We are ashamed to be British, who would have thought this goes on in our society? We wouldn’t think it, because we don’t know it’s going on!
That’s about to change, we have but one tool at our disposal, a tool even more powerful than social worker’s having their day in court against hapless families, that tool is The Internet a machine so vast it covers the globe in seconds. Maybe, just maybe they have met their match. If you have been on the end of “their justice” it is more than likely you have nothing more to loose, please feel at liberty to tell it like it really is, name all involved, without revealing your identity.
Say NO to gagging orders, how dare they! We know its not in the interests of the child, its in the interests of the perverse judgments and scrappy evidence that could never stand up in a ‘proper’ court furthermore it could cause a public outcry if it ever got out. We’ve had enough of the injustice and the secret courts, this must end and it must end NOW, the outcry is about to begin.
Its not enough to tell your story, naming names is imperative if this is to have any impact, provide every detail you have, car registration numbers, home addresses even add a link to www.flickr.com with their photograph. Create a profile on one of the many social networking sites, they can't afford to close them all, you will have maximum impact! The more information you provide the more they will want to close the site, the more they want to close it the more mirror sites will appear with all the same information on them, this will hurt them make no mistake, they won't like the publicity and like we care? No longer can they get away with the ability to hide behind the secret courts!
We have provided the means to "freely express" now you can have your say…
You can make your "comment" anonymously or if you are in any doubt about the traceability of your comment search for "Anonymous Surfing" and use a proxy website or go HERE then enter this Blog again by copy/paste nameshamesocialworkers.blogspot.com/ ...then say your piece, your identity remains untouchable ...the world is waiting.
Our day will come.... as will theirs
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«Oldest ‹Older 3801 – 4000 of 5060 Newer› Newest»Social worker from Long Eaton who stole nearly £20,000 from a pensioner is struck off
A SOCIAL worker who stole nearly £20,000 from the bank account of an elderly stroke victim has been struck off. Peter Tennant, 54, of Long Eaton
Despite the government’s official view that MSBP, also known as fabricated or induced illness (FII), occurs in only about one person in a million, UP TO 12,000 CHILDREN A YEAR ARE BEING TAKEN INTO CARE FOR MSBP/FII RELATED REASONS, according to the report.--and still they push out this twisted practice.
Nicky Herron
then they use the very things that you say against you that were valid medical problems that dr didnt diagnose.
OH I BET IT IS... god help us
well how about saving familys instead of talking to plants
Prince Charles: 'My duty is to save the world' | Mail Online
The Prince of Wales's impassioned comments come during a film about his belief that unbridled commerce has led to the destruction of farmland and countryside.
David Gibbon
When will politicians wake up and realise that something is badly wrong?
There are some practical steps that could be taken but they require an enforced culture change for Social Services and the Courts.
When a child may be at risk social services should have a duty to consult with the wider family. They should have a duty to support and promote the connection between a child and an absent parent or grandparents. This should be seen as part of their job. Instead they do the reverse. All too often they align themselves with the party that is hellbent on the alienation of separated parents and grandparents. They are not in the least family friendly or family minded.
The Courts are a mockery. Court processes are so expensive that they represent an option for the very rich or the state funded only. Even then they are too slow to be of any practical value. Judges must judge, not sit on the fence. Justice delayed is justice denied.
Only when this culture shift has been forced on them will Social Services and the Courts start to see the value of the Charter for Grandchildren. Until that time they will remain firmly in the camp of those who form part of the problem not part of the solution.
Once the emphasis has been changed I believe many of the present problems will completely disappear. A parent who vindictively excludes the other parent or the grandparents from the lives of their children knows that this behaviour is wrong and not in the best interests of the children. Parents are routinely sent to prison for the crime of not sending their children to school. Is excluding the wider family from the life of a child a lesser crime? Of course not!
Grandparents must not interfere or be busybodies. Absent fathers cannot expect to swan in and out of the lives of their children. Bad behaviour is not confined to any one group. But it isn't possible to begin to mediate these difficulties against the entrenched and state supported dictatorship of the resident parent.
Each time a NCP is granted a child support order, the funds generated by such an order, PAY BACK MUNICIPAL bonds taken out at the birth of the child.
in a constant BANK FRAUD scheme, the non custodial parent is obligor to those loans, the children, and mother are held in chattel (on welfare, or social funding), to insure that the asset to the loan (child) is maintained.
if you gave out asset only loans, you would keep careful watch on the asset, to insure that it did not up and disappear...as the loan is paid back, creation of future assets, to other forms of production is also played out, ONE, recreation of the single parent child (removing a father from a female child's life, almost guarantees she will become a single mother later) and creation of a criminal child (removing a father from a male child's life insures that this child is very likely to become criminal-criminalization is ONE-THIRD of the US GDP value)
EIRE NEWS: A baby has been snatched for Coventry Child Services by three female Garda after they forced their way through windows and doors, commando-style. The snatch was planned without any court orders, and has left the parents devastated - the mother has collapsed through nervous exhaustion.
This has been... a blatant disregard for Human Rights and International Criminal Law.
There has been a media blanket on this case, as its was a EIRE "Hague Convention, B II R case" that has left a family reeling from a dawn raid! Mary's daughter (the mother in this case) called me that this was going to happen and the child was going to uplifted! The EIRE police originally entered the property to ask for the child but as they left for reinforcements they where locked out!
Procedure states that an Order must be made available under Irish Constitutional Law, but this was never made available!
The police then proceeded to smash the windows and gain access, then the mother was forced to relinquish the child!!
This is a blatant disregard for Human Rights on the part of the UK, and needs to be VIRALISED! The Courts are COMPLICIT, the Child Services Authorities are COMPLICIT, the Government are COMPLICIT, in CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY against INTERNATIONAL LAW, and Governments of other countries now need to SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE and ACCEPT THE FACT THAT THE UK LOCAL AUTHORITIES ARE CRIMINALS AND ENABLERS OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES, and htey need to act NOW in acknowledgement of these FACTS and act NOW to put a stop to it!
Lynn Harrison
Coventry ss are viscious bastards, been fighting them on behalf of parents for 3 years til The Council of Disabled People who I worked for seemed to take a political move to make me redundant from job as advocate and not apply for future funding coincidentally, they also got loads of extra money (which I earned for them as sw practice assessor) taking sw students on placement - none of my students wanted to go into child protection, 2 out of 9 (so far) got first class degrees. Nothing was said but I believe CEO of CDP was scared that I was rocking the boat and funding became more important than rights
UK Rally Against Child Abuse 2010
Ray Richards
It breaks my heart to read all these posts. The SS and the Police really are the AGENTS OF SATAN as far as I am concerned. They divide families and side with Paedophiles - we must somehow fight back against them - watch this space and dont lose hope. LOVE is all that matters.
Selma Williams
The SS are scum, ditto CPU of the police. I am in the midst of preparing a document to IPCC, plus all forces my acquaintances and I have ever contacted re my son's disclosures of sexual abuse, the corruption, refusal to investigate etc. The...y will not need to 'investigate' much - it is all there in black and white, plus the names and contact details of all those who have been involved, including those who have evidence against my ex, prior to my involvement with him.
I do not expect a positive outcome, as I have seen for myself the incompetence and corruption that predominates all of the 'multi-agency' members. They are dangerous morons, who wilfully jeopardise childrens welfare, then turn on the innocent and blame them. Smokescreen tactics - used by my son's father, and also by SS and police. You would think that a level of discretion, intelligence, forensic analysis and empathy would prevail, but no, this lot are from the primeval swamp.
My situation was that my son was already making disturbing disclosures. A social worker knew about these, but she also had her own opinion which she had formed about my ex, before she spoke to me. She believed that my ex was like many abusive men - did not want the child, but did not want the mother to have the child either. She told me that he did not have the slightest interest in my son's welfare and she had seen cases like mine before. She told me 'off the record, to run'. Hmmm, that's a Child Protection Social Worker for you. I did not understand the implications of this at the time, as I was constantly bombarded with abuse/hauled into court by my ex for 'contact' reasons, even though I had never inhibited contact - all he wanted was 'rights' and he elected to see my son once every 3-4 weeks, and not more frequently. Another social worker told me to 'stop your ex seeing your son', so I did - not actively, more passively i.e. not answering the phone to him and his incessant abuse. When my son made disclosures of sexual abuse, I phoned my male friend and neighbour asI did not know what to do. I did not trust the police or SS, and he knew it, and also knew why. He said 'call the NSPCC', so I did and they did not give a damn, just told me to call SS or the police. I said 'I don't trust them' and she said that I had to speak to someone. I called my GP, for advice and they took forever to call me back and were really rude and unhelpful. I eventually called the police and was put through to the CPU who told me to 'ring back tomorrow as we have an urgent case on at the moment'. Between that call and the next day, my son continued to make graphic and spontaneous disclosures of sexual abuse - it was nauseating, shocking, like another child was telling me this, not my poor little baby. I called the CPU again the next day and they sounded nonchalant, and asked me for my details,and my ex's i.e. name, address etc
. When they got to the 'title' bit of my ex, I said 'Dr' (thinking, oh dear, here we go, I know where this is going). The CPU Officer,said 'what, medical' and I said 'yes'. She then asked me where he worked (he was working on a NOrth Thames rotation at the time, so was a few months here and there). I was apprehensive, as I knew exactly what she was thinking as I said 'Great Ormond Street Hospital'. Her disbelief was palpable as she said 'what, the childrens hospital'? and I said 'yes'. They then did absolutely f*cking nothing about it- no-one came round, no-one asked to speak to my son, see him, NOTHING. I called the SS and the police again, but again - nothing. I spoke to a friend who is a doctor and he advised that I take my son to A&E and ask for a psychological assessment. At that time, I didnot know how Child Protection worked i.e. hierarchy/procedure, or rather how it DID NOT work. The doctor on duty said that as my son had not seen his father for a few weeks, he felt safe and was now disclosing freely, and it was imperative that he was assessed by a psychologist. He went away and was told that SS would deal with it. But did they? No. No phone calls - no visits - nothing. So I took my son to see the head of Clinical Psychology at the Childrens Hospital and he told her exactly what happened and she did not think he was making it up/prompted. Then when SS finally did turn up at my house, the social worker who had told me to stop my ex seeing my son said 'X (my ex) knows that you are going to get an injunction against him'. (I had my friends mother with me as a witness to all of this. She is a school teacher). I said 'I never said I was going to get an injunction against him. You told me to stop him seeing Y (my son)'. I then said 'you must have told him that, as it did not come from me'. She looked away, bit her lip, and anxiously said 'I might have said something'. To which I answered 'well you did say something and you have no right to tell him that as it is a breach of confidence'. She then went LOOPY and I mean LOOPY in front of me, my son, and my friends mother, shouting and screaming at me, and then fled in a hurry with 'I have another appointment now'!
