social services foster care, the police would be called & the child would be taken by force? & when i refused & phoned a solicitor, i had a woman, right in my face, who worked for social services within the hospital telling me it would be 3 years before i got her home, if i did'nt sign! what choice did we have? dont ever feel embarrassed or to blame for the things you are forced to do! it's not your fault! i spent way too much time blaming myself! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
No I think you will find this also happened to Jade Williams when kent county council stole her 4 daughters without applying for a care order first.
Elle-may Williams-Piper
Ruby Williams-Piper
Lacey Williams-Piper
Poppy Williams-Piper
The 4 granddaughters of ex conservative Maidstone borough Sheena Williams.
And who was responsible for stealing these children Judge Richard Polden & Recorder Judge Green and all the councillors and MP’s who did nothing and covered their backs. Have they tried to persecute the grandmother and shut her up , of course , will they succeed of course not we wont let them.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/au ... ondon-flat
wonder what this guy found out that he wasn't supposed to.
Wake up and smell the coffee, or should I say, cash! The fact that Baby P really was abused was precisely the reason he was not taken into care. Social Workers specifically target happy, healthy children from good families because they are easy to get adopted and the money flows in. Parents of such children are seen as soft targets as they tend to whisk their child to hospital straight away rather than hide and will tell the truth, (initially) trusting Social Workers will do the right thing.
This is no exaggeration and I know this because of what I and many others I have met, have gone through. My case has been treated like the most urgent case in the world, forcing Court rooms to stay open late on a Friday night. What's the need for all the rush? Well it's not because my child is at risk, he has never been abused, but because he is beyond belief gorgeous, (possibly) healthy and a young baby from the most loving family possible. Perfect Adoption Material. Just like the baby in the Panorama programme.
It is not a coincidence that so many of us are going through the same thing and the numbers of children being taken into care is going through the roof. Something needs to be done, and soon.
I am with you on this the whole way he/she does not realise what goes on behind closed doors obviously. When ss came round to my house they couldn't help stroking her hair and saying she has lovely eyes and stroking my sons head saying that he was also lovely because he was rested and did not need anything.
i even let them hold my son to see for themselves that he is a happy healthy child. But when they done what they done i knew straight away what they were up to i got involved with an MP and my case has been recorded.
They are not taking my children because they are beautiful healthy kids and no need for being given to strangers. But like you say you are RIGHT they will take kids that are not abused because they are easier to adopt. But abused childrenthey will not when i had been through atraumatic experiance at 13 due to the hands of a family member they left me at the age of 13 to say whether i wanted to go into care or not i wanted to get away from it so i said yes.
I was put in a foster home at 14 only to have their adopted son abuse me and my foster sister we ran away to centrepoint and we both said that we would not go back unless he was dealt with we even refused to go back my foster carer did not believe us but centre point in london helped us ss had to relook at the situation and place us in a safe place i was put with a family who the foster mother took on 3 teenagers at the time and her actual son was 17 years old he tried it with us we tried to tell her and we were not believed.
on one occasion she made me and my foster sister at the time clean her mirrors and crystal if their was any smears we had to do it again. She also used to sit outside with her ex foster kids and smoke and drink to excess i complained about it to my sw and they did everything they could to not move me because of insufficient foster homes. i refused i ended up staying at a school friends place because i would not go back because i knew that what she was doing and also the one before was wrong.
my mum brought me up properly to recognise signs that were not acceptable yet they still took me.
at 16 i was thrown out on my ear noone would adopt me because of the past and i was thrown into a bedsit that was mouldy and that i had to share the rest of the house with prisoners that had just come out of prison and were being rehabilitated
and thats safe is it.
ive been in care
ive been through courts with my own children
and now experiancing these people again all because of a call
no its not just you they do threaten with forceful removal by police and also the threat of court orders, i agree with you if you are forced into the situation what else can you do? i spent a long time feeling guilty for effectively handing my child over but i had no choice, however i am happy to say that he and his younger brother are now back home where they belong and cherished the more for the trauma caused by so say expert witnesses and repeteadly incorrect facts and statements from sw's
i'm glad you got your children back i just wish i knew my rights before they put my eldest two up for adoption on the circumstance that i could not be found i was at the same address i hadn't gone anywhere. my soliciter new this also. but they still went ahead i did not sign anything at all and i still have my papers to prove this from the last case to show my children i did everything i could to keep them in the family home. it was also said in front of a njudge that i should receive letter box contact pictures and also how they were fareing in their injections. It was written in black and white and i received none of this but b4 i had the net i was also told if i did speak to anyone i would get arrested. now i know this is not true. It was just another one of their lies to protect themselves.
my soliciter was a liar and kept telling me give up because you will not get through this case and you could end up being arrested.
my sister at the time was working at the magistraits court she found somw stuff on certain individuals and gave them to me i told my soliciter and he said if i revealed what was found that i could see a prisn sentence.
