
Shame Your Social Worker

We are ashamed to be British, who would have thought this goes on in our society? We wouldn’t think it, because we don’t know it’s going on!

That’s about to change, we have but one tool at our disposal, a tool even more powerful than social worker’s having their day in court against hapless families, that tool is The Internet a machine so vast it covers the globe in seconds. Maybe, just maybe they have met their match. If you have been on the end of “their justice” it is more than likely you have nothing more to loose, please feel at liberty to tell it like it really is, name all involved, without revealing your identity.

Say NO to gagging orders, how dare they! We know its not in the interests of the child, its in the interests of the perverse judgments and scrappy evidence that could never stand up in a ‘proper’ court furthermore it could cause a public outcry if it ever got out. We’ve had enough of the injustice and the secret courts, this must end and it must end NOW, the outcry is about to begin.

Its not enough to tell your story, naming names is imperative if this is to have any impact, provide every detail you have, car registration numbers, home addresses even add a link to with their photograph. Create a profile on one of the many social networking sites, they can't afford to close them all, you will have maximum impact! The more information you provide the more they will want to close the site, the more they want to close it the more mirror sites will appear with all the same information on them, this will hurt them make no mistake, they won't like the publicity and like we care? No longer can they get away with the ability to hide behind the secret courts!

We have provided the means to "freely express" now you can have your say…

You can make your "comment" anonymously or if you are in any doubt about the traceability of your comment search for "Anonymous Surfing" and use a proxy website or go HERE then enter this Blog again by copy/paste ...then say your piece, your identity remains untouchable ...the world is waiting.

Our day will come.... as will theirs


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Anonymous said...

This is of interest, but are you really ready to go down the rabbit hole?

Info supplied by James Casbolt: Former? M16/NSA Agent

You should read from page one.

quote:John Scarlett: "The Eggman"

Why the 'Eggman'?
The diabolical Royal Arch Freemasonry of the British Illuminati:
The 'Humpty Dumpty' cult, otherwise known as the 'Dark Lily' brotherhood.
Currently run by John Scarlett - Head of MI6.
In layperson's terms, this secret society is an 'esoteric' front for the Royal Genome project.
Briefly, this cult was begun, in order to ensure the survival of the decrepit genes of the European Monarchies by infusing them with new 'blood' - more specifically, new DNA.
Women were secretly selected, according to their gene pool and put under MI6 Illuminati mind control via the programme 'Alice in Wonderland'.
'Alice in Wonderland' is no fairytale.
During the 1980's and 1990's, the selected, female British Intelligence recruits were taken to see the 'arum' lily. A plant which stinks of rotting human flesh. This was to reveal to them the 'mysteries' of the cult i.e. that they would be used for their zygotes (fertilised eggs) in order to continue the research of the Royal cult i.e. the Nazi, eugenics project.
The Royal Family and their associates, didn't simply want to have 'above average' intelligence, looks, talents etc - they wanted to be the 'superior race' in every way. They were continuing the Nazi agenda. Nazism never went away and it is being perpetuated via pawns like Scarlett, who is part of the 'fifth column' in British society.

Anonymous said...

'Ar-rum' shouts the character in 'Alice in Wonderland' as Alice tries to break out of the symbolic womb of the house she has grown too big for...'Ar-rum'...the lizard is held up by the two guineapigs (penis and balls) after his attempt to 'get down the chimney' (vagina).
This is the real meaning behind the sick parable of the British Illuminati, as explained to their new Royal Arch Freemasonry recruits...too sick to go into details but needs must. This has all got to be exposed.
The women who have been chosen, have no choice as to whom they copulate with. They are raped by members of the Illuminati, having been forbidden to have sexual relations with any other man. They are not allowed to choose their own partner and not allowed to get married, have children or any sort of normal life. They are the 'sacred prostitutes'. After fertilisation, they are then forced through the most terrible and traumatic abortions.
Read Humpty Dumpty's 'poetry' to find out exactly what happens to these poor women (the 'little fishes'):
`I sent a message to the fish:
I told them "This is what I wish."
The little fishes of the sea,
They sent an answer back to me.
The little fishes' answer was
"We cannot do it, Sir, because -
`I sent to them again to say
"It will be better to obey."
The fishes answered with a grin,
"Why, what a temper you are in!"
I told them once, I told them twice:
They would not listen to advice.
I took a kettle large and new,
Fit for the deed I had to do.
My heart went hop, my heart went thump;
I filled the kettle at the pump.
Then some one came to me and said,
"The little fishes are in bed."
I said to him, I said it plain,
"Then you must wake them up again."
I said it very loud and clear;
I went and shouted in his ear.'
`But he was very stiff and proud;
He said "You needn't shout so loud!"
And he was very proud and stiff;
He said "I'd go and wake them, if -- "
I took a corkscrew from the shelf:
I went to wake them up myself.
And when I found the door was locked,
I pulled and pushed and knocked.
And when I found the door was shut,
I tried to turn the handle, but -- '
The kettle was the boiling water, used to induce an abortion after breaking into the woman's accommodation - nowadays they use a stun gun to make the womb spasm. The 'corkscrew' was the implement used to break the waters in Victorian times. Until recently, a coat-hanger was used.

Anonymous said...

The White Queen then gives 'Alice' (the female pawn in the British Monarchy's sick game) an extra clue to her fate:
'"First, the fish must be caught."
That is easy: a baby, I think, could have caught it.
"Next, the fish must be bought."
That is easy: a penny, I think, would have bought it.

"Now cook me the fish!"
That is easy, and will not take more than a minute.
"Let it lie in a dish!"
That is easy, because it already is in it.

"Bring it here! Let me sup!"
It is easy to set such a dish on the table.
''Take the dish-cover up!"
Ah, THAT is so hard that I fear I'm unable!

For it holds it like glue--
Holds the lid to the dish, while it lies in the middle:
Which is easiest to do,
Un-dish-cover the fish, or dishcover the riddle?'
The above verses basically describe the process of repeated rape, fertilisation and then the subsequent kidnap, and enforced abortion. The 'dish' is the womb and the 'fish' inside is the foetus/fertilised egg - depending upon what type of experimentation, British Intelligence wished to do i.e. on a living child or the zygote.

James Casbolt

I will let you all decide if this guy is for real or not.

Anonymous said...

Fay Williams

Re A (Contact Order) [2010] EWCA Civ 208 Seems to be unfair and typical and I hope they will appeal further. I will be making the same point. The Guardian is stopping contact against my children's expressed wishes and feelings due to alleged behaviour in contact ie not sticking to the schedule of expectations in my Notes. I am asking for my children to see their solicitor without the guardian present which will be happening next week but after this judgment it seems it is unlikely to make any difference if it is found the children want contact and the guardian doesn't because the guardian seems to be able to decide what is in the best interest of the children and go against their wishes and feelings even though their ascertainable wishes and feelings are the first point on the welfare check list.

Anonymous said...

Fay Williams

They can be paid £400 per week per child! but one of these cases shows that if your parent/relative or friend gets kinship they are entitled to be paid the same as a foster carer.

Anonymous said...

And we all know what happened to Sheena Williams who was a councillor in Kent when she asked for support the same as a foster carer they stole
her 4 granddaughters Elle-May, Ruby, Lacey & Poppy and we all saw those pictures of them in care and the horrific head injury on baby Poppy which made us cry !

for crying out loud why are these sick mother fuckers being allowed to abuse children and get paid hundreds of £££ and thousands for the fostering agency a week its utter madness evil to teh very core !

Anonymous said...

Rowan Carstairs

£1000 PER WEEK! That is £54000 per year! How on earth can they advertise, justify that level of payment. Open invitation for the greedy to get rich through our children

Anonymous said...

Kay Young

I kept asking for help for my daughter. I even had TO FIGHT SS to get her into Great Ormond Street - I really do not understand and did not understand WHY they were so against it. Very odd. There is a Unit there - Mildred Creak unit they have children there 5 days a week and then, usually, the child/ren either go home at the weekends or go to the foster carer etc., They treated anorexic children / 'disturbed' children / depressed children etc.,

RE: It was very poor social work abruptly to deny help to a mother who needed and was asking for help to break free from an abusive relationship, without explanation. The conduct of the authority in this case had been entirely inimical to the ethos of the Children Act 1989, wholly contrary to good practice in care proceedings, and unduly adversarial"

I was 'requesting help' for years for my daughter never got it - in the end had all my past 'turned on me', I (thought) I was putting her in respite care to try and get her the help she needed and then lost her!

It was in total contradiction to what she wanted, what the SS did was against their 'star/professional' witness also.

I am now starting to go through various things and request access to Records, from SS, The Police and the University where I did my Degree at that time. (I want to see/know who sat on the Panel to decide what Grading of a Degree I got! Bet one name will be familiar - a JUDGE!)

Anonymous said...

REFUSE to be Psychologically assessed without your children, unless it is by DR LOWENSTEIN!

Make sure your children are not assessed without YOU.

Anonymous said...

This is the Act that you need to know back to front if your children have been taken. The LA and Cafcass will breach it as much as they can and your solicitor will not stop them so you need to know what it says and hold them to their obligations and duties under it.

Children Act 1989 (c. 41)


a transfer of title to your children all taken in TRUST

Anonymous said...

What you say to your Qualified Lawyer is confidential! Advocacy meetings are unlawful. If the Social workers know information discussed between you and your lawyer in confidence then your Lawyer has acted unlawfully and must be reported to the law society

Anonymous said...

Do not sign a general form of authority. If your solicitor wants any records write specific forms of authority for the purpose required. YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO DIVULGE YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS!

Anonymous said...

If you challenge the legal advice you have been given eg. You say you agreed the findings under duress - you will have to waive your legal privilege and then all parties will be allowed to see everything you and your lawyer have discussed in confidence.

Anonymous said...

Dorothy Laity

Me and my barrister had to fight in court both for SS not to be the ones to take custody of my medical records when they were being called in (which the SW's lawyer tried to suggest was an "unusual" request - mine of course countered that a...s a lot of our case focussed on SS' having forged and meddled with various documents, the court should understand) but also we had to fight to try and have an extract of my ex's medical records (which even referred to "he" - as in "he said he felt...") being submitted as being about me. - I walked out of court over it as I didn't trust myself not to explode at the judge and yet I was threatened with being held in contempt by the judge AFTER I explained why I'd left

Anonymous said...

Penny Hales

Huh when i was assessed the psycho wanted me to sign medical agreement and when i had refused(given my case is partly due to doctors) the psycho told me she would just get the courts to order them instead!

Corupt im so sick of the masses of coruption in my case! Grrr

Anonymous said...

Fay Williams

I thought I'd post the law on this because both the LA and my solicitors are trying to tell me they can't assess because they have a S34.4 'forbidding' contact. It's not true but I suspect they use this misrep of the law alot.

A S34.4 only "authorises" the local authority to refuse to allow contact. It does not forbid such contact and a local authority, even if clothed with authority under section 34(4), is, of course, under a continuing duty to keep matters under review and to allow contact to resume as soon as it is safe and appropriate to do so."

Anonymous said...

Dorothy Laity

Family Law Week: Media attendance at family court cases limited, Ministry of Justice report confirms

Okay, two issues with that:

a) The media certainly did not have access before - unless every single person I dealt with (including at court) was being lied to by SS when they were told that it was not legal (not to mention the documented instances of journalists being removed and obstructed sometimes bodily - for example, go watch pie&mash films right off the top of my head)

b) when they say:

"The evidence gained to date by the Children's Commissioner also highlights children's scepticism at the power of the law, and other adults, such as lawyers and judges, to protect their privacy even if a formal ban exists on publishing information where they could be identified."