This was the turning point - it appears that she got herself in the sh*t on more than one occasion before and in order to cover herself, ended up colluding with my ex, and being advised/covered by her colleague, a social worker, who I later learned from a former barrister, was notorious for lying about innocent mothers and having their children removed from them for no reason. Their duty manager did not think that I had done anything wrong and that I should have kept my son, but social worker caused so much trouble and went to the police behind her bosses back so that her boss ended up being ostracised/taken off case. Social worker who had told me to run, disappeared along with her evidence (which I had seen as she had shown me a transcript of a telecon with my ex), the police turned on me and asserted that they had 'investigated' the case, when my barrister said quite clearly that NOTHING had ever been 'investigated'. The Clinic Psychologists evidence was rejected as the judge 'had not ordered it', and she left court, looking utterly shocked. My barrister (who is now a judge in Portsmouth) said it was the worst case he had ever worked on in 30 years - cfor police and SS corruption. Subsequent to custody transfer, my sons disclosures continued and his wellbeing suffered, he lost weight, became traumatised, talked about death, being killed, being buried alive by his father, punched by his father, injected, pushed off his bike into a wall by his father etc etc. I had third party witnesses to this and we went to the police in London and they did, yes that's right NOTHING, because SS in my area, had maligned me so much and told them not to act on any referrals. You wonder why kids get killed? This is why. IN the end my ex hauled me to court again and the paedo loving judge told me that if I made any more referrals to the police, then I would never see my son again. And so it went on and on and on..
Why did I lose custody? The judge said that I was not mentally ill, had not abused my son, had not prompted him, was not fabricating evidence, but that I 'may be difficult about contact in the future' and that this constituted 'emotional ab...use'. Meanwhile, my ex remained and has remained to date, uninvestigated, never been subject to any sort of assessment, psychological or otherwise and has got increasingly psycho over the years. He harassed his next door neighbour so much that she moved house. She had only purchased the property recently, in order to refurbish it and live in it for her retirement. She was a comfortably off, independent widow. My ex's pet hate - an independent woman. He kicked her front door in, she made a complaint to the police and they did..NOTHING. He and his wife continued to abuse and harass her, and she could not take the stress any more as she was suffering with ill health.
How do I know this? She told me. I figured out something was up as I saw the house was for sale, then had been sold, then was in the process of refurbishment and suddenly had a 'For Sale' sign up outside. I wondered if perhaps it was connected with my ex.
My son then told me that the neighbour and her son in law had been arguing with his father and his fathers partner. My son had seen and heard it all through an open window on the ground floor, as it was on their drive. My ex had then put an abusive note on her door (my son did not know this, only about the returned note that had been stuck on my ex's door, with 'get a life' written on the back of it). It was after that that my ex kicked her door. Aparently my ex had been trying to goad his neighbours son in law into hitting him, saying 'go on, hit me, hit me. You don't know who I am, I'm a doctor a pillar of the community' etc. The neighbours son in law said 'I am not going to hit you, I just want you to stop harassing X'. I then looked up all the addresses in the road on 192.com. I only had a first name to go on, but 192.com yielded her full name and 118 118 yielded her phone number, so I phoned her, and she invited me round one night, in the dark. I had to park a distance away and hide my car, and creep down the lane. She then asked me about my case, and for once, I did not have to laboriously explain everything - she used to be a family solicitors secretary and knew about cases such as mine. She said that 'those children don't play like normal children' she said that myex was a psychopath and that his partner was a 'sick and twsited schizophrenic, who was constatly talking about her ex husband to the neighbours' . Hmm, sounds about right. She moved shortly after that.
I have not seen my son for 3 months as my ex stopped contact - not via court, and there is no official contact order. He controls everything. I dare not go back to court as the paedo loving judge backs myex every time and retains the case for himself. Plan B, C & D are now in progress. I suggest that you do the same. If the legal system f*cks you, give it all you can, and then if that fails, do as you wish. Right and moral is not necessarily 'legal' and vice versa.
The child snatching NSPCC
fears Sarah's Law will drive paedophiles underground - Social Care - Children & Young People N
Find NSPCC fears Sarah's Law will drive paedophiles underground and the latest Social Care news and jobs on Children & Young People Now
Lorraine Newhill
this is what happened to me.. they had every intention of snatching for forced adoption before i was even aware there was a problem.
Child abuse failures criticised
A council has been criticised for its failure to investigate suspicions that two children were being abused by their father.
This is exactly what happened to councillor Sheena Williams who looked after her granddaughters on 2 separate occasions but Kent didnt like it when she realised they should have been supporting the placements as foster carers and went as far as pretending to be assessing them but later lied in court and refused to produce any paperwork.
It didnt stop there on a third occasion at exactly the same time as she was elected as a tory councillor for Maidstone they put her 4 granddaughters on the at risk register but didnt bother to inform her then stole them for forced adoption.
Judge Polden and Kent County Council SS work together and are a bunch of liars !
been asked from carla stephenson ss for my eldest sons birth cert so i asked her were he was .
Prime Minster David Cameron will be on the Ed Doolan show between 12.00 and 2.00 today if you want to ask him a question! Contact Details: e-mail: ed.doolan@bbc.co.uktext the show: 07786 202 956call the show: 0845 300 9956If everyone bombards Ed Doolan with emails re forced adoption scandal maybe it will be mentioned?
Worth a try. http://news.bbc.co.uk/local/blackcountry/hi/tv_and_radio/newsid_8375000/8375020.stm
Melizza Jayne Moore
Could you tell Mr Cameron that I have evidence of forced adoptions from all over the U.K via FOI requests to EVERY L.A . Ask him to explain the huge numbers of these adoptions. And what he gonna do to fight against false allegations without criminal procedures. To get him to sort out these secret courts as an URGENT call. Never mind WAR in IRAQ, etc. Sort out the next generation of care kids before Margaret Humphrey's ( former Notts SW) writes another book in twenty odd years time.
Sarah Annemarie Kirby
I have loved and lost my lil baby boy. I vow I will be here from this day forward waiting for him to return. Nothing will ever replace him in my heart. I just hope you are ok baby boy.Mummy Loves you.
twin tracking most of ss cases only go to court for the " rubber stamping" if they are looking for families they have little intention of the child/children going home.
You must remember that the Courts are complicit in the act of illegal child removal, and they must be held accountable for their lack of actions!
Lorraine Newhill
when my grand daughter was removed, it was by 2 sw`s and 3 police officers ( who didnt use their powers) and no court order was shown.. they were up in my face yelling its not good enough.. they took her from my arms and left that to me is an illegal snatch
Kay Young
Unbelievable! In 1994 Judge Stockdale who sat on my case, STATED IN COURT HE SAT ON The Central Council of Education & Training of SW's. I WAS in my FINAL YEAR training as SW, knew my career wasn't going to be & I'd lose my daughter to SS, my dad was dying too.
I graduated with a 'basic' Degree, previously been told to expect a 2:1, qualification of SW & be put forward to work w/in Probation. Today:Decided to see if he'd any connection with the University.
I KNEW there was corruption, this takes the 'p'.
I wanted to study LAW/SW again, 2007/8, those who work w/in SW training KNEW-THEY'D TRIED TO PUT ME OFF re-applying for SW training 2 yrs ago.
Heather Stewart
We have been fighting sw for 4 years.to cover there backsides they keep changing sw,s now they have my 6 year old son on ritalin and melatonin but haven't diagnosed him as having adhd he has behaviour problems due to being passed from carer to carer instead of just putting him back with mum and dad who love him so much and are concerned for him we haven't seen him for 3 years we are fighting local authority again as they have failed to help my son for the last 3 years but now they are considering rehabilitation back home with us can anyone advise us on. This what would be the best way to go about this as our legal reps are doing nothing they work more with the s.s than they do with us thanks
They are a bloody disgrace all forced adoptions must be reversed it will take decades before anyone will ever trust any of them again , its the children who need protecting from them !
The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) has described children's social work in England as "a national scandal" in its formal response to Professor Eileen Munro's review of the child protection system.
Maidstone Conservative MP Helen Grant who took over from Ann Widdecombe, will she also pretend to know nothing about forced adoption after councillor Sheena Williams went to her for help!
President of Maidstone Museums' Foundation and Patron of the Maidstone branch of Tomorrow's People . Honorary Vice-President of the Maidstone MENCAP Trust, taking over from Ann Widdecombe.
a Patron of the Maidstone Rivers Users Association
The Institution of Royal Engineers honorary member
In Westminster
maiden speech delivered in the House on the 28th June . If you would like to read it please follow this link: http://tinyurl.com/helenmaidenspeech
(no not really worth bothering with)
involved in several departments covering a range of policy and debate on a national level, including the Ministry of Justice, the Home office, the Armed Forces, and the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association,
serve as one of five Conservative MPs on the influential 12 member Commons Justice Select Committee. The Committee scrutinises the policy, administration, and spending of the Ministry of Justice. In addition, it examines the work of the Attorney General, the Solicitor General, the Serious Fraud Office and the Crown Prosecution Service and reviews draft Sentencing Guidelines issued by the Sentencing Guidelines Council. The committee decides upon its own lines of inquiry, gathers written and oral evidence and reports its findings to the Commons. The government, usually, then has 60 days to reply to recommendations.
In the first months of this Parliament the committee will focus its attentions upon the work of the family courts and the future role of the probation service.(and what do you intend to do Helen the same as Ann & Hugh Robertson NOTHING)
a member of the Parliamentary Support team for the Home office and will be working on a range of issues relevant to that department, supporting the Home Secretary Theresa May, who is also the Minister for Women and Equalities.
Vice Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Armed Forces, Army Division.
The scheme includes visits to service personnel and facilities both in the UK and in operational theatres around the world, including Afghanistan.
chosen to be part of a Commonwealth Parliamentary Association delegation travelling to Sri Lanka from the 16th to the 23rd of October. Our purpose is to engage and build links with new Sri Lankan Government: to learn about peace-building challenges; and about re-integration and the re-construction of Sri Lanka.
(may be your time would be better spent telling the truth about Kent courts isn't your solicitors firm and husband also connected?)
The whole world is nothing more than a farm for slaves run by defacto governments
if you watch nothing else WATCH THIS!
Over 700 disappeared from the list, People have been told but dont know if it true two past prime ministers where on the list along with at least three labour lords
It's always been my view that the reason why so much child abuse goes unpunished is because Government need this in Society to satisfy people in power much like rent boys and prostitution !!!!!
Child porn swoop nets 90 police | UK news | The Observer
Hundreds of child welfare professionals, including police officers, care workers and teachers, have been identified as 'extremely high-risk' paedophiles by an investigation into internet porn.
Tax fraud involving charities 'runs into tens of millions' - Third Sector
Find Tax fraud involving charities 'runs into tens of millions' and the latest news, analysis, opinion and resources in Third Sector, the leading source of information for UK charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprise.
Yusuf Mohammed Abdullah
Moronic old eatonian,easy for you when your wife is worth around 30 million GBP !!
David Cameron suggests council houses should no longer be 'for life' | Mail Online
The Prime Minister said it makes sense for tenants to be given fixed-term deals in future - so they can be moved on if their circumstances change.
Robert Green's Letter to Mr. Kim Ryley, Chief Executive of Shropshire Council Asking for Explanation
Robert Green was arrested after attempting to expose the evidence of a Scottish government and Grampian police cover up of a paedophile ring involving high profile figures.
tell as many as you can about saturdays meeting in london 7TH AUGUST 2010. 1-5 PM
e-mail againstchildabuse@live.co.uk
Trafalgor Sq.