So apart from twisted sw and cps and cafcas also certain soliciters are perpetraitors also. I will never forgive them for what they have done to me. ive lost out on my two eldest childrens lives and i cannot believe that they are saying and being told that i was to ill to look after them and now ss are saying that i gave them up for adoption because i was too young when in fact i still have the files from my last case which blatently says that they were taken from me i never gave them up at all i never would this is just another classic ss and cps motive to protect what they did because it was illegal what they done.
Like so,so many of you, we too suffered bullying, intimidation, threats....all at the people that were supposed to help. They tried to play myself and my hubby against each other by asking if either was capable of shaking our new-born (he was found to have suffered a brain bleed at birth) Shockingly, We were also told that if wew were to confess(?) we could have our baby back and they would "work with us". The more we protested our innocence, the more we were considered in "denial"....
My husband ia a serving soldier in the Britsih Army and when he turns and says that he would rather be fighting the TALIBAN than Social Services it proves what a shambles it all is. He was told that his job was violent and therefore he was capable of violence in the home....NEVER have we shown any aggression to ANYONE. Yet the moment they tried to overstep the line in OUR family home, you have to bite your tongue because they are so powerful.
Our social worker carried out a core assessment and it was 'praised' in court for being so 'clean'!!! What did they expect!!!! The social worker even sat in our living room and said "I cannot find anything in your assesment that is in anyway negative"
We had 2 other daughters living with us through the whole year it took to get our baby home (thank God)... can anyone tell me how this works and has anyone else had just one child taken???
You seem to think you have been through hell, which we have, but on reading some of your stories, ours seems to look like a slight problem!!! MY HEART AND PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU ALL XXXX
Stephen Wicken
This case reflects some of the problems in the system, I would say how lucky the Wards were to have kept the child at home with them, very rare. I would love to be fighting for my and my children's justice in a system that does not function adequately, with them at home, so my parenting could be proven and seen to all and work with a system that refuses support. For what ever reason, SW's take action and once they are involved now, there is little chance of parents getting a fair and honest consideration. Lacking in transparent open and adequate disclosure or truth, if you challenge or able to communicate you are considered to be angry or un-coperative - simple answers or any working practice or partnership refused. Complain at your peril, acquiese and you are trodden on by the system - those who appear to want there wicked way, especially if baby removed at birth. Forced adoption only consideration of system due to timescales set by Courts. LSC funding in fight frought with Experts opinions that follow the money - Public money. Rate payers who have yet to or not met the SS beware, its an effect any one since Baby P - look at Statisics - will now find how impossible it is to get to truth or adequate justice - even LA's perverting course of justice by witholding evidence of direct questions not inaccord of principles laid down. Criminal Courts are open and fair, Family Courts are closed and biased against families and justice. Even simple evidence is not considered by the bench - due to time or LA Barristers winning at all cost approach. Risk adverse LGO's over worked, so they say hide behind a system that is not working. The Baby P's are thankfully rare, but the injustice to families and parents is becoming repetative as the system is not working, but Parents and children are being destroyed and Families are not now the priority of Government, yet the policy of Government and actions by SS and commercial bodies has self interest and appears to be following the money in difficault times, yet working with families and Rehab is more econmical and better in the interest of families. Its parents that feel the shame and stigma of falseness it creates to a family ruined by a system that seeks help, there is none and nowhere to get help or adequate support. Others that have been though the system with either good or bad outcomes know the effect and human suffering inflicted. I accept that the Baby P case is awlful and should not have happened, given all the missed oppertunities - however missed oppertunities by SS or professionals to work with families to seek better outcomes is also as worse - lost children and forced adoption. A parent considered good and more than adequate, but complains and therefore likley to emotionally harm a child - the opinion of an expert who has not read the whole case file and follows the advice of SS, who with hold evidence of truth. Courts that refuse to consider the case files and not put evidence before the proceedings, Little oppertunity to justice the result. Elected members and Cllrs who fear invlovement and support-why
I have 8 children, the older 7 were left in our care, they took only the baby! a healthy 7 month old beautiful blonde haired blue eyed perfect little girl! sound familiar? (ruby)(naerdiel)(clare2008) the wards! there does seem to be a very high number of babies being snatched! very stange? your man is out there fighting for the future of all our children & this is the thank's he get's! DISGUSTING! the government are happy to send the troops out there, yet the authorities brand him as violent! I think I read about you & possibly saw you on the news! southampton? I was on the front page of the daily paper, headline (social services forced me to put my baby into foster care) I gave them all my paperwork & told them they could print what they wanted, names ect! was so angry at that point I did'nt care if I was arrested, but they did'nt take advantage of me! not all reporter's are bad! I never thought I would feel lucky after what we went through, but after fighting back the tears to read some of the stories on here, we clearly were! take care!