If I were a betting woman (which I'm not incidentally) I would lay good money on the fact of that statement being:

"The evidence gained to date by the Children's Commissioner also highlights children's scepticism at the power of the law, and other adults, such as lawyers and judges, to protect" and I suspect the word missing there is "them". - I reckon the rest of that paragraph is some sympathist's own conclusion gleaned from their angle to make it look good.

You ask any child, in any school in Britain what they think of social services - again, I would bet it was as it was when we were in school, not so long ago (post Maggie put it that way) when we KNEW that social services were nothing but bad news!

Anonymous said...

Dorothy Laity

Interesting that they can make letterbox sound so good too - we were initially told that photos were forbidden, then in this year's letter I discover the family want some and the 40-odd I sent via the SW never got there. They also want pics... of us and my daughter's cat to keep things normal for her even though they "aren't allowed" to send us any. We're also forbidden to send birthday cards - off the record, I've been told by a practicing SW that this is because the children's dates of birth will have been changed as part of the adoption processed identity change.

Anonymous said...

Jenny Archer

they wont have changed date of birth. its just part if sw's misguided belief that a child wont remeber or shouldnt be reminded on their birthday. thats bullshit,I thought of my mother on my birthday if I had a card I would have known she cared.I had to wonder all the time

Anonymous said...

what a load of bullshit. the majority of kids have been removed on grounds of "future risk of emotional harm". that means that these kids have never actually suffered any kind of abuse and/or neglect so they want to get there facts right before publishing such crap

Anonymous said...

I was born in the 70's where it wasnt the done thing my father legged it and my birth mother gave me up for adoption huge pressure from the family who then set her up in business in return. yeah folks they treated me as a business transaction of sorts.
I thought of her often too, much more than just my birthday but I think it was cruel that I grew up knowing nothing about her, even the details I was given about her were incorrect. She left lots of things for me but the only thing which reached my adoptive parents was a shawl which I treasured.

Anonymous said...

Police called to suicide girls' care centre 900 times | Glasgow and West | STV News

A total of 920 calls were made to police from the centre attended by teenagers who jumped to their deaths from the Erskine Bridge.

There is something wrong here

Anonymous said...

Learning Disabled Parents Losing Children To Adoption « Same Difference

Against a background of prejudice and out-of-date assessments, six out of 10 parents with learning disabilities are having their children removed for adoption, research by Bristol University suggests.

Anonymous said...

Sonia B

i find that quiet scary given the fact 1 of my kids has got a severe learning disability,add that to the fact hes been in care and boom theyve got a great excuse to remove any child he may have,wether he actually makes a good parent or not wont even come into it. the same goes for 1 of my other kids that has autism,and i suspect tho never actually diagnosed that 1 of my other boys has seems to have come down to more any reason is a good enough reason rather than wether a parent can actually care for the child in a way that is good enough

Anonymous said...

Children taken from parents and adopted ‘to meet ministry targets’ - Times Online

Record numbers of young children are being taken from their parents and adopted - sometimes unjustly - to meet government targets, it is claimed today.

Given the date on that, that mother may have been me.

Shame it doesn't make more of the routine gagging orders and the fact that SS regularly petition the courts to remove the parent's right to appeal (as in my case).

Too damn right it breeds... suspicion! All I can say to any other mother out there who wants to avoid the same as I got - pray your hardest you don't end up with an adorable pidgeon-pair of baby boy and girl within two years of each other - especially if you have what the fertility industry refers to as "good genes" - i.e. any skills or good health of any sort!

Anonymous said...


I would like to know. I know of only two parents that ended up committing suicide but I am sure it must happen a lot. I know how destroying it is for the parent and I have listened to parents say they feel suicidal a...nd they can't go on. I have felt the same at times. I have heard grandparents tell of how their children have gone off the rails. I have read case reports where the parent gets so distressed she starts self harming. It is truly evil to both parent and child to destroy the bond. This bullying is the worst that any one could go through.

I would also like to know how many children end up committing suicide after they have been stolen from their parents. They hide these statistics.

Anonymous said...

Call me cynical of you like but I HOLD NO VALUE TO COUNCIL AND CHARITY BASED SURVEYS.....Shape of things to come ? Mandatory alcohol and drug testing of all parents ???

Alcohol abuse is a ‘ticking timebomb’

Bradford councillors are pressing for better treatment for alcoholics as a children’s charity warned that the fallout from parents’ alcohol abuse is ‘a ticking timebomb’.

Anonymous said...

Nicky Herron

might catch a few ss workers taking their kids to school while under the influence ....

Anonymous said...

Thats the very least BLIAR should do guilty about giving away all of his millions, then handing himself in at the nearest cop shop, EVIL LYING TRAITOR/MURDERER...Why is he in the UK anyway....trying to clean up his rep ???

Blair gives book cash to charity

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair is to donate the profits from his memoirs to a sports centre for badly injured soldiers.

Anonymous said...


This man Blair, should be tried at the Hague for genocide and international war crimes. Following that, all the wealth he has accrued be then donated to worthy causes under the proceeds of crime legislation. Blood money and guilt is the 1st thing that springs to mind regarding this warped and dangerous piece of excrement

Anonymous said...


Just a publicity stunt. If he believed the war was necessary, then why did he not fight Sadaam on his own man to man and then there would not be so many dead and injured soldiers and Iraq in bits.?

I sense he feels the coming of the ghost of... Christmas past or Lilith and the knowing that his soul is lost forever- and becoming a Catholic sure did not help either as the men of god ??? cannot save him either- now he is all alone with himself.

Anonymous said...

Shaun O'Connell

I seem to have missed this wheze - Coram are planning instant adoptions - place baby with foster carer and reduce parents interaction. Any breeders out there for the only export growth the UK will have?

Anonymous said...


Luke had the most beautiful blue eyes. He was the perfect baby.

Luke had the most beautiful blue eyes. He was the apple of my eye and a perfect baby. At our visits if he saw a piece of rubbish on the ground he would pick it up and put it in the bin. I couldn't stop kissing, hugging him and telling how beautiful he was.

Anonymous said...

Hugh Bissell

i will stop hating social workers the day i can sit in the galleries and watch them get jailed for the crimes they have committed against humanity

Anonymous said...

Hugh Bissell

they know every day when they go to work they might be forced by there managers to lie, cheat and cover up there own comrades abuse of childrenin order to steal children and put them into a system where

76% will become criminals

14% will end up seriously abused

18% will end up with serious drug problems possibly entering into prostitution to pay for there habits

5% will kill them selves or sleep in gutters to avoid this care system

while this continues i shall hate these people with a vengeance, i only wish i could start to understand a mentality that could allow them to go out and do that all day then sleep at night, i couldnt do it no matter how much i got paid

Anonymous said...

Anyone in the doncaster area with family problems, the best solisitor is CHRIS STEVENSON ON THORN ROAD, he wins a lot of cases

Anonymous said...

Hugh Bissell

it is to easy for the government to turn a blind eye when they dont know the people who are affected, make the government know you be proud to be loud

Anonymous said...

Child suicide bids rise to more than 4,000 | Society | The Observer
More than 4,000 children under 14 have attempted to take their own lives in the past year, according to NHS figures that show the scale of distress and mental suffering in the young

How many of these were caused by social services, has no one else noticed child suicide rates are rising just like the numbers of children being taken into care could there be a connection ?

Anonymous said...

Every day there abuse gets more public awareness, bring on the nurenberg trials for all levels of employees of social services from directors downwards, no mercy jail them all

We must protect children from their protectors

Telegraph View: Until we have a proper definition of the term 'significant abuse', the system will continue to fail abused children

Anonymous said...

Catherine Sara

A child in corporate "care" is 7 times more likely to be abused than with its natural parents.

Care is the one place where you can legally abuse a child and get paid for it.

Anonymous said...

Hugh Bissell

its important we make the facts above known to everyone, these are official ss figures, so cannot be denied by anyone, this is how we can turn everyone against ss, after all every child in the country is being abused in order for ss to put children into care and abuse them, vat is getting increased by2.5% to cover the cost making every person in the country suffer

Anonymous said...

Hugh Bissell

lets start jailing the social workers who lie to create these criminals these social workers destroy the fabric of society, they are the reasons we are scared in case were robbed or mugged, they create the criminals but i bet they are the first to complain when they are the victims of crime

Anonymous said...

Three in four teenagers in care will have criminal conviction by age 22 - Herald Scotland |.

More than three-quarters of children who are in residential care by their 16th birthday will have a criminal conviction by the age of 22, according to damning new figures.

Anonymous said...

Kirsty Seddon

I can for one tell you sws are that shocked to see a good result from a child in care, my sw sent out emails and letters bragging because I had passed my gcses lol, the way she was going on you would think I had done a degree not gcses.

Anonymous said...

Hugh Bissell

iv been in court and seen social workers lie through there teeth, only this week i caught one on video that there is no way she can wriggle out of, you know the saying give them enough rope to hang themselves, the gscc will suspend any social worker till retrained if there is indisputable evidence to prove they have lied 3 times, the sw i want suspended is 71yo once suspended no one will pay to retrain her, her career will be over

Anonymous said...

Iain Allan

Seen that at work myself.A male friend of mine's wife left him with 8 children .He did a great job .The SS came in and on the word of one person took all his kids away .They tried to say he was doing this and that until a lady friend of mine who works for immigration and has federal clearance stood up and said no ive seen whats going on its lies and they now have backed off and retracted their lies..

Anonymous said...

Pat Ritchie

People with influence need to stand up for what is right and people who stand up for what is right need to become people of influence.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Lonsdale

WTF is a 71 yr old doing still in this sort of job, the money must be so good she's turned into a robot, I have loads of recorded meetings with SW's and Gals, sadly they will still deny the contents of the recordings even though they clearly know its their voive on the recordings. Mr Geoffery Cox QC (now MP) stated that its the only line of a parents defense against the SS if they record as nothing else will work

Anonymous said...

Chris Wittwer
Just been on exeter fm news. Will be back on @ 8 am.

Anonymous said...

badly injured soldiers have had their benefits stopped by this governmnet

Anonymous said...

you have been told,
Mr Justice Coleridge, high court judge, part of a child stealing set up in Morocco, tried to get a child taken off a mother as a ward of court, out side of the UK, tried to keep the press out, but failed. Paid to do this.

mother had a court order, child stealing through the back door, corrupt solicitors, M16 try to take the mother out. Another failure.

freemasons behind this. Judge tried to tell the courts in Morocco what to do.
criminals, paying people to do their dirty work. He is evil should not be sitting as a judge.

Judges are part of the problem

Anonymous said...

Karen Watts, complaints Assistant, social services, plymouth city council, corruption, fraud and deception

Anonymous said...

someone needs tp sort out judge wildblood, family judge what has he done to fay's children trying to cover up the corruption by the SS. Another one for the bin

Anonymous said...