Amazing! This is the same judge who was on the front page of the Sunday Times last year, because she jailed a mother for telling her son that she loved him. This is an excerpt of the newspaper report:
Judge Isobel Plumstead said the woman could have no direct contact with the boys for two years in order to “give them a break”.
Although that order expired last year, the court has continued to stop the ex-wife having any direct access. She is permitted only to write to the children and send them presents worth up to £25.
The husband, who has an injunction preventing his former wife from contacting him or the children or even going near their village, has since repeatedly reported her for breaching it.
In October 2007 a court jailed her for a month after it heard that she had approached the eldest child in the street. When he ran off, she went after him, pleading that she loved him and only wanted to help.
She also sent her former husband text messages, which each resulted in a one-week jail sentence. One of the texts, which Plumstead said was “harassing or pestering”, read: “Why are you doing this to my kids? I will do whatever you say.” Another said she was sorry and offered to look after the children for free as her former husband was employing a nanny.
It sounds like this Judge Plumstead is an idiot. Typical of the unaccountable, secretive family courts.
Sam Hallimond
Happy 2nd Birthday to our precious little Daisy! Mummy and daddy miss you and hold you in our heart constantly! To me my little Doo-Bear, you are every beat of our hearts and we will always fight for you! I just wish I could hold you again...we want you home! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Nathaniel Fredriksson
Happy birthday Doo, I hope your safe and enjoying yourself until mummy and daddy can come and get you where your safe xx
Tammy Jones
Happy Birthday Daisy x
my love is with you all xxx
Moira Davies
happy birthday Daisy I hope you will soon be back where you belong.
Happy Birthday to our darling little Doo Bear, we love you so much and miss you so much too xxx Daddy is still fighting strong for you baby, we will light a candle for you tomorrow and wish upon a star xxx We hope you are well and safe and can't wait to be with you again xxx Lots and lots of love xxx
Abuse victim to 'commit Treason' at Nelson's Column
UK Rally Against Child Abuse 2010, Saturday 7th August, Trafalgar Square, London, 1pm – 5pm
Internationally acclaimed, award winning filmmaker, Bill Maloney (see photo attached), whose family were all brought up and abused in the care of London Authorities, is so incensed at the Crown’s ongoing role in the cover up of institutional child abuse, that he is planning to publicly commit Treason by condemning the Monarchy at this Saturday’s UK Rally Against Child Abuse [1] in Trafalgar Square. He will also use the platform to ask the Pope a direct and deeply disturbing question.
Maloney, who is no stranger to controversy, having been thrown out of BBC Question Time for demanding answers to questions about institutional child abuse, has defended his decision saying:
“I’m not a social worker, I’m not here to satisfy egos, I’m here to stop children being abused – NOW! The police can arrest me if they want. If they do, I will invite everyone to come to the police station with me.
“The abusers are protected by the establishment. You can’t keep bashing our kids like this – I’m not going to allow it anymore. Government funded child abuse – be it physical, mental, emotional or sexual - must stop now.
“We need to give information to kids to help them protect themselves from rampant abuse by those in positions of authority. Kids need to know their rights and who to turn to when their welfare is threatened or violated. I think that the subject of paedophilia should be included in the National Curriculum”
Maloney’s recent documentary film, ‘Adam Rickwood & the Medomsley Heroes’ led to public outcry, with its revelations by victims of sadistic paedophile prison officer Neville Husband, and the campaign for truth and justice by the family of Adam Rickwood, (14), the youngest person to ‘allegedly’ commit suicide in a UK Secure Training Centre (formerly Medomsley Detention Centre).
His previous controversial documentary ‘Sun, Sea and Satan’ exposes evidence of a massive establishment cover-up of child abuse at the Haut de la Garenne children’s home on the Channel Island of Jersey.
Even though he still lives in his ex-council flat with little or no funding, Cockney-speaking Irishman Maloney, along with the support of his proud film production family www.pienmashfilms.com, turned down a lucrative acting/directing career to use his unique skills for worthy causes.
Maloney, along with his co-filmmaker Lilly Starr create documentaries that are hard-hitting but extremely engaging. ‘Billy & Lilly’ go were angels and major broadcasters fear to tread.
Maloney’s campaign has seen him anger: David Dimbleby (On BBC Question Time); Jack Straw (whom he caught lying on tape in a London Cab); Nick Clegg (on his campaign trail) and many more leading Establishment figures who have refused to answer questions about the concealment of institutional child abuse.
Chris Wittwer
There may be times we are powerless to prevent injustice , but there must never be a time when we give up and fail to protest. Healing takes courage and great strength - the obstacles of the past can become the gateway that lead to new beginnings ! Bless you all. x
Cps needs to be stopped
My children were taken from me by children and family services. Please help them, and many others to come home. This is dedicated to my precious children.
Chris Wittwer
On this site we aim to expose the paedophiles and other perverts that infest our society today and are preying on our children
Every time we turn on the TV or open a newspaper we see another case of child molestation with the perpetrators receiving pitifully lenient sentences that are often suspended or ridiculously short, some even get probation and they all have some trendy middle-class social workers bending over backwards to help them.
Jane Bürgermeister - Bloggers Persecuted & Declared Insane to Silence Dissent - Vienna 07/18/2010
Jane Bürgermeister and other critical bloggers in and around Austria are being targeted, declared insane and stripped of their civil rights. As the cases pile up, a pattern of corruption and systematic persecution emerges.
Shaun O'Connell
If anyone wanted to expose the system some hard work on the money flow is needed. Foster care associates made 11 milion pounds pre-tax profits in 2007, not bad earner in difficult times.blue sky fostering pay £378 per week per child. Both foster carer and private company are raking it in. How nice on free legal aid for the legal boys and girls and thrity forty thousand for the experts. Daylight robbery.
Stephen Wicken
Commercial Interests. Look at how Housing Associations grabbed almost the whole of the LA and State Social Housing Sector(what used to be called council houses) it was jobs for boys mainly by LA Officers that felt a foray into Commercial (or... so sorry charitable sector) - look at the quangos that this also supported. Today a Social Housing Unit has a greater cost than the private sector, revised Parker Morris Standards, and take timber frame use of Canadian standards - was it a trip for the boys - PS Building Regulations regulates Private Housing yet on same site a Planning required "Social Housing Unit" maybe required to higher U value. thus 20% more costly to build. Jobs for the boys springs to mind. Privatisation can work if same commercial factors or risks applied. Ex LA-Civ Serv's can not contemplate or take risks, different animal or say human.
It seems those in Private Social Care remain well protected by the system it creates - self serving and no doubt self regulating? ISW's act via the system without the same corporate Insurance req'd by PL Co's etc. Check there PEL and PL insurance?
If its good for one sector why not all?
Vanessa Willingham
Thanks to everyone for your kind comments, one day Daisy will know how much support she has had from everyone near and far xx Love to you all xx
'Chronic Shortage of Foster Carers'
Thursday, 05 August 2010
Yes, because of so many children being stolen by the State from loving parents
'Give me your children ...'
'According to the Fostering Network, there are 10,000 fewer foster families than are needed after an "unprecedented rise" in the number of children being taken into care. With looming public sector cuts expected to put more pressure on local government resources in the sector, the country's fostering system "could collapse" as a result, the charity said.'
Oh, they won't let it collapse - the Satanist and Paedophile rings in government won't allow it with so many children there to be abducted by the Social Services Mafia who often 'high five' in court when they steal a child in league with the legal establishment while the media is banned from even reporting these cases, let alone the criminal corruption involved.
4 August 2010
Dear Kent County Council,
Hang your head(s) in shame
'Not listened to'
The relative, who asked to remain anonymous, told the BBC he had
contacted social services on two occasions to warn them that
Sellman's partner was expecting a child.
He said: "I feel the information I passed on was not listened to.
"If they had done more checks on the computer, they may have found
something out. Maybe the baby would have been better looked after."
Within 25 days of her being born prematurely, Tiffany suffered a
fractured skull and died in hospital after being left in her
father's care.
Yours faithfully,
Theresa Riggi: Alarm raised day before children's bodies found
Yvonne Jeffrey, 43, a housewife, living opposite the block of townhouses where the children died, said: "It's dreadful, those three poor children. I don't know the details but if she has taken those children's lives she must have been in a dreadful state."
Police and msm reporting it as a small fire/explosion. BUT NOBODY heard anything and what's SHELL got to do with anything?
Looks like they were trying to steal this poor womans children.
I find it odd that the messenger at arms would be used to track Mrs Riggi. Although their websites (MOA's) say this is a service outwith of debt collection can be provided.
Messengers at Arms report to Lord Lyon king of arms. Surprising how much legal power they have in Scotland.
Messengers at Arms use - Act of Sederunt (Fees of Messengers-at-Arms) 2007. The Act has a wide reach and includes a price schedule for the following,
10. Apprehensions
(a) Arranging apprehension
67.25 67.25 67.25
(b) Arranging and apprehending
124.30 124.30 124.30
11. Taking possession of children
(a) Arranging to take possession
67.25 67.25 67.25
(b) Taking possession of each child
124.30 124.30 124.30
There is something odd about this. Why on earth are Shell (The fathers employers) commenting?
I can't remember a case unless it involved someone in the public eye, where the employers are asked for or issue a statement.
Whatever has happened this is a tragedy for those involved.
This is for all the evil sick judges, councillors, mp.s & ss workers etc who abuse or allow children to be abused in care or forced adoption
Watch it and weep , we do !
Billy & Lilly prepare for THE Rally
Many senior officers have Senior positions in other government positions ie Steve Pearce was not only the Assistance Chief Constable, but also sat on the board of governors of the university, the Planning and Development board, the Rural Payments board and no doubt the Freemason lodge but that's secret.
not "govt" employed
then check this out
http://www.teamster.org/content/human-rights-commission <<<thought the UN had that one until recently...look UP and DOWN the corporate ladder, most are CIVIL entities, NOT govt. or state
And there is no conflict of interest with Anthony Douglas being the chair of Coram Adoption Agency and the Cheif Exec of Cafcass!
Freedom of Information Request Ideas for Class Action.
Evidence resources to assist in the class Action:
Freedom of Information requests from Prisons & Residential treatment centres, Mental Health hospitals, finding out the proportion of their patients and prisoners have been removed from their natural parents during childhood
Information from the Legal Services Commission to find out How much has been spent by the LSC in representing Guardians in comparison to representing Parents in Childcare proceedings.
Information from the Local Authority requesting their annual budget for Childcare Proceedings along with the number of Childcare Proceedings they commence.
Information from the Local Authority requesting how many of the Childcare Proceedings they start are successful, coupled with how many Residential Assessments they have commissioned under Section 38(6) of the Children Act which in 1. Re L and H EWCA Civ 213; (2007) 1 FLR. was found to be vital evidence, without which there would be a 'gaping hole' and therefore no fair trial in determining whether the Right to Family life should be outweighed in favour of the protection of others.