Unfortunately I have come across so many people who jump to the defence of social services ect, by using the memory of a beautiful baby boy who was tortured to death! (his name was Peter) to excuse their incompetence! this is no excuse for what they are doing to countless families right now! The fact that they waste resources on children that do not need them contributed to his death! along with the many other failings of "alleged professionals!" why is it disgusting to be opening people's eye's to the injustice of the family court system? What I find disgusting is a soldier being told he has a violent job, & is therefore capable of child abuse!(Katedean1) simply doing his job, not only to protect our children but also people like me & you!
158 comments, not bad but has clearly backfired on what the corrupt CON part of the LIB/LAB/CON had in mind, it didn’t settle the sheeple and raise any sympathy for the SS, never mind the common purpose led BBC MUST TRY BETTER NEXT TAME
And now for some good news
Top council official is suspended
The senior officer at Derby City Council in charge of social services and education has been suspended, it is confirmed.
Shes only been in the job for 4 months How about the one from staffordshire next id be happy to see her go as well.
New leaflets advertising for people to foster the stolen kids?
They are offering over £400 a week. They are sticking up the finger at muggins taxpayers.
Shaun O'Connell
If the impact on small
children of contact on five or seven days a week may be detrimental to the development of infants who are
forming or have formed attachments to their foster carer then this must apply to child care and therefore to parents who work!
FJC April 2010 Nicholas Crichton drew the attention of the Council to two pieces of research on the impact on small children of contact on five or seven days a week. The research suggests that this may be detrimental to the development of infants who are forming or have formed attachments to their foster carer when the...y are undergoing daily separation and reunion with their carers.
Stephen Wicken
Has there been consideration then on Mothers who work and put Child into Day Nursey 5 days a week - is this any different - is there a similar consideration when creating Government sponsored Day centres for care, this is usual attack on Parents - and no resouce or consideration to support of Families. It seems that yet another money making bid - in self interest without a thought to practical outcomes or best outcomes for families. Children need families and families that are given support - unless impossible. I would say with adequate support and adequate time a second chance is best. Is every mother or father wrong to think nursey. Is every Parent a risk to bringing up children - the way its going - money is going to damaging Families not supporting. - Look at the money trails.
Alienating the Children and Breaking the Bond - A Report on Contact
1. My children have just finished 2 weeks of Easter holidays. It is typical that I spend much of the time during the school holidays enjoying child orientated attractions with the children as is also normal at weekends. There is nothing I enjoy more than seeing my children enjoying life. This school holiday I have been allowed to see my children 3 hours and I have greatly missed them.
1. Since 9 February I have been able to spend 2 hours on an outing with the children during which time I listened to Ivan Sullivan telling Kylie that I am not able to look after her because I am angry. My family suffered greatly from the actions of Ivan Sullivan, including his alleged assault which I have now seen a video of. The video makes it clear that this allegation was false and it is him that had behaved violently in front of Kylie which explains why she considered him to be a monster. The local authority are now disregarding this video evidence and I am unsure whether they have followed the directions ordering them to file it with the Court. I consider this evidence as valuable in assisting the Court in understanding how my family have been consistently punished for standing up for our rights. The alleged assault resulted in contact being suspended for 7 days which followed a period of a month where contact averaged 1 hour a week as the local authority repeatedly disobeyed the Contact Order made on 9 February with the excuse that they did not have staff available to supervise.
1. Since the Court heard the local authority’s allegations my children have continued to only be allowed on average 1 hour contact with me per week. This has had a severe effect on Fidel who started showing signs of an attachment disorder. During the contact that has been allowed I have made attempts to reassure Fidel that I have not abandoned him by being affectionate towards him. Since contact 3 times per week has become more dependable Fidel seems to have recovered and is now returning affection. My family have always been close, sharing a lot of affection and I found Fidel’s behaviour distressing however I managed to hide my distress during contact.
1. When my children and I were initially separated I felt a deep sense of injustice, particularly as I could see the effect the separation was having on the children. Kylie is a strong and confident child but Fidel often cried uncontrollably each time he was separated from me after contact. The allegations that I was causing this distress, rather than the separation deepened my sense of injustice.
1. I have suffered greatly from seeing my children suffering. Kylie and Fidel consistently tell me they wish to come home and I have felt powerless to satisfy their need to return to their loving home. I have been my children’s only carer since their births and I am in tune with their every emotion. I understand how my children think, feel and behave. I often feel outraged by the allegations that have been made by the local authority and consider that I have exercised incredible self control in the circumstances, however the allegations keep coming.
1. The allegations by the local authority have been consistently negative and misleading since they became involved in my family in October 2009. The result of their actions has been a huge injustice to a close family where there is a law abiding, hard working, conscientious mother and two happy healthy children. The series of events is clearly working to destroy the bond I have with my children and prepare us for permanent separation. There has never been any indication that the local authority are prepared to adhere to the Children’s Act and consider that my happy healthy children should continue living with me.
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