Carol Mashembo barrister works with corrupt judges, you need to protect yourself from her.

the bar council is useless in protecting the public from these greedy people, she is not the only corrupt barrister, their are many more at the royal courts of justice, working against you case to steal your children.

taken on on cases were their is no evidence, therefore she shouldnt of brought the claim to court, this goes against the rules.
Thinks she can do what ever she lies.
Ran away from Exeter after trying to in prison a grand father, who was protecting his grand children from the corrupt SS.

goes to court with only half the facts, they have both been working to the local councils hidden agenda against parents and child stealing. making lots of money

friends with Nicki Cussens corrupt solicitor, was working for Foot ansty. now working in exeter from the courts. be very careful

Anonymous said...

solicitors from Hell

Anonymous said...

Tony Blair spin on his book and money, he would find away of getting the money sent back, wheels with in wheels

Anonymous said...

Tony Blair thinks he can buy is way back to the UK, he is a criminal, let him stand at the Hague, criminal court.

Who killed Dr Kelly?

Anonymous said...

Overend, wigemore, tyzack all have been or are still corrupt judges, were did they come from. got any infro

complaint set is protecting the corrupt people in power, as we all. We dont have any justice

Anonymous said...

Mr Justice Coleridge, high court judge, part of a child stealing set up in Morocco, tried to get a child taken off a mother as a ward of court, out side of the UK. Paid to do this.

Anonymous said...

Carol Mashembo is a barrister, a right up start, she has been working with corrupt judges in the family courts, stealing children, she is now basis at St Johns Chambers.
She thinks she is special, I am afraid not. Someone needs to tell them what she is like.

No barrister or solicitor can bring a case to court with out any evidence, their is no case. Its fraud, to make money out of you.

I think a story was on Fassit about Nicki Cussens a corrupt solicitor, who lives in Totnes with her son. I wonder how she would she feel if someone took her Son off her, because of lies by the SS.

Nicki Cussens had to leave Foot Anstey Solicitors, a corrupt firm of solicitors by the way, because she was having an affair with a another solicitor at work, sounds about right. She is married of course. He is a solicitor working within the family court.

A heard a Mum lost her case because of Nicki Cussens in exeter.

Cussens works with the SS and the corrupt Judges in the family court, against you.

you can never trust them, they will report you to the SS

Anonymous said...

Carol Mashembo the old cow is on face book, she should be in prison for what she has done as a officer of the court. These types think they can control your case and set you up, get paid a great deal of money of their crimes.

report her to the bar council

Anonymous said...

Carol Mashembo, Carol Mashembo Mashembo, Carol Mashembo, Carol Mashembo, Carol Mashembo, corrpt barrister corrupt barrister corrupt barrister corrupt barrister corrupt barrister

Anonymous said...

Welcome to St John's Chambers
From Commercial & Chancery to Family, and from Public & Administrative Law to Personal Injury, St John’s Chambers provides one of the most comprehensive sources of legal expertise and advice in the South West.

In all cases we seek to make our services accessible, flexible and focused on the people that matter most – our clients. Ask the expert she can f..k up your family for you Coral Mashembo, her time is coming.

Anonymous said...

I understand that Carol Mashembo, barrister from north hill, chambers, now working at st Johns, chambers in Bristol was told off by a senior barrister and judge in exeter over tying to in prison a grand father who was only protecting his daughter from the SS. They had no evidence or a case against him. Carol is wicked

Open court in in exeter, witness to confirm it is true.

This was in the new papers.

The daughter was drugged up by the social worker and Co. Threats to the Mum if she did not sign adoption papers, she was put under duress by Ken Phillips.

Cornwall social service got - 0 for their work with the public. The SS in Cornwall with common purpose are now stealing money and homes of the elderly.
The foster parent in this case who was being paid £800.00 a week, kept a young Mum away from her own parents unlawfully, this foster parent was a spy for the SS.

The SS were seeking to adopt the two children, causing stress and upset for the whole family.
Ken Phillip corrupt social worker was behind it from Cornwall social services.
Nicki Cussens corrupt solicitor was also pushing a agenda, because she had a deal with the local council for cases, conflict of interest.

Anonymous said...

They think they can hide from the truth of their crimes.

Anonymous said...

public scrutiny and juries, we are up against their agenda's

Anonymous said...

Judge Miranda Robertshaw, told Carol Mashambo Barrister off in the court, as she was lazy. Again witness
I think this women thinks she is above the law, works along side freemason judges to win her case. She does not know the law, shock coming your way.

I wonder if she gets her leg over with the judges, she needs a boob job, more like a man up front than a women.

I understand they all sleep with each other at the law society dinners.

Anonymous said...

Financial Issues Surrounding Special Guardianship - Claire Appley

Financial Issues Surrounding Special Guardianship - Yvonne Sutherland

Anonymous said...

What they do is put judges out to grass, when they have done wrong. we would need a very big prison for this rottern lot

Anonymous said...

Linda Frances Mcdermott

A thread got pulled last night about a recommendation for Dr Ludwig Lowenstien ,research showed that he was worked with Dr Claire Sturge. I was given a link to Dr S who is a director for SS who also works in NHS . These experts will tell you what you want them to say for a fee. Please be responsible for sharing data. We go back a long way and parents talk about what these experts have done to harm children........

Anonymous said...

if you do not mind your children being housed in a private care home and being put at risk by staff not CRB checked and then done up like a kipper for PAS and some dead beat NRP getting custody who never even lived or had a dec...ent relationship with the other parent then you decide what dr L is all about .

If he works with DR Sturge and she is SS director of social care . They all feed from the 1 trough this lot

Anonymous said...

Shaun O'Connell

Dr Lowenstein is the only honest psychologist know of although he is getting old in the tooth. His PAS website makes logical sense. Havent yet met a parent unhappy with his work

Anonymous said...

Social worker struck off after being caught with prostitute - 16/08/2010 - Community Care

A social worker caught engaging in sexual activity with a prostitute has been struck off the social care register.

Salas Kochuparampil Abraham, formerly employed within Hull Council's children and families department, received a police caution for the offence. The social worker was caught with the sex worker in his car by police officers in Hull on 15 March 2009.

At the time, he was already under investigation by the council following accusations of inappropriate conduct involving a female service user, which led to a disciplinary hearing

Anonymous said...

Susan Brown

Ive suffered 17months of hell, along with the rest of you & the devastation the SS left behind is horrific,but i promised my daughter ,i wouldn't proceed in my court case until her kids was home, & now the time to kick arse

Anonymous said...

Amanda Griffiths

My daughter stood up in court last week and told the judge all about what she and her siblings had suffered, even down to having nearly been raped, named the fc's responsible and yet the judge did NOTHING but sanctioned her child being removed for forced adoption. That bloody judge had the power to get the la on the stand and do them for failure to protect and neglect, but she neglected in her duty to care too.

Anonymous said...

Barbara Richards

We ought not to be afraid of those brainwashed people - yes, they ARE brainwashed.

They have Paul McKenna involved in their training. We can't be dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" any more, we have far too much hard evidence for that.

The sad truth is, there is a wicked plot to smash the sovereign rule of this, and other countries, my own MP Bill Cash has been fighting this for decades, and getting laughed at for doing so.

I actually feel sorry for the brainwashed people in Cafcass because they are also victims of abuse - they have been subjected to hypnosis against their will. That is assault, a criminal offence. They have also been abused.

Be aware of the NLP hypnotism.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Robillard: The Night I was Raided by 50 Police- and my child lost forever

Anonymous said...

Twilight Of The Psychopaths (August 21, 2008)

August 21, 2008. Editor's Note: This is a stunning and powerful essay as it accurately describes the psychological nature of the Illuminated criminals running this country into the ground. The complete absence of empathy with human suffering and the constant stream of lies

Anonymous said...

simply sick and against nature !

Mexican high court upholds adoptions by same-sex couples

Mexico's Supreme Court on Monday ruled that a law allowing for adoption by gay couples in Mexico City is legal.

Anonymous said...

Warning over 'untracked' children

Some children are not being educated because local authorities are often unable to track youngsters who are not being taught, inspectors warn.

shudder the thought that any child not be TRACKED and be free from brainwashing schools etc.

and who will protect the children from Ofsted/CAFCASS & SS/judges all part of the same child snatching bunch paid for by the same corrupt government LIB/LAB/CON child snatchers ?

Anonymous said...

Crooked lawyer stole thousands from victim of child abuse - Manchester Evening News

A solicitor stole tens of thousands of pounds from his firm and clients – including almost £6,000 from a vulnerable victim of child abuse.

Martin Davy, 46, is facing jail after swindling more than £35,000 over three years while working in Manchester and Ashton under Lyne, Tameside

Anonymous said...

Couple took cash for 'loaning adopted girls to paedophiles'

Read more:

A couple adopted two girls and allowed them to be subjected to horrific sexual abuse in exchange for money, a court heard yesterday.
The man and wife passed a number of checks that allowed them to adopt when the younger girl was just five.
But after two years the husband began to sexually assault her, a jury was told.
Later, allegedly with the full knowledge of the wife, they allowed both girls to be minded after school by a pair of paedophiles, the court heard.
When one of the children told her adoptive mother what was going on, she replied, 'Just leave it, we'll have to see what happens'.
She later added that she could do nothing, as one of the men 'helped us with money and a car', it is alleged.
One of the abusers, Colin Molloy, now 46, was jailed indefinitely last year for nine counts of raping the younger girl when she was eight. Samuel Nelson, 43, who preyed on the older girl, was given nine years.
Yesterday, the adoptive parents stood trial over their alleged role.
The husband, who along with his wife cannot be named for legal reasons, abused the younger girl over a six-year period, Minshull Street Crown Court, Manchester, heard.
While the sexual assaults were taking place, the couple also started 'loaning' the sisters to Molloy and Nelson to abuse them after school, the jury was told.
Prosecutor Michael Lavery said: 'This couple failed to protect both girls. They gave them to two men who were sexual predators.
'They were told what was happening to the girls but did nothing.'
The abuse by the adoptive father began when the younger girl was just seven, Mr Lavery alleged.
The couple then began allowing Nelson to look after the girls after school, the court heard, and he began abusing the older girl, who was 13 at the time.
Meanwhile Molloy was given access to the younger girl and subjected her to a campaign of rape and abuse, said Mr Lavery, beginning in 2007 when she was just eight.
The court heard the father apologised to the girl after hurting her but continued to abuse her.
'He said he loved her and would not hurt her,' he said.
But the adoptive father then told her 'I have to get something out of this' when he continued the abuse, it is alleged.
'Not only had he exposed her to a paedophile, but he had been abusing her for six years as well,' said Mr Lavery. The alleged abuse only came to light when one of the girls told a teacher that an 'uncle' had been touching her.
The girls were removed from the family home last year.
The older girl, now 16, later told police her adoptive father would beat her if she refused his sexual advances, leaving her 'bruised and sore'.
'He said he wanted to have sex with me,' she told officers in an interview played to the jury.
'I said, "Why would I want to do that?"
'He said, "Because I love you." 'But I said, "You are supposed to love me as a daughter, not like this. That is not loving someone".'
The court heard how he even abused her when his wife was in the same room.
The 55-year-old adoptive father denies 15 counts of indecent assault and indecency with a child.
He and his wife, 54, also deny five counts of child neglect.
The case continues.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

our country is run by psychopaths.

Anonymous said...

Shamim Khaliq

My friends,

You are currently holding Cheryl Stannard, who is a loving mother, for taking her daughter out of the country in order to protect her from her father who is an alleged paedophile and who has allegedly had other people on the Isle of Wight sexually abuse her.