Residential Assessments are to be paid for by the Local Authority, not the LSC and they cost around £3000 per week and are normally 12 weeks long. Make sure you ask for one as early as possible in your case and if you are not offered one APPEAL. Don't listen to any LSC funded solicitor that tells you a S38.6 assessment is not appropriate. It is not only appropriate but absolutely necessary for anyone who has had their children taken from them. It is in the interest of the Human Rights of the Child and the Family to be fully invesigated before their Human Rights are destroyed.
go to http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/memdir/members.htm and let me know if you see any "borders" or "enemies"
is it just me or do we all share a portion of a hundred percent Stock in the Human Trade organization from hell?
CFR owns everything...
Paul Randle-Jolliffe
The media offers the only forum in which such questions can be put. Media practitioners therefore have a sacred duty to take their courage in their hands and shine harsh searchlights on those who are empowered to intervene in the intimate lives of citizens to a close-to-absolute degree.
Is John Walters a Media Hero?
The children most vulnerable to Paedophiles are those that are in the care of the Local Authority.
I plan to write a book about it once I have overcome their corrupt system and am gathering info now while being witness to it. Ian Josephs former conservative Kent county councillor tells you quite a bit on his website http://www.forced-adoption.com/introduction.asp
Ian Stanton
Knowing about S38(6) is an advantage, when parents have child protection in their lives.
It might be diverting off the subject slightly.
Social workers get involved and at some point, ask a Court to make a care order. The social workers many attempt to gain an agreement with the parent, but their communication skills might lack. A parent isn't convinced that the social worker is correct, so the social worker gets a Court to make an order.
For some reason of another, the child is not with the parent. An Interim care order, allows the LA to asses the situation, but there isn't much provision for the parent being helped to address the "negative" which caused the child to be removed... which is where some of the problem starts.
Towards the end, the parent(s) have to be ruled out...
A parent is assessed and if the parent can't be faulted, the "change" the parent needs to apply takes longer than the time the child has (according to social workers). The aim to get the child away from the family is almost always shorter than the time a parent needs to take corrective action.
Part of the problem when invoking S38(6) is that the standard of the assessment almost expects parents to be "professional" parents. Parents are assessed by people who have professional qualifications, some of which don't have children. A parent with poor parenting skills gets identified as such. No parent can "acquire" the parenting skills needed in a very short space of time and even if they could, they can't show that they can apply these skills.
A residential assessment doesn't have to be in a assessment centre. It could extend to mean living at the foster carers house and demonstrating to the foster carer that the parent can look after the child. A setting like residing at the foster carer could have an advantage where the parent gains skills by seeing the foster carer look after children and the parent gains their skills while being assessed.
There is no "one option fits everyone". It's better to know about all the options and then look to see which option or combination of options would be best. Sadly solicitors don't seem to be overly helpful in explaining things.
What are they so keen to keep out of the news?
The deeply disturbing story of Hollie Greig has been spreading like wildfire through various viral means from Facebook to Email to offshore newspapers. It has shocked and disturbed many media professionals.
Yet it seems some people are hell bent on keeping the very mention of the name Hollie Greig 'off the air'.
We ask simply why and examine how this tragic case is being scuppered.
Guardian Agents... Who's looking after the children?: On The Radar...
This was on the stolenkids blog today
"The Hollie Greig scam will scare off even the most resolute individual with a child of their own, job, dependency on loans or others, or without firm resolution who would wish to expose abuse...rs but fear the vicious attacks, lies, defamation, innuendo and abuse that has been meted out by the likes of Robert Green, Brian Gerrish, David Icke, Paul Drockton and their thicker and more gullible fans!
Just howmany abusers will walk free, how many women will be raped or beaten up, how many children will be raped, sodomised or killed BECAUSE of Robert Green, David Icke, Paul Drockton, Matt Quinn, Brian Gerrish and their little band of gullible followers?"
I'm stunned... makes me think even more that some people do NOT want this case highlighted at all..
Oh they have missed my name for some reason, I suppose I will just have to be a gullible follower instead. I think the person writing for stolenkids is in need of some therapy, maybe someone should suggest it to them.
The Legal Services Commission, the Social Services, Cafcass, the Judges, the Child Protection Police, Doctors, Psychiatrists, many of them are members of a secret society that organise child trafficking for paedophiles in power. There is no justice in the lower courts at all, even in the appeal courts it will be made as corrupt as possible by the judges putting words in the mouths of the witnesses against you. It is SATANIC!
i couldnt appeal or at least thats what i was told by my lawyers.my familys been stitched up to hell,no one believes us. the la are taking the piss big time,they have got a s34(4) and wont let me see my kids,they wont even allow me to go to the lac reviews.i should of had letters from the kids 3 months ago and im still waiting,ive only heard from 1 of the adopters this year (out of 4). i been studying law the last 2 years and there is a massive difference between theory and practise,people dont realise how corrupt the system is
Contact is the RIGHT of the CHILD. A s34.4 allows the LA to stop the parent seeing the child when the child IS requesting contact. If they say the child doesn't want to see you then the wishes of the child need to be ASCERTAINED. They have to PROMOTE contact and get over the hurdles that make the child not want contact. It is a positive duty and you need to ask what they are doing to promote contact. There is no need for a s34.4 when the child doesn't want contact. If they say the child doesn't want contact ask WHY and ask to hear direct from the child in a video conference. Make sure the Gillick Competent child (normally over the age of 10) gets to see their solicitor without the Guardian being present. If the wishes of the child conflict with the wishes of the guardian then the guardian needs to instruct her own solicitor. The child must be made aware of their rights, ie their right to apply for contact and their right to apply for residence.
No matter how right you are, and how good your argument, the Lower courts will never find in your favour. They are trying to steal your children. APPEAL, APPEAL, APPEAL and don't ever be put off. If it isn't fair it isn't lawful.
Ceci Semaski: Why a mother would lose custody and contact with her children???
This below I have read and made me very and extremely upset !!!!
"I am involved with a woman and found out 10 years ago she lost custody of her son and was allowed only supervised visitation. Wouldn't it have to be a very serious issue? I don't want to marry this woman and have kids if she has serious issues!
Best Answer
Either she was a serious drug user or it was shown that she was abusive to her child/children. It has to be pretty severe for a mother to have lost custody & with supervised visitation; the state must see her as a threat to the child's well being, both physically & emotionally. She’s is keeping something from you so if she can't be honest & open up about this stuff, you need to reconsider the relationship. If it were me, I would cut all ties & walk. It might be hard at first but it will be harder if you stick around."
Once you have read the above you may understand why GOOD MOTHERS are killing themselves together with their children as is the most recent where Theresa Riggi an US citizen living in Scotland killed her 3 children and attempted to kill herself.
For 13 years Theresa and Pasquale Riggi had lived in the Scottish oil capital. They had upped sticks from Colorado and California so Pasquale could start working for oil giants Shell.
Their twin boys Gianluca and Augustino, eight, loved dinosaurs. Their little sister Cecilia, five, adored Barbie dolls.
To the outside world they were happy, go-lucky children, doted on by their parents.
But those closest to their 46-year-old mum revealed yesterday that a simmering row over education helped drive them apart and may have been the catalyst for the terrible events which unfolded in Edinburgh.
She said the Riggi children had come from “the most loving family home you could imagine”
A report to the court had been made stating the children could go and live with the father.
As we all know that meaning that this loving mother would only be able to see her children under “supervised contact” as that is how the family courts in Britain operates. And in many cases or after a few “supervised contact” the relationship is terminated as these contact will prove to be “emotionally abusive” to the children and this loving mother wont never see her children again.
Most likely, Theresa was well documented on the British Law against mothers, Lady Di was separated from her mother as many, many families in the UK currently are, a wave that I could easily call “ Family’s castration “ for the severity and painful approach by the British Authorities.
Thanks for reading and sharing it among your friends, colleagues and relatives.
Taxpayer picks up the Rules tab
ex Kent CEO Peter gilroy 'common purpose' speaker & CON leader Paul Carter & co have been out on the razzle!
Peter gilroy has even had the cheek to take his mistress Tanya Oliver and even common purpose graduate ex Chief of Kent Police Mike Fuller now Chief Inspector of the Crown Prosecution service had a slap up breakfast - all common purpose boys & girls together ?
Rules Restaurant - £357.98
Gilroy & Carter joined by David Lewis councils head of corporate property, Jonathan Harris chairman of Kent's total Place Property Board, Tim Campbell of Tim Campbell associates. guess what business paul carters in you've guess it building & property !
Carter since paid back £15.00 towards the cost of the wine which was for 2 bottles £39.50 & £25.00
according to gilroy it was a working dinner to discuss total Place a government policy designed to encourage agencies to CUT costs by sharing assets !!!
Rules restaurant Covent Garden very nice !
Maidstone hilton Hotel breakfast a stone throw from kent police head quarters mike Fuller , Tanya Oliver 7 gilroy £47.85 to discuss Total Place and Gateways'
wildwood Restaurant earl strett £108.30 attended by leading north american teleheath company Healthanywhere, Gilroy , tanya Oilver Cllr Alan Marsh deputy cabinet member for international affairs.
Gilroy, guardian debate october 2009; 314 train fare
Wildwood supper £53.90
Royal Clarence hotel Exeter for Tanya Oliver to attend Plymouth Chamber of Commerce conference May 2009 ; £185
Prezzo Maidstone, march 2009 with director of SS at edingburgh council £44.34
More than 400 KCC staff hace access to the credit care.
Kent cllr Alex King deputy leader trip to america 4 day stay cost £1.281.00 to maintain contacts with the international economic council county executives of America
Still no mention of the child trafficking through kent which the kent messenger is keeping very close to its chest and we can guess why !!!
These are a greedy bunch of cunts on more money than the PM
but ask yourselves why they have waited till gilroy has left - answer they are all on the make its a LIB/LAB/CON party
not one of them would speak out about forced adoptions and the money and conflicts of interest its just a complete sham
Become a foster carer, it pays about £400 per week per child, plus allowances, but if you ever say that the children aren't abused and should be with their families then expect to lose your job and possibly your own children.
Response to Baby P 'has pushed foster care network to the brink' - Home News, UK - The Independent
The Assasination of State Sentor Nancy Schaefer
The assassination of State Senator Nancy Schaefer It has recently occurred to me that we had a real honest to God heroine in our mist and most of us missed her. Nancy Schaefer was a true hero by every definition of the word.
By: Bill Bowen
Bill Bowen: The Assasination of State Sentor Nancy Schaefer
The assassination of State Senator Nancy Schaefer
It has recently occurred to me that we had a real honest to God heroine in our mist and most of us missed her. Nancy Schaefer was a true hero by every definition of the word. All of us know the frustration of turning in voluminous evidence to state politicians and having all of it ignored. What is that all about, we wonder? Little children being tortured, raped and murdered and those elected officials seem to care less than CPS or the family courts. They promise the world but in the end deliver nothing except frustration and tell you that if you support them or their political party they could TRY to do something after the next election and you KNOW they are lying.
It never occurs to them that if they got off their butts and did something, anything to help THEN we would support them.
There have been a handful of notable exceptions to the above and the one elected official in all of that was Nancy Schaefer, former State Senator for the State of Georgia. If the parents and grandparents of children stolen by CPs had a Champion, Nancy Schaefer was it, If there was a soul to the movement opposing the horrible and inhuman abuse of power going on, then Nancy Schaefer was that soul.
If there was one elected official that was not afraid of CPS and who was willing to pick up the phone right on the spot and call CPs and demand to know what they were doing, it was Nancy Schaefer and how they hated her for what she was doing. Nancy didn’t care a whit about what they liked or didn’t. She abored abuses by government of any kind, especially when it concerned children.
Nancy Schaefer was elegant and eloquent, something CPS and the other corrupt politicians hated. Worse yet, she actually cared and tried to right the wrongs of governmental abuse directed at those who were her wards in her state and even worse to the covert detractors, in other states as well.
Nancy Schaefer had the audacity to believe that government workers did NOT Have the right to lie and withhold evidence because they wanted to steal somebody’s child to earn more money. Incredibly this amazing woman was willing to get out and give speeches on the stealing of children by the corrupt family courts and CPS and that was NOT acceptable behavior to those who had acted anyway they wanted to, prior to Nancy Schaefer’s election. Nancy was a Republican and her own party turned on her for failure to do what they told her and that was to be quiet, That same Republican Party has recently turned on Senator Pam Roach of Washington State. Least you think I am picking on Republicans let me assure you I am not. Oregon, California and Washington State, three of the states with, in my opinion, the most corrupt family courts and CPS systems anywhere are totally Democrat controlled states and are a huge part of the problem. I don’t think political parties are ever going to be the answer to the problem of the corruption families and children face at the hands of CPS. No, Nancy Schaefer was driven from office because her own party refused to support her and for that they will carry that shame with them to their graves. If you could hear the tapes of the way those same party members talked to that very classy lady you would know of the low caliber scum that shared the senate with her in Georgia.
So, they took Nancy Schaefer’s senate seat and still she continued to talk and worse in their eyes, to be effective in her talks, about bringing the awareness of what CPS was really all about. If you doubt me just listen to her talks on youtube. So, they murdered her.
Yes, I know for a fact that Nancy Schaefer was murdered and I will set forth my reasons for that knowledge here. And that is besides the fact that the law enforcement personnel involved also know she was murdered and have admitted that.
When Nancy’s body was first discovered in her and her and her husband’s bed, the initial reports were that Nancy Schaefer had murdered her husband, then turned the gun on herself. What better way is there to discredit someone than to say they are guilty of murder and then label her as being unbalanced enough to have committed suicide? Had that been listened to and it was in the media for at least a week, it did damage to Nancy Schaefer’s sterling reputation, Per the media she was a murderer and one who committed suicide. Whatever she had said lost creditability. After a week the story had lost its interest and then and only then, did the officials investigating that murder says, “Well, actually, Nancy was victim of being murdered by her husband, who was seriously ill.” That is huge difference. Being a murder victim is a lot different than being a murderer, yet the Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI) waited one week to let the world know that Nancy was NOT a murderer and that she did not commit suicide.
Then the story came out that her husband wasn’t really sick so they changed it to he had money problems. I still don’t know what the truth really is and I don’t think anybody does. Either way, Nancy Schaefer was murdered. Now the police who investigated say they know it was a murder suicide because the murder weapon was found I the bed. As if a murderer could not have dropped it there.
Now, I used to be in law enforcement and I may not have been a brilliant investigator nor a murder expert, but even with my limited knowledge I know it isn’t that hard to figure out who was the murderer and who was the victim in a murder suicide. That would be known in fifteen minutes or less to even the untrained eye and the GBI is not staffed with untrained eyes or idiots.
The most outrageous statements to come out of the officials investigating the assassination of Nancy Schaefer is what they do not say, They do not say she was assassinated and they are not screaming for a full investigation into her assassination. That alone speaks volumes as to what really happened to this lady of extreme courage and guts. There were people near Nancy at the end who were then and still now, in my opinion only interested in making money off her and they have sort of vanished into the woodwork now. Were they investigated completely? I don’t think so. BTW, where is the documentary she was working on and where is the book?
We as a society do seem to lose a number of our greatest and bravest leaders, just as they are poised to break open the truth about something. Witness the assassinations of President’s Kennedy and Lincoln who were both about to kick the federal reserve system out. (Yep, you need to know about that too) Witness the assassination of Robert Kennedy and what he was about to do to expose organized crime and how J. Edgar Hoover would not acknowledge the existence of the Mafia, (Yep, you need to know about that one too)
Nancy Schaefer was poised to and had begun to expose the incredibly corrupt CPS system in our country and around the world and she too, in my opinion, was assassinated for that and you had better know all about that one too. Your freedom and sanity and that of your children depend on your finding out about that. There is a Face Book page that is called, We demand an investigation in the death of Senator Nancy Schaefer. It has over 2,900 subscribers at this point. I encourage everyone to go there and subscribe and once that site is full start a “We demand an investigation into the death of Senator Nancy Schaefer II. Do I believe that such a page will really result in an investigation into the death of Nancy Schaefer? No, sadly I do not but still it is a good way to get that message out and it keeps her memory alive and that helps drive those who assassinated her over the edge. Someone needs to look up Senator Nancy Schaefer’s birthday and post it. Then all of us need to celebrate the day of birth of this remarkable woman and friend of children and parents everywhere. We need to celebrate her life and regardless of the same spineless scum who drove her from office and those who had to see her die, who will never give her a state holiday, it is up to us to keep the memory of this great lady alive. We need to teach and inspire our children with the stories of this great lady who fought to keep little children and mommies and daddies safe. We need to inspire our kids to want to be like her and isn’t it interesting that small children understand and respond to such stories. Who cares what the eunuchs in the state capitol of Georgia do as regards honoring this woman that not one of them could hold a candle to. We can honor her and we can communicate that idea to others.
That is how every great movement is history was started.
I for one have decided to do just that and you will hear more about that right here on this Face Book. Stay tuned.
my court case is tommorow 09/08/10 kate niel social worker stole my family by steeling my children.
eastbourne/caffcass/corham ,
brighton family court judge/hhrNORRIE,S/S WORKERS OCEAN HOUSE HASTINGS E/SUSSEX . DONT GO TO THEM FOR HELP child snatchers
family busters/lires.
The Coalition:
our programme for government
Families and children
The Government believes that strong and stable families of all kinds are the bedrock of a strong and stable society. That is why we need to make our society more family friendly, and to take action to protect children from excessive commercialisation and premature sexualisation.
The CON/DEM Party should be deeply ashamed of themselves no one voted for this CRAP
Shaun O'Connell
Family court system via lawyers and Barnardos creating smokescreen for their share of the funding pot.
Court delays 'damaging children'
Barnardo's children's charity calls for time limits for courts to issue care orders for youngsters at risk of abuse.
Barbara Richards
What the children need is a permanent delay in the secret family courts. Save all the money that is being spent on all those corrupt scumbags, spend the lot on building lovely parks for all the families to enjoy - encouraging families to spend time together doing nice stuff.
Fay Williams
if they haven't got the evidence within 3 months the children need to be returned to their families! At them moment the opposite is true. They use the delay in their favour saying 'Although we haven't got evidence, the children are settled now and they've forgotten you, so you can't have them back!'
Film director to speak at child abuse rally today
KENT NEWS: An award-winning film-maker who specialises in investigations of child abuse will address thousands at a rally in Trafalgar Square today.
Bill Maloney, 54, who edits his documentaries from a converted caravan in Whitstable, has earned a reputation for exposing horrific activities at some of the country’s most notorious care homes and detention centres.
As such he will be one of a number of chief speakers at this afternoon’s UK Rally Against Child Abuse, which takes place between 1-5pm and will also feature an open mic session for victims and their families.
Last year Mr Maloney shot a controversial film, entitled Adam Rickwood and The Medomsley Heroes, which he said generated a huge response.
Half of the film focuses on the abuse carried out at County Durham’s infamous Medomsley detention centre in the 1970s and 80s, while the rest examines the plight of 14-year-old Adam Rickwood, who committed suicide in 2004 after being unlawfully restrained by officers at Hassockfield Secure Training Centre.
Mr Maloney said: “The organisers of the rally approached me on the back of a couple of films I’ve done about child abuse, and I’ve been getting emails from victims all over the world.
“They all want to know what I’m going to talk about at the rally, and I’ve told them I want to know why the age of consent in the Vatican City is the youngest in the world at 12 if all the nuns and priests are meant to be celibate.
“Given that my whole family was abused by the Roman Catholic church, that’s something I want to get out there.
“People from all over the world are interested in child abuse and there’s a very big movement against it now.
“This rally is an opportunity for people to sound off and talk about the things and people that are making them angry.”
One of eight children born to an alcoholic father and prostitute mother, Mr Maloney spent the majority of his childhood in care but was able to turn his life around.
A career making films and documentaries followed, with the highlight so far being an award at the New York Film Festival for his first creation, Lunatic.
However, Mr Maloney has so far rejected big-money directing deals and is determined to stay close to his working-class roots.
He said: “There are millions of abuse victims out there and so many of them are messed up, either on anti-psychotic drugs or self-medicating.
“It’s really a very harrowing world and they need their own film stars, film-makers and singers to represent them.
“I think it’s good to show that victims like me can come through and have a sense of humour and the ability to love. It’s not all doom and gloom.”
Yvonne Stewart-Taylor
I was sexually molested at the town Council meeting by the Vice Chair, then I was beaten up by two women whilst sitting down minding my own business. they fractured my face. On both counts the CPS and Police did nothing. The child snatching franchises are using all the legal aid to fund their grotesque lifestyles, they do not care about protecting anyone but themselves.
Linda Frances Mcdermott
I have paperwork which said my ex-partner smoked around my son. Every time he came back from contact he stank of cigarettes ,he had no respect that he had asthma or later leukaemia. The paperwork can go up shortly on the blog . The foster carer said Connor stank of cigarettes and SW's complained to the house stank of cigarettes.
Car smoking 'child abuse' GP says
People need to do more to look after their own and their children's health, a leading GP has warned.
Steve Field Top GP says it is child abuse to smoke in a car with children in the car. Social Workers notes are up on the blog with the names deleted.
I do not smoke and feel it is criminal my ex-partner got away with smoking in front of my son when he was ill.I spoke to the press concerning Steve Field and they are getting back to me. I have spoke to my MP and he is writing for a serious case review /public inquiry .I am sick of talk and want ACTION .
Let us see what the Top GP does about legal abuse by a corporate parent.
Chris Wittwer
Child abuse needs to be pushed to the top of any goverment agenda.Censorship needs lifting so we can expose the true facts.The goverment needs to be held accountable and needs to do more within sentencing and support for survivors.We all need to force the issue.It is not about any 1 group or indeed any 1 individual.It is about every1 that has suffered at the hands of abuse.Words are nothing without pro-active action
Barbara Richards
The BBC are right well in with the paedo gangs. They are doing a program on Riverway childrens home, it was also called the Wissage and Chadswell, I was there, I wrote a book about it and sent several copies to the BBC, they know about me but they won't have me on their scummy program, cover up cover up cover up!
Perhap social workers should be required to place their concerns before "juries" of ordinary people who have successfully raised a family. Only after the non-professional view has been responded to should cases be sent forth into the judicial process. Obviously, emergency powers should remain for urgent cases of apparent abuse but each such should be justifiable retrospectively.