Arresting her, the mother, is not the answer - she is the victim. We need a full and open investigation into this poor woman's allegations - what has happened to her and her family is happening with other cases all over the country.

Paedophilia is going on, even at the highest levels of society, and the allegations made by researchers like David Icke and Brian Gerrish MUST be fully investigated by decent and honorable people like yourselves, though it must be said that a very small percentage of the police, according to detailed and verifiable research, are compromised by such criminality and are actually protecting paedophile rings within local communities.

Please release Cherly and support her to get justice.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

From David

If you don't know yet ... this is on my website headlines - can we mobilise as many people as possible to ring and email immediately, please!


URGENT: Loving Mother Arrested By Portsmouth Police For Taking Her Daughter Abroad

Her name is Cheryl Stannard and she is being persecuted - she is now in a cell at Portsmouth Central Police Station while they decide what to do with her after she was arrested this afternoon.

This is the number if you wish to call the station and ask about her welfare: 0845 045 45 45 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0845 045 45 45 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

This is the email:

Please let her know she has our support

Anonymous said...

Please sent an email. It is very easy. Just cut and paste the message that is in my note to

Anonymous said...

Hi Hollie supporters,

No calls will be put through to Portsmouth Police as I have just tried. However, please e-mail and if you need more info. here is Justin's message which could serve as a help to construct your own.

Thanks friends,

Pen x

PS Original message came from David Icke.

Hi everyone,

Press the alarm button and please get everyone to ring Portsmouth police. See David's site for further details as events unfold. Brian Gerrish is with Cheryl giving her immediate support.

J x

Anonymous said...

Amanda Barden Canterbury Cafcass Ex Kent County council SS

C. Smith-Byrne left an annotation (6 August 2010)

This woman no longer works for Cafcass and has either been sacked or finally left after realising that she would not get much further as of Spring 2010. No doubt other failures will follow into her now vacant footprints!

Anonymous said...

Linda Clark, guardian ad litem, social worker

6 August 2010

Dear Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service,

Could you please tell me for which employer this lady worked prior
to joining the Cafcass South East region, whether she has been
employed by a county council in the past and which positions were

What type of training in child protection and domestic abuse did Ms Clark receive and which body provided this training for how long
and how long ago?

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

C. Smith-Byrne

Anonymous said...

Dear Kent County Council,

The L.A has the upper hand over parents. YES?. The parents SHARE
parental responsblty of there child WITH THE L.A. Therefore should the L.A decide that adoption's the best choice the parent does not have NO power over that L.A. Even with the best "legal
representation" on the land. Not many people have WON over any L.A.
So whether they agree to adoption or not won't matter. Then that
has become "forced adoption". So please release those numbers of
ALL the adoptions.

Yours faithfully,

Melizza Moore

Anonymous said...

Everything Is A Lie: The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All Time High

From pollution to politics, the era of deception and duplicity has reached new heights and hijacked almost every form of media in the world. In the last frontiers for truth such as the internet, disinformation operations are in full swing to discredit and destroy any semblance of authentic

Anonymous said...

New council advice guides available for parents

POLICE and council chiefs have defended new brochures giving parenting advice on how to control your children.

They have really lost the plot now the same councils who are responsible for stealing children for forced adoption and creating a fractured society for their sick over lords , give me a break !

Anonymous said...

Why we protest the Pope | Andrew Copson |

Andrew Copson: The Protest the Pope campaign exists because a large number of people in the UK are against the state visit

a complete and utter twat

Anonymous said...

Family Court -- Unconstitutional Judicial Gag Orders

Over the past decade, family court judges routinely have uttered broader and broader gag orders, forbidding parents in custody battles from talking or writing about their cases. The pretext for these orders is that they are needed for the protection of the child. Nevertheless, it's suspected that more often they are prompted by embarrassed officials who dislike scrutiny and criticism by internet bloggers in the wake of burgeoning out-of-control shoot-from-the-hip "therapeutic jurisprudence" in the family courts. The stated child protection rationale is specious because defamation, obscenity, violations of privacy, harassment, and other unprotected speech appropriately are addressed by the law after the fact when actual or potentially harmful speech can be specifically identified.

Anonymous said...

Linda Mcdermott

Just maybe the system is in need of sorting out when arse wipes like social workers are left to interview clients for court . These idiots are not qualified or trained to deal with domestic violence .

Prior to starting my degree, in my previous role, I did "domestic abuse awareness training" this was really about what support is out there for people, what abuse is and it's forms, who it affects, a bit on "cultural awareness", who to refer onto.

On my course we had a 2 hour slot on domestic abuse, which involved watching a video and discussing interventions and how to respond etc in small groups. It was started on the premise that we'd already know what abuse was and who it could affect. This doesn't sound much training, but the thing is with an MA is a lot of the work comes from outside the classroom, so in self-directed reading etc, so it's really down to the student to investigate this themselves. I'm doing the children and families elective next year and suspect it may re-arise then. We also did a bit in adult parts of our modules around no secrets and the law to protect adults from abuse.

I don't think the 'skills' of empathy, listening and sympathy are particularly specific to domestic abuse work, but do agree there is some specific knowledge that needs to be acquired. Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Shaun O'Connell

Dont wory Barnardos got the contract for training CAFCASS oficers for Dv, they must be the experts!!

Anonymous said...

Barnardos- that is the gang that sold children to Australia- remember, they had to be of good strong British stock...has a familiar ring to it i n 2010

Anonymous said...

Ian McFerran

Now the establishment wants to stop parents teaching their own children and TAG those who do not comply...

Did you know that Patrick Leeson, development education and care
director for OFSTED (advocate for tagging children) earns between £150,000 & £154,999? That's more than the UK's PM!

Anonymous said...

warning to homeschoolers: your children, if you didn't know it already, are being targetted fo care proceedings with a view to institutionalised criminalisation through abuse, neglect and chemical lobotomisation to ensure the cycle of mentally unstable individuals in the prison system and those staffing the social services networks continues.

Anonymous said...

Tim Loughton - Children and Young People

‎Tim Loughton, Conservative MP for the East Worthing & Shoreham Constituency

His Shadows Sarah Teather who seems to not have any grip on reality and thinks being manager of FTSE100 company should be everyone's goal! She also never answers any emails. I have sent her many, not even a single acknowledgment.

Anonymous said...

Kay Young

WHAT! GOVERNMENT MAKE THE BLOODY LAWS!! I seem to remember my MP saying that too (Sorry G if you read this). It is IGNORANCE when someone in that position cannot show common decency and reply to e-mails. Sad indeed.

Anonymous said...

I have met all of the Con-servative cabinet and beleive me I have never come across such deceitful self righteous arseholes in all my days.
They really are the lowest of the low and I didnt fall for the Lib CON-Dem bullshit either and told them where to stick their lib/lab/con party


Anonymous said...

Janet Kelly

I have sent emails, rang local councillors, contacted local media, no one wants to broach the failing Childrens services or Family Courts and their linked failuresssss! Wonder how many SEN kids were found at risk this year??? Uncanny cost cutting

Anonymous said...

Mp Gary Streeter told me years ago that MPs can't interfere in law proceedings - funny that, what does the country pay them for again?

Anonymous said...

Paul Randle-Jolliffe

Greater transparency and accountability is essential if we are to start to repair the enormous erosion of public confidence in the system, which has served to demoralise those professionals in practice.

Anonymous said...

Paul Randle-Jolliffe


‎"Early intervention. There is no substitute for early intervention. Failing to start early in working with vulnerable families to keep them together wherever possible or to act quickly where children need to be taken into care is always a mistake."

PROVIDED THERE IS: A system of checks, Accountability, Error Correction and Proper Scrutiny at all levels.

At the moment you can be threatened for just even trying to complain or resist improper intervention.

· Proceedings should be conducted so they are fair to all the parties - expressed in the Latin maxim audi alteram partem: "let the other side be heard".

· Each party to a proceeding is entitled to ask questions and contradict the evidence of the opposing party.

· A decision-maker should take into account relevant considerations and extenuating circumstances, and ignore irrelevant considerations.

· Justice should be seen to be done. If the community is satisfied that justice has been done, they will continue to place their faith in the courts.


Anonymous said...

Paul Randle-Jolliffe

We need MPs who will be publicly honest with the electorate and say what needs to be said, FAMILY LAW IS FULL OF CRIMINAL ABUSE BY PROFESSIONALS AND THIS MUST CEASE!

So far only one is on record as being even close Tim Yeo MP but only ...about one case.

Anonymous said...

Effectively Silencing Children will allow a constant veil of premeditated bias /partiality - chaos will then remain right where the dysfunctional court needs the parents - always coming back - job security at the expense of defenseless children. Judges "take a side", do not "pre side" and thus abandon their oath of office. Same with all witnesses in the courtroom: Bayliffs / Court Clerks / Stenographers

They all bear witness to crimes/legal malpractice - to say nothing is arguably twice the crime, and when it involves defenseless children, penalties should be TRIPLED.

Anonymous said...

Kent County Council better known as Cunt Cunty Cuncil the child snatcher of the SE take this little lot out and the rest will follow like lambs to the slaughter

Anonymous said...

Watched the ITV on foster care. It was not good 4 us mum's it was all about the poor foster cares. Made my blood boil'

Anonymous said...

Paula Owen-Jones

We been through the child protection crap for home education

Anonymous said...

Fay Williams

I also want to do an article about how the government steal newborns from hospitals, how the government are stealing our grandchildren, and how I was stolen from my parents and abused by the government.

Anonymous said...


by Fay Williams on Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The beginning is a referral. It can be annonymous or non existent but that will start the process off and the social workers will want to come round. Referrals are routinely made by any government establishment, schools, nurseries, libraries and can be for all sorts of small things. Often referrals are made by people you have asked to help you, like domestic violence help lines, child obesity help centres, counselling services, alcoholics annonymous etc. Every government agency has had Child Protection training to help them look out and record anything such as a child wearing old shoes or a child being quiet or disruptive.

Anonymous said...

They will tell you that they believe you and your child will benefit from being on a child protection plan and they will arrange a meeting. The child protection plan will aim to have you taken off the plan after you have been checked every couple of weeks, had a core assessment and had core meetings. A bunch of people you don't know will be there and they will have privately (without you being there) been told that you are a risk to your children.

Once the plan is agreed they will start calling the police to make daily spot checks. The police will comment on your demeanor - were you under the influence, crying, is your house tidy etc. They will come round several times a day to check. Eventually you will get annoyed with this and tell them to go away. They will then say you are not cooperation with professionals and are preventing safety checks so they will apply to the court for a care order.

Anonymous said...

At the first hearing you will be asked to sign a Consent Order to produce all your medical and criminal records, allow the Social services to speak to any professional about you or your children (including your bank manager or anyone they want) they will insist on the children staying with a foster carer a couple of nights a week to give you respite where they can have access to the children while you are not there. You will also have to consent to a psychological assessment. You will be told that if you don't consent then the judge will make an interim care order and you won't get your children back that day, they will be collected from their school or nursery immediately after the hearing and taken to stay with strangers. So you sign the Consent Order.

Anonymous said...

A few days later you will be back in court for another hearing. This time the court will order the children be taken into care as a precaution because they need to draw a line in the sand! Now they have got the Consent Order they can start digging into every aspect of your personal life. They will get healthcare records, school records, hospital and doctor records, old care records if you were ever in care. They will discard everything positive in the records and make a note of anything negative in their Statement to Support a Care Order. Alot of the things noted you will never have known about previously and will never have had a chance to challenge.