I would be petrified of any social worker coming near a child of mine - or of taking a small child to an NHS hospital or GP with an injury of the sort that happens all the time but which they can label as abuse. Being not of a sink estate dysfunctional background is no defence to those of good family who have found themselves in this nightmare scenario.
Already deeply damaged and vulnerable children have for generations been taken into what has become that great misnomer *Care* - only to find that it is a haven for physical and sexual abusers who rely on the fact that there is nobody to listen to the child - nor to believe them when they have already been labelled as 'bad'.
I am at the point of feeling physically sick when I allow my mind to stray into this area of institutional abuse which is carried out and funded in the name of us all.
I actually think we have swung away from the abuse-in-Care issue to the abuse of power in removing children from parents - and not even those children whose homes are filthy and their parents unfit. We have social workers so useless, or so inured to what they are seeing that the abnormal is quite acceptable to them on their rounds.
When our children were small (the younger was a babe in arms at the time) we moved into a farm cottage. The farmer had left for another home, but his poultry shed was still operating.
There was a mix-up in the billing when we came to get our electricity bill and as a result our house was sent the bill for the huge poultry shed, which was a massive overcharge (about 10 times what we should be paying). I entered into an argument with the electicity company and told them I wouldn't pay the bill until they corrected the error. They dragged their heels, and I got the shock of my life when I received a letter from the social services expressing their concern that I couldn't pay my power bills, especially as we had a baby in the house and would I please contact them to make an appointment.
I went mad with the whole lot of them and eventually the power company saw sense.
But it scared the life out of me that a simple billing dispute could bring the SS sniffing around me and mine.
Barbara Richards
Children are more at risk from state institutions than from their own natural parents.
Don't be afraid to complain about your corrupt legal aid solicitor. Hopefully the Law Society will take complaints seriously. Your solicitor will tell you they can't represent you if you complain and cut your legal aid certificate but they are trained to lose you your children anyway so you often better off without them.
Law Society fined £250,000 over complaints procedure - Times Online
A swingeing £250,000 fine has been imposed on the Law Society of England and Wales for failing to handle its complaints service adequately.
Where were all the MP's at the Child Abuse Rally in Trafalgar Square on
7 August 2010
Especially John Hemmings MP or any of his so called mckenzie friends, none of whom have gotten their children back through the patsy John Hemmings ?
Of course they are so very concerned about forced adoption and child abuse NOT, they were clearly worried they would have to answer questions about this CON/DEM merchant pretending to work alongside MP's and the so-called court system
Wake up you idiots working for this public pretender !
I really hope the at these cowardly politicians do meet one of those cage fighters on a dark night
what's the difference between David Cameron and a bottle of Perrier?
- You can buy them both for under a fiver, but the Perrier doesn't leave a brown ring around your mouth.
Social workers are not programmed to nurture children, only to possess them, control them, bully them, keep them quiet from disclosing rape etc while in "care"
What colour is the sky in this man's mind? How much was he paid for this propaganda.?
Its concerning when its suggested social workers should be free to nurture, any unsavoury elements would have a field day
Even more interesting is he admits even though he is obviously on the SS side that he got put in a borstal for stealing car,breaking into private property namely a pond/lake, and that he got dumped by his adoptive family when he became an adult and the idiot is saying that sws should be allowed to nurture, ermmm helloo... im surely missing something here,.
Social work needs a human face | David Akinsanya | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
David Akinsanya: Once family courts have finally ruled on removing children from their parents, social workers should be free to nurture them
Melizza Moore
My sws sure as hell never nurtured me. Just gave me HELL and yelled and grilled a lot A LOT. Thats all they done. Otherwise "beep all" to protect me Hated ever one of them.
That guy's a twat for even sayng that out loud." No contact rule means NO "NASTY" allegations from people.
My sister is a social worker and has been since 1979.I've known and interacted with dozens of them since the age of ten.Unfashionable as it is to make distinctions,I have to say that my general impression is of a closed shop mentality,certain politics and attitudes are agressively asserted and this almost certainly excludes many valuable and caring,forthright and pro-active,"can do" people from the profession.
Chrissie Young
Well done all who attended the 2010 Rally Against Child Abuse on Saturday
Derick Gibson
Im Sorry that i did not attend the rally in london yesterday i would like to have done but im still fighting for my daughter thats the truth im doing all that i can its just so hard getting anywhere when we are still being lied to and its still being covered up so once again im sorry but i do want to help other people in the same boat has us
what a surprise the Guardian NOT printing the real news about the child abuse rally and all the perverts at the top lets wait and see how many of them are involved ?
Yes, SS and Craftycrap both need human faces, to show people what their true agenda is, so I suggest Dracula and Frankenstein.
Nicki Pritchard
Any complaint you make works against you as the system then turns on you and your children subsequently suffer. It makes no difference if its a valid complaint or not remember once the professionals put in place to protect your child are aggrieved they can do what they like to you and you have no avenues to turn........... BEWARE!!
Karen Brady
social workers need a bullet in the head
Valerie Holdaway
these are the most hated evil people they can drag a innocent child away from a loving caring mother and family to be placed where the child dont want to go .these evil authorities should be investigated check list on their background and do alcohol tests also drug tests on them as thats their favorite accusations as well as emotional harm on innocent mothers
Adrian Taylor
Shocking and sick. what beggars belief is that once this man was once working in a position to take kids off of you and - like most of us know lie to do it.
How the hell did he get the job - going back to others such as Ian Huntley, cib che.cks need to be updated NOW against people doing these jobs, working with vulnerable adults and children - the way i see it - if you have nothing to hide then you would not object
A social worker who pleaded guilty to possessing almost 3,000 indecent images of children has been jailed for 21 months.
Paul Girdlestone appeared at Winchester Crown Court on Wednesday after previously pleading guilty to 25 child porn offences. He admitted distributing 56 indecent images of children during internet chat sessions, while using the login name Sweetyzinc.
Where was Bob Geldof , Ester Ranson NSPCC, Barnados and all the celebrities that were asked to attend the child abuse rally 2010 7th august Trafalgar square?
too scared or brought by the state?
so much for pretending to care about children just like the useless mp's
Decent people don't become successful social workers. They are selected for their narcissism, evil nature and lack of empathy. They wouldn't be able to steal children the way they do otherwise. You can never trust a successful social worker!
Anti-child abuse rally held in Trafalgar Square
ENGLAND: London: Trafalgar Square:EXTBill Maloney (Film director and victim of child abuse) speaking at UK Rally Against Child Abuse 2010
Cathrine Hislop child abuse rally 2010
unfortunately i think the psychologists are more screwed up in the head than ss you didnt need to know psychology to guess mine had child porn on her pc (as research would be her excuse) -she was a very very sick disturbed woman i never thought you could be verbally raped but i was physically sick on way home and she couldn't contain the pleasure she was getting from her questions -then add to that all the lies and twisting of the truth n medical records she did after -if ever eny one gets ANN MELOR seriously dont go no attendance would been better than what i had to go through
The Rothschild's Oil, Pedophilia and Scotland
Ann Hinds
Before beginning, it is important to understand that most adults look forward to grandchildren. Grandchildren are more fun than children because they are raised by their parents and not their grandparents. Grandparents are supposed to get the fun part. So what happens when the privilege of being a grandparent is snatched away by the children who made a “mistakes”? By the way, a child is never a mistake.
There are many reasons a child is adopted. The parents are too young and raising a child is not an option. Children are removed from abusive homes and placed for adoption. Whatever the reason, grandparents have little if any rights and virtually no say so in the process.
What this creates is a whole generation of adults who are essentially robbed of the chance to enjoy the time that should have been spent with the grandchild. The loss of a grandchild is heart wrenching. There is anger and grief. The anger is either directed towards the birth mother whose choice it was to give up the child or at the court system that deemed it better for the child to go to an adoptive family. Essentially, although the grandparents had no part in the decision, they are obligated to live with the consequences.
The birth parents get support through whatever system is in place for the adoption. The grandparents are not considered. They are just collateral damage in the process but no one seems to understand that they having feeling too.
Grieving grandparents go through life missing what might have been. Through no fault of their own, the grandchild that was to be theirs is gone and there is no way to make the loss better. They did not make bad choices, their children did.
Grandparents hope that one day, the grandchild will magically appear. Even if that happens, grandparents are the last people thought of in the process. Adopted children want to meet their parents, not their grandparents. These same grandparents are hoping that they will be considered for a meeting as well. If the meeting with the adopted child and the birth parents does not go well, there is a chance that the grandparents will never have the opportunity.
Children are supposed to grow up and provide the parents with grandchildren. The parents are supposed to raise that child. However, when things don’t go as planned, there are very real consequences. When a child is removed from the family it is the parent's choices that dictate the outcome. When the grandchild is lost through no fault of their own, grandparents become just as much the victims as the grandchild
Social worker loses child porn appeal
A social worker who claimed he searched for child pornography on the internet as part of his job has lost an appeal against his sentence.
Social work lecturer on child porn charges
A social work lecturer has resigned after being accused of child pornography offences.
Registered social worker Kevin Pettican, 63, appeared in court on 21 June charged on nine counts of making indecent photographs of a child and one of possessing an indecent photograph.
He was suspended as programme leader for social work at University Campus Suffolk, Ipswich, immediately after the hearing and then resigned.
Pettican, of Saxmundham, Suffolk, did not enter a plea and has been remanded on bail by South East Suffolk Magistrates' Court until a second hearing on 2 August.
Billy & Lilly are now editing the Pie and Mash Films documentary for the Rally. There is some sublime footage from what was an incredible day - with 'dare we say' some real survivor filmstars. We
will be putting a few of the high profile clips up as tasters to help
maintain the momentum for media purposes and will keep y...ou all posted
when the documentary is complete. We're having a few problems uploading
to youtube at present but watch this space. In the mean time we found
the ITN eve news report about the rally (although it's a bit
disjointed) from their news source page
Michael McManus
At The SURVIVORS rally on Saturday , Bill Maloney was told not to swear, Because some one complained, If that person lives in Europe his or her taxes are paying to support scum who allowed children to be fucked in the USA , Who lives in the vatican, This is how, Your taxes are paying mps and lords wages who actively support that slime ball with our tax payers money, Same as the head of the BBC
Beata Vas
It was really good to see so many people at the Rally, big thanks to
organizers who made it possible for us to address the public and spread a word about this horrible pedophilia and corruption scandal in Lithuania. This case has a lot of similarities with Hollie's case and others in Belgium and Portugal. It just shows that they operate using same tactics everywhere. We need to
unite against this evil and expose them for who they really are.
Top search on Google is Lyndamac: my stats on blog are first and foremost are 4 Dr Claire Sturge.Just to show you if you want to tell people about the courts & experts how successful this blogging is .If you get the hits more than the expert then you have defo WON!!!
Alistair Cooke, the Party's official historian, has reviewed Philip Ziegler's biography of Edward Heath for the Blue Blog: http://bit.ly/96IKxW
The Blue Blog » A brilliant biography of Edward Heath
Why do people hate me so much?’, Edward Heath asked one of his Cabinet colleagues after his defeat at the general election of February 1974.
Could it be because he was a child killing nonce like many in the LIB/LAB/CON party & royal family ?
Some of the brave warriors that attended UK Child Abuse Rally 2010
Rally against child abuse London 2010
Just because it's Legal doesn't make it Lawful, however, what is Lawful must always be Legal.