Anonymous said...

You will be offered a contested hearing and you will be told that you will get the Local authority statement for you to respond to in time for the hearing. While waiting for the hearing the foster carer will quiz the children on whether they have ever been punished by you or if they have ever felt unhappy or scared. The children will think hard and might come up with examples which will be noted down, notwithstanding that these examples may have been from years before and from the perspective of a very small child. eg. Yes, once my mum smacked me and my mum shouts at me sometimes. Once she told me she would cut my hair off if I get headlice, once I saw her cry etc. These will be noted in the foster carer's daily logs and given to the Local authority to be added to the evidence against you to support the claim that you emotionally abuse your children.

Anonymous said...

On the Friday before the Monday hearing you will be sent the statement from the Local Authority. There will be so many allegations pulled from all your records and you will be in utter shock because it will make you look like an atrocious parent. You won't be able to get legal advice before the hearing cause it's a weekend. You might try to write a statement in response but you are likely to be in a very distressed and nervous state, not know what is going on and in utter shock.

At the contested hearing they will say the threshold has been met and therefore only a change in circumstances will get your children out of care.

Anonymous said...

Once the Court has given you an ICO every 28 days you can oppose the renewal of the Interim Care Order. The ICO is normally renewed automatically by consent on the basis that your circumstances have not changed and therefore the threshold is still met.

The Judge rarely accepts any submitted change of circumstances as adequate and submitting changes of circumstances is one of their scams to get you to admit that there was something wrong that you need to change. This is normal practice although precedent says that the Judge has to test whether the threshold has been met every 28 days - this NEVER happens.

Anonymous said...

You are able to ask for a hearing every 28 days in which case to present your change in circumstances in opposition to the renewal but the Judge usually just asks you to write in and state what your changes are and then says that it is not enough to justify a hearing! Totally unlawful and illegal if you ask me but that's what happens. You can't appeal an interim Care Order usually because they only last 28 days and it takes longer than that to get to the appeal hearing so by the time you appeal the order has expired and your appeal will fail. I do believe though that you should be able to argue in your appeal that you should still be able to appeal an expired order because the future orders all depend on the threshold being met for the expired orders as the threshold is not freshly tested.

Anonymous said...

As the threshold is so low any child on this planet will pass it. Ie on the balance of probablity is the child at risk of emotional harm. Of course it is. We live life on Earth. It is an evil destructive place to live. Every child is at risk of emotional harm on the balance of probability. Especially where balance of probability means that any allegation made by a social worker will be fact unless you have evidence to prove it is not fact. How can you get evidence to prove your child will never suffer from emotional harm!!

So then they proceed towards a final hearing and send you to all sorts of dodgy corrupt psychologist who is guaranteed to say you are incapable of caring for your child. You will go because you don't know your rights and no one is explaining them to you.

Anonymous said...

You will at first have been offered contact with you children at a rate of 3 hours per week. At the contact your older children will be looking to you to tell them what is going on. You will try to tell them that you are fighting for them but you will be told by the supervisor that you are not allowed to discuss adult issues with the children and are not allowed to tell them anything about the proceedings or show any emotion. The contact sessions are for you to enjoy and if you don't get on and happily enjoy them then you will lose them. Your children will be totally distressed and pissed off and will want to know why you seem so emotionless and happy when they are stuck with strangers. Your younger children will scream uncontrollably whenever you leave after the hour and the supervisor will make allegations that you squeezed or pinched your younger child to make them cry. Then the Local Authority will reduce contact, at first because they haven't got any supervisors available.

Anonymous said...

They will reduce contact to 1 hour a week as soon as possible. This will have a devastating effect on the children and the children will start playing up. you and the children will be under so much pressure to enjoy that one hour a week that it will become impossible, especially when that one hour is the same day you have a court hearing, a solicitors appointment a meeting with the local authority or cafcass where you will be told even more false allegations and so you will go to contact feeling totally wound up and scared about what is happening to you and your children.

Anonymous said...

The LA will then apply for a S34.4 Order because you can't behave appropriately (like some CBBC presenter) in contact. They may make an allegation that you abused your child or the social worker because they know that on the balance of probability you are guilty unless you have evidence to prove your innocence and as it is their contact centre you won't have any evidence. they also won't let the children give evidence because this is considered to be emotionally abusing the children.

You will also be prevented from seeing the children because you have been telling the children you love them and miss them. If your children or you cried or showed emotion during contact this will also be considered to be emotionally harmful/neglectful to the children.

Anonymous said...

lying and being abusive but this will show YOUR unstable mental state and therefore your risk to the children so you will be prevented from seeing the children at all by the S34.4.

While you were allowed contact the times of contact will have been determined by social services. The times are likely to be in the middle of the day during the week and never on weekends or bank holidays. If you normally worked or studied at those times before the children were taken you will have to give up your job or your studies because if you don't you will lose your children. the Local Authority will not arrange contact at your convenience. It is when they say or not at all.

Anonymous said...

Once you have lost your job and your income you may then lose your house, your car, get into serious debt and this will start allsorts of new problems. If you are lucky to keep your home you may find it difficult to live there because it will be so distressing to see all the children's toys, clothes and empty beds around you. You will miss your children terribly and feel an overbearing sense of loss.

You will become depressed and you won't want to associate with your old friends because they all have children and they just want to go to the park and do child orientated things which you will now find heartbreaking, without your children. People that didn't know you will have labeled you as a child abuser and won't be able to look at you or talk to you. Neighbours will think you are trouble because they will remember the police always coming round your house shortly before your children were taken. Your family will have turned against you because the Local Authority will have contacted them in their duty to consider family and made many unfounded allegations against you and presented them with their statement showing you are an atrocious parent.

Anonymous said...

You may have by this time got so depressed and distressed that you have either gone to the doctor for some mind numbing drugs or maybe you will turn to alcohol. You will feel isolated, a failure, empty, depressed and you will be desperately missing your children.

The the Psychologist appointment you agreed to will come through and you will be Psychologically examined. The psychologist will ask you allsorts of questions based on the information provided by the Local Authority and the Guardian. You may show that you are upset about all the false allegations. You might say you think you were treated unfairly. You might cry. Whatever you do the Psychologist will say you have no insight and you are emotionally unstable and recommend that your children are found a permanent placement.

Anonymous said...

Then there will be a final hearing. Anything that has happened over the previous 9 months or so will be added to the social services statement to show that you are unable to care for your children. They will then make a final care order.

Once they have a final care order you can only apply to have it discharged on the same impossible change of circumstances every 6 months. But as soon as they get the Care Order they will start adoption proceedings. (the children may have been with prospective adoptive parents under the interim care order as a foster adopter) The children need to be placed for I think 10 weeks before the LA apply for an adoption Order. You can oppose a placement order and an adoption order on a change of circumstances but the change does not need to be significant. However the Judge will ultimately say that the welfare of the child is their priority and go through the welfare checklist. They will always find that it is not in the child's interest to be returned.

Anonymous said...

The LA and guardian will have written a report saying the children have settled with the adoptive family and praise the adoptive family as if they are perfect people from another planet and at the same time they will say that the children have lost their bond with you and repeat all the allegations they made of you. Some of these allegations you will have admitted to under duress because they will have told you 'If you admit to this you can have your children back, or if you admit to this you can see your children'. These allegations will all be fact now because you didn't have the evidence to disprove them and then they will arrange a goodbye contact with clowns and balloons and you will wave goodbye to your children forever, and you will never know what happened to them. Many of these children will then be trafficked to paedophile rings and used in medical experiments.

Anonymous said...

So that's a summary of how it all works. Your job is to stop it!! Don't expect your solicitor to stop it. Your solicitor will always tell you this is normal practice and you don't have grounds for appeal and you won't get legal funding to appeal. You solicitor will always be too busy to make any enquiries and will take a week or more to get back to you.

If you tell your solicitor that you expect them to fight for you because you need justice and there must be something wrong with what they are doing because you love your children, they were healthy, happy, thriving in your care. They were top of their class. Their first health assessment said they were perfect in every way. You solicitor will say you are being unreasonable and will write to the court to come off the court record and discharge your legal aid certificate. Leaving you to fight this horribly unjust system on your own.

Anonymous said...

Feel free to copy and paste the contents of this note to your MP and change it if it doesn't exactly match your circumstances, but most likely your circumstances will be very similar. They follow a child snatching protocol and I have outlined it here.

I am sending this to every MP in Britain, the Daily Mail, The Sun, the Telegraph, the Law Commission, LJ Wall, UK Colmn, The Queen, Who else do you think might be interested? I don't want to miss anyone out. I think it might be a good idea to send it to our courts too.

Anonymous said...

They have been stealing and trafficking children and deliberately destroying families for centuries in draconian Britain, they are Satanic Devil worshipers, who sacrafice our children in wars man made desasters and 33 Masonic Temples. Where Prime Ministers go to abuse and sacrafice children!! What you been doing Tony? ...Is it a coincidence that you have converted to Catholicism recently, as the Church condones secret societies and devil worship? Why do you need the blood of our Human Children, are you a reptillian like Lucifer?


Empire Settlement Act 1922-55

Anonymous said...

Watching Raoul Maot ,who had the expert Cleo Van Helson and is this the he/she ?

Anonymous said...

Number of adopted children returned to care has doubled in five years - Times Online
The number of adopted children who have been returned to care homes because their new parents cannot cope with them has doubled in the past five years.

On the balance ofprobabilities this is due to the fact that financial incentives rather than the best interests of the child are involved.

Anonymous said...

I understand that Carol Mashembo, barrister from north hill, chambers, now working at st Johns chambers in Bristol was told off by a senior barrister and judge in exeter over tying to in prison a grand father who was only protecting his daughter from the SS. They had no evidence or a case against him. Carol is wicked
Open court in in exeter, witness to confirm it is true.
This was in the new papers.

The daughter was drugged up by the social worker and Co. Threats to the Mum if she did not sign adoption papers, she was put under duress by Ken Phillips.
Cornwall social service got - 0 for their work with the public, it would appear it is no better now. Now the SS in Cornwall.
with common purpose are stealing money and homes of the elderly
The foster parent in this case were being paid £800.00 a week, kept a young Mum away from her own parents unlawfully, this foster parent was a spy for the SS.
The SS were seeking to adopt the two children, causing stress and upset for the whole family.

SS told lies, Ken Phillip corrupt social worker was behind it from Cornwall social services.

Anonymous said...

why doesnt the bar council take action against corrupt barristers like carol mashembo. tell "solicitors from hell" about any corruption you have on solicitors firms, corrupt judges, they all think their above the law

Anonymous said...

law society is run by common purpose that why nothing works

Anonymous said...

HOW CAN A SOCIAL WORKER INVESTIGATE A COMPLAINT MADE AGAINST THEM? They cant, they are always trying to hide something and up to no good.
Evidence has not yet published, the Local Authorities illegal Dept does not report the real truth about what happens to parents. It does not tell the GSCC that the Social Worker lies in a reports to the courts through out the UK.
Documents are held as evidence of FRAUD by the social workers, note the director of the GSCC assisting the Council will Cover up your complaint they are all working together, this is not justice.
One Government ombudsman found against them, the social workers, they were out of order, However, Jerry White, Ombudsman try hard to cover up the deceptions and fraud protecting the corruption within the SS. Abuse of Human right through out.