Thats why child stealing is a crime.
Bill Maloney Commits Treason as Promised
leg over David Tyzack QC sits in the south west, as a family court judge, likes prostitutes.
His friend and freemason Judge Vinnet, also a family court judge sits in Truro, south west, likes rent boys.
This is what we are having to put up with, let alone the corruption.
More to come.
Check out David Icke's report on the rally.
Grand parents are part of the blood line, would the SS tell the QUEEN she must not have any contact with her grand children....
making a complaint about solicitors this is a corrupt set up, go to solicitors from hell.
law society fine 1 million for their failures.
law society is run by common purpose
Valerie Holdaway is this ally cat from Cafcass?
Is it true that John Hemmings MP is paying mckenzie friends to act in court I understand that Mckenzie do not get paid.
Karen Norman
The problem is many officials are pedophiles. No doubt this is why they are attempting to change these laws.
A social services boss spent £5,000 in a sex shop after plundering the bank accounts of vulnerable people in his care.
Edward Leavy stole about £94,000 from seven victims while working as a senior manager with Manchester council's physical disabilities team.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1301807/Social-services-boss-spent-5k-sex-shop-plundering-victims-bank-accounts.html#ixzz0wDwsVV8J
He was promoted to manager by his live in girlfriend who still happens to be employed by the same council even though she is also still his girlfriend!!!! Unbelievable!!!
She might be green by name not so green by nature
- jacky bee, manchester, 10/8/2010
Ian Walton
More failins's by NHS, Social Services and the Police. These services are failing all the time these days. They need to replace all staff involved, if they keep replace failing staff, maybe, just maybe things could improve!
Pat Dazis
It's happening here and it has been for a very long time. As long as any agency is protected from the consequences of failure to act or to act badly there will be no improvement no matter what side of the pond you are on.
Chris Hawkins
The forces of evil are embarking upon a renewed campaign of disinformation regarding proceedings in the family court with Banardoes not mentioning that it is due to more parents fighting the taking of their children after emergency protection orders have been granted on the grounds of possible emotional harm that is causing the delays.
Barbara Richards
Barnardos are child abusers, always have been, always will be. It's like putting a cat in charge of looking after a cage full of birds!
David Phillips
A Welsh man complained that his grandson of three weeks was earmarked for forcible adoption by social workers.
The mother, a 21-year-old with a mild learning disorder, was told she might, just might, get post-natal depression and neglect her son.
To her great distress, her baby was put in the care of Monmouthshire social services within minutes of birth.
The grandfather said: "Our entire extended family - which includes two nurses, a qualified nanny and a police officer - have offered to help care for the baby.
"I believe my grandson has been targeted for adoption since he was in the womb."
A Worcestershire woman told how her daughter's baby was snatched away by three police officers and two social workers who came to the door of her house.
The girl has now been adopted.
The mother's failure? She was said to be too young to cope.
Yet - a little over a year later - she had another baby, a boy, whom she was allowed to keep, in the same home and with the same partner.
Why on earth did she have to lose her little girl?
The grandmother emotionally explained: "All the family came forward to offer to help look after my granddaughter, and all of them were told they were not good enough.
"The social worker told us to forget her. He said: 'She is water under the bridge.'
"We think they wanted her for adoption from the beginning."
No wonder she, and thousands of other parents, want a shake-up of the heart-breakingly cruel adoption system which has ripped apart so many families - and which continues to do so.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-511609/How-social-services-paid-bonuses-snatch-babies-adoption.html#ixzz0w9Y4d7K5
Marney MacDonald
Yep definitely earmarked, straight up child trafficking.
Tim Line
Why don't more of these 2,500,000 victims speak out? WE are not supposed to speak out about what happened to us at the hands of our corrupt courts, in order to 'protect the child', but if more victims have the courage to speak out about what happened to them and expose the courts, judges, solicitors and CAFCASS worker.s responsible for their abuse as the brave girl in this YouTube clip did, the authorities wouldn't be able to continue ignoring what is going on.
Kimberly Streett, daughter of Wilbur Streett, deceased exiled father
Michigan Equal Parents Rally, State Capitol, Lansing, MI 9/27/06 - Kimberly Streett, daughter of the late Wilbur Streett, who was persecuted by a New Jersey family court as his body withered from terminal illness, describes what it was like growing up with her exiled, beat down father,
Breaking story at the 7th August 2010 Rally against Child Abuse
The daughters of Baroness Smith of Gilmorehill who sits in the house of Lords, a MUST watch !
this is sick establishment abuse at the highest level!!!
John Hemming MP is a complete utter twat who will lead you up the garden path DONT TRUST HIM or you will lose your kids
When will we hear about Baroness Smith of Gilmorehill state abuse coverup or forced adoption on the BBC =British Bullshit Corporation ???
Social workers suspended in computer porn probe
Four senior social workers responsible for child protection are at the centre of a computer porn investigation.
It is understood the men, all managers with Devon Social Services, were suspended last month over allegations of 'inappropriate material' on their office PCs.
None of the allegations is thought to involve illegal images and police have not been called in.
Devon County Council refused to name the men. However one of them, Des Keegan, confirmed he was under investigation, saying: 'I haven't done anything illegal.'
Devon County Council said: 'We have suspended some staff while an investigation takes place.'
Dr Leonard Horowitz put out this communication in an email today, with the following appeal.
“I need your help. I am asking you to spread this story everywhere to dispel this demonic darkness dividing We the People. Pray for us, and please include my children”.
Full article -
Lisa Banks
The problem with Social Services are that some of the social workers just don't give a damn, we've encountered a few (and their managers) on our kinship journey (which started 11 months ago) and corners are massively cut - you can see why so many children are injured and die whilst they do very little to support these children. It's only now, 11 months down the line that they have got an Iterim Care Order for our Grandson, I dread to think what would have happened to him if we hadn't taken him in.
.Mr Narey and Barnado’s . Hmm .
Sexual abuse and care home over the decades. Now adults men and women scarred. Rape and care system. Forced adoptons . Not a pleasant man who spouts “zealous hatred” to parents who need help. Bundle them away to “better parents”. He dosen’t want the real parents” just the youngsters. Money says a thousands words but not to those left devastated.
Bill Maloney kind of backs up what David Icke has said many times, that the elite are the worst offenders where this subject is concerned, i'd have to take issue with his statement that he is commiting treason - I don't think he is, the royal family are german, Saxe Coburg Gotha , parasites and interlopers and they themselves have commited treason by selling this sovereign nation out to the EU or at least doing nothing to stop it.
What a nice man!! this is the caliber of people who get the top jobs in social Work. A social worker in Carlisle emptied and sold the contents of an elderly ladies home while she was in respite care, when she returned home the house was empty. CRIMINALS all of them.
Barnados charity common purpose, this is corrupt, a set up to steal children.
Since new labour tony BLAIR, labour they have not gone away with their agenda, policy to get social workers, we must pay them while training, no one has ANY money.
Agenda we break down the family, break down society.
Common purpose agenda behind it mind control, media spin, NlP, agenda 21, Edd Balls every child matters, words from hilter 1939.
easy picking families on benefits,
education schools attack.
the daily spin paper is now putting out that parent can't look after their children.
they twist the truth all the time to suit themselves and break up net works.
John Smith was also linked (with Blair, Brown et al) to these satanic paedophile monsters....which also includes the events surrounding the Dunblane massacre. It was 'suggested' he was removed to clear the way for Brown and Blair (there are some deeper politics that surround and tend to support this spurious claim)
This was widely known within the Intelligence community, as it was from one of their number, that I first read about these cover up's (atrocities)- now, obtaining proof is a whole other matter, and you can imagine meeting a convenient death, were you to get too close.
Finally, in 1641 the Long Parliament abolished the hated Star
Chamber, though its name survives still to designate arbitrary,
secretive proceedings in opposition to personal rights and
Kent Police are a bunch of liars former councillor Sheena Williams filed a complaint
Alarm & Distress - Protection of Harassment Act
The Silent State by Heather Brooke
Reveals the shocking and often farcial lack of transparency at all levels of government
This definitely applies in Kent in all sectors of the council including the secret family courts / police & SS colluding to work against Innocent families to steal their children for forced adoption & worse and a corrupt media to keep it hidden!
It IS possible to obtain a transcript of judicial hearings. There is a tape transcription form [EX107]- which also works for digitally recorded hearings – which one can obtain online which an interested party sends to the court where the hearing is held on which one designates the name of the court-approved transcriber to whom the tape is to be sent by the court. The person who requests the transcript must make previous arrangements with the approved transcriber and directly pays the transcriber. However, it is very, very expensive although the the government does enforce a maximum upper limit.
One negative aspect is that a transcript of the judgment part of the proceedings must be approved by the judge before the transcript is sent to the person requesting – and paying for – the transcript which means that, technically, the judge can alter the transcript from what is actually said at the hearing.
There is gross discrimination against litigants in person – who have the right in law to represent themselves in court – both by judges who despise litigants in person and rule against them even when their case is clearly presented and supported by statutory law and by court staff who place obstructions in the filing of documents and acknowledgement of receipt of the filing.
Shaun O'Connell says:
yes it is a nice cosy buisness with court control of taping – they hardly ever ever allow it.
Big buisness for transcribers. Only can get copy of the Judgement for free if on income based benefits ot if Court kindly orders it.
Transcripts of hearings are prohibitively costly.
I got told off for taking notes without permission of the Judge in the Crown Court!
Ever really tried to get to the bottom of why parents are so angry with the secret family Courts, social workers, experts, CAFCASS, and at times other agencies?
Secrecy breeds indifference, abuses of power and cosseted decisions based on banalities.
Always watch the money flow, it shows where the profits lie and the vested interests.
Seems we have a new export now being set up in International adoptions, Court of protection with billions of pounds of commerce and lucrative sources for greed.
Rothschild owned Shell Oil stands, accused of covering up the immensity of safety concerns on its North Sea Oil Platforms.
The Scottish Lord High Advocate, Elish Angelioni, stands as a Rothschild puppet.
it is now known from sources that the Lord High Advocate has been obstructing justice in the death of two Scotsmen on one of Shell's oil platforms.
links to child abuse
more should be done ensure children are kept with their parents if they are happy, when their is no medical evidence to support abuse.
false reports from the SS and Cafcass.
we need millions to take to the streets.
If we could get all the grand Mums and Mums together, as they are the ones who give birth, anyone who has had that experience will know what that feeling is like, when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time.
The power of Love and it grows.
Use that power of love as a defence. Backed up by good men.
That is what these wicked and evil social workers cant stand.
So miss my baby Sky Laila Cornwell, I love you so very much my gorgeous baby girl, you are forever in my heart and mind hugest hugs love mummy xxx just think this time last year we were together, like we should be now xxx
Julie Haines
China would be about right. But all this is still going on now , exactly the same stuff !! We've launched an arsenal against the Police over this. They got the MP3. Our daughter who was 15 hid the recorder when we were taken. So the Police never found it. I was never arrested, Tim was. I was taken without my rights being observed.