The Local Authority did not want the real reasons to come out in the high court in London. Files read by a high court judge. A good Mother was seriously abused by social workers who supported a corrupt cafcass officer Julie Williams & Co.
Julie Williams gave false information in her report even the judge knew it.

Plymouth city council are up to their necks with corruption and child stealing, those who need psychiatric help ie the SS, are taking the piss.
Their is a massive cover up by all the Councils in the UK and the GSCC regarding complaints. All with a Common purpose, Freemasons behind it in the corrupt courts, one world order, hidden agenda from the United Nations

Browean Lacey head of the SS is common purpose aided by Barry keel chief executive.
1703 Act Malfeasance in public office, this is tort.

Officers of authorities and authorities themselves, whether Police or a Local Council are bound by the law to a code of conduct in applying, enforcing or setting out restrictions within their areas.

Cllr Fry let off by the corrupt council for down loading child Porn under Tudor Evans (common purpose)watch.

Why are we paying these SS S..t

Anonymous said...

A brilliant law student whose two children were taken into care after allegedly threatening to murder them and kill herself has failed in a desperate Appeal Court fight to win them back. The single mother completed her law degree and post graduate studies despite bringing up her children without support at the same time, top judges heard.

A child protection plan was put in place late last year, after concerns were expressed about her mental health and social workers were told she had "threatened to kill herself and her two children", said top family judge Lord Justice Wilson.
A series of interim care orders were made, initially with regular contact between the mother and her children. However, contact was suspended following an alleged assault on a social worker by the mother, who comes from Plymouth. What the name of the social workers were their evidence
The tearful mother asked Lord Justice Wilson to overturn the current care order and return her children.
Refuting the claims that she threatened to murder her children and attacked the social worker as "entirely false", the mother agreed she had been "under great stress".
"The welfare of my children was and remains my paramount concern," she told the judge.
"The two children are being alienated from me because they are in care and should not be in care. They should be back with me. There was never any evidence to justify them being in care and they are suffering significant harm in care," she added.
But Lord Justice Wilson refused her permission to appeal, saying there had been "concerns about her psychological state" at an earlier stage.
"I am clear that a judge is entitled, even on the basis of a snapshot of a case, to make an interim care order, provided it is of short duration, when there is a case, as there clearly is here, for urgent intervention."

more spin and injustice

Anonymous said...

Labour Councillor and Deputy Council Leader (Northumberland), John Whiteman, who was also a senior member of the local police authority – Convicted and fined in 2002 for soliciting a prostitute in the red light district of Middlesbrough. The court heard Whitman was arrested in his car as Police discovered him in a “state of undress” with a lady of the night he had just paid £35 for sex. He subsequently resigned from the council.
Labour Councillor (Stoke/Staffordshire), Michael Barnes, put forward a motion in July 2004 to change the constitution of Stoke-on-Trent Council. The proposed amendments were designed to prevent the City’s two British National Party councillors from chairing any committees, so as to `protect` the good citizens of Stoke from the beastly BNP types they’d voted for in huge numbers to represent them. As Mr Barnes explained to the local paper, the move was “to prevent the BNP from exerting more influence”, and was “in the best interests of the people of Stoke-on-Trent”. A few months later, in November 2004, the civic-minded and virtuous Councillor Barnes appeared at North Staffordshire Magistrates Court, to face seven different charges relating to child pornography
Labour Councillor (Durham), Derrick Payne – Arrested by Police following a sex attack
Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Halton/Cheshire), Liam Temple - Convicted in 2004 of `Inciting a child under 16 to commit an act of gross indecency` after the 58-year old Labour pervert had attempted to molest a 12-year old girl. During the case, the brave youngster told the court via a video link: “He said if I let him touch me he would give me money”.
Labour Councillor (Coxhoe/Durham), Les Sheppard – Convicted in 2004 on ten counts of indecent assault on young girls. Jailed for 2 years, and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years. Teeside Crown Court heard how 71 year old Cllr Sheppard lured his victims into his gold Porsche before driving them to remote spots, where he would submit them to sickening sex attacks. After his arrest, the Labour nonce-case told police “I love women, but you do things which you regret”. Sheppard’s `women` victims were between 9 and 13 years old.
According to media reports, the names of 2 former Labour Cabinet Ministers said to be `Household names` appear on the `Operation Ore` list of subscribers to hard-core child pornography. The same FBI investigation, which led to the arrest of rock star Pete Townshend. So who are they Mr. Blair?
Yusef Azad – One of Ken Livingston’s overpaid left-wing cronies on the London Assembly gravy train – Resigned from his 60K-plus a year job `assisting` Assembly members, after being arrested on suspicion of downloading child porn in 2003.

Anonymous said...

Labour Councillor and Deputy Council Leader (Northumberland), John Whiteman, who was also a senior member of the local police authority – Convicted and fined in 2002 for soliciting a prostitute in the red light district of Middlesbrough. The court heard Whitman was arrested in his car as Police discovered him in a “state of undress” with a lady of the night he had just paid £35 for sex. He subsequently resigned from the council.
Labour Councillor (Stoke/Staffordshire), Michael Barnes, put forward a motion in July 2004 to change the constitution of Stoke-on-Trent Council. The proposed amendments were designed to prevent the City’s two British National Party councillors from chairing any committees, so as to `protect` the good citizens of Stoke from the beastly BNP types they’d voted for in huge numbers to represent them. As Mr Barnes explained to the local paper, the move was “to prevent the BNP from exerting more influence”, and was “in the best interests of the people of Stoke-on-Trent”. A few months later, in November 2004, the civic-minded and virtuous Councillor Barnes appeared at North Staffordshire Magistrates Court, to face seven different charges relating to child pornography
Labour Councillor (Durham), Derrick Payne – Arrested by Police following a sex attack
Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Halton/Cheshire), Liam Temple - Convicted in 2004 of `Inciting a child under 16 to commit an act of gross indecency` after the 58-year old Labour pervert had attempted to molest a 12-year old girl. During the case, the brave youngster told the court via a video link: “He said if I let him touch me he would give me money”.
Labour Councillor (Coxhoe/Durham), Les Sheppard – Convicted in 2004 on ten counts of indecent assault on young girls. Jailed for 2 years, and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years. Teeside Crown Court heard how 71 year old Cllr Sheppard lured his victims into his gold Porsche before driving them to remote spots, where he would submit them to sickening sex attacks. After his arrest, the Labour nonce-case told police “I love women, but you do things which you regret”. Sheppard’s `women` victims were between 9 and 13 years old.
According to media reports, the names of 2 former Labour Cabinet Ministers said to be `Household names` appear on the `Operation Ore` list of subscribers to hard-core child pornography. The same FBI investigation, which led to the arrest of rock star Pete Townshend. So who are they Mr. Blair?
Yusef Azad – One of Ken Livingston’s overpaid left-wing cronies on the London Assembly gravy train – Resigned from his 60K-plus a year job `assisting` Assembly members, after being arrested on suspicion of downloading child porn in 2003.

Anonymous said...

Labour Councillor and Deputy Council Leader (Northumberland), John Whiteman, who was also a senior member of the local police authority – Convicted and fined in 2002 for soliciting a prostitute in the red light district of Middlesbrough. The court heard Whitman was arrested in his car as Police discovered him in a “state of undress” with a lady of the night he had just paid £35 for sex. He subsequently resigned from the council.
Labour Councillor (Stoke/Staffordshire), Michael Barnes, put forward a motion in July 2004 to change the constitution of Stoke-on-Trent Council. The proposed amendments were designed to prevent the City’s two British National Party councillors from chairing any committees, so as to `protect` the good citizens of Stoke from the beastly BNP types they’d voted for in huge numbers to represent them. As Mr Barnes explained to the local paper, the move was “to prevent the BNP from exerting more influence”, and was “in the best interests of the people of Stoke-on-Trent”. A few months later, in November 2004, the civic-minded and virtuous Councillor Barnes appeared at North Staffordshire Magistrates Court, to face seven different charges relating to child pornography
Labour Councillor (Durham), Derrick Payne – Arrested by Police following a sex attack
Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Halton/Cheshire), Liam Temple - Convicted in 2004 of `Inciting a child under 16 to commit an act of gross indecency` after the 58-year old Labour pervert had attempted to molest a 12-year old girl. During the case, the brave youngster told the court via a video link: “He said if I let him touch me he would give me money”.
Labour Councillor (Coxhoe/Durham), Les Sheppard – Convicted in 2004 on ten counts of indecent assault on young girls. Jailed for 2 years, and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years. Teeside Crown Court heard how 71 year old Cllr Sheppard lured his victims into his gold Porsche before driving them to remote spots, where he would submit them to sickening sex attacks. After his arrest, the Labour nonce-case told police “I love women, but you do things which you regret”. Sheppard’s `women` victims were between 9 and 13 years old.
According to media reports, the names of 2 former Labour Cabinet Ministers said to be `Household names` appear on the `Operation Ore` list of subscribers to hard-core child pornography. The same FBI investigation, which led to the arrest of rock star Pete Townshend. So who are they Mr. Blair?
Yusef Azad – One of Ken Livingston’s overpaid left-wing cronies on the London Assembly gravy train – Resigned from his 60K-plus a year job `assisting` Assembly members, after being arrested on suspicion of downloading child porn in 2003.

Anonymous said...

Labour Councillor and Deputy Council Leader (Northumberland), John Whiteman, who was also a senior member of the local police authority – Convicted and fined in 2002 for soliciting a prostitute in the red light district of Middlesbrough. The court heard Whitman was arrested in his car as Police discovered him in a “state of undress” with a lady of the night he had just paid £35 for sex. He subsequently resigned from the council.
Labour Councillor (Stoke/Staffordshire), Michael Barnes, put forward a motion in July 2004 to change the constitution of Stoke-on-Trent Council. The proposed amendments were designed to prevent the City’s two British National Party councillors from chairing any committees, so as to `protect` the good citizens of Stoke from the beastly BNP types they’d voted for in huge numbers to represent them. As Mr Barnes explained to the local paper, the move was “to prevent the BNP from exerting more influence”, and was “in the best interests of the people of Stoke-on-Trent”. A few months later, in November 2004, the civic-minded and virtuous Councillor Barnes appeared at North Staffordshire Magistrates Court, to face seven different charges relating to child pornography

Anonymous said...

Labour Councillor (Durham), Derrick Payne – Arrested by Police following a sex attack
Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Halton/Cheshire), Liam Temple - Convicted in 2004 of `Inciting a child under 16 to commit an act of gross indecency` after the 58-year old Labour pervert had attempted to molest a 12-year old girl. During the case, the brave youngster told the court via a video link: “He said if I let him touch me he would give me money”.
Labour Councillor (Coxhoe/Durham), Les Sheppard – Convicted in 2004 on ten counts of indecent assault on young girls. Jailed for 2 years, and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years. Teeside Crown Court heard how 71 year old Cllr Sheppard lured his victims into his gold Porsche before driving them to remote spots, where he would submit them to sickening sex attacks. After his arrest, the Labour nonce-case told police “I love women, but you do things which you regret”. Sheppard’s `women` victims were between 9 and 13 years old.
According to media reports, the names of 2 former Labour Cabinet Ministers said to be `Household names` appear on the `Operation Ore` list of subscribers to hard-core child pornography. The same FBI investigation, which led to the arrest of rock star Pete Townshend. So who are they Mr. Blair?
Yusef Azad – One of Ken Livingston’s overpaid left-wing cronies on the London Assembly gravy train – Resigned from his 60K-plus a year job `assisting` Assembly members, after being arrested on suspicion of downloading child porn in 2003.

Anonymous said...

Marion Temlett fat social worker from Ballard's house in Plymouth, she has mental health problems, she is a bully. Tell lies, never see her on your own, always take a witness with your, because they have a bad habit of telling lies in reports to the corrupt family court, check out Mark Harris book and what Jolly said on BBC Five live about Plymouth family court.

Allison Edwards and Siobhan Wallace work together as part of the child protection team at Ginkgo house in Plymouth, Allison Edwards is another wicked and evil social worker. They must have mental health problems, they don't have feelings like the rest of us.

Maybe it their guilty they carry around with them, stealing children, Edwards tells lies in report prior to any meeting with the court. Check out Ginkgo house.

She is in to stealing babies off new Mum's on the hearsay of sick social workers.

At Derriford hospital in Plymouth the children nurse's have now being used as spy's for the wicked and corrupt SS. No one is safe

Siobhan Wallace, Evil I understand she has a drug habit which we have been paying for while she has been stealing our children, £390 a week each child, they don't do for love, this would of paid for her coke habit.

Amanda Macaulay social worker corrupt, tells lies about clients assessments.

The complaint system is run by Brawean Lacey she is part of common purpose the cult group.

Anonymous said...

12 July 2010
Dear Freedom of Information Unit,

The CPS may not be an invetigatory body however you do decide
whether it is in the public interest whether to proceed with a
allegation prior to its presentation in court.

So let me rephrase my question:

Is it the poolicy of the CPS that a public servant operating within
the family courts who either:

1: knowingly fabricates evidence
2: knowingly misleads a judge or court official

will be allowed to defend him or herself in hte gaze of the public
realm, ie court, without the CPS stating prior to this that it will
not be in the public interest to proceed to court.

Yours sincerely,

george johnstone

left an annotation (14 August 2010)
Dear Sir.

I am having similar problems with perjury in the civil court. I reported the matter to the police, they are not interested and will not even record the matter as a crime despite the evidence.

You may be interested to know that the perjury act was amended in 1985 and the enabling of a judge's previous powers to instigate perjury hearings was placed in the hands of the CPS. I doubt, therefore, whether there have been any such referrals by judges since.

As the CPS cannot investigate crime, the matter must be reported via the police. Once recorded, the crime of perjury will then be directed by the CPS as to whether the police investigate or charge any associated offence.

In my opinion your best route would be to put the evidence before the police and have the matter recorded as a crime. The civil route is not appropriate as crimes cannot be dealt with by the civil or family courts, these courts have no jurisdiction in the matter of crime.

Should you wish to discuss the matter further please reply to this. I have a great deal of relevant knowledge in this regard.



Anonymous said...

And I suppose we have "shades" of forced adoption as well ? It either is or it isnt.

Judge criticises council for trying to force contraception on woman

A judge has criticised a council for trying to have contraception forced upon a woman with a low IQ, warning that the move had “shades of social engineering”.

Anonymous said...

These are the type of corporate criminals we are dealing with in Family Court work. He is listed as having been removed.

I only found this info out when I had to investigate false allegations against me today. The person who instigated this who works for Cafcass has done us a big favour, and obviously wanted me to find this info!! They are NOT all BAD!! There are those on the inside of this Family court child snatching who do not like it either but if they whistle blow their livelihoods are gone.

Anonymous said...

On the 20th August, the GSCC should respond to me about why they have never investigated the case of Maria Gray. This is despite the fact, that social worker Anthony Folami is a predator in the abuse of vulnerable women to remove their babies for adoption.

The GSCC have been given evidence by me that Folami is dangerous and that he is involved in the abuse of many vulnerable women overtime to remove their babies for adoption.

The GSCC response has been to ignore what I have given them and therefore is complicit along with Islington Council in the cover up of Folami’s activities.

The argument is, that the GSCC despite been given evidence that Folami has broken their conduct standard why he is still working with the Public?

Anonymous said...

Maria’s case will be pumped out to all major press outlets if the GSCC continue to ignore the evidence placed before them.

I am sorry to say that Folami maybe involved with supplying children to paedophile networks, and this is something that cannot be overlooked.

Anonymous said...

Social Worker, Anthony Folami is still being allowed to work with the public. There is evidence he is a crook and dangerous to vulnerable women who he shows no mercy when with dealing with them.

One of the most degusting facts about this case is the GSCC have evidence of this social workers activities, but he has never been suspended or investigated. It cannot be said how many women this scum has abused he has been as social worker for many years.

Anonymous said...

The Social worker and Deputy Team Manager Anthony Folami needs to be held accountable for his actions in one way shape or form;

He callously lied about contact that did not even take place, to then force a review where he lied that Kerry no longer wanted contact with Maria, which lead to her becoming unwell and having her newly born son taken and fostered, furthering that, Folami managed to draught a response to a complaint about himself, and forward that to Maria, as if it were from his Director of children’s services Paul Curran. Of which, is apparently standard practise according to the email sent by Carole Clarke of the children's complaints office to Maria, who confirmed Folami actions.

Also on top of that the evidence of the complaint was somehow held from reaching Standards Committee, as no knowledge or sight of evidence then meant their involvement could not take place

I find this despicable and unacceptable and the only reason I can put it down to is for the ridiculous amount of funding SS's get per child removed from a family or mother.

Anonymous said...

Derick Gibson

They are hiding things and have done from when they first took her there is a matter of an forced abortion to come out which they dont want to come out i want all our files even the ones for donna marie because i say that weve got the rights to have them all when they lied to get what they wanted in the first place to ruin our family life and cover it all up which they are still doing now as well the only reason that they have threatened me is because ive told them the truth and they dont like that but if they want to they can keep threatening and bullying me let them then im going to have my day in court and then it will all come out ive put the cat amongist the pigeons but i dont care ive got nothing else to lose because they have ruined our family and took the one person who i love and do care about my daughter donna marie and ive still got the rights to know about her even if they say that ive not i bloody hate them

Ive never seen the files which i know will be full of lies

Anonymous said...

Nick Clegg sets out plans to close gap between rich and poor | Politics

The Government's plans for closing the gap between rich and poor will be set out by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg today.

What's the plan? Take the babies from the poor, give them to the rich and crush the parents that are left behind?

How on earth will they do that! These tories rob the poor to feed the rich. They were almost going to rob under 5's ffs. Luckily that idea was scrapped. They were going to take away their free

There are two ways to accomplish this: Make the poor richer or make the rich poorer. 3 guesses!

Anonymous said...

I remember on Jeremy Kyle, it showed the story the adopted child was told by the SS and the one the mother had and it showed the adoptee waking up to the truth.The adoptee had been lied to as a child. This is normal in adoptions though- tell the child mother is dead etc.the SS alienate the children against their own parents in the hope of them attaching to rich adopters.
This is what PC SS do not want people to know about how adoption scars some children for life.

Anonymous said...

. Maria's case is an eye-opener for all. It shows all involved are corrupt, dishonest and have no regard for public safety. They have been caught out big time.

Everyone needs to be behind this because it speaks for itself. There those who are desperately trying to get at the system for what it is, now’s their chance. I don’t think it would go down too well with the public, especially parents of disabled vulnerable adults, children. This is so utterly a crime, akin to a war crime, Maria’s human rights her natural expectations and those of her children have been trampled, and big time.

Anonymous said...

this has to come out because you can’t have evil bastards who abuse vulnerable women, who have no possibility to defend themselves. This social workers action put Maria in Hospital for three months, minus her child. And the wider concern is where some of the babies removed ended up? I don't like to think that way but one must, considering he cover up of Hollie's abuse!

Anonymous said...

Please Don't Take Our Child - Panorama BBC 1 Midlands 23 August. Each year around 20,000 children have their futures decided by the family courts. Baby William Ward was one of them. His parents Jake and Victoria were investigated by police and social services when they were unable to explain a serious injury to their t...hree-month-old son. Panorama's Darragh MacIntyre reports on the case of this ordinary couple and their extraordinary fight to open up the world of the family courts

Anonymous said...

Jerry Lonsdale

I am involved with a case where the Mother had predominantly opposed the making of a pl cement order and because she fought tooth and nail the SS refused direct contact with her child even though adoptive parents stated that they were more than happy to accommodate the contact, which in its self is rare, but to add to this the Mother only found this out simply because she is doing the case herself. I am in the same position with my two boys, If I bent over and took it then the case would be a whole lot different, however because I will fight all the way and will not accept their lies and deceit or go away quietly we end up in these situations, more so my case If I walked away from everything like the SS want It wouldn't make a difference so I might as well fight.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like we are identical situations - well almost. Whatever I do they refuse me. Its recorded I can not be faulted on my care, many times over in writing as well. But as I am fighting ie for my family and justice, and will not accept and move on ie admit to something I did not do and no evidence only SS hearsay - they though at me the might of the LA Officer Power and intransigence and then suggest I am the person that can not move on. I have offered so many olive branches to move forward, they have a glass so called half full - mine is half empty. (yet there glass has a hole in it so actually I can not drink any part of the so called half full cup. Access to any working relationship impossible as no meetings. PS Still awaiting since 3/04 regarding investigations of "perverting course of justice of SS" - been back twice but still no answer from Force Solicitor on action to be taken and still awaiting a written care plan and final evidence, almost 9 days late service and still no legal aid on step children etc. I fight on and SO has been doing well, finally got the Counsel I wanted for my boy case, but without LSC funding for her to get to read all case surrounding the step children that put me into this matter. I will not walk away as clearly it has got to be resolved, without resolution nothing will solve and no closure, afterall if adoption and LA succeeds it will allow preverting matters for others to succeed and it makes no difference like with you. Thank fully my boy is doing well, we enjoy unsupervised contact 2hrs per day 5days a week, I bet a few other dads and boys would like that quality time with the children - so I am lucky - shame the LA who gave this contact as no risk - have to now say Adoption route - very strange and I believe very sinister? Thats officer power fighting the c defined court order won on 23/04- my birthday. PS ISW says she was told I am this and that - but says she never saw it and only recorded 3 words of my evidence - SS self serving !! 11 bundles only those words - she then supported SS - PS my contact was reported as good, and its also reported as we have bonded and have attachment. - what a waste of Public expense. Step boys moved 7 hrs round trip - you know the story - Keep fighting

Stephen Wicken

Anonymous said...

Shaun O'Connell

OK had enough. In court tomorrow for IRH. Final evidence and careplan to be served by 4pm 11 08 10 but not recieved until today at 15.35 ie the day before the hearing. Eh two fingers to the advocates meeting that was supposed to have taken place earlier this week etc. Are the LA really above the law? Will find out tomorrow.

Anonymous said...


PART 7 OF MANY - pls excuse state of video - hopefully much better is on its way. The rally today was a great success with many speakers giving testimonies of abominable acts by some of the elite and other monsters, who will in time hopefully pay for inflicting such atrocities on innocent children

This is one brave lady I was privileged to meet amongst many

Anonymous said...

Family Law Reform - Care Proceedings

Children should remain with their parents until factual evidence (not hearsay) has been tested in a closed Court with media attendance and a full Jury.

Children should never be removed from their parents for 'risk of emotional harm'. When children are removed from their parents they always experience emotional harm by the removal.

The 'balance of probability' test is against the parent's human rights of a fair trial and should be changed to 'beyond reasonable doubt'.