Janey Cook
a young down syndrome girl hollie greig raped by 16 people or more whilst at her school and in the care of her dad and brother!!! the police,social services,head teachers and a sheriff all in positions of trust!!! she has been fighting for justice for over 10 years!!!! they even sectioned her mum unwarranted for believing her own child!!! please help to get justice for holly!! i put one of her stickers on buckingham palace gates for the queen!!! SPREAD THE WORD AND GET JUSTICE FOR HOLLY!!!! pleeeeeeeeeaasseeee!!!!
Simon Wright
its terrible what parents go through worrying/were and how there children are if there safe, writing letters for courts, phoning around trying to get justice and support as it is not there for parents PICKED UP AND SPAT OUT BY THE FAMILY COURTS the anguish/ trauma and total devastation caused by the ss, solicitors, family support groups they only care about themselves targets/bonuses they dont give two hoots of the emotional impact on families they are selfish arrogant pretensious ignorant and lying toerags all powerfull and seemingly unstoppable
Marion Steggles
Interesting because I spoke to one of their Inspectors once not realising what she was and she communicated in riddles! Over a period I thought about what she said and worked out what she mean't, it was so bizarre it was ridiculous. She's wife of Counciller and what she was saying was very slanderous presumably that was why she couldn't be straight forward and honest
Yvonne Stewart-Taylor
It is worse than coming to family. No respite, no end to the torture and the PAIN. a living hell for thousands of innocent families and their children, government enforced slavery. I have had four seven day deadlines to respond to police, CPS and solicitors. who the hell do these corrupt officials think they are? I will not jump through hoops for them after THEY have destroyed our family life and financial futures.
Linda Mcdermott
Ofsted do not inspect private contact centres .Get this Purple Professionals in Dunstable say they are covered by OFSTED or checked . These places get paid over £35- £75 and hour to supervise these places is it any wonder that you can not get your child out of the children's prison= CC?
Yvonne Stewart-Taylor
Conspiracy of silence, the United Kingdom peadophile rings, secret family courts and child snatching officials, COVER UP. The Roman Catholic and Church of England sex abuse scandals, COVER UP. Wise up, before you and yours are SET UP.
Pen Hales
They entire system is flawed and corundum if you upset one its a ripple effect and if that one person thinks they are right or have done wrong then god help you your life is ruined worst still they do not care about the mental and physical damage they do to the child! Then you try to sue and cant get solicitors or legal aid its completely devastating and unjust and people go to prison for far less!
The money they waste just to prove they are rite is astounding! Then when you prove them wrong your left to rot and then they wonder why your pyschotic!
Meg Selby
social workers are overpaid and underworked.
Social worker spent money meant for kids
IT was money that was meant to support vulnerable youngsters at a children’s home in Winchester.
But Bronte Smith used it to buy designer clothes, underwear and a widescreen television.
The former manager of the Milesdown Children’s Unit at St Giles’s Hill also ran up a £400 bill on her work mobile phone.
She did so by making premium rate calls to shopping channels late at night, her misconduct hearing at the General Social Care Council was told.
Smith, who did not turn up to the hearing, was struck off in her absence for dishonest behaviour.
She spent 11 years working at the Hampshire County Council-run home, and is thought to have earned around £40,000 a year as its manager.
At the GSCC hearing, it emerged that Smith would go shopping on the home’s behalf, but also loaded items for herself into the trolley.
On one trip this included a television, a Pirates of the Caribbean clock, Star Wars bedding and Ralph Lauren socks.
She also bought food and toiletries, and in total, picked up more than 50 items using money meant for the children’s home.
Receipts also showed knickers and bras from High Street chain Monsoon and a cashmere jumper were amongst her haul.
She was found out in August 2007, when Hampshire County Council received an anonymous tip about her activities.
The authority investigated, and Smith was suspended two months later once sufficient checks had been made.
In her absence, the GSCC hearing last Thursday found her guilty of inappropriate, misleading and dishonest conduct.
GSCC chairman Louise Rose said: “The committee considered that the social worker’s misconduct involved dishonest behaviour in breach of trust.
“It was a persistent course of conduct which took place over a period of time.
“While the committee did not consider that this was a highly-planned or sophisticated course of conduct, it was certainly more than merely opportunistic.”
She added: “This was repeated and persistent dishonesty in breach of trust, and the social worker had shown no apparent insight into her behaviour.”
Soon after Smith was unmasked, the Milesdown Children’s Unit was closed down and sold to property developers in March 2008.
Eight months later, Beechcroft Developments secured planning permission to build 23 homes on the site, chiefly for senior citizens.
Robert intended to give out free leaflets to the general public detailing the HOLLIE GREIG SEXUAL ABUSE CASE some time ago - he was arrested, spent the weekend in the police cell, {and old police trick to use ur weekend up and make u spend it in a dirty old police station cell before going to court when it opens on Monday morning}
AND HAS SINCE BEEN MADE TO SIGN ON 3 TIMES A WEEK AT HIS LOCAL POLICE STATION, making him feel like a criminal which he isnt.
"Hi Everyone,Here's the link to what I've just posted up on the HDJ site.
It's a brief notice about Robert's court appearance in Stonehaven's Sheriff's Court on Friday the 20th of August.This has been organised by Robert's brilliant, ballsy lawyer, who wants to have Robert's very restrictive, draconian bail conditions reviewed.
Please post up on your Facebook sites or wherever appropriate.Many thanks - Ayem. x "
Why are we surprised? Every child matters? Hardly. From personal experience, what actually matters is cost and protecting the reputation of child protection itself, rather than the children those involved in child protection should protect.
Anne, Hampshire
Yvonne Stewart-Taylor
Those who do make their income form stealing children and destroying families and their lives will not prosper for long, they will pay for all their evil deeds.
Scott Myatt
sadly people now make money from this kind of thing
people make money goverment get taxes
that's why they are eroding the ability for people to fight these things in court
the system stinks
Yep helping the SS steal children and committing crimes against teh public - we all know we are living in a police state
London's police officers are earning large amounts of overtime pay with some getting close to £60,000 a year on top of their salaries, it was revealed today.
Scottish Elite Have Skeletons In The Closet: The Liz Docherty Case - Alternative News: New World Ord
Another Scottish abuse case involving Liz Docherty, daughter of Baroness Smith who was given to a pedophile using fake documents.
Unappointed unelected appointed officers & legal teams run the councils many involved with common purpose and freemasons are responsible for child stealing & money laundering take a look at Kent
David Icke is talking about Sophie Palmer whose mother was a family lawyer, he also spoke to former Kent councillor Sheena Williams who resigned from the tories and spoke out at the rally about her 4 granddaughters Elle-May, Ruby, Lacey & Poppy being taken for forced adoption in Kent run by tory councillor Paul Carter and the dodgy Medway family court run by Judge Richard Polden
Complaints against Justice Munby
Liz Robillard left an annotation
(11 August 2010)
Having spoken the lady who kindly dealt with this request, she confirmed that this particular department had not had any complaints from the public or anyone else about Munby. This is strange as hundreds I know of have complained about him, or said they have.
Amy Welsh
UK Rally on child abuse 7th August 2010
Not one MP? Absolutely sickening.
Maria Maloney
Bet you got the same response as we did when we sent separate personal emails to each UK MP inviting them to the Rally - NONE! "That's how much they care".
This is the paedophile association i asked all our mps to help ban , http://www.bing.com/reference/semhtml/Vereniging_MARTIJN?src=abop&fwd=1&qpvt=martijn&q=martijn
I asked Obama to condemn this person during the election, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq-NJ1YQu8M
Still waiting , I also asked Obama to ban both Blair and Ahern from making money in the USA, As they both support this person with money, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse_scandal_in_the_Catholic_archdiocese_of_Boston
The Rothschilds and the "Crown"
this says it all !!!
Shaun O'Connell up to £2000 per week to foster care agencies for fostering
WalesOnline - News - Wales News - ‘Crisis’ as councils pay £40m for foster carers
COUNCILS across Wales are paying around £40m a year to external agencies to provide foster care to children, we can reveal.
Kay Young
The following link is to my Local MP's Website, you have to join to comment, but can read it anyway - whether member or not (he is also Housing Minister now btw). I have headed it 'Social Services 'stealing' babies/children for cash incentives?':
Kay Young
SS 'Assessments': They're carried out with child's best interests @t heart (we know different). SW WILL & DOES go 2 anyone & ALL they can think of to make an 'assessment' - inc., friends, family, Health Visitors, Drs, Mental Health Workrs, neighbours-possibly employees (Not sure tho). If '...you' DON'T AGREE for them 2 contact any Health 'professional', they WILL GET COURT ORDER.Left me unabl e2 trust my GP.They ASK QUESTIONS they WANT ANSWERS TO & if they don't get answers/reply, they'll KEEP ASKING THOSE who'll GIVE IT!! IF THEY DON'T GETANSWERS, they'll MAKE IT UP!! (As in MY CASE!).
SW didn't hear me when I said of a family member, about 1 I didn't 'get on with', the SW thght I gave the name-she interviewed her! BRILLIANT! She-SW- TOLD my sister what she (SW) really thought (e.g 'he might still be abusing X, I dunno, I'd've thought he would've stopped by now"). My si...ster mentioned periods & what if hes still abusing her: SW: "It doesn't bare thinking about". SW said she felt like 'slinging' her kids 'out on the streets' when they argued.SHE'S PROMOTED 2 MANAGER OF FOSTERING & ADOPTION!! I don't h8 people, but I do 2 all involved in mine-including Guardian Ad Litem who colluded with them Tc.-Kay
Hugh Bissell
71% of children taken into care end up with a criminal record, how can any one believe that care system is better for them, ss leave these kids alone
We know you evil bastards out there read this and understand you will be held accountable one way or another for your crimes your time is almost UP
We can smell your fear
Here is a link to my website and hopes it may be of some help to anyone within this group. http://www.communigate.co.uk/wales/david/index.phtml
The UK Government have had nineteen years to sort out the mess that is the Family Law system, since the Children Act 1989 (c. 41) came into force on 14 October 1991.
Each and every Government has not only systematically failed to do this, they have continued in their conspiracy of silence in covering up the crimes against Humanity that have been sanctioned by the Family Proceedings Court.
What is their motive for this?
One can reduce it to two commonly and intimately intertwined possibilities: money, and the Marxist dream of the corporate State parent coupled with the destruction of the natural family unit.
Freedom Advocacy & Law will, at Midnight tonight, make a full Worldwide press release of a proposed CLASS ACTION to be filed at the International Court at The Hague on July 1 2010, against the Family Division Courts of the United Kingdom and the Local Authorities operating within the Statutory jurisdiction of same. This Class Action concerns violations of International Human Rights Law and local Statute.
and then for the rest .......
Exposing Scottish Establishment Child Paedophile Ring
Julie Anne Haines
*POLICE RAID ** Listen live to an illegal child snatch by Police
CAFCASS, CPS, DCFS, Police, John Hemming, Forced adoption, foster care, social work, child abuse, common purpose, nwo, police state, family law
It doesn't matter what anyone thinks , we made this MP3. The Police now have it. I hate listening to it but it is a reminder of our willingness to help others in need. Our willingness to put ourselves in the firing line and our willingness to stand up and be counted and I for one am very proud. My children are proud and my friends know they can count on me .
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