No child should be taken away from their parent without full assessment. Where the local authority have significant concerns but have not proved their case with factual evidence, beyond reasonable doubt by Jury, the Judge should order a residential assessment of the family in an Independent Family Assessment Centre which the family must attend BEFORE removal of the child from the parent.

Anonymous said...

No member of the court advisory service, particularly the legal guardians who advise the court on the best interests of the child should have any form of direct or indirect interest in any kind of adoption agency.

Anonymous said...

If the Independent family assessment centre substantiates the concerns of the local authority, with testable evidence such as CCTV, within a 3 month period the evidence should be presented to the Court during an application to remove the children from the parents.

If the Jury in the application decide that the threshold of 'actual significant harm is proved beyond reasonble doubt' using the evidence of the Independent Family Assessment Centre a care order should be made, otherwise the case should be closed.

While the family attend the Independent Family Assessment Centre any kinship assessment should be carried out on friends and family to be alternative carers for the children, should the local authority achieve a care order. The family should be allowed to remain at the Family Assessment centre until the kinship assessments are complete.

Anonymous said...

Parents should be given the opportunity to allow themselves to be properly investigated for a maximum period of 3 months under a Supervision Order. During that period the child should remain with the parents. At the end of the 3 month period the Local Authority, if they still have concerns, should apply to the Court for an order for a 3 month Independent Residential Family Assessment, for a further 28 day Supervision Order.

EVERY application made in family proceedings should be made to a closed court with media attendance, a full Jury and 'proved beyond reasonable doubt'.

A Supervision Order should be granted if there is a proved RISK of harm.

A Care Order should be granted if there is proved harm.

Anonymous said...

If the Local Authority cannot prove Risk of harm or harm beyond reasonable doubt within a maximum of 12 months the case should be closed. If the Local Authority later, after closing a case, have further concerns regarding the safety of the children the closed files should be provided to the Court and Jury.

The local authority should work with the parent to overcome any concerns they have regarding the parent's care of the children. This should include funding for counselling, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, family assisstance, education, protection from domestic violence.

Interim Care Orders should be abolished.

Anonymous said...

No child should be adopted without the explicit consent of the parent.

Every foster carer should be in a position to offer long term fostering. Everytime a child needs to change foster carer/placement an opportunity should be given to the parent to prove thier circumstances have changed and they should be given a further opportunity of a 3 month Independent Residential Family Assessment.

A parent should be given the opportunity to make an application to end a Care Order as frequently as they wish. At each hearing the Local Authority will need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the circumstances that caused the child harm have not significantly changed. If they fail to prove beyond reasonable doubt, to a Jurty the Court should Order a Supervision Order for a maximum of 3 months or a further 3 month Residential Family Assessment, or the case should be closed.

Anonymous said...

While it is necessary to protect the safety of children, it is also necessary to protect the sanctity of the family. It is necessary to protect the Human Rights of the children and parents. Current Child proceedings strip families of all their Human Rights. The secrecy of the Family Justice System breeds corruption. The unaccountablity of the Local Authority leads to abuses of power.

Anonymous said...

The public do not have any faith in government services nor the goverment to protect them in a moral and just society. The current proceedings warn people not to engage with government services due to the risk of having their children taken away. Mothers are giving birth alone through fear of having their babies taken at the hospital, families are living a life on the run as they are scared of being found and having their children taken from them, partners are suffering abusive relationships because they are scared the social services will take their children if they call anyone for help. Parents are not taking their children to the doctor because they are scared they will be accused of the injury to the child and their child will be removed. Parents are not seeking counselling or rehabilitation from addictions or assistance in a crisis.

Anonymous said...

The overwhelming message to parents due to the current care proceedings and social services procedures is AVOID ALL GOVERNMENT SERVICES AS THEY WILL STEAL YOUR CHILDREN.

Anonymous said...

The public are then learning about the child sexual abuse which seems to be rife amoungst those in positions of power. We learn about Operation Middleton, Operation Ore, Holly Grieg, Child Abuse in the Catholic Church, Haut de la Garenne, Operation Lentisk, Commission to Enquire into Child Abuse, The Waterhouse Report amongst many of the other horrifying reports and we come to the conclusion that our children are being stolen unlawfully and illegally for sinister reasons.

Anonymous said...

Through child stealing by the government and paedophiles in power the public are losing faith and trust in their government. The people are learning about secret societies, the New World Order, satanic ritual and lawful rebellion. We do not wish to be ruled by satan worshipping elite. We wish to live in a moral and just society. God save our queen!

Anonymous said...

I very much doubt any God can save her or any of them now !

Anonymous said...

20th August for the GSCC to respond will they do that after so many have contacted them? What Mr. Fix it will they bring in to scupper Maria's case. This means so much to so many, remember that. This points to the fact the GSSCC is complicit along with the Local Authorities in covering up abuse, and the removal of children. WE MUST NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT!

Anonymous said...

Dear Prime Minister

Further to my earlier email entitled 'How the government steal children from loving parents' and the numerous emails many of your parliament members will have received regarding the plight of Hollie Grieg, please could you arrange an urgent meeting in the House of Commons where paedophiles in power and child stealing by the government will be addressed.

It is very important that we the public know which members of parliament we can depend on to uphold a moral society. Please could you therefore inform us of when the House of Commons meeting will be so that we can ensure that we are able to watch it on television and see for ourselves which of those 640 MPs I emailed, attend and consider this an important issue.

It is submitted that many of our children were removed from us unlawfully and illegally forcibly adopted. We therefore demand that each and every case of forced adoption is re-opened and re-examined with parents being allowed immediate contact with their children to ensure their safety.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

An affected parent

Anonymous said...

You will not get any reasonable explanation from David Cameron, he has been in politics to long to give a toss and earns way to much money to care about our grievances,looking at how... the PM works etc

from someone who has been part of and seen how the conservative party and LIB/LAB/CON work

Anonymous said...


David Cameron is not going to change anything because all his rich buddies make a handsome living out of our abusive family laws.

It is all about money and never has been about "the best interests of the child".

We will have to force change through direct action as newfathers4justice are doing.

Anonymous said...

How many lawyers law- liars are in parliament?

Anonymous said...

So we will continue to camp on his office rooftop amongst others until
he and his ministers grow a backbone and talk to groups like newfathers4justice.

Anonymous said...

we have invited them to meet us on many occasions only to be ignored, i am afraid our new government is no better than the last when it comes to sorting out the unholy mess of family law thats because they would all rather bury their heads in the sand in that case as they know what a shambolic disgrace ss and the family courts are and they don't want to admit it.

plus they make billions of pounds a year !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Justice for Journalist Anna Politkovskaya - The Petition Site

Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya wrote to fight injustice. She covered stories of violence, corruption, and abuse, including the human rights situation in Cechnya. Her articles were published in foreign media, and her books translated into many languages.

Anonymous said...

Frank Bradfield

I am deligghted that Panorama can make a programme about such a case when we had to remove a case from our web site because the Social Services and the alleged abuser recognised themselves in it. The child who is seven is subject to a care order and as I understand it the care order is until she is eighteen years of ag...e so her story is gagged. However things don't remain the same for ever and we hope for a break in this particular case.

I am glad things are changing and delighted the TV is making programmes about Family Law and the Social Services, but hope it is authentic and not just hype to get the ratings as children and their predicaments are far too important for that. I look forward to the programme and the debate that surely will follow it.

Anonymous said...

The 'balance of probability' test is against the parent's human rights of a fair trial and should be changed to 'beyond reasonable doubt'.

We need juries, if and it has been seen that a parent/adult abuses's a child this is a criminal affair.
A crime of assult against another.

were is the protection for children in society, not from the SS, the judges corrupt family courts the nspcc.

It must come from the blood line parent/ grand parent, who is trying to protect.

Anonymous said...

Amanda McCaulay social worker abuse my son the gscc covered it up. PCC

Anonymous said...

prostitute's David Tyzack QC.Family court judge.

Judge Vinncet rent boys

wait for the fear farts

Anonymous said...

prostitute's David Tyzack QC.Family court judge.

Judge Vinncet rent boys

wait for the fear farts

Anonymous said...

Hunt the count

Sir Paul Coleridge high court judge, corrupt deceptions with "child ward of court" out side the uk.

Anonymous said...

Psychopaths working for "Mind"
hunt the count

Anonymous said...

hunt the count

isle of wright SS

Anonymous said...

Carol Mashembo, barrister now working at st Johns chambers in Bristol

hunt the count

Anonymous said...

zennor in cornwall,

children died, went missing, police looking in the wrong area.

told to back off M16

Anonymous said...

A couple adopted two girls and allowed them to be subjected to horrific sexual abuse in exchange for money, a court heard yesterday.

The man and wife passed a number of checks that allowed them to adopt when the younger girl was just five.
But after two years the husband began to sexually assault her, a jury was told.
Later, allegedly with the full knowledge of the wife, they allowed both girls to be minded after school by a pair of paedophiles, the court heard.
When one of the children told her adoptive mother what was going on, she replied, 'Just leave it, we'll have to see what happens'.
She later added that she could do nothing, as one of the men 'helped us with money and a car', it is alleged.
One of the abusers, Colin Molloy, now 46, was jailed indefinitely last year for nine counts of raping the younger girl when she was eight. Samuel Nelson, 43, who preyed on the older girl, was given nine years.
Yesterday, the adoptive parents stood trial over their alleged role.
The husband, who along with his wife cannot be named for legal reasons, abused the younger girl over a six-year period, Minshull Street Crown Court, Manchester, heard.

daily Mail

Anonymous said...

mislaying of court files has been a routine practice on the western circuit and in London for the past thirty years

Anonymous said...

high court judge Coleridge, clip the wings of his cockybollocks

Anonymous said...

Judge Tyzack step into corrupt judge Overends shoes in the Rogues Gallery. We think LIPS should demote him from slimeball to buttwipe.


Anonymous said...

The plot thicken (Coleridge Rogue's Gallery, Christopher Trowmans is a grubby thick-head)

Clearly the courts are protecting lawyers (as we all suspected). We have all had the excuse of managment maladministration being put down to staff training under unlawful duress.

The exuse (like 'inadudible' on the transcript) there to protect judges who have fucked up bigtime, but blame the adminsitartion shortcomings for the 'maladministration', which is, of course, judicially orchestrated by the 'brothers-in-law'. They all slurp from the same spitoon.

Anonymous said...

The nub of the matter is that they are all corrupt to a point one cannot be diplomatic, as to withhold broadsides is to acquiesce to their corruption to your own detriment, by not saying anything for fear of reprisals, you feed the problem.

Always best to scream like a stucking pig and expose them every time, as they trade on their power, and the presumed ignoirance of selfd-litigants. Do not underestimate your power as a LIP

Publicity will concentrate their minds on some degree of Justice, it puts the brakes on their ambits to corrupt.

jade said...

No comment.

Anonymous said...

Kent County Council

solicitors to watch out for

Wendy Morse

Job title:
Solicitor, Contracts & Procurement Team
Direct Dial:
(01622) 694416

Wendy qualified as a Solicitor in April 2008, having completed her training contract at the London Borough of Redbridge. During her training Wendy practised a wide variety of local authority work including contract, property, employment, childcare, education, criminal litigation, planning and constitutional law. She joined the Commercial Group at KCC in April 2008 and since that time has been specialising in contract and procurement matters.

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